The Signal, 1914-8-6, Page 1Pe year bier N a peel., Ma be &amortising. Agmedelag--me Petry dory, bot Taste eilatisleg 1. The di(toa1 will brio, yam geode Natty be- am the Holies Pehlke It will pay you to use The (Meed. 41114 F . i r.r P.M" Yesterday M deed -taps it Tomorrow doe. not seat - ed.'t worry. Today le here ---138E IT. Our advice to you is to each week ON the advertising eol- mw.e of The Signal for tumults. The Weal goes into the base. AIITYJlxTU ,fish -M. Imo OODERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 1414 41. SEJJNANK 01' .,.a1AD.4 SAVE, because- No. 122 You exercise the calmer second thought when you must draw money from the hank, to stake • purchase. Head Office Career Kitt, sad Bay Streets, Termite tBwral Meatier - - - - - A. H. Walker G.derich Bra rib - - - • - - A. Perter Oat. Madan, RitANCHES AT ladled, Oat M_ sebring.ille, Oat. Desgeoesss 0.4 Varna, Out. ` -.--.,- ter- ...--.•--�-s.-.-rY„--y- Fir-+--,r+-r�. 1 I Is OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN RANK OFCOMMERCE, GODERICH Pasties : Orrice ID; House 160. P.O. Box 964 Some Desirable PROPERTIES I 1 for immediate sale Ld.t your properties for ale or rent with me. A. G. NISBET IAST•OR FOUND WANTED 1)UR8E LOST. -IOONTAININO`7 1 eta et Tb. Wer O. regretted to e.re,itatTHE SIGNAL Mit L\OUND. - WOOL SHAtVL ON euriday. Ower can balk alae by irover- ' !t O ALdolnwywr expose. A u •t LUST. -ON WEDNESDAY MORN - les betimes Me Square and O.T.R ma-. : to.. • r..tleat•a'e tea mimed perm motels - mg Wee Ste MM. mod ono rt taaiIar 1I and eve twenetaway ticket. to tles- forthalae s reratet.4 aoeoent witsser: mine attached. :leder MU be sits re- warded by return(., male to Moe.J :41" career Sekund& read ad Oibba+. &. brit CARD OF TEABES 'ARD OF THANKS. -WS APPRE- ll dowdy the a&a Madame. *bourn u. by ser friend. sad . ben N Ler rejtest EARN BARBER TRADE. `SURE tset..rrseet. MRJ. SMITH ad IAM- 1J EMPLOYMENT. time wage Few IL\'. week. required to complete comer. Wrote \ARD OE, THANKS. - THROUGH BARBER l L1 and catalogue today. Tenon the d.sn. of The Stoat 1 wish to ex. to ion. Poem my gratitude for the Ley Latah. Wale, Lathy Mown se In the Jag Wan.. and mitre - • .,cent death W my koebad. tvgned, MR.,. Pr•sentatiOn IRoe JuHNsertee WANTED. - AN EXEMPLARY girt with reference.. to take Marge of h�oonaesr ApplyMtween'Iand 4 p•si. HOL, Neleon.treet. 11rL fj1BACHER IVANTED. - FO R L Union Sag. No. I, A.beeld, Colborne and Wast Wawanosh. a.ee.d•clnea prof e.ional. State experience and .stare expected. Apply to 11 McILWAIN. Nile. trot. N:t/ ARM HELP AND DOMESTiC SERVANTe.-Yirsaw requiring farm help LIN, 'Opt et mooto oro LIA ent MYov utero Anent, St. ., un•. Order. loft with H. H. WUUtki St Helene. Out • will receive mt.: .lL 1114061n400 prompt. SITUATIONS VACANT A very pleasant event timk place - Monday afternoon at the residence of FOR SAL& 0R TO *Err- Dc. Taylor, when Miss ('handler. a re- _ -- _ _- cent graduate ret Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, WANpresented with. case of surgical instruments try the Ahmeek Chapter, 1 O.D.E. Fhe presentation was made by Mrs. Mary Hayes, in the presence of the otlicers of the Chapter and a few other -friends. Mrs. Hayes lin,de a few( e*IItAttle re- marks and Mitis ('handler thanked the belies for their gift. Dowty refresh- ments were then served l.y the hostess. Mrs. Taylor, and s -t en jOyable hour Was spent. Mist Chand- ler leaves shortly for New York, where .lie iutentis taking a post gtnduate course. lRKAL ESTATE FOltt SALE. M'e list. rose. , s11 elate about talrty tet►s Mos' twat Monday rvrojng A large nuw- HOt'l4E ANI, LOT FOR NALE.- ►-int else.. amend • hall .yrey Mme nowt atsated es Wlthas •trset. Deed .table ..d fruit ,.ata Pereemereaa have sneer tbne its. J. W. (*.OGLE. Ir.u11sne.• and Real • DOOMS TO LkT.-WITH WATER iad barb armee W. J. Cralri.. M(bvd room.. wed .Me e( Square. Apt. to J. HRnw N. - .