HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-30, Page 6t+G ti a •lino ;> 1 sEcei'L .r ' ( TsvawAT, JCL! SO, 19U TIIE OIIEINA AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TiONB SOLD ON THE MERITS Olt IINARD'S LiNIIENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLF) LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS AH.rfnr. prompptly stUeded t0 00 leaving !tato se. T I I h SIG \ A L. Ood.trlob A. E. TAY L()R. St)IATTORD. MEDICAL DR, W. F. GALLOW, M. B. Oese sod residence. North street. ()oderloh. north of Comity H..iirtry office. Telephone lel. li- lt. (.KO. HLIL.EMA,NN, osrE- JJ PATH. •pecirl..t Inwwomen'. Ord chu- irea'r, durraani. acute. :tannic sad norvouedo- erders,a e. ear. 'u.1 wed throat, lumbago and msrheu. oundrt run•. Woe North .treat, third loot trove the r.quan•, Gadctich. R. F. J. It. FUlt,'4TEK-RYE. EAR, kis torsi and throat only. Howie rolpe04 OW York. Ophthalmic 7AroU m.L.r.re and Aural Hospital. pp=.1Wda, )lquare. .'.•d Moorefield Kye Horpltal, i,esda., knaland. Office. a3 S. W aterloo Street. SUe.Llted, opposite Knox Church. Hours tt. telt 4. t'.. Y W 1 p. uo.. i toll 0. ea. Telepbone a. VP HF ANI) MINNIE M. ORKKR. GI'•Lt. ., hiroprttor., sploe sod nerve appetatm..4. ('btropraclic 4.4 taw solemn, that owes without drugs. or hnite. Free eiamtna- uoo. unit, oyer Shsrmau'• Shoe ;store, en- listers on h;a#t .trent. Phone 7111. betted LEGAL PKOUDFOUT. HAYS & KILLUK- AN, tt.rrtattt�..,, .elicitors, uotarlae public. motors in the atar1Utuc Court, eta. Private flan& to lend a; sert rates ofap, (Gast side b quare. Uoderl�. te WW. rtioU1*ItNtyf'., 1. t..U . it. (:. AYet, J. L KILIAMAN. W. t'itUUliF(N)T, Jr. CAMERON. K. C. AARRIS• m. i ICtt. soticttur. ':.tory public. inflow - tit.ru street. tijderkh, third door tru.0 `!quarto. t'3RAlU itti (iARKOW, LL.B., BAR - 1 MISTS:It, atturury. .ollcl•ur, etc-. Gods - h. Stoney to 'rod u: luwr4 rate., G1 t+l:A(lElt. ItARItISTKR. SOL - . ice t..• V'ta,y 1'ubli.• Sud ('ooreyancer. UIIIMr ' ,. rt Iluu..e.3iodrrich. OU lien AUCTIONEER. f11HOMAS GUN MY .11 Al t'1IONEK1k • Box b' Ootent b. .1'; a..:rn(•110u. by mall Tett a Sigurd OIL'.. will be proutptlY .'t• ended (.•. her.ln• .•'r trlepbouc 119 INSURANCE LOANS, ETC. $Lr0,000 Pltl\ A'rh: FUNDS TO Lt ` v lo..:. .imply to M. a. cru, iItON. It.rrh.ler 11,.raltu',.}net, WrdeticL. \A,rit ROUEltT-u . •AO KNT. ✓ ista ar Lion ...F, It:itt•T., t' rn.'eiau and An, ..;.r• AU91n.. I, :iiiKNra. .r^t. r.w1•r0r►1Wx' 1.1 111. ITV 'I he 44 e.w Aer id,,,. std (,u.ta.lae int 1.'. at o.., I.rn.t: .d, of London. Lug. Florin • ♦.0 t,cAN.t.ta► HON Ors . The X.S. Fidrt•) nod i lu.,r.u' ;cc t weirs:it O1 far -•ttoNiti.no.. uo 1. o.l cursor of Vic• l X1., t,. ' aYI'•.v i l - •Z.41.! e.1 PhoneII_t. hit' Kll,l.()P 3IUTVAl. Flaks IN et 3t.A \ t' }. . . - }dive and isolated Deo (rata•. - J. P. Met*an. Pru•.. tiea/orth 1'.0.; Je., a onu011), Yecr f9c.• tau/leech 1'. 0. Thome.. h It..y., r• -t. 1 mar., tteatorth 1'. 0. Use. n'. 1, F..tt r. tricot. Soaturtk ; dorm g,(I, ltr • arm, boob; \1 ubuu Htuu. t'on'.lau(-e; U lieu -wear.'.. It.ocinerro; Jrwar Krim* .cool wed rt; I:..t...;• torite. N.rleeL; Malcutu. lecke,- Noe-cf -rt. Ag' ^:J. N. 1 co. 1lolmr•ville; H. Stunk, sir t c a: ;Albanese rh lid U1ret y. Moffatt.. Polloy�two par ewewwnr.