HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-30, Page 7THE sTiIT'AL : GODERICII ONTARIO itivi $DAT, JULY 30, 1914 7 NIS HEALTH IN A TERIIBLE STATE fN1-Nlm' Healed His Kidneys and GM MIS liaet:asvtt.u. ONT • ALO. aeth. seta. "About two years ago, I found any health in a very ng their work 7Gaatddl• Heys were not doing was all run down in condition. 1 felt the need of some good remedy. and bar i n eaten " Pruit-a-tt vis' ' ad vertiaed, I ,mined to try them. Their elect, 1 fund more than satisfactory '1'l,eir action was mild and the result ill that could be expected. MyStidneys resumed their normal sctioa after 1 had taken upwards of a down boxes. and I regained air old- time vitality. Today. I am copying the lest health 1 have ever had . B. A. KELLY " Nruit-a-times " is the greatest Kidney Remedy is the world. a acts on the towels and skin ss well as on the kidneys, and thereby soothes and cures any Kidney soreness. "Fruit-atives" is sold by all dealers at soc. a bog, 6 for $2.5o, trial size zcc. a veil be sent on receipt of price by Fruit a tires Limited, Ottawa. woman's Weakness A woman's reproductive organa are in the most in- tense and continuous err each- with her kideeya . he Slightest d. sorder in the kidneys brings about a 1.orresp nSIng d.aease V the rrpr.,duchve or�aa� Dodd'. Kidneyiils. by r+► P storing the k'dneya to their perfect condition, premiss and cure those fearful der orders peculiar to women. Pale young girls. wor*. t mothers, suffering wises and women entering apse the Change of Life, year neat friend is Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 Picnic Time 5 l t. .ne tori • it i.,m.•t that you ,ata e .1 e tam. kind of Corot 11.• ,I,. tee sen•liw'vl4 .. et.•.We are t:tl•1n1H•per1 .1 :e of-ft.'h Meats this -t n. -nd 1:>ninC ir- tei:e•t a new ..frig -tutor ate ready to supply 4 %titil the tin t• lies' HAM and TONGUE HOCK. HEAD- CHEESE (Tray Ben- t.,. CORY BEEF, :_,AUSAGES and SPARE -RIBS o'.a fall I.ta.' +ted L".tr•t:.t1--. PO : LLi the GROCER rt ONE 111 ammesarsowsWoNstesWeillisste - There are many imita- t1o14 of this best of all fly killers. Ask for VYsig0,1., be sure Tem get them, Bad avoid disa Vpoietlimet. Nn[IATFSTMARK[1SI Toronto Cattle Market Representative pr•cea are: - Butcher cattle, choice... ie.2610 $1.60 do good 7.75 do. medium 7.26 do common 6.75 Heifers. t holes 7.76 Butcher cows, choice6.75 do. good 6.00 d0 eommoa 4.75 Canners 3.00 ('utters 3.50 Butcher bul:e. choice6.75 do good 6.00 du , tomo:, 5.00 Feeders 6.75 Stockers. choles 6.60 do medium 5.75 Milkers. Hoke, each 65.00 do. 4romtaon. each ...50.00 Springers. stet 50.011 ('slues, thc: a 9.W do. taidit•m 7.50 do. court.. t. 5.50 13he.•p. .wen, l ght 6.00 do. b.avy 3.75 Ducks 3.50 dpriug lams 9.90 flogs. wei,th••d .,rt cars. 9.26 do fed and watered. 9.00 do. tree on board 9.60 gieewtenntrenssemareeeltlmentoomeweeessymomWS 9.15 7.54 7.25 8.25 7.26 6.5.1 3 6.1 4 7.!(. 6.75 5.50 . 0u 4.75 4.25 86.00 66.00 86.00 10.50 9.00 6.60 6,50 4.60 4.00 10.0•) .00 .114) Torohto Chain Prlees The following wholesale prices are (,honed at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Nor., $1.00, track. bay .twits; No. 2 Nor., 91114c. track. bay ports. winter storage. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W.'s, 44e. bay ports; No. 3 C.W.'s, 42%c, bay torts. Ontario Wheat -Yo. 2 winter. 94e to 96c. outside. old. