HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-8-20, Page 6• • MEMaSOAT, Arouse *, 1E1* THE MINA AND ONLY IENUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS s OLD ON THK hiRItITB OF IINAD'S LINIIENT BOOKBINDINlG MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. POLI, LETTERING fi��re,r. ppoohy LEATHER GOODS o;td iateM on leaving A. IL TAYLOR. • 8711AT70110. e_-_ MEDICAL DR. W. F. °ALLOW, M. B. UMos Sad rename& North most. Oodor mina d theold Asdwrfi *Mee 'lutea henstiL TS$ 000. 1H 1LE1[ANN. O8'ITi- 3- PATH. eoodanet in weme•'• and d1I• er.SL dsra+sestaarwfeand mem die wrens ere ettosalingo a, r ic condition.. throw- Nart street. third Joe tress He Reworn Goderieh. RR. F. J. R. FUBBrIR—SYR MAR. seen end M Bent only. Hew e York Ophthalmic and Aural two. S'laoloal Mei.. Kar, Nose methroat broat Ue.ldee Square. and alaaes6ald are Mae titsl. iocs Strom. SttMkt Iaerese gaaoaaloa mChazdi.. Hours sl. t. lIa.ta. oto 4 p.s to V a. a. 2 to l 0. ss» i li a p- ss. Tateob••• WIL AND MINNiks M. GRRKR. D. C. (lblzoprootat•r ..Ise .ad norm paetfallat 'Chiropractic M tine Mom fiat curs,. without dregs or knife. Free •••10111• tion 01110e over Sharmaa's Shoe titan. so tramps no KM. -.rest. Plow Al. FLM LEGAL PROUDFOt)T, HAYS a KILLOR- AFI. ►.mister', soticharu, natn.ies pabUs. rooter. la the maritim (Wart, Ma Petrone faads to lead &t lowest rater of biters*. �e�sS.� Fast a 4. tqw% .•NOULleGOT K. C. R. C. MAYO. J. L EILLOKAN.'W. PRUI}IIFUtYT. Jr. ViQ. OAMKKON, E. 0.. HARRIS TEL sinter. 148461r,Odious - etittoa Awed. Oud.rtcb. third door fro n sowaro ARINS oABSOW. I.L.R.. BAR R TTER, attarM. sial. ., s o, esd► ch Money id tend M .whet Met (t SKAOKII, BARRISTER. 8b4 lJ [c�lt [Vasey Nb OAm;ve=�a�!asr (rd%c ours ffousa, -' '�ti* •: AUCTIONEER, THOMAS SUNDRY JL AUCTIONEER; !o&-6:. (Markt. All tostrnollose by scall left at Menai mike soul be promptly at waded to. iteshlsaos Placement'', IK$URAMCE. LOANS, ITC. ;20,000 PRIVATK YUNDti TO ken. Apply to 11. 0. CA11- ;KO .. 16i—rioter Hamilton street. Gederb4 1►W•K.ROBERTSON, LN8VRAN('I AGENT. Irma •.gt Liuwrataa : British. C tradio .ad A•weican. &moonMT, RWanaal. arra I.MPLOTtaw I.ua11. rev : lie mean A*.ideat and Guarantee .ort•or.tton Limited. of Loudon. Anat. If 'town v •Nu tiAnat.u•a•aTaa Doan. Th. Ult. Fidelity .ad U mesa.. (.ole I+•r y. orate at midtown. sorthe..t comer of Vb- tato and M. David • streets". Pima* Ott UultI 1.OP MUTUAL FIRE IN ME k (.r It A N C L C U. -Farm .ad isol.ted ewe psopertly Isearod. Man -J. n. McLean. Pm. deem -tit P.O.: w lusnalb. Vie. -Pres.. Godericb P. 0.. h. Mara $.a -Truss.. tlealortk P. 0. IMr.uio --I). F art:regor. zMaforrk ; Jahn U.Oriera witkrap Muu.m Wan. (0 anon. Jane • en; Jame Erma tA�an�f�ret Feeds, al•dsst: lWaldne BIcdeen. Hrae.e.ld. Agerl.: J. W. Vso. aolm..rtU•. IL smith. *•flack; W1ul.ru (looney. $..fsntk; A Ylne►I.y. b.sIo lJ 1'o... .omens ran pay sr..ww.lc.nu .•d ass Weir card. reosIptea at B. J. litsreinkin Ckau.a* Stan.L.0ntm. or at K M Lan4 u,ee.ry. die tea stmt. Use.rlok. ■AOP1AOE LiCEMSIS �LLTIR K, [KLLY, J. P.. UGU[Rlt'H. ONT. solsOEi♦ or meastooli LICE -Nang. E. R. WIOLE IFiw al marriage Litsws AVM LKS PHARMACY ti,xtorieh. Ontario Fats Terre From Sept.mbee CENTRAS. SUSINFSS COtd.LOE eret• rrow°, QNr, Ts, best OseMei .i S l le the Oersob eess are thweene e.1.1r r he. Tie • es wows ler set meism. ease ,e▪ erie enol, � Writs 1st ser Ms Miv4 o gee alit esu west we me M ler yea- li. A slw.aoKLAIt. Fr+adp.l Oro CURIOUS fIStt -444 tis •ht,. ,• ,',. .: i x.Mt�- ,, , . . ...•te.•'ai.$ L..z• ^i` tie.+•s lu�t�ff( 1.e+Rti ►t K...'"45",P-0yw"1i:6' ref`' w'"46'' )r+R.a r!rgrr� }•� •.ii*`x.,'t• r.....