HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-3, Page 8• Tac.anev, Hnrrele ea 1, 1911
The beet of everything for the
1; sat money.
Imported English esti French
China, consisting of Wedgewood
White and (fold Tea Bete, spec
iii SBA
White and (cold complete
Dinner Sete. special 371
Imported Cut (ils... doting
September, owe -thin/ eR.
Webb's English Rork Crystal,
Individual Ice Cresms 1113/;r
).dos., Comports 1111 to
l.ubl ria $10 per doe. to d
silver. ('late (highest grade
only, including Pierced Silver
Plower Baskets, Sandwich
Plate., Cass -roles, Comports.,
etc. 4peeial close prices during
limes Jardinierre, Jardiniere
stand-. Hot Water Kettles,
ITowel Tubes. etc.
The aoderich Book dl:
Stationery Co.
A u tograph
On exhibition ie window
of Central Drug Stare.
James A. Campbell,
lam. II.
North st.. and Square. Ooderich
T. Swans'
'Bus, Livery
and Back Stables
i•..9engers called for in
any part of the town for
all train, at O. T. R. or
P. h. depntt. Prompt
Wer vlee and careful atten-
dance .
Our Livery and Hack
+•'trice will be found up-
to-date in every peeped.
Your rat nonage solicited.
Phone 107 Montreal Street
It Takess Money
1 r harP g •.wt jobbing ,ng done,
hot it r.ist• mote for it poor
one in th, red.
T. Get Good Tinning
)calami. rmnlny t.h nnr who
know how. You will not. make
any mistake if vnn rail on 4.
W.' do work- ihwt. Time and
a.• her will show was d"lre
rimIl$t. Such ril jo I. worth' a
reit mail' price Ptd yo.t and
mfr ideas on that point will be
found pretty elder together,
A7lsb fwsier rXh.t
Mf YwewJJ, ERs IM.mwdsp.
1M11peropin es�
Animal Event at Oedema Meats with
C ,.abroad Soccer
The annual howling tournament of
the /inderieb Bowling association was
held 00 Tueday, Wednesday and
Thursday of last week. Scotch
doubles and mingles were played and
no lass than :N rink,. were on band for
the draw. The following are the me -
i lit rr HQl1SD
Goderich. Blyth.
Butlaod, ,.k .... l 1 McTaggart, ale... 8
Ooderich. leaforth.
Dole, .k Ili Beet, sk 14
Goderieb. Atwood
Humber, mk....1'd Porter, ek 10
Uoderi •8. Uoderich
Tape, sk ........13 Lane. ell. 10
At wood. tiodericb
Blackwell, •k. 0.10 McLean, .k 9
O.dcrich. tloderich.
Killoran, ek .. 17 Edward.. sk 1:1
(iodericb. (oderi,h
Compton, .k. -..10 Darrow, sk 10
Clini3n. Ooderich
1)o--wdlnss ak....18 Iteynolde..k . 11
(fodsrich liruseels
Naito. .k 20 Manner., .k 30
Goderich. Hen.all
Martin, sk .18 Busch., .k 10
Herein. Seaforth
McDonald. 04..11 Hright, .k 10
Heiman Exeter
Arnold. A. Is Beldon, sk 14
Clinton. Ooderich
Taylor. ek .. IS McDermott. .435
Neeforth, Bris.el
Willis, a4 l8 Rues, ale 13
(ioderieb. Goderich.
Humber. sk14 Macklin. sk 13
Fleeter. Oder icb
Heaatao. eb -.16 Boiler, ek . - , 9
asecosti aoVNo
(fnderieh. Oodericla.
Doyle, ek. , 36 Bntland, ale 13.
et'ir'h. (ioderieb
Tape. sic...,....11 Hunter, sk .15
Atwood. (iodarieb.
Bleckwell.'ak .:1. I,;dwardw, sk .. 0.14
tiioderi do - Dodarieb.
Reynolds,' sk.....111 COstrrwr. ale -.11
Bnt..eka ldoderieb.
Manner, .k•..... 9 Martin. .410
HenssII. Exeter.
