The Signal, 1914-8-20, Page 7THE riaLa:AL . t is :ary Apple. manes. es. ushers. Eiadisb. r large Maple t quad• tnd emesis lice as• ties for 1n a wants 1 Dairy p and 'e out Seery tea cent packet will kW more flies than $8.00 worth d al:y dicky fly kimler. Reims shock tssr which ars east 7 Picnic Time 'o pi:sic thee it is molt essential that yon have the best kind oil eeted Melts for sandwiches. etc. We are tak ing special :are of fte.h Meats this season, and having in- .uUed a new refrigerator wr are seedy es supply sr.' with the very brat HAM and TONGUE HOCK, HEAD- CHEESE (Tray Ben- tosl, CORN BEEF, SAUSAGES and SPARE -RIBS Also a full line of Fruit and Vegetables. POWELL the G' R O CE R ON THE SQUARE PHONE 51 oven ss YEARS' tXPEINtNCt PATENTS Ti• tee Matins Dwane t -.•m emcees • ■astealir f e6C. CC'�ar '.ruse mit Of wen b rw . 'ur• w .c<...• ae n wob4b4r oaawwaws c«.e••net ;, aenSd.ot or emery r.«.• fres (,Inco .'.sans- for reamed JaateteL Fermi 141.1 treater Meow a co. ripsaws ewer 4o4 . �wiher& rater r for $dess{r ed tl sac. m<y ineetrated w_ salty. Lora for r ..t 41r 441eoalae 1+44011. Terra for aorta. 11%7s a raver.I4etwar A51/wad ode MM 1 rawer' ant. ria 1 yeawat. Newrr i ek tr es. aeries s.. >d hot Weather HINTS 'REE. M •www amaW .tare cam f.urr ■ art r ■ • hew Y• M therm r a1 war awAq • r se .. de L•41•. lame. Mame ren P er r rar marl afar e re n" .Yen an ✓ rr bar. ✓ e ran as w were Mit burr Or arra 11►mt Era.arA rr Wrenn Imam 5. Garden Hose Hose Reels Sprinklers Nozzles Couplings Hose Menders. W. R. PINDER Asir CAPER NAWDL % Of fff Sb EGGS oMaum.r. Mould Domes/ •fiel,tly Frets Artlsle Arte bare cru neatly had emission to observe tbe detrimental Meese* d dirt rad moisture cm the keeping mantle. of egg, rays a bulletin from Storrs Experimental Station. Of a large sumer of eggs which were stored la as ordinary refrigerator all were found, atter three or r weeks, to be permeated with moulds. other instances we bare found bacteria, se- der similar ,asodltlona. la a crate Ailed with eggs which And been visaed In a damp. dark basement, and which had remained there for several weeks, all of tbe eggs were In as advanced state of rotting when brought W light and examined. These eggs had come from the same bens the eggs of which had been tested constantly and found as a rule, to be free from bedsits. It Is a well known tact that eggs which have been Incubated under bens, and whish failed to hatch, are usually foul. We Lave observed this again and again, especially during the warm summer months. It is quite probable that Yee hen which is Incubating the eggs Is responsible nor the rotting. In that the eggs become more or less Dolled by her; and, furthermore. the ben imparts a certain amount of moisture to the Kgs, especially dur- ing warm weather. which aids the bacteria which are on the rolled shell to gain an entrance into the egg. On the other band, eggs which are tn- cabated artificially remain undecom- posed. wilt very'few eaeeptlona, for at lent two or three weeks. and un- doubtedly much longer, providing they are clean. fresh eggs when they are put into the incubator. It is of the greatest Importance that ! a general campaign be waged to secure eggs for consumption. and especially when they are to be preserved to cold storage. which are clean and .perfectly fresh. The solution of this problem rests with both the producer and the I buyer In thefirst place. the .gather- ing.of eggs from the nests soon after they are laid cannot be urged too strongly. They should be collected at least one a day. and wbeoever possible two or three times. This is usually done on large plants where trap -netts are used; but on the smal- ler plants. and especially on regular farms where poultry -raising 1. but ope of many pursatts ;n tae making of 1 livelihood. there is often no system In the postary management. Eggs are frequently left In the nests two or three days. and under broody hens. Furthermore. many eggs enter the market stitch have been under setting bens for several days 'In so-called 'stolen nests." The -movement which Is on toot In parts of tht. country- to purchase and pay for ergs according to their quality or soundness. rather than by mere weight or numbers. should meet stth hearty