•'•.ot", t lel-mss,, THE SIGNAL 30D MK ONTARIO • POPULAR FILM ACTOR Mme Finny Creatures Croak: Some Hun. and One Shrieks Hahm have often been referred to r '•voiceless, emotionless clesturea. but scientific Inveatigat/uu has demur' atrated that like laud animals they are largely relayed by the same emotions, and teat in • limited way they give expression thereto. Tbere are more tkau iso species of fish which are known to produce sound. One particular kind of fish, wbteb ars called "materna," emit sounds Miele* • duration of about twenty E ve seco•ds, and also various notes, u sually degenerating Into a mere bammlag. either from excess or want of Inteedty N'bon these. fish are travelling la •►owls the sounds glveu eat by them may be heard froth a depth of twenty fathoms More thou case* It has been suggested that the story a the siren. had Its origin In the utterances of these fish. When captured, the acad. or horse - mackerel, the globe gbh, the gruaL the pig -Om . and the hog -fish all emit sounds resembling the grunt of a pig; while oast. well known aloe' the M- antis coast as the croaker, derives its name from the croak It give. when taken into a boat. The Wise! .ad the carp also croak when taken from Use water. There I as • species a "sea -frog" bund by the natives of Malabar, sad . oealled on account of the noise It makes when captured. The red gur- G arl has berm dubbed the "seacock" by reason of Its crowing. The •r- sado. • ash found In the Rio Parana. 1s most remarkable for the harsh. grating sound It emits when caught sella book and line. It L said that tela noise can be heard distinctly veldts the fish Is yet beneath the sur- face. There i • ash In the Tagus that emits mounds resembllag the vibra- tions of a deep -toned bell, gong. or pedal pipe of an organ. Herrings. 'ween the net has been drawn rowed them. have been observed to do the same, and similar accounts are given d the river bullhead. An amphibious snuroW fish, on being taken Into the band, is said to shriek, and oortaln of the blenniee emit similar sounds. Te the Gulf of Mexico the big jewfsb breaks the stillness of the night and the waters with hie sonorous • boxom! boom!" Photographic Invention Of F urope:rn invention Is a device which enables a reel of magnesium ribbon to be berried any length ret tame its Intense light may be desired by a photographer to make a timed ezpoeur . Beata "Whispering Gallery" it coat a railroad company $30.000 to remodel a new station In a Cali- fornia city when it was found that every whisper in a large waiting nom could be heard in every other part of the room. Automatic Employment Bureau A Californian la the Inventor of a m•c.htne into which a person In seareh ort employment can drop s coin and get • card, visible from outside the 'machine, telling where work may be found and what kind Marvel In Tower Construe on Collapsable towers. adopted by the. German army for searchlights and wtreloes telegr.pby, are so light Sad compact that two men can carry a tower that extends to 100 feat. 4 Motorbike Postmen Motorrycle ,Ido ears are laving triad tar delivering mails in rural distriota fn flat tine 'WS 'M elf'ysal/1ebiL tbfh' the horse soon will disappear from the postai service of the Vatted Kingdom. Takes !Milne e11 Poem The addition of a little water will she • lusterl,wa finish to oil paint without injuring It as the water w111 evaporate — C.,nfsrt For PIM Ts • tank car bunt Y Saxony to transport Seing flak ling dietaries rte electric motor is gold MM keep the water aerated. Keeping Pias Clean ion keep pinR clean a new reeepbde towers them with • *lase dome which net being tarred. drops a few M • time upon • tray. toe Ilea Break/ eel At aged couple in Norwich• (bee lave eaten no br..tfeet for 20 rears sae eyed$ Meer robust health to that tart Several ?resell artists have agreed to sign all their works In intent with thumb velum to peave*t freed* apo parrehusrw The Jordan e ssalrei Oyer. etsw► M Implements MARVFIOUS INSTINCT Of WiLD ANIMALS New Method of study and Experiment- ing Used by Nature Students The French pusses* a curtous lo- atBtution In the form of as institute of soological psychology established to a farm near Pari