HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-8-6, Page 7dime sewed with Ila raynrtf W trays tam set Peasit. ma. I Yiirk mg Meads sti mea ES rig Mals llcery e Apples 1 wanes. iasis. leS umbers, Kari lob, i large Maple t Qtta1- Ind ements ,ice AP- le. aua for in, a wants I Dain p and OOP wisimmir IEE. armor .1•161...1 woe ever mar el craw (10 • • b a Nae .ts. .ear r apo.. t.u.r ,es It ► one mf m ss ii _-.- CNFr‘j-w . ? '. ' noDERIOR ONTARIO • BACK -1H y yen fame Ilathaelbe yen hems 1eksche it will Nwlo7i•M 00 goes btaketes. =Is ua .M robbing sad doctorbt year a ret Care the kilos y ens Merry isiel llbbeg it over Backache every limr- Dodd's Sidney Pills 44 icnic Time In;i nit tirolit14Merit essential that you have the toed kind of Cured Meat• for sandwich/sr, or Weary taking special are of herb Mesta ibis ,ea.•rl. and - baring in- -tailed a new refrigerator we are ready to supply sou with the very best M and TONGUE HOCK, HEAD- EESE (Tray Ben - CORN BEEF, SAUSAGES and SPARE -RIBS Alm. s full line of Front and Vegetable, OWF_LL the ROCER ON THE SQUARE PHONE 91 itxtraordlnary Names for Everyday habits Hen aro a /ew of the new names that allealala have Introduced to de- scribe certain aberrations of the salad that aro sot Insanity but that aro alasetle1 as psychoses, being indica. Was of a condition that is not sa- ssily nortaaL Most ct us have some ole or more of them. Most of them are merely bad habits, expressive of the nervous strain of modern life. The following, taken from an ac- count in a scientific magazine of a retest congress of neurologists and serve specialists. are a few of the More novel terms they used in their addresses and la their debates: Mt•takoshop,omanla—The common habit that young men have of pulling their bug mouetacbes. „�,� Oto actylomania -The habit of put - Ung the little finger into the ear and agitating It vlolently.- Strebsorbabdomanle—Twirling the umbrella as one walks. Onlphagomanta—Biting the nabs. fltomadactylomanla—Thu habit, so common among babies, but ►y no Insane uncommon among adults. of keeping i �ngPr in the mouth. Harmonlomanfa—Beating a tattoo with the lager tips upon the window, the table or other furniture.' Trpodomanla—Moving the legs ner- IrOasly. KnWpomanb—Crowing the legs one over the other and pulling up the 'trouser IK W reveal the. sock'. To these curiosities may be added , those more serious psychoses which aro signs of real though perhaps only slight mental derangement, namely. "agoraphobia or dread of open places; and kleistophobia," or ,dread et ea - !lased places. ' TWA by all Druggists rovers all over den Hose Reels nklers ries plings Menders THOMAS RIGGS. JI. appointed os one of a rotnmission to build 1'.S. Government railroads In Alaska. He Is an expert of the Coast and Geodedin.Snrvey and wan one of the engineers on the Alaskan - Canadian boundary. THE SHAPE OF THE MOON Scientist Says it Is Oval-shaped— . Preacher's $trangs Theory • Prof. Stlattesi claims to have demonstrated by means of experi- ments at Bologna that the moos 1s oval-shaped. The moon 1s more easily measured than any other heavenly body, but though 11 has been measured thou- sands of titers no difference has bees detected between its polar and equa- WrWal diameters. A clergyman re- tobt1y put forward tate tbeory that the side of the moon always turned away from the earth 1 of the same sad sbsp as tbS groat MmuMie welch. according to Revelations, forms the Ns'v Jerusalem. Evastsally, so asserts the swam of