HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-8-13, Page 1Put your business one payfog
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' goal.
six rY siXT11 Y1LAR-No, she
Yesterday is dead- forget it.
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don't worry.
Today is here- USE IT.
Our advice to you is to each
week use the advertising col-
umns of The Signal for results.
The Signal goes into the
A. L IiMADWis. Pearamenn.
�.MsontelleilleMainsmissiscsweila _
SAVE, because- -
No. 123
A !Hue laid aside each week ensures the •necwaary
summer boliday.
Head Mike, Corner Ktog and Bay Streets, Toronto
General Maa leer - - - • - - A. H. Walker
Gederich lira uh - A. Porter
Auburn, Ont. Monkton, Ont.
Bayfield, Oct. SebringeiUe, Ont.
Dungannoc, Ont. Varna, Ont. ,
Some Desirable
for immediate sale
List your prclerties for sale ..r rent acith me.
Pauses : Oen( It 20; Hoose 150. P.O. Boz 384
el Find etas.., ut.sed • half deny frame
house ...aoudad uu Wilhelm Mr.et. Oood swear
and fruit toe.. Purchaser sate hive one or three
int.. J. W. H.UUII.. Ii.or•nc. mod Heal
Estate. 17 t1
and bath above W. J. Unseen* Mylard
room. west ede of !lettere. Aptly to J. 1'.
HHn N'V. 14-tr.
we have for gals about thirty town tote,
price. ranging from tau upward.. oleo three
and other dwellings. and • few tarter
P°IttltEtleff. HAYS & t[ILWRaN, Duds.
nch u.L int
half of tot ors to tree fourth swore
- ton, lfa.tern Divines of the tower/ilea Ash
Heid, oontedelne IW soma. The buddtaee eon -
stet ora frame homestead frame baro. rears V
• small otcherd, �,Ucul.r,. apply to the
%Mderwro.d. l VUU/T, HAiti a !CIL-
LORAN. ORAN. Oedertek. fiat
i1tT1li9 FOR eALiL-i kaverbM phe d alta
we for quick rale several doslsable properties.
e nsued on good .Cresta is Uederich ; des ammo
farts lands within • short dietasee of taws. If
Zee. Wantartlf •Y% Int "seinen.
I' re -.deuce on Wert.ueet. AU modern Isa-
Umremente. inolodlag hot water h..U•.g. •e-
.elNnt garden with young tree... Most coa-
t relent location in town. onntral to busines■
entice.. 1'. It. depot and water hoot Frame..
elm twosome tea. Amply to U. L. PAIN
*IN$. 8n MS tett
a' is! 11. eon... Uelhorse. oesWning !M
aeon more or lees. is well watered aa.1 W •
sever faUlog spring. ell th. build a1S
frame. tbe farm is mod clay bean ML
cis.. tr. every respect sad Is owoed by the es-'
ate of the late Mr.. U. A. Blair. 1t it two and
a half mile. fru` Asher. staboo and • Quarter
of • toile from school. Pmemieiea man b. Mese
on April 14 next er. eerligr Yee fmL parUoulav
• f!p►J to MIUA. it L MUNE° cr JUAN MWS
krclt+UN. Sr.. Aube's. Gat. talm
kenee oe Newest. street ; in geed sham
wllb remleaesa V moderato rens. Aa
P OW W. ACHIt30N & L.N. 11t
�j OR
lledsrrieh ;�brbk hoes, new nea ew ew serest, •1I
modern improvements. Mel log hat "akar
beating. Any perms thinking or purchasing
ahia cleanable property may examine It at •sy
rime. J. W. SMITH. Wt'wow Uoderbk.
�m�s� s i. wita references. to sake shawl of ,
9UL. NeMed/ betimes 1 sad as WIC
Velem Alt Ne. 1. Aaatt*Y. f elksvae and
West N'awano.R gsemadiam�1/mNjrsrlote!
to ran, ten . • - 111114T1):".