This station oomprt.es meadows and barnyards. a wend to the bottom art the pond. stocked with fish Then, too, there ars spaciotu butldtngs, Including mod- ern stables, a riding school. stalls for leolating animals* under special obsenatlon, an aquarium and a labor- atory.' A dovecote is placed upon the roof of the main building As evidencing the desire of the French naturalists to study the habits of living creatures under natural con- ditions. It may be mentioned that • complete diving apparatus has been provided la which observers may de- scend to tre bottom of the pond. There they may remain for hours. imtll the fah become accustomed to their presence. and follow their satursl impulses In playing and teed Ing. The under -water student thus b enabled to note their habit* at first band. The other extreme of observation la the construction of abetting plat- forms in the branches of trees, when students aft throughout the night muted with electric flashlights to Viteb the deluge of owls, bate and suotarnal insects.. LA:- It ,p7It is reported by a ectentltet that as tmportant conclusion reached by the students la tbst some animals pommies a special sense whereby they esu detect the promisee a water eves !bags they cannot see it For tn- sten** with sheep and cattle wban being driven across country. In a place where' the presence ort ester was wholly unexpected the Asetrallaa noted some curious tecta. The leading animals suddenly would Ott their heads and draw long breathe. Then they would abandon the beaten track. and start running through the bush. Sometimes they wood run for a mile and a half to two miles and oould not be stopped by the driven. their course invariably leading to a pond • or spring hitherto unknown. In Prance the experiments were made on a water rat. First its eyes were blended by a bandage and then It wan pier- d on a turntable. which was whirled round until all sense of direction mus: have been obliterated. Upon being releases, without a mom. ent's hesltl un, 11 startee directly for the Pond. eoverai hundred yards dis- tant Frogs and toed. were taken to a distance of three or four miles from water and liberated. it seemed to take them only a short time to find the water. One old blind toad showed the inatlnct la the same degree as the others Among the subjects of tovedtlgatton 1s the sight of bird. and the homing instinct, of the carrier pigeon. Many Members of the institution are in- N1ned to consider this a phenomenon of far sight. They have been taking by triangulation the height to which birds soar and front that figuring out the radius of vision they attain. fiddle Lyors is s S,usebuit$ word 1s the homes of picture show patrons. Hear a happy young chap who can tuns bis personality lulu all sorts of twist. In order to picture "somebody else" oo the screen. 1.yons 1. usually cast for comedy, probably becauoe he has • perfectly serlous400king face. Anyway he is very clever at comedy roles. He is often seen with Lee Moran and Tic - torts Fordo, Stell. Adams Sad the est of the Nestor comedy oompaay. KIN6'S FAVORED TENAN1 S Seine Queer Rents Collected by KI*g r Ueort aee- Some of the -eats wbieh are King Oeorge•s due front certain of kis loyal sulldeots are 'mors, honored in the breach thaa la the oba"rvaaoe." It weskit oertotaly surprise King George and Queen Mary If the Lord of the Manor a Addington. in Surrey rbouid soddenly appear and pl•ak down on the Royal I reakfaat table the bowl of poeridge which constitutes his yearly rent In acknowledgment art his Sover- elgn's overlordehlp. Whether the present owner of the Moults Fatales In Scotland regularly pays his rent we cannot say. or whether the King, as Is likely. shuts his eyes to the omission of the bucket- ful of snow which is has rightful due. Aa the estates are near sten Nevis, there would certainly be oo difficulty In obtalnbn a trainload of snow once a year. and probably eve* a