The Signal, 1914-9-3, Page 7THE KIUF A L : (`,ODKRICH
witILAD of bridle
dremanlitte mei seinen
es dr indelbilest ries.
yes &AM buy revemee
UPIsba82080. toe Am u•
Osmond le Miggsat suit-
able Intsougmna sow row.
Picnic Time
pi,!nic time It moo-
emential that you have
the hevt kind 1,f Cot
Heats tor asndwiche..
'eaten), mai km int li-
we are truly to aunly
you with the very tws,
CHEESE Tray Ber.-
Setruits sad Climbing Vines and • New
Coat of Point Works Wenders
bare ground. free from grass. free,
even from the weeds of unfailinl
promise. show up the farm premises
at their ugliest and thelr %ors'. Hut
tt Is • good time to stop anti take a
look at laeru. and to study the i itte
& Hon out In detail, say- Cah;.ilan
beautiful and. in a general way,
• well kept farm. Its owner
upon his fertile and well tilled &odds
Tears before he had erected fine build
tags But, with the lapse of I itn.•
other things had I Apsed s.s well. As
agrieultural implements aud old wa-
gons lapsed. they were -parked" •bout
the barnyard. Scattered about
ends of lumber, boards and scraps
of all kinds.
It would make a long and doleful
list to tell of all that had gathered
there and remained undicurbed Hut
it would have made a good bonfire.
and the baits of some :Attisfactory
business with the first available rag
and metal merchant- What It actual!y
did make was • series of highly dan-
gerous traps for live,stock of all kinds,
and an eyesore to everyone except
the owner, who had bcome so accus-
tomed to its preeence there that he
did not even notice It.
This story Is told because there Is
a tendency for everyone to overlook
the objectionable features of a lot
that they •re surrounded with every
Say. It is told because there in more.
or less of a necessity for a real good
clean-up on every farm at least onee
• year. It is told at the present time
becauee' the prevent time is a good
one to go at It o hen the 'now is
gone and the grass as Yet covers I
nothing from sight. Take a good
look at It and be sure that there is I
nothing le.ft that others wUl see more
readily ban you do yourself.
Take a good look at the house
stifle the ground is still bare. Bare
foundations are not attractive. No-
body oan really afford to have., his
borne look mean and unattractive.
Ten dollars' worth of otMamental
shrubs and climbing vines, such as
clematis and Roeton ivy, would add
one hundred dollars' worth of beauty
to the appearance of any home which
has not got it. as well as of real sell-
ing value. But when we speak In
terms of eentiment, which one ought
to feel for his home, the value is still
creates. Next In the vray of ornamen-
tal decoration. perhapv a concrete
walk from stable to house, from house
tO driveway. perhaps even a new coat
Of paint might go well with • few
ornamental shrubs and climbing vines.
If It le needed for appeariuice. paint
is also needed much more as a pre-
serrative to the wood. It really costa
more have the house renrain ugly
than ' does to make it a beautiful '
andaattractive home.
Fruit at.d
1.411 line of
Ili an
les do
do it.
at de-
fir you
01111112111 veantr
0011,111MmiTS RC.
atm tree Omest
Proms team
crow Milani
Wad— fic
Anemometer smanses or-
s year. poems prepas& bf
iiiinaa."111/ .19.4"1116 WilliftreleVi I if k
Remains soft on the
hottest Joint. That
ficLibility gives it the
necessary "We" to
withstood the Who, me -
sem mint paring
1st Mies 1011151041411e
to the elects 01
ttend to
1 Tome le
N,r porta
Hot Weather
LIM habit.
Garden Hose
Hose Reels
Hose Menders
Hamilton St reet
St. Jerome's
Emotion College er Arm Degartown
Pew Seildiage with latest
gerbil** Ellstmeali
ewes he thowently Marisitheisn
C anadian N ational
Exhibition, Toronto
FARE and ONE-THIRD August 31
to September sith, 1914
TtsUlieeat IMPTEMIIIIII 3rd ami 10th
From Port Harwell sit Thomas, Hyde
Park. tit. Cary& underfelt. Ltriewel. Mora.
Wingliem. Port 11,fNi001. TOW water, Walk •
ermn. Gwen Boned. Parry Sound. Mobley -
goon. Ivanhoe. Belleville and intermediate
Re•psisr and Hamilton.
Nebo* to Detroit. Nobs& to Deli, %tattoos
COW ot Meed asides nnon•Ilia Steamiest
and Waltham Sohdi...i me and all Steno°.
and Betwilrilione en v scent Divielon Kest
of Ituesoll. South's 1, 414 and Brock vine.
man he rosette,' nnt later thee Tuesday,
September ISM. 1914.
Ask any Can.wtian Panitte Ticket Agent
for Booklet giving Eshibition Program.
'Phone 6.
