HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-8-13, Page 5i
! in
Ttsaa4oAY, Ammer 13, 1114 •
Utilizes every hest unit. Flues arranged so
b is forced to travel over top of oven in
down behind it and twicejnIe der the bottom before escap-
ing to chimney. See the McClary dealer. n
Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton
>,; J. Doig imports direct, he is able to, give quick
delivery at close prises.
Designs and prices on application.
yw aro oar t• e • .
.e •.
n rr-
Many Thousand Rem Laborers wanted
a..... 110.-►r.m W .tNt..r, k1 I.a. IMrrta. Irk.. aosh•r .aa wow to AgIb eau
Walt Ike. Mena O.l . t. as pw.t.la M
....w 4M m 14 -r'•1ausea slot of kwartr0 awns. 1..a. art tN.t*o-. u ins !r.•r. a el
���Mreta.aa,nrf�o 144 .wraor. w W esWal. IiWWslot Lear- AWL:1
a.s+w IaeR--e..a aai. none. dmR .. W /aa�t. M nllood to meowoo and . Mata smear
�erMawwttYY .41 .anima. _
a.ar.r taw-> 40 end errow Mc to W puma iof Klapsea s �M.late sod .ra. oo sari to comes 's Redrew &oat. to 1mt.1ttassor•
Weston tandd A16tt<
Ivr lilt 1,:mistata, era• ptramDmtauoa .well wt..ttaa eta. w ..ewe Cr a. ter waft-
L s y.A. L O. ayYMMTa a.P.A.. C.10a.. Tway.
ton exhibition in window
. 1 l'entral Ulug Store. '
..moi lq•t
Janes A. Campbell
►h., a.
N •nth' at. and Square, Grids -rich
South Street (iarage
NEXT T. 1) i'. 1.1\ t'1:\"
Pb or :.1
Don't Wait Till
1)r until atter the neei-
, dent has us'ually hap-
Bring \•nor Car to be
1emoted now. '
Prompt attention given
and gaol work gnaran-
teed on auy wake ..t
Godetich, next to Town Hall, it the M ,t !Moe in the County . t
GASOLINE ENGINES, all the horst and most up-to-date rua.es of
\troy-1Ve have conetaanlly un be•.d a full .'..Ick of ropa!rs and sup-
plies for the shove machimrs and have a!1 the latera iu'ptuv-
ed methods fur repairing the ,cute -Call an and hove a
friendly chat and a careful iorpecti, u of out stuck.
Next to Town Hall
Always Open Phone 11143
• -lino Charter Hunt visited lriettds
in Brantford this week.
-Mrs. Bruce Cameron. of Collin -
wood. is visiting in Goderich.
-Mies Kathleen Kerr, of Toronto. is
the guest :,f Miss Grace Seager.
Mrs. Shoplin and grsnddsugbter,
of London, are holidaying io town.
- -Mr. Norman Lewis, of Ottawa, is
holidaying at tbe old borne in town.
-Master Harvey Elliott. of Toron-
to, Is spen1ing a vacetion in Goderich.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry SVorsell, of
Toronto, are holiday visitors in Oode-
-Mrs, Robertson ant- Miss olive
Robertson. of Ottawa, are visiting in
end Mu. Liles. Laue.utd child,
Itnf 1)et.oit, are guests at Menesetung
!Park Hotel.
-Mir, Uar:i+ Shannon and Miss
' Finn, ot 1)eu.nt, our uo:iiay cisiWt0
ut Goderich.
--M.. J. D. Mn1:.1tt, of Hodgens
Bros.' staff. is h ,lid . y ing at his home
.t Wroxeter.
-Mr. Reginald Tye. of Toronto. i
holidaying at the family re.idenee oil
Elgin avenue.
-The Misses Ford have returned
from . ten dap: carnpiug trip in the
•Itruce Peninsula.
-Mies Lilian -McLean, of Uureran-
non. i. in (iodrtieb. the guest of her.
aunt, Mrs. S. Cos.
- Rey. James Hamilton took the
services in Heatortb Presbyterial
hunch Iain Sunday.
-Miss Margaret Mein is home after
spending three w on(144 holiday in
Berlin and Waterloo.
-.Dr. H. M. Ilairiroo, of Kingston.
Is here en a visit to bin •hrother, 411.
Walter -H. Harmon.
- Mrs. Henry Mooney, of Quebec, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. George
Johnston, East street.
