HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-10, Page 6TwOnatut t, SarrIffinin 10. MU
:21111 11.111
Cagle Plaid Geed Food arid Plenty
it. Parthielarly In First Tear -
Seemliest Roots Sest
row stock raisers appreciate the
snot Importance of constitution in
their saintals, and what it means to
them la the development of their herd
and the prizing that accrue therefrom.
Many are shurtedghted enough to
think that most reonomlual gains wit
be made by maintaining the stock un
hound or repaired.
btll priaNtroluattandsd to on leaving
Lr PATH. specialbst In women and chil-
orders. , ear, nose mil team. lumbar, and
ireo's Tess. acute, :hronic and morrow. die
lope from the /Mem Oodsrich.
Kar. Nose end 1 hroat
tioldee Square. and Moorefield Hy, Hoepital.
8tratfoutl, opposite Knox Chorea. Hours I%
77 . a c., Chimprowitors. /mine and rime.
curse without dross or knife. Frei. examine -
lion. Mice over Sherman's Shoe More, en-
trap°, en Rest street. Plume en. toxin
m• otors in the Maritime Cote. etc. Private
funds to lend at lowed rote of loterne.
%est Ade Square. Otderiolk
TM., solicitor. notary Offloss-.
ikaulittea Mee. trodericik door from
I/ KISTER, attorney, eolioitor. etc.. Godo -
rich. lions* to lend at lowest rens
7.). later. Notary Public and Conveyancer,
elicTit omega
Hot 17. tioderiah. All Instruct kin. by
left at Signal office will be pcsiiiii,1,1
ended to. itesideoce telephone 119
11.0015111.NT_, SINAI MINI • N D Lairl.Or SIM' Willie
ITT : Me Ocean Aorident and liserantee
...orporation, 1.nuited. of Loudest, Los.
Ifkkelity and ti meant e Company.
i wia and iii. David • street. Phone 17K
else errearit mewed.
name Hay., Per Tread.. 8eatorth P. 0
0. thieve, • hit brop alma. Hine, Constitocel
ifterrhweed , Hobert Perri., Haricot , Malcolm
H. J. Merrbiti'. lotting Storatalutoo, or ea IL
OF MAititiatik
A Paraiba Fw Wiser
We hats a mead balkier n11007111t P17
tee Meek fret tree...mai rums newer .
log shrew. Mo. Pea weekly. welit
of fret ant eireamenstai week mode, elf U-
lnae& Ws MU 90011111 SOP •ShIsINSIS le
ere ydeable by mem of the iser•bn we
give rod the yenta* el bestow done. g.
1RY 0a. Tomato Oat.
susmus WWI GE
ti▪ es Ilerfrodkrelle wen awe
ism 1 ill:
rile tied Ter
if awed
Reel lit Stoney Supecter
grows With Marry Thousands a
TORS et the Miaeral
• veritable tapes pit hos lathe of
bemease sickness Iles off the shored
W• O Lake Superior frau the southern
Oboes • distance of Mr adios. dal -
loath Reef, off Keweenew Point a
Mlle, and throwing its cruel points
from a hundred fathoms of water to
erithin twenty feet of the surface. has
caught and held many slaps that have
bat their course In thick fogs on dark
aights or bare gone ashore because
oe deviations of the isompeae. The
steamer George S. Baker a the Steel
ffrust fleet, width was picked up by
Elawtooth Reef (theta. a dense fog
roceotly, went on the rocks because
of the campus "running away." The
game was true lc the case of the
Morelaad. which was destroyed ou
Sawtooth Reef three Tsars 1110. al-
though the Morelaad west on the
ranks dada. a clear, cloudless, and
legless night, scoordiag to renidenils
et lines River, who sot anew porches
a their banes sad weibleed the Mg
skip swing In oatoAllosreel. Whether
ft is the jettisoned cargoes a true ore
that cause this &Relation of the veto -
pees cannot be said.
