HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-30, Page 41 ilsutllsD•T, JULY J. 101a
Tennis Shoes
Fleet Foot Tennis
and Bowling Shoes
give v e satisfxrory
Fleet Tennis
and Bowling Shoes
give satisfactory
style and service.
Such qualities are
also shown in the
latest Oxfords and
Pumps. Call in and
select yours at
J. H. McClinton's
Thou.aodr of ambition- young people
are fa..t wooing in their own home.
to le•rupr Wei -ells., pIlnnlmI. n..: eau( nis
rspher..bookkeeper-. telegrapher- civil
rervnot.. in hos very •i hare of Iiu.i-
ne.. Acti,uties. You., ttnl-h a' eel
.•g.• if r'ni ro Minh. Po.iUou, quash.
teed. Enter ce.IIegr shy day. ltdivid
teal iuntructinu. 5t{.r1 teachers.Thirty yea-. experience L.rge.t
trainer. In t•+,atdL,. Seven college..
Special roc • r..... for teacher-.
Adtlute.t with t'aumerrial I4•.ea
tor.' A..att:on of 1 en.uin. summer
School at famous . tton 11, -one..
Cllege, London. Business siness t llege
Oso. et.orrov 11. P. Ivan
Pre.fdeI t. 1•rinete.l
la XX i f'"i C`
\Iuntreei-Toronto-I)etrout ('hi.vyfo
VL. Canadian Pacific sod Michigan
t'rnual Itallroad.
via Michls in cent rat G iijuni•' Steel Tutor
hett..wo wlndrur ....d 1R1•nit. Le..ying
Montreal a.4; ..u.. ; Turooto A lu p.m.. er
Thies Detroit 11 1. a.m. nod 1 •hicago 7.1.5
a.m. uaily.
l:ynahy g..nd .revue retnt long.
Through Finnie Lighted lquIpnient.
Toronto --•Winnipeg- Vancouver
Toronto Vand%.uvel Expo,. No.:1 lest es
Toronto ti:.1 pie duly. Vaneourrr Tor
onto Kxpnew. Na 1 arrive. Toronto ILI,
a.m. dally. Manitoba Kxpprreer. No. 7 les. e.
Toronto natty t xoept sued,y I.•.s. n.u... v•
riving Winnipeg .erond dal. Ontario Ex
pre.- No. s Ir.. rr wluni l•rg 9.�5 p.m. awl
arrive. I°routo :. 1.5 p.m. Molt' except rue.
For lrtrther {.trti.nler • :.pply to. amid iso
muerte Ticket Arent- or write M. (1. Mt'1,1
I'HY, U.I'.A.. 1 .1'. Hy.. Toronto
Right Now
is the time to buy your
Frost & AVo od Hinder. Mow-
er. Hay Tedder, Loaderi'and
Rake, :\dame Wagon. and
Hey- Reck. Y'rw k.hult Corn
Cultivator. Brantford Buggy'
or surrey. Nilsen Manure.
Spreader and Empire Cream
Hermit al way- oti ban 1
Herbert F. Morris
Hamilton Street
It Takes Money
1.3 have good jobbing done.
Mot it t mus more for a poor
one in the end.
To Get Good Tinning
youmnst employ thow who
know how You will not make
any mistake if you pall nn Ur.
Ws do work that time and
weather will show was done
right Sueh a job is worth a
raaannahlr price and you and
our ideas on that point will be
found pretty .foss together.
PHONE 11101
Mrs. i)an McLean and eon sund•yed
at Point Clark.
Mier Barnett, of Paisley, is the
guest of hit- aunt, Mr.. Hugh Bell.
Mimes Sophia and Tabitbe. Kemp-
ton visited Miss D. McLetlnan 'Tues-
day last.
Mies Katie Steel, of Lucknuw, it
spending a few weeks with her ft tend.
Mies May Johnstone here.
The Miase• Florence end Luise Mc-
Donald. of Toronto, are tot present on
a visit at the bout, of their aunt, Mr..
D. McLennan.
Cecil Hyde awl Coral McDonald are
turkiug a visit at t'argil.