-Mr. J. M. Riddell. of Stratford.
spent the week -sod in town. tbe Rest
of Mr. W. H. Robertson.
- Jae. McLean, of Buffalo, is
here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. S.
Cox, St. Patrick's street
-Mr. Win. Wendell. ot Waterloo,
hour event the last week at the home
.•f Mt. and Mrs. Joseph Mero.
- Mr. Robert R. Roger,. of tbe Na-
Ii01141 Finance Co., Toronto. was in
town oh Tuesday on business.
-Messrs. Caswell and Norman Rum -
hall. of Toronto. are holidaying at lbs
parental hon,, ou East street.
- Mr. E. Hanna, of Hamilton,
with his wife and daughter at the
(tome of Mi s. Boyd, Victoria street.
- -Mr. Stewart MacKi000n, accom-
aglaglat.simmilima-M pearled by his sister. Miss Dorothy, of
'Toronto, is visiting friends in town.
- - --Mr. M. E. Lymburner had charge
�eeeoNNwMwNON•1NNr Ulste Men Will Now Fight the Ger. apt the services in the Presbyterian
• mans ..hutch at Egniotilville Inst Monday.
Datnl Delr hts rn l I -Sins Mabel Minkie, of Lake Ave.,
y 9 The Bt Itish Sleekly of July ' i, OW.
Ws have newer 111.11layl'd a finer
Zine s t women'', footwear than w.
are `Dowing right now. New pato
erns, new models std a targe vat -
iety ..f leathers, light end medium
weight ts.ota male from the softest
,tins and the .t flexible rile
kat her.
W4 wSliklefatee .. tbeesepnrtusitty
of showing your what daintiness. and
comfort in footwear mans.
Geo. Mac Vrcar
t • hand, contents not a waned about t Cleveland, Ohio, is on a month's visit
to hergrandmother
the Eon\Losen war situation, as it
with; andaunt, East
i --nod before the crisis arose; but it;etree'•
glee. .nlater story which under tbe' -Mn. J. F. Joyce. who has bees
v•rrum•tances seems almost propbetic. !visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
An 1'hter votunleer to (411 panoply Lacey, has returned to her home io
met • frietad in tbe sU.et. Ph. friend Chathaui.
o served i
••Ko yet are going to fight:'" -Rev, Ju. Wilson, of Toronto. who
Yro . was visiting his old home at St. Hel-
••\Vhu ore you going to light: Are ens, called on friends in town last
you (ening to fight the Nationalists Saturday.
'•Ne, we era not going to fight the; -Missies Jean and Margaret Law-
Nation alists."eon, daughters of Carlin and Mr..
•• Vry Too going to fight the police? Lawo)n, visited with relative. at
••No. I do not think we are going to Southampton
fight the polios.
j'"!ltss'esi kgreog ^tight tbs. Famish -Mr.. William Mtockdale, of De-
s„Id' a' .•toil, was t d ben breakers.
Gehl. of London. registered at "(lice
holm," West street, whit. on 4 ',kit
to liodrrit h. The ladies were former
-Mi.a Ide Undies'. of Euclid
Heights, Cleveland, Ohio, bas return-
ed after a two weeks' vielt with her
mother. Mrs. Edward Graham. and
sister, Maud. of East street.
-Mr, JamesL,Ider, Grand Trunk
Pacific agent at Pocahontas. Alberta.
is spending a vacation of a month
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mr..
Robert Elder, St. David's street.
--Mr. T. 1t Elliott, of London, and
Mr. Chester Elliott, of Calgary. are
holidaying at the old home in town.
The gentlemen are eons of Mr. and
Mrs. 1:. M. Elliott (•obourg street.
Hi. many friends will be sutry to
learn that Mr. Harry 1•e Touzel, of
New York. has been leid aside hy a
serious Mlle.'. The Signal joins in
wirhinq for a complete restatation.
-Mr. G. Holt. of Toronto. i. spend-
ing his holidays with his l.arents,
Judge :and Mn. Holt. Part of the
time his college friend, Rev. Mr.
Mockridge, of Coboutg, was with him.
- Rev. P. J. Foik, who w,ty here en
a visit to his tarter, Mr.. Bullard, had
returned to St. Louis. Last Sunday be
sang Hirth Msss.
. at lht. Juph's
church, `Stratlurd, in which he was
hs ptierd.
