HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-3, Page 4[SOD
There's t• rr.l fascination for
young and old in picture tak-
ing. . The Kodak way makes
it as simple as it is fascinating.
Kodak offer+ the pleasure. of
picture-telmng iodonrs or out.
Free instruction cheerfully given.
Get .your work floi''hed by an expert.
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R. R. Sallows
"/Back to
Best Values at Thomsons
Scribblers anti IldrtCise Books
Mitrbell's Pen., !I) styles
.Sp.ncet an rens, It' styles
Peocils from lis, a dozen, up
Pen and Pencil tiharpenet•s,
Slate., Rulers, Crayons,
Drawing Books, Fonlscnp P.td.
Stafford and Carer. Inks
Pencil Boxes.
All the stock nice and aro and
unequalled in value.
See the window display
Music es- Stationery Store
Now is the time to buy School
Shoes for the toys and girls.
They. will need good, strong,
serviceable $hods, the kicd that
wilt stand the teat in any
weather. In tbit line all peat
efforts have been excelled and
you will flud at your command
the most complete stock of neat
reliable Footwearat-4M lowest
possible prisms,
The le.. link ti't .o• I'1,•w in On -
hi. rinser roplt!•'r K,dinc
1'L•w- e•'• Ih.. I)nt:ui., F•',eoti tt
opal lit. t. es- 1 valpg .,i tiuik-.
\\•• i3,c' 1'1 ,i Mut hid Kan•
1',. is-- I•.. , •l tl Kits
\\.Jt . 1 .. 1 t 1)i.,•
• 1- I.,• •.,.. itt 11 .
\ t i9..1.
Herbert F. Morris
Hateritons.. /Iftn2 •1
\Vooci For Sale
`L Ftil.l
4!'' "11! 11-.44
ADV111111'.1. 1\
Cemmiu.m FSrtmei te Assist is Gwy-
n& tire BeecbMr Bylaw
A very Iavgelyattended emoting of
the Board o('h was bold os Mon-
day evening. at wbieb practically
every industry la town was represent-
epresss6ed and also • large proportion of the
business ewe on the Square. The
Ba.ebler bylaw was the business of
the evening and every point favorable
was thoroughly discussed. The
Board of Trade was unauistour in its
endorsatioo of the bylaw. .specially
a. it prnmi•ed employment to a rtro-
siderablr number of turn, wbieh was
something to be considered at this
time. Anyone /teeing anything
agaioat the bylaw was invited to
spree hist tie law points weutiuned in
opposition were easily disposed of.
It wan shown that the men who will
he iu partnership with Mt. lilr+sebler
are men of recognized financial r•e-
eponsibility aud there it no question
about them being perfectly eub.tan-
tial. They ate all practical business
men, actively engaged in bovine.* and
not on tberetired lief. To the ques-
tion that the furniture business war
very quiet it was pointed nut that it
was bolding its own with sll other
leduotries and as it was such a staple
article it would he the tlrs: to feel a
revival on the t•etutn of the country's
normal financial condition.
The company will not be a new ad-
dition to the furniture trade bat will
replace the fact.o'y that was
destroyed. The business men feel
severely the lows of the Kensington
factory, wbicb, while running. gave
employment to from (10 to 100 men
whose wages were spent among- the
merchants of the town. Quite a lot
1•f there men have left town bet will
return if employment is offered them.
1t was rumored that Mr. Baechier.
who is of Roman l:atbotic persuasion,
would want the school cases W go to
the separate school, but this Mr.
Baerhler emphatically denies and ea
the miser members of the company
are of different den•.minetiuns this
rumor is effectually disposed of.
The meeting Was continued on Wed-
ne•day evening, when an organize -
lion was n>wpleted for getting out the
vote on Milling day, Saturday. Sep-
tember 12th.
It might be of interred to know that
the factory if built will have preeti-
c4lly else statue floor rpace tee that of
the present org to factory.
Mrs. Rod. McKenzie entertained a
ouwber of ber friends Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Montgomery
and belle spent the week -end In Ash-
Misses Edith. Etta' 1 and Belle Tay-
lor- visited friends in our county town
this week, also the county jail, the de-
puty teeve'being one of the party.
A very sudden death took place iu
East Wawanoah on Friday. when Mr.
