HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-8-6, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO
T va.aiY. Aosvfrr s, 1014 II
SW of huh.
Protection of Birds I elfoe f the t°°"on °"growerand.the
nitrile wOne-fifth of its food
eossista of destructive weevils'. Eleven
per rent are ereterpillani, and also eut
worms, and army worms. Palsied be
the hest.d that would ever 'boot as a I
game herd this one of the farmer's ;
best. friends."
Devastation of Ontario's Crops Would Have Been' wuat this reskllgs of the lovable. of
the army worm tui,tht have Men witb-
Much Greater but for the Pretty Songsters-'
out tlrs aura. once e)r bird. it banl to
A Human Necessity
tell, but the fau.trr haw oar more
Over Fifty Kinds o!i Birds Feed on Caterpillars,1 1:2 uing to ptvrtect tie birds ar bis '
Including the Army Worm.
Th. arena worm which bas begun it• England, the forest' were attacked by
work or devastation tbtougboui ibis'(aest teat Caterpillar*. Whole
section of country, has directed coos forests were destroyed and maple let-'
sidersble alwatioo to "the realest' chards were ruined. Burda -warblers,
oeiolee, sparrows, robins, cuckoo,,
cedar birds and many other spades-'
attacked them vigorously, so that in
191)1 the plague was so reduced that il.'
e6r were not t 1 ed
Mead" of t.a.-the bird. 1�tac the
army wuem is present In snob large
numbers rs is generally considered w be
des to the absences of the little feather-
ed creatures of the sir who's foalis
the insect. Tble idea is borne out in a
paper delivered et Ottawa beton the
meelireg of the North America* Fleb
ppsssee • ,
"Prederick of Mamie loved cherries.
Sparrows destroyed his favorite fruit.
An edict of extermination was issued
sad dame Protective Association by which carried the destruction of other
C. H. Wi1on. 7 filen Fails, New York. bird specie.. Io two years cherries
••From grum'ation to generation. and other fruits were entirely want-,
f thetrio of this sub w the log. 1he tress were defoliated by
i lass a
egoista Mesar tee.
Emote, Out., June 17th. 1911.
"1 have beta win` "fruit -a -lives"
u • family remedy toe many years.
They are the beat medicine 1 have
ever tried. •Fruitra-tires'' do me the
most good -they never gripe and their
action is pleeaem.
• 1 have used them for tadigestion
and Constipation with the best results,
and 1 heartily recommend than to
anyone similarly afflicted.
These troubles have left mecomplette
ly and [give "Fruit -a -lives" full credit
for all this. A nicer pill a man
cannot take."
The enormous deemed for "Prnita-
tives" 1s steadily increasing, dee to the
fact that this wonderful fruit medicine
ewes prompt relief in all cues of
Indigestion, Constipation. Sour
titomach, • Rheumatism, Chronic.
Headaches, and Neuralgia, and all
Kidney and Bladder Troubles.
bile a box, 8 for 92.50, trial size 25e.
Sold by all dealers or sent on receipt of
price by Prnit-s-tives1imited, Ottawa.
R caterpillars red other insects. The
going down thereof, ales' band of mare
has been against the bird, and now, king seeinghi. error, imported spur-
havi.g dentded the field sad forest. rows to tae the piece of those be bad - - -- ---
last friends'. !
Great Clearance of all Summer Stocks
Subject'°`" rte:ort
'°'�'�'°" THIS MONTH
Y Y C. A. MAG.
Students assisted to positions. College
is session from Sept. let Catalogs'.
fres. Eater any time.
LW. Westervelt J. W. Wsterveltt.Jr.
