HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-8-13, Page 6• TEUIMDAT, /WOW! 13. 11114 I l HE 0111UNIL AND ONLY !HEINE BEW•RE OF IMITA- TION8 goLD ON THE Emma% Ok IINIRD'S LAMENT 800 KI31 N DIN G MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS anti LIBRARIES bouod or repaired. GOO LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS *nerds. preistody_exesded to ea leering here et THIL SHIN Al. Oodorldt. A E. TAYLOR. STRATFORD. MEDICAL DLL W. F. °ALLOW. M. B. owe and random:a North Areal, Dodorieh. north ot County Registry once- Telephone - - --- K. GNU. HRILKMANN, JJ dusrassa acute. 'brook and nervous di. PATH. specialist in woman'. and chit- ireo. ordera eye. ever, nose sod throat, lumbago end rheumatic condition. /Moe North Arcot, third Joie tram Om lAdtinfe.t.ini.rich• phthalmic and Aural titute. R. F. J. It. FORSTER-EYE, HAIL, kBoas o York OInsand throat only. Houma suretioa. JNOielal Arne.. Nat. Normand 1 liroat Hospital. chides. ligeare. rod Moonrairki Lys Unorital. Loodaa. koalas& OMoo, hin.Watorloo Street.. arniont. emeste Knox Church. Sours ir. tot p. in. Telephone W It. AND MINNIE M. GREER, "I • D. ChiroprectOra opine and nerve) apserellsia. Chiropractic is the science that owns with. ut dresser knife. Free Oinfintio- Non Doe over nhannan s Shoe store, eu Reece ea haat euroot. Phone Mt. _ LEGAL SOIROUDFt)OT, HAYS & KILLOR- IL AN, barriotern, solicitors. notaries public. Nretoru in the Maritnne Court. et& Frivolo hinds to lend at Wawa rates ot interest. Mier Kest Mde Square. OnlorIch. W. t'It01.111SVOT, LI, R. HATO, J. 1. KtILLDRAN. W PADOID•risrT, Jr. Ea:CAMERON. K. C.. BARRie . "elicitor, eatery public. (Mom- litroet, Uuderich, third door iron) eestre. CHARLES °ARROW, LL.B., BAR- ' itlEITXR. attorney, solicitor, etc.. Hod" - rich. Hooey to loud et lowest rat., ri MEAGER, BARRISTER, SOL - M. miter. Notary Public and" C00%eyancer. tigioe thnsrt Homo. lioderich. Olt 12m - - - — - - — AUCTIONEER. THE SIGNAL : 30DERICH ONTAPJO IIIDVIV6 PICTURES IVIlINXIT A SCREIR laveatelea *I • German "Nevis° ISM Turned Owt a &seems Boats Eve years age a Germs en - pelisse's.% Herr Member, Iffsamirod that if zaciviag pictures were projected by reflection ln a aerials vamoose. tba stage could be set with ocenery and properties. as for a remake Mar. with the result tbat the usual white mom could be eliminated, and that the photographic agures could be mood about withis a certain area la boob a manner as to convey the Ilaeoloa that living performers were sena b- owed of photograph's reprodmitiass. Ile was faced with the Initial 4Elkalt7 that oaly small figures amid be pro Seated, sed this teat teaded to destroy the Ulusion. slam to maintain this /*Ater, Ittneise portrayni ot thw tamers was imperative. Another oomphaity which trended him was the deptruction Of the ador- ing qualities tering to the high Veld necessary. Tads fatter problem ties overcome by utilizing plorrots sod clowns, in which only black and wbite. gram and maimmtp wore required. Ouch a limitation vela a handictp, but. aevertheless, when suck pictures IMMO shown, considerable interest aad won- der as to how tbe effects were ob- tained were aroused. The tacit that the figures were dwarfish. and yet ap- parently endowed with lffe, sahaaced the mysterious effect. Hy .patlent perimenting the Inventor at last over. came the latter deficiency, and having suceeeded in getting Ms figures lite size. public exhibitions were Alyea In Vienna with great success. flinging and talking Offects are obtained by electrically synchronizing a talking Machine with • the acting. THObiAS GUN DRY MA:Teter LH 'Bo. ca. &rodent:b. All instructious by mail lot at 144sitd1 011Ite Will be promptly sa rola, to. ltesideuee telephone it r "INSURANCE LOANS, ETC. $211,110(1 l'itIVATE FUNDS To 10.4.11 :Wyly to hi. Li. CAM &Hop.. 11,.ri.,i! t itermit..on ..treet, lioderici.. W TY • INsCHANck ADM.\ I. fin, A ',II 1.14.111N !N., luta Amencan &4It 1000 AND n141101 kith' LIAM!. • ITV 'Ube &Avon Accident and billareditee .caginealtun, Limited...If London. Lug. 1.011.11 •A:0 11,,N . Trio U.S. If nigh and livariunce Cowpony. 