.1. H. SI tRSHALL. Depot Ticket Arun.
lis.As. lieestainiesti.JIM1
Boone animels and shoo istrdp hews
eery extrsordinary tastes for dilersot
foods sad &hilts quits Wet Deft
those with which !inter* ham getreidad
them. and it le in the limowledge of
these peoullaritios that the 81121 at She
trepper lies
So marked la a esoaley's Mao tor
an intoxicetlag liquor made from the
fermented juice of rice Met this &fah
is invariably used tor trapping these
alcohol, and many of the porformiag
,ioney and beer, or ninlislatir-
mixed with sugar.
Canaries delight in **Um' lettuce,
which is well knows tor Its narcotic
properties, and they will eat It to such.
an extant aa leave dismission
and, consequently. the most I
to capture of animals, readily sew
cumb to a trap baited with the body
of a dead cat
Btoats, weasels, sec_ the bane at
the gamekeeper, are Beldosn proof
against • trap sprinkled with oil train
Huge Areas et Island Continent Await -
tine Devetopeneet
than fivi millions. and an area of
nearly three million square miles In
t'lai are.. suitable so.: with suitable
:.on of Almost any kind of rrop. stifle
t'ie adult: •eatth of the mineral mi. i
1...mrres is not yet Itnow-ll although
m•nera;s and pre( .001 metals sorth I
eret 13 eeetreb.steu base already belle
I taken from tr... deporits th•re. yet the
grist bu:k of the population is to be
lewd !Vita a tucaparatively limited
coastline. In &her words. there are
•rsillicres of acres of fertile
try that More not yet bees touched,
and that oely need to be pot to proper
wk. to add •ery materially to the pro.
ducti•e powers of th• Commonwealth.
-The t Sling said Earl Grey. "tbat
wort impressed me in •ustralla, was
the enormous wealth wafting develop -
meat in every State by the primary
D339E.:CallEira 7.
71 G1C3 cuzlialact in om
I-1 11 CRIEDISSIN 11 19:I
509. tesamn We, CS VI MIN
with correct wear for feet
Our Shoe Stoak is c..inplete
with the he,01011.V creations.
end I. w shoes broth linen and
WC/*IIPP. Our hoe of Oxfords, in
the moat desirable color. anti
leather. will interest and please
volt Amok provision bay Iwen
Made alto for the tots and near
Cossodlan Asitress Gat Hoses From
lt is not every poultry -keeper wb0
Is able to hr 'eh artificially. Om*
tna)be. do not possess the speesswer
rapital: oth•re have not the time to
run an incubator A plan which has
long bees earried out in Europe and
which has also bees attempted at rine
or two estates* In Groat Britain. le
A 'tunable place iv element reiterant
situated. where an incubation plant le
Mid down The poultry keepers la
sedghlwoMond bring their eggs to
bo betrhed rains. Is three meas.
time for the ettfrit••• Torment gas
be made la VW V011oa pbba
aillooted flarepe lease to
gig tiles shides emery arse WISP
Autumn Session
t Oleo 21111 Yaws et . fumed,
KILLS 111111111 AL 1
Sold by all 1Druggists
and Grocers 211 over
Ds Pas,* of the Preeeet Age Still
Seller, In the Sopereatural 1
—It Wesold Seem as
Moat people have, deep down le
their matures, • private and unseen -
reseed faith in dreams, premonitions,
forebodings. ears the Toronto Star.
Some hard-headed business !nen trill
em▪ bark Oa a Mg business venture oe
• rtiday, although they do not actually
sty so, •A.12cot may dy bqeiness with
then ,or yearv without finding It out.
They costriv• matters so that It le
sower neosesary to admit. Uiat they
h ave a fear of Friday. It would b•
600 absurd a thing to admit, and they
do out actually confess it to thews
salve* Or tf they ever admtt It to
allgrOjila 005it their oessat „friends
they spat* not as a real super -
/ 12w but as • newsroom little oddity
whch interests and sinuses them. Ms
present ago is one of levity, but the
truth isi that man.kincl la strongly pre-
disposed towards superstitkra and to
a belief In the supernatorel.
Strange stories are tad Di console-
frolaed. People had dresses, pre
monitions, and forebodings_ We have
so ▪ wish to express a doubt as to the
truthfulness a anybody wbo relates
an experience of this kind In fact
ire See no mum for doubting Ike
truth of all the .vidence produced,
but we see so reeroo for sasumiag
that those dreams and forebodings
were a Mt different from what they
iroald kayo been If the F-Inpress ot
behind bad enyoyed a prosperous
. What we mean to say is that
to make a journey by sea, there will
via ...mons them, and among their
relatives, many who will have dreams
sad forebodings, whic.b will poeseas
VISO will possess no significance at
a/E *ad will never be heard of if the
Patsy is a Nappy one.
wris the story of the ship'n rat.