Prisenal 19 11a RYeMpI
be mart pay the penalty. These pro- killed,
allies are weeds, rodents and noxious "The harvest of Itarece began to
insect.. Man never intended to coin- fall. A commission 'Niel appointed to
mit such a grievous wrong upon tom- invistigete, it a as found that t11tt i
self and Ctrs World; Out M Ib UIn7 failure nes attributed to the ravages,
other matters there Ie. .treguenUf a or insects which it is the function of '
wide dispel ity between intention and bird. to destroy. French people were'
performance and this is the neatest not only killing game birds but otberr.
illustration of all. Nature's adjust- Birth eggs were taken lo large quanta-'
tnenta are sot to be lightly set aside. ties, the number destroyed being esti-
When un1't.turbed by man, there is mated et from Al to WO millions. Ar
maintained • certain normal maxi- au apparent result of the destruction
mum to abundance in which most vines, fruit trees, forest grains, and
gond and least hares is dune. Pie- field Crops. suffered from Gibe destrur-
cauar of this lack of proper adjust- live in.ect.. The greatest low from
meat, caused•by ourselves, man must ravages of rocky mountains locusts
fight weeds, rodent* and destructive were coincident with or followed the
insects that he may have a harvest in destruction of countless thousand► of
the forest or on the farm. In the mat- blackbirds, prairie chicken, plover,
ler of all there self -brought curses curlew and other bird..
Were is little room for doubt that the ..Tb, San Francisco earthquake de -
production. protection and encourage- struyedproperty valued At sitar millions.
moot, of bird lite offer, in most cases, The Titanic • loss of life was 1501i.
the surest methods of relies. That Tiaiwiculo.ie claims 1ti1.i») lives an -
bird* are au efficient check upon In- nosily. Tet we bear the loss with a
sect multiplication aeras' impossible mere comment. The losti by the
of dental and it is doubtful it any- ravages of insecte would rebuild were
where in the animal kiogdom any
other restraining influen_e iso import-
ant can be found.
The Process Endorsed as Extremely It is probable that .no .peelers of in-
habits of life that it is not found and million school children.
A r. -cent issue of the Farmr' epreyed upon by moue bird. Tbere "Fifty thousand binds of different
dsocirte di.cueees 'be question are moms' insects that smell and taste spPciro have been rzamiued in 25
year,;. One than fed a young robin 7.1
Mu destroyed, the l colleges of the
United States, and add an endowmentof $1b,teiyet) each to t universities.
It torts the Uuited '.Rates more to
sect is iso
Profitable in Cases of Overloadingcompletely protected by its feed warm, than to educate over Lei
thtuiing apples on freer that badly. We call them stink twg«.
�• Few Suggestions Given by the
Poultry Division. Experimental
Farm, Ottawa
When the chick is iiatr:,ed it has
a sufficient suppl of nouriahm-•n' in
the yolk of the egg to last It for
several days. What the chick re-
quires for the first few days is not
feed but warmth and rest.
When the chicks are removed to
their brooding quarters there should
be some coarse sand or fine chick
gAt scattered when_ they can have
flee access to it. They should then
he left until they 'boa positive signs
.of hunger which would bo between
the second and third day after hatch-
ing. They may be given some bread
crumbs that have been very slighely
motstened with milk; this may be
scattered on clean sand or chick grit
If being. brooded by a hen she will
see that no food is allowed to tie
around, but If In a braider that part
nr .,setl,)wded with fruit. The Certain beetles have a strong cauaue cut worms a day for fifteen day.. A of the food that the chicks do not
vlvicr i+given to growers that "they secretion Riving off a choking odor young crow in a day eats twice ata
u 11 do Weil to take rto-k of iho thin- and cause a burning 'emotion on the weight of almost anything. Taro par- °p !° a f• a minutes should be re-
m K 1 rues•..• and try it out.- A few tongue of man. Some draw in their rot gnresheaks have been known in moved as nothing In feeding ca':
11,11,11 comity fruit growns also en- limbs' and antennae and look like eleven hours to make 450 trips to their so mucl, trout.:., as lea -.:rig foot! ••t
nest wills one or more larvae. 1 t a at 0 that na:ur, aruand until .t is i, ;;.
limp. Sparrows, chi:kadeer, viroew,
martoms and warblers have been
The tofu .Carus daily', of '.
known to make forty or sixty trip. an feeds giver, a')out two r.:.1 ., :....
dot-, tire Idea. Tbe erticle in fpII farces at earth; others play poosurn.