1' WERPANTa.-Pess•.rw kab
W N N latelyat erns re w11s,t f 0111
� .1 ... OM. .. pedalos t left with 8 16.
at, riles Eieleae. Oat.. win rse6v. peamet '
1 Na . (Wbrsa Appy at esa..a.
1t R ss~'
[.ries O. 14'
CARD or Tuns
<J^.Miss Order of Pereeter. «1.1. ee thanked
ladles wb i esresod
t its la Raeysr s le • is=
M kshallf
UVEVViaL. !auseumnp., ra, I
()se of the hest in the Prow-
row-las. Fixed rate of ses.m.me•nt-
Live Stork In.wred as Its full
value whether on the farm or (t
not. No trouble to mak• sdjnet-
men t•.
Ageiot for (;otbeees.
.um of money. Tee finder IS reyuemed to
leave it at TM. sl(:NAI..
1.4 Ooserlcb tb- froot wboel of a bicycle.
Vines plass. leave at THE (tIONAL uF
✓ ICE._ 'felt
Rev. Dr. Dougall, a former pastor
of North street Methodist church.
Goderich, and now minister of the
First Methodist church. 8t Thomas,
h as received an invitation to become
Motor of A.ken street church, Lon -
dos, et the end of the present Con-
ference year.
-ltev. W. Marshall has returned to
Goderich atter supplying the pulpits
of many Baptist churches in Ontario
where pa ;on were away on vacation.
Rec. Fenwick W. Frasier. of Mas-
sillon. Ohio. occupied the pulpit of
Knox church last Sunday and was
listened to with much interest at both
services.. Mr.,Frybser will preach again
text Sunlay.
'tee. W. K. Hager, pastor of North
street Methodist church, is holidaying
at Rockcliffe Cottage. Georgian Bay.
He will be away dining the remainder
of August. I►uring hie absence Rev.
Joseph Deacon, of Ridgetown, will
have charge of the Sunday services.
Miss Allin and Miss Marjorie Aitken,
delegates to the Summer School at 8t.
Thomas. gave a report of the pro.
(seeding, there et the meeting of the
Epworth League of North street
Methodist church on Tuesday even-
"Christieo Contentment"' will he
the subject of • sermon by the Rev.
Wm. 14. Wrighton on Sunday morn-
ing in the Baptist church. Mr.
Wri hton will preach at the evening
sere ce on "W■r " A heartiest. wel-
come awaits all vi.itore to the "little
church with a warm heart." Prayer
service every Wednesdat 8 p.m. to
which everyone is invite.
The Goderich District Epworth
League and Sunday scbnol convention
will he held in the Victoria street
Methodist church. lecdericb, on Tues-
day and Wednesday, October 27th and
28th. Them will he three sessions :
Tuesday evening beginning et M o'clock.
Wednesday morning and Wednesday
afternoon, clueing at 4 o'eloek. The
delegates there're can reach Goderich
both by C.P.R. and O.T.R. on the
evening trains and -leave again Wed-
nesday afternoon. The executive are
busy pli.maing a bright and helpful
Irmgremese. Aremcord,11(ltegstion is
expected from, the you d pmt of
the diet riet.
The choir of the Rapti church held
a reorganization evei, .mat Friday
evening at the home t t .v. W. H.
sad Mrs. Wrigbtoo, . .n avenue.
The evening was sp in singing
sacred music and fri. .y talk. A
daint lunch of ire cr . and cake
ed by the bootees , .e thorough -
;;Toyed. The occasion, was marked
by the presentation to Mrs. Wrighton
of a sat of white -and gold bread and
butter plates as a token of apprecia-
tion of the aweless ahs Is reodering ss
organist of the thumb.
-Ram C. L. Langford, who hes
incumbent of the Middleton-
nlmevvitle-Rumme•rbill parish. kr
resigned. His resignation is to take
effort at the nod of September.
"i'wm going to learn the deaf and
dumb language.
