HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-30, Page 22 TaysroAT, JULY I. Hid THE SIGNAL : GODERICH t )YTA RIO • A. s. BUADWIN EDITOR AND 1Pl1Rt.laR!<It , Tun SIGNAL t NMMMdverryy Thane* from the MawrMawrM The Sigma Building. North from treat. (lod•r(ch Owtario. Telephone No. as. a* seascPTtoe Teems 41oe !Saler and rUty Cent. per year: 1f raid .trktlt in .d. anon t)ae MI/ be snorted : t...ub-criben in the 'aped tl1M*. Ibe rata to unr Lollar nag Fifty CMU .trtrtly in miaow' . dab„'ribere who fall to learn.. Tun stow1. rsularly by mall wlll.onter a favor h) .cq.u4..iing tbs lw►A-b- sr et the fret at Measly aoataaapestela Slam a change at .darem de.1red, butt old sad the new addre . alarmed d be levet. Reshtatrea may be made by bank draft.axprwno mosey order. pees-nCIce order. ..r rnie.red letter. 9 ub..cript ion.. 18.4) oouuur..<e at an Uuts AnvxaTteiNu Tt:xllr.--itaie. for display and CJnt reel .4 veal l,ru,.ot. will he elven an app(1 Mt ion. Logit a.d other •rmdar ad.ert Wsentr. ten toot- per lir- for and In..wrtlon and four emir per line for each .ub.squent Ia arUJo.. N•-a.urrd by a -vale of wand nonpareil --twelve bur+ to an inr•h. Bueinos Bard, of da Item end under. Five Isdly- per )war Advertr.e- n,ent. of licit, )'mud. Strayed. ttlttsa'iw.. t'acaot , SIt )tat ion. wa..tod. Ha rte. for gale or 14 Wm, t'arm- f w tale or to Rant. Article, for d.t.. -ie., not aves+doar eight Ifale-. Temp' five l,n:-•a,-h Lar. ion; May tbtle• for arse 1nor.t h. lit' y ('end . for mob +vb.- intent moat► l.argar rdverti-emrnto to pruloniuu. An- nouncement. in ordinary reeding tf)r. Tea t'rid- per line. No notion I... than Twenty- nve Cent.. Any -pedal totter. the object of which 1d the pecuniary benefit of any ladlvW- ual or a encirllon. to be ton -dared an sot% tr- ll.ement and chanes d ac- nod incl,. TO ('ORarrst+,spa'nt.-1h.. co operation of oar .manest0era anA reader. to cordially loath a1 inward. making Tug animal, a weekly record of all local. county and di -t riot doing-. Nr.('0114- munlcation w111 be ,,,tended to unto.- it con- trite the name w.d addrrs. of the Witter. 11,4 oece.sarll> for { .htlea't•m, bot ..4 a•. evidence of gaol firth. New- hent. .hnuld reach little 8IO,A1. 0411re not later than Wednr-day neon of .ern week. THURSDAY. JI I.\ :trot 1914 THE ARMY WORM On account of the crops in enrue dis- tiiets tieing badly attacked t•y this pest. it isadvisahl- for every 1 ser to he on the lookout andt.• • Y to bat 1t should it r his army. The army worm is eland one and one-half inches long when full grown. and is striped with clack yel- low. and green of r dingy 'appeatenee and winch resrmblieg the cutworm. When det',rte.:. e11 cR•,1ts should be centered on keeping the wog nus-0911- crepe 1'.outcrepe hot yet +tracked. A deep fur- row terve' al (meows' ate hrtteti ploughed 4400041 the fields with the vertical' c,r steep side of the furrow next to the clout to It' mot rebel. serve, as a barrier to ineVent the starch of the worms, as they will not he able to crawl by the stir eight Hideo( the (mime. Hetes m pits should be dug in the 1,ttrn11 of the htrrow every ten or twelve feet to catch the norms Alb they crawl e!org looking for a plaice to get. mut. Th. y wean then be destroyed with A blunt stick tar Ily burning 8:111w over then). 