.huuW I... of interest. and '1r as There are so-called blister better, used
tell..w.: medicinally to blister one's akin; many
••1% lien looking over a ber of cateipiila -e ate covered with brie,
whore• a short tion• ago we noticed others - having stinging rays- Yet hour with their beak-' filled with all apart :,nd c, -•:t! rued :.
;list they were leaded very, very some birds rat all of tbe.e in egg. manner of insectsMore tl•an fifty
h. oily and tube,. the de or haw been larval stair, or adult toms and do out
aral.v Ibatt.Kruwets have repotted to seder thereby.
.'thist••is:i (binges. thatBunte apple "Ibis continent is greatly favored
•nt•f,,,d. unity he badly over -loaded ! in the number and character of or
inch of birds feed open, d;tt,• the chicks are two to
varieties of caterpillare. including the of the !hell untt! I9 or i.
army worm, :*4 varieties upon the de- May be altered (,- a! ..
va-taring plant lice:Sl kinds feed upon I eondlt1ane.
'hi. fail and a. a colasequenrr the h•ut 1 birds which not only include some of for most destructive species of cede _
r,isy 1s' rather •rur11. Where this this gems 01 the bird world suchas inaecte. First feed: 1) .Jtrru
-tate : t affairs exists it would, no I the warblers and bumming bird., but 'The hawks work by day, the owl- slightly tnoisten••;: e i ', rut::::.
'l''''h. h 'y�s ib Ur carte, wurrve �r, h un the whole ixweea. few destructive chiefly by night; so Ibat for the triton- Second feed: F.r.• ;y .Tar.:-,;
g" ....cies. Our arrtbetic series is satin ty•f, nr hours activities are continued.
hoppers grains or r. nine •; :a' • `.ices
As many as 0 hundred grass
have been found in the sumach of a Third ,feed: R,.0.-.: • .I's.
swinwon's hawk representing a single Fourth fie -d: 1)r: !arca•
mesl, and in the reireet of a pnir of moistened skit' r.:'
barn owls have been found tutor. than
:OM Atolls, 117 per cent of which WPM Fifth feed: F'
field mice, hours tliCP and colon, is grain..
rats. A zing neck pheasant'* crop in additl -n to r
coutaiued tIMI seeds of. chi. *ewe •1 and _
12,00n dandelion's head. More than I thtcks daily a I:tt!•
weds have been found in a duck., as grass. h•ttur.. r
et ash. Do not have th••
"Of the wood.wcker, there are 45
,,,,i, sere tree and this ibe hunt rya- Heed through the beautiful plumage end".:ut"'lly• sweeter song and they are marvel-
'•TninuiuR uliuost invariat•ly secut•es to-ly adapted to the respective Heli*
tL.- glower a wore urarform and bet- of activity. No other creatures are eo
r „ h red I..: of (riot as well as larger well fitted do capture Hying insect. as
:cwt. 11, side. titre the tree does not „wallows, *wit t• and nigbt hawks.