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter. 85c. outside: for August and September shipment. Ontario Oats -39c to 40c, outside; 43c to 43'ac. track. Toronto. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 80e, all rail. Tomato ftelgbta. Buckwheat -No. 2. R1e to 82c, out- side. Rye -No. 2, 63c Co 64c. outside. Barley -Good maltingbarley,outalde. 66o to 611c, outside. .Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds. $2.1254; in smaller lots. 92.22%: per barrel, $4.30, wholesale. Windsor to Montreal. . Mllifeed--Manitoba Iran. 923 to $24. track, Toronto; shorts, 925 to $26, on track, Toronto. Ontatio bran. $24 to $35. in bags; shorts, 825 to 126; m;d- dliags. $28. Farmers' Market: Following are thelatest quotations for . farm produce at St: 'Lawrence Market. Toronto: - ' Wheat- „ .91.00 to $0.00 Goose wheat .95 Oats• .45 Earle} ,63 neck wheat ...... .76 Rye • .6i Per .9C Hay. tamnthy. No I^ii,n0 Hay. row ... 11LtNo Mixed' and clover. 15?00 Cattle han • :10.10 Straw. ber:..41,041 15.00 do. lboiG 9.0' Rye straw 17.06 Oat etra......;.... 16.013. Butter,.cho:ee dairy .20 Erie-., pew 1:id, dozen. .27 `spring .t -niters, each.45. Fowl • dta'cd.,b'. •..16 lmcks, poli d .1S Ducklings,:Np ing, if. .22 Turkey,. po:!nil .2'F L've hen: .... .16. do. h-1.:1. rs, each. rl 1)ucklt .:•s. ra .7n Potatetet, spa Dunc:aara,��. .05 Carrots. batW- ('abbag s. cash- " Green pets. Basket ,35 Raspb'rrir:-; box ,. ' .13 Lettuc< b.lnch .02 Green '1: 51.., h .02 Currants. rtd. box .OS do. ba, s: hoe .15 Rhubarb, :, Ira. c't• s .10 .00 .46 .64 .80 .00 „21.0 19.01 17.0 ) 12.00 17.00 11.00 19.'') 17.u"' .22 ...17 2. 0.+. 2.s. .1 i M Mfaa (tile rata as 10 re emirs 111 lion 3' )ctD c m tv:ca,cm z CHB ■eCle7®G7s.7 meal Dmf ATG Cita maim 4ta G Clea C317 [MCI u B O Etta C111.3.0 train t' DDI ■ IS as 113 r2 u'•ism __ -.I6s00'o111193U■ 'mein OICJlc3 C1a..! 1 / .. moi-[ �'"_��i�.i.Gl► A STOCK REPLETE with correct %\-ear for feet Our Shoe Stock is complete with the eemon's creations. Every desirable tyle in high and low ahoes for both men and woolen. Our line of Oxfords, in the most desirable colors and leather, will interest and please ••aro. Ample provision has been made also for the tots and near tots. SHARMAN4 THE SHOE MAN WORLD'S CHAMPION HEN THE BOY AND THE FARM I Laid 291 Epps in 366 Days Breaking Record Held In Canada Will poultry breeders ultimately succeed in producing a lion which will lay an egg every day'. Such an ac- complishment seems quite within the bounds of possibility, judging by the wonderful record established by Pru - tensor James Dryden, who sueeee.l••d la rearing a heti that laid uu fewer than 291 eggs In a year Before this American accomplishment the world's record waa held by Canada, wtth a .pure-bred h.•11 that had :aid 242 tires 1B 365 days. The hen 111 question began to lay I when only five and a half months old. Not only is she a crossbred bird herself, but the parent birds. also were cross -bred. There was nothing extraordinary in either of these. ex- cepting the fact that the mother hen was a prolific 'layer of eggs. a trait that emphasized itself to an extra- ordinary degree In her offspring. No special care or attention was bestowed upon this abnormal egg- produser. She was reared and ted with fifty others. with wl:on: she took pot -luck. and beyond the fact that she ate heartily and resorted fre- quently to the beef -scrap tub, to the mash, and to the water dish. there., was :nothtng to distinguish her from other hens, in her feeding and up- bringing. The 294 