- -- Licit tell.E.-ONE NEW STAN - 1 - boomrobberr.brber Um: t robber-Medroad • .tY apt t•• W. A. UMW. ab,,• b 1.0.0.F. Installation �t�ys �aer. teyla.,t ►twem urs Wiwi . aiee ur.e 1'RVCDII MAYS a: I tit N. f(2.de n of• he . t* 4-' s .4 Hu No assemh roll i.,ratge, ekes Mt: earc ft led in the lodge roomat t hktfelluwr HaII to wit- . nes. the ceremony in connection with L \AR)11 FOR SALE -THE gaoler laaLW d w ` u the installation of the new officers for rs, ren l4vnae• arta. tewsabkr W A.i the enetung rix months. Mayou• Reid sera 11111114411814116 1.. &1111... The bsWterm o acted as installation officer in a credit- •e.t of a tr.se Mew* asa rasa Norm Thew 4 able manner. The fcllowing were the asmall arelsist. a ma - re. pMuV fwL MATb suKm. roomer. : I. P.0.. J. W. Newcombe: LiWAN. (ledene► ts•tr N.U., R. McAuley L. 1.. Knox; --- - - - -- --- roc -sec.. J. %V. Newcombe ; Hn.-bec„ DjNH(IDKNCI AND FARM PROP Dr. W. F. Clark : trrw.urer, O. C. Ji'otTIESroltsat t ba,, game eke Whitely: w.rden, Lewis Elliott: con - =et .ale meat eemrebfr• "tames /Meter, Geo. L. Fisher ; chaplain. T. eieeaesend.t11wem..41""rel lliswe ile.W- Wallace 14.11N.44....Urz. John - 141 l�eaatds& W *4..asei reed must Ql: NI1sY.w 11Y4 tet,s-*s No ren H. hic. Sta i ening•tt attest VV. .G., {POOR MALE. -TWO-STORY FRAME 11 madras w West ems( As awe t i.- I.cirdlmg bet water tnattm. es wall mom 0. Merz me - melees to sew.. 0441141 M booloom , 1.Pi(.deand wrbeet ees. tit!• sss,MAuto w 4 L. wA FARM POE RALE OR TO WIT. - Ler 12. ems(' Iw erre. new. or MeA� owl tr. i.4 a� & mew bal.s •wt&s. ss ma br'Mlns &r. tracer• las haws a�bssawl el eeeImes and Met - elm sie • of the Mt. lees Yat IMtWr. h ei b twee et shall calls hem A ab&t4.. mil tear w W • stir Ars mesh- *as bo Elves waaMldl� met IL w aal1W*. Ar.. At.a.e.. n .( nr)Na. Sss�w gir18T WAWANO8H FIREINSURANCECO. Ow of the best is the PTO, - lase. Plead este 01.__ -one. Use Stoat h.seed at its tell va1.e whether a the tarts sr out. He treble to stake eij.st- Mr. L MoILWAiN. 1 Amit Ise Oeioewe. Nile. %Vaker Pinder: R.9.M., 1' •rry Hunt; L.8.8., Harry McCre.tl. 1.0., Her- bert Jane : O.G. Roht. Ti. ter. Knox Church's New • canist Mr. William Talbot 81 r, the re- cently appointed orgai of Knox church, as suct:eseor to :. I. B. Hun- ter, commenced his dui last Sun- day. Mr. Sharpe is a na, • of Edin- burgh, Scotland. He can., to Toronto seven yeah ago and for .i time was on the Paculty of the Tor•nto Ceileste of Music. Until recently be was or- ganist and choirmaster of iia. Paul's Presbyterian church, Toronto, from wbiob place he comes to (:odericb w4�w1UUy reanaseoded. Mr. mu�c Mutt September let.. pupils o peepared o t War and Presenter Stratford Bosom There used to be an idea that war in one part ot the world brought pro - ty in another, because It molt prices tar the time 'lie t mean war brought hishMprk*. for 1 Canadian farmers. bat It brotiOt atter It the greatest depteeeion was ever knows hen. -Mrs. L. Harmon and so.. Fred, of Cleveland are visiting the tes'M.e's toolbar, firs, Joh. Martis, d A.MiId. end ether friends la Gdarlsh. CAMP IS CANCELLED COL. It OINXNi,11.O.C. AT 4ONOON RECEIVES OFFICIAL NOTICE War Wclaration of Britain Against Germany Results on Under doing Issued by Militia Department - Preparation Made by Ooderich Council May Mean Financial Loos Shortly after Great Britain had is- sued • d.rlttration of war against (Ger- any on Tuesday evening. the Cana- dian Department of Militia issued or- der.' cancelling the Goderich camp. The official notice was received by Col. Hodgins, D.u.C., at London and be in turn notified the Goderich council of the decision. On the camp grounds considerable preparations bad already been made. A large amount of piping bad been or- dered and bad already been delivered. Mothe of it •:a0 be used in local im- provement works in Ooderich but there is considerable that will