HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-8-13, Page 44 TNV..ISDAT. Avouer 11. 1114
Tennis Shoes
Fleet Foot Tennis
and Bowling Shoes
give satisfactory
style and service.
Such qualities are
also shown in the
latest Oxfords anti
Pumps. ('all in and
select yours at
J. h. McClinton's
Thouaaw.r of nuMtlou+ young people
t aro fret p:.,p.ring in their .two home.
t000eapr luerntl%.) p',`1tInn. ,..tens.[
npbernbookkeeper.. relegraphrr., riril
+errant.. in fact every .phere of Hu -t
nor. Arts itis+. You may nnf.b at oul
tSe if you .0 wish. I'o.itiotu guaran
tared. }inter college any day. Indivi4
nal Instructt.>.t. Expert teacher•.
Thirty year.' experience. Larzr.t
trainer. to l'a-.ada. Seven college..
Special no.Me for teacher..
AMliated with r'omnmercia1 Koine.
tons' A..ociat_on of Canada. s mer
School at Eamon- Sp Ilion It..int...
College. Loudon.
Clinton Business College
Oso. !Turtu.: It. F. % ...o.
President. Princiva:
Farmers' Market
Following are the latest quotations
for tare produce at St. Lawrence
Market, Toronto:
Wheat $1.08 to $1 10
Goose a teat 1.06 0.00
Mats .55 0.00
Harley .70 0.00
Buckwheat .75 .80
Bye .66 .00
Peas .90 .00
Hay. timothy, No. 1:21.04) 22 00
Hay. new 18.00 19.001
Mixed and clover 16.00 17.00
Cattle bay 10.00 12.00
Straw . bandied 16.00 17.00
do. loose 9.00 11.00
Rye straw 17.60 18.00
Oat straw 16.00 17.00
Butter. choice Isley..• .28 .30
Kegs. new laid. dos.20 .00
Spring broilers, each.45 .60
do. pound .30 .001
Fowl, dressed, Ib.18 .20
I$wka. pound .... .16 .17
Ducklings', spring, Ib.20 22
Turkeys. pound .20 .26
Live hens .16 .18
do. broilers. each.45 .55
do. ducklings, each701 1.00
Apples, basket .20 .40
Potatoes. new, bag.-•• 1.40 1.60
Beets, bunch .05,1, 10
Carrots, bunch .t5 .1'0
Cabbages. each .05 .15
Cauliflowers, each .05 .26
Corn, green, dozen ,.20 .00
Cucumbers. each 03 .11
Green onions, bunch.85 .15
Rhubarb, 5 bunches.10 .00
Rltdiehre, I bunches.10 .00
Green beans, basket . .20 .30
Turnips'. 4 bunches .05 .10
Pork., per pound .15 .20
Get_ready for fall by giving me
your order early for a Cocksbutt
or Frost & Wood; Sulky, (sang
or Walking Plow; a Spring or
Stiff Tooth Cultivator or a Disc.
Harrow and Drill or Nisen
Spreader. A few Brantford
Buggies and Adams Wagons
still left. A full line of Empire
Cream Separators, B. T. Exten-
sion Ladder. and (''oekehutt
Wheelbarrows always ,on hand.
Plow, points and repairs of all
kinds in stock.
Herbert F. Morris
Hamilton Stroot
St. Jerold] 'tc;
BERLIN - - - O'i-:. ,
Excellent Business Co41eIIe Desm'ri-.+r
Excellent High School Dean -rum:
Excellen• College or Arts L'..,..r.:err•
New Buildings with Iat•'.t
Hygienic Equip•nt•a:
re Largest Gymnstum
Punning Track. Swimming -
Ba.'hs. Theatre.
First -Class Board Com-
fortable Sleeping Roden-.
al sermon given to rester•s pre-
paring for University Matra uls'>on
Address :
REV. A. L ZINGER. C. R.. Ph. U.
It Takes Money
to have good jobbing done.
but it casts 'sere for a poor
rine in the end.