From the ill-fated Agonised, which
wee just off Vegioditeer on bar asehl-
en trip, nearly 11.000 tow et ore were
woo thrown overb000detroUrthetholds
other ships which have strindaiLaiong
Abe Koweensw waft and north deers
le ame contributed Largo cerSoill• The
steamer Waldo with 2,000 tome a ore
Wward Ude "under the lake" mine at
Ciall Hock, ten mikes off the vane A
imore of wooden alai* which have
g oaiwilkswn around the point brgwenty
pears or so have lost °woes
there. It is estimated that lying loose
in the waters a Superior about the
shores of Keweenaw ars tram 10%000
to 160000 tone of portectly good tron
ore, all to be had for the taking. The
copper peninsula is rusted. along its
'bares. from the misting* a the ',l-
eagued %cargoes a tem ore.
a meagre ration. and feeding heavily
when the time of finishing conies.
This la one mistake that has led to
tion of Met, herds
Tbare is nothing more important
than constitution in animals for all
the parpoees for which the herd is
meini.thed. The success of au animal
se a good breeder depends largely
ePon tts constitution, and most dairy -
seen keow that the persistency a.nd
abundance 01 a ogees ',Sow of milk
depends largely upon her aiturtitution.
Ibe satue may be saki a fattening
Mears. If they do not have that de-
velopment ot lungs, heart and other
argsns w hoes satire operations main-
tain and develop the body their will
be poor doers in the and.
The first year a the animal's life
is the c.eltical tans •In the formation
a thew organs- which go to make up
the oonatitutioasof due animal. If they
are inalatatnedementisagne rations and
dry foodeethey will not 'develop those
organs air will the anthial that is fed
on succulent food and liberal rations.
The entire organs of the body will
growing. animals that wgiere they are
sant talthe block titan early age, those
red on rat*. silage. route and such
roughage vflU not dress out as heavy
a pencontige as tall the. dry -ted ani-
mals. but if they are maintained for
intent galas will made at a muck
cheaper rate, and whether they be
kept for breeding pprposes or wbether
they be. retained tolliniali at two years
or two and one-halfi yezim of age, the
prodts by developing the animals
breeder of stock twill t enhance Ws
from the start with succulent ladders
e ach as silage rape. clover and roots.
It was demonstrated y pars ago hat
rootdedtonlmals•contalt rd more blood
aad necessarily more water in the
bloody that rootifed ste. ha had heavier
vItallorgsnr, and that eat was always
ions ifor the root -fed :animals. Wahl'.
%The cheapest article tof feeding stuffs
'now on the marketi and if we can'
develop robust, vigarous animals on
such nutricits. it ,rili be wisdom on
our part to do so. The good line of
cattle reared and 'maintained in Ortat
Britain substantiates this. dochlue
We go, then- yeerr after year to get
that big, strongiindivIdual•to etrength-
en our herds. /and they haig. been
reared on an lationdance of rotes aud
succulent foods. 'it is during the
esely period of tiyu animal's litre that
the organs uf Vie body are m folded,
and that is ep.ten the feeder should
start the at A...tare properly in iurder
nem of Western Preview
catchewan to form sa
movemeat has been= In
erent districts for the cooperative
irketing of ego. An attebset
sing made to place this ladu try on
emesing perceptibly the met the
00101,0102- 111*-Movpipgale $ sir
but beyond mthervietag the Baia -
an week a the orgaalsatior its part
hi the movemest is not ye The
essidtatiaa of the sad
Ilnafted by the director/ °Pt/Weer
tmerativo orgasisatime. Mr. W. W.
sea pasts where are
=wad ametitalea at
"es the
plaits • -peoltrjerideers by the
fresh ma." Any peralarrramer de -
the ad fee. Tbe•diroetare of
tergemagerer sed benhams Imager,
mad missed ell elthasaal /41.0r•
VMS the (returns eateragethe seetabers
seetielibel to the quasi* received.
le than cif 'Tat, tb of whie2 le
IMS11110 Aware test. Mesh bass
lbs .lempeal ea area a
Frenchman' Spent $10.1100 en Oignee.
and 66,520 For I:Helm
What the.average man spends. dor-.
Lug his Meanie. on little luxuries eod
trivial neceeeWes. may seem to him
but a matter ot small mono& As
Canadians. w e have been trained tu
spend judiciously, nevettbeleas ff we
were to realise the calomel figures
Into which our little expenditures run
during the course of our respective
lives, we might be appalled. t.