"What for
"Roe the next time 1 go after a bribes
leo Namely 1 i tt le dietogrs b oan catch
"He la lis monist teodewiesrted man
11 ewer saw.-
. "Eked to•animaler
"1 ebould my so. Why, when he
found the family eat isabted ne sleet►
hMalgg is the noel bin. be Immediately
esdseed a ton of soft eosL"
1 Supplication for $scca.. Jtf Sayheb Assay 1
Iis Requested ---
YEAR AT THE G.C.I. 1 and Rev. Dr. A. Lassman, .uperioten- 1 FRIDAY EVENIt4li
Moen Issued by •. Dr. 8. D. Chown IR
Students in All Cl Make an Ex-
cellent Showing -of Those Who
Wrote 53 per cent Passed. 70 per
cent of Those Recommended--
ecommended-School Opens September 1st
dents of the )Irtbodi.t church in
Canada. -
An Evening Given Over to the Trans-
action of Routine Business ---Some
Sewers awl Sidewalks to be Laid -
A Quiet Meeting
Isarneet friend• of peace among ,
the nations of tn. world, as we are,
and ever devoutly seeking its security 1
and perpetuity auo)ng men. yet now
in thew perilous tames, with Jeep and
fervid emotion, with clearest convic.
tion and firmest arnrence of the rack
--- Ie•ssorss ',isotropic in the utterly on
1. hnol will open Tuesday, September ' ju.uf•LIe war into which the nation
1st •1 (1 •.m. Everyone *bo purposes' of Europe are plunged by the precip
attending should be on band to get a tate taggr..eion el the string an
good fair start. mighty open the meekness we feel i
duty bound to call upon our Methodis
The students who have to supple' I people in the I kaminion "f Canada en
went for promotion will he requir in other ports to unite as ministe
as indicated to them, to return to' and congregations in horrible supplica
hool on Monday. August 21. to pre- I Guns to the God o/ i he Nations to iiicarr for their examinations. Auy not. our/Anna in the pre -.rut awful conHic
).e returning will be considered es not 1 oo land and sea.
entitled to promotion. The Collegiate! tat our prayer to our Fit.ber i
has had an exceedingly successful Heaven he w restrain the carnage an
How Canada's Coasts are Guarded in
Them Troublesome Tunes
Recent despatches from Ottawa
give the iuformatirm that there are
no.- five British e, uisere on the At-
lantic coast. The Niohe which will be
in commission this week, will make
the sixth and most powrtful of the
Heat. The Essex. which has been the
most conspieio(tw of the British Heat
is a cruiser of Semi) tuns, with four-
teen ttinch guns. Thr erwick,
Lancaster and `Suffolk are of the same
If the rake' joins the Atlantic fleet,
The regular meeting of the town
• 1 council was held Ht the council chain
her last Friday evening. All the
members were present except Coeur
ccalor ProudfooL
Mayor Reid presented the report ad
the engineer on sewers and sidswatks
As the council had both the tile and
the money His Worship ► sted
that son. artlon should be taken re -
1 garding the const ritrtion d . the
Britannia road .ewer from Waterloo
street Le Cameron street. The cost
will be $I,%,it), . f this sutouut $513
Will be a•seset•d against the property
I.rttetittrd 0:i +and 111,3against the
municipality. 0.1 wotisn of Deputy
Reeve Clark the public works com-
mittee was unpowered to have this
work a:nmmenced at once.
Deputy Reeve Clark suggested that
sidewalks on Battanuta s
road at at.
Andrew's street sbonconstructed
ld be constrted
this season. The matter was reterrld
to the public work* committees
Councillor Wigle wanted to know if
the work Was to be done by day labor.
It Was generally agreed that it was
t hr hest pints.
A letter was received from the
Goderich Planing:Mille Co. protesting
egaiost the asrisiance which the town
proposed giving the Godetich Lumber
A Milling Co. R was claimed in the
letter that a corporatism bad no right
to give 'assistance (a) a similar in-
dustry. On mot ion -of Councillor
the communication was re-
frrrrd to (ue epeulal committee.