eggs were of average size, white In color. and about 2 ounces in weight. so that this „fecund mother laid no leas than nine times her own .weighty-whieh was 4 pounds -In eggs during the course of a bangle year. At this rate the egg -a -day hen should notnow be long In making her ap- pearance, and Professor Dryden is sanguine of being able to arrive at this acme'ot fecundity at his' experi- mental farm in due course. Soy'tkoots will Bid Farewell An event that ie eagerly Irioked for - weed to by the b'ryr of the Boy Scouts is the rally at the Canadian national e xhibition. This year's event promises to eclipse all previuuei record. and great things aro planned. The rally will take plane u n Stlturdry, S.•Ptemher Sth, and will he in the torte of a grand farewell to His Royal Highnes.,:the Duke of Coe - naught, chief scout for Canada. Arrangements are being made to give th...e who attend a good time. The boys will 1w r:upped upon. the grounds of the exhibition and nothing -will Ile spired to ui4ke each Wry com- fortable. There will Air° be given a grand illuminated ,p:tg.ant of tout•. showing the various wetivittes of this g reat boys welfar" urwenirnt. it boried thet every diet.i'a in Ake province will he iepreeented • at this. the. greate-t boy event yet, held its Venetia- The main object is•to get the bov and /li-ttiets to know on•+ sooth- er along the tine. as I tad down iii the, training of a Roy Meow. in other Words to oe11lent. x' 511 fttr• her tint' b»lari of wee! enteral.•ship that exists thr urfthem' the ot'ga'niz 81.1011. 1•'J"ther inf,cur •troll will he for- ward -.i from the Pica -int -int nfft-we, Sherlwurn" and HN.or streets„ T.,rint- to, any g,testionr will he sn.wete.l up- on application t, th- Nee eetet y. ftarketa .rem Montre .! for t••• 1 to Js'y R ttitaltt 1 '..: e h'. •tt ^.Irtd :v1th tat 'Por a .1 f_•2.7't•t lines in -101 ..r a d• ,'..• t1;1' two year . . nearly ' Of 1 3 , f •'geese offered in Lit't'le: .o1,1. bidding being i ' r. F::. t•- 91,0 th.r:y ilea• ;; hates i • .-• •-e1 enlored Offered at • I a3'd at 329.5.6.; 207{ ", -, I itn'.ancr refused ..t ' '2 71 c T.••'-..! and twenty -fine pack- *ra of 101h••• )tt. I43rartnthe sold _ie: 6_7. b: x. t'-'-.' ' et 12 tie -S.vernl games M. the western 1)n - tarso baeshall Teague will ht pi ty•d et Ntratfotd 'during old h.syv' week August let to tab. r before You Invest yOU should con- sult a reliable Investment Broker. There i:, safety in intelligent enquiry. Upon request we shall be pleased to suggest suit- able investments for you. A. H. Martens & Co. Members Toronto Stock Ez.hanre BOND ad SHARE BROKERS C. P. R. BUILDING, TORONTO • f.�t n 1 aVEN ss rcAll$' s1/1iit. ATENTS East Buf.tie Cattle 4 Cattle-Pritre steers. 89.36 to $9.6,; • sielppi::4', $8..3 to 39.00; butchers, f7.400 1u 29.75. I e,f^r!, 97.00 to 9R.3'): rr% 5.1 to 97.25: teills. 43.00 to !) -itre'flplri itltf 1r'nR+•TS. 46.20 tipMils: •:••, -k heifer.. 9e. 00 to $6'.75. Yeas -c .M to $11.00. tifnRs---'1 sty, 11.411 to 99.56: treated. . -.0 tit $9...5; yorkers and pais, 19.53 t f'F.F:n: tnrrgl•s, 14.00 to 49.16: stags. 1;70 to 1760. Sheep and lambs-- .atibs. $$.00 to frL»..e ... • i •, f'04) r• r w. We. aaJ?iv, ort SUe 4841M:,041.,. •` 14... , frit", to 3.1.7S. Chien.", live Stec"t ('stele --i: r to • 914. liras to ,s• r-: sbleMees- 4cu.4 fe.•Aer'. to ?5.10; eo'.':2 010. heifer, . • '•3 2. -: fig. Cr, to 911 26. Hogs-7.14t'tt. $ , r" .r .2,'q ; m•xe 1, psi 65 to 90.10: 1:r...y, Z,t.35• to $9.116; rough. 