•..ty. Ord ,net their dards reoetp;ed t 8. J. Mn,i 1.1 c.lothlurt letetr.t'Untoo. or u K. H. Cut. (Terri). Kr...r.tom rtteet, Uodedch. MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTER K. KKLLY, J. P., Oul)t;Itl4H, ON]. ltdlt' iCR or 1mARIUAO6 f.1('ic IBV! E. R. WIOLE Int t,.cnrT Roost 01 Marriage Limns *l(}I.K'r+ PHARMACY ()oderich. Ontario Pall Term From tteptettthee lot CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE ST.AT►OSO, ONT. The h..t Commercial Scheel in the sweetens 011 ...tans app tees were MA pearliest wale ver 1.stree.w. s.. oda aa yes wV 1 est esswbsre. w. de mere Nt (ear nelson the abs, ter wet do ow mgr.btr. or.reawe.al. rite Ar ear bee wetat• .wee ire me what ere ase do M pew. D. A. IdeLACTILAIt. Me.tear fit,)$lit- aa' •,.Near - r. I ovph'ieI`N:A ' M j.vbx, ratio thiE: !l'it, TH$ l3i(�NAL GODBRICH ONTARIO WIRFIESS AND ISE Ile Donee, to Vessels Frain searrdne In Rigging The published reports of sparktag In the rigging of ships carrying wire- less and the railing of the stteaaoa of tbe shipping world to We possible danger to vessels carrying MUM - Noble cargoes, cams d the British Board of T'-rde to make as Inquiry. but according to the Mareoal Com- pany there Is not the slightest en- danger from wireless whoa properly installed and operated. The commis conducted searching esp.rlments and Made a lull investigation. '.Shote 190b we have fitted about forty tank steamers' with our appar- atus," wid a high oaelai of the Com- pany. "and nothing In our whole ex- perience Indicates that the Are -risk le Increased thel.b . Any possible Holt from thy use of wireless installation on shipboard must arise from the existence of electric 'perks In prortts- Ity to Inflammable gas or material. Por instance, onsparos of shipowners Made the following experiment W aacertadn what danger, 1f any. might arise from the existence of sparks in the rigging as well as in the l.t- ■trument room. "A saucerful of naptha was placed as close as possible to a heavy spark. A piece of waste, saturated with naphtha was also placed close to th• spark electrodes, but In neither' ex- periment was the vapor Ignited by the spark. The same naptha test was also applied to the small sparks at minor parts of the apparatus and nothing happened. WISDOM FROM WiSE MEN Every human feeling is greater and larger than its exciting cause -a proof, .1 think. that man is designed for a higher state of existence.--('ulerldge. Good nature is generally born wtth UN; health. prosperity and kind treat- ment from the world are great chorist- ers of It where they fltl-d 1t. but nothing is capable of forcing It up where .t doer not grow of itself. Itis one of the blessings of a happy constitution. which elucation may Improve, but not produce.-Strele. To be deceived by our eaemles or betrayed Ly our friends is insupport- able. yet by ourselves we are often content to be so treat..-Roebefou- c'ald. it is at the approa^b a extreme danger. wben a hollow puppet can ac- complish nothing, ti.at power falls into the mighty hands of • atare, of the spirit giant -horn. who!: listens nrly to nis(•:f and knows nothte8 of tom- pactr. - Sc::iL••r. The tri, tort of a gr^at trait -that. at G s •'. `• n:,s. • secure his place .:.t..;r,.t. :-:le rt order ii great me-. s, ..iN •:'tc-bern.4. ::drawee b` r:'critan.. r er d' ra::) c :1- t' y, not tile. L wha:1 sad into their in raging tLc cnior which love I i herrfulnees and joy - 11 11. W. Be'•rhrr. ii.• ; 1t.".0' If path could have pr -r rob d n application to literary lah.,r not a page a.f ••haut.oi" would hare be. n written -Retro. The Political Stream Ah: e.i nr of tr:r-ae who hwr trrlvrt• led must bare arca two kinds °ttea-tits in differ(rt t. t.:.tr.r,. There is t::• 1614433010.11011111a113Misirraillalt. dashing against r. rk•, 'i R't'rd 0p c. tacle. You can stared nn its tank. and enjoy It But 1t r('1er four-•, . the banks. They are arid a w'ld••. stems, and no ships ever pasr cl..rc it to carry good things to the people I who live there. There is the nthe- 'river. the great. tranvia. brow! wear 1vi1gatjng the banks. carrying ere*' ship. With eargt' tt the repeat :'' live there. Politics up t v the p --rent Dns been tee rwaeh ilite the 4-1---r-e• Item.pesteous, rowdy. Nil of Ilfe. e1a.h- lgg riesS. a greet .peetaele for'mirk trete the banks. 