HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-10, Page 44 1"RCIRDAT, M rj..iN !I 10. 11014
'rhes.'^ a red lascipation for
young and old in picture tisk-
leg. The Kndak way makes
it as simple as it is fascinating.
Kodek ciliate the pleasures of
picture -taking indoors or out.
Free instruct' cheerfully Riven.
0.t your work flniihed by an repro.
R. R. Sallows
On exhibition in window
of Central Drug Slone.
James A. Campbell
Pb.. B.
North et. and Square, (inderich
Now is the tiure to boy Scheid
Shoes for the bor. and girl*.
They will neral good. strong,
.erviecable Shoes, the k ir.il that
will stand the test in any
weather. in this line all past
efforts have hewn excelled and
you will find at your command
the most eomplete stock of neat
reliable Foote raw at the lowest
posuible price•-.
t r - u.`• a 1
aseoe -
P The leading Sulky Plow in On -
toxin. Other popular R&lint+,
Ilona air lh. Ontario Ftotlift
and Heaver thong orSulk2.
We hese Crown and Kid Kan.
eaglet Walking Lange, Forst k
Woad and Cockshult *Ingle
Walking Plow., Cuckrhutt Dile
b illIFM NMeaSiseeMenitrttldAltt
A felt Hon of repairs and now
Pellets slimy, oe lata+ Pl
Herbert F. Morris
Hamilton Street
Wood For Sale
The .nderwlgnrvt urn sesta ereeyng a
vyontlir of Nlab We.d-.Roel sad dr7,
far engmd late ase. sett sed mt:ed. ret
I!sed N trochee lens. taws leaetae 411
. Wee 4e the reed W three 1rrarthe
Y hakes.
We give mere 0e1011i*1esa..l eualithe
ter tis nose -r Ole.. eau 1.• lel any
where ries. ION .•...l•nvrr ear sa. Tr7
r and sons fir 7Mreel1
he sore sad est nide
011011017 MIL t\tieAetis• saeer-
•!we *ate o.g tae ndainsmai . pee.
tern Phenol a r it.
A pleess tat t.v.•ut •ook yl.ce at
S ,u ur..h. Inn tat in, Oudst ich towushl{t,
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L Trick.
nit Llrurwla Au,tust 27th, when their
olauc6ter, Miss Jennie \t., was married
to Mr. William W. Wtwe. The sere -
mons' ones perfonned et 12 o'clock by
Rev. S..1. Allis.. At the conclusion of
the ceremony. which we+ witnessed
only by the members of the two
fateilies, the part y sat down to the
wedding breakfast After which the
bo idyl pair 1.•11 on the a o'clock train
staid showers of confetti, -on a trip to
Toronto. London, Detroit ani oeber
point... The bride's guiuss awe emi-
t was u suit of blue whipcord with
hat 1.. ruateb. On their return Mr.
and Mrs. Wise will take up their resi-
dence mi their farm on the 1111i con-
cension. They have the Rowel wiebes
of a very large circle of friends for
their future well being and happiness.
Mr., Clifford Gledhill spent the
week -end at his home in (lnderich.
Miss May McCartney, of (ioderich,
spent Sunday with friends on the
Mi. ('has. Breckow had a very suc-
eesaful barn raising on Wednesday of
last week.
Mr. D. F. Schwann has secured the
.ervireeof Mr. Wm. Mrw. Jr.. for an
indefinite Liwe.
M1. Henry Heide. of Alpena, Michi-
gan, spent a short time with friends in
this vicinity this week.
Mr. E. M. Dural and Miss Florence
Snyder are among these who visited
the exhibition at To: onto last week.
Miss Copp, of Blyth. has been en-
gaged as .rather for N.S. No. 7 and
commenced her duties there on Tues-
day last.
Mrs. John Wise, of Nest Branch,
Michigan, has returned to her home
atter a few weeks visit with friends
in lhi• cicinily.
Show your interest in
Goderich by voting for, the
Furniture Factory Bylaw
on Saturday.
