The Signal, 1914-8-6, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODRRICA ONTARIO TuuaeDev, &DSU V 11. MY • EAST STREET GARAGE Goderich, net to Town Hall, is the hest niece iu the County of lim-on for AUTOMOBILES, INDIAN MOTORCYCLES, BARRIE GASOLINE ENGINES. all the latest and t up-to-date wakes of BICYLES, Etc. Nome - We have oonstently on hand a full stock of repair• and sup- plier for the shove machines and have all the latest improv- ed methods fur repairing the save --Cell in and bate a friendly chat and a careful inapectiou of our dock. EAST STREET GARAGE GODERICH NW M Tows Hail Always Open Phasic 243 LOCALS -- PERSONALS --Mies Pearl Knox its holidaying at Grand Bend. -Mies Allow Nafra, of Detroit, Is virltiui fel/Rives in town. - -Tee Mimes Beverley. of Detroit, ate guests at the Park House. Mies Winnie Cunningham. of Port Albert, Is visiting Mies Mauve Foster. - Mr. John Black left last Thum day to spend avers' weeks iu North Caro- lina. -Miss Mabel McDonald, of the peek - oleos staff, lie spendiug err vacatioaat Bluth. -Mrs. Fred Davis and family bait taken up their 'reilidence at -file thistle." -Mr. and Mrs. Dan. MacDonald, of London. are holiday viritorr in Gude- -- rich. -Muscas Gladys and hoar McN.vin, of Godeticb, are visiting friends eel Zurich. -Mrs. Griffiths and two children, of London, are herr en a visit to Mn. 1'. M. Davis. -Mr. Gordon McKiuoon, of Torun• Lo, it bulidayiog with (ioderich friends. -Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tigrrt and sou, of Hamilton, ars holiday visitors in G oder icb. -Mr. Wyville Millar returned last deliver)" at close prices. ; week front an enjoyable trip through Prairie Provinces. -Mrs. E. P. Ford, of Hauiiltan, is visiting Mrs. 1Y. A. Coulthurst, Glou- cester 'Terrace. -Mr. George Stiveue, of Guelph. spent the weekend in town renewing old acquaintance•. Noi man Severance of Ravenna, Wierw uoW ia'uig waou with ncousin. Mrs. F. K. Burdette. -Mrs. Walter Sharma"( bas return- er now a V..11 of ei mouth with ber ttsugbtee• in Detroit. -Mise Lualee Revell L. herr on a visit to bo .• brother. Mr. H. K. Revell. tiodertct. township. ' -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker were .song the number who spent Civic bulivay at Stratford. -Mr. Bruce Anderson, 01 Ottawa. is .pending part ut his vacation among MO friends In Gudench. -Mies Gelb' ode l ,, ung has returned to Toronto after .pending a moths vs - radian with her parents. - Mea (ltev.)Jas. H&tuilton and Mies Haiuilwu are away un an extended visit at Janesville, Wisconsin. - Mr.' and Mn. %I, us, H•ttle lire and daughter, of C Rulon. spent riuodey s l o b M r-. l'ar:scull. E sui street. MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS • Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton .As J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give quick Designs and prices un application. • vvas .in1(y'�\°Ton .Mira 1••i5 I .. , r'• Good Roa( Endiiient i MR. FRANK TERRACE, ADDRESSING THE Good Roads Convention at Tacoma, Washington, gave the following enthusiastic testimony in favor of good roads : , "1 aqt a cabbage `rower. I ' had my produce to the sauerkraut factory at South Seaale. Before the road over which 1 travel Was built, I bad to Set up at 4 o' clock in the morning to start on my journey. The limit of the bad 1 could haul with a tram of 1800 pound bones wag 2500 pounds, and after visiting the factory i would arrive back at my home late in the evening. But look at the difference now that a permanent hard surface hu been laid down. i start on my trip about 8 o'clock and need only a team weighing 1400 pounds to haul a Toad of 50(0) pounds of cabbage, which is double my previous capacity. And, best of all, 1 find on my return :b the house early in the afternoon, that i have finished the day's work without the horses havtr.e turned a hair." Concrete Roads Mean Road Economy They prevent your road taxes being spent in patching up roads that never will be good roads. They we tee cheapest kind or roads at the end of torn, fifteen or twenty years because they practically eliminate the cost