An eccentr personage has 'at died
hi a town in the west of Prance at the
age of 77. When he was 18 years a
ale he began to keep a book of per -
*anal expenses. For dftrtwo years
be jotted down every item.
During this period he smoked 621.711
cigars. Of this numbs. 43,292 were
presented to him by friends. For the
reinataing 6S1,021 he spout the stun
of 610,200.
lie bad bought 64 pairs ot trousers
which cost him 3440; 76 jackets and
waistcoats. for $330, and 63 pairs of
shoes.,for 3330. He used SW shine
sad 164 collars, for which be paid
1166. His cautibus sad train hires
caste 10 PIO. la Sheen years he drank
22,276 becks end 40.308 faMiel•
or liqueur, and spud On them $6420,
OM 31.246 In tips.
.„ . The Chanegken Apgar
believed to be a woad;
mooed hes lost beim ma up d \ia
sewer ce Beath tibernmea
had at Premlffort
after eagle on amid ael while sib -
boa. yea oterallao emellir who
eta cigar tato gnereddlotheapabout
Moe began at) Plana Weloatemed
very nearly 21101pseglobeateeba \tor
tho award. /t/ ttrethe Ale* • ally
twisty otimpaillars were la the 1111111-
alac-th• rest hal regreiffilly Sanaa
their "woods* or bad them at rest
la the mibrom for 640 Wolff
Tho Meals tames/ out rapidly. ead
Rff ase Wotan way ow smoker was
away In owed USE lee patens lead
le throw Ms agar awl*
away, two Wenn fortyalx Nes
emboss easellas alter ba bad ea
Rat Se it., Mat Maas wee tallitaare
• rare abet el b reeks Wa.es
that sedialse-a la Ng asthma
by Lydia E. Pinkbeun's Vei-
1 Male Cewipound.
I Canadian women are sontinually writ-
' lag us such letters as the two f
1 which are heartfelt expressioas9olif°Vitra
tude foe restored health:
Glaidard Station. Out -"I leave ta-
ken Lydia IL Pinkhant's Vegetable COM -
say medicine
to compare with it.
I fad Main and fall-
ing of womb aad
doctors did me no
good. I suffered
dreadfully for year*
until I began taking
your atedicine. I sl -
so recomputed it for
nervousness and in-
HfiNIT CLAIM, Glaaford Station. Ont.
medicines highly praised. and • year ago
I began taldag them for falling of woe:sh-
wa ovarian trouble.
" My left side pained me all the time
and just before my periods which were
irregular and painful it would be worse.
To sit down caused me pain and suffer-
ing and I would be so nervous some-
. times that I could not bear to we any
motor bear any one speak. LitUe specks
I would float before my eyes and I was
always cooptipated.
" I cannot say too much for Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
Liver for there are no medicines
!like them. I have taken them aad I
, recommend them to all women. You may
publish this testimonial." - Mrs. ST1-
Say, when you come to
town come to Rim. liVit-
Hins's place.
We have new car-
load of the best buggies
We have lots of Wire
Fencing and (later. We
have Washing Machines '
end ' urns, Stores, /lea -
tel. and Ranges, Lad-
ders.. Hay t;are and
Teat 1. Litter Carriers,
F.nitlner, Windmills,
Rimier., Mowers, Hay
feeder.. Wagons and
!hock Racks.
Alen a number of good
Massey -Harris Shop
Hanallino Street
You raiment do better than at tend to
'British Americas COlege
TOWS WOW lita.Tereeth•Jet a
sem sr car. ranrepTeree
=4.81:t T. Wasps, Prissiest
SPECIAL -The pro.
prieteirs of Zees -Bak
have decided that al-
though the price of
drags has been in-
creased by the war.
they will not increase
the price of Zaas-lisk.