The "bowers of lit. week have de-
layed Mean harvesting open -linens for a
The Free Church of 'icotland held
special services last week prior the
dispensing of the sacrament on Sun-
Mr. lieor•ge Swan. formerly of this
(dace. I tit late of the Grand Trunk
staff at (1.11, has been eplaintel
Brandt Trunk agent at Harley.
The termer. of 1he vicinity are
busily engaged weltering the Koff for
the bill u beat er•..n. Soule hti. al-
ready K.wu *9u*mt.t n1' the•.ams.
The old trum.e bridge. known as the
Aikenhead bridge. on the London
load north, will shortly Is• torn down
and replace! by a cement etauelure.
Chicken and grain thieves are again
at work in ibie district, and several
Aocal poultry yards have been invaded
recently. and in some canes up to MO
fine birds taken.
Nevem) granaries in tire district
have also been recently visited. And
many bushels of choice grain stolen.
Almost every farmer ani poultry man
in the vicinity is keeping. a close
watch for the intruder..
Boost Goderich by vot-
ing for the Baechler By-
law on Saturaay.
Mr. Arnold Halrkilk is visiting him
sister in Grimshy.
The Misc.., Cresswell are 'pending
A month.et. Pieston Springs.
AI*. M. 1'. l'licsnev and Mr. amt
\Ire. .1 suern l'uweu hate lu.un,'sel
from klavfield. '
Mt'. W. C. Jamie/mt. of Brooklyn,
is tilt WWII of the Miosese Martin.
of Teickenn,ilh.
Mr. Harry Stewart, who underwent
an operation rine-tinily. is getting along
nicely and will semi be: „11 agrais.
Mr. Rnh.i'i (i.lnmell and daughter.
Mr.. Harry Van F:grrtnnd, have re-
turned to their bows is Meow Jaw.
Moore. Ih.vrti Moor.. Untie Reinke
and Ma 1 Cernochin. •r.. of Rft-
ncondvhle, toe seriously ill et {resent,
with Utile ehaner of recovery.
At a meeting ni 1he session of the
Filet Prerhyte.i.n church to eoneider
tbs propiattion of appoistiag as or-
ganist and choir lewder. It wan unan-
imously agreed In give the eploint-
inent to Mr. Harald Nixon, of London
whet playeal the Manley in
previous, and
who had given general sal Paine ion 1'
sit present At Pre•.ent, Mr. Nixon
is doing •psal wo.k in our 1.1 the Ro-
man embolic churches in London, hut
will soon Ise et liberty to assume hie
Sr iL tut re.
tile' a instlaiir npenM AP"'
week with the helmet attendance ,o
lbs time..y of the school. newt ietelarly
in the first forts. which ie rowtptshely
filled, a remarkably large nomher of
the pupil. teeing (tom out of town.
Several roangp• hare been made in
the loaff and IM.. hoard ars favorably
uerapreel sett h the new teachers.
the .tall for the coming year will Ion :
Principal, Mr. Donald A. Mackay,
B.A.: math.matle., Mr. J. F lions,
H.A.: classic., Miss !With (Moon. B.A.:
moderns. Miss Loui■.• Marryy H.A. :
corn merriest specialist. Mies H. \Vether-
At • meeting nl t lediee.of ties -
forth. hell in the t ern hall. a Red
Onus moiety wee f rested reiih the
following offlerre • H.moreery presi-
dent, Mr.. Alex WIlre.n : prraidetnt, Redlilceu Fares
Mrs. A. K. (Tolson : view-preeid.nt,
Mrs. H. Spears: treasurer, Mrw. Os- Arraign, Wyman, s, Pair
ear Neil ; a•metery, Mrs. L T rte- lerese KMg.ewd .t
, Renfrew .ater• vest
Lacey, with an rn.nutive of two ladies lar"esf M 'sed.. 41.. 14Nrw1t and P.rt
from each of the ehnrrloew. As a
means et starting a fund. Mr. John
McKenzie, of the (Tinos• Iheetre, of-
fered the proceeds of his Friday
night's pMMur. show. and Meagre.
