The Signal, 1914-9-10, Page 8•.P • ??olnort, film N1iMit 10. I151 THE SIGNAL GOD RRICH ONTARIO i GOODS and PRICES THAT :WEAK FOR THI$71IONLVR Another shipment of Folding Waste Paper Baskets, several different rotors to select (roan, spacial low price 15c each. LINEN FINISHED NOTE PAPER Special low price, lie per quite or 4 quires (..r 'etc. Envelopes to match, regular Inc per pkg., special close price 4 pkgs. for 25c LOTUS LAWN NOTE PAPER Sold elsewhere for 15e per quire. Our price Irk• pwr quire or 3 quirts for 36c. Envelopes to match ..aur prier. DUTCH FABRIC NOTE PAPER Our price Pic per quire ora quires for 25c. Envelopes to same price. FOUNTAIN PENS We are special selling agents for Waterman's Ideal F rain (ens, fully guaranteed end wdon 1 days' +1. Price $2 50 tip, Porter's Perfect Pens, made superior in every respect to other Fountain Pens hitherto uttered at rler pricer. \Ianufartnred hy the 1.. K. Waterman Cu. and made in two sizes. Now 1 and 2. Material and workmanship the test obtainable. No. 1 prier $1.110, No. 2. larger size, price $1.511. Money refunded if not Natisfactory. TOILET PAPERS Good quality. Friday and Saturday, 5 rolls or 5 pkgs. for 2:.c. Larger rolls Toilet Pape., regular 11'e per roll. Friday and Saturday rolls or pkgs. fur 'l.ic. match The Goderich Book & Stationery Co. GEORGE PORTER Coming to Goderic h oil TUESDAY, SE?TEHEI 22111 Prof. Darenwend TORONTII will be at. Hotel Bedford with a special sample stock of all the latest styles in hr.ir-goods FOR LADIES: -There will be shown hesutiful braids, switches, transformations, pompadour', wave.. fronts. full wigs, etc., of the floret quality hair and work- manship that cannot be excelled. Tt.we who are desirous of seeing something that will beautify their appearance should not tides this op- portunity of calling at the hotel during the visit. (iKNTLEMEN: - "Are You Bald?" ('once and have a. FHEE DEMONS iRATION of the DORFNWEND SANITARY PATENT TOUPEE which is the only structure of its lin] They are feather weight, in detectable, hygienic and will make you appear _nl years younger. Worn -by Men in all Stations of Life and Over 250.000 in Use MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton As J. I)eig imports direct, he is able to give quick delivery at close prices. Designs and prices on application. LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC -ANI. SCHOOL OF ELUL.t 1TION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Wnte for Particulars V4.11MF KU./0114j410 r A111MIsr. Mus Bac i D.aelm o rsnri jal. Address: --334.6 Dundas St., I.ondon, Ont. TRY 1)1'11 CIDER VINEGAR Absolutely pure ; better and cheaper than any other. We are preparing to do custom work making Cider and will also have sweet Cider for sale. D. F. HAMLINK '5. Detroit Conservatory of Music jell11011011 fa Iles Ackwfw Etas y Sag Mslalaaw01 t b st te'� K 1} kind 1e m1f IS owlet nr comforted x.elr eeat.r»/. L Mtty rs Drawing. Mill Wl Mane, M. sMiilik Int► HARBOR NOTES The strauwr Empress of Fort Wil- liam unloaded 1:.,(1111. bushels of new No. 1 wheat. 27.A011 bushels of rejected wheat for milling purposes, 17,1551 buhelo of old No. 1 wheat at the tran- sit elevator and then moved over with 25,0(10 bushel of old wheat for the big mill. 1'br Scottish Hero unloaded 611,161 ) bushels of wheat at the big mill and ER.000 bushels of wheat and 11)1111) of barley at the transit elevator. The Western Caned* Fleur Mill Oo. have had • line new flag •fait erected nn the tower of their elevator from which • large sine Union Jack stolidly no*La. rho .trainer Glcnlyoo arrived on Mslurday with $1(,1115) bushels No. 1 new wheat and 17,1151 'eyehole of wam- pto nate for the tram.it elevator. The Ghnlyon cleated for Port !Stanley with /ir,lrlll tw.bele of wheat mn boa The boat was in charge of former mat... Mr M Stalker, now replete.l Captain Levine, who has been in charge, being taken off suffering with typhoid fever. Vote for the Furniture! Factory Bylaw on Satur- day and then watch Gode-' rich grow. TH6 SIONAL FOR 1St War News in Briefl( For the Past Week SPECIAL DE.PATt'NEN TO Tut 81uDt*L London. Sept. Iib, 8.85 a.m.