of upkeep. They enable you to haul bigger lords with less effort and less wear and tear nn home and vrhic.n. Ther increase land values, better conditions generally, and decrease the cost of living. Write for, free, Good Road, literature, and learn how good roads will benefit you. u VP Cescrete Roads Department Canada Cement Company Limited 806 Herald Building, Montreal -Mi:. Lteca Elli itt accompanied Mies Kathleen Moore un her recurs to her home w at London last Seim day. -Mr. and hire. H. K. Silber, of l'reditoo, were in town•ooTuesday un their way home from Lucknow. -Mia. George Harkens and Mies Ver.,•of Hamilton, are visiting Mrs. George Higginson, Wellington street. -• Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Downing of Toronti}, visited at the home of LMr. and Mts. John Platt over Snuday. - Mr. Frank Smith, of Swift (',:r. rent, Sask., is back to town and will Lo remain here' for several months. - Messrs. J.r$. and Don Hume. both of Toronto, spent the week -end with their parents,' Principal and Mrs. USDA. . - Mm. W. D. Cox and five daugh- ters, nl Leamington, are visiting Mrs. Coz's parents, Mr. and Mrs- it:. Down- ing. II M1 Duncan McLaren and daugh- ter. Miss Edith, of Sault Ste. Marie, ate visiting relatives and friends in town. - -Mrs., J. 11. Pomeroy, Ines Mies Thomsoul of Bridget.ort, is in town on a visit to the old home on lnronto street. --Mr. and Mrs. H. li. Hillier and daughter. Lorene, of Toronto, carer ' spending a two weeks' vacation in tis derieh. -Mrs. Win Twet'dy'And Miss Flor- ence DeLong, hath of Toronto, ere here on au extended visit with rela- tives and friends. - Mrs. Ds,nean Cameron, accompan- ied by her grandchildren. Cameron and Evlio. is away on a visit with friends at Palmerston. -The Mimes Wolfe, of Galt, have returned home after spending two weeks tbm guests of Mrs. W. J. Powell. NeieshAr a& -Mitres Vera Elliott and Olive Goldthorpe returned last week from • holiday trip to Detroit, Bttffeto, Niagara Falls and Toronto. - Remember the garden party to be given by the toadies' Aid Society of Knot church on Thursday, August 110th. Keep the date dear. - -Mu. R. J. Phelan and Miss Hazel are spending a few days in Stratford at the home of Mrs. Pbelen'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Sullivan. Miss Nora Hurley and het little remain. Miss Mona O'Mara, of Detroit, are the guests of Miss Hurley's par- ents, Mr. and Mn. John Hurley. Miw Mary Voung, left on Wed- nesday for 'tomato whose she will •ptekd a few days before going to her home in Oo ckerane, New Ontario. Mn. H. Booboo of Detroit, Mirhi- gen, and err daughter, Mrs. Wo. Rork sed children, Dilly and Rdward, pp•afd a visit to Mr. aod Mrs. C. R. Nebulas. Saltford. "IIOCH pin KAISER r The 1, !',,'. ing lone. e w • eel' rd own years ago. at • dinar' of !lie Cnieen League club hs' Iteer-Admit •.1 ('ougb- lan. of the l'nited States ' :.c v. in• ternetienal ..'mplir-ti e• were almost crested by hi. art. 1n view of the in- sane aRgt+Mrveneee of the Emperor �Vili am in bringing about the present rnnflagratinn in F grope the venetian f special interest riseF Kdf4r vies' da 'Fgthirlanef' tend Gott and 1 all flings eon,mnnd: 't e two -itch : Dont yon uoderetsnd! Meineelt -und Unit ! VI's Paine men sing der bower divine. Mein soldiers sing "Die Warht am Klein," t'nd drink der health in Rhenish wine Of me Und Gott ! lore's France, the swaggers •ll aro undt, AAs'. suagr.pieldt .he's no &aground: To much we think .he don't amot.nd, Meinaelf -und Gott ! She will not de•e t+ fight again : Rut if she ■houldt. 1'11 show her Main Dot Elam and lin F'renehl Lott sine Are mein-hy Gott ! 1)•re's Grandma dinks she's niebt schmall hest Mldt Rows and such she interfere: Shell learn none owns Oils hemisphere Rat n.