13y thoroughly spraying or dnstitrg ■ shall strip of t lir crop in advance of the wenn. with Yetis elven. wild lib. crony di tillet'ing p ti..ne.l bran Imittrtl at the rate of fifty Remelt. bran 111411 one 'loutd Paris 'given with ennngh lavers and water to eeriest - en it t large .numis•, 4 many I e destroy- ed. A Held SO poisoned must not be pastured until rain 'has thoroughly washed it. Whet ever is dune must be done quickly anti at once, fur a single day's delay may often Metal the ruin of a s,tlaal.I er11 LAt OR OR INTE%1ESTS iI is worth while. noting the dif- 1.rence 141wt•.-n the attitude of the H erd.•p i;oV4•t'nnu•n1 1uit'ard nea•rt. Markt-tale end \ltint) .std its rift awls toward the Ii4.44,44Tit uuk 4'acilie. In- ci lrnt/lly, the eoulpafi••,n warps. ;o enll',hnalit- the hyeecrisv' • of the lievet'nnlrla's pnde+sii.nti all desire to sdvAtl 'n the 111t4t e.l. , I I*IH11. Within teeent ' week, the gore11- ulr11t detayea the rou,pll•tiett .•f for- lu4lities in retotee ir•n with the bond gnaratitee y.ii' 1 the ).land Trunk P,ar'H^ at the last, tti`on 4.f p..rlia- anent. ,dud delayed rolnp6'ri •11 on tete prelim... of rota:Ow the 4djitetmem of certain difficulties between the sotto pans- end some of it. t•utpleyeee. %Vhnt deep empathy for Is o1 was here' displace(!' When tl.•• RI•-,,Isit,a.l bend guaran- tee for the 1'utndian \etthern was ender .:i sous-i,.n ►n- parliament a Dlnti.•1, w... 1ffered by \It. Alphonse 'Very lie. :1)'• 1 taur habit.. -r, rirohd• .e.d 1'x.kl1,1./\'V. F•. l:,u welt, the Lilwrai inenits•r (i+r Calve ffrethh • !Vont h, pro.' • yid,hg that the,guauantee .1 id not be Kit • it until \Iris.-. 31,ar'ket:ale and Mann agia• 41 to the appointment of a board alt c.tuc(lietiun to deal with the labor troubles in their mines on Van- couver bland. The motion received mom. • I.tla'tal support. On the othot ► .l, it ea+ angrily denounced by Hou. T. \V. ('r..titers, minister of labor, and Premier Borden led his forces in voting it down. Now. et e 004y •an,e tame thnt the goyernin t has Leen professing great concern as W the weIfA 'r of Grand Ti link Pacific employes, t�4. lalor 1,ouble. in the Vananratr .land • :e. have Len gro4-intt •11-0,1111 worse until it general strike in British Columbia is threaten- ed. Ha. the gorse meal delayed the oomph -tion of the formalities in con- nection witMlh,• $0,(100,(1Mt guaran- tee for Meese.. Matkensie and Mann in order to bore the railway 'nag - mates to attempt a settlement of the dimenities In their m(ne.P Not a Lit of it The $t'..ti t, in • deal" has bees rushed to''rmtpletton with not a word Leone the government in nietard to the welfare of the British Columbia! miners. It makes. nh. such very great dif- ference whether the government is dealing with Messrs. Mackenzie or with other men. Mooers. Mackenzie and Mann want anything from Pre- mier Borden the interests and desires of the railway mtlti•millionalree come first. The interests of lab ir--what are they to Premier Burden and Hon. W. T. White when those interests conflict with the wishes of Messrs. Mackenzie and Moon who worked so energetically for the Borden forces in 1011 BORDEN MINISTERS LOSE Hon. Robert Rogers sits in the Cant wham house of mots se the mem-; twr for the city of Winnipeg. In Wel recent Manitoba elections, the Librr- 1410 tat gird four out of the six provin- cial rouetltuenriee included in the city of Winnipeg. Hun. W. J. Roche sits in the cow• mune As the member for Marquette. In the M4nitohe elections, the Liber -j els not only redeetued one of the, pro- vincial constituencies included in I Marquette but polled a tidy majority! its the federal riding as a whole. Hon. Atthur Meighen sits in the) commons as the