10 app the atr'tggle of the tnrreat dashing alroltyd' th• 'rocks, sad wo say. "la not (hi. file"' Net the Laky arethere w letting kstag eseried 1 treat .s use the gentlest stream ear ytsg fin carte tis the people no tine beaks. t weat to ase the p'tticel stream lrrlpttrg the soil. en that there should he a b.rvt.t ea R a kuedrvd/.ld Av the Mangey Mathew .1 sea. -Lloyd Oesrlo. liolhlag Ie sera Roble. taatbiag mere venseakie thee /dirtily --('Ieent. I Mee roles tie world- -rot opining. but .p slss fakes toe of dasae.- 1P r •erl MARKETING ELECTRICITY fatl.dialk. C--ba.ad With Merit Oast Aid to Authors NO mama .1 *Reel. nee Nen al ettorasoae expenditure of capital i.. advertising rad torn a QJlle bad or poor book tato a "best a,•Ltr." \ti':;:'t a psblloher 1s gully perx.uded In hl, ewe mind that he has a good thin: he la well advised 1a glvl::g It l: possible pabletty. The b dad the public w111 do the nat. The awakening of the publ.c n':- 1 toward a good bot.'! and Its i,rada..1 growth In popular::y ore cur:o.n phenomena. aid, l:kr th groarth rf a child. not Saey to watch or locct^. Stevenson. rlarming c*: aytet that h • was. flrat orally caught the tar of the public la "!)r. Jekyll and Mr Hyde," "Treasure Irl,ud," azul "KJ - napped." Rlackttlitre's "je,r:la bung fire at first. Georg: Mtrid:ta did good work for tory yeas, ,rad still had to comp:lin of aa u:.3)11tia- thetic public. Marie ('or'rlll conquered on enor- mous public largely wlt:iot.l tie. aid of the revirwet. and to did the auth.•r of "Th Ho: ,r:. " Hell ('at.ne, W. It. Mae,vell and Compton Ma('keuz:'•, bovine batt their latest ot! prtr.;. banished. tmtaediately l experiemc. 1 the good fortune flowing from an enormous I',lblicity. I(rvk'ws e'.-- tainly have cor,siderable Influence iii awakening the reading pub:ie to ,e "good thing,but probably thi pzr• renal Influence of tach reach r, din- ner tableTalk and eonver-aticn gener- ally "aro even more ri:P.ueutia'.- Robert Co. limn.. in the C Month:;'. THE SENSiTI . E COW 0511y Employes Must Not U.o Ha:ah Languayn to Animals Ordtrs were issued to the employ, s of a larce d. Verona, "N I.. tial no Maker must use ha::'•': la:t^sage toward a cut:. under pain of missal. Resides hurting the - gentle animal's feelings it was dlseorered by Stephen F ranelreo, head of the coA- cern. that harsh language cuts down the supply of milk. 'No self-respecting how after lazing affronted will humbly submlt,afterwards to being drained dry. On ti.e other hand. if coddled she will ri':, up the Last drop. The Slat's and 1lunger:anr employ- ed on the farm whose voices are rough and guttural were instructed to modu- late them to a drawing -room tone. A manlcurf.:t has been provided to look lifter the nail: of the • milkers, too, to that they may be more -gentle as Merl as more cleanly. In order to *age still further the sensitive cows bf the Verona herd, tbe use of a rough lorry comb on their coats has been lbolished- Vacuum cleaners now re- ktore the debris. MRS. E. L. E. BROWN Mrs. E. L E. Brown, a comely Englishwoman who fled frotn City. whoa a maaeacre of era seemed imminent. has the Iffildbiction of beteg the only person who ever slapped Huena s face and Beed to laugh about It. 1t was while she was pleading with him to protect her fatally and her property that the dictator offered luau it to the English woman and she answered right ba, k w:t', a etiegtnr blob on tic fare Shp w. wader the protection of the Eng Halt lag. So. laste.d rut the tom mead. "Shoot her at dawn,' ltuer's's crier wad, "Show this woman out With bee hesbeed. Dr. Brown dke went bode to England.