he of no use whatever to the town. Steele bad also been taken to wire the camp erounds for lightingpurposes. How- ver. if any financial loss Is experi- enced by the municipality it is gener- ally believed the Department will be prepared to meet it. CHURCH CHIMES Rev. Fenwick W. Fraser, of Maail- lnq. Ohio. will conduct the services Knox church next Sunda. Owing to the serious illness of Mn. Meldrum, Rev. Dr. Meldrum, ofCleve- land, will he unable to pay Goderich his annual visit this summer. it had been arranged that Dr. Meldrun, should take the services in Knox church for, two Sabbaths in August bit he has been forced to cancel all engagements. Mrs. Meldr'ush's many friends in Ooderich hope fur a speedy recovery Rev. J. B. Fotheringbatn, rector of St. George's church. ailed last Satur- day for Scotland. He expects to spend the next five weeks with rela- tives and friends in the land of bis birth. During his absence his work will be taken by Rev. Dr. Seeger and Rev. Canon Hill. The Ladies' Aid Society of Victor is street Methodist church report a most enjoyable time at their annual picnic held in I#arbor Park on Thurs- day of last week. About 51 at down. to a very dainty repast whirls was ser- ved in the pavlltoo. The party broke up in the evening feeling that they had participated in a very successful picnic. Rev. Wm. H. Wrjgbton will preach at feat servieea in the Baptist church next Sunday. In the morning an ex- position of "The Unity Psalm" will he given. At night the subject will be •'Pure Nater for Ondericti.' Sunday school and Bible claims will meet at W a.m. Rev. W. %V. Stoddart, of Rochester, N.Y., occupied the pulpit of Knox church last Sunday morning. ret the evening the servi..e was of au evAnge- lietjr chars.`ter. Mt. Stoddart was assisted by W. Elliott of Spokane, Wash., a convert ot Billy Sunday-. who delivered the main address of the evening. The %congregation at the Baptist church were delighted de have Rev. C. W. Rose. of Brantford, consent to steak to them last Sunday evening. Mr. Hose will remove shortly :o Nor. Scotia. - Mr. W. 1). Clark, representative of the Upper Canada Bible Tract Society. gave in ,eldresses g e ei'ei.ti t ret: � dresse in the Rap• tilt churrb and \"irtnria street ' leth°. di -t last Srnday. His addresses wete filled with interest throughout. Mr. Clark 'tated that in Canada with less than S,000,000 tit people, the leiter was printed in 110 languages. The various churches Are doing active work among only thirty of ,bete nationali- ties, the other eighty being unpruyided for. The Bible 14 printed in at lan- guages in toluene parallel to the Eng- lish so that the foreigcer may use it in learning the ltngli.h language and have the Word of G..d inculcated xt the same time. The kltiti•h and For- eign Bible Society in conjunction with the Upper ('„nada branch issues the Bible in t.'1.S distinct langu+iges. One . aad..Ahror..Aew menetatissee has -riven made sin the beginning of the present century. Ten new lan- guages were elided last veer. One- fourth of the world's supply of Bibles Ate going into China at present. The society bps loll colporteura through- out the world who sell {l.. million copies of the &Me each year. Eixty- four ldporteure are employed in Can- ada. Last year tiodericb are Q00 to this work, • sum which_ the speaker unto. The one -teeth bre do to claimed was entirely in people, se mid. should gi es much to this work se ethane. A small .udk'ure was present in Knox church alum -room ' Monday evening to hear the Illustrated hetero on 'Africa" gives by Mr. W. D. Clark re hey. of the Upper Canada BiM• Bodey. Less thee a dawn of the ninety Dreseet were men a it h to be rearstt•d that the Mature bieh was of $ ver high order was yid by .n few. Mr. J. H. Millie. Meed as chairman. Before the Isetme voter meoced mom• method. business wee transacted in 000neetion with the work of the