me.uber for Pottage; la Prairie. In the Maitituha rleetions, theaproviocial riding id Poleaxe la i Prairie was won by the Literals from! Hun. Hugh Armstrong. a member of 'the Roblin government. Gladstone,. aru.ther of the provincial ridings in the tetletal district of Portage la Prairie, was carried by the Litanals! with a majority of upwards of fou)'' hundlyd./Lekeside, • third piovmetal , 1 riding in the district, was won by the •('onservatives with a make ity of only 1 1thitteer, .o, that, in the i)rmminion;, cunotinleney, as a whole, the Literals! rereic.d many re votes than the! 4 ConservetIve candidates. Europe might he deluged with blood, or half of the inhabitants of the earth destroyed by pestilencetor earthquake or famine, and be would know notb- iog of It, for there is no way in which any ideas foreign to his own experi- ence can be conveyed to him. And while he may not be immoral io prac- tice be is to a large extent quite un- moral. +ince he can have but a very limited apprehension of the concepts of right and wrong, and be can know nothirg of the existence of a God or a hereafter, out even that he has a soul, nothing of religious thought or senti- ment except such faint intuitive ideas on such clatter. as way be inhetent in mankind. r) hon life ihi an unsolvable enigma, and death &dread and fathom- ler+ mystery. And st, he lives his blank, joyless existence, never hearing the awred sounds of lumen speech, Dever knowing Eb9,dtligtittpf the com- munion of friend with friend, never feeling within him the pulsation of an awakening and developing intelli- gence, never realizing the comfort of cdnaonant human sympathy nor the consolation. atrouled by religion : and at the end be passes through the gates of dentlitt' with no conception of whet it means, and no hope or knowledge of dught beyond. An existence such as this is terrible to contemplate, sad and pstbetic beyond description or even conception; yet to such an existence is cundenlned every deaf person for the education of whc In adequate feci►- Itiesare not provided. It it to he hop- ed that no longer, either iii this land or any other, the opportunity will be denied every deaf person of aequiriug that golden strand of language. which, though re easily and inexpensively se- cured, will serve as the clue that will gut. Its poseseorout ofthis lobyrintb of mental ignorance, moral blenknees and religious stagnation. and open up to him all the bounteous store of the wisdom of this woeld and the wesur- 'ince of the joys of the world that is to 1 rder thew• isteemstattces,` atas. come. clear that the Libel a. triumph in the 1ridings in quas iwtiun wnot onlyI a - ANOTHER SION OF THE TIMES 'Conservative defeat but a decisive.' 1persenal defeat for the three Borden 'ministers concerned. The electors Iwho sent thein to Ottawa r few th• ago hive declared emphatic - elle y against th . 11 now. Th•• incident is pregnant with agniflcence. it shows more el -arty than any w. -ds r,uld pomibly du the incrraeing lin- popul o ity of the Borden guvru IIIeta in Manitoba and the disappearenee of the poli'iral intliten -e and ;wart of M1.881H. Regel., Roche wail Meighen. 