buck' Uul In summer; but, as the King has little nae for snow, probably the rent is never paid. Quite a different and mach more doslrable rent is the one which has been charged to the tenant of Cron - dun, In Buckinghamshire, from time ttu*temerial., The rent ooaslets of a garland of roses every June, and. needless to may. the garland la duly tot -routed. and la a thing of beauty. as 11 ough'. to be. In September every year two fag - seta aro p•.Id at the law ('torts by the City Remembrancer aa rest for lands held by the City Corporation from His Majesty the King. This official cot only has to deliver the two f(ggots. but has to see that they are property received and accept a duly signed and witnessed receipt for them, which 1s flied in the City's archives. The authorities of the Isle of Port- land make a queer sort of collection every November on behalf of His idaj+sly It Is called the "King's Halfpenny": but, &s a matter of tact, every cottager on the bland pays • farthing, every cottage with • gar- den a halfpenny. and every man with an acre a laced or more threepence. This le called "Quit reef-" When U. Kiss lately went across Um Channel to pay Ms State vlatt to Paris, he ought to have been attended senses Via le es"- b. this. praamst representative of Rolomon Attfield, ire wti0m King John gave kis lands es ooadlteon that, whenever he or any of Mi sucrwsso.rs crewed the Channel, the said Releases or hie heirs should he le •tteadanst, to hold up the King's bread when he was Seasick. hies (34. was the ihryal Heed -holder. 1R.+ever. ea the Irl maosarch to call ter this serves, was M ward 1.. lid. imperially as his present Ma)esty la a sailor, tt is very unlikely that the existing R,kussa wee mated opo* to perform his teactlnwa Nevertbe;sea, thane 1. an death. that 1f the King re aseired he wield call epee ue tea - tate of the Att11rN astatine to In the esrelee M which they bold the tenure , r{ their land 1f the King 'Amid pay a visit to A,ylnue.J'7 whew. the ducts rose Rome the 1nk►hlta.0 sur supposed to . apply him with three eels If It Is Whiter and with two fat glom If 1t V summer if the King alsoed volt Chichester. by am:teat usage he ought ltesedlat ly to dossed a Milne for Ms crn.ahow, and M the Ries should 11 be engaged In war tied riding at the Is tM world', tenet eeslmreag b1t telllas 4„..4 head of Ills troupe, 11 would he 111Cas- b.at upon the .ere.aeews In the Cor bet Rotates In Rhrnp.hlre to provide him with a each of haws every dpt We bare a new car- load of the beet buggies" coney ..n buv. We have lots of Win Fencing and Oates. We have Washing Machines and Churns, Stoves, Ros- ters and flanges, Lad- ders. Hay liars told Track, Utter Carriers. Engine.. Windmills, Binder`, Mowers. Hay Loader,, Ws.toos and Stock Hacks. A1ao a Dumber of good hones Massey -Harris Shop Hamilton Street FALL TERM oteweas allTOeWOt MT AT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Owgn 110U1N0, ONTARIO 34 vuooeetel year.. Penticton Ins mita d 1. Orsdaate•. Made( pdaWta C. A. Flaattno, P.C.A., PtiocipaL U. D. FIaIIIN0. Secretary. o• FIT is PORK& BEANS, with _ 'Lr SP. Too ���•4cPN� r (,(%tt 2-7-1e- Only the of�beam end. Delicious *sad appetisingseasoning. add ev.rewbw.. • I.siere.`CT..k'i ear -n5105 t,m •rr 'tiimhing into • bin of wheat which wan being loaded into a Grand Trunk railway freight car at Sea1orth, 15.year-old tlens Muir was Smothered to death on being drawn into the spot I.efor • .40 could he extricated. SALLOW COMPLEXION indicates indigestion, constipation . r liver trouble: Fio PiLLS will reiro- late your system and build up the nerve force• wo thatou can deep and enjoy life. At all dealers" IR and .',0 cents or The Fig P111 Uo., 8L'rbomae, Ont. Sold in Goderieb by K. K. %Vigie, dressiest. Canadian National Exhibition i PEACE YEAR AsaaAoa's Geset st Livestock abew Aero d Meniedachrres Exhibits by the'P ovla n EttMbita by Doslslse LAPP sweat EAMMUlt WW*I (laati . rGrenadier Guards dud 1 Dpaa,eee' Musical Rids Aute Matches -ids Circus Hllppe4ese sad Dans Sheen la Sloes Hear Els/ mows' Rwlew Cris'e's" Iilleg t DIME Whew BABYLON Greatest QiMssd Spectacle es Ceettoser otter promoted Peewit& fres Eaahnd. Se desd, United tastes sad Canals ldwcstto all Eablbts Geode is Process Making of Atb.btic Specie Aare-Nydrsplse a nets flews/ W.tas Ardvel 1 C eatore's PIR.ONS Band Scare Sate& of ethos Denis aged Osssoarts Dilly Chsaapsake Sheassa sed Mosso leeway war Panes Yam ,I.