HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-30, Page 3lc to ;c 0 1c 1 el i THE SIt3NAL : GODERiCH : ONTARIO T1117aAT Jui.T 110, 19111 3 AIL1NC WOMEN OF MIDOLE ACE Mrs.DoucetteTells of her Dis- tressing irtressing Symptoms During Change of Life and How She Found Relief. Belleville, Nova Scotia, Can.- • • Throw years ago 1 was suffering badly with what the doctors called Change of Lits. I was so bad that 1 had to stay in bed. Some friends told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and it helped me from the Hot It is the only medicine I took that did help me:. '1 1 recommend it. You don't know ho; thankful and a m. 1 give you ission gratefulI y permission Drs to publish what your good medicine has done for me." -Mrs. SIMON DOUCETTE, jlelleyille, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada Such warning symptoms as sense of suftocation,hotflashes,headaches,back- aches,dread of Impending evil, timidity, ' sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes,jrregu- larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent wo- men who are approaching the period in lite when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds ip the weak ened nervous system. It has carried many women safely through this crisis. 1f yen wit special advice write to Lydia E. Piskkam Medicine Co. (rest- deatlrl l Lynn, Mass. lour letter *1111 be opened. read and answered by a woman, and held l• strict ees Maeis i whirr the road was tieing cars of sand, atone and cement are Control Massurq for Army Worm sidetracked en the railway line nearest on 'And unloaded INSPECT CONCRETE ROADS Party of Portman Visit Wayae County. sad Get First Hand Tracts Last week a party of l'ani'linn highway engineer, a'id n tial of- ficials interested in good read., under the Ruivance of Mr. I. S. Bruner• of the Canada Cement Company, Limit - rd, visited Detroit end Wayne county. Michigan, to learn how this ;regrew rive United Stated community Is building • comprehensive ctrcr•Lr rood system of whkh d. isJust. 1y proud. The puffy included: J. F. We, Wiudetock, engineer for Oxford court, ; R. H. Spencer, acting mayor. Trenton ; 0. R. Marston, )filmes, en- gineer tor Norfolk comity; F. M Huhorford, St. (.1.b.' Ines. ehitinrer dot Lincoln county ; W. J. Molnar worth, Hamilton, arrirtant city en- gineer; M. Menieault, Strathroy; J. H. Jackson, tirrntfoid ; 11. l lair and W. E. Nesbitt, Merritun: L. J. W,iek- ey, C. P. Bot Cued awl W. Coke, Tor- onto; L. S. Bruner and 11 S. Muller, MoLtrral. Wayne county row h•+s 'ne 1: Iv one hundred miles of Ole linest concrete roads in the wartd. one stretch of wide!' extends in a ►mouth unbroken ,urine, for a dieLance of 21 utiles pass- ing flirt ugh Or vi:lagre of Wayne and t is a note- worthy tireh and i fact th t alter much experi- menting with every kind of mail hulloing material. the board of county rued Lou li.is.iuurrs has adopted e00- 0 ar its rte rad aid. The part y eovered shout Il0 miler of highway of every dercriptiun and ni every cunditi trout the worst to the hest. The tour proved an exception- ally strung object lemaon to everyone of the petty and much.grwtificatiu0 was exp:e.sed at the completeness of the bu.ldiug . quipulent and the excel- lent ItSIM • obtained. Furtunetrly, the patty was enabled FW ate practically every upmeiation of reed building drum the grading of the W the finished loud, ot which one machine can lay 73'I square yards. ••t toad in one day. 1'he method of teiuforciUg and tis advantaged was ebown end explained. Much interest was shown in the thorough manner 'in which every operation was carried out, eepecislly the curing ot the finished cord and the hauling of materials to lug built. The The army worm is a stout. 