M c l ►r nald, aA ..14 Sieldne, a4 0
Seaforth. Clinton:
WilNs, .k. ...'..17 Taylor,f.k 15
Exeter. Oodericb
Hainan. sk ....17 Humber, Mt 10
Goderich. Goderich.
Doyle, •4 15 Tape, sk • 11.
Goderlcb. Ooderich.
Edwards, sit It Reynolds, elf,- .'. 9
Hensel!. Ooderiob, -
McDonald, .k,.1G Martin. .k•••• •12
f(ewforth.. Clinton.
Willie, sit. , ...,37 Taylor, rt 14
Exeter. Ooderieb
Heaman, sit _.. 15 Humber, .411
Reefer. Neuman
Hamaeaw defaulted to Basch.
Seaforth. Ooderich.
Bright, .k .10 McLean, sk... ..9
Atwood. Ooderich.
Porter, rk 11 Humber, ste......8
Oodericb. SxaIar.
Hunter, rk 9 Heiman, .k.. ..7
Ooderich. Clinton.
(farrow, sk 14 Taylor, sk. , 8
Goder4cb, Goderich.
Martie, sk 1b Tape, rk... .....9
Fooara Rouxt,
Atwood. $nafortb.
Porter, sk 10 Bright, .k. 8
(1 odericb. Clinton
Hunter, sk 14 Dowding, sk 8
Ooderich. Goderich.
Martin, .k 10 Darrow, sk 0
Blyth. Goderich.
McTaagggart, sk .13 Rutland, sk 9
Goderich. (iodsricb
Kdwarda, .4....11 Hunter. sk 8
Pirre Room
Ooderich. Atwood:
Hunter, sk It sorter, sk 12
Blyth. Ooderich
McTaaggpgpart, sk..111 Martin, .4. ..7
Goderich Dodericb.
Edwards, .4 ...12 Reynolds, .4...,10
Mcltermott, bye.
Blyth. Goderich.
McTaaggggart, sk . 12 Hunter, .k. 111
Goderich. Goderich
Edward., .4....14 McDet mot t, 8412
Ooderich. Blytb
Young, at 14 McTaggart, sk 14
Fritter Roo NO
Goderich. Goderich.
Powell .5 Fisher ...... ..0
- (loderieb• Atwood.
Hunt. ifi Blackwell 15
Clint...,. Goderich
Butl.nd defaulted to Dowding
Whitely..... -..Ill
Edwards .15
Griffiths 15
Oat raw 15
Humber . 1 t
Porter 13
Nairn 9
Reynolds .14
McLean . .. . 9.
[.octread. .... ,11
Doderirb. Oodericb.
Young 15 Killoran 9
Gndertch, Goderich.
Pratt '5 McDermott.. .15
Goderieb. (oderieb.
Doherty woe by default from Line.
Ooderich. Atwood.
Pridham 10 Thompson . .... 7
Rumen nov u
Ooderich. Goderich.
Fisher... .... , ,13 Hutt.:.... .....15
Goleric.h. Clinton.
Dowding defaulted to Whitely.'
(iodetich. Goderich.
Edwards ..12 Griffiths..... -..11
Carrow 10 l oobesd .14
(.oder icb. ooderleb.
ASSOCIATI 3N Young 10 McDermott 11
otidericb. troderieb
EIHNT HOUND Doherty 15 Prllbsw 12
McTaggart. elr..1(1• Beet, .4. ci14 gap �n h• ..10 McNuln 16
Atwood. ' Oodeticb.ooderich. oodrricb
Pester, sk .... ,.11 Lane, ale 9 Hunter , 9 Taylor ft
Gedench. , lioderich.Ttnttb TtrivfrD
Killoran, .4 ....47 Mclean, sk ... 14.. oodssicb
Clinton. (iod.r4lt. Hunt .. ..A' Wbitettioderacb. 8
Dowding, sk ..:.13 Campion, .k ... ,10 y • • • •
Kzet^r. Ooderiob• oodericb.•ooderkh.
Busich; yk It Nairn. .4., 12 Kdooderie'er` ch 1s.. tiarr,.w r�
raylor defaulted to Pitney's.