Difficsides of trans-
portation. however.
may arise. so house -
',eiders are asked to
ion no time in %yin.
in • necessary stock
Tertiede Settle Market
RepreseatatIve prices are: -
Choice heavy steers. ... to .16
Y our home merchant will back op oar
guarantee on this splendid range. Ask an ass
Mandy heavy steers. ... 8.16
do. common 7.00 7.76
Malbers. good to choice1.75 2.26
B utcher cows, choice6.76 7.60
do. good 8.26 2.76
do. medium 6.60 2.26
good bulls . 69 7. 00
Feeders, NW to 1.100 lite7.116 7.16
do. bulls 6.26 1.25
Stockers, hal to NO the. 7.00 7.60
do. light. 600 to 660 6.60 6.76
Canners 2.66 4.60
Cutters 2.60 S. 00
Milkers, choice each76.00 96.10
Springers 60.60 116.00
Calves, veal, choice- 9.00 11.00
Spring lanibe 6.00 .16
Yearling lambs 7.00 7.6o
Buck lambs 6.26 6. 60
Sheep, heavy and bucks 4.00 6.26
Culla 2.00 4.00
Hogs weighed off ears 10.00 0.00
wheat ...F. armors' Market
Goosernr raraiwbuiproduce at St. Lawrence
do. old
Peas 1.20
clIaitxuede ahandy clover 15.00
S traw, butelled 10.00
Ost straw 16.00
do. loose
Butter, choice dairy 1111110001311 ' 1111171.::"""32
Rye straw
Spring broilers. each.46
Turkeys, pound .22
Du• cklings, spriag. lb•20
Live hens .20
do. ducklings, each. .60
Applee, basket .16 .40
Potatoes. new. bushel.60
Cauliflowers, each .1C
Corn, greeu. dos .10 .00
Cucumbers. basket .20 .30
Gherkins. Docket 66 1.35
Pork, per pound : 230725 0 :10°150
Onions. per peck
Toronto Grain Pripet
The following wbolesale prices are
tutted at the Toronto Board of Trade:
Manitoba Wheat -Lake ports. No. 1
northern. 51.21%; No. 3 northern,
Manitoba Osts--Bay ports, No. 2
Ontario Oats --New, outside, 60c to
Ontario Wheat-Cariots, $1.16 to
31.20, Toronto.
Amerken Corn -Fresh shelled, No.
2 yellow. 91%c, Toronto.
Rye -No. 2. 76c outside.
Barley -Good malting barley, out.
side. 63c tO 61c; Manitoba barley,
fic to 70c.
Rolled Oste--Per bag of 90 pounds.
$1.05 to 33.26; in smaller iota. 32.26
Windsor to Montreal.
Buctw heat -No. 2. dic to afic. la
carlots, outside.
Millfeed-Carlots, Manitoba bran.
$26: shorts, 327; middlings, 330; good
feed lour. $SL
last Sulfate Cattle
Cattle -Prime steers. $9.76 to
chers, 87.60 to 39.25; heifers, 341.60 to
35.00 to 37.66; stockers and feeders.
$6.26 to 38.00; stock heifers, 8625
to 86.00.
Vitals--ActIve and steady, 36.00 to
Hoge- Heavy sad Wird. 11$•40:'
rou• ghs. 31-00 to DM; Stage, 14.60 to
Sheep and Lambs -Lambs. 1200 to
38.40; yearlings, 84.110 to $6.76;
waiters. 84.00 to MI5; ewes. 12.60 to
15.76; sheep. sized. 3271 to S200.
Chicago Ulm Meek
Cattle -Beeves. 34.70 to 31275;
Texas steers. $4.20 to $9.16: ntochrs
sad feeders, 84.40 to $2.16; cows and
heifers. $3.85 to 3132; eaves, 37.60
to 311.60
Hege--Light. 32.76 to MAI; method.
Slump- native, 3446 to 3226; year -
nags. 31.26 to $4.1e; lambs. Native.
INAS le rite.
Chews awl Beebe Markets
Watertown. N.Y.--Cheese 640
bones at 1514c.
Lougee. Oet.-Offetiage, 144 boxes,
et which Rose ware sett Midas
from 14%c to 14%2
St Heaciathe. (140.--144 'schwa.
• better sold at Mlle sad 460 boom
a cheese sold at 1416e.
cows seen ie., pea ---17 beeterles
bearded 241 peebaNki al bettor. Sts
(arteries sett at 19%e sad eve be
tortes sot se'd
itenoville- -Olathe*. 14711 wane
IN twilertelt Pales 940 et 16 16-10e;
Ramie and letexhimciusidvemonstratee fee
you. A McClary dealer in every town. •
You Get !Liam's
Because Your Liver is Lazy
You get a bilious attack when pear ever refuses M de Ms
work. The bile does aet Sew. You became emoseipeled.