'smooth- i tbe lace of operation rbo el into x ntruug of bodied cater pillar, blackish or lima-; yip small duwp cars holding one and a nish in color, with two yetlowisk I half cubic yards. These care ace bau11- .tn{es. linget1 with red, along rack ed by • "donkey" engine, au some 10- midr. '1\'hen lull grown it is about 1a stances a number ot Hiles, to the spot inch's- long. The adult i. a molt' where he wusterialr will he 02)x0(1 w which lay" her eggs chiefly on grace mate the orad. The narrow-gauge hi low Ixnds. The caterpillere them- tiack over which this minsture tram Selves never lay egg, or produce In•- tuns is laid in sections that ern be ing young. The favourite fo•,d plants easily handled by two men. Properly err g,a.ei•", timothy, Gout. corn and curing the finished road tekea ween mill,',. \\-ben food becomes ,rake days. A. moon ae the concrete has art, the worms move in enormous numberit 11 Is covered with two incret of sans in search of s,ew feeding grounds. Aa the pest is bring reported f and then wet down with a hose daily. this permits the whole retard of con- eheuProus counties• every f*rmer creta to harden uniformly and elituin- should examine his fields from time to a Ili t time to see if they are brine attacked. w It the inti -rt, hive become di•trihuted all ovet the field before being noticed, tee rurlace cracks that wouldu e onto is more useful to the community ire appear under the heat of the sun. than his. illiterate j nna co nr : his Ara whole the method, used by labour is more product's 0, he lives a Wayne county road commissioners va s MEATS— Full flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches. The child's delight. The picnicker's choice. Everybody's fa'-orite. M. CLAM. rue. M..vw.L P i Pr s St. Jcr o.:: C' BERLIN - Ercel'ent Business College Dirs.' Eselknt High Saseal Dees-•-•:" re:ellen• College or Ars Dera-"':- Ncw Buildings with late,' Hygienic Equipments. The Largest Gymnasium in Canada li,,ening Track Sw,mm.nt Pool. Shower Baths. Theatre First-Clann Board = Cc-t- fortable Sleeping Roo.n'.. "• r: sl anennon given ro rr.'ee ,. c.r nfor University Metric.. a RATES MODERA'E ' Address: REV. A.. L ZINGER. C. F„ 1'!:. ". PRESIDENT Blind Child Should Attend School Tb. expenditure of public tnoney upon "schools and school-mast'•r4' is regerded by our Iegielbtors, and by the people who elect the legislators, lie a grind investment. The ecloceted the wisest course will be to cut the err very simple and undoubtedly the prep at ince it it is timothy or grain moat economical for the construction And cure tor hay, but if it i" corn, scat of an exlenrave and permanent road lightly through the fields ftoision system, at any rate, they are the result IYIxt11I'P, made of one pound of poria o1 gamy of study and experiment by green mixed thoroughly with ' ' Ablr engineers. pounds of bran, and then moisten with water, sweeten, with nloleesri. Make the nexturer just moist enough' i,_ to fall through the Boger. like saw- • in most Catla<tisn Pnunties, broken dust -rant sloppy. tin which is usually about one -halt ' 11 the -crop w threatened nr et Necked l ct t lie wixnil-enamored, is obtainable only in pat t. dig a trench immediately within a few in every county in front of where the worm.. are. la throughout the Uuwiuine with few ty the ease where t he crop i" partly attack.ceptioOs, whereas the Wayne eou0ty Pd, it will be found advisable to cut e . hauls its broken ,tone a long distance. swath through the gain and rake. Hien again, the special tnecninery end this uhf softbefore the trench itF dug. The !Then treed across the outlier- is trench i. often unwatisfactory. e•pec• i nut enecdutely necessary. ter men and Tally in r1Ny .oil, if it 1. not properly 10Au1, could be used in place of west Made. 1' 'bored he At leant IS inches deep, in clay soil, with w straight clean i of Vrvne county began building con- 1de towards the erg) to to protected. crepe roads in It)Itl and the Bret Rust -holes At least a foot in depth stretch laid in that year was carefully happier and more contented life, tale• Ing an Intelligent interest in the v,u ions questions; that cane hefow him for decision ; he is not euelly 11104. led by the drningogic agitator, and he knows better than to yield to