HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-8-13, Page 7TAF stot'AG : OODERiCH ONTARIO It t7 P- s - 1 L h i NOWT SWAT TEAT FLY Ma Mere the Amu* away is b imItered through your Weer - WE n1 PLY ROA sad kill both the elm tad germs. Said by all DrrglMis seed Grocers sit war Cased.. Picnic Time 11,1„ • nir time it is most essential that you have the hest kind ufl ('used M"ata for awndwiche", ' eta We are taking spec YI care of ftel.h Meats this reason, and having in- stalled a new refrigerator we are ready to supply vnu with the very hest ALL RATIONS TIMOR There 1s hardly • country to the world where the pipe M not smoked In one form or another The Kaffir dearly byes his pipe. sad, falling the geouln• artiote, wUl use anything that will bold tobacco -- tram a piece of Imo piping to a cow's horn. When wet even these aro avail- able he will use the earth! He dots this by making a small bole to hold the tobacco, from which he makes a passage for the smoke by pushing a curved piece of wire tbrougb the ground He then lies face down wards, applies a light to the tobacco, and his lips to the ground, at the spot where he has withdrawn the wire. and imel.es In peace. In many villages of the North-west Provinces of India are to be found public hookahs for the use and com- fort of travellers. Everyour' has heard of the ludian's pipe of peace. General Blucher's pitle.•71t4ukltlg was of a very different character. ire ap- 'pointed a man to the post of "pipe- 1master." whose duty 'lit was to fill a long clay pipe and hand it to the General before every engagement Blucher would then enjoy a few whiffs, give back the pipe, and gallop into the firing line. Investing By Mail transact business by mail with client, m all parts of the Prov- ince to their entire satis- faction. We can do the same for you. Uses request we shell he pleased t• suggest able ia.estsaeam far yea. A. H. Martens & Co, Membws Toeerts Seer* ttarlange — sod JMAU imus c.r• R. BUuDu+G, TORONTO 9.14 ■limi ness�ause elm•e ,,anesser.:naa C@IL7 ®m M rnrID'O C7 MD is omgt la ■�^Clt9CM2CHM ©m 3112 cicitcom moo ado cinioao 120 Ta I O Ele111 11013 MOM * 091 �1L■usjoO.aimr 1E9 %ss. lu ©rJ■ ii• n alro �o IaMI@I HAM and TONGUE HOCK, HEAD- CHEESE (Tray Ben- tosl. CORN BEEF, SAUSAGES and SPARE -RIBS .11- a full line of Fent mid Vegetable.. POWELL the GROCIE R ON THE SQUARE PHONE e1 EARTH ISEASE n a S. reptose of iGda.y Dirge. A wen-knowsdoctor has said. ., i never et sable a post-mortem ea- smna.wnatara,eet death fres Heart threes web• oda f.-,d'ng the kidneys ever.• 14.414... The Kidney a.<d r �. • . !::: h was Anton the eras.-.. moat success. fast toe Heart i).wss and a:l K.dney Troubles, and now ...Lev imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills Kot West; HINTS 11. J. WALTERS President of the Kansas State Agri- cultural School, who will study the agricultural 1soesibllttles of the Phtllppinr' Fir has ape, .al In- structions !o devise some plan to tally the natlte .women from the fields and make tee mer. do tale farm work MARCH Of SCIENCE Canadian Astronomer Says Moon H.S no Influtence on Weaths• I)r Otto N.nti, As'.stun: Dominion ytronomer. dtspeUs the ancient supersttttnn that the moans ..a- any tn- temece on the` -weather, or that the moosltght make* fish unfit to • at. in is lecture Dr, Klotz .sptalac.. that Garden Hose Hose Reels Sprinklers Nozzles Couplings Hose Menders Etc. • R.' PINQER in Rauslltge Sfeset A STOCK REPLETE \vith correct wear Eos feet Our Shoe RI ..611 i. en►urlete with the - wawa'► creations. Every deeitALle N• yIr iii high and low ►hoes for Muth amen- aiid wn.nie•n. tine line of Oxfotdl, in 11 a most desirelle, colors