support. In many instances this has been done. hut the practice should become gens ra1. Producers would then be brought face to face WI•l the necessity of keeping nests fn sanitary- condition. and of gather- ; Ing egos soon after they ar laid. The handling and keeping of eggs should- also rrcelve much consider- 'aeon. It 1s necessary that the eggs be kept clean. dry and reasonably eon!. T!:ey should be transported under the beet ronditlons of santta- ttnr. and when placed In cold storage 1'se rooms 1n wh'.ch they are kept ' s'teritd be dry. latest lee Create Framer The can cf • new :( e comet freezer which does not have to be cranked 1. tubular. lee being packed both Ire side and outside of it. Typed Messages From Wire Argentine telegraph companies am teeming into tessera use a system airtneas Was Minted tilt' • Nerd: Keep Calm Auger. fear and ceher forms of moo- ed 'tenement. It ka• bees leaned. may step dipotion esttrely sad rause seriess kidney diseases. A Matter Scheme The momentum a • modern 11 oar railroad train mentos • mile a mimeo ts equal to that of a ton welaitt ferns, from a height a 11 Seem Airships Medlars to seems tbe motors el their taible bellmes are being tried W aa sway seem& Made of a single Mem et bell. • IlleNeet Para sew tool serves es a headset, bammer, N O puller sad bee MOW. being elves tbe lamest Ininnary erre la the world. See last high MO a M1.11111C AI It/Lai= MAW kraal ?,c.,niciliacam mato C117112eDtDOI al owe 242C1C71 MIG117 DOG 001 1 'CH SHE WISE "N Ma los rammed CI In 111B .34 A STOCK REPLETE with c'orrect wear for feet Our Shoe Stock is complete and low shoe. for both men and WOOleirl. Our line lit' Oxfords. in the moot desirable enter. and leather. will interest and pleisse Ample provision hes been made also for the tots anJ nest SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN Many 1 housand Men Required for the Harvest in Westesn Canada Men will be required f °week, to help in the great work of hat vesting the western crop, and new:tiredly the entire task of trenspwting usis great army of hsevesters tp the west will fall to the lot of tlie Pacific Felon -skins frous points its Ontario , Allwi ta will be tun. And special traits.. operived. mekiug t he trip in About "U;siog trip west." $12.00. to Win - **Return trip Kest," ells 011 front Conatill C.P.R. agents regarding partirolars iti connection with trans- portation west of Winnipeg. GOING 0 Ai ES. August 21 -From leest of Kingston. ShArtiot Like And Renfrew ill Pro.- vinces of Ontario and go- hec, to all points in Nlanitoha and certain points For full particulars regrading trans- portation west of Winnipeg. ete.. see nearest C.P.R. cient, or write M. 0. Murphy. District Passenger .tirent. Toron to. 19-31. RHEUM() CURES RHEUMATISM No matter bow long stxeding your cave enaj be. dont despair. wet s bottle Rbetneo today. IP. J. Rutland sells it with a nuetiustee to eenetit you. Rheum° to wonderful in its quick ac- tion. the pain cense*, the muscles end bones are rid of 'toren see end stiffness. sed very soon a Rheutuo patient le able to have the Dame strength aod vitality of youth. Rheum, builds blocd ass rich and thick that uric mid nnly 51.00 fne a lame bottle frogs P. J. Berland or direct, all ebergee prepaid from B. V. Mario, On.. Bsidashutil. Ont. Tim slessial wag esserarrend the IMINI•Partlauseut Noised vs Tbmiday CODE IC 1 ONZARIU W, BO SER'S DAY OFF Os Whish Ile Needs the Cal el the Maim Lark. BACK TO NATURE, HIS CRY. Ills Meath le Watterine Fee Freels Hassideberries Frees Dew Covered By 1st QUAD (Celrerillba prb/une.62.wisi 4.4 141.1"" MR. BOWSER was thoeghttel At dates he dirtied. At times be sN with bis gase axed ea the picture et' Washlagton crossing the Delaware. The cat rubbed against his le& bet he gave ber me mom attention than be would have bestowed ep:a a plenty • Peddler yelled 'Striae Muer at the house twelve times la succemtles. bet Mr. Bowser didn't bai an eye. Rad be tailed in bedaub? Had he lob a diem la the street ear? Rad be been 'defied to wear a wig? ; Hi? ispoetod to be asked every Wa- nts what was troubling Mak bet Mr& Bowser evinced DO curiosity. seemed oa the point a speaking • down thee& but Snail, west to bed ed a mystery well be sone in the morning and put on an old salt Thee Biri. Bowser observed: "I Wye you are sot going to repaint the house or anything?" -Bow would you She W. go est M. the reentry today r sip queried. 