Char. A. N»fru. treasurer of the
Goderich Uueical Society. sent' tore -
Wiest to the council asking for the
grant and an additional $30.
The Ict er WAS sent to the finance
CO se.
American Road Machine Co.
•ent a letter caking for an extension
of time in which to dispose of their
bonds. The request wee referred to
the special committee.
The financial committee recom-
mended the payment of •r number of
accounts; that. the voters' list be print
ed hy The Signal at the same price as
last year. The committee 'courted it
was advised "that in view of the un-
settled state of affairs municipal ex-
penditares should be restricted( o absol-
utely necessary work only." it afro
was reported that the town solictor
bad invested $lItti0..13 of the sinking
fund. The report was adopted.
The special committee reported it
had learned that three families badw
received charity from the municipwl-
'ity lawintez and are .pow without
weans of support. It was reom-
mended that. the town request the
Department of Immigration to de-
pott these families. The report wee
The public works rotmmitter rec-
ommended that the engineer survey
and report on encroachments on
Mary and Elizabeth streets: that in
the matter of construction of a sewer
on Britannia road from Waterloo
net to Cameron strerL as recom-
mended by the local florid of Health,
the committee had orderrd _wo can
of 15 -inch pipe and that this sewer be
coostructed,it possible. 1'be report was
Toe fire committee reported that
the entrance fee to the Provincial
Firean's Association had been paid
and also the transportation of the
brigade W the annual convention held
in Seaforth on August .ith. The com-
mittee also reported that the Goderich
Htemen entered into many of the
sporting events and er•
aried off several
pi fixes. The report was adopted.
The (ianadu Company sent a letter
informing the counsel that it would
not melt part of Park lot .even, the
land which the council had proposed
purchasing for use hy the Hamlink
Canning industry. The Company in
ti mated that it would roneldea the
sale of the whole property.
The council then went into ennr-
niittee of the whole to discuss the
draft bylaw with reference to the
Haechler furniture factory proposition.
• On the c unril-. amounting business
the cnntmittee rmemm�a.wdvd that tins
matter e referred to the specie./ com-
mittee. Adopted.
1t was moved by Reeve Elliott
seconded by Councillor Morris. that
the unsanitary condition+ at the town
freight sheda be referred to the chair-
man of the Harbor committee to have
remedied at ses. The council then
adjourned. ')
as is reported to be the intent' , it
• Will be the most powerful. The Drake
has two 0 -inch guns, sixteen 6 -inch
- guns, 14,111) Peonage, a crew of 1111
men and 23 -knot spend.
The Niohe is a boat of 11,0411) Lona
• wit& let aiz.inch Kuno. I:t 12 -pounders,
13 three -pounders. It carries'a new
of ti77 men and its speed is 14 knots
per hour.
The three Berman cruisers on the
Atlantic coast, the fart Statue Dryss
den and Strasburg are about the same
strength es the Kssex. On the Pacific
tt appears that the Rainbow has the
advantage of the Leipzig in striking
pones.. and the Leipzig ha. the ad-
vantage of speed. The Leipzig is
clawed as • 23 -knot boat and earries
10 four -inch guns.
The Rainbow hat, 18 knots speed and
two six-inch guns with six four point
seven guns in addition.
veer especially in the Middle and bloodshed that must ensue upon the
Upper Schools. Of tba 10 •students preparations of this tt-rt iblr hour. In
g the work 10 Forts li , all ob. the interests of the human family in
tained their Faculty Entrance. four t Itbe countries and the homes, the
them with .boson. The 310 members
of born' 1I1 all wrote on Normal En-
trance and 24 gained the desired certi-
ficate and It with honors. while: 01 the
other 6 hall sufficient marks to obtain
a •MlodeL School Entranoe certificate.