Mr.. D McDonald, of Winghsw, is
visiting under the parental roof.
Mfrs E. Gurdon, of Toronto, le visit -
Mg her courio, Mr. W. E. Gordon.
Mrs. McPherson, of Guelph, et visit-
ing her neither, Mrs. H. McDortell.
Tbr Rifle club intend having en ice
meant shout on Ssturdry, August lot.
Two carryalls of young people west
to the Black Hoist- Inky tor a picnic
The first of the ...moors -Mr. Bak. r
intend. threshing on t\ r•dnriday for
Mr. Juvot.
Mrs. Ed. McRoberts and Miss Verna
McDonald, of \Vinghern, fire holiday-
ing et Kincardine batch.
Me. C. K. %Vilkineon. eye sight
-pe•ei*list., 01 Wiughatn, will visit St.
Helens. Aug. 3rd. and will he in at-
tendance at Miller'. store.
Misr Jones. of Mule. 4s visiting with
Mr. and Mn.. Wm. Brindley.
Mrs. Mel'avirh and sour. of l'otbel-
tun. are visiting the Misses Cunning-
NI tits Eliz•t Kichardmot arrived home
lust wear tr Houston, Taxes. tot e
few months visit with her motlirr.
Rev...and \lass T. H. i.. Young and
children. tet He•athe'ule have leen the
guests tet Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayden.
Mr. and Mrs, Jame. Tigers and son.
of Hauiiitim, are staying with Mr.
and Mrs. W. 11. Hawkins for a visit.
Mime. Agues Sillifsnt and Rose
Sylvester, of Stratford, are the guests
of Mrs. A. E. S) Ivester at her ...outsize.
Messrs. Gent ge Green and J. A.
Green .tatted nut of the village on
Tuesday •ring w it.h their new
thtemtsing outfit for _heir first job.
We wish them a vary succeesfui sea-
son as they have got one of the newest
end inset up-to-date machines in this
The touch dreaded army worm
made Or first appestiuce to those
pelts last Maturdsy and since then
almost every farmer around here bas
found them in latgt numbers in their
crops, tu•,siiy nate, anti they have
done • weal dual of damsgr already.
Evil y . tfot t is being matin to stop the
devaotet . This will to a great loss
as the crops wete never better than
they wete this year.
Misses 111siu are baying their house
treated to a cowl ..l paint.
Mr. Gtwlge Drustrdt is painting
Mr.. Dl E. Muur..'s sore.
The rxculemu to Gods -rich Wats well
patronized by our citizens ou N'tdnes-
,51r. Thos. Adams to wearing a anile
A baby t.oy arriving to brignteu his
Mr. Francis Doyle. of \Vinghaut
spent Muudey with hie l.pother, Ttow-
as herr.
Mr. Jorreph Lawsou has bought • lot
trues Mr. h. Ludwig alit intrude meet-
ing a new tomer.
.511. I. tolls, of Blyth, has his marl
erecting an aldsU.. s to Mr. lieu•ge
Stunt) 's house.
Mrs. 1%. 'L. Riddell has gone west to
Visit he+ pterin.. at Lluydwinistt•r,
Ali. Thomas Patterson and lealily
caws tip by .suit. en eatutday trues
halt Taal visited the tui wets' Monne.
.v1i. W. B, Carter.uu torso. few days.
Aurum civic holid•.)• will lee held ou
August.,.ills with a picnic to Point
Faun. All those undoing {Ides apply
1. Alessi*. R. 11. Muuree tel l'ualre
Aspuuh nut tater than August Mrd.
'lie late prlaclpal of Au0u111 public
+mein has .reigned 1115 pu5itluu. He
oared,. tot 1:1 k1• a comfit- In Ina111141
15emote at ("melte, but is tet present
altrhdu.g nuhlal y .chest at. Ottawa.
The trnuvalwn tet the Metbuthut
parsonage tet Goo place has just lar•u
completed uudrr rue direction tet the
committer appointed ter that purpose.