tempta- DI 'LIN R'OT KIR[D FOUR rs. tions in a eiiminll direction. Fut however, it s noteworthy that the thew. and numerous uthrt equally ., provide facilities far rt ucatio, oe N nditionawjlh which \Vayne county good reasons, it •' a ♦ the state- to • to des) would nut be r0 evidence p j t ll must be sunk every 15 facet in the i hnttom of the trench. in sandy .oil the trench works excellently." hitt , in i clay alit it is often advisahk as a an: extra precaution to heap up the Iona• earth on the crop side right along the trench. The email particle. of earth loosen and cause the climbing worms to drop. Hence in clay or much soil it may he advisable to scratch the face of the wall lightly with a Marlen rake. Do this after rain. \\ hen the worms are unable to rlimh the wall they will pass length- wise through the trench. and collect in the post -holes, where they may be killed by crushing or other means. In digging tbe trench ploughs may be there is no excuse for Cauulia used, lint the belittles of the work miinitirr to deist' the building o sh„nld he done with ..p»de* to iMure systems that will be as good ae hr lean deep trench. Wayne county mads, for tame we fo \\'herectthe worms are found. Canadian comities that are not infln anpt action 1. very important. itely richer in natural resources if no in actual capital, and we can great' bentfit by the experiences of the conn ty across the line. 1 he individual and collective opinio voiced was unanimous fur •-onctete the /ntice] and seooeseram for permanent good roads le ('Aned and one that will enable , :cry con' munity to invest its road :none: us{ected by the party at close range and the concensur of opinion was that t is now as good as when put down and several hamster lite. Happily the and the maintenance coot ham been blind are pot sufficiently mired -roue to practically nothing during the tier lleci•ssitate the u.IIipnlent of many years that it has been used. Astnaking echools for th.•ir accommodation, le. contrast is shown when the condluon the scheme of taking the blind child ta Wsunded and Taken to Hospital Ceeuel to Gun -running by Nationalist Volunteers Three men and one woman are dead and more than sixty persons are in the hospital wounded as the result of a battalluu of the King's Own Scottish /Borderers _firing Into a mob In the treeta of Dublin Sunday. Seven of tbe woLnded are expected to succumb to their Injuries. The affray was the Teatat of a gun -running exploit of he Nationalist Volunteers. w t'o were be- ing aided ty a mob composed largely of women and youths This wounded in the hospital include three women and a boy of ten. A consignment of rifles said to uumbetr ten thousand. :WAS landed a' noon Sunday at 'loath, pine miles Iron' Dublin. The vessel on which th.• arms were brought was la private yacht. The Nationalist Volunteers cut the telegraph wires d stopped travel on the Dublin dia and. according to reports, sent Fa most of the rifles, together with r l inmotor RO 0110 rounds of a mm .nitfo, car,. the children ot the people. whethera horn here or c.ming from a foreign country 10 make their hotnes among us hence our iter ectro l eysteul, re inforced to some extent 1 y p•,1- sory education !awe. For he blind, who cannot he relight to read by sight, a system for tending by touch ham been decreed. the printed ehemo• term representing letters, etc., -hying emhossed c," the paper•• Instead 01 being indicated ray n dilterenre in olour. Having learned to rend and write. the per- soncation oY the blind per- soncan be continued to ILLY desired extent. including the suhjects taught in public schoole, for the seeing. music Sent to Seize Guns A battalion of the Ring's Own Scot- tish Borderers was ordered to capture ghe arms when the authorities heart (that the volunteers were bringing them Into the city. The soldiers en- Icountered a detachment of volunteers !at C'lonmell bridge, and an outbreak resulted. There was no shouting then 'however. A great crowd soon collect d and