-That fighting w progress still in pgress along the whole line of the Allies' trout and that the Allies are holding firmly, is practi- cally all that is known . f the huge struggle in France. The Freuch war office in a statement issued yesterday said there had been no contact with the German forces in the neighbor- hood of Compiegne and Moons since the prey' day. Tlue eituntion in n ortheast it was added remained un- changed A Russian army of 73,I1111 men Is said to have been limited at Ostend to join the Allies. British and French deslrnyers have sunk an Auelrian ctuisrr off Corfu. London, Sept. Iib, 3.15 p.m. -It was officially announced in Paris this afternoon that the German advance un Paris has been stopped at Verdun and that the Allies ate now ',erectus- fully repulsing the Germans. having been beetle heavily teiuf irced. 'lite advwutagr has been with the British slid French 1... pa all along the line since the lighting ens ermin- ed this morning. It was also au- Icnuuresl that the French have been successful in Lorr:yne and the Vosges A natal battle it is reported occurred near the mouth of the Kiel canal. Meerut torpedo boats were sunk and seven at rivet! at Kiel badly deutaged. London:" Sept. .'nth. X.31 a.m.-The British official press bureau imbued the following last night : The situation in the Ft ench theists r of war has not undergone sutwtantial change. The position of the AIIirs 1s well maiotwin- ed. There ate indications that a der- ision movement is developing in east- ward and south eastward direction. 1 he French w tr office announced late last night that the enemy appealed to be neglecting Paris to pursue its turn- ing movement. it has trached LrFere eons .louarre, east of Meaux, passed Rheims and descended the west hank of the river in Argonne. This man- oeuvre, however, bad not succeeded more than on preceding days. Fight- ing, it was added, is proceeding in Lorraine and Vosges with alternative fortunes. London, Sept. 5th, 3.10 French official announcement issued this afternoon Says: "The enemy is pursuing his wide movement. He continues to leave the entrenched camp of feria on his right and to march in a southeast direction." Russia. France and Great Britain to- day signed an agreement that none of the three would make peace without the consent of All three nations. A Ronne despatch says General Rave hex taken command of tbe Italian troops and that an order tut general mobili- zation ie expected at orree. London. Sept. Ttb,8.32a.m.-•Sir John French reports that tbe operations of the war hitherto have been merely in- cidents of strategy. The French aie reported to have retreated from Ver- dun and are between that city and Paris. A Berlin report says the Ger- mans are attacking Nancy. Scouting parties of Uhlans have been driven from the outskirts of Paris. The 'ap- pareot abandonment of the (lermen attack on Paris and the general move- ment to the southeast are believed to be a manoeuvre to avert a threatened attack from the northwest. The British light cruiser -Pathfinder has Ewen sunk by striking a mine in the North sea. London, Sept. 7th, 2.31 p.m. -The Fiend' war office today declared the French forces ander General .Ioffre, eo-o(:erating in the general movement with the Buitish under Mir John French, has turned the German right Hank, while at the same time the fit frith forces broke through the Ger- utan line. left of the right wing. This movement impe•tilled the entire Ger- man right wing. and forced the Ger- maneomtnsndet hurl i.dly to withdraw All his troops from Lille and neighbor- hood to strengthen his position. A great battle is believed to be in pro- gress at. Verdun. A Petrograd despatch says :a baitle hal just begun in Austria which, if the Russians win. will practically open the read to Berlin. lug aJvantaf a Further to the right again from `'itty le Francois to En, - Milian lea Bainthe enemy bas been pr s..d hack to the dueetioo of Rheims, At Lanevilte an attempt by the !Sermons to advance has been re- pulsed. Pressure against the enemy continues all along thr Allied fronts. The Allies are mid W have captured 3+1,tl$) prisoners su far. 1.'mdnn, Sept. ETES, 3 p.m.-- An offi- cial communication from Paris this afternoon rimy. that tin the Irft wing, although the Germans have been re- iufru•ceJ, the mutual ion remains satis- factory. The .