HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-8-6, Page 6- W awwa r, Staab 1![i THE ORIGINAL AND ONL Y GENUINE BEWARE OF !MITA- TION8 The emerstd was the gem most blgkly prised by the ancWnta Nero, who was near-sighted. look..d at tae cost -sets ot gladiators through an *re- gime of emerald, and concave glasses of emerald ane= Cu have been par- ticularly esteemed among the olid Romans. The emerald is avppoaed to bestow hope. constancy. and pdsllty 1a love affairs and In frtesd•klp, eel 1a much prised as a betrothal The power of bestowing faith tallty, and wealth has also been baled to the emerald, u well as -mat 4OLD ON of reveallil fel... and TRE Z - e a o M KltITN eI '« • edit vi domed med to powder and swallowill, tidy were believed to cure the bites and stings of all venomous creatures, and LINT/ENT to be • remedy for fetoa r nd other silt)ents An emerald hung round 1t1►0KBINDIN6 MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES b1wlna x repaired, jlie rick nos supposed to be eine&- obw to melaooholia, and to restore sight and memory, dispel terror. guard a�►init epilepsy, and drive away sor- cerers and e•01 spirits, and if applied to t>L• mouth It wog said to stop - 001Al t.ICrrIRINtl on. LFAtHER (GOODS Ali 0.1 •,. promptly a' feudal to on Marino ►.a at Tor lIUNAL. U..rertch. A 1•'. TAYLOR. YI RATFORD. MEDICAL 1 UR: W. P. (*ALLOW, M. B. OMcoae4 teaids.te. North .hent, Uoderi:h. swill of Ouuutr ltatrtterysale.. Teispb.ee 1YL' 7111. (W). HM;ILEIIUANN, OKTK-� i/ I'Al'H. apeclall4 in women'. and obit. irou'.. di..0. n. .cute.-brrnni, and n.rvenadhe orders. ern, cer, hs. .*d thrust. lumbago -am! rheumatic curio ion.. lice Not th .ueel.third lour from I.ht $.tnar.•. Uinta-rich.I It. M. J. R. FUItoTER-EYE. EAR. 'anal and throat only. Hoene .ury,eol. ew Volt Ophthalmic and Aural Institute. "cal .b.•i.L, Nor. Now mad Tbro. t Hamm!. e.. tquare. and Moorefield k;r„ Ho-pItal. don, Kng1•utd. Oflce, 51$. Wata-rloo scree; Word. otwe••lte_Itnoa Church. Yount n, 1011a.es,Ittutit.no. . 7to5p.w. Taerbaa. K. WU. AND MINN115 M. OREHK. U., ('hirolr+etor,, *pine and nerve mac &slime. Chiropractic w the ,cl.oc, that sures without drug. or knife Free eaamina ileo. Dane over Oberman'. Shoe Store. OR trsgoo or. rad street. Phone SH. 11 -2m LEGAL DItODUFOOT, HAYS a K-ILLOR- • AN, haircutter.. utter.. sticker., uotarle. 4+abYr rootone iu tb•M.tIthos Court. etc. Private had. to lead at lowest rater of 'tuterert• �itWp� Mat aide. Square. toderIeb. W. I[ll4OReN. V.II tWtfllt!min., J(.Yy. J. 1. OAMEKON. K. C., SA[tKIB- TKIt, selidtor, notary public. OSees-- thiW. $trait. Uudeat.:h, Gard door how 9escro CCARONA (JARROW. LL.iL. BAK- .Rtes t'MH Calends., shammy. to t etc.. bode Itit8RAGER. IIAKKISTKII. SOL- • tailor, Notary Public aid Conveyancer. Mot s tet House, Uoderir:h.• ,A►m AUCTIONEER. T110111 A. OUNURY 1tUl Ttt'r.Mt tee.. AT, Ooderkh. Alt ln-ttuctiom ivy ma left. a• )Wt4al •rte:.• wttl b. ptut li at- omise to. itmoleeou macrame -114 INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. $20100(1W Phil AC.vIATFF: FUNDS Tu IdVto. toM.0.t4u• Sill\, K.rru.trr 11 .u':_. rect. (jadeite*. W R. ROBERTSON. 11• E A46NT 1111. ere LtulIT]IN"' Hllll-L.C:.uadiah and_ Aaserrr.u, ao:lreant, r,c1IFI ran• ANA. 10M1•1 dr1141 LIA•:rr I/ e : 'ib.. Urea'. Act Ufa! and 0u.tauten .:urt✓n.van, Lamy ed. Id London, Eng. Faosu rr *alp tit 4114.k, rick N•talw . TO.. U.e. Ihtlelily and Unar..ot.•vCOM pony 001-m •o reetdroot. north:,.: tomer of Vic• tarts ail Ir• Uald--•:a•t' . Phone 174. 