!.ai.• it• v:lwbty w) lowered by over- The wren also, olio of body and agile
.• pp eg. Ezperi' nceil growe.w have of movement, creeps ' in and out of
n -n 7.1;":14
.psitrd this hrw,f Crises dor to hole - arid c'rv.ce* nude:{sins * rubbiat
tui ,+. p{ iii�[.and *1). w Contras ret eotm- healer for hidden insect.. Thr woor-
m•,u kat .sledge that whets' an orchard ker wirier whole body exhibits
8 .ii?, l- tree 'wall 44,11 heavily wun.lei fill :.daptatiun of tumuli to an
n. x
.•eon the: Chiu orchard or torr Is.end• i* pr4,vatrd with strong claw* to
'Iwo -t ii, r:ab•h v. -,y p.�nly inaded hold btu Hi tuts when atwork. achiael-
•1..• todleo'"g;sever. lit Ir, t. the fol- like bill4,ivru by puwecful prattler to
L,u in; 1 iqi 1. quits frequently a corn dig nut ruse, is and a long extensile'
1!....• ; • :,i, - It is'4 tilert advantage then ton us' tort&, further explore the hid-
,•• t6•t k to thin 111 .yidrr to y;et this p
") • re• ti;wi ly (-vera ear, be- deo retreats of insect, and drag forth
g K y concealed louts., -ate from other fore. stomachs one showed :4tr1 ground
I wit,,... IL• -y" wise vel low cul h, 1 ver- this .o....nWte this l401 5. the othei 344Ml.
. i nh , brie �- this tome of app eve - this yellow it
1 the 1,11-wrng year the price dove,. and dont rwferpdLtrs *Mt another _I. wish
-.•t', , it.h high. due to sr'ireit' 1,1 their uwt epeetal field 01 aclia•ities. worms. The ni ght hawk another
bull bat
11..o. the q,nwv-1 is deprived 4,f However unlike thry may ler in ap- l* ons o1 this nt•)ir usefui h;nl.. 'there
n.ul•a elle el the profit which he pretence or structure all are similar
have been ideuuHr9 more this .DNI
- - ,1 .•; Lei wi,•eget. in unr restive.. they possess n never-
mn;ng rh • first work ;* ti, roll HaRR•nR Thu,
fel insects and word kinds of ineecns ta'•:cn frrnn this e•tnnr-
srrds. lhu. is Ida sear this!. the ache of this I.
nom. birds haciog'
i.up •if.•,t. spe;timen. of spplr+• f irild a oro
•{oeciea in item t'nit••d Slate.
and l'ui- sloppy hot !a n c
oda, some remaining thrtn,ghoi.t the during t!tl- p• r! :!
year: two -third: to Iter re -guar tel ret rise -!,-
their food const-ts of inserts, chitty eth'
noxi uus. Of two.prc;mPns of 11 ekes
I 1'br seri uw. ( II
w, fui tl, it { .•trU ulsi Titmice sat biers'. Hy dies bra, 1 ' , ndian girl• ons etuma,•h contained C'. -+i
other trmilirw brvr rack _
sou •p{ Cts bi�ridsa, thirty to fifty' different kinds. 1.11Py
.,I troy d.•easctl to iusesct-intrrted
.'t• .Att.•t rhoe all plan. hie of clue-
• "Moil 4 4.-• Chinn. d out to about
ss list •• ems to he a gwtl-Pet.
1 t.tue ti.•• Inuit 1. ripe tee•+.thin-
.I •h a mar:rter will 'bow r thick
• igl, 1 til 01 fruit.
•Ili removing fruit in the summer,
.•, the work of picking in e
.".1 1. ;educed considerably. '1
;Full u.nalh• statures earlier than
slash thus' .•n'ire crop. if it is ton
svt. 1s allowed to r'ip.n on the tree..
Thi. i- 11f no mean eon.idrration, as
-•1'•tlr-mat lord fruit i■ worth more
e, the huyet than fruit picked too
'"14 here trees hes - beaeify Mad.J,
w•'- will do well to take stock of
th lining proctor' and try it out.
1 . ,w who have given it a fair test
,tri, that it he under almost all con -
lo eels .if overloading extremely prof-
tli••reroie--Why Mary, limit this your
'.ndav afternoon out? Aren't you
e -ng her a walk thin lovely day P
Nett' -Please, 'm, I'd rather stay in.