Henry Edward.. a highly t•espected
'resident, passed away without any
warning. His heart had bothered
him for some time, but he wee able to
get around, and was In the village no
'I'busday attending a meeting. The
funeral took place frost his late borne
on Saturday, and be was buried in
the Westfield cemetery. The deceased
came to the township over ID years
ago. He leaves to mourn him a ber-
eaved wife and tour children.
Building operations have been re-
ruwtd on the town hall.
'Mrs. Vial and daughter. of Loathes,
are guests of Mrs. Sutherland.
Mts. McVey, of Staffs. spent Sun-
day with ber sister, Mrv. Drake.
Mrs. Ballentine, of Atwood, it visit-
ing ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Master Clark ,Smith has 'returned
home from Lucas, where he spent his
holidays: •
Misr Constance Carrot and Miss
Kerr, of Beacba'ille, are guests of Mot.
Mrs. Millar, of Michigan, is spend-
ing a few weeks with' her sister, Mrs.
John Mrotti
The Misses Mitchell and Won.: have
returned after a pleasant holiday spent
in (it ind Bend.
Mr. J. E. McDonell has leen utaking
great improvements in lite stones he
recently purchased.
\lis. Mary Hagan, of Londcu, ie
spending her holidays here. She has
ju.t tethived front a trip up' the lases.
al r. Benj. Susillir, who. i- going out
to India .ts it tni•sionxry in the fall,
erl•ach.,l in l;tuuet Presbyterian
church last Sunday.
Alt, Win. Chapman is building a
tine bons•• no his tarns iu the township
o1 Hay. When completed it will he
, ne .•t the finest on the line.
smiler, what braves this fail for
India, to ti-evlt Ii a rd.11ege there ad-
.lr.•a-ed the gill. of the 31, -Gregor
r irtee 1,..; Theo -tine .trbinl:.
A 11 cul•er of Melds • f • .it • w, t ••
it. -d in dint iov • 1 hr pit.t 11 w da).,
1'111 •It.•.44. ..1 F. lost' night pi event •;
e'1 the farmers from finishing.
Miss Constance Carroll, of Beech- ,
Ville, spent munches with her •auut,'
Mr.. Vit.herllu,d. Nle wits act-tim-
par ied',y hes (lion'. M. t ati, of 11-
yNueo 1.43,•1.
14 12wt 1' ie.r ,td :a i
Ai:, 1. 1.' Iteral rand grow
.11.'1) 1..1.s 11111101 -hn1: d 1. -.re bee.:
:11..1 a14• .1111 1:0,:g 111 :h.• I:•tai,..'
.'..a..'. of dull+r•' wnith of Ihi•,1
•'.. 1.1.• *:.ippeA i1,1.1 11.,,•»11 1.V. I)
) 1.,.s- '
M. 11 • it t' tynla: •. Who No. !warn
'im:,t the. i. 't 'Apply of atomhr
ts, h 1..•r p•.te•rt.. Mr. and -Mrs. It.
1'i nl•r•: ha. t.'tr.ret: 1,' Iitor r,•l-1
• \ • Arnot a. to resulted- haat
Au. ren a• • .t rat• whine. ' aidtrade
• 'erre
-�8 �n.,atare•t 314
' \,j 1 ,-•'u0s r. a dc•lal.;rt.
V Kest
. rrr.•a' �Vad,•
lit 11,•4
0. w ,hl,n, '. own •
1 RI• 1.. • , l'..;or.d,y
•1 •:, - \• •1 1 I,. •n., wirer d
' he Ie.. V. • t. --1 1-'tpf+•,
•4 \'1•.. 1• '.. . h ... 0t rt.'..r•-.!,_, $.r..
I t
*be. .• • .1 • .IaLettl., of ).lr.
r.t'/1\$ -1 . i..,e'r.i. Aug, •t Juth. Mr.,
1I Mee •t•n,-'+t..- wT,....
vi '.en t . l loon $••rand hese
fnrmsd a porno',; leegee, aed have ao
THE SIGNAL far collected
-21 r
is Diose. A weiLlurewe
doctor has said, ' I sever
yet made& poet -aortas ea-
ost-a ortemea-
amiaatie' inseam's of death
frees Heart Disc&&. wide
out !lading thekidaeys
were at fault.' Tb. Marry
a,edicina which was lint on
the market, moat success-
ful for Heart Disease wad
ail Kidney Troubles, wad
nest widely imitated Is
Word was received here on Ftiley
that Mrs N. H. Young, a former resi-
dent of Blyth, bad passed away in Tor-
onto after suffering for some consider-
able tilur. The remains were brought
here fo'- burial, the funeral taking
place Isom the lle.hodest church on
Miss Florence McDonald wiled her
aunt, Mrs. D. McLennan.