-nems is retreating be- fore the British. The Frea.b centre isadvaucing though slowly. The uation on the right is unchanged. The Fteuch war oilier announced this afternoon thu Ilse deferrer , f Man - twinge continues heroically against string Getman liners. A despatch from l'eirogral •:tys 1 he great I.att le of NOM wa im tieliris,'4t2 utiles north west of Irutbu.-g. is over and that the Russians have sun n rnutpletr victory. Thr Au.tiano ate said to he retiring evrtywhere. The Austrians have rvecnated Russian Poland. London, Sept. Nth, 8.15 n.tn.•-The Hriti'b ,,Rlri.1 bureau issued the fol- lowing Isle la't night : "General .1of- (re's plan. are owing steadily rallied d exit The Allied tome. acting en the eoq uowsrfful in rrherkin, end oir1ieglrori in ash lb"' ens) direction the (lemons fnrrea op- tioned to thew." It was ofllciallt *n- ominee.l (mum Paris earlier ur the night that the (lemmas,' were 'etre/st- ing from t- ing fridle line of Nante.ille Har- dnuin to Verdun after a vigor•o.ts ar- t with the French and British troop... A newspaper special front Bnnlogne says the German Innppreerr��aJ guard under Crown Prince Frrederich Wilhelm, refusing to 'surrender, was annihilated by the British The Ger- mans have hunted the Belgium town of Inmost.Iw London, Sept. Nth. .'L ) p.m.--A despatch this after•aoon ways violent encounters here oceurred on the en French emote m between Fetecha- pen.oiee end Vitfy le Praneoie, a( 'the southern points ohems f the forest of Ar- gonne, and the Germans have he compelled to fall heck. The left wing athe Allied armies, under Sir John French, is now engag- ed with fightinr almost (-testimonial, from the River them; region to Mont - wiled nu The Petit Morin river. Abut IS miles southeast from the capital Il1e (lermana aro retreating towards the river Marne, between Meetly and N.t'an.. Tbe Allies have taken many pt loonst/ - "ls",' I►. London, Sept. Ath. 0.A0 a m -Tae Briti.h offleial pees. bureau annoone- •d last night that the general position ront'nues eat ief.ctory The allies are gaining seemed no their Idt all along the lime of lM Oateq and Patti Marin river., The Mulch have driven the ...my teak Mu sodas. righting has been .n progress farther to the right aloe. the Now wbieh Molnar* Moot - Mimi! and Soemp.la• wither side galn- Lwondon. Sept. 10th, 5.311 a.ui.-Thr French war office issued the following last night : -On the whole hunt the Germans apprnr to be beginning the. perceptible .went of tett patine. rhe strategic p oition of the French troupe it imploring. 1'1.. Germans appear to experience certain diflleul ties in provisioning. In general the French troops ;.rem to tw gaining the ad v a n tags.' An earlier c.tuntunical' said : "On the left wing all the German at- tempts to break the French lines on tight hank of the Oureq liver have (Ailed. 1Ve have taken two stand- ard.. The British army has crossed the Marne amp the moony has fallen track about Ill kilotueleis (T)i miles). On the centre and right wings there is mo noticeable change Lon.lun. Sept 11Th, 3 p.m. The of- ficial press bureau today gate out the following statement : "The Rattle continued yesterday. The enemy has boon driven hack all along the line. Sir John French reports that our first corps has buried 200 German dead and taken twelve matin• guns. Some prisoner' also were taken." Our sec and army corps has captured :162 pris- oners and it twittery. The Germans suffered hen. ily. Their met nor stated to be vers exhausted. Itritish troops have crowed the River Marne in it northerly direction. (Treat, Britain has intiu:atinl to President through the United States ambassador at London. that she is determined not to make peace utdil she has decisively defeated Ocr many. Boost Godebich by vot- ing for the Baechler By- law on Saturday. DIwbi Lsreave meat Particularly sad was the. bereave- ment which came last week to the !moue of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Trem- blay, St. Patrick's street, in the drat h of their son, Venton Maitland 'Trem- blay. Just three days previous the body of Mts. Tremblay's father, Mr. Wm. E. McConnell, saes borne from her home to its last resting place ip Dungannon cemetery. Then came the death of Ventdb, whose demise was so widely mourned. Thie was evidenced by the many Moral tributes. They were from the employees of the Westeru Canada Hour mills, Mrs. Robert Clark, Mies Sharman and pupils, Ned and Kitty Sale, Miss Elis- abeth Edwards, Mrs. Richard Black, Dr. G. J. lieilemaon, Mn. Adam Fos - ler, Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs. 