society. sad the (*dewing were elected Milieu for the swing year 1 -President. Mr..1. H. MINIea; secretary, Mr. C. E. true* over, lir. W. R. Robertson. The 013- e. with the rsMdeet almIesee, form the leeal exeeethe. It wait /ridded that sa effort shoed ba made to ma Iden ss the tows's aseterNintian to the work of I4M .esdmy tar the prowl year. COLLEGIATE EXAMINATIONS Sttdmts of Gdsricb Collegiate Irfitule Make Creditable Shewisg The following is the lieu of rand'. daces who were ouecessful at tbe re- cent midsummer examinations at Ooderich Collegiate institute. The excellent showing In .11 forms is a credit to the painstaking principal, J. P. Hume. Lewin .rUOOL Armstrong.Sadie Howler, JO. (Hon.) Howler, Lorena Dalton, Walter Dunnadte, Elie Golleo, Janet L. Howatt Lila M. McKenzie, Anna McKenzie, Grace McLean, Alice M. Roes, Graham H. Sinclair, Allan 11. Sullivan, Patricia F. %'atsen. Lilian Wark, Lawrence A. Williams, Clementine Wootton, Grace E. Yuill, Margaret In all thirty -fever pupils wrote 00 the lower school examination. Of obis twenty-five were recommended and eighteen were successful. MIDDLE SCHOOL. Adams, Marjorie Allen, Cora Beacom. Sara Biwa, Robert Boyle, Eleanor Bradford. Riley A. (Honors) Currie, Ida G. Dancry, Wilfred (Honors) Drennan, Pearl Gately, Joseph (Hormel Garvly, Leo Gilkinson, Gera (Honors) (lilktnson, Mabel Hays, Cock horn Johnston. Muriel Jones. Unaworth (Honors) Kempton,. Tabitba Kidd. Terrence MarEwan. Geo. G. Pollock, Evelyn Rohinann, Nelsen R. (Honors) Ryan. May B. J. Ryan, R. Worthy Young. Mary M. Thirty students wrote, twenty-five were recetgmeoded,, twenty-four suc- cessful, six obtaining honors. tepees ,v 800L. Faculty results -List of successful candidates. Part 1, liriffin, Nord MacKay. Hector H. Phillipe. Wm. Durnin Smith. Florence A. (Honors ). TOM. Mart 1. (H000rat \Vark, Amy L. .. Part ii. Clerk. Canna •1 THE WAR IN EUROPE HOW . THE GREAT CONFLICT IN EUROPE WILL EFFECT US Dry Goods, Grocery and Franey Goods DNhrs Carry Largo"btoeks of Im- ported Goods -Other Merchants not Effected - Optimistic Feeling that C.neda Will Benefit The ■erioue conflict which is now raging among the powers of Europe has brongbt Canadian merehants face to face with a serious situation. In- quiries from Goderich husineas men have elicited the information that a very large percentage of goods band- ied here comes from (creat Britain, France or Germany. The dry good. ,erncleim that If the struggle is a long drawn out affair they will he greatly hampered in oh- taining any textile goods. As practi- cally all oldie. for the prevent season's trade bare been delivered they ex- pect that the trouble will be more keenly felt during the ensuing months. The ahe•on• of many employees from manufacturers' establishments while on the firing line, it is claimed, will cause the conditions which the mer- chants fear. in the grocery store* some dealers will he effected while others may not experience any caange in conditions. This is due to the fact that a large per- centage of some stocks are made up of wares imported from countries on the continent while other% handle chiefly Canadian goods. A dealer in expensive fancy wares told The Signal that ninety per cent of his stork was imported from Great ttritaio, Germany and Austria. He expects to feel keenly the business tie- up. Dealers in hats rlsin' they. ton will fe! it, es their -treat originally comets fr.•ni -twist ii*at..i Italy. As the (ierrouu. rte recognized as %hr clevrres' of '•',emists the drug • r•de will AL • h•• etfected. 