Miss Mae Johnston visited Mies
Annie McLennan on Tuesday after•
uo.,n hist.
Mr. J. Roes and Mies Gillen, of Dul-
uth, called on ft lends here Tuesday
attertm on.
Mrs- John McCallum and son, Harry,
of Detroit, spent Sunday attetnnon
With frteods at Laurier.
Mia... Margaret MacNain and
Margarette MacLennan have retained
to Lacknow high school.
Mn. Wm, Brady. of Chicago. has
purchased the tine farts formerly own-
ed by Mr. Mludock McDonald on the
12th eon.
Miss leobell McDiermid, who bas
been engaged as teacher in Lsuri.r
school. resumed bee duties today. We
wish her .access,
Mrs. H. Prichard. of Lacknow, and
daughter, Mrs. W. D. Evans, of New-
market, visited at the home of Mrr. J.
Bradley one day last week.
The remains cf Ann, Elizkbe:h Gir-
vin, bekved wife of Mr, Robert Hen-
derson. were interred in Dungannon
cemetery on M'ednesda . Auguat
20tb. The dee-owed was born here
nn August 199th. 1547. About a year
ago her bealth tlegsn to decline and
continued to until she pawed peace-
fully away on Sunday evening, Her
frietndehip was sincere and true, and
her many friends extend their heart-
felt sympathy to the bereaved cores.
From youth she was a devoted and
cottetaut member of the Methodist
church, at which she was a regular
atteadset. She lived a good ebrie.tian
life at all times, having implicit trust
in her Savour. Besides her husband.
she leaves to mourn her loss one son.
Mr. David 0. Hender+otw, of this place,
and one daughter. Mrs. R. R. Ander-
son, of Swift Current, Saskatchewan,
who bas been in attendance on her
mother for some time. Theobsequies
were conducted by her pastor, Rev.
J. E. Hunter and the pall -bearers
were Messrs- tJ. J. Crawford, Robert
Bell, Robert Tr•eleeven, Johu McLean
John Elliott'and S. E. Saudersou.
Miss Pentland, of Ihunganloo, et
Mr, B. \Viggoar starts his duties as
teacher in No. :, •
Mire L. Shaw resumed ber duties at
the loth school.
Miss took. ,rf Toronto, is visiting at
Mr, H. M. Cr,s tie's.
Mr. R.ltnhinson, of Feegus, started
his duties its teacher of No 4.
Mire M. Leask. of Toronto, is •i,it-
ing at Mr. .1. 11 Rutherford'''.
Mr. John 'tidier, of the Bank of
Commerce. \\'it:dsor, is home for his
Mr. and Miss Walker. of East Wa-
wano.b -pen: "unday at Mrs. ll.
Rutile! futd'..
Mr. and Nr•. Frank Irwin have
niovr.l onto their• f..rm et' t. Helens,
\\'r w elt(1me tet. le lel e.
Mi•. Jr to 1icI) .nald, of Toronto;
retuitire; bcm,• after spending two
tn4.nr hr ai'itiug trrods here.
ser Vi .•i Bethel. Methodist
church will h.• h.id on Sunday. Step•
Ceti tar it h. 'lea and pi*I is tt.eeting
Mou.tay cVeuine.
cl..:t' h nil' held their Anni-
rweal , .r: V. ea twat bebi.alh. Sep -
trestle: 6'h. "Ire\, 1.: Ottlnote, of Bile
1.•y, w ; ' • (Ile pr••at bit.
Vu• h• . - .,r 1 1r!udrnt. hare g.die
l:ntft:•tf .:;T +;, . t:tyn7i3614 d<4�
ttuith 11 ,.t.• ,.i •. Ma,t : iii••
t. 't'„t, to '' . 311-. Marg roast
\Vet I. And 31. • .`i .1s ('atn••roit t .