Seatorth. ltxeter,
TROPHY 14 McDermott 17 Doherty
Bright, sk Ir. Arnold. r,k 17
Ooderich. McDermott, dole nose. sk
Ooderi:b. Gode•ich.
Doyle; A4. lii $dwards, sk. .16
Seaforth. Homan
Willis, sk. 11 McDonald, sk...11b
Powers TAT/Mil
Moyle. sk...... .15 1i'illis, sk 11
$lieoso Ruu'4D
Blyth. . • Atwood.
McTaggart, sk.. 14 Porter, 64 11
Clinton. Ooderich:
Dowling, Mt. .. 19 Killoran. sk IC,
Uoderfcb. ' (irderich
McDermott, sic. 14 Humber, .k... 12
Goderich. Goderich.
Illationd,.4 1'1 Hunter, sic-. 11
Godetich. Atwood.
Oarnif, IC....... 15 Stock will, sk IS
Esel'/. Br ea/leis.
'Beldon. s4 .1.'1 Manners, wk... 12
(li.toe.. Exeter.
Taylor, sk II Heaman, sk ..9
THIRD Ri-o-mo
Rlytb. Clinton.
McTeggalt,.k 10 Dowding, .t . R
(i.rd'rich. Henwh.
fE"° t ' ) Beate ashy. . ,,,,
by default:
Code( telt. Goderich.
Rutland, .4..... 3 3 Darrow, •k ....10
Exeter (1ir.con.
ttrldun, et 14 Teyl,r, sk. ..x
(iodericb, Ooderich.
It.pnolde, .417 Tape, ek. 10
(indetirh. Goderich
Humber, .k 11 Martin, Mk 7
I'Dt•RTH Rot'rll
tiod..rirh, Blyth.
McCermott,.4.,l:t MeTagg art,wk_11
Ritter. Order icb.
Beldon, at 10 Rutland, sic. 4
(ind.rich. (4 derch,
Reynold*, sk ....9 Humber, ale.. .7
Hemel'. Goiter ich.
Mt D.a,ald, ek13 Exeter, .k . 11
Exeter. Ooderirh
fi.ldon, sk 10 McDermott, sk .14
Ilenaall r (ioderich.
McDonald, s . 14 lteynnWa, .k .... 13
I1enselh Rioter.
Whiteside., .k. Stewart
uodericb. uodericb.
Ha.t . ...4 Rdwards. 15
oaderid t. n.dericb
McDermott .:,J5 McNevin . 13
node, irh. ..,.fetich.
wet .1. ... .1;. McDermott 7
Rev. Geo. E. Ross. Refers to European
Conflict While in Leaden
Rev. Ur., F:. Roe•. B.D.. pastor of
Knox church. Godericbs who was sup-
plying the pulpit ref Pinot Presbyter•ian
church, London, during the absence of
it. pastor, Rev. W. J. Knox, preached
an tmpt'.ssi�r sermon on 'The Call to
Service" one Sands, morning.
"We are beginning to realise what
war le, but tit filly so, at the end ie
not Yet." said Mr. Rosa. "What a libel
on chriet aloin that it should be pos.
Bible in Ibis way for cbri.tian nation.
to be at wet. The carnage cannot be
calculated &fore this time next
Sunday, in all prohahilit noire than
10ft,(811 stalwart men will belying dead
on the battlefields of Belgium. it is
enough to nuke ua lie awake at night
and think of the awfulness of t6his
human butchery.
" t'i. n.A.t akin Ioj territory, con-
quest or power hut' (4,' rfdwdHtf
deo.ocracy and righteousness. The
flag flying over our troops and fleet is
flying for righteorrane.s' sake.
The outcome of this fearful war is
assured. Anyone who ham faith in
God can be certain of it. The cause of
righter/lioness most be victorious,
thougpph it may he at fearful sacrifice.
"We ere witnessing the passing of
the world's last war lord. who has
brought on this wt rife. This loan
must Rn down t.. defeat.