1•e *pee of the pessimistic outlook th lr ee•e A number wbn believe that ('enation manufacturers will exper 'tenser an unprecedented impetus. to their business as the result of the dif- ficulty which may he experienced in rec. icing European goods. -AT THE SUMMER RESORTS 'THF-. LARF.RIDR' .4. Wilda, of Toronto E. R. Sloan, \li-s Beirrlev, Mia. Dyer. all of Detroit; Miss look, 71 Billings. hT MOTEI. SUNsIT. Among the. wormer visitors of note Who are registered at the Hotel Moo - set thieweek the nettle of l,uiyy Melvin It nes, of Toronto, is noted. She came un from the cjty in her limousine, Durnin, Vera B. •vis ch i• orae o1 tl.e finest ears seen in Met linton. James (Honors) Otsterich for some time. Others who • King. Alai. Ford (Honors) .ire herr fr x distance are Me. H. H. Ten student• wrote and all were .1..1... of Mr ntreal: Miss Lillian Mc- ,' eresshrl,fmm.b4tiniwgbe.rw..- Le•a1. of t'oti Anee Ise, `...i'h1ilktton ; -- Mi.. lleywnnd. t'hicegr,: Mr. Harry J. K., 111414'1, i'olrao, Ohio, Miss LATEST WAR NEWS 11 jam Teit•hner. New folk: while K:s•ci.e: •o The .icnal. London, Aug. 7.-W. H. Churchill, First Lard of •he Admiralty, .ui-' nnunced jn the House of i'ottimnns• teLay that the •• mei peer no •1e;jlung red m' losers of .nv kind other than had le. -en -:already. officially been made pin) lir• Thr li. 1.tan fortress at large i. Estill holding . ut but the (.ennmos at Lille, y now ht‘.. t he range w it h the result that a 11.'. i pert of the else., inrludjug s.,nt•• -•hi«t.n;r tartar! Ir.-, h.ts been de.tr,.v -e1. There is airport that the Russian navy is bottled up et Hei.inufur- . id that Racal snd Lil,-a have been taken try the (.er- uaawi after A Luiuus tattle and are burning. i I. .th Detroit. and Toronto are well rep - 1 esetlted on the register ,i ,fist IS Brantford and \\'sotto.•. In all 57 ivlve• rt-gisteted stnee la -t Thursday, and while Route -ret these ;we terto- -:eet. guests, the hotel is well tilled hat jog 41.•.1r h 1,111 J•r•'vlr.a toiests,who sere •uakjng tioderich• eu- -tianmr i.o Ti... he, t,.,.1 au,i - •lin• h,•.t -.•e-nu stn .e the l .-1 hat. been in • .-ration ,.0 t Tee Sig., *1 prophesies a e,-,.tinuel in.rre ting uuinber of stiml- nt•: vi.ifot, whit-- the a•'cuinrondati.tn is kept up t.1 its ;or. sent st'ndar.1. SAD AUTO ACCIDENT • Esteemed Exeter Lady is Killed When Auto Overtures . Exeter. Aeit. 1.- Mr.. Alexander U.. • , wife of „r,.• „f uv 1,4 -known nor..e hnyers t•,' Middlesex, was jn kiilr+l a'.out t'.:21 o'clock this n'rning. when .1 ear driven by Miss Edit. 41..ri•'a.,(..1 ear. stn 1.'ti1- b .'verrtit tied i11 t •1.1,•11 not Ihr l.ak•• :,.,.d, let w•r'tl lli.e....0,.etid F:c •:rl. 1 . •;)•- -use err.. \lr,. Dow. Mem Hurridge, urivies. her Walther, Roy Burt iJge. and John Snuthcott, of Exete r> vitae of the other,- shwa seriously injured. The ism ty li'ii/gone fret a drive to Brand (lend and was returning when the car swerved in a rut and went into the ditch. Mrs. Dow was thrown fee clear of the ear and instantly killed Roy Hurries, was pinned under the ear. F.ut not seriously injured. The others also 1 -escaped with bruises. When Mrs. Dow was reached life was extinct, She was more than sixty years of age, and greatly tespected in this district. Miss Burridge. the lady driving the car, has been the victim of tragedy for some time. it is onlya few months ago that her Ranee. Jack Graham, s London traveller, way burned to death in the Woodbine Hotel fire in Toronto. Since then her mother died. Her father was one of those killed in the city hall diaster in London. From the Ill -fete° Price Sarnia, July :4' -The badly decom- body of :. tailor who. was evi- ently drowned during the big storm of last Novrmhei. was found floating in the St. Cla. River below Port Heron today. 'I'lu man was clothed p pair of .uc•,tall,ptlilednv ` trou- sers, snd•h.d•Mhrp...