To -Get Good Tinning
vnurnted n ,:.v ' these who
know how You will not make
any mistake If vett call on us
\V• do work Liget time and
weather will shrew was duce
right, Muria s jilt i• worth w
ree.nnahle price and you el
our idea. on that point will be
found pretty Hoe.. together.
�p� 11�.-IN THE ?SIGNAL
Toronto Cattle Market
Representative prlres are: -
Butcher cattle, c•hoice..28.51) to 18.75
do. good 8.01 8.25
do. medium 7.50 8.00
do. common 6.76 7.25
Heifers, choice 7.75 8.25
Butcher cows, Choice 7.141 7.50
do. medium ... 6.00 6.76
do. common 4.75 5.50
Canners 7.50 4.00
Cutter • 3.75 4.25
Butcher bulls, choice6.75 7.50
do. good 6.00 6.75
do. common' 6.010 5,54
Feeder's .... 6.75 7.00
Stockers, choice 6.50 6!75
do. medium ... 5.75. 6.25
Milkers, choice, each. :65.00 90.00
dee common. each-.., 54.00- 65.00
Sprtagers, each 50.00 86.00.
Chive*. choice 4.00 10.70
do. medium 7.50. 9.110
40. common 5.50 6.50
Sheep, ewes, light 6.26 6.75
do. heavy . 4.040 4.50
Rucks 3.50 4.54
Rpr'ing lambs 5.60 • .9,25
Hags, -weighed off ears10.25 ,041
do. fed and watered ,10.00 .00.
Toronto Grain Prices
The following wholesale prices are
quoted at the Toronto Itoard of Trude:
Manitoba Wheat -Lake porta. No. 1
northern. 51.22; No. 2. 51.20.
Kennoba Oats -Bay ports, No. 2
C.W.S.. else; Nb. 3's, 59c.
Ontario Oats -None offering.
Ontario Wheat -Car lots, outside,
81.10 to $1.15.
American Corn -Fresh abetted. No.
2 yellow. c.i.f.. Centagwood. 82e
Peas -No. 2. 98c. to $L03, carlots,
outside. `
Rye -No. 2, 63c to 64c. outside.
Barley -(hod malting barley.. opt -
side, 57c to 69e: Manitoba barley, 56c
to 57c.
Rolled Osts -Per bag of 90 pounds,
52.55: In emitter* lots, $2:6714; per
barrel, 16.60, w holes,le, Windsor to
Montreal -
Buckwheat -No. 2, 88e to 90c, is Car-
lota outside.
MIllfped -Manitoba bran, $23;
shorts, $26 Ontario bran. $23; Middl-
ings. 529: good feed flour, 530 to 532.
to $32.
Cheese and Butter Markets
Cowan.vllle. Que.-- 11 fsctori•w. of
Erred 472 parkag.'s of butter. Eight
factoHes sold at 27e1,c.
Belleville --Offered 1.493 *hit, and
50 colored, x21 sold at 13 1-16c, 521;
at 13c
Sr, Hyacinthe, Quo --275 packages
of butter sold at 214c. No males of
London, Ont. --Offered 691 boxes;
711 sold at 12 13-16c, and 160 at 124re.
Biddies, was from 12c to 12 13-116c.
Watertown, N. Y. -'-Cheese - sales.
4,400 boxes at 144fic and l4'(,,'.
l -Ilea, N. Y. --Solea. 1,750 boxes
small colored and 1.790 small white
set 1 Site to` 14e.
fAieleay - Owfng to the war situ
talon nothing was sold.
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Prime steers. $9.65 to 510:
siitpping. $8.75 to $9.50; butchers.
37 76 to 1926; heifers. 17 to $9; cows,
53 75 to $7.6.1; bulla, $5.00 to 87 75;
stockers and feeders. $6.25 to $7.75;
stork heifers. 55 58 to $6.410.
Veal. 15.011 to $12.75.