1 THE UNEDUCATED DEAF Y 'Those on whore devolve the duty 'toil responsibility of providing ter the 'wlucaa- of the deaf sum014040. neg- lect to do so in a out$ tientiy compre- hensive degree, hut if 1 hose in author. ity hen fully tsoliz",):•the vut d:tfer- ence in the status of an uneducated deaf pt+rton NA compared with that of an educated deaf ler•on es competed with that -ad an uneducated '41eeting person. they would be more prof opt and liberal in supplying edt-ti i to e,lu- nuI'.nal f:ariliti.'s tor the bunter. An "'reeler ited hearing rutin, if of ayeiege• 044tutal intelligence, readily acquire. a very considerable vocel'ulary he easily, tied without 411 y elfin Int ht - pert, or any tpeelal institieti,.n en the pert of others, learns the names and ch4t.lrte4i.ri'.•of et 1.4 gnat of ol.l,rts that ciliac, within bis nbselvati,.n; ,able 1,1 expres, his thu„ghts fat, eta. and intelligibly. and by means 4.1 1..n velee with ether, he hes to !neap thorough knowled44.' of MI maurte that pertain to his own immediate interest.: and though be may not be able to read a avoid, he f• 441, through others, aaCer- tain in a genet al way what inUat)splr- ing thr.•ugineit the %told, analt„c*u holt: too stttlt and intelligent eonvet se with his ft -lends and others with soh he may roule.in contract. He eau take in the vat imis 'it•livitito of life, cat, discharge in a et 'Addable manner all the chafe. and re'.pnnsihilitietedevolo- ing span hie, end tray even time to poeitio1'. 4,1 trust and hotline, and de- spite his lituitw01011%, .nray thoroughly etljoy lite in nearly n11 it phos,-.. HI. Moral nature, ..Iso. Ili -.y 1.. fully d.- ( vel•eped7 10!! eejyti•oatbsoi vi1tjoint WNW i he dap, aini•er•e end accurate, wait lis 1. yetis e4pahle of undelstending and poi forming his duty to God and G. 111411. How ve+•ly different from this is the condition aml the let of an 110 .lu- rated deaf men. With but. few c'- eeption. h• 1;ye- in n state of 'dank, iepen.trahle ignorance and awful No - talion Hip want of knowl.rlg' is not merely enumerative but pr,tetirally eb- onite.. h.w1ul... Ile does net know the names' of the .•ontmone•t olfieete of 04017(1.4 ti'.,, and hie knowledge of whet g..ns on round about him l limited to whet he actually see. with hi. own eyes. since he e'.noot receive ideas or in- tnsmation from others nor convey blew* nr wishes to them, ex•emt hie commonest went. which he may ex- 'reess in pautomine. ('cable to hold convene with others heeaose of hie en- tire leek of langit.age, he lives a lite of Itimeline* gait. ineonceivable to bear- , trig people. Of the general events tr•anspiring throughout the world ise hymn terrain in ahatoltel ignesmete, 'done he eannnt read and porwease so iaslgsag. hy which he can ooeeun- isRsa with his friends. rbs whole of LIhlring the Hut three months of the current fiscal year -April, \lay and ;June -there tees Al drop of Over $7,1ael,lrrl in t he custnizi-, revenue of the U•nninion a, eonipa-ed with the revenue for the cortespondiu.l months • of the preceding year. The huge de- crees.. cions not 111.41 that there has ' ieen any reduetlnn in customs 1..A.14- ;i under the R,r•len government: Ion the eontr4rv, at the last ar•s=ion or, l.ulirulrn' the tat -if war inereasad upon many- i-omw'xlittrh in order to meet the demv1ds of the Big Internet allies of the mimeo y: %%let the de- Gcreme. in revenue dors Mean is that l'anadtan 'nil chase,. ahrotd have refl.