- els Iawiodeobl posts Tann se Snssri dM III whams AJI4 ze 1914 Sepi. 14 TORONTO wmareeilej Developing Australia The Australian states concerned and the commonwealth have agreed on a locking and storage system for the Murray river that will open a naytg• able waterway 1.000 miles Into the heart of producing Australia Protecting the Roads Italy 1s drafting and will enforce a series of regulations covering the width of wheel rime to be *Unwed on highway&. Dentists Cannot Advertise In Tasmania dentists are forbidden by law from any form of. advertising. New Rhee Device hall and socket fasteners have been patented to hold tongues of oboes In place Telephones In Canada There Is a telephone for every 163 persons 1n Canada. weerdf*g to official figures. 011 Wells Fer Spoto Promising surface Indlcatldas of petroleum deposits in Spain have ks4 the government to investigate the discoveries It 151 quite possible for • man to sow wtid oat. until they become taw The Kaiser has forbidden his octoses to deal with marriage brokers Portugal make. sbtltty to read and write • requirement for ansragw. Most a the enol. Imparted lath the I• tilted Abates le redwood is the West indles and Ceseral Sad Sneth Aamerte* 0.1y •seen w.drsgs stave table "Woe is Moseseter Catbadrat 1a Sep two year. ardWitzs Be FairToYourself Half the unhappiness in the world could be traced to the lack of proper rest If you deep on a bed that sags and throws the lines of your body into unnatural positions, you cannot hare the rest you need. So, the very great importance of the proper bed on which to take your (test. The "Hercules" spring bed is the bed which affords perfect rest So scientifically woven that while it is much stronger than the ordinary woven wire fabrics used in spring beds, and while there's a springiness that is the delight of any bed, the "Hercules" will not sag. "5 times" stronger, but "6 times" more resilient and restful. TL. Gold Medal Felt Mattress Made of pure Cotton Felt. Never pts out of order. em. Ilanaheteved By r The Gold Medal Furniture Mfg. Co. ?sweat! Montreal Winnipeg Ai Ter Demise— FOR BALK BROPHEY BROS. r�r e CANDLING -EGGS Appliances for This Purpose Bring Dis- tributed by the Goverment Few consumers appreciate the fact that the quality of an egg can be ac- curately determined without break• ing the ebe11. The process of cand- ling eggs is not difficult and with the view of encouraging consumer, gen- erally in the art and pre-tice of cand- ling, tie poultsy tits -Won ot the lied stock Mance of the Dominion depart- ment of agriculture is distributing gratuitously thretrghnutthe country in the same meaner as bulletins are dis- tributed, simple convenient cat dhow d egg candling appliances. These ntay be obtained upon request to the live stock commissioner, Ottawa. it is not generally known that an egg appears semi-traneparent when held before the light in a darkened room and that. if carefully rotat ed, even minor defects may be seen. Pamphlets deaLrng with this matter have been prepared, and illustrations included showing to detail the char- acteristic appearance of botb Rood and bad eggs when being candled. The cooten1. r f an mag. when 1*14, completely fill the .h.11 Lot as cool- iog takes place cent!acte.'et occurs and an air space ix fotmo•d.in the large end. The yolk is only slight? t.etrep tible tied readily turns round in the altuln- en when the egg