Hogs-- Heavy. $9 75 to $10 25; m11
ed, 510.60, yorkers and pigs, 510.60 to
81045; rough.. S8 8! to 19; stags, 87
to 1$
Sheep and Lambe lambs, 16 to
56.116; ye g., 56 to $7 80; wether.,
$6.55 to 6.50. ewes. 81.60 to 55.75;
sheep. mike.', 85.75 to 16.25
Chicago Live Steck
l'atlle ,,eves. 8720 to $1005;
steers. 16. I. to 58 60; stocks rs and
feeders. 16 to 5*: cows and hpiter*.
$t 7A to 19 25. ralvps, 13 60 to $11 66
Ilog. 1.1gh1, 59.xe to 510, willed,
1'+ 90 to 59 95. hear)•, $6 60 10 59 75;
rough. 18 60 In VII 60, piss, 1e. to $9.64,
hulk of tittles, 5915 to 19.60
Sheep --Sheep. 11 M to 56 15. year-
unr., 16.10 to 17.25; lambs. active,
$6.45 to 1910._ -_--
Foreign Legion For France
Th•' r r.'n.•1t War oelce Is arranring
to ar rept foreign volunteers, been -
nine August 21. They will 'e organis-
ed Into a foreign legion.
brilliant, lasting.
At all Grocers and
Hardware Dealers,
Mrs Stein, of \Vinghaty, is v:siting
her sister. Mrs. T. Todd.
Mrs. W. 1. Meller and Helen are
spending a week under the parental
Rev. Wm. Mackintreli war in Wirg•
ham on Monday.
Miss E. Sanderson, of \Vroxeter, is
visiting lir. Chris Miller.
Miss Verna McLaughlin, of Wine -
ham. ►prat a week with Mts. Margaret
Miss Pesti! \\'el.eter spent the week-
end with Mire Anna Stuur1.
Mill- Irene Campbell. of Manitoba,
visited Mn. E. Taylor week.
Miser.. Verna mud Fioreece MeV ittie,
of (itnle'ieh, are visiting their aunt,
Mrs. W Taylor.
Mrs. Metcalfe and two children. of
I.O.odon, are visiting at Mr. Robinson
Thr farmer. in this vicinity are pro-
gressing rapidly with tbeir harvest.
Rev. J. H. Mann, of Port Elgin. vis-
ited friend.. around herr dart west..
Mr. Earl Cunningham made a Hying
trip home. Probably the next time
he will bare seating r„ou, for two.
Mise Annie Courtney. cf Regina. is
visiting her sister. Mrs. Wm. Sallow..
IMM Florence Y.cng spent a few rn-
toyablr days in Oodrr•icb. The lake
brerzw recruited her health .sonslder-
Miss Miner via McPhee is visiting
friends at Lothian.
Miss Beatrice Hun:er is visiting her
friend', Misses Elsie and Jessie Levy.
Mr. John Levy's berry crop will
soon be hat ve.ie.t,
Mr. James Wilson tai bad co•sider-
ereblr,trouble with his binder break-
ing. We hope you will bare (setter leek
nett week Jim.
Mire Marion titenn spent Sunday in
Mrs. (4wllijther and Miss Little were
to Sit atford last week.
A very interesting evening was
spent last %. ednrsday, when, on ac-
count of Rev. Mr. Laing.ah.ence the
mid -week service task the tormu of a
debate between the .Jioior Bible
classes of the Sunday school. Mise.
Florence Young. Rets Wise and Edith
Wilson upheld the girls' side whole
Me...,.. Walter Smith, Tom Wilson
and Richard Levy took the aide of the
boy... The subject was "Resolve that
a faitbtul man is a greater asset to
humanity than a talented one." Botb
side. displayed wonderful ability and
brilliancy w the discu.sioo. After
much consideration it wee derided
that the negative had canted eff the
A bunch of young people from Car.
low. Nile, Zion, Loyal and Dungan-
non assembled at (atlow one night
Iaat week " to bold their annual
picnic at the bake above Point Farm.
A cart), -all meet them there and car -
tied them to their destinwtion at the
lake. A p1e'saant evening was spent
by all and they aired home in the
wee MA' hoer..