-.. lM lila Mahe. ed he was- a meeker of the rrrw of the ill-fated Price. The body will be held awaiting possible identification. Improvements at "The Lyric" Owing to the continued liberal pat•I teenage to the Lyric theatre the pre- peictor, Mr. A. Regains. has found his present premises entirely inadequate to aceosnto the crowds and steps have bees twllen to enlarge tbe build- ing i•.medla Iy. An addition. :r.1 feet by RI feet. will be erected, twinging the mating capacity up to approxim- ately 6011 chair.. To insure the COm- frut sal safety of hi. legions' Mr. Huggins is taking every precaution in the coostruetitm of the new twilling. Through the colognes of The feigns' Mr. Boggis* wishes to thank al(tbe allwho have stood by b m so y in the past. He hope for their uostia te' patronage isle( that Dampens. will he spared to place the very best of relined entertainment before them at all Utile,. He promises that **Mktg of a vulgar or ti ve chapeaus will over be et bit.d: ,sedates but what the ..sliest child I rearm to enjoy. Arrangements ba.. hese mode to show In the near future some of the greatest photo plays that are exhibited today. VLrther a.- soaeesrent regattllS1 them will be mods In a later none. it"spinosat "spinosa premisesMat Me sew Ilse few amid the _WM el August. y �-A few tins... of Embro jiav s owq considerable enterprise b i obs streets in troll* of their �ree4- deuce. Dr. Green and Dr. Atki6h.on and Mr. G. M. ('reighton here resort- ed to this way of subduing the dust and find k very effective. -TIM new voters' lint for the town- ship of Upham., which has Jul hero (14 th published, contains 761 nam these 666 are eligible to vote parliamentary sed munlel tions: 194 who car vote at In Omelette only, ..d 61 who can parii.assotary elections only. are 9g f. 1. votes. n at THE LiQUOR LICENSE ACT Wbat the Law Saye R.Isbe( u the bale of Liquor by Druggist The changed condiUooa in Ooderich and Hwr.n county rims all barrooms were closed has resulted in the impres- sion being created that any quantity of Ilgeor or alcohol may be obtained without difficulty in any drugstore. In converatir•1 with a Signal repre- sentative Mr. E. 1L Wilde. represent- ative sof District No. 12,10.C.P., states that Ibis is far from correct. Accord- ing to the Liquor License Act of 1te0 and amending acts .druggist are per- mitted to keep liquor for sale for strictly medicinalpurposee." It can be sold only In packages of not more than six ounces at any one time and then when a prescription is duly signed by a le ally qualified medical practitioner. No m4ktutr containing liquors mixed with any other drug or medicine shell 4* sold in package* if 001 more than one pint at *n doe time. It ie aloen stipulated that a druggist st keep a record of all sales, the person to whom the sale was made, the quantity sold and the prescription. The Lw- further settee that any druggist who disposes of any liquor to he consumed on his premia as a beverage shall he liable to the pensive imposed by the act. NEWS OF SPORT BOWLING Three rinks of bowlers. skipped by Dr. A. C. Hunter, Robs. McLean and Char. Humber, motored to Exeter on Wednesday of last week and partici- pated in the fourth annual tournament of the Exeter bowling club. Dr. Hun- ter, whose rink was successful in the trophy contest last year, took the top back with him but his It{ik prevented him from retaining it for another year. Consequently he came home without it. BASEBALL The sixth game in the Sunday School League was pulled off last" Fri- day when North street best 8t Peters by 9-7. Both teams. bad their full number of players. A series of wild throws in the second innings gave the Methodists a big lead. nine of their men getting over the plate, while the Catholics up tc that time were able to score once. In the ,bird inning. St. Peter notched up three runs and in thn fifth four more. The Methodists, still having a lead of two runs, did not bat their half of the fifth innings. F. Feltz for the Catholics did good work as short stop. while A. Hebei pitebed a good game for the Meth.dists. The teams are: St. Peters -Pitcher, F. llaecbler: catcher. R. Foley: 1st base, J. Farr; 2nd base, F. Fellows: tied base, D. Finn; short stop. F. Feltz; left field. G. Feltz: centre field. C. Dalton: right field, J. Kelly. North