'ticli,lLLAP MUTUAL FIRE IN 1111. aURANlink lia e.-Farsod imbed ' ow.. tro,.dty moored . llCarw.•„LJt. ricks•, fie.., *safe'its P.M.:_ jam flannelly. Vire-Pre... Uodeticb 1'. ts.; ;hawse ft hays. titc•.•Trea..: Oestorth P. U. Utiodoo -1!. E. SO. -t toast. /Warm th ; John ll. U let.. \\ uttnru{ %t intim R.n.., a ortrtanoe. Jobn i euneweti-, Hrdhlrrr eft , Jena•+ Raw. Besot. w!roo ; iwl.rr, Ft I . I.. 114. Woe• l , Maksriw Y •k . kr rentild Aeout, . J. W. Yeo, Hotrie.vils : it. aerttb. Barluc k W'tlltae. Got. riosiorth . 114mAtlrr. a ah nger Pasacy boMrt- can pay fmmee.nenl. and get thea Dani. rere,Wed at It. J. Mon -b'. 1'$etMea retsro,1'1,1uew, of at 11. H, l uv'• (. yet-✓ y. tunic -tun •trer'. Oudrrlck. • WALTER E. KKLLY, J. P.. UOtiLltI( H• ONT. bottrbb11 OF MARRIAGE LICENSE& E. R. WIGLE 1nr •.r. Ismer of of Marriaje Licenses WiliLk s PHARMACY (iodet-ich, Ontario !till Term From September let: CENTRAL Ra1NlY4TSS COLLE4 E ST r," I FORD OST, lite Mal Commercial M. -L. nal In the patine". Our teoora.-n are I borough .1 er.rtleal while .per lo- rimier. are tie, w than rat w t' And el.ewberr. Re de stere Mr nor -t wirer. than MI,- *twitter echoed. do, m rale. are r..eotto6.. Write few on ow oath! wow and see what we cut ., or yes.. P. A M.LAtALAN Principal trot t d .e ever, It 4', t for the wearer, the it wan a1.A •laeread unlucky If the atone fell fropl It.. setting At the coronation of George III.. a large emerald dropped from the crown; this was considered' an 1:42.��..�.. of th lou of Amarricar &fl the madn;ri of the n aDDY monach In later years Old writers dwell mtx•h un the beauty of the atone, which "paaeeth all grene thing In ipenenease." Pliny related manj various things about the .tone, which to highly esteemed. and Chaucer Mention. "emi-raudes" among the germs In the sparkling circlet which adorned the head of Riche..e. A Gutter Blyd TSB SIGNAL GOD ERICH ONTARIO LAN ELECTRIC RAZOR J Por the benelt of the maa with heavy beard and lender akin a reser hes been Invented which cuts th• heard by • chopping Solna. Ae electric motor is t•onnec'•d by • Sea Ibis ,/raft to the .haft of the safety razor Ds the end of the razor shaft cytlndrlca( %earna are provided which change theli\rutating movements to . reciprocating one within the blade holder At Missend of Ibe holder this motion Ie Settle changed W nue at rtgLt angles to the (Minor, by means of s rocking arm and two prongs Therefore the final motion ut the blade is al. ) a rrciprocstir.6 on.•, Meilen the safe to art by means' of blow■ against the hair Mary blows per second are ad minlalered, depending upon the revo luttona per minute of the motor. Tb-, action of the blade Is therefore not really one of merely cutting, but rsthe1 of .o vering by blown al he log.ca: result Ii that it to not necessary to have the blatl.•, as attain as a is now demanded. The chief advantage, how ever, 1a the rapidity with whi It a first class ehave_can be accompllal:e.l l~° to J,,hrt''' minutes are mallcleat An applltoation of soap 1fr n9o, pt' aary, 'wetting the skin T tafil i,ut- The sensatn•:t :afh•r the shave Is very agreerble, r.