19.26 to) 4t.:::: Ales. 97 R6 to 19.90: hulk of safe!. 9t.76 to i9.115. inhere --Nath'. 16.70 ti 95.00; yiay lings. $tr,0 to 96.6$ hiIdbs, artive 16.0 to 98.16. TRAoc Masts Dessau Copvwean-s •o. tt.ons..same s sledsat * e desertstIrn slay t resrtata owe amnionwb.ther ao at1nn le yn'aahly tate•..e�bp seen= Nom Num, rnna,lenlIaL PARI os. satiate Met free. Oldest sorcery I•.t-ore ham throughunn L ae.M. /Newel .atter Wit hoot seers. lathe UM* finer ty�tnnAr,mMr *1•.117. townie ofars*Ito shy .a,u nt no lona:. 'term. f.. . . r 0 a rear• tap prepaid, 8..4-! by �n�eNw.uw.•- 36111.0.Newyork "m M 2� :baa m et..'Ws. (nem, D. (t, BRITISH - AM£RLCAN I crr.:.,.CT i^ •en.' 1! e 1•.•'....I...,...f. ear ,,: mete hes. to I.,'tte R (metas rite •MH4 .•'d .4 1'.aame-•:a1 snip.,. •. F•,. 1 sten, one \n , u.r p:. %Vrice f,rr n ....Armee. Art."... 'T. N', t% a.lrhwt•e. {•, h.. p ,1, 1'.....h 514414.1. . , 1 nntMn. Shaw's a^siness Sch lois I a. -'stn. •' soar. c've high rm..' . ..• a. d q's.•ilfy yoga, nrwp a el I ,.rh w,• .t 1 a•t•. t is.iure a I•.a,yr,I to, . tindery. tat" s ier.rd . +1..i r,t rite ftreftei �M est... (I.rrr.,,•,.n sir n tvewwt. Itutee say taste. a', H. sea ... DREAMS AND ,DISEASE Troubled Bleep Frequently Explain- able by Bodily Ailments!' What 1* a dream' Many have triol to pierce the mytie veil that divides Sleeping and %%eking life. [)realms and their portents' have formed the life Study of numerous : •dentists; bot, strangely el:cugh, little prbgreaa has been made :n the selen:ittc , under- standing of drams. Professor' Freud. a well known scholar and tuvesligator, voices some remarkable facts regard - Ing the relation cf diseas to dreams. "Dreams of patients suffering with organic disease of the heart anti kit= nes are runtettines greatly .troubL-d by terrors and wlld.pha.ttasle.. • This 1 have often seen in fevers and in tt.•� acute infectious dtsear'-s, gra.wel, . Such a sytuptom." says the pro:, <<•r. "ts. evidence of a dtac•rdered bodily stat.. in whish :the r. -tour ..ys'etn is reacting toacmet•. or tet..:,^. -1 - cel stimulus of cunsid, r.:I:o inti 1. :'y. One patient need to dro m again ...a again that 'a Pat had bin. the throw:. ar.d was slowly choking ''nim to death. Thin' mental agony Wr:uid continue t:its; iii hr awakeltee .sputa io eously with a aensath.n 0f great t'-nsen PSS and fuaness in the the..; r. :le dt' elnn d finally a cancer of the throat. "Where such drums oefe . ... and again ale thoutd eek for t':c rause c f the rt inu'tis in m^ 1^cr11' 1 ri-gloe of hjle'hotly • Mantic:atlore of :Tread The import cf : n - t!c: t inn:: , much and su t .ght y to .ccs upon b many co 1'rnot I'S to 1 - st.bj• r' r•r dict. it vera' uarl'.14. i-. the .can,: -. tread, rays -1:r.. C. 1. Salt eby "HcalE:, Strength, an.! Ham .. i„eco:iia tttgil,a to t'Ir Moto.. .1 ti,‘;', err• c! tont .'•:o ar67"t .n "i .: t i l' j! : : a .u-.' its , o <te .c 'tets 11 (r.,:.1 1,0s t. that. 't ea^ f '1,- be chr.ttn..r. ? raonr,t scc: tae -dl estly. r1 • the ! 1 :arse!). 1: , and his- t- 11, And stale b..ad . , cruets 'tri. dry that they are vii u. 7u1. In rho Les: p'aer. the tc':h h:• • work (' -sit, and, to the .seen Ware. they o f a:; up the saliva. Itis, .