11111.:: r.,14•1 1: Mt. iht•u.b: fire.
t.• .1'•811. . ;t.+•t.': \le-. ('hri It
\liller'n S•rat'.•rd nortent : Nina meted
"1t,0•• '4 ..... , '4...) i 't.•.
Phrt•• t• n1).4 i'• •I • 1 ,,il-inn'., 1. •
1 ow ,''5 ..A,o •chs -.'1 i.e Peat
BrOph e) Bros.
,.t1:3}-KTCi1 +•
The . Ledo,
gDnral Directors
sad imbalraers
()altos -'t 'al')' Attended to
t e" h.• 3• , night .,r day.
Mies Tema Johnston baa left kw her
The Masonic lodge held their re-
gular meeting on %V.-dose/ay evening.
Miss Floeese, Yining M Iso.w well in-
stalled as teacher In sal. Na 0. Mor-
Mr.Walter nmitb has ,strewed -tis
Tommie foe bis uuiver•sity *wales-
tiowa We all wish his. great *seeing,
Mr. James Cohubrey visited Carlow
on Sunday. Frets these he weal to
his brother -In-law, Mr. Will Mallows,
to draw i. ruiner,
The ladle. of Sr.ith'r Bill Yiesloeary
sot-irty took • special collection at
Smith's Hill church last 8.sday. The
collection, which :tmouated to Usk fa
In aid of the hrspi•al ship. a
A patriotic concert will be elven in
Nile Methodist church ander the
auspices ut Nile • abbatb reboot on
Friday evening, September 11th. Mr.
l!anterun, of Luckno,e, will de-
liver a patriotic address, and vocal
selection.' will be rendered by Miss
Ada Maglinte., of Godrrich, Mrs.
George Anderson and Misr HaMoeon,
of Luokuow, and Mr. U. A. Watwoser,
of Nile. lusteumrntal erlectloa. by
Nile urchestiw, asswled by Miesar..
Carter Brew.. at Auburn. liver) loyal
citizen is expected lis ahead and bele
to mounts*, to the work of ening
for our wuuodrd soldiers at t a hush,
4ttdmiwion, 2S ersts. Chair takes at
eight.- Joist Dtorrow, seperiate.-
deut; R. Mr•ILw*IS,secretary.
Mrs Mugroye called ere friends
here last week.
Miss Petrie left knit Friday for her
school in insult SI.. Marie.
The home. of Messrs. Fred Fowler
and John Murdoats are brtgstened by
the arel•al .a seek of a -mew -nisi a
short Wee ago.
Mr. W. H. Johnston and family are
borne after enjoying • few weeks'
vacation with triode is AshMl•W and
West Wawaeosh,
Mr. Will Fowler, of Toronto, came
up last 1Vedoreday and sold his choice
fano on the 2nd concession of Stanley
for a good price to a man in Stra(tot�
Mr. B. Long has reterned to his
home in Toronto, after spending a
of two weeks' visit with his
riends in the homes of Mesta. R. and
E. Morti.ou.
Last week Mr. P. Ross, principal of
Dungannon public school, visited Mr.
G. S. Howard, principal of Zurich
school, and also our teacher, Mr. W.
H. Johnston.
Miss Maymie Pausing ins it home from
Goderich after a count of treatment
with Dr. Greer, a .rhiropratic pbysi-
ciao of tbat town. Sbe is enthusiastic
over the benefits received.
Mew Ale, Buchanan. of \Vheatley,
accompanied by her son, Golden, and
bis brit(e are the guests of her son,
Webster. Her many trieuds are
pleased to see lin. Buchanan again.
The recent showers proved a boot
to stockmetrhaving stock on paature,
as the grays wits becoming scarce, and
that which remained war very dry and
The -egg wagons, which were run-
ning almost empty for some time, are
now becoming more heavily loaded.
Sincehervest began a great increase
is noted in the general run of egg pro-
The honey industry in this district
is reported to be almost a complete
failure this year, the product bang
Is than., ten pounds to the colony. A
poor crop of honey clover is attributed
as the cause of the small yield.
Grain harvesting operations are al-
most at a close to this.community.
According to repot tit from this district,
all the farmers are highly •delighted
with the crop as a whole. Those wbo
bare already threshed are -well satis-
fied with the yield.