•-ond Gott! fibs dinks, good Frau, from ships abe'a govt Cad soldiers mldt der 'caret meet, Ach t We 000ld knock dem, Pouf like dot, Mansel(-midt Gott ! in dimes of peace, br•han for wars. 1 bear der beim und 'pear of Mars. Und tyre not for den tbousaand 1>sara, Massed midi Gout In tact i hwraor airy whim. Mit import dark seta visage Krim : tient � palls mit Me and 1 mit Hata, Ili pa Gott! thus rnllrifootteetinill Re Importation of Canadian Stock The following let re! i -•lied to all official s-hterinwt inn• M the Vete inary 1)1.e'ot-Gener.1 at I) law* he- been h•nderd to The Signal by Dr. W. F. ('leek for n•i(.1r •ati.'n. ecr. I log to ed WISP you that the t'nir,d Stites euthnrities leve 're- gent iv amended the regulations gnwrrning the importation into 'bat country of l'anadien .rook. in future !nu ran note c•ttiflc.tes fit- cattle ex- poo,trd for grazing or reeding ppurpows poly-- iliaeerlM•sse mistanrege that an conte em.. di.•..• • fleeting rattle except toilet rnln.is 1..• exiled in the district in which the animals have hewn kept for sixty dans preceding the date of •Lipment. 1'ou will notice thit the period has been .'hanged from air mnnths ro sixty days and that Antinomy -root. i Lumpiasr r is not ex- cepted In i••uing these rertifcatee it will he neemtwary for vnu to alter them to comply with the above re- quirements. She Wasn't a Suffragette A farms' s wife. who had nn rnnnan- tie id•ao. about the opptsit• sox, and who spent her buy days hurrying from (-horn to •ink. from sink to shed, ' and'sb•d to kitchen -sense, was *irked if ate wanted the mot.. "11n, 1 oxr- tasinly don't!" she repliedl. "1 say 1f there's sane little thing theft the men folk ran de stone, for goodness sake let 'em do It" $100.00 IN GOLD We will Ries one hundred dollars In gold to r sy man. woman, or cbild that cannot ire heneflted by Regeine hair trade We are anxious to have every- one try Ragefne low we keen. it is the hair male that has ever been isnevreel Seger no will fwrltiveiy retro •n itehy steep, hying life into dull, faded hair and odd ioehee to Ise heretic tinselse ie now °b dstea d* la Gnd•rleb sad le mid under a guaran- tee to please A Targe legis of Rare Ino ersta Mot fifty emits Be sure to so to I F. J. Rol land's drug stare for other 1 ores dont have sasetne. 1 (ll♦ �illllttttlltlttlawr11111 South Street Garage NUT TU Dtvls' l.lvltnr 'Phony 51 Don't Wait Till Afterwards! 1), until after tbe acci- dent has actually hap- pened Bring your Car to be rewired now, Prompt attention given . rod good work oruerau- trod on any wake of Car. - ( foreign supply In the Brttleh market. 1 1 Canada has good land, tree land. aad obese land. Canada offers a man and hie nblltt" r.n each a chanes to make a living Oanad&'• laws and inetlteiksns are based upon those wblob have proved beneficial to the Brttlsb Mmplre, aad they are enforced Canada's wages are blgher than the higher cost of living. Canada h acv enough to allow any one to go to the Mother Country for a brief holiday Canada already foodstuff. to feed grows sufficient the British Islas, and eh. intends to elimisat.• tbe 41.' Canada's resourres lave only leen JOHN GARROD sesneeisse. • --Mr. 11. Oring, of Waterloo, a..1 Mr. ('ole, of Montreal, have toren en- joying the beauties of Goderich and vicinity During the past week. They see the guests of Mr. Lamb, of Malt - ford. - Mr. and Mrs. }cert Herl4od. of Detroit, arrived in Goderich on Mon- day evening for it holiday of two weeks. Mrs. Harland is a demister of Mr. and Mrs. %Vatter Sharman, Krays street. - Mr. W Prondfont M.P.P., and Mrs. Proudfoot, are hollre from their trip to the west. Mr. Prnudbw,t states that crop prnapect• were re- ported to he very good at nearly every place along the route. -Mr. Robert Oke is having a ne.t. little cottage built on Park street. The btu -e has a solid cement founda- tion while the walls will be veneered with red brick. It will he fitted with all modern improvements. -Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Merner and fancily. of Zurich: Mr.and Mn. C. Lin- dentleld and two ehildre n, cif Exeter, Mira Ida (irahaui and niece, Mi.s Meisel Miekie, of Cleveland, joined in a reunion of family reletrves wt the honor of Mrs. &award Or shorn. East street. this week. - William Proudfoot. K C.. at. P. P fntmerly) of narrow & Prondfoot, of (loderioh, Ont., hut now of Toronto, accompanied by hie wife, is in Ed- monton in the course of a tour of the West. They are registered at the Rival George hotel. 