- are much more digestibi. than r nary bread In the stomatfh, and : ae b: rad is much more digestible that n. bread. On the whole, and u ct ulparcd a lib other vegetate Node. w`•tte hcead Is extremely w4[1 absorbent beet of n:1 when It 1s *ak.B with other kinds of food. . !N Inking WWI 0104'/ Wash goads may t„ . -slily- ken ns follows Ile, „ Roods In toll. as it comes crow • !tarp, l:a: It flat In • tub and e,., r alta 'radar. la: It ile for an hour . r more, then ease it nit hp the upper , ,!gen of the frt;,lr aid hang 1t 111) *0 th1' line. drip - pins w-nt- pinnin,t the top firmly along en as so keep 1t ■s straight as p01- 10Yr. An the outside frlds drv, to-n't• Up over the line to let the Inner ones dry. Seareral Reasons Why the Call of the City is Alluring To keep the boy on the farm 1s a problem that weenie to be seriously agitating the minds of home of our aviculturists and more of our would- be agricultural advisers. Why should anyone wish to tie the boy to the farm 1f there is • better sphere for hien' If there Is not then why does the boy leave the farm'. Why la 1t though that a large percentage of farm boys, yes and girls too• will jump Into the great city mselatrom to take that one chance of a hundred til coming up from that undercurrent and making a livelihood among the middle class. There roust bo a rea- son. That reason Is, to find something that is lacking en the farm. ,11 may be one thing or another; sometimes tt it a lack of social life, too often It le freedom from drudgery that is craved. But always there Is softie reason. The farm boy is not hasty in his decisions --he is usually given credit tor being the opposite; but he gener- ally has good reasons for his actions. 1f he leaves because the lite of the city calls him his social life at home 1s too often a me.... void that he has brooded over•' or years. If he goes to another farm to. -work it is usually to get away from, some Useless drud- kens• . There 1s, however. one feature of this problem. if it can be called such, that has been overlooked. It is the tact that for one boy that goes directly' to the city another leaves the farm to become a hired man on an- other farm, which goes to show that this is an individual problem for each farm. Each boy finds something lack- ing on his particular farm or•in his community ehich he hopes to find on another farm or in the city. -All this has rib reference to the boar who lea%ea the form because the'sfre of the family demands that some trust seek livelihood elnrwh.:rt+. or the boy whose natural abilities lit him For other work, but the'•greater numhi•r who should be eminently, fitted for agricultural ' work and who should further" develop the farm their, Lathers .pioneered, yet who leave it just when they could begin some work'to better the farm and their social condltioi..= -Farmers Advocate. PIANO I EWER We have just received a fine line of all kinds of men's Sailor and Panama Hats New styles Prices range from 5oc to $3.00 for Sailors and $4.Oo to $7.00 for Panamas Washable and Easy Shirts 75c to $2.00 A full line of Children's Wash Suits, Cotton Bloomers, Rompers, etc. McLean Bros. ht Square, Godench DY TAILORING Agents for Ceiba'''. vailles, S1,nfield's Underwear. Fitwell Hats, Nrtealc Brand Collars and Cuffs Fare $ 3 06 oAluw ecTwccr. (���'_�d�. THE GREAT SHIP "SEEANDBEE" 1 UFFALO lit LEVELAN D Lsesph -AO f..t: l..rl.h at t.., R tn.b..: 110 smarm....4 p.,I..,....o-m-Clift :-, 0 P+•-•• ger.. /:realer ,e .,.I -- larger . all p x, en rieber u .Il .ppmer-tine-th.a eery nee ,Lt.ed water. the .ertJ. In Kr, r l :.h. Megaificeet Steamers "SEEANDBEE," "City of Erie" e.d "City of Buffalo" Daily BUFFALO and CLEVELAND - May fat to Dec. 1.! Lame Regale - o -o P. M. 1 '.,. r4.et.ad o -nn P. M. An.