Owing to the very low price pre-
vailing at local points for live fowl,
many fanciers sir having their birds
shipped to the ca'' market whore a
greeter profit is real:zed. Many claim
abet it will not pay a rea.onehle profit
to feed fowls for fetteniog purp.lree at
the prices offered on the nearby
was kers.
The recent showers have proved
wetly helpful to the bean crop. especi-
ally theme sown late in the se 0.80113.
Much of the eatlier bean top is ready
for cutting, and several farmers have
alrn+idy cut a portion of their crop.
Bean threshing, in all probability, will
begin in the very near future, as many
seem anxious to take advantage of
the present high prices. and freer a
sudden drop in th!• market.
Several barrels of the earlier fall
apple. have been packed in this dis-
trict, but many are being left on the
trees, owing to the exceptionally low
prices which are being offered. Pieta -
Men state that it will not pay them to
warty time in the picking M the fruit.
From present indications their will be
A record crop ..f later varieties, .4 'ch
woo the No, the; o Spy and local grow-
ers ate in the horn- that a hunch Reiner
market will be .' hieuced.
Nicholls - Rumbell
• tie .rotsstint* atIMMba' Beetya afar-
, gat et Imo..., Hetet.11, daughter of
Mr. gill Mt. E..1. it.subsll, of (irides
nett. to dr. Het ns -• Vit ter Nicholls,
of L'ud.at, efts ...k•rnnieed '.uesday.
.t -!g's...' 25
' • h. 14 Ili • re-Id.t .o.r..toe
es -Oa. •. parrs. ' r..tat Miers. It ..o.
1, w
•o. E. t
Ito r.. '
f Kn••r rh
• r `tt'eh.
retf•cru,d 11, • rr. . nisit 12o1••110se.
54,00 1f41 111,1.1, w.- • .Int Dot\1 1, 'yells g
snr . h u•• ns- is-. -ilk. wale K.vru in
'ne- 1•_eg.• hV h, -r 5.. her. II
11n•. •seri*'•ly a1 .r tht• c•.terisahy
t' r , mint r'( I. prioni w is admin-
i•tet•d i.• 1h• •1• Intl•• .h.'.!r••,, .'1
:111...14, 3i - -. %V 111. 1\4b•'••r, the Lu' cr
n ...ier ..f 'i•,' Irl he. The weddin
otione.• t,dlo,r.,1 • ht, retrn.olty and
I\,•. .,I trade ! t • th•• inonenliste
tAuuli.• of the ht a • hMl In Al. et ,i,0011.
, Tail► g_n,t. 'r,• , by..e , a: iI.
1.-;,1a! • ,1.1 • a, 'ail; 'bef A 6.a+k.•t of
., -t,•,-.
eat. •o, 1 )I.', \lrbrdl• left nn A
h ,m• ' •..1•1• 1, ' • ip n..., will h. et h•.rnw
...:et tier, t•.•. 1.t ,t - 1141 W 1 arweliffe
, ,VI, 1, it'i. spa
T;,.• ..' • , IN ,. i rtr•st • 10,10 Mr.
• NI,- N-', •': pvt••' t• of 'ye
4 rtlfrtt•,`nm, ,-1 1s-- .'inti: Mr. 4'eew.N
,. ,,I 31r Nei mad k1 Diboll. ,,t Toronto,
3 rot h.r. nt • he fir i,le. and Mise Me.
Gregor, of Iletteell.
' g B BegunThe Fall CamPa n
WE are ready to show Fall and Winter goods at the lowest prices that
new and good merchandise can possibly be sold for.
Our purchases for the coming season have all been made and the goods
are inviting your inspection. The early buyer this year will be the one
who will get the best value as prices in some lines are already advancing.
111111111•111111141111111/ 4111111,
Dress (foods
We are now showing some very attraetl•e
doths for school dressy* in sew mlsed weaves. 45
le. hes wide, at tflOo or yard, which are now worth
more money than we ask for thou. Thee anoth-
er let at Ric in small cheeks equally good value.--
Don't forget that cheeks are • wrung teeters In
dress materials with stripes to match. Our dress
department was never so attractive a. 1t ie now.
Large and small Buttons to match our suitings.
Will he teeth In demand this emning sea-
son both In black and odors and our @bowleg way
never so attractive as it is now in plain and Bed•
ford takes from SO. to $1.115 a yard.