Alcoa Clark, nurse -in -train-
ing at Wesley Hospital. Chicaqu, re-
turned to the Windy City on Monday
after an enj,gable holiday with her
parent.. Mr. and M. Relit. bark,
lit. Patrick's street.
- Mrs. Harvey Young, Bruce street,
wife of Chief Engineer Young of the
steamer Kasnini.tiquia, is away on a
trip with her hnsland no the Greet
Inky*, She re accompanied on the
trip by her two young ,laughter,.
-Mrs. Somers, of Kamloops. H.C..
was the 'USIA loot week of Mt.. Collin -
nor, at •'(ileebolm." Mts. Somers v*t-
iled Berlin and other cities en route to
Goderich. She left on Mottdsy after -
neon for Blyth where she bas a Olin yr
who it very ill. . congratulat' .
_trios irate car, ontario,'of MJ. St Peter's Church Garden Party
Remember This Date
Nest Thursday wooing, August
Ohl.. is the date .et for the annual
warden party under th.aa.picrs id ,be
Ladle: AiJ (society of Knox church.
Aru-augeulrntr herr been made to
hold it uu the church lawo.
B urglars at Work
Thursday night of last week Inl.g-
hit+ • tut red Hotel Bedford and it t.111.og
nthe :ash reuniter they ear,ied it
into the tack yard where it wee rifled
of its contents. About $4t) were
taken. No information has been
'retired which would lead to the con.
a notion of the perpetrator.,
News from The Signal Pasty
A telegram wee 'emoted uhis(Thut-w
dry) morning from Mr. A: E. Bradwio,
announcing that The Signet to t-ing
party had reached New yank from
Bermude. it was intimated in the►g
message that their p•swe back to
local • Yerk had laedelayed by the
war. Mr. Breda/hi will br hone to-
morrow evening but the other mem-
bers of the party may lfew yr
Local Improvement Work
The sewer improvement hascorumenc-
ed on Britannia road where a gang of
twenty 1114'11 are now employed. 'Phi:
wurk Is very wrlro►nt• to sngue who
have been Lod off from the f,.ct., n ee.
On 'I'.wwlav a burin cave in Lapped
Mr. Root. Toby, hot he r..ceped with a
Madly hruisr.tl leg and a broken watch
crystal. The pipes will be About. 13
feet below th.- onufsse at the Waterloo
street junction. .
A Heavy Shipment
The Doty Engine Works Co. ship-
ped by C.P.R. Zest week a marine Nosi-
er weighing about ri;;ht ton.. It was
la/4(W dUn- it low troek at the shops
and by mean. of block and tackle
drawn down West street by two
teens. At the tarp of batls,r hill the
tack wheels of the thick were run 00
t4' shoes to prevent it from sot itrg be-
yond stint rot, in order that the waffle
might not to blocked. This wall war/
dime at night er•.1 for half Joann then
employed had an ",all.night erosion:
Home -Famish
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
L eeli rn and Unionmanes East
street, tioderieh, on Wwlnewday morn-
ing 111 last week. The contracting
pard. s were Miss Minnie Ann. daugh-
ter 01 Mr, David Fairish, Asbfleld
township, and Mr. Leroy Hone, of
L1:cknnw. Rev. James Hamilton war
Inc officiating clergyman. The (t;.rhdr
of Mr. and Mrs. Hume join in wishing
theist many happy years of wedded
lift .
Lawrence -Salkeld
A quiet niornin r wedding w*. aol-
emniud Thursday morning of the
bride's home. Market street, when
Mies Ret.a Rilk.ld. daughter of Mrs.
John Salkeld, 'sesame the pride of Mr.
Frank i.erenre. Rev. Mr. De•,ron
was the officiating c lregywan. The
bride wore a travelling alit of peatl
grey silk with hat to match. Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence left on the early
G.T.R. traits for their wedding trip.
On their return 'they will reside in.
Ooderich. Their many friends join in
11. 0. •Kelley (Vice President of the
Grand Trunk Railway M e
te( was in
town on Wednesday of last week. It
brought the Misers Hutebeson, who
are recent arrivals at Hotel -Sunset,
from Montreal.
-Profesenr Sim: -inn. instructor in
SaRliah literature in the Agricultural
College, Lensing. Michigan, is spend-
ing his vacation in Goderich. lie is a
guest •.t Lake View. Mr. Simpson is
a Canadian by birth and .a graduate of
Acadia University, %olfville, Nova
-On the of rasion of ber graduation
as nurse at Al.xendrw Marine and
(tenet al Hrepital, Misr Edith Chandler
received from Judge Holt. the pie -
trident of the Hospital Board. her
diploma and medal. On one side of
the medal was engraved her name end
on the other the year and the name of
the hospital. The pre.. ntation was
, atcomnanied by a few happy remarks
from frot he president.