()arsine Rron o nated t heir tempt y abseil
fns ti•Inrday, on which day th.• owlet,
serve( tea. afternoon and eveninss
puhlir meeting erne elan raped for
Monday owning in the Carnegie lib
'may. - - - - - -
is Rb.am.lho of tie fbae
Uric Acid Mit is the bbed
by disordered kidney*
kedges along the ewes
thick breaches bon 11111
eye twee the iwehrad, ed
agrees the cheek es the
side .1 tae w► The
MOM is the rune as ha all
Rkstimat{ss- Mdered
IGinsy% The ewe is tit.
wise the same-
Miss Ella McDonald has gone to
Mr. Ralph Hurglass, Jr., has gone to
Lueknnw high school.
Mr. James Hell has returned from
the west to his home here.
Mr. J. 1. Grant, of Goderich, repent
Sunday with his daughter. Mrs. K. 1.
M -Kenzie.
1)n. and Mr.. Jalrlie,e.u, of Chi -ago.
were the guest.' of Mr. John ,lautieson
on Tuewday At Lake View farm.
Misers Mery H. McKenzie. Sophia
Kempton said •1'abith• Kempton,
vi.ited friends at Tiverton last Mon-
Mrs. Wm. Kinslor and children,
who have been visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mr.. D. Mrlwan, retnrned to
their home in Chicago on Monday.
Mr. 1). N. McKenzie of Goderich
and hie dsnghter, Milts Mend McKen-
zie, and Miss King, of Detroit, visited
at the hone of Mr. Neil U. McKenzie.
of the oldest and. most respect -
eat Iarwers of McKillop township bas
passed away in the person of Mr.
Jame Laurence. Hi., demise took
place at his home on lige 5th conces-
sion on Similes, uorbing. Mr. Laur-
ence bad leen in poor health for .ev•
eral the. He was in his 75th year
and is survived by his wife and a
family of four sons and thaw- daugb-
trt-t. The sous are : (behest, in Celi-
fornia: Fred, in Vancouver: Mat-
thew. in Rdmonton, end Harold, at
home. The dau.blers are: Lizzie, in
Ed ton : Annie, in Ss ik•.tehewun,
end Mrs. Lottie Wel.ter,of MrKill.p,
Thr (unreel was bell on Tuesday,
with interment in Maitland Bent.
A' traction
Sept.14th and 15th
The World FNm florpuratkite*
production of (41to. ft. SIAM
two.... -trail drain*
The Lights
O' London
1' (sliced in London on the
geond around which the dreme
was originally written, and pr. --
sego grgI
sem..I by an all star east of
Kngli.b artists.
Irl Necking lamp of London.
.What wearier,. lank down
And mourn age day artynow rot.
11! Light of t. dof n. n.
HOW the rightful heir i• di.
owned by his father thlmugh
,machinations of hi• villlaruos
rotsein. and how, with his sweet
heart. the lodge keeper'. daugh-
tei.. t•rconw1s' . damp*.
en finally cornea nto o hie riRhr
fnl heritage. This is a picture
that will btu (nrev.r In your
memory, and if you do not we
it you will certainly mise •
motion pietas. niaateepiere.
10 cents and S cents
10 Laadau
Nerve. Meth.
Al Fare and On. -,.bird
Rept. I1 -111 -Ig 14-18
llpeeial Rsalsrsinn Days
September 11-1♦17
Wawa ems nemembse fIW 1M1
Akseseekers' Excursion(
R+w.A trip Whyte ((aa r ref. l„
tr►at,* w .n aro Aa.. els Cg , te,
sl er 1lrlet5, n Ara.. ay*R Trestsa$a. 5
Give the working man • ' w'i' b'ee'f" •' No r•w.
RN.rn Ilmat 1 N me'tna
chance by voting for the ren e..Nse'area..l u...m tree sows.