•. Cl...L ,J - :.40 1. 75. Arnie Duffel., - . ;".t. '4. ( Faster. Standard I aro.) -. r.�ety. q•CIe.eland f..r A,t-in-R.., T„le•I.. n-•a,it.nd.11 pn,.utr.at andao..h...-.. ells.•, ra.dtee i..,-.rs Nagai•.fret 1 Ie..l.nd ere e•",4 f•.r traa.part.Iloa os. nue .Naso+•. A.k yaor ra wt spa' tut ...len , ,. I .:. li. 1 We. „• fur hen4r...e diunsa.eel be-lle, 1,. , . THE CLEVELAND et BUFFkLO TOANSIT CO., Cleveland, 0. Great Strength Developed in Fingers of Famous Players The amount of power expended on piaying'ou a piano has recently been I:ured out in a way which, if Piot Altogether accurate, is at least ln-'- teresting. Commenting on 'the state- ment that tt already, requires mere force to sound a note gently ea this instrument than it does -to lift the ltd of a kettle, It iii easy to verify' it If one takes;'.a. small handful of coins and plies -them on a key of the piano. When a aytticlent quantity is piled on to make a --note sound they may be- weighed. and the figures will be found to be true. If the pianist is playing . fortissimo, a much greater force is 'needed. At time the forte of its pounds Is thrown upon a single key to produce a solitarg effect. With chords the,force is generally t•pres.: over the v-arir.*s notes. sounded shim' taneously.tlaugh a greater output 0: force Is undoubtedly expended. This 1s what gives pianists the -'wonderful strength to their f.ngera'that is often commented en. - A awry used - to be told of Fade- 1 rewskl that he could crack a pane Of French plate-glaso, half an lee.1 thick, merely by paring one hand upon' It as If upon a alarm keybbar.! and striking it sharply filth . l►:a atjdv l ('hopin's last piece in i' fn:n,:r bit; a pa -sage which takes twit *Matte. sad Ave seronds to play. The total! pressure brought to bear it, 'Ilia. :t 1 is estimated, to P(fanl t0 three' full I tons. The average "tonnage" of as ho ir's playing of, (lhopla's varlet from twelve to eighty-four tons. Wagner has not yet been calculated ' upon these lines, Feeding Brood Mares An inter. sting . per 1111 tarried out by O. L. ('arlton in connection with the fe.dlne of breed mare ),rime to ahoes• that oats ar. better 1 than corn for breedla maOwtes: oats and bran nr.• het r. r than ': alone, that hay a ithgtttgfa•in to t:•!• ter than with grain. sod. that ratitre$ r„ ::itinna no crass brat r ecstji:t:nR The follew!nr, t..!' . 1113 results: '.1., . .:. of Rwr! 4i 4.40,1'. IR P.e-ln , Rang" ?red 3*. l0.' 4".5 9t Cr,=s !n summerl*S 9.1 161 Rt Hay. oats. bran 161t 9.! 147 71 flay an 1 corn 3911 8.7 196 49 Corn. Aran, hay 231 8.9 117 51 Corn. .•'•fnlfa, sir clover .... 304 Uay, oats 412 11.1 177 5i 9 294 N A MAKE HAY WHILE HE SUN SHINES $ OO feet Binder Twine at 13;c a lb. 600 feet TN\ ine at 1Zc a lb. Perfection Oil Stoves "foo Burner Three Burner (averts for use on these stoves $ 8.00 11.00 2.90 Detroit Vapor Stoves Two Burner - • - $ 12.1111 Tee Bch -tier 'ji; rc 7-1 4 ilei ICF: CREAM FREEZERS REFRIGERATORS SCRF.F:\ DOORS SCHF.E:ti WINDOWS FLY SN ATTE:RS E:L.E:CTRiC IRONS HAMMOCKS GARDEN SEATS BASEBALL GOODS TESNi1S BALLS TENNIS RACQI ETS LACROSSE STICKS LAWN MOVERS GRASS CATCHERS GARDEN HOSE LAWN SPRINKLE -RS DR. HESS', S FLY CHASER EOR CATTLE: IS EASILY APPLIED ,AND ABSOLUTELY NON-POISONOUS 1O ANIMALS. CHAS. G. LEE iHARDWARE, l'LUMBiNG. HAVE$TKu1 o,ill\a.. ELECTRIC WIRING .'0AL. WOW). COKE CEMENT. ET('. PHONES: STORE 22, HOUSE 112.