1'. Ferguson, M.- P.P., m•mherfor West Kest, Oniarin. is also Visiting the city. He is accom- panied by his wife and is registered at the Royal George. -Edmonton Jour- nal. - Principal Hume. who baa been at the Ostark) Agricultural College. Guelph taking the teaebess' engine in bortleultur., Is expected home to- morrow (Friday) evening. - Dr W. J. and Mrs. Reid and family. sod Mr. Herb Reid, all of Detroit, are holiday visitors et Harilleid. The gentlemen referred to gee ' brothers of Mayor Reid, of Oode- -Mies Sloho)A Skimings has receiv- ed the following letter from the pri- vate secretary of Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Connaught, acknow- ledging the receipt of her photogrnreh. Ottawa, '-nth July, 1911. Dear Madern- 1 am desired by Her Royal Highne... the Duchess of I'onnaught too as.kn,.w- ledge the receipt of your letter of 1h' fith instant and to thank you for your photograph enclosed therein: which Her Royal Highness hag much pleas- ure in accepting. Her Royal Highness also deceit*. me to thank you for your very kind ex- prfmions contained in your letter above mentioned, which are much ap- preciated by her. i am, Lear Madam, Your' felt Molly. Arthur H+din: scratched in a few platon, and ber natural wealth is largely undiscovered and unmeasured In value and extent Canada's railway 'unease already exceeds that of Groat Brltallo Canada glees the poor uian a •Diane' of being hie own master. dented him elsewhere. Canada ortt re safe :end profitable returns on the luvestiueat of capttal Canada In the land of sunshine. Canada's flag is the Union Jack. Canada's cereal crop of 1912, loaded fa 304on gorela trucks, in one con- tlnuow train. travelling at 30 miles an hour, would oblige a person to stand on the station platform six days and nights to ire this train pass by. Canada Is the land for the fit, and needs no workhouse. nor does she tolerate the wastrel Canada will always find work at good wages few the capable worker. The demand for workers always es• coeds the supply. Canada has invigorating winters, full of healtby recreation. Canada produces [Lieu that have a mighty respect for women. c'aneda is a land sUll in the making, profiting by the mistakes and iris/loot or older pepple.. Canada can supply all the. bread and cheese the Old Land wants any year Canada has a magnificent t education- al system under which public control, from kindergarten to university. Canada's churches, will seat one- half of her population at, the mern- Ing_,.servlce and oho other half at the evening, and most of the churches are filled every Sunday. Canada has all the attributes of the highest civilization. ('.nada offers a good a' ay's pay for a good day's work. Canada's bank navingt, equal $100 per head. Canada produces your morning paper by growing pulp wood. Canal,taxation t4 very much lower than oi the Old Land. That New Fog Hgrs A little child of Mi. Jae. Young was heard to say on hearing the fog hotel blow on Tuesday : ••The cow." A Warning Some mischievous person hall leen damaging the drinking foanti ire in the Court Howe Perk it is not any emelt child, as parts of the syphon have been removed. A heavy penalty may bre levied against anyone naught damaging public property. end it i. to to hoped that this warning will he sufficient to stop farther depredation. Sharpe -Kellie Toronto Wield: The marriage rf Mies Elva Alberta Kellie, Toronto, to Mr. William Talbot Sharpe, Toronto (late of Edinburgh, Scotland), was eolemnieed in Rt. Paul's Presbyterian church, Bathmrst street, by the Rev. 0. R. Fasten on Wednesday. July at 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe lett by the 52.30 train for their new bgM.52.30Plederieb. Hurrah for Goderich 1 Goderich won lint money in the firemen's tug-of-war at the Seaforth celebration on Wednesday. Chief Postlethwaite bas good remotion to be proud of his teem and will defend their honor against w11 comer.. Ernie Pridharn tnainteined hi• rep- utation as a sprinter, carrying off the prize, &silver cup, in the 190 yards race arranged between