- I Furniture Factory Bylaw r. r. I l rfou rt >wet T,v
_i n tafr e r rl-LY,-tria 1 Oink EMrday. i gla sr .' gikerA Aas,n. ei .. it _it L'
a •. e sa_ _ eee„
sr. AUQusTINs
Yrs. l'rlrr and children, of (iodericb,
visited at Mr. 1'. MeO n,'s last week
Mlal. Mal Jul ie Len• k, ul loran.. ,
WWI a visitor e lttr, Wm. M:•Alli.t.r's
Iasi -ruts
Mt. aid Mrs. Ue.•ke, riot Sydney. et
Lucknow, called on frim ds in this vic•
laity on. Monday.
Miss M. L ddy h.* n. turned to Tor -
onto11..•1 s:.a•udinpth- .t wet with
her emit. Mrs. M. McCabe.
Miss Elisaleth Shanahan :end Mr.
J. Shanahan, of Clinton, •p•n' the
wnrkrn.l with their n •ter, Mrs. J.
%V. Hoyle.
Your vote is wanted for
the Furniture Factory By-
law on Saturday.
Over 5'.1111) baa been forwarded byy
Brus.rlsenol locality for the I'attione
fund. The Women's Inuit was 'in•ugur•
stet the movement and it was heart-
ily suppot ted.
An old resident of M••t ris township
wee buried on Wednesday afternoon,
t lb• person of Mr) Allan It unsay. He
8.5 }ears of age. His wife prede-
ceased him. Au adult family survive.
Contractor Brown and K. Harkness
were badly hitt herr on Friday by
falling:11 feet from a .cafTnld on the
new Presbyterian church. Mt. Hark.
now, in falling, struck a joist. His
condition is precarious. Mr. (frown
will recover.
An unfortunate accident Iwfell Rob-
ert McKinnon, a yeautg farmer of Otey
township. on Saturday. While rneag-
ed at feeding a power .1 r .w cutter. his
hand got caught arid the knives eel
(sadly barked end bruised the right arm
that it had to he amputated just be-
low the elbow. Mr. McKinnon.is doing
as well as can ha expected.
Mr. Robert Harkness. the men who
was r0 seriously injured when the scaf-
fold fell at the nee. Presbyterian
church Friday Inornintr, passed away
at 11 o'clock Sunday night. without
regaining COnaCIOUM1riv. He was in
his 40th year, and besides his wife he
leaves • family of two lays and two
girl. The funeral took place to
Ningbem cemetery ou Tuesday after-
noon. Contractor Brown, the other
man who fell with the scaffold, is pro-
gressing favorably and will soon be
able to resume work
Mr. 'Baechler has al-
ready made a great suc-
cess of his present busi-
ness; assist him in his pro-
posed Furniture Factory
by voting for the. Bylaw on
Mr. A. Joynt, of Seafortb, spent the
week -end with his mother.
Mr. Weeles Sheriff, of Toronto• was
a visitor with his friend^ byre for A
few days.
Mr, and Mtn 1(1. Thorn and Mt.
end Mrs. James flaunt are attending
the exhibition In Toronto this week.
Thr Miss. s Cunningham and Mr.
Cunningham; of Walkerton. spent the
.seek end with their aunt, Mr.. John
Miller, Jr.
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
man's Mis.ion,.ry society will be held
in the church parlor on Wednesday,
MeptemI.er 18th, at 2.30 o Block. All
buttes interested in the work are re-
quested to attend.
Mee^rn. Jame. Hyde, James Cole-
man. Robbie Wood., Arthur Livia
and H. A ndrews left for new Ontario on
Monday. Mr. Hyde took a carload
of •tut( with him. They intend stay-
ing for the winter.
The social held in the Agricultural
hall on Friday, :September 4th, under
the auspieea of the local branch of the
\Vntnen's Inetiti,Ie. was • great sue-
r••.. After Hopper an excelrnt pro-
gramme warn given including addresses
by the local clergymen, selections by
it union chair, sobs and recitations.