followed the troops. jean:.,; ed and cheering for John lied- ond, the Nationalist leader, and borne rule. Finally the mob began throwing bottles and ;atones and several of ,the soldiers were in- 4ured. The battalion then replied t , the attack of the mob with a scattered fuellade. in an instant the street was covered with wounded. while terrified - men. women end children ran in aldirections. Jervis Street Hospital is situated only 200 yards from the scene of the affray. and the wounded were quickly taken there. Four of them died within two hours. The soldiers and police seized a hundred rifles from the volunteers. An excited crowd filled the streets of Dublin Sunday' night, some of the men carrying rifles. The Borderers are confined to bar- racks to prevent the people from at- tacking them. A street car in which a soldier was riding was wrecked. but the soldier escaped the mob. Fur- ther rioting is feared. Among those seriously wounded In the affray is M. J. Judge, a prominent omeer of the Nationalist Volunteers. The arms were landed at noon. The ya^ht from which they were taken was a sailing vessel. the name of which had been painted over. A woman, or a man in woman's clothing. some persons say, commanded the yacht. A thou- sand volunteers marched only from Dublin to receive the arms. They - said, however. that they were merely making a practice march. The local pollee and the coast guard tried to prevent the landing of the arms, but were driven off. When Dublin authori- ties learned of the landing they sent sixty police to seize the arms. These police later were r. inforced by 200 others under an assistant command- er. The police were drawn upoat both sides of the road along a Well the volunteers were returning, with the militia in the ,-.•ntre of the road. When the volunteers saw t' inohili- tation, most of th. 01 gut away - with their arms, eeatter,: e through the deli.. The police and soljiil' s tried to disarm the remainder. Volunteers Shoot Soldiers of this concrete stretch is compered with other stretcher of the same road, built at the same time of ether ma- terials and At approximately the ...onecost, but which now re"eotbles the Rocky Road to Dublin" and must he rebuilt in the near future. One of the engineers expressed the opinion that if Wayne county. could afford to have such excellent toads, •w n as matPt ut1 A GLORIOUS HAIR Girls Oaaei womear same. want to be beautiful and wit note,. hot - nm sightly, thin and little.* hair destroys half the beauty of a pr,tty face. If y ur heir is Maine its natural .'odor. is felling nut, dill, .,trrely, full that it will retupa diet fill u.i:be mu dandruff, ton dry, or it the scalp of being spent Itches and burn• do not be alarmed, hole. __ uw Parisian liege. Rub It well into the "eslp. 1t will gn right to the hair An Ideal Vacation Trip . .1 Great snots, nonrisb them, and stimulate the Lakes St.amshifs hair to grow ion and beautiful. I► At this time of the yen,• when removes denten with One applie"- 'i,ln, stop. It !sing scalp, falling hair and maks the head feel fine. Parisian Ss supplies the hair with what is to make it soft, fluffy. thick and g Homily radiant. It is still is fifty coot bottles by B R. W tale and st U drug eonnters. Look tot the trade ark-''1'te Girl with the Auburn Hale." Aeoept no other. The tonsle./.aNthosnpion parade ever e'en in Ooterin at old boys re- union. WtraUoed. Attgost tat 142 tttb. (;,tate and see it. LLETTsj many of a planning their trip the question -Where To Go' nal n, ally arises -What could be more delightful than a Oreat Lakes trip, where the sea is pure, the sun shines and cool Iefreshing breezes How. rive wiling* week) from Pout Mo - '.Nicoll for Sault Ste Marie. Pint Ar- thur end Fort William. Steamship te express ay'. leaves kinin direct3connec- trailiog day., g tion. 1f yam are contemplating a trip. doe't let this slip your memory. Can sdlan Pacific steamships make the fastest time. have the tat of accom- modation, and the table is