' 'Oe Psldae evexding 61 fait week a
number of young people from this
burg in charge of Mts. H. M. young
and Mrs. Albert Wiee spent an enjoy-
able evening at is marshmallow roast
at the beach at Leebnrn. They arriv-
ed home at midnight trusting that
another such evening would not be fat
off. Under the auspices of Messrs,
Wilson and Smith the evening proved
is httgb sue and they take the litter-
erty here of king all those who
helped to male It so,
Brophey Bros.
The Leading
Fnl.. ral Directors
and Embalmers
Order* carefully attended to
,,,nes 5 house,. nigh .w fay. -
At the wlettinnsrryy meeling held la
$.u415'. 4111 church last Wednesday
Mrs. George Bartlett. of Gladstone,
Man., gave an luter.eting addles. os
"The work among the Ruthenian. in
Toulon Hospital." Mise Cora Stymied
g ave au eupally inle.r.tiog paper on
"Her work iu llutttirai." After t►ais
instructive meeting luncheon was
rhe Dungannon branch of the West
Huron Women's institute will hold a
picnic at Port Albert on Wwlor.day
afternoon, August 14th. All ate ire
silted to Come and In tug their harkets.
The Women's. Missionary Society of
the Methodist :hutch held a very sue -
earful literary meeting last Thursday,
A good programme w.4 given, includ-
ing a splendid paper on "Nome Thione
We thight to Know Atriut Missions"
by Mrs. J. E. Hunter. Toe collection
amounted to $4.00. These literary
meetings are MM quarterly.
Mie Mery Vanstollr, who has tree
on a visit to her moot, Min Ida L.
\'anstonr, at (lodetch, has returned
h Hrr aunt aceompanted her for
a visit of ♦ few weeks.
Mr. unit Mrs,, Maitland Allan. of
Auburn, were the g.:e.t. of Mire. Maty
V.natvne over the week -end.
Mts. Viii. ililltan is visiting friend.
in Lut:kti ,s this wrrk.
Musa Nellie Millie'', of :ioderich, is
visiting at her hotue I.e re fur a couple
of weeks.
Messrs. T. Varner end Herb Clerk
weer to Clinton toile), to offer their
service. for King and country.
Mr. Christer Longn..tn and wife. o f
Windsor. are visiting relatives and
frfenda herr.
Suave of the young lather of the vil-
lase are bring treated to many joy
rides by visiting ftiruds these days.
Rain --the much needed Isitt -fell in
copious showers yesterdlry and last
night and while the high winds that
prevailed in the afternoon flattened 4
lot of the tats no serious damage was
done. No doubt most beneficial r e -
sults will follow.
Miss- Ruby • Nixon; of. Lucknow, is
visiting her stater, Mrs. Ken Patter -
w e.
Mr. Chester Longman left for Tor-
onto today to attend t he and Lodge
Of the LO.O.F. Mr. Longman takes a
great interest in the Order.
Mr. end Mrs, Rol t. Grmmil, of
Saskatchewan, are visitors with Mts.
Oemmil'. mother, Mrs. Jane More -
Soule. Mr. Uemwil, we regret to say,
is under the doctor's rare at present.
Mr. Gibson Gillespie opened the
threshing season here on Saturday by
meetly threshing for Mac Ross and
Tom Moore.
Rohe. Mowbray and his gang are
busy building the wills and ubutments
'tor the bridge on Winn. l'urdou's aide -
War -war -war -is all the excite.
agent and talk nowadays.
Mrs. Edwin Windt:eld had an ane'
Lion rale of her household furniture
and effects yesterday. Successful it
sure would be when Auctioneer Purvis
wielded the gavel.
Mrs. Windfeld intends accompany-
ing her daughter. Mrs. Smith, to the
Prairie Province, Saskatchewan,
shortly, where she will make her
home for the future.
Miss Haight, of Elora, is 6pending a
few days with her niece, Mrs. Smith,
Mr. David Johnston has :secured a
housekeeper. It pays to advertise in
the want ads.
Our merchants have not as yet
raised the prices of foodstuff* and the
people are so far satisfied.