•,en.bltr.g that of a road message. The motor may he connect- ed by a pine H'ith an. lamp socket. GETTING RID OF FUES They Qul;k!y Vacate Placee. With Blue T1Med Walls !Ma" A Plinth journal Metes that It ha: been found that Ales have a great objection to the color blpe, red 11 leueun nts Infested with glee ora washed with a blue instead of a't welsh, filen will desert the 'place. In. support of this the following Instanec 1a reported. A farmer had 170 caw✓ sau:ed le different shads: they were pestered *Ith files, buj,i'te observed that in one 'abed:- the waifs o[ N hick wer.t a, blue tint, the cows were Sol worried. He therefore added a blue color to the time with which he waste ed the walls of his bufldinga, and from that•time the ales deserted the! place. The following formula Is used by him for the wash: . To twenty gallons of water add 111 pounds of slacked lime and 1 pound 'of. ultramarine. The washing is dont twice during the summer. Implements Say, when you °ogee to town imam to RON. WaL- *ON'a place. N'e bate a new car- load ot the best buggies mooey •au but". We have lute of %Vire Fencing said Gatto. We have Washing Machines and Churns, Stoves, 110a - Ora sod henget, Lad- ders, Hay tern and Track, Litter Carriers, Il;ng+oe., Wlndtnul., }linden, %towers, Hay 1.-eders, talons and Stock Itacl.. Also a number of good honer. Massey -Harris Shop llamilt ul S'teet DR. MAN'S PRENCE PILLS I M Se IoI.Uae P111 for Wr'*eu. $5 • be. or three for a fold at all Stores or walled so say . noho on itccelptof l.e. Tug Swann Data Co., Oa Catharines. Ontario. PHOSPHONO1FOR MEN, hewers& Vim and Lynn1eq; for Rene ata Drain, Menai!' ••grit' m■ttlf"; a Took -w III L.ii;J 1 i. t up. it • bol, r.. two br pi, at drug .toren, or ty mall en ter..-, ,t of pries. Toss S000su, Dace ('o., M. Catharines FALL TERM OPt1.5 etlTLM.Cet ewT AT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO M .sone..+out year.. I'owlUon.rgusranto.d to liraduate-. Staff of .peccMu.ts C. A. FLKtSINo, F C, A.. Principal. O. D. FLKMINei. S.•rretary-. CLARK'S SOUPS The ehoc-bill is ,the Mona Lisa of the Zoo. Born to blush unseen In or, almnet tr.arreseible swamps of the \\filte Slle Mtilt wonderful bird has a face that brin,ts a fortune to Its captor. Perch, -r1 un ore leg ilkf psttwace on a monument, the shoe-bllt smlles and initis and winks It:, pale ids- tijti. Asa a u4yt.. ether tha rare old hard to • heron or it stork no mar . an 1,11. bu' ar.y way his smile make. him a valuable match for a circus man and a prize Me the Too Mantn•ring Young Tries The rmmmon pro. tl. r ..f n.'ng lent. ' r ntttte. of stable (manure In plant- Rig trait trees ran"rat he recommend t ed, Whoa a trove te planted 1t- activity tlronld be the development of a ftrong and vitt! psi vt.tt ■✓.tem If large amounts o! f •Iltzer are placed around the mots of a tree. th• root fevvwth will naturally noo he. an ex• _�T-e .a under norma conditions ggp�a• there wm be no nec.•.ity .at * s nt-hang far for atstennncr, and Ater the finely of hood lneterlals "Melds.) at planting by the addition at stable manure 1s eahan.ted, the lifted system will not have grown ftdllciently to secure fond enough In loop up normal enedit'on. In the grow Mg tree. What was deme with the Mos of helping the tree w111 thea only sotto to retard 11. growth. A MR. CHRISTOPHER THOMAS ▪ Montreal «ho o the atrathcona Scholarship at the Royal 1 olleg. „f Must, London, thereby becoming enUtled to a three years' coarse a' the college air 111, -mat. wan or- ganist of the Church of ate Advent. Weslmount. A Shrinking Sea , The surface of the Caspian. which Iris 811 feet below sea level, has, since un.., 1410. been continually atnktu,l, _v,t.Itlrout a plausible explanation having '►hitt iurrib bora fouad. Nb• great }iv portant." e - portanee wan at first attached to th•• phenomenon. but the shrinkage went inn. and Is now even beginning to h.