unexcelled. Poll particulars and reservations os walee sod ships. at every Canadian Poetic ticket offlee. -Thu Perard greater expnrit.inn 'bows at old hnyi reunion. Stretford. AtKtat lot to nth. are the finest and Mot ratted ever assn in °stark.. d •0 f 11CCdI I 's Patterns D.MILLARuSON Perrin Gloves M the free schnul inetetd of bringing the free school to the blind eilild has been adopted. The Ontario school for the blind, located at Brantford. adtnita As punils blind persons Of h•,th sexes, between the ages of seven and twenty: one, without charge for hoard. tuition or tsu,ks, but parent•• At•• eipected t., provide clothing and pay travelling expenses. it 15 A school—not A "1101n0," nor A hospital. nor an asy- luut---iind antung the pupil• are tunny wile, though not entirely blind, have sight eel defective that they cannot receive an edudutiun in the ordinary public sehnolie If any reader of The Signal has a child ro efHicted, or know. of one in his n.ighbouthood. a letter or post raid, Addressed to .Mr. H. F. Gardiner. pi ineipsl of the On- tario school for the blind. Brantford. 'living the name angle pout ogle* of parent or guardian. will help the school to do All the work for which It. was ,'stahliehetl and is maintained by the government. Mr. James Nichols of Fullarton, and his brother. Edward, were haul- ing hay- on \Vednesdey last. when one of the loads gut stuck in passing over a ditch. And James in trying u, get it started by some ,leant, Was thrown under the waggon. As it passed over him his head was jammed down to the ground and badly bruised. A 1;*'.h, ( g et ad F our inrhee long. wm e a' i re back 114 hie head, and another 1 sd cot . nick an ac was badly scraped by tieing dIs, gid billty. he official. he mild, has been in the resulting affray, several re- volver shots were bred by volunteers. and a cotporal and a private were wounded. The voliedeers also used their rifles as clot- The soldiers NEW WASH GOODS A Shipment of the newest Wash Goods to hand this week. Owing to the great demand for Crepes this season these are now very scarce goods and this shipment will soon sell out. New white Crepes, double width. extra "washing quality, 3K• and :tic per yard. Nigur.., Bedford fords and Heppe in the p opulat weaves at 110 to ;A1c per yard. good New moat New Waists \\*1s a cut in the Special line of N. 2W Organdiet c i newest eta lee, raglan sleeves in the medics collets. The curteet \\'aiet for walnt weather. All sizes 3'2 to 43, *1,15 each. Clearing line of Brocaded Refine, double width. in white, pink, sky and tan, just four pieces left, regulur ilk for sac pet yard. New designs in Dolly Varlet) Crepes, 341 inches wide, 13c per yard. New House Dresses Special values in ladies' House Dresses, made from best quality print., newest styles, all sizes from 31 inch to 50 -inch. Special at each, $List to $'3311. Special July Values in Cottons and Sheetings \\'hit.'(. lion• a' old 1•rie. A huge purche-e just 10 heud in l'a,lb,ir- 1. ng cloths, eve. etc., 36 [u. lies wide• st'Illi•, 1'ac, 13i fund 1(tc err yard. Special pliees by 1be piree. The Coolest Store to Shop in. I•:xt,-1 special value, plain end twill Sheeting, blenched. 1?nglish Sheeting. 72 inches wide, per yard. Others at '235 to 34k per card. equally good values: Make Our Store Your Store. full :i(Ic All McCall's Patterns and Publications for August Now in Stock aw Ph.'" Millar's Scotch Store 56 CHARIVARI ENDS IN RIOTING I STIRRING ADDRESSES GIVEN Stones Thrown and Bride Injured When Fair sized congregational gathered. Demand for Money us Refused at the Baptist church un Southey to: Prosecution, 'silt ((Mew es a result , hear the Rev. C. 1V. Ro.e, of IBrant- ut a charivari near Bluvale; about turd, w t gave two stirring addi ewes. ' tout miler from \\'inghem. that de - s e• In the morning he spoke on "A Good seieped into a 2 int t. hen the demand 1Nd Age" and in the evening took as of the mob fur llu era ,,(nerd. lite text Pauls words : "1 can do -all Mr. Joseph SMith., "gid Ittt, livirg thnigr through l'hrir[ who strengthen - Lear Bluevale, was married a week eth use. A goodly oumll r of sum- t to hear this also to Mrs, Bothwell; of Lucknow• idirlinguirhe.l spee. vieitors were aker,ofwhouu the the couple ek erturned huttr)•n,cwtluxnu)xtight g,ung last imeue of the Canadian Baptist luta ot men from th. nrlpfhbu, buol gather. 