1/Alce at modem, . notifies., turner Of Vic. t 0, • • ,a1 ett. I o arid • •! toe!. Phone 17... - iVi4i.11,1,01' MUTUAL FIRE IN :..1'11AN1 K t 0. -Farm and. I...dated *ea iampuriy immured. Offb en• J. P. tiet.4orth 1'.t 3.; t mann). Vv.. tiodern-h P. D., Thome . hwy., nen . reas., rtortforth P. D. 1 Y. , Smilax t ; John if. (iebeTe. inthien• ; V. en•tanrc, John hit,•4141,•!,‘ JAMAA Smolt wood ; fisher; Sergi... Rowlock ; Mattoon He en. Wilmer{ !. Airsrus J. W. Isn, Holwearille; 11. nuri. h. K sr IQCA. Willima I b•uney, Sedforill ; -/Inegmlissir s Shealies. asides 4)' 13341c1 Virsidonr9001 miNestoure cardrecp.4*a, a. J. re Or • WI so 11.01144 Perire,eltitten, at 34. ..14 • k•roewry ALIAAN•rit reel, tioderion. UTTLE OF EVERYTHING For a bet ot ten shillings, a Barns- bury laborer consumed twelve buns and a gallon of ale in twelve minutes_ Old -age pensioners at Chiswick. England, are admitted free to one of the picture theatres every Friday on production of their pension books. For "placing an obstacle on the rail, thereby causing a train to stop," a peasant of Nijni Novgorod was recent- ly fined. 11!• was trying to commit suicide. and the "obetacle- was his own head. -.• Leopold Fedi-mann won the lia- vartan beer -drinking championship by consumine at a three -hours' sitting at Munich fifty-three pinta. Hans Hale nert cam- second with thirty-nine pints, whit° tho third competitor ae• counted for tw ehty-seven. it is estimated that the motor cars and motorcyclnli running in Great. Britain and Inland aggregate a value of approximately $275.0.00,000, while Civic first cost, tee money spent on the p.urchase of motors during, say, the la.t to )pars. eanmot have been far .of T. Strom., pres!dent of the St:it:Jam! casualty Conimny, of Italti reduced '.15L own salary by a y..ar Ile was receivity; a ar De told the directors i• '••••".1 t !ming rpaid and asked :anctlon a reduction. He ev ,1 ths t the cutting his own aviary • prlimiliary to a reduction of ex- tier•l... In all departments. A eurious tiov.:ty was introduced e n the Paris stage in a little play ea 'Hirer& dlt le Houle" at the Tio,atre Cluny, In the Latin quarter. E ery evening a raring character in the piece gives the audiences a tip for next Ilay's ermine. Quaintly enough the tips proved extraordinar- ily successful. MARRIAGE LICENSES IVALTER E. KELLY. J. P.. HOOKRICH, ONT. Inollitit OF ItanIUAOk LICENSICK 1 innr 1 E. R. WIGLE ol Marriage Licesses WIOLICS ' PHARMACY Goderich. Ontario t'1.4.1AT I Fall Term From Septennher led. I - CENTRAL IBIJSINEBS COLLEGE arne1110sto. ONT. O prevision000re their The best CewesoZ a Reheat 4am4 sod F'--1ourAa taw pee we 104 eZIGeS1.witere. eteents des ether Sono mbeells do. Dor room are reasseabee wria terror fres eats - epee sod s wbet we sae at ter ree. P. • Illot.ACKLAN, Press. WHERE CANADA LAS peeieneal mai lotitntrtal lidessables Performs Weeders le Rumps Dr. J. W. Relvertaisawho leveed - gated techoleal school. aad Indust:lel tenlelag foe the Dominion dorerorn _ es ehairaiaa of the comedians whl ti Molted Into them matters abroad Mates that the claim that Canada ban /Mt the beet schools Is the world "'t tommyrot ot the rottenest kind." U. Robertme leaves ao doubt as to I! . opinion on the subject by Awe • • mores of cases weerein the Dane...! .. Is hopelessly. behind many of ihropeen countries. la Canada. on virgin soli. the s- tern grain grower is proud of • saute of 20 bushels per acre, but Britain. Dr. Robertson pants out, Ir r mars raise 36 bushels on s.oll calttvation for over 30 years. Thl• is etre to industrial training and 3', • - system. of _taskeleti education vogue in- *the Old C-Ountry. And - Confirmatory of title a published r -- 00 'eotidit-ions In Russia may be employed. This report will prow, - surprise ito Canadians whw. have b 'I N O accustomed to look upon the Cam's country as a backward and nn • . lightencd state. In the ten years fr...1 1898 to 1904 Russia's population to - creased from 130 milliona to 171 nt Ilona. a higher birth rate being shoe. than in any other country in Euro'," Not only has Re/tile's population thu- g rown. but her productivity has ei creaeed in. proportion. From 1902 1-, 1912 her exports of wheat rate frill". 