- Gee Terrshea In bakeries Fewaeh bakers have found It .conn mteal to beat their by portable gas torches 61 various slz.,, with rtkb the keit may be regulated as 1s plass W degree. Implements Say, when you sone to town ease to Roe. W IL- soll's place. We have • new ear - load of the !test buggies mosey ass buy. We have loth of Win Fencing and Gates. We have washing Machines and Churns, Stoves, Hoo- ter, aid Ranges, Lad- ders. Hay tiers sad Track. Litter Carriers. Enid nes, WIndmilk, Binders, Mower., Hay Lueders, Wagons and Stock Racks. Also a number of good bora... Massey -Harris Shop Hamilton Street DR. DeVAWS FRENCH PILLS et. gulrtingg IM1I lur, w. •lien. t� a box of thew to; jla->;u1d at alt I)nut 4Wra0. 01 testled te dap Wdreaaou receiptol pure. Tar ticowau. news Cu., jet. C.itlurlaneess,(Ot tnrop. _ae�at_ PHOSPIIONO FOS► M61v. Vha dad Vitality: for Nerve end Anln: tectemee "grey natter': a Tome -will build ).w up. rs a bot, nr two for S. at does .tone. or by mitt on rete. .1 I of prier. Tns Saoartt usu.. (0., at ( th:rine• iOntaria. FALL TERM OPEN$ e.L1TEa00Eta tST AT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO 31 •acce-..fttlyear, l odder• getra.te.d to Oredseter. Staff rynetalist.. C. A. Fixative. F.C.A.. Ptioeipal. U. I). FLtWINO. Secretary. -Over $9)0 is bring spent in specially •leeltifytng the stilets of 3trattord for the ..W 1073' reunion. I August let to Sits. a gorgeous display. r SPEAKS RiGHT OUT. Mrs McArthur Gives Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets and Dodds Kidney Pills all the Credit for Her Core. Rockaway Valley; Que., July 27th: - (Special.) - Mr.. Robert McArthur, well-known hese. has joined the great I army of Canadian women who are shouting the to -aloes of Dodd'. Kidney I Pills and 1)cdA', Dyspepwia'1'abiets. "[east out 1 hada severe attack of Dyspepsia. which left me very ner- vous and ill, Mrs. MtArtlow says. "1 `tried several L11141 o,f wrdw ire and derived no trot -fit from them till one jevening 1 happened to read one of !Dodd' advrru.emeots nod decided to 3try Ihul(1. Dv-pet/id. Tablets end Dodd'. Kidney Pills, she result was my nervousnr'±• vani-hwl and 1 can now enjoy- my wheals. My daughter 3311(4 u'ed IWo bt,x.. of Uodd'.' Kidney Pills and 4. mei them very bent -tidal. r- -4 We Maw Clod easily. If we d, not ssestrwls esaMlves to define Iia.- 1s.berL Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres Of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Ezblbits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West bulbs , .Goseadlier O..M isaii I Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Pole Matches • Circus and Hippodrome Doss. Shows In il.gle Hear Boy Scouts' Review Canada's silliest Deg Show -. BABYLON Greatest Ortemtal Spet't.aie `'1r peesented o. C..ti.e.l 14 Pal gine from sagla. Scotland. United Sate sad Casale Educational Lsh1Ma Goods 1. Prams of Malin Athletic Sports Acre -Hydroplane "Mahn Grand Want Ca walv.l ICrealoreis Famoos Bt.ml I Scan .1 ether O..& Doses Dead Cohen Daily Chesapeake .laid *hes i slyest Midway sur Pace Y. PL ... hs I.tseM.Iiossl Pile. Taft.. N Bads dfi. Hssiela.s Aug. 291914 Sept. 14 TORONTO AUSTRIA, SERVIA i Relieve Your Mind IN WAR ARRAYct- dental to appeatiag en individual Wats* of Peer «Iti..tati.such n as - War Clouds Suddenly Appear over turepe-Other Nations Mobilize T11elr Troops A despatch early Tuesday morally, stated that the Emperor of Germany had refused to join a conference with B ritain, Italy and Franco 1n an effort to bring about peace between Austria and Servda. This Is considers a bad .wren as It Is believed that the !Em- peror is the "Man of the Hour" in the sheathes. At Paris a despatch wee received from Vienna stating that Austria had c.mmenoed hostilities against •ervla