"What is our rm.pa'nwihility Y' naked
Mr. Row.. "Let toe be proem -ad to
render all the septic' p.,wrible in any
capacity. The Imo financially to
every nation will be great, hot (horse
•nrriflres are only material What
*hail We say to the bee of life, life
which ran never be recalled? Thi. ia
the tryout -rot t swc, 3flre we can make ih
this war. Mit. have our ears leen deaf
to the call of th. Master for ...crier in
a greater empire? The world .t Oda
time should open wide to recgiri Hod's
word. We moot send our hest- to the
rout or the kin dour of Cod. w
to esus Christ no, in propor-
tiono .r our wart
Remember ca to
world and preach the Googol.' "
-Mr. Walter Welsh d,... -
nr n customs msfor Win'danr for many
Mather Pallas Painted Out is rest that I
Uermaay mast Eapaad
Miabp M. M. Malloy, of the Hormuz
Catholic diocese of Loudon, preechiog
to the Nrawlb reRit.eot on May 14th,
1911, at St. Peter's cetbedral, Loodou,
mane a reference to imperial polkica,
which la view of the Kuropeen situa-
tion today sounde alwoet prophetic.
••Cxtlzsaa of this Canada of ours, but
members of • far greater and more
widespread empire than Canada itself
comprises, let me say to you," said his
Iordrhip, "that the man, a citizen of
soy part of that empire, that looks out
upoo it and expects that its career will
be one unbroken peace, is living in •
paradise of delualooa. If men look
that way and if they were to interfere
witb the defense by land or sea. upon
which at the final au.Jyria of that em.
pire must rest its future strength,
then. indeed, the beginning of the end
of that empire ham come.
"1 should be very sorry to be con-
sidered an advocate of war, but I
should be sumer still 1.) be stamped a
blind advo;ate to universal peace. I
ser on the ooutinent of Europe a great
nation, with a civilization, perhaps.
which is as good .a ours, but not •
civilisation tont suits you or rue; 1 see
it strung in it. military power, force-
able in the genius of its people,
abounding inn constantly iocreasiug
population that form go out of the
confines of the land in which they
were born, and will you tell Inc that
there is a promise there of universal
peace? And when the peace is brok-
en, if it should be, wbith Cod fol bid,
is it only then that we abould /tart
preparatione to protect our homes,
our wives and our children; and our
property and 'tweed boor; is it only
Ebert that w., ehoold look after toih-
tyy leaden like Judas Macbnd'eus to
lard our hosts?
"If war weir to occur and Great
Britain and bet iloss,..ions beyond the
seas were to Ia• toned, unprepared for
that war, the financial troubles, the
misery, the s.. veIty, thr,,fuRrring the:
would follow upon the whole people
of the British empire would &w, at
least, ten times greater than any
financial burl••rty that eau be borne o•
Any poverty that may be engendered
by keeping Military and natal loot'
iag in the proper position to protect
and guard and rattier pewee. '
"1f the dal of war rbould ever
bre.k upon t, during your lifetime I
hope that when you are called to go to
the front you w ill stand up to :i man
cod say "1ant ready.' and that till;
uniform that you wear will be honor-
ed by a loyal sacrifice."
Rev, Timed. J. A. Hnafllii writing to
the Mitchell Advocate last week,
arid: -
Since the cable from German to
America has been cut, we ate without
reliable news of the wdr from Ger-
many. rind the newe we get frow Eng.
land and Mrauce is altogether onesid-
ed, mud this oneaided nrw. front Eng-
land and France keep. telling us that
the (iermaus have been defeated and
repulsed: that they have had enor-
moos losses; that whole armies later
been blown up; and whole tegiutente
annihilated. and decimated and kill d
and drowned and butchered! Scarcely
ever do we hear of the F'.EIA•h getting
hurt and the L.upflish come off with•
out a scrads on. 1h4t onesldt war Choice of all our Good
news leads one to suspect that their 1
ie sometbingawfulty wrong with Eng-
land and France; something had which
the public should n•.t know.