Of thew 30 students 13, st udents wrote
for Matriculation and 1 wrote on .1 have been many and grievuu., but
put and only '2failed in obtaining all e.pec'ally because of our eff.ctionate
they wrote' for while these obtained regard for the Empire that bas given
partial standing This record we bays us our religion, our liberty, our litera-
reason to believe has not been sur- tune, and our law; and hecatal.e after
her sacndre@ in former wars. - her sin-
cere efforts for pence in this case, and
her unflinching observance of the
trestle/sat any and eve' y cost, we are
fully persuaded she bar her (quarrel
For such reason let us all work
with one heart avid doe voice in our
holy places of worship, and in every
place of prayer where the snored flame
may apse, and call mightily upon
(Sue, that this devastating and merci-
less struggle be brougbt to a speedy
close, and that peace again I» sateld
established, in the interests of the
Kingdom of Christ.
8. D. Chows,
General Superintendents,
Toronto. 71t: August, 11114."
parents and the children, let us cry
nut to the God ut Heaven to bring
Ibis cruel war to a epeedY end. Not.
for our own rigbtet.usutss, or our
superior excellen .-. it our Uiea et this
time made :o the Jlo.t High God, for
we contest. our own sins before Him
passed in the Province. in the Lower
School our Collegiate shared the same
fat" as the great majority of the
schools of the Province. It is reported
that only ibou•t 1i per cent of thew
candidates passed throughout the
Province. Our `school passed .ii per
cent of those writing but 70 per cent
of those recommended.
Ae the results have been published
in different issues of the paper, we
deem it gratifying to reprint the lists
in full so as to see the goodly array.
Part I.
N. Griffin
H.11. MacKay
W. D. Phillips
F. H. Smith (Hon.)
M. 1. Tom (Hon.)
A. L. Wark
C. M. Clark
V. B. Durnin
A. F. King (Hon.)
.,J. McClinton (Hon.)
M. Adams
C. J. Allen
8. H. Beacom
R. Bisset
R. E. Boyle
R. A. Bradford (Hon.)
I. G. Currie
W. A. Daneey (Hoe:►•
(4. 1. Drennan
J. M. Garvey (Hon.i
L R. Garvey
C. M. Gilkinson (Hon.)
M. A. Gilkinson
H. C. Hays
M. H. Johnston
N. U. Jones (Hon.)
T. M. Kempton
T. Kidd
G. G. MacEwan
E. Pollock
N. R. Robinson (Hon.)
M. E. J. Ryan
R. W. Ryan
M. M. Young
in full
R. A. Bradford
W. A. Dancey
J. M.(;arvey
C. M. Oilkinson
M. A. Gilkinson
R. C. Hay,.
M. K. Johnston
N. U. Jones
T. Kidd
E. Pollock
R. W. Ryan
G. G. MacFwan (1)
R. Motet I2)
L. R. Garvey (2)
M. H. Clark
R. W Dunt
eel. L.
M. Rogerson ash'
C. N. Welsh
S. O. Armstrong
J. G. Howler (Hon.)
L Bowler
W. M. Dalton
K. Dunnedge
J. L Green
L. M. Howatt
A. MacKenzie
G. R. MacKenzie
A. M. McLean.
H. G. Hoes
A. IL Sinclair
F. F. Sullivaa
A. E Aiiitarms -
A. 1R Wootton
RI. A. Yolll
Ts. authorities pf the Goderich
Collegiate wnn)d very cordial) solicit
the attendant -to in nor Middle and
Upper Nchnnie of eneh students as
have eompletwt their or urines given 1e
the continuation sehools
Neta week will he poblislaed the
iseureee prnvhied for and the text
beok. requlnd.
The prindppssl will he at home to
glvy any Information sought by in-
breeding students.
J. P. Huh, Principal.
Why not smile instead of pouting.
And keep still instead of shouting,
"He's no good !"
Why not hide your little hammer.
Cease your bickering and your clamor.
And saw wood ?