Hosiery and Gloves
Our sleek it now at its beet with 30-incb At. always a strong feature in our store. We
widths to black sod popular colors at $1.00 a have 500
yard. These silks aworth now too more than pales of the = pain for sin still lett;
we are asking for them. If we have to buy them and some lisle and silk glove' in colors vie for 15e,
now we will sell them at 111. SE Wben we bay 35e foe 19c, and SUe for t5o. Ifo Cashmere Hoe' in
.gala the pries will 111.2 i A Prey Ane lot of stripes
and cheeks for girdle' at old prices. all Hare from 5 to 10 inches.
6/111/1 11111111111111111/111//11111
Venton Maitland Tremblay
Mr. and Bre. \V: 11. Tremblay, flet.
Patrick's • street, Dederirk have the
bartfelt sympathy of the community
in the lose of their son, Verson Mait-
land, who answered the death sum-
mons on Monday of this week. The
little fellow had been ill about a week.
Ten days previously when the family
were out driving Venton was stung
on the arm by some insect, which
prnved (ital. Blood poisoning set in
and after a period of intense suffering
he pasted away as above aimed. The
deceased waw a bright lad wbose men-
ly disposition won for him a host of
friends who deeply regret his demise. ,
The funeral took place on Wednesday
afternoon to Maiflana cemetery.I
Rev. Geo, E. Roe' conducted the set.
vices at the house and graveside and ,
the pallbearers were : Maitland Prid- I
baa, Maitland Reynold'', Willie
Sturdy and Donald M!P'n•)d;
William Watson
Moved by Councillors Young sod
Snyder, that the Clerk be authorised
to publish the necessary notice in our.
Roane. 10 sections 472, 473. 474 and 475
of the Municipal Institutions Act,
chapter 192. R.Y.O., 1914, of the in-
tention of ibis Council to consider a
bylaw to close a certain part of a pub-
lic highway, described as follows :
'All and singular tbat certain star-
er' or hart of land and premises. sit-
uate. lying and being in the Townsbip
of Colborne in the County of Huron
apd Province of Ontario, being com-
posed of part of original Block A in
the said Towoabip, now u.sJ as a pub-
lic road, and whicbsaid parcel or tract
1 many be more particularly described
as follows., -Commencing in the West-
erly limit of the bighweyaa atrerot
inesied at a alaranee of 3,271 feet,
i wore or lees, measured South Wester -
1 IT along the raid 1Vt1terly limit from
, ter Soul herly limit of the tight away
, granted by Helen and 11. Y. Attritl to
Abraham Smith by deed dated Sep-
tealisr 7tb, radio, and regiltese d in the
Registry Office for the County of
I Huron, on the ISth day of October,
ISM, as Nc. 1000, wbieb said point is
1 in the production of the Southerly
limit of the C.P. Railway lands, all as
shown nn the attached plan; thence
South Westerly following the North
' Easterly liwit•ot the highway as de-
l;scrited in 1 be conveyances thereof
oftrot. Henry Y. Attrill and wife to the
Mueicipal Corporation of the Town-
ship M Colborne. dated November
2Stb. 1e71. aid registered in the Regis-
try Orrice for the County of Huron, on
the lith of January, 145, es Number
973, to the E-.terly lipiit of the S toe
Mill Road• that:re following the psis-
duction of the last menti'•1 rd course
tie the Westerly limit of the Haw Mill
Road. theoc,, following the westerly
limit of the Sow Mill Road to the
Water'. edge of the River M..i:lau.I in
the E+stony lituit of the Saw 111
80011: rho e.• Northerly full wing th.•
Easterly Emit of the Naw Mill Howl to
the S. ir h ' • 'telly limit of • he Howl
cron,.a.a by Hent -e V. 'i''ri'.1 tort
wife 'o • .' ,ails'.' -air,..! 1' rep :, . i•.11 .d
the Tuws,shtp of l'.. 1. 1 • . ., twee re-
ferred tr.: then •.•, aro 1. E alerll fel-
lowlier the ...Vete: .-..w,.•.s .d the
! S..utit \\'r..e:It li.u•t .. •he said It. a 1
to the S••*itnr,ly itcta . 1 the 1' 1'.