% ole liy tunny luiiii,'tia within the pias three month --one r proof of tae depression a'al rhe rim., Hn-social leonditiont -which have ,-nine to the 1 [)0114 1444.11) with liordtn tulle. • . With development works stayed an r result of the financial ettingency, with tndu.ttial p4tnts shut down alt running part three Only. with un- employmein eaident to an extent never perm. knee 11 in Canada. the putehasing n..w-rr of the Iwnple has nettrreliy and inevitably ..uflrrad a great n dnetinn. Inerearecl tax ttion :sod 1811114,1 retrr.urs PIr pall i,f the pati a Canadian.' are paying fur Bor- don methods of eallriuietr:a' ion. • A WOMAN OF FEW WORDS " Mrs. ii a cat E. live. N4111 *tree) north. \i14111 Forret, Ord., writes: "It our remedy lite kidney, bladder and stomach. (timid'. has given 1110 great relief. Harr taken three hoses and now 1. el like living and I.el4'r then i 41440.• felt ler years and I give your FIG PILLS all the moire (to ,they are the test 1 have ever tried." At all dealers, 2. mud :et cents, or The Fig Pill Co,. St:, 1'hunla., 4)111. !told in (loderich by E. K. Wigle. druggist. ,-Rwdrtcwl tares on all railroads to y(tratrust nal boys' reunion August 101141h. • ,aieniotfr l.itr.4t,raxrp, t. -Make' S ire of a' it Steady Income Put your savings and surplus J profits into the bent dividend d payins security. The per Cent. DebentureS • of tkeStenderJ Rel:.. -. Mnrtjac' Cor r on -r ,,prrpure..;_ M� aPae!• sett ee�ts o $ . OJi) (A. eat Aire•• benne re t ala a you a dependable income of i per enn•cm, paid half-yeerq,punel:aHJoresewte. les tem sai nereweidere fro,eat• Pisa mere re.yeamtson ,-• .kis n1N e•6 . �a thi. tnr'e.+e.r.•.+ar.t free .aneitle tomer* mai`:.. e-1 meseat. a Standard1tenance ,9 teats Fin. •r r• -,r ',-.1e; W. L. HORTON, Resident D,re.ter h E; • • 1 PERRIN'S. ICE CREAM WAFERS Just about the daintiest confection imaginable for hot -day teas and evening parties. Made in various flavors and sold, at your grocer's, in ten -cent sealed packages that preserve all their good- ness. Every Package guaranteed The Perrin "Se mpler" Paek- its will reveal to you semi unexpected triumphs of the baker's art. Send 10c. (dein or stamps) end your grocer's name for it. 0. S. Ferris I Csls$as& timid r Lades, - Canada C for ff 1T PREMIER WHITNEY IS SILENT Gamed Charlet Occastoetng Much Ad- verse Co,atsent to Ontario The cebtinuid offence of Sir James R'hiiner eta the Genie!: t-ta•eletioes i+ twee:i ining much +elvers* com(1,0)41 thro.gghon' Ontario. Mr. l:.tlney ere- fr.ie' t• • • ,•'•trol'tbe lir ,v'inel st g .verr.- Ineut p.11•.n••Ite on Manitoulin i.land xtad no .a:•• ju'Ufie•'.r t-*COeee his c,n dile( ..in '•%,cling tttttttrihutiune fr..nt 114•Ide• s . 1 fisher y Licenses on 'tor ie!end. "0.-n 1hough.ir 40418 dour 11 the form 4.1 d.-,naudi'.g 1 h 4 t th-y pus ••ha•.- ateck i„ i. i, mining •ropa..y. ?•e- i• 41n! j•.1- •1u' tar et en ex••nae offer: sol f.. ie. -,'itt ice •. •.,ll i taut inns in the -44141-• o 'r (told over 1111 license holde4. • 1 men {utlerestett in the liquor h,1 -:1,r.-. I1111 m.o. a•r a.king why (LW. n, r • ' Jame t l.• ac•' -'I,: It nue t 41111. o .t that , h • facts in r 1i4- neetten w is h the fish •t y license. 1461 M-!., .• ti r J 10,tb. •ko, 1, - t foie he l'.. k IIt. H- i.e.-w the tart, tram its r.• .r. h'. 1. a,: part v. trey did he , t 1k•• assn. 1 '1,. u: 1)4.1 he llui..k .1.a the e.1'• tier ',mild he kept gnie• snit this public cv.utld barn a,ith• ills of 1 ? 1Vtle dem. he nu- take a •ti••n now: \Vby oi.1 \t•. Hearst, w1te knead the 1 •r. g . .oto Manitoulin arid demand JI•. ti.a,ry. I. -.lee 1(1,14• I Men we dad;og J• .-s Me, tient..y know so Much `4'. "tat- the in..de {11.IM Y 44 *nine 4 f the government's troy ri ti11.1 .n- thttt ►be ger. emu nt is afraid to tate ;serine ' Mr. Gru.ee'a t• ieo•i- w ill; un dout,t, cLa:m that if Mr. Hamra can Itvy roll on rivalAmmo c totra,•terrs who have claims before b;n, for ,ettlenient. a+ to the e4.e tat. the '1'.