Tnr welt. toss ohne by Mi. Arthur
Steit,thurch in the course of a few
years Is 1'orlug ceutemplated.
alto. 11. Diebinenn and family u.•
oleo ding a tow weeks with triel.ds'at
Misr Alice Tippet, of Toronto, is
•pending hat holidays under the
pat ernes root.
IN. Tillman, wife ►red family have
taken Mr.. 6Valh► residence on lbs
eq.' .re for the season.
Slim Kennedy and Misr Coo and the
Mlosrs Harding, of London, are suut-
merin in Lnkeslde posit, ,
• 1e. bud. hint II/PHI/an and dkubhtiv.
Mas. Paisley, of Clinton, ter the
guests 1l Min, June. Campbell.
Mie. Johnston, of Detroit, is the
goers et Maw Luaus* Audio at the
..sumer residence on the Terrace.
The Misses- Partridge, of London. are
the guests of Mrs. Dr. Partridge •1 her
rummer ,Visage in lake Side park.
Rev. J. C. Totally, M.P.P.. of Wind-
sor, joined lei• family the past week
ILL theft ruulwel cottage on the Tet -
Mrs. Stull sad Mb... Kama Austin,
of Detroit. arrived last week and are
now enjoying their summer cottage
on the 'terrace.
MIs. Melroy. of Ottawa; Mies Agnes
HMI, of Jackson. Michigan, and Mier
Catherine Beetle. of Deutan, are the
Attests of the Misses Scott and O'Neill
at the summer residence on the Ter-
N t .t
.and Mrs. lrrtb('ot f Marley
place. London, sad Mier L. Jenkins,
of London, are the guests of the tor-
mer's daughter, Mrs. J. ea Chapman,
at the summer residence in lake aide
Mn. Henry Young and daughter.
Mise M. Young, of Aberdeen. Routh
Dakota. are the guests of Mrs. Young's
psreett• Mr. and Mee. Wm. Nagle.uo.
Mrs. .1. D. Monteith, MM McreUetb,
and the Misers McCarthy, of Stratford.
are guests at Mn. Spaekmao's.
Mr. Jamer Scott, Misses Katherine
and Jean Scott and Mr. Stewart Scott,
Mier Elisabeth ('hidley and Misses
Winnie and Hazel O'Neill, of Clinton,
are summering in Miss Simpson's cot•
tage on the Terrace.
Threshing has commenced in this
The village onion growers have
started t' pull their crop, and report
an rzurlleut yield. -
Mr. Thoma. Melli• and daughter.
M•rgalrt, ane spending a few day.
with friends in Stratford.
Miw Florence Suow, of Weston, is
paying is visit to Mr. and Mr.. John
Alexander and other friends.
Mr. Jamas Dick. of Seaforth, end
Mr. John Stewart called on a few of
their old friends in the village on Sun-
da )•.
Five men from \lirchell motored
over to our village un Sunday to pay
Mr. Reynolds, station agent, a friend-
ly visit.
Rev. Mr. White, of Bayfield, con-
duct.d the service in the Methodist
church here en Sunday and delivered
e rine sermon.
Misr Beatrice Grant, who has been
spending the past year in California
fit her health, hos arrived home feel-
ing much benefited.
Mr. Prier Ceineion, of Klnderslry-,
Seetatchewau called on a few of his
old Kippen friend. recently. Mr.
Cameron says the stops are not look-
ing particularly well in sortee western
Mr. Henry (vitriol received a shak-
ing rep the other day. While drawing
in hay. s colt which he wan driving
became frightened and tried to run
away. Lnekily Mr. Ivisou was near
the h..rn et the true, and to avoid
Trashing into a wire fence steered into
the foundattuu of th.• barn. which
they hit with it crash, thruwtug Mr.
Nitron heavily against the wagon and
shaking hint up considerably.
Mr. ‘t7m. Jobb, & former resident of
Turnberry. and oar of CVingh:vu's old
buy i, is down to NVinghaul from the
west, paying r visit to his many idol
friends and looking as hair and hearty
as ever. Mr. Jobb is a brother to Mr.