Peed sours instead of digesting. Yoe have that "ham es
gall" mete. The manacle becomes Weisel aad hassell-
turns sick -vomiting, and violent heageene.-Tes bum
preventative and curs for biliousness le Chamberiain's
Tablets. Thiry make the liver do ith work--earemoban the
digestive omens, amid restore to perfect heath. Ma a bade
-All Dealers and Druggists, or by mall. 1
The Sir
The Sigi
The Sir
The Sig
The rgl
The Sig
The Sig
The sig
The Sig
The Sig
The Sig
The Sig
The Sig
The Sig
Be Firm in This!
Purchase only goods "made in Canada" and
help to keep your fellow -citizens employed
The Sig
'The Sii
The Sii
The Si
is the only. cereal food under the Kellogg
name that is made in Canada. All others
are imported.
The Si
The Si
The Si
The Si
The Si
The S
The S
The S
The S
The S
The E
The S.
The S.
nal su
HURON DAV AT WESTERN FAIR I -The balloon race thst was to have
- started from Kamm City ham bees
Thirty-third Regiment Band will Fur- postpone! lodadaitely.
ash Music Deriog the Day
This year's Wevern fair at London
promisee to ecliptie all previous ez-
bitittione. Th. management have
spared neither labor nor money to
make this the best ewer held In Lon-
de*. An excellent programme 'of at-
tractions has been arranged to take
place twice daily. The programer. of
fireworks will he changed every night.
There will be plenty of music. as a
number of excellent hands hsve h en
engaged -
The regiment band are under
contract for Huron day, Tuesday,
September 15th, and will go in full
strength for that day. In addition to
this the two keel heath of London
will be in atumdance which will en-
sure music all the time. There will be
two speed events daily for which larip
Purees are offered. The International
Fireworks Co., of Nem York, will give
• (*WV 0( Programme of neeperhe
everrafight• The salient WM brae
very high dims this yeer and the
hulidimrs will be filled. The Con. T.
Kensay shows will occupy the mid-
way sad the exhleitioa es a whole will
certainly be the best ever bad In
London. All information even on
=Minn to the secretary. general
London. Ont.
Publications on Agriculture
'I be department of agriculture at Ot-
Lion aptitude of two beindred publies-
timer Melodies report', bulletins and
deniers. These have been lensed, ham
time to time. by the soma! brandies
and deal with almoet every phase of
a t• hese has heel. printed in pamphlet
form giving the author and date
a each. This Het le for free diestiba
don aad 'nay be procured on
tion lathe puhlicot Ione besseaer=
flopattearet of agrieniture at Ottawa.
flown awe natant in tale melee the
ampollry thee eft Whey Mame pot timithm.
:zoo ezame leo sew years Ina .41.10 .ed t•
dia: mid by measlier' Muer se
esralble. theomea mem est see to be •
Eb. wok.. It le tamdfilliesriiiiiih- Ire=
Meetly ie. VI sad tesseut merinos. ef
yer roe It
Few in this busy age ar• aware of the
fart that there was a thaw est so keg
ago when pillow lace neshog was the
fashionabie pastime sad that iodise were
se proud of their beautiful hobbies end is
this connection as the modern lady is of
her trinkets. geld or silver chsesisioe•
There art ei be found todey • few
callections Mineurro of Historic
Robbins and ties swam telleter fres
time to time is enabled to pith up eat
sod hese-
sera per
impel nethdiese.
ea* Pothaeshe Dobbins el mermilielehinr;s:
eery god beetety, and times ars add
large numbers old weenie Mee is
seek high imam Stet die escaer.
al"Peasete port 1.11111.1
laradebtadellire"."44111awetkiruent: •Laskeiteeedigerirenbagliestimgamosigrbilleritsed lebblowells""see
ter the rev af illisorabea.
hers Cottage Nerisere AgeselthilitM
Mrs. Arawassig ie lased ell dr
*SIM 144411. 1114114"
us k
Wm ma