70 million+ to 119' in- vri.a.-w of ee per cent! This urict. tural advance. says the report, hai- beeti sided by the state. "which Itiv Instituted technical schools In 1111v phsces through the country. and tile,e already have some /0,000 pupils; tier!. eultural banks tave also been este, ' liehed to care for the needs of the farmers, aud of these latter there aro now 17,010." Stability of Solar System A law connecting he distanee of the plarele of the solar systeni from thalgiSnalk&1IgliNilaCA-0;011 seat: which is In close agreement with the observed facts The mere existent. - of such a taw throws light upon 7I. stability of the solar system. • c..;. - tun, ago Lagrange. and Limier,. thought they had demonstrated t Invariability of the mean distances of lbe planete, and from that tete Ey of the soar system. But the 'mathematical series used In this In. vestleation have been .how n by Pole - ear. to be divergent. and tberefore. 'so tar se Mee. eakedations pi. the stability le uncertain. If, however, the distanced of the planets bad been !hanged .1o. the °Hide of the world the act4i the tides. their wen - anal Mtraedos, 06., and If the pell, dewbatiose to moved bad menmillettei. 'they would have bees different for different planets. sad so law connect - lag tbe distances of the planets and their satellite( woad have Iowa die moverablee-SeMolide Ameeka l'er wadies wearies he'• a -•11 Tart 'aviator bee patented a • •• f bag to held it, water beteg 1,-.• IMMO see tete at Ihe leg aa d '114 *MA ensellt at the WM e , . ....r.A..t&smanionerinemonoonowm RUSH TO GET MARRIED — -- Canadian Rancher Found Many Giris Willing to Share ells Lot The chairman a the Eastbourne Board of Guardians announced- that In response to a letter published In the press horn a Canadian chicken raw cher with an income of 12,500 a year, who wanted a wife, no fewer than 241 smiles had been received trom girls wilting to go to the Dominion. These replies would be forwarded to the r 77"kw his consideration. HOO : letters. added the chatrman. M ellesitebted charming photograph r. one girl enclosed some verses poetry. It was suggested that the ffilineker should make his seleotion liniad over the remaining lettere to 1911111dy Canadian comrades. IltliRTA IN FLIGHT 111exlcon Dictator Flanionod tho Presi- dency and Left Capital Hurriedly General Victorian° Huerta resigned trent the provisional Presidency of the MORICAll Republic last Thursday, and Ms resignation was accepted by the Baste and' Chamber of Deputies by a wit. of 121 to 17. Francisco ('arbajal was then appoint- ed President, and took the oath of 'Moe in the joint session of Deputies and lionat”ra Carbajal advised the United States Government informally that he intends to retire In favor of fact. the cheapest way of btelt Gen. Carranza He wishes only that yourself up is t fast until )oti a general amnesty be proclaimed ana as if you were walking on air. 1: Implements gay, whoa you some to tows some to Roo Wit.- sou's place. We have a sew car- load of the bein boggiei mosey tan buy. We have tote of Wire Fenoine and Oates., We WasbittiMactilnor- - -and Churns, Stoves, Hee- - tore ildid Haagen, Leri- da% Hay Oars and Track, Litter Clarriers, Foninee. Binders, Mowers, Hay - Lindero, Wagons and Stock Racks. Also a number of good horses. Massey -Harris Shop Hamilton Street FALL TERM OPErego SIEPTICM111111:1111111T AT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO 31 onconatul year-. Positions guaranteed to Graduate" Stall or •poriali-t - C. A. Punnet, I' C.A. Principal G. D. PLRMINo. Secretary. Tlis ere war. An sops - thing dish ready So worm Dellenonsly cooked sad ecouornical. -15•181 on aeries. msa A STIMULANT It is a mistake to um, srtlf1.1.1 means of beads', up. Animals ar- far wiser then human beings. Whe, 3127 fox tesTbar Is out of sorts he do not sit up and beg for a cocktail. 