Tuesday at daybreak. $.rvlan troops on board a ateatwer die the Danube Monday fired en some Austrian troops, who returned the fire. Reports of Servlans firing en an Austrian boat bearing troops 00 the Danube were confirmed to -day In Vienna. The fire was returned and a hot engagement followed. Diplomatic relations between Aus- tria-Hungary and Servla were for- mally broken of Saturday night. War L regarded by the public as almost I certainty. Martial law has been de- clared throughout the Austro-Hungar- ian Empire. The aerator. Minister and his stag left Vienna-)aturday. A military censorship has been es- tablished In the telegraph offices. The Servlan Government welted un- til the last moment lett 1t by the Means of the note. and only ten min- utes before the hour of 6, when the !Austro-Hunugartan ultimatum expired. did the Berrien Premier appear at the Legation and present his Govern - men's reply to the Austrian Minister, No details of the tenor of the reply have been revealed here, but the terse statement was made' that It was "un- satisfactory." Immediately upon re - receiving the note the Austrian Minis. 'ter informed the Foreign Office, and 'diplomatic relations were broken off, :Halt an hour later the Minister and his staff, with their families, had boarded a train for Austrian territory. The train wad in readiness to depart, as an unfavorable reply to the Aus- trian demands had been expected. According to newspaper messages re- ceived at Vienna the mobilization of the Servlan army was ordered at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. King Peter, who had hurriedly returned to Bel- grade when the Austrian ultimatum was announced. left the capital Sun- day evening inn a special train with the principal members of the Govern- ment, iii the realisation the'Auatrlans could capture Belgrade without dim- culty. The temporary seat of the 'Government will be established at Kraguyevatz. Processions' were form- ed which marched through all the thoroughfares. of Vienna singing na- tional hymns and cheering for Fran- cis Joseph, Emperor William and the army. Everywhere throughout the country similar demonstrations are be- ing held. it is reported that partial mobilization of 1.e Aestrtan army - has been ordered. The Cause European diplomacy te faced with a situation of the deepest gravity, in the controversy between Austria and Sert•ia, and unless it is handled with great delicacy it 1. nod unlikely thil' others besides these two powers will I become involved in war. The Austro- 1 Hungarian ultimatum to Sen-ta, couched In a tong of almost unprece- dented severity and fastening on t'te Servian Government and people re- sponsibility for the assasainationa of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and hi; wife at Sarajevo recently. had been presented to Belgrade. It demanded satisfaction within forty-eight ho:;rs.1 The almost universal opinion In t:1,• European (ap:tala is that the Seryian ,Government oar:r,ot ronlply with ouch humiliating terms as are set forjh In, the ultimatum, since compliance would be tantamount to an admission of Servla's guilt hence war now looks to: be alms t inevltlble. England ,and Russia The British admiralty Sunday night Issued the following statement: "Or- ders have been given to the first fleet concentrated at Portland nbt to dl-.