%'l•.1• Soo. ntait.•r, why should n,t Mr. Gamey, Mr. H,ena's p.rt1.•':Ier friend, levy tot on she Hl.he y li •.•:..• bot 'err •, n i tee theme Herat.. 1:.. 1• oil' The gnverr- nnenl shia•Id•• . \!r. limns.' 'Ir. liaDM`y re,dn ,l, .. •;.ru'led on ,-iltlrlar pt„reclj•.1'. Nieto H, un -w i i:. - inrest igtiting An 1 exposit,,; .s,t•it w -n wed gnvernntrt,t p seer• a," drittemri,g their cioldv ". `clic site the g' ve.utuen4 ':rga',a -;I -tat iii 'Altar . i \Vhat A ill Outariu d,., is the gtlrrtin.1 then ate now nsk ire themselves. • -Thr Aegu•r n",nber or C'rl 14'01 4 ('run looted I y \•.-, .1. Taylor Limited. publisher. t\ . „ .'•l., Ont . 11 I. a}1• ptarad'a••td e. tat. 1•. Ihr 11.11)11 stiltdat,l r( exeelh•nre thein! .in, -d by Ode rep- , r.••rat at t.- l'.1•1'4 h in lung»zine of out - dn.1r life. Th. 4:e1e. rut4- en attreet- iy. Atte a, 11 ill•I.t•:1te8 8 big retch of t Una in No.* $ teri0 where th-'sir, rt of catching the hig H•h nigh end and litre 1' tuning 1e. 1:1vuur. Tbr cnn- tent , 11(11100 to my inter, s: nig stories 41111! articles, at111,ng the to atscelcr cant. story "Tal Magee }'a^tory y Canoe' *holt re. ti, t t0 n. 11... •.•:1.• a• covered is concern.•.I fours a continua time o1 'ht• eer.a,ut mitt n in - 1444? nlnnth'i i-►ilr of .4 Trip fn•n4 Lek.. Temi•raming to Lahr* A6'0hi. H n - t yeast!, Dales gives a graphic .leaerilt- t,on i 1 "Wild 4'.ovling with ih•- Kwakiutls" mid it.- (sou.- 'r.rl td.•. sl 0/.11.• of ire., - 'he g••. e" ,-,I re:1d v.*. ed Oka -140" a rt -i• ke• '!rid..4I W,ar t Beestur ..eutit'dnf bj.eetrrt lrtfernfRthirr fire the' .p '11.4) en. • • IRISH HOME RULE • CONFERENCE FARTS Parties Unable to Agree on Area to be Excluded -The King's Speech The co: fererce of rcprereutativee • 1 'cartons parties Interested to t5o Home Rule Bit). called last week by His Majesty King George resulted in (allure The information 1:10: n to the Commons on Friday by the I'r - mter was !inlet as to details. 11. ss:d only: g1 ?eye .to Inform the li.0 e that the cecference summoned by b • Majesty the KJ :g he'd four meati g cm the 21e', 22nd, 23rd and _Std e. July, resp -et) ely. The posi!4l: t:' defining an area to he excluded 'r, • the operation of the govt•rume .1 . - Ireland bill was considered. The c^..- ferenee being unable to egret. el:::.r. in principle or in detail, upon t u .w an area, brought its proceeding,' to r conclusion. A report was .drawn by the Speaker, the Chairman of t', conference, and press: -.:cd to his Ma- jesty the King." Mr. Asquith added only that the amending bill. whish the Hou+e o. Lords recently returned to the Ia ale of t'ommons, would.be take n up nes: Wednesday. I'.vervhode was depre - sed and grace. T..e Speaker and tis. members of the Cabinet looked sot(m and troubled. Augustine Dirndl. fitter Sea -rat :1y for Ireland. In a speech at Melb.,t:rne. warned the publle not to he bam- boozled by the newspapers Into be - Bering that there would be a clef• war in Ireland. fie said he was co,- vinred that no such thing would hap- pen. If It did the Government would inevitably Interfere. King George, In receiving the con- ferees at Buckingham Palace, made the following brief speoc'.1: "It Is with feelings of satisfaction and hopefulness that I receive you here to -day. and I thank you for the manner in which you have responded to my summons. it is also a matter for congratulation that the Speaker of the House of t!ommons has nen- sented to