• loose v'nlrnt for nsvlgatlon, as 'team ere in many places cannot reach the landing Orogen 11 i. believed that the Hoer water flowing Into the sea is not .uMSctent to make good the loss r fused by evaporation • An Artiste Advertiser It Is nut enerally known that this 1.1.• Mr Ttfiittmaa J Barrett offered Mr Rancher', then Chancellor of the R. h.gner, 1ltrntiette If he would print a .,map advert:s••mcnt on all the census papers for tQ91 His proposal was, however, refused A running ear mean. or Infection rf"11"• deeper or Inner part of the ear. Often there In. a perforation of the dram of the ear There are many, many deaf people who must hear this affliction borause They treated a run- ning ear with .oma useless cure-g[t, la.tead .4 aseertalning the cause lad tering that Soup problem■ .,.:.cd. Oarkn y. dethe vr0rr. t�.and the ark.-. .M assurer mt.a►.s 1106. Order s• •..ortmesL • N .-la'. ltd. lenr,-r' Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Menotti( tures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies Grenadier Guards and Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and $Illppo4rosne��,!� ' Dosedewo I&%lnS)m rimae' ' • Roy Scouts' Review Canada's Brest Dog Show HA RY L()N Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintings from England, Scotland, United States and (anada Educational Exhibits Goods In Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero-Ilydroplane Flights (:rand Water Carnival Creatore's Famous Read Score of other Bands , Damn Bond Concerts Cbenpmke and She BI 4eat Midway ever Paco Tor Flrrworbs IEknstieaal Peace Tame 10 Mem& NO Mms(clsa. Aid. 29 1914 See 14 TORONTO APPRECIATES DICKENS Aev. Or. Symonds Speaks of Mr W •ed.Au l I mag t natter "Wttbout his marvelous observation. then would never ba,. been Say Vachon oharactors given to the world," said Rev. Lr. Bywoeds of MontreaL "This, with his facile pea and natural gifts and the peculiar circumstances at his life, make the Charles Mimes we love. His wen the nowt untoward lot of any nran's who has become tlmous, yet be turned the barwot metal Into gold, the most sordid car cumstances Into the best. In his boy- hood days there was no ane to edtvlse, no one to counsel. no one to encourage Sari the misery of those days when be telt all that he had Icarned and I thought and loved pLsalpg from _itirareturncd to torment him to b Are Your Hands TIM? a i r.nls diatom else mill too r we - Tow feel • ..ho. ahs biro Sad or dimtlaess��er pimp boa rebast Them% melbts5 yes can�d akieg Para. yea w_ I There's ' "There's no der yes era gad pmmansat rebel la DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription Mrs. F.aats 13. Brost. ed Bryant, Nelson Co., VA., write. `I believe i Iced emery pais sad eche is woman meld have, sty back wee weak, ..d I .ervoesses• and could not Sleep u sight gatersd with Saone■■ with ht', and every month would have spills .d have Is stay In bed I haw take. night betties of your 'Favorite Preacripuo.' sod sae vial o jeer 'Pleasant Pellets Ca. Sew do my work for ua in family, and feel like a now wemn. 1 think 11 Y the bast medicine is the world for woman. 1 reeom -.