T. L. Jobb, en eetrrined citiz.u.
Mr. Rot.ert Melndon, ea -mayor of
66'iughetin. who moved some yews
ago to Fresno, l'alduruie, and tram
took up a fruit farm, is down here
paying a visit to Winghanl and shak-
The Art of
Keeping Cool.
When Old Sol
blazes away you
want to lay aside
every ounce of
heavy garments
and dress in one of
our feather weight l
sults. There Is no
necessity for any
man to swealter
when he can get a
light weight suit so
cheap. Prices $10.00,
$12.00 arid $15.00.
Hot Weather Haber -
dashing for men
Combination Underwear
$1.00 and $1.50
Shirts with separate col-
lars, 75c to $2.00.
Wash Neckwear, 25c.
Silk Lisle Hose, 25c.
Silk Hose, 50c to 75c.
Straw Hats. 50c to $3.00.
Panama Hats $4.00 to
Walter C. Pridham
•elleti Century Clothing'
Ina Melds with hie many Mends. M.
Mclndoo notice. wondertul improve-
wenta to our ttwo •ince he was here.
Quite a number of Wing
bam Oddfelluws went over to Brueselr
on Sunday to join with the Brussels
brethren in the ceremony of drr..riet-
ing the g ret deceased Oddtrllows.
A huge number proceeded to the
eelnetery, where the beautiful ritual
of the order was solemnised. After
returning to town a bountiful repast
was provided for the visiting breth-
ren, who afterwards left for homy,
feeling Ih.t the Brussels brethren
know now to things do right.
Mr. R. Cudwnr's is pushing work on
the foundation tet the town hall.
Quuterly services will be held in
the Meibudiet church most Sunday.
Mr. J. E MCI) onell, of Si. Msryr, is
likely to logia a permanently in lieu-
Heal estate has been unusually ac-
tive in Hensall duriug the hast Sew
da e. +and many sale. are reported.
Mr. S. Wesl.ob, to former Heussll
shun merchant, now of Beth... paid ter
a Hying visit teteotly.
The army worm is in the section
Mit hes not affected the ,rasp seliuus-
lv, roe the nuwte•r...u.-iu to ie limited.
171e tit -w well and water system is
ravtug Lite taxpayer. several dollars
per day. '1 tie trntrnt tank will be
built rep several tr, , to re to give
garr ly inclt•asrd nt.•ssuie.
Mr. D. A. l'antelou hers purchased
thr-,Mcln'yte residence and lot on
Fort street, sod M. A. C. MtDounll
purchased the flue 'Thompson rr•ii-
rcr and lot on Itichiuot.d street
1'h•• f 'sabot f Mr-. John full.-, who
died vet y suddenly o1 heart (tenure.
took place (runt her residence on
Salm trey sftei n...sit to Hrnsall Union
cemetery. llreeased carve to this
country isla.ut sev.n years two, and
with tier bereaved busland settled in
Hrnsall, where she wade is host of
friend*. Site was in her ttlftlt year and
leaves s grown-up laulily.
A syvudirate, of which Mr. J. G. Mc-
Donell is pue.ident, and Mr. A. Mar -
dock, secretary, purchased true Mrs.
George logien). tet Vancouver, the
two stores on King ..treat, now oc-
cupied by Mr. A. Seruton, Hour and
feed merchant., and Mr. Colin Hudson,
carriage show room. They also pur-
chased s lot nn South Richmond
street, which they re -sold to Mr.
Jame, Prtrit. On `4attuday evening
Mr. G. 1.'. Petty purchased the Bell
block. and will at once rebuild the two
stores boned down last Augurs.
Other sales are likely to take place in
the near future. Every house in the
place it occupied, and those who come
in will bees to buy sir build.
Mr. Joseph AdJi,on, eectionfore-
man, is laid up with .Ceevete attack of
rho a u.at isut
%I r. \lairs, of Souris. Manitoba, is
visiting at the home of Mr. George
Mts. Arthur Stevenson is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Alex. Welsh. of
(iodet labs
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nott recently
visited Colborne friends.