1• ru see, asst of lbs' psept. out of a
' n,day is couples, sad 1 dont like to
1.• rnnepiettrrns.
A sen of Mr. P. O'Brien, of 8trat-
h1,1 while holidaying at Mr. John
1 haml.er,,,neer Lumley, had b arm
4'•4Iy borok n. Ile wag riding a bomb
drivlbg sling ropes at the barn.
"h•n he fell o$ and sss4.hsed the
eseoirl inj•try.
Ute function ,• 11
that insect as it is to lessen the tribe aniselsitu.
it, a whole and 10 reduce to • lower "Of two hundred and eigh'y five
level the great Horsehide of insect Tire wtomacha of the meadow ltrk ei:autin-
leet it fretful(' a menace. That insect led, seventy -throe per r-'nt of the foul
lib.herrbeen a menace has leen nicest ("mid t"" insect.. The a•eg.tahle fo -d
expensively iliurated. All that ba.Iconsistd of a grain and weed and
been Si) far stated -all lbrl will be other reeds. it ort, th•. boll weevil,
destroy this or •'t the ant and the malaria hearing
least is not iso such to
stated -is the result of the study an
the observation of the best qualified
men in public and private life and to '
whom,. with other lovers of bird.' and
men who have in such a disinterested
way edireat•d and stimulated the
otmise mind, we give ell prelim end go
forward with . great hope fur the
flrtart- • t • -a
"Irl 19011 in one district In California
there wase threatenes Mtn•,
of the
prune tree by t4 • dere. black-
birds came to the rescue. •mpletely
cleaning them out. T!. Rocky
Mountain locust invaded w fertile
plains of the Mississippi yt every
species of land bird and , e water
fowl preyed upon this pet- shickoos
saved Pomeranian forest. im
I. ruin
by caterpillars. in Euro;
there was a great outbreak ut gypsy
moths'. The hand of man was power-
less. On the approach of winter tit-
mice and wrens paid daily visite to in-
fested trees and before the spring the
eggs of the moth were maturely dee-
t,royed, larvae of We same snob
. early defoliated the limes of Brus-
sels. The moths swarmed like Wee is
summer. Tltasies sad creepers clean-
ed Chem up.
"IniPY6 Ioeuste aMictmd Australia,
Large cranes
d i .ad.tbelr appear-
p r-
anc • est: crs.ms . made a com-
pleteand in a few day.
Pie destruction of time Inetrte. is
the early of Utah tbe ant
year's sere destroyed by eriek-
eta. Drops `promised well but
the crickets appeared
ibreaMsd the settlers. Ilea giiB•
armed times saved these crops. Is
1416 Nehreaka waa •Misted with
ices{. awed! the gda • uail1. I
is my owe state and part el New !
• I
Kidneys Wrong ?••••"'•
1f they are you are in danger. Biles
through weakness or disease the
kidneys fail to filter the impurities
from the blood. trouble . )ones at once.
Backache, Rheumati-•n, Sciatica,
Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones and the
deadly Bright's Disease are some of
the results of neglected kidneys Dr.
Morse's Indian Root Pills contaia
a most effective diuretic which
strengthens and stimulates the
kidneys so that they do their work
thoroughly and well. Try
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
Having now installed a re -cut Band Saw, we
are prepared to supply builders and the trade with
in any ffuaobities and of any material for buildings.
A large stock of Lumber on hanld of standard
sires. l
Ontari41 White PL Shingles and Leath.
We are prepared to do jobbing or custom work
on short notice.
Soft and Hardwood Slabs for sale by the cord.
The Paget Grain D.Or COs', Limited
OLLOWING our usual custom all summer goods and
all goods of passing fashion will be marked down at
clearing prices to make room for New Fall Goods now
Three Only Women's Silk Coats
Two Women's Silk Coats, $1'.511 for .57.00
One Woman's Silk Coat, 917.51 for .510.00
Three only Misses' Short
Summer Coats
Newest styles. Regular 57..541 for ..54.50
A Tableful of Misses' Millinery, all this
hretion's, exactly balf-price.