him and M. - Dougall of Porter's Hill. Pridh'w's time was ten and four-fifths serx+ods. little, W. Thompson won Ib. prise fns the largest chief is tbo parade, and Mr. S 0. McKay took ceroid mosey in the 75 yards rex for firemen under 311 years, Civic Holiday on Gederkh The ideal weather whichrevailed on Wedne«i.y fit this week(lode- rich eluteholiday-permitted large monkey" of eitisewa to thnr,nthly en- joy the day elsewhere. The town of Reafrerth, which was weloeraing its old hoye and girls this week, was the destination of over 1110 Goderich aene, while not • few participated in a Mintier celebration at Sir tfo n$. About 110attreeled the Rapt Ise Men ie at Mwweemeng Part and quite • plea. ant day wise west by a member at Point Fars Some small Mena parte." enjoyed theamelere at various potato on the lake afar• Thar •t. traetlnas took emetically all the holi- day taken away from town wed lift Ooderieh very quiet foe tense who were compelled to remain et hewn. Sermons in -Movies" Appeal to People Rev. Clark.. R. Park' r, pastor of the First Baptist church. of Terre Haute. Ind.. believe a in keeplug step with the tin:' .. 110 fit .. moving plc lures to illustrate his Sunday even ing Ieeture...oi d hes ehurrh or always rnwde d 'rhe pe ople like the idea. and men and worncn who, had fnr Zoyfen what Otte Weide arses rhumb looked like are it.w 0 Kolar atten- Tanta at the "movie" pennons Value of a Letter Itnw completely the score of a sen- cnco Ip altered by the ouiisalon of an nlllal letter is shorn n the following •urn nt frcm semen. paperw -The roufllct wee drendful. and the corm, was repulsed with great laugh - "In nonsequencr of the numerous I, cider's occasioned by eluding on ranntnn lake, measures are to be alien to put • top to It." •Whoa the Premiden''e wife entered hr• humble slttlna room of the mine he wa. politely hdndcd a hair "Al a Large dinner given last night tt the - - nothing war, entabi• but he owls " "A man was yesterday a ted no .hoe o'hargv of having eaten a rabmwn 'nr demawdlsg more than ``� his fare '• °Tt• Ressean moldier. Ixaobkleef- ookowsky war (mind dead lilt a lose reed 'ticking be hr throat " 14vw te a as•dleln• that needs tak- ng he large dome attar marriage te w fir nay Mei effect Het bttitlis.. earflap a Ary little goes a kedg sty. anal OF CANADA i Are Year Children Learning lo Save Money T Each maturing son and daughter should have a personal Savings Account In the Union Bank of Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and training In how to expend money wisely. Such an education In thrift and saving will prove invaluable In later hfe. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOh1BE, Manager. 1 1 Ate you intending to fit yourself as a teacher o: Music, E'ru.tonist or Concert Performer ? The London Conservatory of Music offers splendid advantages in PIANO, ORGAN SINGING, F.LOCtf- TION, HARMONY, ETC. Write for illustrated year book for information regarding fees. scholar- ship, prizes, etc. LOTTIE ARMSTRONG. F. LINFOHTH WILLGOOSE, Registrar. ,i Mos. B.ir . ?itocipal. Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. Vacation Trips on the Great Lakes Mummer vacation travel on the Great Laken is now in full awing, and the volume of tourist travel attracted to the lake r ole. by the splendid equipment of the paeeemeer line. ape for the cool and lest fill 'eke tripe i't even larger than in former er..'.ne. The great ship "Serandieer," now rvnnir.g daily between Cleveland and Buffalo, has created a sensation with the veiling public who Meek lheii i sit ries at either city to enjoy a del ,;htfitl mgl.t" ti ip "n this ntar- velons steamer. The •'Se...n.ltte Oct)... leogrst and moot costly h •*••ginger-t'.mere 011 in- tend waters of 11.e world. She has 310 staterooms and par los. accommo- dating Iiip1 paweengsrs, equalling in .keping (-Armcoty the large.t hotels of the country, red she ran carry (4,0(51 people, the population of a good etre town. Notwilbalandiug hes eigentic size, during the sun:seer Beavon her sleep- ing accommodations ate reserved well in advance. and those contemplating the trip should arrange for rooms a. early aa possible. All railroad tickete reacting between Cleveland and Buffalo are good for transportation on C. & B. Line Steam- ers, and no one .hould miss the oppor- tunity of using tbe lake route during the bot summer months, The Gospel of Happiness A woman who bail many sorrows and heavy burdens to bear, but who was noted for her cheerful spirit, once said in explanation: '•You know that 1 have no money. 