The fine new burn being erected by
I Mr. Win Stanbury is nearit,g cow -
plot icn.
Meson.. Leslie Pentland and Chester
Mc(o.s. wI.n have been visiting at the
twine of Mr. Thomas Baird. have re
turned home.
Mr. Jamas Cameron. of Guelph, is
venting et the home of Mr. Neil Mc-
Gregor .
still prying daily vi•.ite to the local
berry patches. All irpott a scarcity
Of the Inuit this season.
Rev. M. lawn. of Penis. delivered
all excellent address on his work in
Perste. to the congregation of the
'Union ehnrrl1 herr on Sunday.
Mr. Neil YrlLowle•esaud family have
returned 13 H•.wnlanvihe.
Mies Annabel Petrie is ill with
typhoid fever at the Soo, whirr sf,e
has been tear hir-.g•belt unl.
Mrs. A. Douglas has returned trout
visiting friends et Hyde Puck end
Miss Jessie McMillen is visiting
Blyth friend..
Misers ('atharine and \i.rgere. Mc-
Gregor. of Stanley. are visiting re-
latives 1.1 Tiverton
Mrs. Wm. Utahans, of Clinton. end
Mr. Jeoeph Grey and family. of Hei-
ilton. iecently vetoed at the home of
\I.. H. R. Higgins.
Mies Nett... Simpson, of Toronto, is
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. Simp-
Mira Sitns, of Blyth„ ie the guest of
tier aunt, \blas Ella Gtahato.
Mt.. T. H. Band recently visited at
the house of her patents in Seaforth.
Miss Hazel Elc'tat, oldest daughter
of Mr. 6Vm. Elceat, bas been engaged
es commercial specialist for the On-
tario ladies* rotIe • at \Vhitby.
Mr Wm. 13. W allow* has purchased
a email farts at Locust Hill, near Tor-
onto and iniende engaging extensive-
ly in the poultry boatmen.
Mr. le n McNay has installed a
milking machine. It is opetated by a
gasoline engine and provee a great
labor sever, es it will milk eleven cows
in half to hour.
Miss Ida and Emma Taylor left for
the west on Tuesday, ybere t 4iyitl
.lift their Mnthk, ' lir. W.:r. T.jr;;.
of Har,listly, Alt.rts.
Mal,v idsidente of the district ars
Mr. Robert Young, wbn hes been
ill fbr .•tam• time put., has returned to
Ibis ordinary duties again.
The grandchild of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Wh:ttingbatm. who wadi so
severely ill at. Ailsa Oraig, is recover-
A telegram just received tells of the
sudden death of Mr. Win. Kyle. of
Strome, Alberta. who was well known
herr. About twelve years ago he die -
pored ret hie farm in this locality sad
remored to the west. Deceased was a
hrutber of Mm Fred Tomlinson. of
Rriuceflell, a11d also of Mr. Thomas
Kyle and Mrs. John Delta, of Lb. Lori -
rims road.
Brophey Bros.
( 1011E Ft IC 11
The Leadlog
Funeral Directors
` and Praha finery
Orders e*refully Mttendett t
at all hours, night or day
neu.lr trace all is. W.,
I I.tr.l.w
II morn
t 1 lysei
new arise
fi'lgMrt dl.rt
ren partMlar5 and
assets w mete C. L
Teats. O.5.
teret limes
Ar. Mtatrsale.
11 eeeiesseat
l/R�fI1U. U. rt. Te
Mr. len Waddel Iaft on Saturday
11.t for Guelph and Peterborough,
whets be intends spending • month.
Amos Jateretri out every week in his
rise ham. obey. wins J. A. drives
out in his four fr.gneetly to view the
One alibi.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Osvton are vise -
Ing friends in Morris.
Mitre Ano'. fl•ttl.•dge, of Hrnw14,
Is eprndipg • few day. with Mr
sister, Mts. l.I Milfiety.
W. B. American
1Coser Silk
SATURDAY, August the 1st
MONDAY, August the 3rd
v iii' be two old time bargain days at THIS STORE
REMEMBER -This is not a sale of summer specialties only, but of a store full
of seasonable goods at bargain prices.