Fiftylnnly, Women's Whits Lawn Waists,
long and short sleeve., all sizes. Our regular
$1.0) and $1 51) Waists to clear at each .411e
Any Summer Parasol now in stock at jost
Clan Tartan Dress Goods
New Stock Imported Tartan Drew (tootle,
all the leading Tartans in stock, 98 inches wide.
Special value, per yard 190o
Sweater Coats and Knitted Goods
Exeeptionelly choice selection of the Seas.
en's Newest styles In Women's., Men's and
Children's Sweater Coats at popular prices.
Our leader, heavy all wool shaker knit
Coatis, in grey, brown, cardinal, navy, hisek,
white. ulzrs:i4 to 44 This in the . best value
to be had, et each... .... ........ .54.60
Women's' Wool Shawl. in black, white,
grey, from - . , ....... ....51.00 to 'each 56.00
Kayser Gloves Penman's "no seam" Hosiery Perrin's Gloves
McCall Patterns and Publications for September now in stock
" i'he Store that is all a Store .,hould be"
This" Mil l ar's Scotch Store
'hese 56 11
Every Night
a Sunkist Orange
Every member of the
family should eatSunkist
Oranges just before re-
tiring at night. -
Eat them at meals and be-
tween meals. For no other
fruit ever better insured good
Heavy with luscious juice,
sweet and delicious. They are
free peeling, and .so tender-
meated you can eat them whole
without losing any juice.
Sunkist Oran es
Sunkist are tree -ripened, glove -picked, tissue -
wrapped, and shipped right from the tree, so
are always fresh and full flavored. Will
you buy merely "oranges," or will* ,
you get "Sunkist." Prices are �1..�.
low. Get a dozen now.
See how to get these
AUDI. F.s-.•
Fruit Growers
4111.1111'105 Ria1 stn. Ea.t, ever. Church,
Tos este. Out.
Mail us this ,.upon and we will
scud you our complimentary 40 -page
ret i{:•• book. showing over 110 ways of
.;stet Sunkist 4)ranges. Voo will also receive
,::r illustrated premium hook, which tells you how
to trade aunkist wrappers for beputiful table silver.
• .tt thi.:t.upon or call ut the above address.
F.venlug .hide.. 4e -exuding lower.
Tao •he creed. a darker1r0001.
Andras shoed, .badow• flutter
Slowly t'f toy roofs.
Far err in parte di•ta,re
A robin cheer. glad night.
And eiawly from tbn •.Here .owner
rads. the grater light.
taw winding road and dark.
sheer. a drowsy white.
gently to their .better.
Wine some teod-nttbl:.
A glow of grey 1n yonder meadow.
irawdelirw.' ghosts.
Sway 4e. whist demon tegerh,M.
Frail awl dying kr-t....
An,... the darker shadow.,
A seek it. matin ekrlu-.
Awe aeon the tworatew. trash and .west ,
Will composer ''sten k111..
-The new voters' list far the town-
ship of U sbnt me, which has just tees
publinatant. shed, contains 781 na. 01
three 585 are eligible to vote at both
parliamentary and munielpal dee-
; 134 who can vote at municipal
elections oa17, asci e.1 who eau vote at
p•rliani story elections only. There
are Ito female voter,.
Western fair
Ontario's : Popular : Exhibition
SEPTEMBER i ith TO igth, 1914
Magnidcypt Programme of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily.
I New Fireworks Every Night.
The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit sad The Camilla.
Royal Dragoons
The Cos. T. Ke reedy Shows will fd1 the Midway.
Masi' by the best awilabk Bands.
Special Emersion Days, . spit, i6th, t7th. All tickets geed
rig ber stat.
All Information fres the Secretary
W. .1. RLID, Prsside at A. M. HUNT. Secretary