Th • proeeeda amounted to $1911, which
will ire donetel to the Hospital Ship
fund. The ladies .d the institute have
t esson to feel proud of the result of
'twee efforts. Thr Intal institute now
(las Bir members.
Mr. Unncen Mel.eatt attended the
Toronto. exhibition Inst week.
Rev. Rather John Hogan, of Clin-
ton, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Hogan, for a few days.
Mr. Wm. McAenzie, of Calumet.
M.rbigan. spent a few days as the
guest of his sister, Mn. T. lF Hender-
Mr.. R. H. McKenzie visited friends
in Stratford last week.
Mrs. Andrew C,lhert and two chit-
' dere arrived toms after spending •
few months in Ibe "let
t►- Re. atelielhi ",if1'f cdr: o?ChIcign;`i.
visiting friends hen.
Mrs. George Evans
The late Mrs. George Rya*, wbo
passel away on Sunday, August 30th.
sed whose death we annosseed lam
week, w•. bore 7A yews ago in tbw
eity of Birmingham. Kngland. in the
year 1564 *b. was serried and 13
ebildr.n were horn to her. 10 of whom
still live. Forty -hour years ago they
came to Canada and settled in Col -
torn. township and a few years Mtn
removed to Goderich. 1. the absent.
of Re.. J. B. Fntherinfrban.. Arch-
deacon Jones -Bateman conducted the
funeral service, interment Laking place
In the family plot I n O othnrne ream.-
tory. 'Firesides her hrwhand, who is lM
kwoars old. there remain* M Monro her
five hoes and Avesdanghtier., all of
whom were preseet at the funeral,
with the err ptlnn Mrs. McAuley, of
Detroit, whose youngest .hilt was
ton sick to be left aloes. Their pass
are Mea. O. Willson. Waterville : Mrs.
B. Lowry. Windsor 2 lsenlamin, of
11 Seasonable Goods in Large kssortments II
We are offering goods still at old prices, notwithstanding the shllrp
advance in prices on some lines.
There never was a time when that DOLLAR should command so
full a buying power as today. By early buying we have made it possible
for your dollar to do extra duty on most everything that you require for
the coming season.
Everything i.. 11,•. i. e y at old prices.
liverythil.e in (11 vee at old prices.
All (►res. (1....1• n stork at old price&.
Velvets in Now k 311 a1 old prices.
All Silky. it stock. te! - 1.1 prices.
Flannelette. will be all at old priers.
All libirtings now in stock at old price s.
Coatiu,(s in stock all at old prices.
All Cottons In stock at old prices.
Linens all at old pricer.
The New Coats are all here now and we are showing the best selec-
tion the ever offered Every one a Rogers ; new and up to the minute.
(iolerlch : Arthur, of (Juderieb fisc- DUBLIC NOTiCIi.
ship: Albeit, of Cotham. rnwn.blp : I -----
Mrs. A. Brevets. Mr". 14: Pucci► and UNiCIPALITY OF THR TOWN -
Mrs. H. Steep, of lluderich : Ww. of •
Woodstock. odstock, "and Mrs, A. Ml.: %no..•, or . ----
Detroit. 1 Moved by (buncillnrs Young end
Mr.. Wm Samford I Snyder, that the Clerk be authorized
The late Mrs. H „,,ford, wko..n deathto publish the necessary notice in pur-
ne announced la -t U:rib, was born in stainer to .nitons 472, 4T3. 174 and 475
It eland in the county of Wicklow, t1: of the Municipal institutions Art
years ago. \% hen a air I u( 21 .bis chapter 1412, H.S.O„ 1014. of the in -
came to Canada and settled in Han- tendon of thio Council to consider a
over: A year later she married Mr. bylaw to close a certain part of a pub -
Wm. Bamford and about 31 years ago lit ltigbway, described as (0110P111:
they removed to Auburn, where her . "Ad and r{ngular that certaa-
husoand preleeasel her last Novem-
ber.In April of this year Mrs. Bam nate, lying and being in the Township