,e Labougt, it had kittens on
board, van away, and although brought
back, escaped again and did not sail
on the Fhnpresa This story will pass
traditio!.. About It we would say
that 1.1.' seeds to be •erified Nven
if verified, we would expect to find
the explanation_in and affairs
of the eat, rather than 11i any invi-
tations fore -knowledge or foreboding
tbe enlist*/ that In a future fog et
see the cslptains of two ships would
misunderrtand earh other and canoe
Just as Mildred Rlobardaon. 14 -year-
old chorus girl In "The Queen ot the
Mattes." was shout to go on at the
Globe theater, New Tort, Os Maga
manager handed her • woodertal
bunch of room with thip note:
"To Mildred. from her4firiet Wage -
door Johnny. Daddy."
And, sure enough, there was "da4-
Richardson a Bromley, Saskatche-
wan. and had made the trip to New
York just to see his little girit..molie
In" first Aside appearance.
Fruit Diet to %top Strikes
Dr. J. Oldfleid. the advocate ot •
frultarien diet. lecturing In London,
said that labor unrest was really a
dietetic trouble. "Fred mrn," Paid
the doctor. "on meat die% and they
develop mr-,tal Its WP11 as physical
uneardnette. The solution of tb• whole
labor trouble la a dietetic '•
Oldfield's argument *as that every
fippt animu,a has Ile diet —there are
herbivores. carolveres. and so on.
rem" sub -class has 't• Individual diet
to cattle. and not to pig. and spasm.
each merles has its particular fancy
la food Th. human rad -e by all the
'evidence. Is clemely allied to the an -
'rewrite diet is Indicated fotr se, for
the apes are fraitarlana
Har,lagos of the Deaf
An examination has teoen made
the records of WO marfiages me
deaf. anti tt hap be.n 'het, while
tak'ng the marriages ef deaf mimeos
as a whole. nearly 1 per rent of th•
offspring sr- leaf, and contrasted with
less than or..tenth of I per eels* of
deaf childr.r. as a fermi' of Ute mar -
person*: very
imecrero Believes They Aro Fetlevs
Race of South American ladtans
Ouglielmo Ferrero, the famous Ho -
MALI historian, believes with many
eminent ethnologists that the Routh
American Indians and the Japanese
are kindred races. and he looks for-
ward to their eventual alliance. If not
amalgamation 11P tells hoe Porfirio
Diaz, when Preeldent of Mexico, re-
eeived from the Mikado a dispatch,
in which the latter saluted the Presi-
dent as "the ruler of a brother elate"
- land populated by the POMP PSC,.
He te1is UP that hi. found In Chile,
Dratil 1111(1 MP11.30 MOIlt of the popu-
lation belonging to the native races,
while the leuropearis formed an mist&
nestle minority Ile aslis
"To what rec. to theirs nall•e. pop.,
lotions actually belong. population•
which have resisted with such •Igor
the influeorea of Ituropean conclusion
and immigration' AliTone. W1USOUt
Mason to the laminate 1 shell seem
forget. frvr instance, an Inapreselon
produced on ray mind et Ilspallata.
to sarr7 the mall from Argentina to
Mile At that time the trains did
n ot slop at Ilepallata in aviator 'Slat
areal thaw nee Jammers' ta-
of • bo Japanese; use the remly.
"Mem are • number Japsionse la
MI.. Put they might alert he
New Fall Goods
Come and inspect our stock of Fall
Goods which are now arriving
Hats of every description
Fall and Winter Suits
Raincoats and Overcoats
Prices to suit the pocket of every purchaser
McLean Bros.
The Square, Godench
Agents for Carbartt Cherails, Stanfield's Underwear, Pitmen Hats,
Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs
itaarlisg Corporation has in Its we -
ph" three brotbors named Stoves*.
Hagen of roma!
years. and whom. total service for the
favereble r•tralt Is obtained If it he
Corporation asnounta to 134 years.
found that 'he deaf narrate had an
I lkoript for they have sot lost
traxo of 1 revious deafness' In their
one hoar between lbws the whole ot
families Vardar*, or deof person*
4 fl
Fare 30_2
4110•104 drmir
waren of rho world. hi Isea.
ilitegeiRmet Steamers *SIELANDISEE; "Cite Erie" moll 'Vey of Coif air"
Daily — BUFFALO and CLEVELAND — may 1st 1. Dec. let
(Zamora Nandlara Tier)
Oskar weans bort.orat Bernal. wad fihrwrimml err* rowi taw emariroriffam• ••••• ~ow w•
AW yew WOW spot Ow Wier Ws C. B. LW. Voss w hor 110•400=0 ‘111•1406.1 4110.11.14
• 'tient deet. relatives le nn more
1,kely to result In dela enadren Huse
any marriage Is Ike earners:laity stt
Ne avellviry• Stamm
Twee aro so producing nickel Wain
S ons who !Wm deaf redatIvire is Net action' wag wprooleets 40, -
as Itheiy to result deaf children as
tin marriage et the Seat. per Miseries
operated by • ehrugar. • sou snip-
" 1166"111".1 1"1""I 1" mom. are alarm bkrws a whittle cora
tone, worm. , sevetnes.
The Story of
Most in-
teresting to
the ntan
who wants
tO protect
his build-
ings at a
wog * Lag
oroof. arm not dry Out
or crack
All we ask you to
do is to call and see