loud' leather, will interest and please. e,. Ample -provision hae been Wade alio Inc the tete mil neat . (4, ►. . SHAR'VMAN THE SHOE MAN EL---- - 4 Many 1 howand Men ,Required for the Harvest in Western Canada Approximately fifteen tbnu,rnd then wilt be reynired forte thatarid to help 'lathe sfro.t work of has.estirst the westerncrop, and ewaetic4lly the rotier task of transporting this great army of hervr.t.rs to tete west will tall t,. the lot of the Canadian Pacifies R.ulway. Rieureintsafrom points in Ontario to Ytniwdr, !I tettecheivan ,,,and Ateerta will he run, and special trains weight 1s merely a term reed to 4e;, °�a•rd• melting the Hip in rltrut tb»t y --ix h•wn at)d avoiding snap scribe the attraction. or pull, or great•chaser• of ra,a'nr ►reasters. Thur will sty, existing between two bodies-- be a ley sb.xter thee env other rouse. such es betwet n the eartb and :h' ''t, .ing ! • ip west," $12.00 to Woe moon. - the earth Lind a hall. or ceher nil+v •'H.tirn Gni. F:Aa,d1>,.tx) from object. Color: ' ton. seconding to J t1'.•,nst..s e • . ill t' P.1:. egrnt"a regarding part .rains in coneesstion with tr•ans- portatlss went .41 %Vinnit.rg. GOING 1►A1 ES. Ailment 11 -Feat Kln.•ton, she, Nil bike. Renfrew end S%..' res Atiida at d Haul, !Gtr. Marie. t Int.. to all points in Matsi•nh. nely. August 11- From For of Kingit on, iebarbnt Lehr and Rent now in Pro- wler*. of lintels., and Q ,dove, 10 all prints m ManitnFre only. Augts•t l't-Front Ki•,.+ton. Shsrbot Let. Renfrew end West to .%xilda "Mb thin: va.►k ar.. edam.: end Sash et.. )1,rie, 0,1,, ter All seeeuat chat thou Brest M not there ea its points in Manitnt.e and eertaitt far.itonnte, ow r. : • at Iley taken. la- regi tnsaakstehrwan nd ers, Augnat .tl - FronteEasAlbof K there at all: Matter exists Orly ,$Tt!v Mbar hnt 1,00. and Rrnt frcw tngin Pen- ally. and tt. represent re • 1!.a, gad winces of Ontario and Quebec, to all BODY a •nr.'. ' points in Manitoba and certain point, so S skatch.wen andAlberta. Dr. as for KIWIS es sttrac'7viey es- r For full partirnla.. regarding Iran.- preasrd It. "We ce selves aro v'taered , porta.son west ..f Winnipeg, etc.. see sunbeam.. and that T. on. of the res- ! nesse*, 1'. P.R. sweet, err write M. G. Mnrphv, District Passenger .lgrnt, . y.nv 'antperament s:eould :♦ taor� itmn y Alkyl?. I. nfell't' a f+f^► ems ( ch -n-11, Aron mmmrtcial leacher in light of grinner the nnortshlnr et' i t linrrn Colleg,eie Institute for the s.perstit,on mit' t •anon be dispelled l tart two jeer., has resigned. science. 1p merely a mental tmrreeri,.r. caused b'varying vlbrat:t ret. f ' ►�' and light itself cannot be described as a 'materia! substance Tr! *very. form of material can, be reduce.! to atoms and electron*. and Arany te rays of light. Prom stern sal stab. born matettalism ricbence would sees to be arriving at estate rat diseever>r expressed by Thorne* t'arlyyte. eta ear tor Reparteeas follow,- EDiSON'S FIRST INVENTION Electrical Apparatus to Kill off the Mangey Cockroaches It 1s stated that when $Edlsoa was a telegraph operator much asnoyanee was caused by enekr•osehes getting Into Use Gla nano ti which Use boys serried their lunettes Various methods of getting rid of them weer tried. tet without memos, and then leditsss 111111446, a bat that be would sstermin- ate tie foe. The rest day the diaper eras ware piked to a heapand the wtsotd mrseastled them with • circle et dated ribbon sheet nae leek wide. About a apserter .f as herb away he placed a Malar demi•, lath Abbots aster sprtibt. sad tkse emeented them with a 107. Mess Aem. the eoetre ee. s arsewet the ob stew time had te peem ttlsetr tlka lege ea the war rdhaae sad ads forelegs