How about that unesideD news,
\\'hen t heo a was wane news to discred-
it England on sea. W,t.ton Spencer
Churchill, on August 7th, anno acrd
that the reports were false and harlo-
ful, and had been to .wad by nervous
irrr.lwnsil.b• persons to satisfy a sen• 1
ration luring public. A heated con -1
denotation wa. voiced of the dissent.
ination of Moe news concerning the
war. each a. that publiebed in reguard
10 a naval 1 attle off Lie coast of Hol-
land. It was absolutely false, says
Reginald tl'Kenoa. The publication
of false news is a miedenwanor, etc.
But now when the news is to discredit
Cietwany, any horrible story of the
Germany being killed by thousands
and thousands is publiabed as a de.
ligbtful tale, while contradiction.
from Get many are withheld. ''bat is
not fair play. That looks suspicious;
looks am If the Germans were gaining
on land and sea, but we should not
know it.
It is therefore relrrsbiog to read
over some of the older editorials as
one on A.a,te ; 12th, which say.:
'•V cry little actual, reliable news of
the immediate situation along the war
item 1n .$arrop. is obtainable.... ...
secrecy is premefvvititelff iffe-mifltery'
and gcvernrnent centre.: a censorshit,
the motet rigid is maintained; state-
ments given out a. official may he
calculated to rni.lead and deceive.
Therefore the public sh.,ukl he wary
of crediting aenaatinnal reports until
verified satisfactorily. The truth can-
not be covered up permanently and will copied almoat wholly by the Germans. I this war in spite of the protest of John ; the Dominion is placed at $1.1110.061t
in due time make fuel( snowy.' An- The seat of government has been re- Burn. and Viscount Morley, who both • Steps will he taken at once to deter -
other editorril of August Ugh. say.: moved from Breccia to Antwerp. it ; resigned from the Britiwh rwhinet. 1 min" what number of the hor•sea were
"Since the war began ioaorurste re, seems that the Hermans are heading Callaghan. the chief admiral of the I hrottght in prior to Angus', 0th. Tbel
ports have been received in take new.. for O.tond on the roams, whew th.y.1 navy. to lowborn was given the cow-' will be taken back on order from the
paper, and In every other new.paper. will plant big cannon to convey their i *sand, "Capture or deetr.y the customs officers, at a time not yet de-
note maecurate.'ports will appear as greetings to Meir adversaries on the I enemy,' which was followed a few tided upon. The remainder will be
18. war pe.. sed.. Mistak will to sea, with covetous eye. nn Cwlais not I days later by the annnuneement from held subject to call from the minister
made as to what to pint an hat -to far off. la Fraoce the, Uri man armi". l the British war nfflr.: "The English of war. Ooly two stablee of thorough-
withhnln. Nothing will fell Weil as.. reported to to aimed RI111,110n poop must he prepared to hear (•.d bred hones at Windsor, and one at
iti '� Me 1 in a line from i.ille to Belfort, i new..' Callaghan w.. relieved of !it.,
Ottawa, would be affected by the
advwnring on earl., to which w few command, and Admit ml Jrllicn (.ntder, as the prat of the 1cMlt odd
wires of wit .t is collected by its or.Jr 1
dw s • ,
the hadi
but ten march.... his 7 ago 7plan. (invernm'nu don't resign hnra.e nn the Canadian circuit love
c••uaorahip i. n.c.smary in the intern. s If the reports from Parte are trite• a high standing officio is the hour of I been in the Dominion for aev.ral
nfjith. ihltl.h fl u and armrw " A train loads of wounded French Soldiers peril IVhv was Admiral ('allagh'n 1 weeks. More than ini► United State!
tlt'•n the edit 4J ori„.. ,m 1„ stat' the ate eonveyed to Patio. From where? removed? 'Fh- receive givel no reply, I turfman own borax• now tedstaSt at
tlr icb th.rre "inaccurate Dn,shtlee. from the French line of But go matter how the war for j the Wind.nr track. The rat..' of the
out ns. progrem.en. the German. i ! hopes. and ,heir staple „gnlpm'nt 3•
Canada: especially those living aroun ; in vers.. of a49,Of). A t•ece meeting
here:hieing a (in 1 fhatteg people, mil at Connaught park, Ott sera. began
loyally stand by ttfe Canadlwn govern' yesterday, and fully 4•It1 head of racer
sent according to }be Meriptor. piss 1 0., „.,I by Cnitel States ritisen• wen
age. Romans xil8:. 1-4. "let every , Iw"l there from Wrnds,r on fiatnrdav
soul he slhject to the higher powers. , and Sunday on three apecinl tram..