1' • eats grass, or he refuses all food for a day or two. In vain do 1 t' e.t.. blitl to eat. Re backs away from , bone or hls biscuit. If you feel tr, color, go and be a dog for forty-el.:7i heurs. -Whet!" you cry "Star . for forty-eight hours! impossible' It ti not impossible. On the eontrar It is quite eaey. The hungrier , grow the luippler you eel be Protection given to tbe Properly of OCR. who opposed the constitutional- ists. thirranza is the recognised lead• er of t h"e Constitutionalist party at' though the active part of the campaign has been carried on by Villa and other generals. Cerranza declares his main object now to be to conduct negotiations for P13. Constitutionalists to eater draw, 41/11111ff.01 whk h witty men grow City.,and establian. Weir government..01110111 and beautitul wanes vow AA. withaMmtember •bisediebellotolisiamme- ' 1111rIleal4e13 are mot -eamealiv to property. He cannot say whether theee negotiations will be conducted through the A 11.C. sedOtore or direct with the Federal'. Unconditional aur reader, however. wilt be the only con Mon oa whicb these negotiation* will be successful. "Tlie resignatioa of Hoene and the e ubstitution of Cathodal la itself will n ot cello the Conatitatiosalists to compromise on a single point the principles upou which the movemeat was founded." he said. "tf the govern - Sent machisei7 throe* wnich these aids may be Obalsed is sot surreader- ed voluntarily by the party of Fliserbt It will be obtahied by term" Gown Carranza maid he expeoted ft probably would be moth .befor• .he maned ' Mexico City. Hemel 110 Before leserleaLthhavee eapitt is mid otrold treasury or moms MOON la geld, leaving it abeetiutely empty. 'Me low iner dictator is now said le be ea board a Bridal' warship am roots in Jam -lea or Part% where he hi ro pert*d to hero purchased a mai.. coat home NO tma117 bet Weds, Ott •• lay shoed ot kis. simply a method of getting dm., without touching In ms • respects England Is still a barbartri- sweat/7 In which savages feel at hove. The English eat in order to he sociabi • Ind drink In order to be at eat,•. Basco that primitive orgy. the pub'!" NSCOVEINEG IN EGYPT. Ardiffesileellet Ost dee Mile Reports Besse aceseerkehle Prot. Ildosard Neville. the well - taws Egyptelogiet, baa returned to Ganes aad gives fernier details et hie remarkable diseeeseies la Egypt. includiag a reservoir more ancieet Una tho Pyramids. and the tomb of the god Osiris. kiss of lb* dead. Tin professor Is particularly desir- ous sot to claim the itosor of kis discoveries Mous, bet to share it with kis assistants. Messrs. Wain- wright. Gibson aad Thomas Whitte- more. The discoveries were male at At17- dos, tin old Egyptian Abut, wbich is half way between Calro and As- suan. about eight miles away from the Nile, la the desert. • "The ground I went Waif was sot la a asses exactly sow." said the pro- fessor. "for in 1903 Prof. Flinders - Petrie and Miss Murray of University College. Leaden. had made interest - lag discoveries at Abydos. but 1 pene- trated further during my two expedi- tions ta 1912-13 and 1113-1914. "We worked from Dec. 24, 190. t• March 11, 1914, and duHns eleven weeks we experienced some anxiety sad excitement. At nine yards usder the soil we found a large build- ing constructed of granite and very hard red eandatone. This edifice is divided into three nave*. whkh are surrounded by stxteen large cells all ideetical In size and shape, and con - 'Attlee no Inseriptlous ou the walls whatever. 