cm the tuner ens. The mem eat they Md Tse the de.eh war esti pI,RM tlllldtmt .vr• d..b All ABOUT CONCRETE JAPANESE WHAMS nage. Weed•Aul Pessfbllltlee of the Future Described by on Expert Oneareti was used by the Homers wau aloe lnveuled the reit, rated Ho- man nose, which I. stet used with sash great success. Concrete is c: m- imed of central and broken stone, waleb are mixed with water by a timid man in overalls and a red fla.i- ani shirt and converted tato a sort of gswlogical Irish stew. Thr mess is then stuffed into a wooden mold, aid Wien it dries it is se hard that when , Time attempts to nibble It with its Justly famous tooth 1'. has to go to the dentist's with a low •hrlek r -r agony. Nowadays concrete Is used with great success ie building houses. sky- scrapers, bridges, Dwelt:. 1 parks, pavements, sidewalks, I worvnless ttenbe. boats, artificial logs. tel• graph poles, water tanks, artificial pipes. false teeth, cathedrals, smokestack and eating -house sandelehes l'ou cretin has,nln fact. become the Inose useful thing in the world. aid many a mountain which has only been as obstruction to traffic will be ground up In the next few years and sold in sacks to sten elle have cities to build. Thomas Edison has recently invent- ed a method by which concrete houses can b-. poured to order by two strong men while the family Is unpacking the furniture. This will he a teat boon, and before long ee may•expect to buy our houses at the store by the gallon and to draw a cute little Queen Anne garage out of a faucet and take it home in a pall. Concrete, relnforoed with steel. U the strongest materiel yet invented, but science thus far is only b'Ulding bridges and skyscrapers with it, and has not yet used It in providing prac- tical backbones for public men When this has been accomplished the grade of statesmen available will be vastly Improved and the old style office- holder with the gutta pereha spinal rolumn will wabble Into oblivion 'long with the wooden hotel. --Kansas City Star. HORSEF.ESH AS F000 tourists Get it For Beef in France— Said to be Wholesome o Apropos of the discussion in Par- liament regarding the eating of horse- flesh In Montreal, 1t in intere*iiug to Dote that the Loudon ChraSi lie gave prominence to a letter from Mr F'. Langworthy, of C:laygate. Surrey, ad- 'voeating the establishment of horse- flesh butchers' shops in the large towns of Great fleita:n. He Got -tares that as horseflesh Is now eaten by "our rich," he sees no , reason why the poor should go with- - out this cheap meat simply, "because there Is no one with suffic'ent enter- prise to try to overcome • prejudice." He further says the he has seen Eng- lish people very contentedly eating horse for .beef in some of t171! menet expensive hotels in Paris, and for him- self he would much sooner eat It than the fieyh of the pig. His theory is that the tweet of ani- ' mals that have been cooped ull--such as pigs in styes, cattle In barns, and fowls in runs—is net wholesome, while the meat of horses. which lead fairir natural lives, is cheap and nourish - lag: Indeed. he adds, the Fre nch say that horseflesh is partle-ularly good for theee suffering from ans'mia EXPLOSIVE AGRICULTURE Nitro-glycerine Used With Much Bene• tit In Orchards Poets have sung o- f swords being turned into ploughshares fear years without anybody taking much notice of them. it is, therefore. pleasant to learn that such deadly explosives as , sltro-aijcertao pal, nitro-oelluhee aro Beier ogee is tllm"1fl.i.bfut protrastone of agriculture as well as In the filling Id man -killing shells. The experiments hove been carried out chiefly in Can- ' Lada and the Uatted !Matey, chiefly for the planting of trees and the r•- jeveaating M old orchards. By exploding a cartridge. indicJou,- iy placed In the ground, the 0011 Is shaken up and 8ssered to a greater extent than vas be managed by spade work. New trees pleated le mewl that has beet prepared in this way Mb. such more rapid and vigorous 'polweh in an old orchard the ground NM be eimUarty opened and e It'Ir tboet tajary to the standing tress, q 1lhlch, by the way, are given a sew r `ae el life owing to their roots bas- Isss geese saes So penetrate. Pleven /n P10 Recast esgerlmeMe tsdtes1e that the enMy Wets le etsss* lab. whisk Utes lues .lbtbted to the avatar is which they bye, Is Asa to certain Yaa►He pleats teat filmy act_ BRITiSH - AMERICAN COLLEGE Louth ina...asa 64 asAAObbg6r' snee r sir= °etwa.M Msh• om . m. Ms... Tweet. A rem stgkt askaa a Wm morning. twesalag assertbss ars Ila M we* steeds et salsamemrstandled Often Dragged Far Dews) In Depth* Clinglrg to Huge Creatures Many of the Japanese whateaen are awe expert and daring men. After a whale has 'teen cornered. bar pooned, and 1s slowly gIving out from exheustloa, the ulmble expert of the whaling crew must prove bis mettle. The skilled Jay. atter jumping npn the summer back and cutttag two gashes In the head, one off either side. through which a rope must be run and tied. cannot always perform his work to one trial Often else animal makes a deep dive. But the Il Nle Jap must hold fast to his quarry, and dive also, trusting W the tales that his own air supply in his lungs will last as long as that of the whale's. The Jay' is safer from being drows- ed than from beteg crushed by the Infuriated animal's tall. If the little Jap lets go it usually means his death —so he Clangs on to the diving Quarry. 'sequently these whaleme n lose their !lyes from drown tog, but the members of their crew look upon this misfor- tune with something of a fatalistic regard. But the mala business in hand L the capture of thp whale. As the aght progresses, and the maddened, fright- ened mammal grows weaker, anally. L dylnR, the boat crews row closer to the body and pray for the ease of his departing spirit Members of the crew will call out the words. "Joraks! Joraku! Joraku!" and on the third day after the mammal has hese hauled ashore • service 1s held and prayers offered for the animal's future contentment of spirit. As soon as the animal has been towed to the shore line he is cut up, the Jape [laking huge excavations and penetrating inside the animal's body as though entering a mine shaft or gallery, and evebtually making their exit all covered with blood. It Is a gruesome sight, but Is looked upon purely as a matter of course among the Jap whalemen. HOURS Of SLEEP Scientist Says Ten Hours at Least Absolutely Necessary Prof. C. L. Schleleh, who discovered the "local anaesthetic," now vsed universally, is one of the moat emin eat of medical authorities. He hal come- out boldly with the assertion tlllat the old adage "eight hours for work, eight hours for pleasure and eight hours for sleep," is unquestion- ably false. The civilised man or wo- man of to -day, Professor Schlelch de- clares, has t•, sleep ten hours out of 24 if he or she would check the wear and tear of our modern neureathemtc existence. Those who cannot sleep even eight . hours must learn it by "Iron force." "(lo to bed at 9," says the professor; "if you lie awake few hours, 1n time you will drop asleep In three, and before long within half an hour after retiring . . , force_ yourself to sleep and you will master life" Thus. with "gymnastics of the blood vaasels," exercise, "with tyran- .pfcal regularity, you can bid defiance