street-Pitcber, - A. "label; catcher. C.. Johnston; 1st hate. J Bates: 'rilbs.e, 11. Powell; 3rd hare, C. Holwrtson:.short stop. N. Mc- Letnl; left field, M. Pridhatu ; c •etre flrld, H. Marney; right Held, H. ('nr- ree. - Passing of the Licensed Bar Contrary to expec tat i..n• the licensed barroom in (ilnderich pace -sl nut of existence very quietly telt Fri• day everting. By 11 o'clock tint. a crowd off probably 111111w.tnle hal con- gregated in ('curt Hnusr Palk await- ingdeveloptnents, tint the only excite• men• noticed .vas when two nlstrep- eroul youths started n 'quarrel which Chief PostIethwaite nipped in the bad by placing the offenders in the •'t• er" for an hour. It was 'spec' Fd ' hat a number would iruhide quite freely •se a means of celebrat'ug the ev -tot but stn: e• the He.4 of August no •.ne has heel, cern nu 11,- streets Under tl.e infln,•n.- - of 'Miro.. The (Orono. in eonditj,ms will not •erio.a.l.4 elf- et the acciimmudat ion for th•• It'.:*'rll. ref( nuhlir in G.sleri,•l'. H.ar1 Bedford i• not*' tinder the manageuten• of Me.' John llyd(.'t, 1ml \Ir. E. 1'. 'everts U. now u..Oinger of the idri•1.h Ex. «hang,- hotel. 'Che C ' hotel will eon: bele melee Abe present ,uanage- ment A. .1.0 will the Sault, hone,. ('.pr. 11abh, it b is been announced, will eke,- the (Mean huuae, while the death .,1 -lir. Tho.. Johnston. the prn- ptiet..r• of the Colborne hotel. will prole.bty ra.t-e`a change of ming.. dent if, , jogs esYsaio• i kiln, , Th. Assesameni Appeals The appeals on the assessment of hotel properties in (issletich. which were hral.l by the euttnty jtndge bap. been .iealt with by His Hater Jtelsei leivle. The appenls ot the Belford and British Exchange hotels were die mimed as Hi. Honor held that it was possible for both houses to do a fair business it properly conducted. The a.pe*ment on the Ocean Hou.e will be reduced to g1*11s1 es no business will he carried on there. The Oolhnr.e bowie assessment was reduled to 418000 and the aaite..ment on the Union hotel was placed at piste, This house a frame building smaller than the p0'berm hotel which is pertly a hr k structure. The mime ment of the Sault. house was reduced to 51500. Thin place will remain open but pro.pects for business ate net very sesuring on account of the edgiest. - tion of the furniture factor and the w.pwnssion of work at the Wheel ri emoted. The business tat In all hotels will ha after July else. The amassment on East street garage. owned by F. T. Davie, was redueed to 51900. This structure was damaged Ay tb. recast M to the extent of -Reran Willard. the little son of Mr. H. Willard, soar Reeler, had hie shoulder bone frsetured the other day when he ted from a toed et hay. IL i a&ADWIN, Putts . INSURANCE PROTECTION Li,btaie, Reds me Equitable lesorasce a Good lm.e.tmeat Following in the trail of almost every electric storm comes the report of burned buildioge or homes and the lomat property and stock. This will all always be so until some genius, who may not understand electricity but can divert or harness it in its rampage through tbe.Nso.phere, con- trives some way to deprive it of the pleasure of destruction. to each arta needless[ store, some object nearer to our dwelling place is marked for exe- cution until our own turn comes, end then we 'realise our helplessness* or perhaps our negligence in not fortify- ing against •ucb havoc with devices known to he esteemed. in nioty-nine per cent of all cases where danger is imminent, Prof. W. H. Day, of the Ontario Agricultural college, relating to bgbtorng rods as s protection says, -slut of every thousand dollars worth of damage dome to unrodded buildings by lightning nine hundred and nintey- nine dollars worth woukl he saved if those budding& were pioperly rodded." The data! prompting Prof. Day to make tbde statement required thirteen years to gather and compile from act- ual experiences