Granted that your nearest neighbor
Doesnot talk nor dress nor labor
To suit you :
There's no profit made by spying
On your comrades and de:rying
All they do.
if a man's • Holy Prancer.
You will not he called to answer
For bis deeds.
Let's get busy in our garden
And start right in discardio'
Noxious weed.. -
He good and get yoer clothes from
Pridham, the Tailor. They are all
Contractor Birmingham ha, moved
his plant and men to Kincariine,
having eowpleted cis contract here.
The canal at the foot of the harbor
which joins the water of the harbor
and the river has been completed.
The new foghorn has been put into
commission and was first opepited by
Mr. E. N. Lewis. M.P. The finishing
touches are being put on this week by
the painting of the switch house.
The steamer Neebing arrived on
Monday evening with 13',50$) bushels
of nab for the Transit Klevator.
Both dredges, the "Goderich" and
the "Jack Caniirk," are working on
the entrance channel which will be
made lest feet wide with • depth of 20
The steamer I'.tnpreew of Fort Wil-
liam arrived on Saturda with 74,110(1
bushels of oat, and t13,1)p bushels of
No. 1 wheat for the Transit Elevator.
The steamer Glenhyoo unloaded
1513,0110 bushels of wheat at the Tran-
sit Elevator last week.
The steamer jnr, .•f Midland, put
inter 0odeleeh banner fbr repairs- en
Sunday, having burnt a steam valve.
it cleared again light for Inrtan to
load coal.
The steamer Huron did not arrive
until 3 a m. on Wednesday morning.
it was • long wait for those who came
to meet friend.. .
Good shipments of grain lire repen-
ted at the Transit Elevator and plenty
of can are available up to the present.
More boats are expected this ,Thurs.
Tilltrae passenger steamer Htlrnn is
hark en Its regular run again, appar-
ently none the wane for its experience
when It ran on the rocks at Little
No 4 bold of the Emma*. of Fort
William eomttening 38,000 bushels of
rata wan cleared out in tern and one
belt hours on Saturday at the Transit
Elevator. This is considered to M •
good record.
The ality.fm-t yacht voyager. own-
ed by Mr. 3. P. tab. put into Oodde-
rich harbor this Thursdaymorning.
Mr. Brush, with • party of four, con-
sisting of Mr arid Mn. A. C. Notts
end two daughters, all of Detroit, le
ten • pleasure tripp to the Georgian
Bel railing at •11 the intervening
Canadian pone enront. The yacht
has eateries of A' bore. power sad
ran develop an average .pssd of
miles an hour
Milkary Notes
Captain H. 0. Dunlop reports that
twenty-two men from the toed corp.,
have volunteered for active 'service to
the war against Germany. He hes re-
ceived instructions to hold them in
readiness for further orders. tint•
fora have been disggihnted to ell the
men sn that they will lie in readiness
to proceed to Ottawa at the first
Captain H. (1 Dunlop has had •
busy week giving the whole of his
evenings to the training of recruits
for the volunteersrorpe. The grounds
at Vietoria Mebool are being used as
parade ground.
Every precaution is tieing taken In
guarding ylain.t the wort of German
.pies around the waterfront. A Do-
minion policeman from Ottawa ar-
rived in town last Platurday and or-
ganised his .quad.
The remaining baseball games in the
Sunday school league have been for-
feited, North street bring declared the
minuets. A game arranged between
North street ant: a picked team for
Wednesday evening was postponed so
as not to clash with SL Peter's church
garden party in Harbor Park..