is totaled. A stale cr ehntnk.n egg may be detected by the eine of 1 he air ceik A bad egg is easily recognised through the contents having hecuune, dark am opaque. The size of the air cell the consistency of the albumen, the colour and mobility of the yolk and the gen- eral transparency of the whole egg are the tartars most gene, ally recognised es determining quality. The candling art eggs is not a dim. cult preet.m. it require. but little .kill to I'll at • glance the differens 1 between good and had eggs and any- one with practice can learn to differ- entiate between the varthus grades of mood eggs. The appliance, mentioned above are of two different type., one suitable for ,tee with the kero.eee lamp and one suitable for use with the electric light" Neither the smell amount of tro.tbte required to secure one of tbese appli- ances nor the amount of labour en- tailed in candling presents say valid r*aaatt• wbrl►' dew pitlbabosrfi JIM Oh - listed lilted to use or accept had or Incubat- ed egg.. Sanekeepers will find It to their advantage to acquire facility in candling and a is recotwmeded that every housewife shouM provide her- self with ooe of these simple candling appliance.. by the diligent use d which .h* may safeguard her family loon many unpleasant occurenres at t he hi oak fast table. CURRENT LITERATURE The Canadian Magazine for Await i. particularly strong in fiction. ping place is given to ■n extremely *maw ing story entitled. "Th. Calgary Venus," by Charles Stokes. This i. the *tory of how • Calgary real emote dealer was vfhe.died ieto Lying • fake "old master" pointing at .n amnion a•I.. Hie r.mrqu.nt ern ramose in finding blaseelt the poseeeww of • painting of a nude and it • fake •t that, ie very funny and should make the author's reputation. The number is unusually .tion` in fiction, with .hart stories froorlasSollivan, Isabel Kecle.tone Meka Rax Rottener. Madge Macbeth. llar .ret Reil and others. Plenty a people know Sir William Van Horne u the genius of Flt. 0i•e. %dia. Pacific Railwayin It• earlier dim: but few know tat be is • pale - ter of repute and If the 0aaadian pacific Ism not .nered.d In thing ' ewer the precarious day. of 1U 'meth. 1 l.e might have tamed to painting as • Iifewewk Bernard Moddlrnan. se Awns* Oesada Monthly writ • Tide to bM bases, his o, wh is d s a aatassas at art nod ~lea. Saturday Specials at the Maple Leaf Grocery 0I. Every ten a kill more flies tb d any sticks fly substitutes, wi "uneatidadeim. Picnic 'o p1 it1etit essential the the best kin, Meats for 5 etc.W are to care of field) season, and rustled • new we ant raced, you with the HAM and HOCK, CHEESE toils, COR SAUSAG SPAR Also a f Fruit and 1 - PO\ t G'R O ON THE PHON Fruits Strawberries", New Pine Apples Florida Grape Fruits, Bananas. Sunkist Oranges in all sizes. New Vegetables Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumber. Celery. Lettuce, °cions. Radish. Rhuhat h. New Cwbbeytr. Home-tnade Maple Syrup Have just received • large quantity of Hctne-made Maple Syrup of the very higbeet qual- ity and flavor. Butter, Eggs and CURED MEATS We are making arrangement to brave a large and choice 1•• Pertinent in all these line. for Satlird•y and will be in .. position to wjeply your wants with choice Creamery and Dain Butter, strictly fresh Eggs and Cured and Cooked Meats. All orders well receive our careful attentioo. S. J. YOUNG Haaailton Street Garde H ose Sprin Nozzl Coupl Hose -Elm:• aimulliukruagi aea.11°rem•..i t.w. IbMole lasimis le c ibo nor Immo se 444.114 Wm. WAN OMR w.l...e s . mos s.e. of ,w ..a.rssa a •u•• • Va4:4'.."11.4 .n..r. .w .t:`r: awn eau. w tow ria *0 Eeeem� ��tr • trt.•e..Y .. ► ea � ares..... a. if BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND J6lysab ereght yiheowert hAree0rl W. R. }'hone ltd L011 lI 1I , alalash emhbai to pebble. Clagge is seaside /r tllept lg`► r Ores. Rear sap pMLW. Westepolt Seta ai � _ M 1M