-The train •.rvice or; the G.T.R.
between Guderich amid Stratford was
demoralized for several hours last
Saturday. Three freight cars were
awe, ree miles west of Sebring -
vine and this nmcrssitat..l .the trans -
fining of pa•eeng tern on the outgoing
morning train from a.oderich to
another train whieh WA. sent frons
Stratford. The train doe at Gndericb
at 11.3. was delayed over two bout".
An amusing incident happened at
* Uoderich home last week. The hue -
Mind rind wife had been away from
home. visiting in different town.
The h.hend re• timed Mot and locked
hinter If in the hon.. And retired to
bed. The wife arrived on the mid -
kiwis -icing night train but all herrkiwis-icing could
,n. r a"tiy,- jr ber portiere and
••,,,,. 1 do not think we shall fight Janie* H. and ildrge'i8Atng, 4Crnitey's ,r w.aa compsiTed a kp and t'tte- effitht
the English soldier.." stmt, tut week. in an °.Ithtnl•e, twisted .n An 0141 gar-
' "Then, pray, who are you going to • -Mr. T. C. Graham, of Niagara den their.
nicht ?r' • Falls, N.Y., it spending is few days
•'Tbe Lord will provide." ; with his 'pother, Mr.. Edward Gra-
1 _ __--+r. ham, East street.
s lll(la.wat Help E ns. spoonto -The 9oderieh Lumber R MinuteWinn.p g August 11 and IN Co. commenced sawing loge this week.
1 They have about two millino feet to
The Grand Trunk Railway System nit before next Christmas.
win run Harvest Help excursions •ia t -Mr. and Mr.. E. A. Cleary. of
_� ----- -- t'hiagn slid 1►nluth on August 11 and Windsor, were visiting last week at
IR, from all orations in Ontario, Kings the residence of Mr. James L. Killot•
ton. Renfrew and west ■t low rate e13, Mrs. Olewry't brother.
of $12.111 to 1Vinnineg. plus half -cent
per mile from Winbipeg to destine- I -The roof ,d the Central school is
Non First excursion nn Atiiust i1 being repaired and other impro•e-
kappl.e. to .11 points in Manitoba. tree- menu made in preparation for the
ited recursion on Augurs IS to certain school opening in ileptetnler.
Wood For Sale
Th• nndm.lered see Wile offering a
of RIAs W d.. .e.'4 a.d toy.
Tor l•t•a••dnt. woe, .eft and noised cat
.ort II i.k'M• loos, tour tonal to. of it
•' s.. Ig t w ree.a .ed n k r.f lo„ea h. of
11 Ixhe..
'vs [tri mos /steal Ills and )a.l.11r
'w Oft 4457than Ran MRet4117
o obit ow foe ;wr.sIf say •a Try
11...e. sad got nor prima All feat
•.• reataptly Rll.d. Rt4iataclnn .rear -
Ir .ere yrs this OaNdl.mtn • nesse.
1:01 Phone R r d.
point. V..katehewan and Alberta and
--Mr. H. T. Edwards, Mr. Robert
allpoints In M•nitlM. Returning-' Craigle and hr. Clark Are attending
half•eent par toile to Winnipeg. pins the Grand Lodge moeungs of the
Wm") froth Winnipeg 10 destination 1.O.O.F. in Toronto this week..
In Eastern ('*nada.
The route via Chicago is an •ttr•ar• -Nr. and Mrs. E. B. Hale motored
tie. ono, many lingo cities and tow.. np from Stratford nn $ntwlay They
being pasted enrolee. which break •the
monotony of the journey. The Oren 1
Trunk Pacific Railwayis the •horteet
and quickest mute etween Winni-
peg, Waakwtcn and Edmonton wed of tbectric pumps at the town
leaven.. ernoes of lily Iret termintbs. Hee etatiexl arrived this week.
country in Manitoba and the moot
rapidly developing section of West--Ceptain Murray Mr(iregor, a fm.
ern ('woad•. mer (ioderieh reeidenl. aeenwtpante.1
Pall particulars at ell (lrand Trunk by his ten daughters, of Windsor,
ticket °Mees or writ. C. R. Horning. wait • guest aft Hot.' Ruort chi. week
District Pasteerp.r Agent. Palen R'. -
Lion, Toronto, Ont. 19.21 -Misses Gertrude, (ince and Rlaie i
will holiday at Port Elgin for a week
before returning to the Claaeie city.