'I. H. \Vorsell, Mn. Rutledge, Miss Carey, Alta. A. (1. Nisbet, Mr. Melville Me - Nevin, Mr. Laurence Nicholson, Mn. E. R. Watson, Mr.. .lames Wilson, Mts. James Mclionald, Mr. Harry Webster, Mn. Widder, Mn. J. H. Colborne, Mrs. E. R. Wigle, Mn. Wen. An.tey, Miss Helen Carey, Mlss Laura Watson, Mr.. Knitckle, Miss Robin- son and Mr. L. A. Nicholson. -The_ *. Canadian Clothiers LEVITZ & URRA Propnetrrs The Mon on the corner of Montreal street and the Square, until r•esetly occupied oy Mr. I favid Brown, is now tinder the management of Mews. Iitvitx A Crra, wbo have placed in Nock goods that are entirely MM. Some Bargains for Saturday LADIES COATS AND SU1 'S A fall line of Indies' ):eats and Nuit.. We take measure* for special orders MILLINERY We bas -.-h 1110W stock of the latest sty 1M and shape. in Millinery. GIN TS' CLOTH INC A complete line of Men'• Ready -mads Cicthing In stork - the very latest. W. oaks moist urea oi s- ures for Sults need* to order P.rfeet At grtaranraed. SOOT! AND SHOES We bars them in all nnss- lirvesy latest Nylss -- guaran- teed waterproof. 1 1 New Coat and Suit Styles Now Being Shown J' e • • ••act.. '�• sessett:. '/.�.:41.11:911:1:-11:::: s1..r1•ii . /1/ rese.I••1. fid• •s/1a.t,tl I? I•$ 1.I11g1'1. t ♦�, .,1,1111• ,.. sect.' Ile • 1,' '111st11;g • iii :�[� )': olls.: se 41 s.r.�sr. •' elasail 11 twassat ei �r•..e1 .t 111!.4.1 ass.., s e '1111,,1' , - - -' 1 wel•elt At 1111.11 ;114511.819:1112111' •'7,1111 .1..111111 1P This week we present an opportunity to view nearly too Coat styles and about half as many Suits that are correct down to the last detail. This exhib- it of authentic Autumn styles in Coats and Suits for women and coat' for children is well worthy of a visit. The collection is at its best now. With materials becoming harder to get every day on ac- count of the usual sources of supply being practical- ly crit off, the wisdom of early buying is more ap- parent than in any former season. The favored materials are Zibalines, Rough Tweeds in plaids and broken checks, chinchilla and pile fabrics. Many handsome models are shown in each. Do not miss seeing this display of Coats and Suits. Ladies' Coats $7.50 to $30.00 Ladies' Suits $15.00 to $30.00 Girls' Coats $4.50 to $12.00 Exceptional value in Ladies' Sults and Coats at $16.50. Showing the New Fall Suitings We have just paused into stock a large shipment of materials for Fall Suits. They are the correct weaves' for the prevailing styles in these gar•megts and are shown in a splendid ranee of shade, and patterns. Prominent among them are some handsome Raman Stripe.. and Plaids for the making of either entire ro.t.mtee or in combination with plain rnlorioge. Of the lest we show but a single length of each pattern and invite an early inspection of these novelties. Prices range from per yard $1.50 to *3.50 Dressmaking Department Our Dreeeruaking lee artment is now open and we are hooking orders for Suits and Costumer'. We advise an early placing of same as we can then guarantee prompt delivery. The New Millinery The Millinery Department is now ready for bm.i.ew &Oil showing the latest and nest shapes for early fall wear, `Ve are making an initial dis- play of trimmed and tailored Hats obie week and giving all orders prompt attention. Formal Opening Display will be held later but in the mean time we are ready for business and glad to show the new styles any day. Have Your Upholstering Done Now • Now is agood time to have any odd pier.. of Furniture Upholstered. At present we can guar - e nter the work with proplmoss. We guarantee all work fins class in every respect and can show a .phndid range of Upholstering materials to 5.1. ret flow. 1f you are thinking of getting any work of this kind done we strongly advice you to here it done now no on account or the European War. supplies of upbolatering materials will h • cut off and when present stock. this side of the water are sold out It will he almost impossible to get them until the situation is normal again. 