preside over your meeting "My intervention at this muni,,.. may be regarded as a new departur•. .but the exceptional circumstances un- der which you are Drought together Justify my action. "For months we have watched w t . deep misgivings the course cit ev, n:.; In Ireland. The trend has been sure:y end steadily toward all appeal to force, and to -day the cal of civil oar 1• on the lips of the most responsible and sober-mluded of my people. "We have In the past endeavored to act as a civilizing example to t`t' world. and to me it is unthinkable, as ft meet be to you, t::at we should be brought to the brink of fratricidal strife r,p on Issues ,app3rnnt'.'- so c. o- able o1 adjustment as those you or • now asked to consider, if handled a spirit of generous compromtae. "My apprehension In conteinplattr7 such a dire calamity is intensified by my 1 -'.ling tf attachment to oris d and of sympathy Afth her people, w o have always weti-omed me with worm - heart ed affection, ",.a ntlemefi .0 rep: est , t ...e form or rngtlter tile ata*: majorityo' my subjects at home. lou -giro nisi, a deep oder..., In mY tnrnlnion'. r,v r - sea w rich a, e• seareely less ware -.tee in t t" prer,:•,t :1;11 1r:sooty '4: ,- oft ;s. quest?o1. l regard yt,u. n .r. this noo, r as trli.teee for tit boner and peso- of eso-of all. Your remenst', 1 tip. err Ind e great. The t nix ht:a 'row 1 know, employe' it toOlic r .:ie t :•d vastest, and be pa[i• to. e;, -,tett : 1 conciliatory. "in view $f t'a ma'-nitrde 01 interests et stake, 1 prey t)ryd is I' infi:lto wisdom may guide -:e 1 - your deltberath,r:r, so that th• : • result i:, the joy An ! peace :::, i a . honorable settlement. Scbsequent!r Premier Asquith, a' - dressing the House of common.; on the suhject,as+umed full r:sponstb!ltty for the Ktne's r -tech. and declare' that no constitutional precedent hid been contravened HINDUS HAVE GONE The Rainbow Escorted Them Well Out to Sea Shortly after 5 o'clock Tatar d y morning the Jap•'neso steamer Koma gata maru steamed out of Vancouver harbor on her way back to the Orden:. The Hindus on board made no demon - 'Oration, and the 4ervic(a of local militia c:,mpaniea, who spent the nisi. - on the wharf, were not needed. T.ie teasel was r•nnvnyl•d out of the bar- ' bor by the cruiser Rainbow, which accompanied her to a point off Van- couver bland. • FRECKLES Dont H .de 1 best with a Ve:I ; Rs*ave There wtth tee Othias Prescription Ibis presto ipti..n ler the removed of freebie!, sow• written by a p•nminent physician sad H usually so reir'•e-.•fid to removing freckles and givi:•g a clear. beim it tit romplez that it is .n',d by teggt.ts under gine antes. to tef.tru he money if it fail !tont idc you. f, eektes under a veil: get an ounce of .'thine seal r, owe them. Free the flet few- applit•a'lone should show s wr•nderfall imp van most, leave of the light PrVanishing en- tirely. Re sure to ask the druggist for the dmthle sttenitth Mhieet h b this that is rtjd en the money -heck guerrntee. --Thr Ellin(t besinesiermilege, which bite 1w n Ioralpd fair many y0wrt at Vmlte end Alexander streets, Neon. to, has mored into its ltendst.me new hurue at Vinare and Clara. Steens, Toronto. The fall terse in this w.et• known school noon. nn fop eye er let. (tatal..goe 1,-•• o , 1 I At, is'04 in a lel-i1 • , . -eel t owe.. adoreatlon. 8t:ilISCRIBII FVRTBR SIGNAL. Parade it Belfast A pr • ads of two full regiments Ulster 'Volunteers. numbering sevpra Thousand mon, was held at Delta. Sunday night. All the men carried noes and their equipment included several marhtne guns. which wee.