.Owing to the long dry spell grass is
a scarcity, hence dairy butter can
seareely be obtained. rhe ceewmety
also is a sufferer as not bait the usual
quantity of cream it brought in.
Rev. Lir. Duncan, of Lucknow, will
occupy the pulpit iu the Ptcsby'terian
church here next Sunday and the
following Sunday.
T. Swarts
'Bus, Livery
and Hick Stables
JrirT OPT TNN figs Aas
ID v
Passenger* called for in
any part of the town frit
ave trait, at 0. T. R. to
C. P. R. depot.. Prompt
.erviee and careful atten-
dance •.
our livery and Hack
gel vier wi14 Ir toned up-
rn.elat. in .,sir' rr.peet.
Your Ps t r onag. a.'II,it rd.
M et real Rtreet
evening of Saturday, July 250, death
removed a native of Ashfield town-
ship in the person al Mr. William
Lung. His demise followed an illness
extending over two weeks. rhe de-
ceased was a man of about fifty years
of age, of more than ordioary ability
and ul • kind and uoaeeuming disposi-
tion whit% made him beloved and re-
spected by all who knew him. His
parents were among the old and re-
el able pioneer 4&multes of the township.
M. Long was educated in (ioderi.b
Collegiate Institute fur a school teach-
er. While very young he succeeded
in getting • professional certificate 'in
lb, Normal School at Ottawa. Atter
teaching for several years in the Pem-
broke and Mo'int Carmel separate
schools of Ontario be went Wart and
lu steel at Aspen. Colorado. There he
wet and suarsied Mise Amain Mali ugh'
tit that -state, 01136' With a'Family of
three eons and one deughtee, is lett to
mourn his loss. About ten years ago
the subject of this nctic,. with bis
wife and family, left Colorado and re-
turned to the old home hi Ashfield,
where, with his two brothers, John
and Patrick, and one sister, Joaonah,
be successfully engaged in extensive
farm operations uatil be died. The
funeral which was • very large one
took place on Tuesday, July 214th, to
Mt. -Joseph's church, ICutgsbrtdae. Rev.
Father McCormack celebrating re-
quiem high maw. The pallbearers
were members of Branch No. RS,
C.M. B.A.. Kingabridge, the decessed
beteg a member and Chancellor of the
local besaeb. The sorrowing retativw
have the sympathy of the cummonity
in tbeir loss.
Lost. -On the Kintail side road be-
tween the 10th concession and Kintail,
w ledy's sweater. Eiader please leave
at Rimed' poet office.
Misses Mabel and Marie Finlayson
are visiting at the braes of their endo.
Mr. Chas. Stewart.
Mia Lilian ( lark and Mr. Donald
Clara, both of St Helens, visited rela-
tives here on Tweeter last.
Mea. George Ferguson end ,'hlldren.
of Haltford. are speneine the west at
the Dormer's old hurt# bete.
(hare Methesin and Mr. Hugh
Matheson, of L.rne, *pent the week
end at thm hetmw of their uncles, Cbaa
and Kenneth McLe•nean.
Mrs. Jame. Thompson, of (iodsrich.
� VurAnnual Summer Clearing Sale
Every piece and every article of Summer Goods in our Stock will go
on sale then at Startling PRICE REDUCTIONS. This Season we are
determined to carry no seasonable goods over. Everything must go at
some price, no matter how low. SPACE WILL ADMIT OF PRICES
4 pieces Retinas. OW for Mkt
:r pieces Ratines, 35c for 20a
2 pieces Relines, :3c for les
4 pieces Linen Suiting. 23c for .... , lee
5 piecesFoullird Multiage, Tic for 1So
1 pieces ('hantung, sic for 1 Bo
4 pieces Dimity, 25c for leo
1:. pieces (4ingham, 15c for .. 1Stio
7 pieces (iingbaw, 12ic for 1 le
HOSIERY ----Misses'
Thirteen boxes of (iirlr' plain, pink and sky Lisle
Hose. up to 25c. Yoga :holey 14f the lot only 115a
About 4i4 of three 'Waists and you can get
one et manufacturers' pi ice.