'What forr "To get a breath of Dish dr; tit step foot on tbe green gram; to bear tbe mug ot tbe aseldloW lark; to Oft tbe loacioas huckleberry Dia trots the dew covered vine.' O re. Selmer Withstands dm Lure. and stroll around the bet Bolds. It is as bot out in the country as It is In town. As for huckleberries. I don't he. us. Even if Mere was it wmieldn't be growing on a dew covered Irina" 1 "Poetises you can teach tne bow beckleberries grow." 1 "'I cm if you think they grow on I vines. I've picked many quarts er them. The w bush " I "Not on your life. Mrs. Bowser! iTber grow on v.ines.. You are thinking, . "I'm thinking of huckleberries and n othing else. Tbey not only grow on busk& but in and around swamp." **Do you mean to tog me that I bare lived to tbe age of forty-eight witbout knowing a huckleberry from • Hub- bard squash? lent Bowser. there le • certain Impudence and asseraoce about yea that provokes be to the Seat Yee were not big enough to spell cat when I was Melting huckleberries by the beatteL" "Well. het it so at that. It yes want heekleberries there an plenty la mar kW I will get seise today and maks -a Ws. There Is no ased to wander ever ten or Mee. miles et cogintrY le "I have Melted you." be saiE INN ta▪ ke • day eff with me to bear *be b we will eull tbe beekleberry _Dem tbe dew Mend vine. WIR yes go se N WT heeler ide seem. KM Osumi mill KIS oisys as tbsee. It Too uo aims le stag Mese tedap we will ride aroma ea the epee cara.* • Mr. Sesame WO Se Alma 'gleams. 1 am "slag te the. reentry. I Nast to ow now Newt gm= /NB reel tress. I treat te bear the songs et Mrds. the hem et Wee sad We whispers et aster.. le oddities N ale I bey. dreamed et peeked Weide. berries ter three MON reseise. NH 1 yearINN the elms. W111 re er weal on ionise te dews, 7ise right boob -re rather wt." here sad try aid stew and . I "Tint settles N. Yes ems 'orsiritas retool seen so ad I Aide ham see et the best da et my lite. - aa esegy fee yam wiles Tee relate " "Yee seed ham nettles ot Me bled 1 ens ree so ewe betkieberry how ow witbeet sey et year Nip"' MOD tbst Mr. brew, INN ids start ter ibe maven% snd *a ewer Mee We suburbia maw nap lbw& IIMI Ms Nese. pew INN& Ille 1M ?IMMOAv..►Odsert 11, IOU T ' » de nest. O N New Needy Wise -shad bet Neer a Otis showed he se the hybway a piece rad rbcs eel ever the tense Ina • NM N ce1I •a the grass. B. hadn't relied yet wbes a Weary wilt$. tame .lest and step. to MY: 'Setter burp ,.arwlt eft e' tet. eiallyr Vier wetly 1" "De farmer wtu be atter ye rad use Fe ruin Dere what dly cold tresp.•s Mt here to the cewto:." "Let 'em colt and be kaeledl Thine' have teese to a pretty peas wen one can't sou en the dawns." "LB sigma may. If ye gtt de beet don't blase ase. 1 was Jest trytn' d Nit ye nest, ye know." Falls 1. Wit% Strange Aemmiwtau.s. Mr. Bowser decoded net b reel He decided W art in a shady fence cor- ner for awhile and bear the notes not the meadow keit There were birds abaft. and they were singing more or I. but be coon ddeovered that be couldn't tell the song of • lark from that of a crow. This made kin se- cretly glad that lin. Bowser bad not come a.oug. Sbe would have bees sum to say something to hurt bis feel- ings. Atter a rest of tea minutes be climbed lento the road and walked es to look for bsckleberry vines. At the end of a quarter of ■ mile be came to another Weary sitting on a log and gnawing at the last remains of a beef bone. Mr. Bowser was going by with- out salutation. but tbe other looked up sed•called out: "Say. es11y. when did ye take to the hoof?" "What do you mesa Birt "Halal ye on de pad! "Hoof, boot? Pad? I don't under stand the citron." "Ob. ys don't! Den ye haln't been batcbed long! Whit I'm •skin' le do ye belong to de porfeabr "Do I look oke • tramp!" "To be honest wed ye. cull's. ye don't Ye look more like de man who takes tickets at de s$desbow where dey exhibit de weld woman of Borneo. to 75 down on yer luck? Determined to Find Heekleherrles. Mr. Bowser drew himself up with teeming dignity and passed on. He couldn't fight with a tamp, but he