Nearly everything in the store will be on kale on these two days.
Instead of quoting price. on a whole stock. A thine we could not do, we
simply tell you, "Look for sale figures on nearly Everything in the store."
The greatest reductions will be made on skirting and Flouncing Embroider-
ies, Lawn Waists and colored lisle Gloves.
Every piece o; dress material and every pair of hose will be at bargain prices.
If you want a Rug cheap, come hereon Saturday or Monday.
Don't forget SATURDAY and MONDAY, 1st and 3rd. Just
2 days for this sale, and big bargains for everybody
Buster Brown's
Sisters' Stockings
Miss Sarah J. Flood, of New Dun- tion consisted iu the removal of a part
dee. i'. a visitor to Mr. and Mrs. Rottet•t tel tfir,,beak four, which was success -
Thompson. fully done, and his numerous friends
For the next month the Rer. J. Ure will he pleased to treat that be to pro-
Stewart'.1 address will be Bruce Rech, greisiefe tIiCYsy but Will of necessity,
Pine KiceryP. O. have to ten.ain for a time in the
Master Harold Thompson, of Blue• hospitali
vak, is renewing old accpuantanCrs Uu Sat today last twenty non-ccno-
hrrrduriug the holidays. nlissioncd (Akers +•uud retail 1111d1•4*
Kev-. A. 5. Miller. Methodist minis• Cep.. Sinclair. of B. pane. Wink -
haul. held their firth weekly go at the
targets. fur a raver spoon, given by
Capt. Sinclair. tor the highest scote at
each of these weekly events, home
excellent all-round good .cor�lng was
done. 1n tbi• ,jnstance, Mergt. John
Budge was the winner of the coveted
spoon. The dory wY. els ideal 4/AP tor
to rget punct ler :Ind the tttrn e11t war
gc.od. Capt. 4'eurick , whit w -+.s cnnor
o -(grant •f H. ronlpauv for 211 tear.
was.rn chaise -'d lh.• retire. aril t•u-
g ets sod most iltiri••ntly 1 ,nkrd atter
things a' the sante time. A• the
captain I. one of the old V4.11.111115 en.l
. I1C w't.i lier'nt balms)• 1115 Int!. and tote....
he as-ietad 1 he younger man in !he
proper wee 1r. get the ht.tl'. rye,
While he was 1 of elicihl, to roni45 ie
for tl.r sperm he .,:sets• it trill trip ut
Ibe l li• and :asl .slot 1 enge end .up-
ped the scut.. with 111. She next
comperetion will be un Saturday.
when there will it is expected, be a
target turn -out ti. t11.17.411111411y 1•myr1/
on the 171h for tiodericb ramp.
tet of Vancouver. who has tern visit-
ing friends herr, has gone to Mosher -
ton to spend a short time with ftiends
Mrs. John Spading attended the
Methodist picnic at the pack in Wit.g-
hem last 1hareday and 1cporls it
splendid success.
Masers. Mills and Tipling, of Wing -
ham, havr a corker crop of flax grow-
ing in this vicinity. They have up-
w:ods of 21111 scree of the Micron. crop
and it i. In- all accounts a recotd
lel ea Let .
There died at her iso • on the 11th 01
Eset %Vewatinsh on Wednesday last.
Mra. Mason, relict of the late Peter
Mason. in the 59th year of her age.
The funeral took place on Saturday
lest, interment being made in 1-11-1-
glav-e cetrtetry.
Roc. J. Ure Stewart and family left.
yesterday for a inonth'e Gawp ac
Itroce Beach. During Mr. Stewart's
abseuse Rev. Robert Thynne. B.A.,
ot Palmerston, will occupy his pulpit
on the _,d and 9th inst., morning and
evening. end un the two following
Sabbaths Rev. J. S. Duncan, of Luck
now. will held the servicer.