Half a dozen local rinks took part
in a. tournament et the West street
green on Wednesday. The finals re-
medied in a win for Mr. Fred Davie'
rink, with Mr. L 11. Tape's rink carry-
ing off the consolation. Tbefollowing
ate the winning teams:
L Doherty O. C. Whitely
G. McE.aucblin B. Mclaucblin
W. Pridheru
A. J. Peltridge
Fred Darts iskiph L B. Tape (skip)
A great game of football was played
et Hayfield last Thursday evening be-
tween the Goderich "AMI Stars' and
the Hayfield eleven. In the that half
the Goderich boys had the game w11
to themselves and sbot after shot was
poured upon the Hayfield goal, only
to be stopped by Greenslade the veter-
an goal tender In a period of ten
minutes. Goderich had four corner
kicks but could not score, a foul
against Bayfield gave Roberts a
penalty kick which resulted in the
tint «core: in this half Kitton was
laid out by a kick in the stowed'. .hat
recovered after receiving find aid
treatment. Hayfield put a shot
through the goal which Barker did
not►Ltew.)t to.1.-p, as Bayfield were
offside, The Hest hall closed with a
.core of 1-u in favor of Goderich.
When play resumed the Hayfield
team got down to business and the
i ball was kept going quite lively. Met-
calf made a great shut trOm the left
Held which struck the goal post with
great force but failed to :core. Abner
five minutes before time was called
Bayfield scored after • scrimmage
around the goal. practically every
player being in the mix-up. Hillier
had no chance to same it. In thi* half
Metcalf received a nasty kick in the
leg which rrquired bandaging. l'be
last flue minutes n-vraled some "1 the
Gamest hall playing witnessed in • long
while hut there was no further *cor-
ing. the final result being a tie of 1-1.
The team. :
Goderich - (:nal, Herter : harks,
Spahr. Crackled' : hal l - hoe k*, (',id-
mwn, Smale, Callow ; forward., Pritch•
are, Kitton, Roberts, Turner, Metcalf.
itayfleli-Goal. Greenslade : hacks,
Moore, Smith; half -backs. Toms,
Leech, McDnnl ; forward., Cia..ell,
Wanrwley, H. St..rgeon, W. Sturges/is.
Parket. 14, fere.', Fisher.
After the game the boys of HnyHeld
treated the Godes Ich team right. royal-
ly 1.y taking them 1-. a gat den part y
held under the auspices of the Ang-
lieen church where a table was rem r-
ed for she football. team and • tden-
tenteRvepast waw very wwth,snjoywd.
The Clinton kitty hand supplied music
which WAS thoroughly appreciated.
Th. grounds were met' ily dernrrted
with l'hineee\ sateen and flags
Sailor's Body Ashore at Sarnia
Mania. Aug. lit. -Another victim of
the storm of November 0 was found
washed op on the shore at Port San -
lac, Lak- Huron. Saturday, together
with • quantity of wreekage which ie
thought to be from the steamer Re-
gina. The body, which is believed 10
he that of Capt. F. H. Me('o key of
Barrie, Ont wester of the s neer
Regina, is badly deromp , but
identification was made from rtieles
found nn the body. On the body was
a fur -lined overcoat, and in one of the
pockets wt. a memo hook. When
dried ort the writing was deciphered,
and on the Identification •hcet in the
hook was the name of R. H. Mr('on-
hey. Captain of the Regina, and giv-
ing his business address as the Inter-
lake Rt.am•bipp Co., which emrern
owned the Reg rut.
(:apt. Mc(onke was w resident of
Ged.rich stout l l years ago While
hero he was employed in the bakery
badness of Mr. George Belcher
Visitors Coming on Fine Steamship
North America -Arrangements tie-
ing Made to Welcome Them --
Local Masons Co-operating With
Town Officiate
Gnderich is to be favor.° with a vis-
it .of fa number of the Knight Temp-
late train nity of l'hivago. They will
reach herr on Tuesday. September tab,
on the splendid steamship North
America of the l'hicag.. Duluth and
Georgian Bay Transport Co. The vis-
itors ,ire alt well-to-do .bainees ,..en
from the Windy City and prepara-
tions are being needs to give them a
fitting reception during their two
boutsstay in (loderi.t.
The Board of Trade, the Town Coun-
cil and the fowl Masonic brethren are
all co-operating in thenecessary ar-
rangements: An auto drive will likely
he part of the programme.