--A car load of .applies to be used
in connection with the Installatha
U O.F. Hold Picnic
TI'.- tnsmhers of Map'c Leaf Lodge,
No. :r2, ('.4).F.. held thein sonnet pic-
nic in Har!•or Part last Saturday.
There was a fair sttendenee. The
mueie dispensed by the bend of the
Med Iteg•twent was the chief attrac-
tion. Foot. racre for all Ages were in-
dulgred in and plaza. .aware ,'d the ate-
c•e.fiit enmpetitnrs. Mr. .lames
Thomas added considerable to the en-
joyment of the vnungerones by or-
ganising nae.., the pries heing ice
cream and chewing woo. A suitstan-
sr.Voxr wa s.rv.oshortly after
,sox .,'clock. A t••'••th .,n the gmurd.
atpplied r..ft drink., ice cream and
fruit. The weather was West and ell
prevent nem...nt.''y ci;riyed thein
elves 10 the fntl.
The garden party held in Harbor
Park tinder the auepires M Ht. Peters'
church on Wwdne.dav afternoon and
evening was• well Attended and was
very sucees.(ul. IMriug the after-
noon the sale of Taney work and the
fish pond was well pa omi:e I. At
six o clock rapper was served in the
pavilion to which a goodly number
sat down. At R o'clock the hand of the
:Ord Regiment arrived and dispeneed
musie fur the balaince of the evening
which was :h appreciated. The
park was well lighted with incandwa
rent :amps and the pavilion was tmite-
fully decorated with flowers and Chi•
Nese Interns.
Agricultural Society Notes
Mr. M: 1:. Mortimer, the judge of the
oats in the Standing Field Crop Com-
petition, entered into by members of
W, at Huron Agricultural Society,
finals the chaps as a whole splendid and
congratulates Huron county on them.
He finds that the following who have
.core•\ the highest are entitled to
enter for the sheaf compelition at
Toronto Exbibibinn; Hugh Hill,
Henry 1,. Salkeld, John Sowerhy, H.
Kei$, Revell, Isaac Salkeld.
The printing of the prise list is near.
ly completed and will be distributed
in a few days. The directors have
secured some first -clans attraetions
never even .hefore in Western Ontario
and are endeavoring to keep up the rep-
utation of the lioderich Industrial
for first-class
Public Library Board
The regular meeting of the public
library hoard Was held lam `t.tt11,lay
evening, the members present being
Mr. Tom. 1)r. Strang and Moselle
Fowler and Long. The te.lueet of the
Woman's Institute for the use of the
room in t -he bu*m,'nt for holding
.theie,pse.ti wase _pre..wted. 11y the
secretary, but owing intffwsmatRnunt-
Iter of the ikoanl memlers present, the
request will not he dealt with until
neat meeting. Three Accounts .Iso
were not paned for the sante reason.
1t w.. decided that the reading room
shall he open to the public on the
afternoon and evening of Labor Day.
The lihrar$ ,, reported receipt's due•
ing June and July of 11110.16 and an is-
sue of 2,215 hooks and magazines dar-
ing the same period.
Ines wIR Yea Save I
you deal Save NOW ?
Though your salary or income
will no doubt Increase, so will
your expenses -and many tint)
that the latter more than keep
pace with the former. Now Is the time to start a Reserve Fund
-and the Savings Department cf the Union Bank of Canada
Is the place to keep It.
Deposit the extra you have cn hand now -you can open an
account with any sum, down to one dollar -and draw intereston It.
Goderich Branch ---F. 1VOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
Are you intending to fit yourself as a teacher of Music, Elecit,osnst
or Concert Performer 1
The Condon Conservatory of (Music
offers splendid advantages in PIANO. ORGAN SINGING, ELOLU-
Write for illustrated year book for information regarding fees, scholar-
ship, prizes, etc.
Registrar. Mu.. Bac , Prnocip.a
Address:- -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Next in Importance
to Making a Will
is Meknes
Provision to ernuo.•
its being propel-,
carried out.