1f you have a piece or two of furniture to Le Upholstered we will he glad to give you an esti mate for the work. Showing the Furs Now Never was there a year when early buying n1 Fur was more advisable. Ah•eady the prices of raw skins are on the jump. We were fortunate in piecing early orders and contracting for a large . tock of troth Pure and Coats and can give you an assortment to select from and values you will not find the equal of in very many places. Every ar- ticle we sell we guarantee. The Making Over of Furs If you have any Furs to make over, if You will bring them in we will he glad to give you tutestimate for it and guarantee you first-class t-clas. w• rl- mana p. Here is Your Chance to Get a Wash Dress Saturday we clear the last of our Wash Dresses with no reserve what- ever. Never was there such an opportunity to get a good diess for so little money. 20 Dresses at 98c Twenty Urns, in this lot. All new this erasion. Regular up to 1,5.00 "slid 118.00. Take your choice of three Katurday morn- ing for only SS 8 Dresses at $1.98 Just eight in this lot. The cheapest was 18.00. We will not carry the Wash Dawes over so you can take your choice of them eight good Dresses Saturday morn ing for the ridiculously low price of. 111.55 t10DQENS BRQS. • Direct Importers Goderich 11/4 1 11 We are Agents foe :- Hokproof Hosiery. Lathes' Home Journal Pattern& 100) Marketing the Wheat Farmers will be wise this e*aeon to exereiee th• utmost eau tion in marketing their wheat. The huge American crop hs. been moving free- ly for some time and as the German market Is elnaed the bulk of the Unlit - ed States nnrphms will find Its way to the British market_ Canadian farm- ers have always made the mistake of rushing their wheat on the market Immediately foly,wing harvest. Tbip year a'special effArt should bre made t hold the wheat on Ihr farms and feel the market slowly. We won not urge any attempt to withhold food ntpplies during war" time In order to enhance. the pries. But put etperience has Henry shown that a b.avy rnch of wheat nn the market during Oet.oh.r and November w111 break pries below the isnot sof prndne- lbn.Yr�r� must gest Inn . posi- tion to.eark.t their grain gradually If they ars to make a reaaonab$e retorts for their Tabor.. -Mr. Loftus Her.. soon of Mr. Philip Horn, orf 1)sbnrna toer.sbip, is with the Canadian troop. at Valoartier. Re had Mien at Calgary and when the rail for volunteers.ram. he Joined the I Oal..tt snot ingest. Mr. Herbert Wt t., ern r•( )Mr. West. White, of Stephen. M another who is will. the eoldiers at the Quebec teai.lag east/ Rights of the Road The question of rights and liabilities is mooting rigs on the road was be- fore His Honor Judge Holt In the came brought hy Mr. Rov Chambers against Richard Porter. Mr. Chambers when driving in a buggy to (loderirh about dusk in the evening on the Huron road, at the e.snetery gate, met the defendant Porter who had a wagon with a load of chop. Mr. Chamber, did not 'see Mr. Porter till within about three rods of him and Mr Chambers turned to the right and was toff the rents., pact of the road. Mr. Porter was nn this beaten rentor road! and claimed he partly turned out. The wheels collided end the boggy was datasaged. It was held [bat the d. fondant Poster should haw* tuu.nod oat and judgment was given against Mm for the damage+ and costa, Mr. .1. 1. Klllotwn appeared Inc the plain tiff. and Mr. 1. K Dancer for the de- fends nt. Vote for the Furniture Factory Bylalr on Satur- day and then liratch Gode- rich grow. --Clntos town emsndll has npeoed as snsploys..at bureau. 81yl/b Min am will WOW T8E NEW YORK The latest thing io Thune• niinnheterrd by the Marti Mit.' nmpany. I Style rommhined with +vv•''" and rooster . We have jo.t ern -wired a ship moist. Can in and look them over and note especially the ma tenial In Velour Gaff, the Re seedeTortthe low Heel, the 1n vhibl. Eyelet. Try a pair, you will like them t hey are good. ............ J. H. McClinton's Ri.aiei.g promptly ataswd-d i r