Railway 1.1141, •bane.• 'Wr.'.r;a 1 I-
I'owing the p....111e-:1 t1 of the .win
,4cutbeily Boot of the 4'. 1'. 11.111.1 Ay
land+ to the plat,, of t-. gi ..;.1g, ail a•
•hewn im lite plan .ns tie wah the
Clerk. .
"And that the. ( art •! to -et at toe
j Township 11011 nn Tomcat, Ill. 2i) It
, day of l•.lrtewsl.er• P414. to:HF• .t e11Mw
in the Afternoon', f •r the tee pier of
conaitle, ion;. al,d it ...n—later—.r a iv is -
able, p...ing such a Pylaw, ,'d fist
then notifying all per- ,ns intetv.'rd to
i he presort and that !hi, will he given
npttnrt ' y to 1,.• h.- ,,,;.-
The above is a 14 w • . 01,y and pub-
lished be seater of the ('..:ori?.
R.Vivi Laval's, Teo whip Clerk.
Dated at Carlow, .t tg. 11th, 1911.
-Mra, J. Mlnrrny, of Kingston Ito.
four •4 r.• and thri•.+•.n•in•!ter on the
warm tterelao-
On Sunday morning the call to
which all must answer came to Mr.
Wm. Watson at hie home on Elgin
avenue, Goderich. Mr. Watson had
been ailing since last February hut his
condition was such that the family
were not expecting his demise bat
heart weakness set in and hastened
the end. The deceased was one of the
pioneer residents of l)odericb. His
birthplace was st White Hills, Banff,
Scotland. Wben a young man be
catue to Canada and forty years ago
he took up his residence inVedette's,
where be continuously ted until
death removed bine His widow and
a family of three sons survive. The
sons are: George, Harry and Fred, all
of Goderich. The funeral took place
on Tuedav afternoon, the interment
being made in Maitland cemetery.
Rev, Geo. E. Ross, deceased's ,pastor,
conducted the services. Thr pall-
bearers were : Messrs Jahn McClacb-
erty, Wen. McVittie, George Hunt,
John Straiton, John McKinnon .and
Alex. Clark. •
Mrs. Andrew B. Meldrum
Frain the last issue of Cleveland
Town Topics we take the following
reference to the 'teeth of Mts. An-
drew B. Meldrum, a lady well-known
irf Ooderu•h : -
a heavy toll of sorrow has been laid
upon C1eceland it the death of Mn.
Ella Hetrick Meldrum• wife of Rev,
Dr. Andrew B. Meldntm, pastor of
the ((Id Stone Presbyterian church.
A grand -daughter o f urn early dia-
tingui•hed jeri•t of this city, Judge
Sherlock J. Andrews, and daughter of
Mr. (:. E. Herrick, s well known and
genial citiz»n, Mo.. Meldrum came
naturally by u•aitk rt character which
endeer•ed her to all• To those who
knew her is st it is needles,' to rmpha-
siz. her *internally tine nature, but to
other. there is the arrange of a ehris.
tian life making bright and beautiful
each trey.
• •.1• one tains light. not het . nor cenw•le-..
t+v noble,.. enkindleh noeknc.w"
t-rt''etflah, .crttp lonely coneripotiuu•
att.1 full of exuberant We. she pans'.I
fl popular girlhood into woman•
hotel. car. yiug a ,ta„• cl,ar•u int° all
rt (eft 'roe of life, i..trr in her position
astbe hrlpinete of I)r. M••1.lrunt she
fulfill.. 1 poi fr'••Iv rash duty that earns
to ber. Tn. "ten and p s'e Girlien•-
c.o f in/reenter;.ylltp t ModeepirtT, t
sad weer u.a.l:• to -t ter :toti l'tighter by ,
1Vhsireer .l.r p.•se•a there was Al.
111• rottoett,13+ !'1n. -•1•g Al d 11fe wits
1e.-• tet f 'r her beton. She . •d illness '
wliieh ha. L•prive,l the taindv and t
fremoto d thoe I 14 Heeetifud tete was ,
un•t w is h w..1olerfui I.r3.Vrry anti
cheerfulness, . neousaging lhore abcut •
heti o he hem -foil.
'ea attar. hail
T.k•• 1 •'tr. e.. L,ler.40'Mir heart awl has.d. '
II he 1004. mot tar beach sod (try stat. .
.1 134.4 ye
d • eti frwr'rfy t hrum.lt ellto •U.