de- termined to make Mrs. Bowser pay for those insults. Forty rods farther on be came to a tarmbouse. There was a lathy young man greasing • wage! In front of the place. and Mr. Bowser halted and asked: "Do you think I might be able to Me any huekleberrles around Dere?" "Mebbe 1t's hayseeds and sucker* you are looking torr was the reply, ac- companied scompanied by looks of suspicion. "I simply desire to find some huckle- berries and pick them off the vines." The lathy young man laughed. "Well, what are you cackling about? "I'm wondering wbetber you are a fool or a sharper. Why didn't you say that huckleberries grew oo oak trees? "They grow on vines. as I old, and 1 see no need of your making a smart Aleck of yourself over it. I asked you a civil question." "Pa. par called the young man to some one to the house. "Well, what is 1t?" asked the old farmer himself as he came out "Here's a fence as says huckleber- ilea grow oo vines! Mr. Bowes In Bad." Tbe old man put on his spectacles and went closer to Mr. Bowser and then drew back and said: "Look out for him. Sam! 1 think be's tbe feller that stole our milk cans ons night last week! Lord what a mog be's got on blmr "See Dere. but what ails your shout- ed Mr. Bowser. "1 come along here and ask you s c1v11 question and you make a great mystery over 1t 11 then are any, Idiots around here you are the ones "Bot you said you were after heckle - berries." protested the young man. "Well. wbat of It "And they grow on vines." "And what of that too?" "Don't try any bluff hen, old maul Pa, whistle for the dog. Now you sett Tbe farmer's wife came out wltb tbe dog. gbe bad a bot bundle in bar bead Bowser decided to gut. As be started the tour took after him. sod to hes confusion be took to babe woods across the road Iastesd of keeptag to the highway. Tbe tramp d.wm the mad es a reg bad ares It alt, sod as the atlases. went by and eeltber per. weed trot dimers reappeared and the yelps et the dnS -slid farther away M refereed to hi beet bens and mused: "I geese M betel de man wise est & s1I•alsew. aster !IL ..l germ he's die eSsp.dwt-dna a Nenst.W112110..tyewatr and dot dey baa got de beet of Nee heti die three ear The Desseeh Orders. "Ity bestow? le jest Wan ever • M akkama. sad I west to bey him a shirk* NM Mrs. Blake. "Tea. sall'ata." replied tbe clerk. "Wield yee want seleetideg Is a NM Me." NM airs. Webs. "The N. tee says be Nest ovoid anything with Meet OsehIng Advairee—Dld yes so tire DeDenbley's 'rimer 'erase? Sewed tiesidne Admirer — Oh. IN deed I OH DM yes ever see smell wesemb es Mow web 1, MD serell.• Murky Mewstals Mews. A Ray et Napa chosao femme with adgb her• -1 bad thle wallet dry classed Wit levet as' mew Ire es seed es sew. We bees faces bat wayl—P•dr. Sunirner Goods GREAT REDUCTIONS IN PRICES We are now getting ready for Our Pall Merchandise and in order to have room for the New Stock are selling all our Summer lines at Cutting Prices.: Hats of all Kinds Summer Suits Bathing Suits, Etc. Are included in the list of bargains Mc Lean Bros. TM &pude, Cadent -is SEMI-REA1DY TAILORING Agents for Carbartt Overalls. Stanfield's Underwear, Piterell Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs 1 IJFFALO LEVELAN 1 THE GREAT SHIP "SEE.ANDBEE" Niessese• "317-ANDOM"'"Cke eV Erie sod "Cite alienate" eferdp..CLEVELAN. D — tiny tat to Dec. 1,i reltreolara wi fitawirad far !Wm- Sr. Taker Dorris awl an Friar War am& Sarabrawa Aak yaw rated arra far "data •.• 1- II Ler. MAY IND ire larodwara illarworal kw fr.. THE CLEVELAND a BUFFALO TRAN,SIT CO.. Clev*Isad. 0. 1 voiesimeweeeenesesesesesesessreeseseereetesAmeeeeoseseersesseweeiesetiewereftes MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES Maple Leaf Binder Tw.ne Perfection Oil Stoves Two Burner Three Burner Ovens for use on these stoves Detroit Vapor Stoves Two Burner Three Burner ICE CREAM FREEZERS IICREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS FLY SWATTERS ELECTRIC IRONS HAMMOCKS GARDEN SEATS 11.00 2.90 14.00 BASLIS,..LL GOODS TEEMS RACQUETS LACROSSE STICKS' LAWN MOWERS GA ASS CATCHERS GARDEN 1110SE LAWN SPRINKLERS DR. HESS'S FLY CHASER FOR CATTLE IS EASILY APPLIED AND BOSOLUTZLY NON-POISONOUS2TO ANIMA LS. CI XS, C. LEE ELECTRIC `MG PtIONES: arron 22, HOUSE 112.