\\'e ars ,,taking deep cuts into the prices of
Children's, Mit re.' and Ladles' Dressy. and quite a
few to choose from. -
You will find a table in the erotic of the store
loaded with bargain priced pieces in blue. greet,
brown, grey and black, suitable for Suits and
Dresses. Big reductions.
Colored Lisle and Silk Glover at the following
startling prices :
25e for lass :Vic for 1!0 5De for !ass
A mixed he of Black and White. equally cheap.
The above is only a small part of our Sale Offerings. You can
some of the offerings.
make good money at the Salt if you are a buyer. Come early and get I
Standard Patterns
North Side of Square
Kayser Silk Gloves
11111111/20 GEM GNI II1111111/10
and \faster Billie. are visiting at Mr.
Kenneth McLean's.
Misses May MacGregor and Isabel
Maclennan have returned to Chicago
after 'pending their vacation at their
homes here.
After spending a jolly week at the
lake. n..tcCue camper.' have returned
to their respective homes, with good
coats of tan, and a thorough kneed -
edge of the art of swimming 7 Toe
girls with to iotorui the public. though
there were many invasions of the sur-
rounding fields there were no Germans
Threshing machine whistles are'
again heard in our midst.
Nearly ell the spring grain is cut
and part of it is in the barn..
MissEdythe Sterling, of the iib con•
cession. is visiting at M. Arthur Cur.
tic's on the 16th line.
Mrs, E. H. Wise and two sous re-
turned home last week tram an ex-
tended visit in New Ontario.
Miss Elsie Topin, of Toronto, to vis-
iting at Mrs. J. G. •Steeps s and other
friends on the 0th concession.
15 r.. A. Edmondson. of Clinton, and
a friend front Detroit, were visiting at
Mr. George Cantelon's ever Sunday.
Mr. A. F. Cowper, of the l'th conces-
sion, has been engaged as teacher for
14.)-. No. 1, tioderich township. Ile
will commence his duties in Septem-
L.O.L. \.i' .Ilei, held a successful
garden party on August 70, on the
ivtemde of Mr. 0. A. Cooper. The
Kitty Band was in attend*ne,.
Everybody had a good time and stay-
ed 1
Mr. White. the minister on Hay Held
circuit, is tilting his holidays at his
home near Chatham. Mr. Robinson.
of Goshen, supplied last Sunday. He
preached • good serwoo and was
worth hearing, '
One of our wealthy farmers who
has r farm near 'Sharon church has
thistle patch of shoot fifteen acre..
the seed is blowing all over the cout-
try-. It ie about time we had a wend
inspector in Goderieb township.
lfo Says H. G. Wells, Noted Author and
Scientist in His Analysis of Etfrop-
ean Conflict War Against Ger-
many a Righteous War -England's
Place to Secure for Germans a
"Place in the Sun'
H. G. Wells, the noted author and
scientist in a reutarkabie analysis of
the RLropeen conflict, says: "At last
the intolerable tension) os over and
Europe ie at war. The monetrour
vanity that wee begotten by the easy
victories of 11(70-71 has challenged 'he
wl Id. Germany prepasesto nap the
ba est Count Birnarck .owed -that
tea Ipling. drilling foolery in the heart
of Europe that arrested civilization
and darkened the hope. of mankind
for forty ve•u.
"Gert an imperialism, German
militari.at struck Ica inevitable blow.
A victory for Germany will mean rhe
pet manent enthronement of the war
reel nese ell human affairs: the defeat
(i.tmeny may open the waytodis-
ar mamma and m prathrougut the
earth. To those who love pees* there
can be no other hope in the present
conflict thaw the defeat and utter dim
reediting of the German legions. end
log for good and all the hood -and -iron
peratition of the Krupp flag -wagg-
ing, Teutonic Kiplingism, and all that
criminal and sham efficiency that
centers in Berlin.