•d It be an ej Meade ..d may of them have bisa greatly tweeted by it. Dr. rMEIClt'f PLEAlAlrl' mamas Mollowe Lever lift est moments." As a writer, 1Sr. ymon.. !poke of Dickens' won al � rr of aYsc' t1oo end at the 0I. Doctors Eat I m coMaeteed the Cni pa: y Mott' _ _-t With that i nd. th stor4i brhomas % ardy In 'Far FYpm the Maddening' Clowd"-at hest which Dr. Symonds regards es the finest depertpUou- , Dickens did not seem to describe for s is mere love of description, as do olh authors, Dickens employs an enor- =bua number of characters In his tttory and yet not obi Ts werdu to the charge that thele c aTsbt�'f� aggerated Pawn, Dr, er tom ekeal they nos : erdl'awn. His own lift s helloed him to see more ' d!Stay 'than do most • aoper4cial ob- Narvers and only those should sit to judgment on Dickens who have had opportunity for knowing just what ha knew of life. EDUCATION AND MATRIMONY llRarrtage Epidemic at a Horticulture (btleg. Fee Worsen f11r John tbrVbern, who tweeds( tr the annual meeting of the swim - Iv (Kent) ,Horticultural ("ollege for Women, had only one regret with is ward to the institution. -••- "TTnfortunately," he said, "the cols tete eaters from a continuous epi- demic of matrimony Not only ars w► oar students exposed to th• greatest Ible danger in this direction. but n our staff has Inroads made epos _ I. Lady Falmouth Bald some people apt.eered to think that 1o/01y-educated women were not fitted for matrimony; but, judging from what they heard of the numerous students who made most excellent wives, trained women who were rapab!e and practical hntne- wives appealed to very many. TOASTED CORN EitiggE YOU MIGHT TRY To Detect Sewer Gas Dissolve in ,.half pint of pure rain fwater one ounce At. pure ,acetate of hiead. Dip a piece of blotting t•�per n the solution, !et it ha:f dry and then expose It where th sewer gas is suspected. If the paper turns black the gas is thereAn considerable quan- tlty. To Stain Black Walnut }thick walnut n'..y he stained to re. .emble ebony by washing it two or three times with a solution of sul- phate of iron. After the wood le thoroughly dry apply two or three coals of a strong solution of logwnod. Wipe with a we: spouge and polish with linseed of!!. To Clean a Refrigerator When whit.' spots appear on the refrigerator lining take all the food out and rub Lhe zinc with kameene. Beare the refrigerator open for several hours. then wash with arnanonto and warm soap suds and let dry thorough. b Te Make Gla, ,man Slthte To give pressed glassware • beard - no bistro .peel a raw potstn, cut It ltifb and. rub ase ebbe, with i •veldt arrd dry 1ti ultra tmal� daT TVs Clean! New Lfetoleem A mixture of equal parts of salad it mad vinegar Is the best Chiag tet pnrpoee. if very dirty, wash !Mall soap and water. finds M bad Itnoteam, but soap or Fromm tint *was the wearing enulRtes. When Driving N. Paine can be drives into beef woad allith more molly >Y they ere Ares fiord with soap. Per Cleanhy Tiew see serif wash the t7n !n .Bot emspeede wilihrtpie thomsgbty dry. Thee, =bur. *proud via ea 4 M►ntrelt Poise 'motem are mom than 81,0011,000 E4paha enppnrttag eltrain.trle train. Maw fel the Myths"! f� MN .000,osn new onss ars ragafed eonally. An Old Quarry Yumotlt'e first marble quarry, avo- id a.bnut 1716, inn 1. being pmfltably iperated. .sikw.,...gratatorosons, wear Every Morning POULTRY HINTS A yueation is so -ked in an rubange as to the enure of items' death when they are .filleted witb laawneee and gradually become worse until they cannot walk. The reply giver! is that lameness is very often present in tuherculosis and u t be main symptom of rbeugealism. When the trouble fccurs it i• suggested that the, hero .he 7 ogiven a dry. chin, well ventilated I place in which to Most„ Keep then) out of long wet graze, batt give free range on dry days. Feed liberally. Perform a post mot tem examination .an the next bird affected and if rater.' white spots ere found .on the liver,.