to time." Hens That Hatch Fish M is generally known, a big quantity of ash spawn Is annually lost To :void this flab-rearers In China, carefully collect spawn from the rorface of the water, and when Mee Tan a secured a sufficient quantity they have a number of bens' ogee, the contents of which have been care- fully emptied through a small aper- ture, and refill the shells with the spawn. The holes are then sealed up and the eggs put under broody hens The hen, are allowed to inr•ubate the eggs for a certain number rr( days- ' elletrithe rgs .ate 6g02-4:soken their contents put foto water that has been previously warmed by the sun. in a very short space of time the spawn hatches, and the young fry aro then kept In pure fresh water until they attain a eficient size to be put tato the pemds containing older fish. The Chinese have long under stood all the tatricaeies of Ineubatloo, and were amongst the first to use Incu- bators for the hatching of hen.' eggs Lived in Three Genteel** The oldest Welshman In the world 1• Mr. Thomas Morris, who levee at Westernvllle, ?lebraska Although he le now an American euises, he was horn a subject of George 111 , at the little village of Berries. Montg,stnety shire, 110 years ago His father was an sir cultural Is. borer, sad died when the boy wee threw years old. Morris was awe". Real to a cobbler, and followed 1,M trade In Weiss until 1111. when. at the age of eeewtsty -wets. kr •w4 gated. T' of the fact that centuries Moret the aid of a .1fat et d aprb•'1ra till * very proud lived la three rill walk with see with the saris* is sued. 'iUreae As, Auourer 18, 1914 7 Summer Goods at GREAT REDUCTIONS IN PRICES We are now gettit11•r ready for Our Fall Merchandise and in order to have room for the New Stock are sellitj all our Summer lines at Cutting Prices. Hats of all Kinds Summer Suits Bathing Suits, Etc.. Are included in the list of bargains McLean Bros. The Square, Godertcb SEMI HEADY TAILORING Agents for Carbartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear, Fitwell Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs THE GREAT SHIP "SEEANDBEE" Iaasrk Sae earn brwdik w err.. s tear.: 510.er.4100.11B111e11 p.rle.s e•rrw.de.ise t s a pr.. Greater in ems- - fever fa all proportions- rider is all .ppeistr+te--thus ..r .r. -+e •. iLeA warn ef the wadi la .snit Lase ISG►. Maarfic..t Ses.w.rs "SE AND*EE."'Cltr d Erie' era "City of B. 4.1." Daily—BUFFALO and CLEVELAND — may 1.1 to Dec. 1st ]res Bite - • 1:410 P. M. Iw.. Ci.'. - • 4-e0 P. M. Amy. Ca+.Led • ':l• A. Al. Am.. Regale - - 7 is A M. (Peewee nasedrd nae) C...eue.. at ("varlets/ far Pw-L-Be,. Tahiti. Dowels../ an pW wr..a Mtkw.w. Rrrwl udws .waiaa between ad M .ri Cler.tsed are seed M ar...perwIme..err Mummer Ari ro.. brise .rat tar bean. .ie C. A B. Lr.. writer ter " ' - UIwa..W b«i et 6..•. THE CLEVELAND 1 BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., Cle.el..d.0. 11 MAKE IIAY WHILE. THE SUN SHINEs 600 feet Binder Twine at Inc a lb. 600 feet Twine at 12c a Ib. Perfection nit Stoves Two Burner Three Burner Ovens for use on these stoves Detroit Vapor Stoves Two Burner Three Burner Axles .'"'dr• - i v.,tar ICE CRLAM FREEZERS REFRIGERATORS SCRLLN DOORS SCRLLN. WINDOWS FLY SWATTERS LLLCTI4 IRONS HAMMOCKS GARDEN SLATS $ 8.00 11.00 2.90 $12.00 14.00 ( "! ` `''"t•' .• ,qf e-• BASEBALL GOODS TENNIS BALLS TENNIS RACQUETS LACROSSE STICKS LAWN MOWERS GRASS CATCHERS GARDEN HOSE LAWN SPRINKLERS DR. HESS'S FLY CHASER FOR CATTLE IS EASILY APPLIED AND ABSOLUTELY NON-POiSONOVS TO AN1MALS. CHAS. C. LEE HARM ARE, PLUMBING, RAVF.NTROUGRINA, ELECYPRiC WiRiNG (IOAL. P'")OD, OOKH CEMENT, F"C. PHONiCS : STORE 22, HV 3EU 112. 7