The powers that be ate ordained of '
Cod. The power is a minister of God!
terTbpe for good."
Remarkable Collection of
The collection of Coats and Suits we have gathered together for the
present Fall Showing is one of the best it has ever been our privilege to
show. Every garment is new. There is not an old one or a leftover in
the lot. They are quite the latest and most approved styles for the
coming season and you can choose either a Coat or Suit with absolute
confidence that you are selecting a garment correct in every way. They
are made specially to our order by some of the leading manufacturers of
Ladies' Garments in the Dominion. The materials, the workmanship,
the linings, are all of a high order and the values we are satisfied to have
you compare with any you will get anywhere. .
These illustrations show but
two of the many styles to be seen
at the store. ' We will be very
glad to have you come and see
these new Fall Garments at your
leisure whether it be your inten-
tion to purchase at present or not.
This season. however, we strongly
advise early buying as it will be
very difficult for the manufactur-
ers to get materials later on,, in
fact at present some lines are al-
most impossible to procure. Come
and see the new Coats and Suits.
The Nee►• Coats -ell at
$8.00 to $35.00
fhe New Suits Sell at
$15.00 to $30.00
Out go the lass of the
Mash Dresses
\�'e want to make short work of the Wash
Graeae.. Every garment simply must be sold
within the next couple t4 week« - To du it we me
*elite • then, at prices tike these :
Dresses $2.50
Choice of all our go.•,d \\'rah Dresses, gatmenta
that sol l at from *Loh to 813.•s( No matter what
the price or wotual value. we give yon your cbn3re
of any of these high -et tide gatment. ��
4atludny rtl• ruing i.•i' only ..... .. .
Other Dresses $1.45
Ten nr Fifteen Drm.•.ee left at this price. Regular
up to jt:'..,5t/ And flirt.. All new, suitable for haus,
or street wear. Cleating Saturday $1
morning at your choice. .. ......
The Sale of Table Linen
Tb' sale of Seconds in Cloths and Napkins will
continue for another week or ten day.. This is
an exceptional opportunity to secure High -grad.
Table Linen at very much under regular price.
Ready with the New Millin-
ery on Saturday
We are all ready for business in the 'MI:linery
Department, and Saturday will triwke a•. initial
showing of new Hats that have teen specially pre-
pared for early fall wear.
1 .
The date of our formal Fall Opening will be 'an-
no(tneed next week but we are toady naw ro git e
the very best attention to tarty buyers.
Remember the Tables
at 63c and 98c
On (bees to l•a you will find many a har?ain in
Ladies' and Children'. Drowses and t'nderwr'r.
On them we have gathered the Met of oar hitt lot
of samples and all odd garment.. The regular
prices were two or in some caaea three times whet
they are marked today. Remember the two tables,
One at 63c
The other at 98c
We Upholster Furniture
We Re -Cover Umbrellas
Prices Cheerfully Furnished
repair ter. and correwp ,nder.ta. 1
pt p..,we for w
reports • ars prnte.l. n m.ly: •Tn haul.. �\ by don t they 1..vw then.
l►.mald. ek . .14 ,Stewart
.k 13 in worn. town clo..r to the had l.4eId3
f f R 1 not ate•dy pubho opinion and o gine mn-
loyalty J MMenre and courage to th (-ountry... On' rannnt jtelp "'wining that (11.
t the call f earthly ettipdre 11 continues to fay: •• 1 reverr.e., Germans are closing in on Paris, We
F1R�T "'it 'II' R b.tt Elbe 11 'On I" in ail ib. rnme, w. 38.y ton• , there will he have bad no news of fighting on that
(i.,d'ri. h. (4Pwfnrth. neither whimm�g nor panic Ther„ 1.1 line for a work. That indicates that
Lan,, sitet 10 Besl,.k .....9 no 1•r.aon to fear the tiltimale rrwrtlt. 1 the French are not gaininw Wanyould
Gel iem irh. O.aderieh• nor any .nod ground for apprrben- if thwre, ntherwiwe we would hat.