'This latter fact proved that the I building was very ancient, as the walls of the more modern edifices in ; Egypt are covered with inscriptions; In front of the cells is a atone plat- form surrounded by ten huge block.' of granite. and the platform skirts the reservoir, which we have not yet explored. "Oa the opposite side to which we entered we found the burial place of Osiris, as the Book of the Dead end the inacription on the walls of the funeral cbamber twenty yards by Inc yards proved to us beyond all doubt. We found also that in some remote past Egyptian thieves had entered the chamber of ^Osiris by pnrelpg a hole In the wall, but it will of course never be known what the thieves carried away. Did they take the sarcophagus of Osiris! "According to our observation GI., temple and tomb of Osiris were modi- fied and perhaps enlarged by Ben 1., about the year 13 B.C. Ancient leg- eads state that the body of Osiris War dismembered every night by his ene- mies and that the members were transported to different parts of Egypt. and further that his sons gath- ered the members every morning and brought them back to the temple of I Abydos. For this reason perhaps I there are supposed to be several tombs of Osiris in Egypt, but the real one is at Abydos, we are sure." Osiris, it may be recalled, was on' 01 the principal Egyptian deities and Ike son of earth and heaven. After a war raged with his brother Set, representing the eternal cotalict be- tween good and evil. he was slain He rose again, however, and had dominion over the dead in the ne therworld of Amenti. His wife war Isis (the dawn), his son Horus (the sun in Its full strength). but. after tiny have eaten ton amok ail the blood descends from brines to their stomaohs. • dog to Mese atter Me Mauer; tbm MU* • MOE° Maser go tc• with their eyes open. AU the afterathumw speabors lake ear* MN le Mos. They @pooh oil a rolodex liMalasb. NM °sly brevity, bat tam apoper, the seal et vb.-Jaws. ibesighta DROWNED AT ORAND BEND Weak Heart giNL itays saw from weak Inarts.11 They obortanis of Wei& an =Fevg:f5=t.tbe se ding atter amain sr their eyes become the boort is sulleimetly Mom/ to pomp biped he the sotromities. sod May have sold base sod leek or peer appelite lessome et bleed se is the stensel. • bowl lads mot allseatiee ebseid be Oben me bed sir-effiest. Mob le 1Pierce's Golan Medical obis& emembelem me dempeomme eameseime ar Wombat. III help the bier la the el eldk. mil Meet b helps the Memeek ses=cor takonpearlatropar.".= bun *ID hat tbs.*, helping dIsmalem smd aeries despemes. beert-hare ssnl meal sesseallarembie new. Mem steps eseamive nom rouse ia esevelessease teen Isom Os Ms on douse samais. thim-bleeded people. Me Vimeeeeer im sebeeklag ea. vitellsies. Is &ran er ails hem et Ewe Abair mere • simerset awsspeoIer stadeasiksiwIeseseellwarwiliikt 11,411.4,4 Y. sdJ London*. Greatest Decorator. Robert Green is the best-known floral contractor In London. He is the man who makes the opera house a blaze of roses on gala nights. It is to the intelligent experiments of Mr. Green that the ideal blending of the real and artificial Sower is carried out, so that the exotic atmosebvre oI rooms In which thousands of strong- ly -scented blooms are placed Is sulll• cbently subdued as to be pleasant. . The business of decorating the big hotels with flowers is quite a ro- mance. At some of the most fashion- able hotels., like the Carlton, the la- ' bles to the number of a couple of ' hundred are reset with flowers tbre. times a day, and it is the work of th• contractor to see that the choicest blooms for this purpose am alwaye forthcoming. At large private man- sions where the hostesees are fond of flowers daily supplies of the mOst seasonable blooms arieforthcoming by contrict, the men who see to the business being known, curickisly en- - ough, as "gardeners." Mr. Edward Rats, sem M fisaater Rats. Sleets Death Rath/ft dirand Wad. Aag. air. Edward Rats, .on of Senator New Ham- burg, was drowned bow yesterday while in hathine. Brooke Noddy. ought.. an of hi. compositors. sodomy - peed to reach him. They were ooly about Ms sods from above whoa Pariah - combo loom', exhausted and had to swim 30.13.,e to ram limn. Oliver hs a few mimutee mew on the Geese, rushed is, end toned the body being washed im hy Or waves. It woe boyeeht oat atter Melba been is the avatar twelve suieutes. Roger Bacon. In commemoration of the 70011) anniversary of the birth of Roger Bacon, a statue was unveiled fn the University Museum, Oxford, Eng., by Sir Archibald Geikie, who described Roger Bacon as ob. of the most re- markable men that ever studied within the halls of the University of Osfeeik.