ford came u, Goderich and although 11ei (%'.thorn in the County of Huron
she had been ailing for a o
cuple of and Province of Ontario, being emu -
weeks. and was removed to the Los- pored of part of original Block A in
pital, her illness was not considered I the said Township, now used as a pub -
dangerous until a few hours previous lie road, and which said parcel or tract
to her death, the immediate cause mf many be more particularly described
death being the latrsting of a blood as roamer,-l'owmeocing in the Nest-
ve.ael. A short service at the rens- er'ly limit of th. blghway-ns At pres.nt
deuce on South street was conducted, rooster at s disu►oce mf :1,.'74 feet,
by Archdeacon Jones -Bateman and more or less. measured South Wester -
:he Indy sent to Auburn where it waw ly along the said Westerly limit frons,
taken to SL Mark's Anglican church,I the Southerly limit of the right away
of which the deceased had long been re1 granted by Helen ane! H. Y. Attrill to
ntewher, and Rev. T. H. Farr, of Abraham Smith by deed dated Sep-
Blytb, conducted the funeral service, , temoer 7th, 1MH0, and registefel in the
interment taking place beside her Registry Office for the (' ty f
hterhand in the (eerily plot is Wore. Huron, on the I$th day of Octobe,,
field cemetery. There remeine to 1890, as Nc. 311119, which said point is
mourn her Hes four sons and three ! in the production oif the Southerly
daughter". They are: John. of Mack-; limit of the C.P. Railway lands, all as
lin, Snrkatcbewen : Thomas, on the I shown on the attached plan: thence
homestead near Auburn : George;, of South Westerly following the North
Detroit: Jean and Emma, of Winni.l Easterly limit of the highway as de -
peg: Herbert and Clara, at Lome : 5111scribed in the conveyances thereof
of whom were present at this funeral, I from Henry Y. Attrill and wife to the
with the exception of Mr. John Ram- Jlucicipal Corporation mf the Town -
ford, who could not reacts herr from ship{ of Colborne, dated November
Seakatchewan in time .28th, 1574, aed registered in the Regis-
- j try OMee for the County of Huron, on
CHURCH CHIMES the 8th id January, 1875, as Number
tri,, to the Easterly limit of the Stew
Rev. Geo. E. Ross will conduct both Mill Road, Bence following the pro -
services iu Knox church on Sunday.
His morning subject will he '•rhe
Second Coming of ('brim.." Evening
subject, "The Signs of the Timer."
Re'1. W. K. Hager will preach at
both services at North street Metho-
dist church next Sunday. Morning Roadt thence Northerly following the
subject : "Life's Possibilities." Hese- Raaterly limit of the Sew Mill Rood to
Jog subject • ' (hriatien Citizenship." the Youth \\ "st.•r ly limit of the (toad
Rev. A. McFarlane, M.A., B.D., of conveyed by Henry V. Attrill and
Hayfield, occupied the pulpit of Knox wife to the Municipal Corporation of
church at both .rv,oes last Sunday. the Township of (Althorns.. stove re-
ldt. MacFarlane is convener of Huron (erred to: thence North Easter) fol-
Pre.bytery's committee on young lowing the revere) routs* aF the
people'a work. His addresses were South Westerly limit of the Bald Road
ieteoed to with much interest. to the Southerly limit of the C. P.
"Precious Trials" will D.V. be the Railway lends, thence Westerly fol.
subject of a dbecooree by Rey. Wm. lowing the production of the t aid
H. Wrighton in the Baptist church Southerly limit of the C. P. Railway
on Sunday morning. In the evening land. to the piece of heginning, ail as
at seven o'clock Mr. Wrigbton will shown on the plan on BM with the
preach on a "A (treat Rsneont." A Clerk.