Business wen and all citizens are
urged to armlet in making the appear-
anee of the town as plewsiog as pos-
sible for the occasion.
The plot:ded visit bas resulted from
correspondence which the transporta-
tion committee of the Board of Trade
had with the Chicago, Duluth &
Georgian Bay Transport Co. in its ef-
forts to eeeure better transportation
facilities next year for (iodericb. The
manager of this company. Mr. L. C.
Davis. will be with the party and it is
expected that his visit will result in
definite action being taken which will
make Goderich a port of call for this
Last line of stamens.
ta mera-
Mr. Thomas Carney is Found to Have
Met Death by Drowning
The inquest into the death of Mr.
Thomas Carney, whose body warefound
in lioderich harbor on July 311th was
held in the town ball on Monday even-
ing. In all sixteen witnesses were ex-
amined. The evidence went to show
that the deceased had been drinking
previous to the last time he was seen
alive. It else was shown (bat the
pathway along the pier leading to the
sleeping camp on the island Wes 'very
dangerous on a dark eight and it
would he very easy to trip and fall in-
to the harbor. Dr. Hunter, who con-
ducted the post- tem examination,
said that death mss due to drowning
and there weir moth/rag in the stomach
to prove the dssssa d was intoxicated
Three witneseea swore they saw the
deceased on !Monday, the :e,th, but
Coroner Holmes, in summing up, said
that without carting any reflection sup -
on these witnesses• he thought they,
had made • mistLke either in the man
or the day. The coroner alum resented
the grjtictsm, in cm. of the local papers
referring that there bed If* -n unneew- -
sere delay in disposing of the body.
Alin.• bring closeted for about' twenty
miosise brought in the verdict that
the deceased carne to him death by
drowning on Saturday, July 25th,
having accidentally fallen into the
A Pew Pacts and Figures Regarding
The Entente and The Alliance
The triple alliance was formed in
18Ribetween Germany, Austria-Hun-
gary and Italy for the purpose of
checking enertaehmenta by Russia
and France. The three powers bound
tt. .uppgrt one another in certain con-
fhe exact pmvisi.one of the alliance
have not been divulged, hut they are
arid to have 'wen m.rl.Hpd As between
France and lowly in Bert.
For many years Great Britain, while
not. a pat ty to the allin:tee, was close-
ly linker) to it through apprehension
of French And Ru.eiao aggressiveness,
but later, becoming dieouiered hy the
growth of the German naval power,
adopted. in 11112..$ deoided change of
policy with a view to seeking in the
talaece of power greater security
agwin•t invasion.
In pur.uaucr of this policy (creat
Britain entered into an agreement
with France in 11114 end with Russia
in 11117. The Rirne•o( the triple eta•
(este, .o .'teileletiewatiteitaaict.Ftwake
and Rnissia. were.uhstantially as fol-
lows :
1. The h.lan -e of no.a er.
2. The strengthening of the treaty
law in the interests of peace and the
star WI 14410
:1. Disarmament.
In the event of is war between the
power. of the triple alliance and threw
of the triple entente the land fret's,, of
the entente would exceed by probably
$ million men these of the alliance.
The strength of the combiner! navies
of the entente in .him, tonnage, ar
moment and number of men w(nild ex-
ceed the newel strength of the alliance,
-Mr. Henry Van Esmond, of Bay
(11y, Michigan, i. rolling on cid
friends at Seafnrtb 1t is 31 years
.inn(• Mr Van Rdmnnd left'Mwaforth
and this ie his flat return visit.
A party of Gowe.rnmeat surveyor
has hewn operating in Hay township
for .rime d.y.. They name from Ot-
tawa and commenced operations in
Waterloo, entreating a strip is mike
in width to Lake Huron. '1. ohj.et
is to furnish data for military maps of
the province. The party has been nut
.Ince Jun. 7th. end work In this 1•111i
tion is escat finishes