Mee. Edward Wingate, an aged and
very highly esteemed lady of the vil-
lage, has beengreet sufferer for 1\
hong time with that dread de•se,
gangerinr and a few menthe ago she
lost a foot from its effects. Nbe is
now eniovin the comforts of a lux-
\I r.. .T os, p.. Hty'►e
litre iet treed
h atter two weeks vi -it with
Clod (41 friend -
Her. Jam•• 6Vil•rn. M Toronto, is
at .resent visiting ht, brother Wat
on } be So h eno rasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Painter motored from
Toronto and spent the week end with
tirient invalid wheel chair, which war friend. in this vicinity.
hem ilk. .1„, oat o� ,wmg4 Mr. Ambrose. kapAsiy, frrnu tow Nest,
i'u•rwtat►iog old atgtikintamsee In this
ted, not only 1y h y •
Mre. Hannaintim and Pricilla. Mr..
deughtrr, who has been • moat ds 1). Todd, Slim' McDonald all of Wing.
voted attendant upon her. haree visited in tbie ricinity last week.
The honey erop around obi. ser- Mr.and Mee. McDonald and Musa
tion promisee to ore a complete feilure Ihlnelda Mchoneld, et Tsmestnwn.
this year. Owing to the Scarcity of Mini Inman and Ifie. Rtother., of
clover in the early neutron in the plain Rruwel. and Mr Bennett. of SVrsvtp
maroon and as there is very little tuck- he,, viw•ed tvierrrlw were hot sltrsd•y.
wheat 01 other honey making flower
the prospect for a even sufficient
honey to winter the bees over looks -Mr. Jrweph Krscskopf, farmer,
had. Mr. George rattle, the big bee who prides it few miles west r•f
man of the section, who has about Mitchell. met with • had accident ern
21111 his -ea of bees, hiss not Mee able to Thursday. He was handling the hay
take any homey from his hives and fork, unloading hay. when the trip
even the swarming this year Is a very 'repos brake, and be was precipitated to
mesgue one. He feels Quite sure that Ole ground. Hie arm was broken aril
in order to keep ble bees over the' his orto was badly bruised and rut.
winter he will have to feed them. •
-Mr. W. 1-ptbegrove. • young
(hl old and highly esteemed town.- j farmer living on the townline between
noon. ?dr. John Morrison, has been al Weimarinster and Delaware tnwn-
siffrrer for acme time with an of tic- l snips, Middlr•.ic ...•int %. wa, ps••f«N•rd
Lion of the iota. it was found itti/ar*- Ir n ro t re' h. manner r Ihiday
titre to bare an opremi n performed late. term, and for n t I,,,. a s• l...lir• ed
*NMI two wlsek• ago T'ni• w... Ann* 1 to 1. •r. v Iaourl,•oa rundi Mi.
by 1'), Htn,h y in the Wier/gluon • 1'p• h antve we• .00zosp•d in platin;
trope .I .t, few Aay• later it was I pets p .wdrred patio green on potato
tome' nt-trwty 1st hate a fnrMcr pile• - .s a (Reid. Thr wind was bksw-
nMtetietA in this ns+... A ■peeialial. (flag le his dir'ectrnel and before he
Dr. Roe. of Philadelphia, w.. atm- riots •d .t h•• hail taken in yrtet
monad •wd Lb* operation wow per- quant., S ret t . to win I h, ongh 114
formed us Friday last. The opera- mouth and uueteilr.
am. and the same Isgreetly ap reci& divurict
1 the invalid but b her
11acEwaa Estate
Egg Coal $7.25
Stove and Chestnut $7.50
Any quantity best all Maple Slabs, Mixed
Wood, Hemlock and Kindling,
(Cedar or Pine
Telephone, office est
residence 212 or (It.
T. SvrtsrsaM
'Bus, Livery
and Back Stables
Mownia,L 8Tlreer
Passengers called for in
any part of the town for
all trains at O. T. R. or
C. P. R. depots. Prnmet
cervir-wand rarernlstlet,
dance . •
OurLiery and v eek
M frnars
review e H .
t...tate in evMy to -pert.
Your patrons*. Noli.ilid.
'Phone 1(r. Montreal Street