meeting for boys and girls will be "And that this Council meet at the
held on Monday at 4.15 p.m : this- le Township Hwft nn Tuesday, the 2Sth
the Grit meeting of the season, and day o.f September, 1914, stow o'clock
there will he .perial singing and other in the afternoon, for the purpose of
attractions Mr. Wrighton will speak oonaide,ing, and if considered advt.-
on "When the Monks tried to Quer- able, passing such a bylaw. and tur-
ret." livery boy and girl In town is they notifying all persons interested to
welcome. "Resolved. that there is be present and that the will be given
rtunity to be beard."
i6aTrott is • truleopy and pub -
ed b order of nen,
R. Mr ILwAIy, Town.bip Clerk.
Dated at Carlow. Ang. lith, 1914.
duction of the last mentioned course
to the Westerly limit cot the Saw M111
Road. thence following the westerly
limit of the Saw Mill Road to the
Water's edge of the River Maitland to
the Easterly limit of the Saw 74,11
more joy in tivleg than in getting' nis
4 o
tnawb.njp,jeclel a delsabk.by 1j
tint young people at eight p m. on
Monday. Thin promisee to he a very
interesting sad helpful discussion be-
tween four bright debaters. Owes
and being your friend. The Baptist
prayer service 1n growing in numbers
and power every week. It is influenc-
ing many lives and ebeeriog weary
*arta. it has a delightful atsoapbere
of worship and fellowship. The sub-
ject next Wednesday at eight p.m
will be "Illumine es Oolere."
o"White spot" hes made Its appear-
•bre on the potatoes. in this d tb ries.
During the bot spell of Jill}' the son's
.s v. heat evrpor•t.d the mote -
tura in the. vine• is phew, and me •
*writ the potatoes failed to math
temerity. The late prolonged raise
are responsible for the prevent rondl-
tion in the low lands. •a they wore
Annd.d to exams It is suggested
that tine potatoes grown in low lands
should he rparated front those grown
nn higher moll breauws the. disesaw is
believed to he "o•tching.-
PAUL- ilei wedyt
Nra el tM MUM e t )ris. grid
1, serere.. wr eVslint •! ' xaesesbarese. sof
pee, use Jake 1 Pyre, Of Twwl•
YolrgeN.-Is pyoreel•, ea 5eetgatw n►
Vol •b• :M•geeds. erniew
~eme bleb 'ler.4 rs .lee w.tke wceirr .MR. ia..
Boost, Boost, Boost for
the Furniture Factory By-
law on Saturday.
Canadian National
rsre sad ••••hied
naiiy .Mg hoot,mtrr Innk, inehr lve
Brode faro no ^^,talo dates.
Return limb Orbits& Ma.Usg Point
mast b n.ar'ed eat Inter thew Brp..,e►sr
11k, Mil
Western Fair
Fete end see tkkd
Feptrrbrr 11. e1 11 11 end 11
Peered twrwr4Ye .arse. tae embee td.
Rorer.I twit Mgr: aseerei
J1 114 ('•mew tars ham/a^. TwMe
v=see wwlk. II ta. YI;1lMT.
Is Your Roof One of
Those In This Town
that needs our altentioe ? The
longer you delay making the
needed repair, the more dam-
age the weather b doing and
the greater your expense.
roofs, also building gutters and
leaders, is our part of this
world'. work, and we do it
well. -
Better send foe us now and
be ready for the coming
Autumn Session
n now Toronto emend le eacis h castes]
Iia x Ufa ^
Free estelegoe ex n. coarass. Wrpa fon
• cony. W. q. Maw. President. Head
4 Wier. wtl Yong* til.. Toewata
:;t1.:T.itill. L't. L
Tn ail countries. Ask fee our INVEN•
TORS ADVISER,wkich will be sent free.
114 University 1g.. Montreal.
MacEaan Estate
eziluelve same tee
Cw Q4L
for Ooderich sad District
Egg Coal, $7•5o
Stove and Chestnut.
per ten
Any gnantitL beet all Kepi*
Mahe, Misted Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling t0.dar or Piste.)
reeideate 111 IN tM
Brophey Bros.
The I.culler
I:utleral Directors
std Embalmers
O, den earefelly auen.ted to
at all beers, night or dal.
.9 s
tel t
is k