- perae for manoeuvre leave. For the Dresent all the vessels of the second fie'et are remaining at their home ports. In proximity to their base of supplies." The )fr1tteh admiralty also issued orders to -night, keeping the British fleet on a war footing The mobilization of the, Russian army- will proceed immediately. The rear fully approved the decision of hie ministers to thla effect. DR GALBRAiTH DEAD Heed of the School of Science- Deaths From Drowning Dr. John Galbraith. dean of the faculty of applied science aided ea- gtaeering In the Untrerstty of Toronto, died at 00 3.0105 Bay, which he beaded. John McArthur, a well-to-do farmer, three miles from Port Dover, sixty - Ulm' Yeas 04 age, committed suicide in a iii of depression over 111 health. Win Kluaett. etgbtPe• years old, was drowned 1n the south branch of �he unishoka River at t'MOngtoa while *a73ag to save his horse, whkh he had driven tato the elver W drink. Cowtaey M. Wltklnsoa. twesty- thrae yeas of otic, sop of Lsdy WIl- ta, of Hawknerat, Kest, England, drowned while bathing near 'agar* pans. Sirs. Josephine Wrest of Uxbridge. lsg37 years. jumped from the fifth ,Steed ▪ of the Prtvat. Patie.ts' Btdld- leg of the Om.er.l Hospital and was testa.11y tilted. Charles C. Norris, president of Nor. Hs -Patterson. Limited, advertising leant, Toronto. is dead. Perry Hill. aged IS, was, drowned a the Oteaabse River, pilus, front is emacs. WW he live to full the frust? WM be tall W er be away when roost wanted? Will M neglect his trust for W own affairs Will he prove unfaithful?, Thew are all possibilities. Bet yen may leave 1hta est of consideration ip entrusting the administration of year estate to this strong, conservative Company. Call or write for all information desired. THELONDON E& WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED St2 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON. ONT. St! O.O. 01111001111. II:.C.. Proildeat JO= 1. MOGUL irtrAmutitli Burning The Midnight , Oil TH E thinker knows that a light, easily digested and assimilated food is conducive to hard mental work. His knowledge of what is good for him leads straight to1AS BORN Be sure of the right signature. 10c per package The Secret of Health is Elimination of Waste ivory business mss knows bow difficult it is to keep the /*woo boles and drawers of kis dark hes from the aeewmulatiew is( ua•3ses papers. Bevy housewife knows bow difficult it is to keep her hoose fres from the a.eemeiatiaa .f all manner of useless things. So it is with the body. It is difgewit to keep it free from We accumulation of emote matter. Unless the waste to preiaptly.tlmi..ted the maebin- .ry of the body snow becomes elected. This is the b.giaaisg of most Immo ills, DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Oa Tailor NO Lipoid perm) Assists thirst/mach is the proper dlgestioa of fort which ie tamed isle health - sustaining blood and all poisonous wester atatter is speedily dbpo.d of tamest' Nature's channels- it makes wee and women rlesr-heeded and to them the health and titration of youth. Now is this tum. 10e year relinamef'-' !coed 60 mita for a trial box of this m.dieio. Sand 31 a..-e.et Amos asp De. Piroe'. Eames gesso heedieed Adener-300e..p..-westh ii Ai..n hands is ewes.( lame• amen. arta... In. V. weanca. a.e)•ee. R v, • Regular Monthly Meeting The W. C. T. 1-. held their regular monthly tweeting in the Tentt'rr.tn• hall oiu 11 iny, the chief bu•tnr..e 41 the dtiy )sting the rlr.'tuti "f drp.t 3. owel l3111)1I113lendall'ts. Thr ft.ilow- leg weir elected:--ErAngeli-tic we1k. Mrs. J. Yate. ami \L s. F. Elliott : Hower unwor 's. Biro A. isovideoo purity end mothrts met., top., \tr•, J. <litkln.; lutwle-rteen'• Work. :di.. J. 1'. Brown end Mts. A. Walters : pat. for meeting., Mts. A. Welter.' wird Miss Minnie Harris :. twwess woik, President, corresponding ae• l rotary and tecolding .ecretwry ; law en. tor(CIIIeflt 8111141 anti-r'arr(tir•, Yr.. J. 1'. Brown; temper seer io Sit - day schoolMts. J. Yates: pti•on and moral reform, Mr.. Wm. Hot: land; *allots work, Mr-. Wen. Mclean enol Mr.. Wm. Motherland ; systematic givingMrs. J.'