on the farms of Ontar- io and in the states of the Union, and heiog founded upon facts it should lead many to think that danger which might be avoided is daily staring es in abs face. During the years 19110 to 10111) inclu- sive 111,9116.tei6 were paid as actual lightning looses in Ontario, and this is twelve and one half per cent of all losses paid by insurance companies during that time, including the great Toronto fire. Risks are not taken in full, and many buildings lost by storm during that time were not insur-•.l, so one may safelyestimate the .r to buildings durWes those ten yea at two and one -bads million dollars. Ap- proximately twice as mnany claims aro filed fur loss of stock as for leered� s.. the toss • f animals wont l i 1 4.iory equal that for building... Tni. Aggre- gate ie appalling. and when it Way he emetically all el minuted through the use of lightning roils, a- Prof. Day de. tiered in a new bulletin i.•een•ly issu- ed on the subject there is lathe .rgu- n:eat against the adoption of their we. /n a personal interview Piot. Day .t�sertrl ties' twenty-five per cent of the farm building. in Ontario were rodded at Use present time, and advo- cated it as a general practice. • it world then he null fair and just be said for the owner .d such buildings to demand a reduction own hie premiums no the insurance, for. as it now is. tbe owner of ridded buildings pays for the 'oases 01 the unro.ided use*. The ams- - t,rity aloes occurs where the build- ings are unprotected by rods, and o0 first thought the o.Ifairnes of the sys- tema ret insurance which does not clips criminate reveal. itself. However. if any reduction in .pre- miums be rade the company would find itself wirbout funds. and the only sol..tion Ije.r ;n the unrodded risk pay- ing a Larger pr.•rsuini. In this cennec- ti..n Pstg. ,Joy stet. ••according to the es -orale .'f in«nranee r*W panic. in Michigan, which are in.neinj both rodded and unrodded muddiness it is found that on eh.. Average in five rom- panies the a,.ra..utent on rod41e1 helrjld- ingo i. thirrya.ise •.and One half mer r• erne Lw. them Ihr ac.es.n,rrit nn the unrrxldrel MiiWinrte. Consetiuently, -in ;• genet. i1 way. we may say that the insui Anee 'en melded buildings .houkl east only tw..-thirds :is niitrh as unro l - d.•1 one.. Unaier ;h.- pre-ent system the exiled huilalirig4 an• paving for re Ih.rn they ought tie and the un- loaded are paying lees than they should. Knowing that approximately nor -quarter ..1 tit- hu(l.;ing• in Ontario are rodded I herr .'.itce,lAer.! .he alter- A4.on in rate's that .hould he mete to adjust. Ibe rate progwaly 'wrwr-n the toe., Hamm.. To give th. 'oddest I.nild- ing. a preference of ene-thied the pre.- cpt rate •h•'nld iw r. -dm -ea twenty- -.yen and one third ewe ern' Ault the ermine erste ..ser ol,r ilded Moldings should he incrersel fl per rent." Insurance hath of life and property is now eeriegnixed as sane. and insut- in;: roadie! h,ijldings under .l readies: - rat rate, inch .is advised by Prof. Day, is wisdom in the last analysis. The companies ret the Stat. .-4 Michigan seethe the decreased risk in carrying• reside ? +ntik!ing., and carrier• of such ingerwapterrlse *malsTear.*1.07 on each tlt:rten Tit in•mrenee. A -building audit- 51.1010 usth511sel cnuld he properly resided. on the average. for ',NA.). l). and if compen- ie. rnuld be prevailed upon • , recog- nise the Lethiced risk and rant con- eeseions the expenditure .A this small amoarnt would anon he regained and mach dames, of la elitsineted. -To the individual whose, building would he burned if not rodded," «aye Prof. Day. -expenditure in lightning rods is just se good iUvesIItUient as paying insurance prrtsiums no a hwildIng which h darned. In Ihr -ase of rode nee would y for the rod. and save Ibe hui while in iosmance yo't pay IM while sad re.•efye back two-thi • of the value destroyed.