Mmeaforotl. •414 Campion, ae . .13 tpOty r Ilse Bion nor'' conditions in Caned.. Ti..'.' 1 heard ,b,4 .Acute of ekagg rwtioo
S,a(or,h• Ood't(rh t f t a a manly editorial. N. inaccuract, and s.lf praise,
Aright. .4 17 Nairn. Rrorwl. l'l 7warw, died from pwralytie stroke. n that'. That le ?efre.bine in the i in Ruled* the German* are reported
(inderirh. -Two- sticks of dynamite were heat of battle, when the (i'nnana are 3,0 bate pna...wsion of Poland with its
Macklin, by default Row.. fnnnd in tae Meld of 14. P.r•,Mr • toting alaowlIon.d Mill' n,wspa.pwra icapltal of Warsaw and (0
be nperat-
Mtt.orD RorrD ' yuHte /Perry }fssa.enwr. Let e. have fair play. iet us have int( horn Mare in the interior If the
Ond'rich• OrriPrich. Mies Mar Rllen Melwgan. (laugh- he new• from troth aide. and wo will report i• tr•n.. th. 074r and hi. honow-
McLenn, sk ....9 Lane, ek ..7 ter pf Mr anti Mr. Wm Mel
R,sfir, ill.
••o i. h vegan. of Judge Dow one selvre.
O.dnian nyern-
Hrighc, ale 1't MatkOn, ale i Miteh.11, p...4 away on T eodor of what .s.tm to he 180 roil war nr.r.t. 4w• ev.swo,ert floor lit Peters -
bold. that means the Ru
I2 lac week in her T.d year Her stwluw► Notwithstanding pl.e often burg to Moscow Why'r One cannot
Aewmd. O.etterlth death was not nnespsrt'd, a• stir had r•wp,'rte.4 repnlees and d.fkat0 and kelp *sensing tor resin. of "safety
1''tinder{ h 18 Killoran, ale .13 keen IN for anew.ear• with heart low* and •nalhllailons of the (ler fleet,' that either Orman warships
Rrua.el. bmerl.
o , H..' d.*te h partir•thrty immix the .non&e of battle lift. from ' ars le r'ach of St Pet.r,b'nrg ns. that
Lt sn btr, by default Manners, , tied, as • sister wee .ken tined away woe to (Inc and w. got g;linlp... In tM German Maas have leen 110061 -
oriels Atwr.od• twos. few. tare loos, '. 'sm.% ielr„ I tem a terB line oaf ti. papers of Der- � rotted shoot there.
i*nt.r..t.. . , 14 Illi•ake,stl .a le -..-- v ._[.. ...4.. i
May Spiro Race Horses at Windsor
min hundred l'nifrd Statwe-owned
raps hors.. now at Windom' wnd lore -
or stables in other t'wnwdlwn piths ran,
not leave the Dominion. They n.ay
be etomenandese,d as cavalry horses or
lin haul racoon. An order went into
effect Friday, reetreiming the espnrtao,
titan of heroes brought Into Uanada
after Angna Ath. Harem lw••n ht in
prier to that date raw be Afpp.1 hook
to the -skid Maio.
A Position Fu Fill aa1 Winter
We h..,,. ••mnA Inde..i nrepe.itfoe far
a reH*'(e emery. it -.lens..,, M tel--
tr1.1 •n.elt fruit ,raw., nnoll frefe., *ew
/me .Arah.. Or. Isar wfer•
erklr. sidle ,R&
eteln.l, a Icrrttnrr.
OVM A00 ACsaa
of trot sad ossa se stat *task mast Wit
vtra•. Ws ,ell torowol. ll M wet-aiw�8a
eboth. mweeoe.w .n.i ,sseastss MMvwr
of freak. kiea-ee.Ie tree.tier neonele•
arm r•HaWM r n....n sr raw esrvlow we
��11re sew*
bWali.d SS rears K rib M•tlMAal
FRY Os., Tors... 0.0
lb* saltie. of