(.Mai ahal]; tnedwl seated. Mee. (1. fr itntt: till; ?Mho Atrwies Hoye, piwntw': gift.. W. Hern : soap wrsppire. Jii •. Leech ; church representatives iiwptie?, Mn. J. M. Marshall: Victoria, Yr-•. T. Warrener; North street, Mr,. J. H. Col hoe ne: Knox, Ni•s Fraser. Mrs. Wm. Holland was made a life memher of the union. the pr•eidrot, Mn. Alex. Davidson, pi -emoting brr with the life memttet'. pin. A special meeting of the department superintendents is called for Monday evening at seven p.m. in the Tenpin - Race ball. RHEUMO CURES RHEUMATISM. Ns matter bow loin standing your ease may he, don't despair, get a bot- tle of Rbenmo to -day. F. J. finaland sells it with • Ruaraetee to bereft 1 you. Rbewae is wonderful in its quick maim, the pain .'deer, the oracles aid bones are rid of eateries* and stiffnms and eery soon a Rheum) patient le able to have the same strength and ^ vitality of youth. Rbeumo henna I blood ee rieh thick that uric acid cannot possibly exist. Rheum° cost. only *1.00 for a large F. J. Bntla.d. orait,B. V. Marto. Co.. charges Out -The Ontario govertseat Gab cep arrived in Mitchell on Tbtnrebay with A000 base fry, whish were plaited h the pond. Mr. Watson, the speeial -- officer, was in einem, of the .eeie. Rome moody ago applIsMIos wal--eta Ward old bore res.Ms. Mr . Satinet Priest. Ring's Comma. made foe lbws IMh. Aslgwet I1 to OM preetl ss to he a St Thetas. bee been •»Motel Chair - fraweeks as Mrlttferl ole worn Mike hes3Msal Idol of rsw- et the Workman (kespsesatO5 hose win ins worth was atlewt. There what Mas _nammllel Ant CoNdideelOIL milsa ie sew Try bed M tbatrs. Stalest.. Merwarriewairesigiskingesesiewerellaralselesi Saturday Specials at the Maple Leaf Grocery Fruits se, •wherrlrs, New (cine Apples Fl .tids (grape Fruits, Bananas, Sunkist Granges in all sitter. New Vegetables Ripe T,rmatnew, 4',teutnlurl, Celery. Lett um. ULions, Radish. Rbiherb, itfew Wi.beaz. . Houle-tua.te Maple Syrup Have just received a large yoantity rut Rcae•made maple Syrup of the very.bigbeet qual- ity and flavor. Butter, Eggs and CURED MEATS We are making arrangements to have a large and .bele. as' merriment In all these line, for iiatttrday sad Waal be is a popple. lo *imply your waste with choice Creamery and Dalry Bettor..trietay fresh Maga Mad Otero. vii (looked Mitts. All orders will resolve our careful attestaos. S. J. YOUNG N.mrlsa !bast HIS HEALN TERRIBLE S 11 Fmfl+tires" Noi Kldsys al Con HeGK l5Vt1.1.f. Owe . Ave. '•About two Toss age, 1 with in a Tory bad awe_ treyswere sal doing their t VMS all run down in condtti the need of tome good re bavinl Been"Pruita-fives''; 1 devoted to try them. T I found more than salia1.cu . Their action was mild set all 13,41 could be expected. My i(idneya resumed dt action after 1 bad taken up down bozo. and I regales timvitality. Today. I az the ebest health 1 hare ever S. I " Frwita-tires " le the Kidney Remedy i• the wort on the towels and skin as the kidneys, and thereby cum any Kidney salvoes.. 'Fruit •alives" is odd by at 5oc.3a box, 6 for h.5• t, or .:l be sent ow receipt Fruit a tires Limited, Otta \\Joma Weakn A eremaa's repred organs are in the m tense and cootioeoes pithy with her k The•Lghtrut disorde kidneys brings a corresponding di the reproductive Dodd'. Kidney mu.. storing the kidneys t perfect cosditiow, and cure those omen peculiar to "'- Pale Pale young girls, w mothers, suffering and woken eaten[ the Change of Life [rest friend is Dodd's Kidney Pills Picnic T !. . •tun • , .i•t: . I that y• ' t • st kind o: 3 al•'.+- ter ..in Ir. Wo•Nrr• tai in ••• of it. Oa M. ,n ^.l 1,... i• .,:e•I a 0”1, lett •I.• rrn.iy t t .11t t hr tri . HAM apd TC . HOCK, HE. CHEESE (Trac tc):. COR 1 SAUSAGES SPARE -R1 • bill d tert. • Pt) i = 1 tt,, GROCL t-1 ONE 81 4