° tubercles in the meeentet iris it Inay ire safely concluded that the tis+ane f• tuberc:tlo.ie. All ,ailing -bird. should be isolated or destroyed and the preen-' lees cleaned up. It very frequently hxpp.•ne that there are :1 great many sitting hen. that it ie deairelde to bleak up during theiuniwer, For ',hi. purppse nothing exceeds the slat -bottomed coop raiertt from the ground that the air may e•;1 - culate freely under the hen when .1.. is placed in for crop. As, long an the sitting hen is given a chance to .it in a nest or on the ground, where she can brood herself and keep her 'rely IL a state of great heat, it is held to break her off from the desire to bowel. But.when aha is plated m: a slanhnt- tomed mop, which i• raised from the ground. tbrre is no pttwsible chance for her to overheat her body, and in v abort time she 1.'we. her brooding de- sire. It often requires only a few day. II of this treatment to break thein. :' coop made for the poi pose. is very in• expensive and a tom! convenience in every poultry yard. THEY CURED ALL. OF HIS TROUBLES What Nova Scotia - Farmer Says of Dedd's Kidney Pills Hillsdale, N. S. --Aug. 3rd. ISpeeial,►-"i can recommend Dodds Kidney Pills to everybody suffering from Kidney Uisrau.' Tatem are the word. of Mr. John A. Camphill, a well known and ' highly respected fanner living near here. Mr. Cage/ - hell suffered from kidney 11.101111. for three month.. He used two hotel of D dd's Kidney Pills with the remelt that he sap. emphatieally, '•Dodd'. Kidney', Pills cured me of all gey , trilobite./ It is well to note that Mr. ('amp hell says ha was cured of all by troubles. Sick kidneys rannnt do their work of straining the Impunities out of the blood, and the result Is sick - new, depression and lassitude all over the body. Dodd'• Kidney Pills cured the kidneys : the purified blood did the feet. Webeeteeerviest~beetelieWeeSeVerberveRell a at the C M• 1 FI Saturday Specials Maple Leaf Grocery Fruits Strawirer, iris, New Pine Apples Florida. .rape nulla, lananas, 8unkiet Oranges in all cities. ° New Vegetables Ripe Torualor., Cucumbers, Celery, 1..•.tuc.', t)Linns, Radish, Rhubarb, New C.sl.bngr. Maple Syrup Hace just received a large quantity of Hcnte-niade %tyle Syrup of the very highest total- ity at.d flavor. Butter, Eggs and C'l'KF:U Mr:ATM We are making ar•tangements to have a large end choice an- aortturrrt in all these lines for Saturday and will he in' a position to supply your wants with choice ermine? y and Dairy Rutter. strictly fresh Forge and Cured and Cooked Swats. Ale hrdere • will versa; our eerefnl attention. -The town of Liatnwol has hewn the seam ne several Ares which are twilight to ars of Incendiary origin The genet recent blasts occurred whin the wood -working shops of Mr. A. 0 1 Murton wee deet,oyrd. Tim loss is estimated at Win. Of near b.w.e mmamslea OLD WATCH' FREE. ....•earrw..r .www. b... er.a..r i..... Ir. •. Ar•e •.A . u.m..r • .w••• r •e., es •.Y . • Saw bsrwtl.or.•st..�r tiff* . w 5 r. arra ea. est• e•., ~Wary r n ob r oar• ff. tar.. L.•r•r' ewe W ▪ e she waft. obali ..1 be seem eve. Nemo ember.. menmk 0001r�.wemand e'r.l..a t.. bat . am, asp • tr we mew of ear rowel Mew w by Ow. Moro w. 1.•mmb walk It. 1 Yob Ser elks 1 Geed le be se etre. bear roe Pare w tete .n r e r.• wr1L•n• a • '.tee ,•el I. 0 ttia••1ar Im.ra woo. issowlsoisroweessowswila Join" wamocarmorwow....