• Tfer-Clikallaties • of %be ChivoroNA Lord Curzon of Kedleston, in accept lag the statue on behalf of the Uni- versity, spoke of the wonderful range of intellectual achievements of Roger Beast, and said they were proud to add that statue to the trea- sures which the Ualiversity possessed. addition to the member a Meta- metsbed seembers of tbe Umivernity greseat Otero was a imp gathirlas et tereiga delegates. An Aremeeed Vowel of UM. Armored vowels el war bad as earlier origin the* ie goserally sup =Tbs Kaigbts of Bt. Jobs el Mem bellt in 1626 a war saner, the Beata Ansa, wbieb was proteeted with a cuirass of lead. to its great advastage is see 'Mats. Tle Oasts Anna bol seethe,* seeders teeters; a eeetemperary ebreakelor narrates with aettiblellibeet Met Me vessel ed a bakery, whisk per- mttt.d 10. new to oiler the luzery et fresh bread. Ire Avail Caseer. Dr. tashterd, director et the lot- , Caaeer itemareb Toad labors- =lia a lettere at Use Royal Baal. tat, &Waste, laid dowit raise ifet Me &Telles'', et maser. whieb may 110 gottesaleed as follows: Cut dews , roar Whose, aliewasee. take the limed* iliemerteat alp Metes *01 eat reef dieser wtth the • malidevloas le bay* --Clistote• tali Me 1°, 1014 N Wm et a seir.—lowlea Mallard. ibr • Iowa, IBM r241 .....swersamnamemomusineWaraNNIMAIWNWO Alma eOneDish That Agrees With The Aged • • Pict ca. ;It..41hLem. eseent the ni M-414 et NV elite email stalls. itA A t you a HAM HO CHEE tos). SAL SP Al - Fent FLAKES et th..€ 'Original Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Epithets by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Ezhfbits by West Indies ' • Greaadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circles and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Bleated Dog Show BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle iver presented on Continent Paintings front England. Scotland, United States and Canada Ldiscational Ezhibits Goods in Process of Maki** Athletic Sports Aero-Hydrophine Flights Geted.Watse Carnival _ I Greatore's rill10113 Band *corset ether SINAI Demo Bead Ceacerts Daily Chesapeake sad Shemmo Elegem Midway Ewer Pam. Tow FIFIPMetka Monition' Poses Tattoo IIII floods Mil blueleleae Aug. 29 1914 Sept. 14 TORONTO ForlOornsint flandy iktan10 wee endow weeps! Ins at hie ft ' I "Eh. Ready, mon." said a neighbor, peepieg in at ilte open whitlow, At- tracted by the signs 4 woe. "what's ' allin' ye r I Roods% "Mislaid Merbereou's wite is 4104. ••01), 4..,! Oh, dear r sobbed 1 "Aweel,- .014 113. asighlonv. "what 0' that P She's so'," relation of I yours, ye kelt." everybode's gettIa' a Ikea she'. via" iss6 It teeessdas se if •'1 ken she's se' ; Walled Mandy. "I 1 hal isse." -August Upplasett*s Saturday Specials at the Maple Leaf Grocery Fruits Strawberries. New Pine App•. • Florida .Grape Fruit.. BalliAna.. Sunkist Orange, in wit wise. New Vegetables Ripe 1'i/teat/see. t•uctunimet- l'olery. Lettuce. ueinsa. Ilteritse. Rhubarb. New Cal.bast • florae -made Maple Syrup Have just received A IAI quantiry nf He meiroade Maw Syrup ot the very higheet qual- ity arid Savor. Butter, Eggs and RED MEATS We •re making art aruretueol to have a large and choke u» orrirtment in all throe lines for Sal urday and will he in o palatine . to oupply yaw weeks 041 13 choir. Creamery and Dairy Butter, strictly free& ilenpi...o.,_d Chore& and O0310.'* All orders will receive out carefIll At tentioe• • S. J. YOUNG itemee Streit PC G 011 1 otb'rviiiCH FREE. •IA•Ag0tt•r.•e4 garna• ear Ipan• as mea•At ItYIN la dr AAAA• IN Ass . wag AAA& ••••00 = SIN = aWlelt ON. ••••••••• 33 Weft AA AA OF At IreAordt .1.421.41•0 • At = MAMA NM rill=aura. ANY l• Own AAA Mawean. as A