1 the following to say : rd to ebuo ivwt i t hem. Jlrtntera of theIia v. l'. W. Ruse, H. A. B. D., 'nub were Rru.t-d with via cuter exit's, I' Park church, Brantford, tendered hie tuff h. ilei• a,d rorty other fu, in .o 1eeignatiuu to the church on Sunday noisemaker. They demaudrd $o, 11 ensuing, July 1'1, aud will return to t.huhth,•rlderly huurgl('uw refute d.'thetuatititlle province,, having been "i my then I.rgeu w •tune the honer. I called to succeed Rev. P. J. Steck- the tune bid airs. South n1 the beck house B A B 1) ns pastor of the bete n the ehuu,Jrr blade• S., ie.," u chinch at Awhr rt, Nova Setitia. On c One e rr tear followers Wednesday night, when wind the uui.r iai*r•I by the rowd,r0l g \ K' t11Nt IltlghlN,la f• r an'rr a Iuiir ariund it w-»" learned th•.t lr Ruse hod iP. ornr around .1.1 a- hurry cell waa•tturrL.d tIi*t nix. 6cLt Iii- "i out. lU u'et.•c1: lir High I'un- tunsidei rd final• it was uuaotnluusly stat 1.• Brut•), Phil pro. of 'ib1ngiUtllI, l acllird, "atter a uimben of Wr ,pew who ens iul,iwa ed .hat a ntut wuh toff hers 114,1 ,'xpresded their ptotound is' pn•gIe•.-. Ile iwundo, i.-ly ee.un-d :.n' Neat. al the intended departure of their aniou,oi.11e Rud hmalru :::,181:'.., et the scene, f , pant 01. that the reeignaliun wt Mr. Ihr .1i-, ui lance. A• wt ti Hilo n.r N -opted Nod a e,, un,at ter was c"ught eight of the e. i..Uat e.is appoints'. to drift 'a resolution of :ap- rtepped uuru the u.u1. 1, la., -„,:h..:,::',1),. , l.,.'eiatiott of the wu,k 'd the Irtit lug hurt trdiyolie{ar-ed, nosey t,•ing 1100' pa.tor, ttir name ill be reed and Ap- sn earl -kid •rl•`s..•ite Mi. see:h•s twos... pruc,d at a second cungrrgn iunal brlou In to L. W nu. lhawuud, .4114 cirrhng t+•1 to held on ', 'edue"dsy, now hlra:roe Acl•on fit the d,un,i.lte Jul)• '_'oil.' Thus will 1•r dt•c4rufitmg Doi. dune. news nit only t4 Btxntford "Rapt lists. hveryese escaped in the dill ktlra,.' hat wlmc, to thole throughout the con - Mu env young watt, cawed l.hur.aull, , vention, who het0 enjoyed Slr. Roser who returned to Mr. Diamond's. where fellowship and w ho have watched his flrwl and used their bayonets freely. he wa- capnu,ed t•7 ('otsta.t,;e fahip- auece.►fu1 pa-tor"tr with drhght. His 'titre•t:ng many cut- Then they had pet•• '1'Le r.au"'ti t 1 N 11 11 b.t t 1 the stay 'in ow ronve11ti, 11 Ens Won (fir a running fight with the volunteer' o. 1141Int•rubrr •IdIhrgang a,1e x1.4 1' tt:e lugh'"1 rete,nl 01(2411)4 hi. and tl•i rapidly' gwith t mob thmuch ..-,111,11 01it1 11 t. -„utast "iii filkw• hirthteu, al t'241 Will feel ell::: hr. lib. r• gte'. 1)' iteenee.t Lnuvusi tut :a gbe.• Iwos t nil the Work of the streets to their b'cks. A num- g- the drnonanetwn. Ilnt ail wap hid b, r of policemen hat. been suspender • v.t int' atr.tr. 1 hie l:ol s ,e ed m hie Ilrsy firhl. 'for refusing to tr. to disarm the A1wu1 n week ..A.a a sawilar uccul- d1r. Bane is spewing a mnntl.'. : net. neat W •nleh:.m was arse short. lt, 1 g Volunteers. „y the fel, doa••i. n of the $, I,y the vacxli w'tlh kin alfa• anti dadghlrr After the troops had fired into the 1 '''I' gra n4• Jlr. 1st. - l 'wler, who at LRRtAidt. crowd. the angry lee ulace. In a spirit i t,:,t e d JM+rr'Fal`Iay, of Lower Wing - tiers -- of revenge. attacked Individual sol- 1.•n, At the tone great in.lignatiun _-\\'rite!kerrtxlyA.\V. fie»errs for diets and beat them brutally. )leer- ten• ,epee-s.d rut the tinier wwm plauHy ofBciNl prvptr:un7t wf old 1",y.' re - of the Scottish Borderers. all, i l,e:ud rn \\'uughattl, although Mr• nolle, .\uga.t 1• tar >y h, 1f y.,n liner were riding bicycle,: along the quays, F„w 1.