1 had nothing to give but myself; and .c 1 made the reeolutioo that 1 would never Padden anyone rine with my troubles. 1 have laughed and told )ekes when 1 could have wept. l have always smiled in the face of every misfortune. I have tried never to let anyone go from my presence without .v happy word or a height thought to carry with him. And nsakieg happiness engenders happi- nese 1 myself am happier than 1 would have been haul 1 eat down and bemoaned my fate. This. gospeI of bappine'ss i• one which eve, a• unr .honld lay to heart. Set nut with the ins"Int ihIe determine• tom that you will heir burdens and not impose then,. Whether the eon shines or the rain fell.. •.how a glad fare to roil neighhor. If you mint fall in life. battle you ran at leant fall with a smile on your foe. Harvest Help Excursions, •1112..i0l to Winnipeg August 11 and 1M The Brand Trunk Railway System will run Harvest Help excursion. via t'hiago and Duluth on August 11 and IK, from all stations in Ontario, King• Ion, Renfrew and west at low rate of 51215) to Winnipeg, plus balf-cant per mile from Winnipeg to destina- tion. First excursion on A rgunt 11 applie•* to all points in Manitoba. Sec- ond victim on August IS to certain point. Saskatchewan and Alberta and all point. im Msniloba. Returning - half -rent per mile to Winnipeg, plop 5114.111) from Winnipeg to destination in &astern Commit. The route vie Chicago tr yen attier- i2►NMste, naso targe ettiesra.dt•tarrafr toeing passed enroute, who:h hreak• the monotony of the journey. The Gran 1 Trunk Pacific ltailww) is the shorted. and quickest route between Winni- peg, Saskatoon and Fwlrunnton and traver.es some of the beet farming country in Manitoba, and the roost rapidly developing pectins) of Wert - ern ('marl+ Full part.iculem at all (:rand trunk ticket offices or write ('. F. Horning, District Pasanger Agent, Union Pita - lion, 'Toronto, Ont. I9-2% -Mr. M. T. Jackson, re Ripley,ie preparing to move to Fdmouton, lta. Hie eon, Roy, has resided there forsev- eralyears. An Ideal Vacation Trip via Great Lakes Steamships AA this time of the year when so moiety are planning their, vacation trip the qurrtion "Wheref To Go' naturally suis•. Wh,.t could be noire delightful than n Great irk•. trip. where the air in pore, the .un shines and cool refreshing browses blow. Five railing. week) fn Pt Mr SeatNionll foe Set Rte. weekly Mario, Port Ar- thur sod Fort William ett mehipp express leaves Toronto 1230 p.m. mail- bag day., snaking direct connection, 1f you ere contemplating a trip, don't let this slip your tesamory, Oars - adios Pacific steamships make the fastest Um•, have the iweit of &reeve- taodetinn, and the table it uwexodled. Pull partieolars and reeervatioae on testae and ships, at every Oadradfaa Pathe tleket nines, l71. i. OBINSf— -i Here Are a Few SPECIALS For This Week 1A Men's Suits, regular 116, .211.45 Boys' and Mep's Weave •Hats, regular up to't.e. to clear • 10t Men's Pante, regular 112.... .i1.i6 Child`s Rortp.re, to clear. 3* Boys' Bathing "guile. to cltar....S • 50 dozen Bow Tier, sery sptcia1.161 Men'. Bordered Handiercbiefe, tl for ,264 Men's Harvesting Glover*, spec- ial line 2Cc ,tnd 33. M. RCBINE Agency for : I'raimely'•: t)v,ralls Berlin `Ihirts Olen Evenings lintil 8-' ) A.NEW TL ltM oven. September 1.1 in the pot ah.r 1'onge and • tome. 'Sln VIA, l oront o. 1 .chool en !Oleg a great rep'.1..1 bo fn. -nye training. Waite tcd.p to' r'.etelrytur. 'Ant child can snake the pictures. Every operation as plait as day. Eire? ? a ' have their tlevelopint and printing done b; .In expert. R. R. Sallow: L WHEN BUYINGYEAST INSIST ON HAVINiG TMIS PACKAGE DICUNI b • TiTUTI