1 ea., rt ,wen wit1. . be°I•utie,g4•uo In'y
.1.5.1 •011e it • .Irw.irwp'tlh asotMr arse,'
Tier, I• nt..r.• 1' ltwnh In •.,•• •ecti'. t rat th.•
.,antes 'Mnall •sthw 'l• •w' pe, Vlydhet.
.t1 In"l tie la•• Ire rear • was - •.,..tw•eA es to i
I. r,li,., - Fur t Ova' 1 4 Ira.-- ''setor-
you. eu:.otd 4, a lural race.. e 1..1 rev/Wra.N
F•••11 rr a etN+, A-,dhr . ...:• -4 (me 'n
inn• 1,111,111/1 1011444.11444.4111.,,te.'l 1r..,•. `. ✓run:.,anal n In
rur,l ', •. • ee.••..,••. h..• •.rn• • r d .rrh 10 A, n
proiro•'rtiow.l ,1• -e• -e r I Iheref•.tr mtnlrr.
nm... .t 0,lw•.3 es•„wru.. 'Half- 1 atanl.
t an, MenafaaArad Rs- r..r. t.arny R f4.
In.,•s. 'thin. 1• too only w• -'.I aliens' air. nn
Ih 1',.1..'. it i. t..l n 1n11.rr,.L1'- it is --
4:14r•-..1) on ter hl ..1 and Rome. •erfacee M .
th. •r.te rs. 1ae) nt., one hs..Are't ANL,n.
t'rwew?owes, tem Omura now earete alln.
ea4 trnnm0rr.t.l.
M'tm..: 1', J, rIIE'\��IeeC�T R col TMNe,1MIa
TTakebaliR e µ ;Alio Mt eamtleetlse. 1
./ • ,
11. ROBINS I ---
Here Are a Few
For This Week
19 Men's Suits, regular CO, .11345
Boys' and Men's Straw Hats,
regullsr up to 2ftc. to clear 10c
lien's Pants. regular g:. ., .111.38
Child's Rompers. to elver, 34
Boys' Bathing Suite, to clear. 26e
50 dozen Bow Tier. very speoial.tSc
Men. Bordered Handkerebiefs,
e for ..--25c
Men's Harvesting Gloves, spec-
ie' line 25c and 33c
W7� t
Agency for : Peabody'. Overall.'
(►pee'Evenings Until 5:.911
Reduced Fares to Toronto
For Canadian National
Fare ar.d one-third
Ao:u.1 :tint t° leptemlwr 11:1, in-
F,1011 ■11 a;..tions iu Caba,ia, C. 1:
, wall• Ott aura anal IV.•.t.
S". riel ,.•ur••1 1r 1s- 1' /Imo w:11 '•.
elT.-.•t on cel.tain
All ti:ret• valid for ' nem n int it
Treads y, $ep'entler 15, tint.
Frill parti•-"t:,. s rt. in Grand Ti rink .
Ticket Agen's,
(. F. LA w•RItvf 1S it SUN,l Tower I'a•.eu-
Mr ant Th•hrt Aeon,. 1' .o1..Q. H.t-
1.3:. -t .ben hecto ARnl, 5 ,. Dot,
• MacEwen Estate
Labor Day!
St,..I.5:l'.vtt: ``l'.aur.fiOitt•Ttnitn
Good g n i n g t Good going Sept.
mem. 7. Retorts 13, 0 end 7. Itrturn
keno Sept, 1. 114111 ' .401, ,
A Chance to Visit Toronto
1',aRR k (h g•1'It,nI,
Go, d Klin, .folly
tool! hep . Illi.,
11111. Return luti,t
Nem . 13th.
NW, int l.uw
tan e -:lain
A.k Agent.,
fuel potirlilnr. in-tn C 1',K T,aket
\groats or write A . G. Marpby,
Inatr'et 'Pas'wnger -'gent. ,corner
Bing and Yonge St... Toronto
Ju.'. XIDO, Tows Tier• Aa•ur, wetter,
J. If. MANIA.111.1, Daunt TleRsl Agent.
Teens IWe
for tiedetich and District
Egg Coal, $7.5o
Stove and Chestnut,
/l per ton
Any gaantit best ell )lapk
Male.. 'lligetl nod. Hen.)nek
and Kindling 1 err Plee,l
reMdsas ars or 65