the theory. tib' mem will illi .os the earth. sad the bemisphon farmed earthward will bury Itself la oar planet. wtlfe the p Ids! New JerusalemIl pro - above IM reek sad ratts of the .1elaeata as the Cei.sahl City, where the I7altbteI are W speed Marshy. Tele remarkable theory was pub' Ilsbe4 with a preface by the Rehm ot Cater. Ra.pberi«M B.,ey Bwbw whss gown without supports stele have tine maw prim- ed back to summer. •o se W make lase stocky and tsltmpportlag; whoa 10.10.4 W supporta they may he left 1eeger. Ma.1 Waste Iwwleham Osardtaaa bar. Melded to earebli•s WO Whims 1•r the tar et patient la the hammy at a snot et 164. the pis a sesmber Neared that the eupendit.re see -a waste st the ratepayers' mosey " Honesty is the best easy eft tar whoa It's the ether mus. ■mm�uyIlia irull:VS0 c1gtc3®mom NMI oq 5 Ellit7®7 rim 00 • E titin wr ■ ort 7' :i Tcf77OOr4ORI e'O cic� o0;� E'ER O t o dill CIO 0 C110161 01211 ■wn D00 14614v ■ ' II91 PIIOIJO0 Pith _71 o IC�IC� eirfr A STOCK REPLETE with correct wear for feet Our Shoe Stock is eonipleto with the season's creations. Every desirable elle in high and low ebles ft.r both men and women. Our lire of Oxfords, in the most desirable color• and leather, will interest and please you. Ample provision bas been made alto for the tots and near tots. SHARMAN4 THE SHOE MAN 11 L Consultation BEFORE making your next.lnvest- ment, talk the matter over with us. Our advice should prove of value to you. Upton request war abell he p'eeeed te suggest suit- able investments fee pea A.H. Martens &Co. Members Twines Steck leek-(. BOO sed IIIAtt OROCUS C.P.A. BUDDING, TORONTO aN Many Thousand Men Required for the Harvest in Western Canada Apprnximateh fifteen thousand nun will be reyRire.t front Ontario to help in the great work of harvesting the western crop, and practically the entire task of transpurtinit trail great army of harvesters to the west will fall to the lot of the Canadian Pacific Railway. . 'Ficnr.inns frorll points in Ontario In Manitoba. 'Saskatchewan and Athena will i.e run, and special trains operated, creaking the trip in about thirty-six hours and avoiding any change of care or transfers. This will be a jay shorter that, any other mute. "Going trip west," $1200 to Win- nipeg. "Return trill East," ISIS 00 from Winnipes. Consult C P.R. agents regarding particulars in connection with trans- portation west of Winnipeg. 4011 ; DATES. August 11—Froin Kingot on, Sher hot Lake. Renfrew and Weal to Asilda and Sault Ste. Marie. Ont.. W all points in llsniroba only. August 11- From East of Kingston. Sbarbot Lake and Renfrew in Pro- vinces of Ontario and Qoehee, to all points In Manitoba only. August 14—From Kingston, Shsrhot Lake. Renfrew and West to Asihia and Sault Ste. Mario, OnL, to all points in Manitoba and certaiu, points in Saaketchewan and Alberta August 21 -From East of Kingston. Sharbot i.ake and Renfrew In Pro• vine,. of Ontario and Quebec, to all point. in Mauitoba wad eeetais potots in Saskatchewan and Alberti. For fun particntara regarding tran.- portasMwt west of Winnipeg, etc.. .fie nearest l'. P. R. agent, or write M. G. MulMbrslklttiet Pasesager•' feu►. Torodi n. 111-31 —Little Jima* E.sseetes, of Rip- ley had the ads/o.riune to Mee bib foot cut off by a mower. overt es IMAM' teleta1tteeB PATENTS ~• c A UMW mer MOW lana. b� fie B T1Met Malars Osevesimrs Ot Il mewa.asd >rr►r•tosea S eeLi BIUT1SH - f AMERICAN COURRE Leeds I am. tettwaea end weeartdlrst 1.• mega ! Mows 0ilramaiir.1 r-*tt!