The interest of this Company in any estate which it ie eon -
powered to administer is strictly impersonal. All things are don.
with the sole aim of fulfilling its trust with the highest degree vt
efficiency and faithfulness -in closest conformity with the esprete:ett
desires of the testator.
Consult with us regarding the administration of yuur Istat'
All information cheerfully furnished free.
SIR can. GIBBONS, (.C., Pretideat; JOHN 8. *0011, srra.aw
In the Police Court •
The Baptist Picnic •
-t Hungarian. about 2*I years of ;age. The annual picnic of the Naptibt
arrived in town via HayHrld road last church and 'Sunday echo.a wee held at
Sunday. As be We. unable to give • Menesetung Park on Wednesday of
aatiefectory amount of his movements dart work. Mr. George Johoetnn's
he appeared in the Police Court 011 auto -truck wart commissioned to take
Monday morning. M agi.trate Kelly the pasty to the grounds and it was
remanded him for a week.
necesear to make three trips to do so.
In adrift. on to the usual program+ of
children's games, picked teams, cap•
tained by Mr. Wilson Wylie and Mr.
E. A. Warner. respectively, played
baseball, Mr. Wylie's team proving
for superior, both at the hat and in
the field, holding the opposing team
down to two runs while they knocked
the ball all over the field, making the
final score read 20.2. To prove that
they could take a heating in gocd par'
the losers challenged the winho.• to
a game of football and after a holly
contested grime they were again heat -
en. the score being 2-1. The evening
meal spread upon the grass was a
typirel Baptist feast .M thero was
nearly twirls the supply that was
necessary. Mr. and Mrs. Iamh'o ar-
e ival with a good supply of applea was
greeted with shouts of appreciotinn.
The first load left for home at seven
o'clock. Mr. Johnston had an engage-
ment to meet the Grand Trunk train,
but it failed to arrive at the regular
hour, and by the time the last lead of
picnickers arrived in town eleven
o'clock wart striking. That the day
yeas 11 nt.k,t enjoyable one Will due
largely to the generosity of Mr. D. F.
Hatnlinh in placing his glounde at the
disposal of the party.
Women of Goderich Will Meet
A mass meeting of the women of
Uoderich .1011 be brad in the roust
house on Monday afternoon, August
17th, at 4 o'clock, for the purpose of
making the arrangements for a gar-
den party to raise funds for the hos-
pital shin .which the women of Can-
ada are providing. Mrs. Fleming. of
Ridgewood Perk. h.'a kindly offered
her ground. for the occasion. 1t 10
hoped that there will be a very large
atleudanre at this meeting. '1 he sten
of (ioderich are re,00rding noddy and
enthusiastically to the call of the Em-
pire and we feel sure the women will
not fail to show their patriotism by re-
sponding to this. the first demand
made up.,n them. %V,' hope that there
will he a very Iprg•• gathering at the
meeting next Monday. Hie Worship
Mayor Reid will preside.
At Hotel Sunset
Upwards of righty visitor+ haws/
placed their names on the register at
Hotel Sunset girt .• boo ThurMsy
among wh aro a par v of nine who
motored Ihnuesh from Pots. l 1)ur 1r.,
'•msi.ting of Mi. •nti Mrs. A. D
nett, Mr. and lire. .1. .1 Murphy.
Mies Helen It.m•ett, WI,.. EIizatteto
Bennett, Mi. 1:our.., 1) 'un•trr', Mr.
Mot' Pher•.•ra :41111 \Ir 1 A
Thic+on. Mr J'. , t 1'ar-",,ns, jr., Mrs.
1. E. Pats,.ns. Miss I'ar.rn. Ni.w K
8. Kirk and Mise Mary l'tn.ly are re-
gistered from T.•10.I , Montreal "cn-
itihutes the nano•- ..f Me. 1' W.
Chesterton and 11• R. 1;. leg -reheat.
Among many nil, rs fn n, a dietetic..
ere lir. T I. Joyce, rine final ti, Mrs.
,V 1'. Waugh. of I(al rumens.
The Friday eveuiri • - ••e vont ;mien
to 1•e very {s.p'.11:a•,'• ..1s of thirty
couple, Laing en the r •a -t week.
Iloth the cinder lawn tennis
rnmtr ere in ...scene,. n nditian and
ars well pattonlzed.
Death of Mrs. Osbsldeston
Following a long Morse the death of
Mrs. Alex Osheldetston occurred at
her hnmr in Clinton on $ turdav,
August 1st. The decreased was in her
73rd year. The family lived on the
Huron road east of Llolmesvilte for a
number of years, but after Mr.