• strongly guardrd. The marchers Ole versed the pHnelpal streets of the et?, and their demonstration. the boldest exhibition of Orange strength attempt- ed to date to the home rule strugt!.• arousod great enthusiasm. Sank Amalgamation The amalgamation of the Bask*g�f ?lova Scotia, with a paid-up °apit�l of $6.600 GOO and a reserve fend �ddfff $11,One Poe, and the ,Metropolitan Bank, with a pard -up r•tplral (4.'1,1110,0,m and a reserve fund of !1.254,000 fa announced The net result is to re• duets the vomiter of chartered banks Coln, business In Canada to twenty. th rep. The Array Wynn Rain In variolas part. r' Onta'!o last week ebeeiroi 1be n.'.ag•a of the army whit, -:,oath some remotes are - Tot very much alarmed over its depre detest.. The teethe fly hes else avadr its appesranea. Heat killed elxtesa persons Is Ckdraao last week. W. ACHESON 8 SON 1 New White Voiles and Crepes Just received from New VorkCit}' a number of new weaves and effects in white and colored voiles. Rice voiles and crepes. Scarce and very desirable goods 38 to 40 inches wide at moderate prices 25c -40c -50c per yard . Carpet Squares Clearing Heavy Wilton and Aznlinister Seamless hugs Dft.xDft. clear:n4 at 1112 %V Moo Rugs:itt.xlft, n n.. cleaning at 11.80 Union Reve:.ille Hugh 3x4 yenta et 18 ex:i yards et 14 t4xiyards at)tie Cur a10 Scrims Forty inch., t'. white and ere(' with hem+tirched edge, and 11 to _' rrtrh Iroise t' set in. Regulate prier per yard 33e. Sat - 1.1.!:.y laid Monday 0444!, price Ira yard. .. ., .... 1 9c Bath Towels On.• hundred pair grey .t.ipe Rath Towel. heavy and lar-gi- a:z-. Regular valor alk and titsr, l'L•ating at per pair... . Mkt Crompton Corsets a long waist, utediun; bi bust ,I.•agne, !Bede of 1r.' Attie, ic• •u tomtit all sixes le to :et. Special 78c A La Grave Corsets New Pari-'ae'.tyle. heaoti(ully re.•dr, finest m.teri.l•. .11 sites and for all figures at , e..•I, 11.00. 11.48, 11.80. 53.00 Linoleums Two, three. four ynu.1'. aide at.. ..... 40o. 800 Boc W. Acheson 0 Son irDdItd►:'J The Empire Typewriter Visible Writing -Perfect Alignfacnt Lightninjt Escapement---Endurance---Speed • New Niodel A+ 14.r.t I t• the 4'.Y.R. Iia'k of \bele•all. Mrrehanns I4.nk,J4 }'al ffetk, N..-il..10 1 .' son 11,1. k, Moth: 1 11'.•e„ -.eat.: Liu. rv, 11.11'1'.! • pis.., M -.1.• in ('+nada- I het • f. , -.,ar•'at r4 rent that I•• paid duly net x'.l .•'lel III, Le.. It Costs you 1t:om;itg t0 • Try •o'ttt an Empire in "TStz.pire" Your Office WILL11't'•it• MANUFACTURING CO.., Limit: d 1s lel.-! .i •• s• . \\,. T...'" 1.. . \Verks•-Wlnnt'e I. (Ft 9- .e,ln)r .r• yi t4. 1 1 1 If •• Build Concrete Crib Floors and Supports THEY keep the rats, squirrels and other rodents from carrying away your profits. Millions of dollars are lost to farmers each year throilgh the ravages of rodents in cribs and granaries. Part of this loss is paid by every farmer whose crib fleor t bu of concrete. Concrete Roan and supports stop the wine be - 0111111e They Protect Your Grain Concrete w swan. dateable and clean. It never wogs out and needs practically no repairs. It it the slow- est of all materials for cribs and graastiss. Write for this free book "What the Farmer earl do with Concrete." It tells all tabolg the ars of mi- cro, olicrate and will help every former to Ilisrp Jew buildings sad save OMep. !armor's Infermatiaa Bureau Cauls Comet Company Limited Her'a1 Mending, Maasyssl . w. r