•r lige Ih...r-qualters 41 a toile not rer4n'rd were pulled from their machines and tilelaut. beaten, and the bicycles were: thrown - —.. -- — into the rawer. The lord mayor was ---Pierrette' y. A. W,' Deacon of he issued a Strong lett,•, oi protest, in $tral-turd (ltd Hoye -association' has which he deelares that the' troop.. i .int no Invitation ti every old Inky And were ordered out without permission gill whose name woe sul,l/.ilt,d t.' having been asked r' the lord mayor tem. If you did not nreit'e purr i1 of the elty. and he nands that the ' was an uveisight. Bot come anyw' e) reepnnsibillty .h: a fixed for the :Ld Iecruvr a right roylil welcome. calling out o1 ' -oldlars and to: - The large I.irn sr.J str'»w .h.•J supplyl0R *Aar ole 1, temeis it Ole largr►t. in. lite •tiwnrhd'r He adds. : amt tile h►hrnging en Nr. J'useS.b Nal. "itublln and I look with eon- x•g•r, .d North Kasthop••, near 'Col'- fldenre r4 ln"n :. . 'rand and his fol- , ping, "fete burnt to the s'n,nod Thor.- ..1 ferning, tng•thr, with Ihr IPA- le0gUell Ib : , b:.nc •., !n..'ee those re. 8 ,,'s hs, cr.p. • 0ew wagon And A 's1enn01bl^ far tL'. - ncking outran rut. • several There w1.1 no e: • • be one law for l number of tu,p,rm • section of the t"• r re nple and an- l 'hundred bushel. of oats. A tier of othee taw Mr tate reatainder of the 1i•'g" were al«, dta n,t r.l, load of 1 which was about ready for` snerket. blah p'op ”" The fire was caused through a 1111 Delayed 'dandle of hay felling on the ga•oline Augatlr• Strutt. the Chief Seer's- engine, Mr. NAfzinger's loss will be Bary for Ireland, sa'd the blame for wlront UNE. He ie. it..ured in the the •n;Ir• affair rested on th• assist- Mennonite Mos-ietylof Mutual Benefit. gent po11r. enmmissioner rat Dublin, ' - — ,who h.+r ,t- ml2d • A requisition for the over his •ye, and his d f I;troops Rntlrc'y on hie own responsl- along the road. 1 suspended pending an enquiry Into to unfortunate affair. In his capacity of MUHecRtBg FOR TRH SIONAI. War Secretary the Prime Minister, winding up last night's debate on the Dublin tragedy, defended the troops' to emptying with the A.alstant f'otn ' enIssleaser's requtst and not a single tater or man had escaped Injury. .he said. through the violence of the Mob. The first effect of the iklblin tragedy rbas been to delay Premier Asquith%s 11ss ems for taking up theao0 4tas bill i orrow. Tito Prams mous OM Malay t the >W s boa tajaelialtety r Z.Chdidj QUICK NAPTHA T14 WOMANS SOAP ADVRRTIHR IN THEMIONlei. BUSINESS AND' SHORTHAND S•ibjects taught by+x pat instructors a L ISotS O1rT. Studd, a.sis'sd is pnnitame. Cathie is .ion hen Sept 1st. Catalog -ea free. Hater wry lime. J. W. Westervelt J. W. w.R.rvelt, h. I. Hot Weather HINTS tl Garden Hose Hose Reels Sprinklers Nozzles Couplings Hose Menders Etc. tiotai W. R. P I N DER ['hone 13.5 iI:uo'll •n 4tteet a It owl L...., almu'atlon GOLD WATCH FDLia a sYW1Cws 4 we.wr.. .e'. ..w boa w tehMl•a.l ern.. we are tuna" was Leake. ro ,hoe,.aa • — -'+a- f••T.a e0 rat .,,. e.. .. lk advert, 4.-t 's,.. l N io dome. •, '• 0448 no. Wits" e -t• • coo cf- a i••ha..c„. La Ilea' Ione.qtr 0*0. t pM •', Oar' Airr.•.. re or •`mrrladl. (Sid 4, 7r i • .rah the w:,'h. +Inch •:. . ►. ••11 he •les Prow •, trw. ..tel. Nr renalred a.e •mre, rao.1,1 rnr t.a. .A. *Non 41 OW Poral. 1',e. .Sof. w. mw•t roe . .11 r.w aver shot r eM arm th..m the ►.seifal •.toh 1•+think tea taw toe .o.>•1 is t. Wo. Not .rad Pe Goole leis .e. rain • P'.. w'.rh 5.. . r r s.u•' •wlr.Ll ca. 4 LI OT1., ' M'as.rs I... elrn.aal. a.a,t I..c,aw,, a. TO BUILDERS Having now installed a re -cut Band Saw, we aur prepared to supply builders and the trade with RECUT SIDING in any quantities and of any material for buildings. LUMBER OF ALL SIZES TO ORDER A Iarge:s tock:of Lumber on:hand of standard sizes. Ontario White Pine Shingles and Lath. We are prepared to do jobbing or custom work on short:notice. Soft and Hardwood Slabs for sale by the cord. The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited GODEkICH 2