Osbaldeston s death 15 year+ ago hitt
widow located inn. Clin'on where the
remainder of her life woe spent. Th.
surviving menders of the family ere:
Mex., of Goderieh; Herbert, oh the
homestead, and Nellie, at home. The s
funeral took place on Monday atter- PROMPTLY SEGS'►••r:
. ti
noon, Angled. Sed. The e.rviees were
conducted hy Rev. Mr. Fairfull, pastor
of the Baptist church, of which Mt..
O`.haldretnn had long leen a oiemt.er,
asdeted hy Rev. W. R.ithby, of Dun -
vide, a nephew of the deceased. The
pallbearers wire: Mesar.. John Brown.
Wm. Jarvis, George !hiller. John G.
Medd, Charles I3.ker Wad Thomas
Potter. Thick. Soft, Fluffy, and no DandtuB--
In ail countries. A -k for our I`:'; t"'
TOWS ADVISI•:R,wnlch will be n.vn ......
3AR10x s MAxioN.
164 University OL Mont -e..'.
Municipal Men Will Moet
An interesting meeting, to he held
in the fleet week of September, wilt he
the Annual Convention of the Ontario
M ' apt' Assa,eiatinn. This associ-
aaief►1losadeawdof meuipe�g of ,cotes•
ty, i71t taws,. -ttorii►wn bMrr tkiwhtlst<aeyMr-
ate.l •illage, curporats'd village coun-
cils and municipal officiate. It is an
important end intlueneial body, which
seek. to hying together men engaged
in dealing with municipal affairs, for
consultation an.1 tnuttiitl action. At
it. meetings addresses ere delivered
hy specialists in various features of
local ggovernment and administration,
and the dtscusaion of there a.Wteases
is always prartlral and general) very
interesting and instructive. i'he as -
.o ei*tlon is al«o an important .agency
in the promoting of improvinents in
ratltoicipel fegisl*tion. The coming
eomvention. which will 1.e held on
September '
lhd andd "n t o
h at 1 r,xl
to M r n
promises mn tallywr•gr. and al-
UArt lv.. It ort1 ile held at a time
when railway reten are low. The
city of l'nronto is making special
arraagetnenta for the entertainment THt,RNhU1x RrMANI a At he hrsl.s
01 Ihoar. who come. Every municipal borne, Colborne to ,,.hip. a, coo/dor,
round' that an do so, in any way. Augn.t los. h)- Rev. ileo. . Roo n.h.
,. Ight to hese repro: rnt*tirr piesent. nes. Herbert
KA .r+• anwass,mM u .
tarn, .ad Mies 1,Il1i .o Montsrane y
Am/alter of Nr. .nil Mr. James r, kr,
M tuna
Use Parisian Sage
1f your hair is boring i'. natural
color, coming out and reletting, ur
leeks that enviable softness, gloss and
beauty, do not despair -peen y hair is
largely a matter ot care. If it in too
riffle IIA �+
hist;ntttert{.• u� frsb and
you have dandruff it is because the
scalp ie too dry and hakes off. Prieto
eta up the scalp with Parisian Stage --
all dandruff disappears, falling hair
and itching head cease, your hair is
doubly beautiful.
Parisian Rage, sold hy E. R. Wigle
wt Oo(1erieh and at .11 drug counters,
a just, what you need- a large bottle
cn.0 hut. 50 centit surely makes
the hair lustrous and aeon) twice as
abundant. You cannot be disappoint-
ed in Parisian Sage.
ow1tit MII.L0. .At Koos r bnrrb 41.1, 1.14.
an Twday. July il.t, by her. lied. R.
Ito.-. R.p.. Mr. Roney ll11am ibnher
Smith. of Worthing. I•'ngland. ..,.t Mi.,.
Alger Fmlly M111.. of Inning. Soso.,,
I I0%1R frAItltISIf. At l...M.rn .ml (lone
manor R..'t ..roam, tioderich on wet.,
dor, At.n.t Nil by It.••. J.•. tl,mdbn,
MI.. Minnie Ann. drrthter of M.. I)a•.d
1.rrtsh. ..1.044 t -own -4.g•. to N. ferny
Horne. of Atekmr
4041'ARRIR. In V • '.4 er, It. n M•e
,y. Jnly T,ts 'n end See M. 1. Mr
Vowel., of Ile. el ..• .. w'