' -Newer was war so righteous as the
`war against Germany now; never any
state in the world *o clamored for
punishment. But be it remembered
Europe's quarrel is with Germany au a
t state, not the German people; with
the system. not with the race. Older
tradition in Germany is pacific, and
.the civilizing tradition and trmperr-
'nsent of the mass of the Getman
people is kindly, sane and satiable. A
disaster to the German army, if it le -
hot accompanied by such a memorable
wrong as dismemberment or tntuler-
able indignity, will mean restoration
for the greatest people in Europe to
fellowship among the western nation.,
The role of England in this huge
struggle is as plain as daylight : we
have to fight if only on accout,t of the
Luxemburg outrage: we have to light,
for if' we do not fight England will
cease to be a country to be proud of.
It will be a dirt hath to escape from.
But it is inconceivable that we should
not fight. and haying fought, then in
the deur of victory it will be for us to
save the liberated Germans trot
vindictive treatment, to secure for
this great people their right to a 'place
it the 1.nu as one united German -
speak ing state. First, we have t..
save ourselves and Europe, and then
we have to r.Lutd between the lie, man
on the oer b:•nd and l'oasack reveugr
on the other.'
Striking Tribute to Dodds Kidney Pills
and Dodds Dyspepsias Tablets
Rathwel!. Mee. -Aug. loth.-ISpec-
ial.) "Both Mt. Tt'hit'and myself
have eve' y reason to speak well of
Dodd'* Kidney Pills and Dodd'. Dye -
;sepia Table.." says Mr. Ser.pbie
Ticbit, a well-known re.ident of this
place. "Mrs. Tic•hit was attacked
with nervous dyspepsia. She saw •
numiwr of different doctors end took
many medicines. but could only get,
temporary relief, till .be used i)odd's
Kidney Pills and Dodd'. Dyspepsia
"For rroaeir1 conic!' not'Tat' "multi,
1 could not sleep ern and 1 was
troubled with bad dreams. 1 was ut-
terly discouraged. when one of my
friends gave me a little book telling of
Dodd's Kidney Pills and Dodd'. Dys-
pepsia l'ablets. After using them I
could eat and sleep well. 1 also
gained twelve pomade in weight.
Tl.e game scheduled bet we. n S.
George'a and North sweet did tint ma -
Wiens' on Fr.dav rrenirg. The Si.
George's boys 0i1 1 re bow tip and
Nd tot fei'.'d the gate t o North
of Music
Pounded In 1874. Acknowledged
by the loading musicians of Europe
and America to be one of the fore-
most institutions of Its kind In
America Degrees of Bachelor of
Music and Doctor of Music conferred.
Every Branch Taught. Sixty
thorough] skilled instructors.
Public School Music and Drawing,
Academic Department -
Pall term begins Monday, Sept. 11.
Year book on request. Address.
Isaias N- Eau, See',
1113 Woodward Are. astxr8t, ]Oak.
MacEwaa Estate
Egg Coal 17.25
Stove and Chestnut 57.50
Any quantity best all Maple Slabs. Mixed
Wood, Hemlock and itesdling,
1 Cedar or Puss:
Tdephooe, epees•
r. sideece 212 or -tile
.pelts September let Is the poputar
yyYlnblsoog.. •miesigey so. 4.110. ittr..tA Tara'M Thi•
ifkk,ing. Writ* tte-4a fee rnC ta1 ,..aper4sr
t1I1.00-TO wl.5NtP(O 1112.00
Auggust 18
rete a8 +taller . In r k,t artn I: I,.getne. 11..-
0'. an4 wee(. to fertale, esslnt• 1n markaleM-
•Imo ^LA Alhwrta and all palet. Is VanItOba.
Harvest Help aperial train w111 leave
Terettto' Aft p.m on *hoer .1Aro, via
Guelph, Stratford and Rarnie.
Ark 0.T R. Amar. far felltah.re.stInn te-
vaedts= Irans.pmta'Mn west of winters% sr
writ.(_ C HOR*I VIC D.P A_ I,e$. da4tea,
T.rwto, Ost
F. r. LA W'RINCI R 9ONP, ?ewe Aseata.
Pkwe a