HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-30, Page 1Put your bone noo a paying
basis by advertising.
Advertiaiag-no Fairy Story,
but Facts.
Advertising in The Miguel will
biting your goods dlrwtlly be-
fore the lfuyiog Public.
it will pay you to use The
SIxTY.81XTH YEAK-No. 1118
Yesterday 1. dead-tosget IL
Tomorrow does not exist --
don't worry.
Today is bee. --CSE IT.
Our advice to you is to each
week use the advertising col-
umns of The Signal for rosette.
The Signal goes into the
Ilia 11111
tock it
will find
Some Desirable
.. 1
for immediate sale
List your propertiea for salror rent with me.
Firmest,: Orrice 211; Howitt 150. P.O. Box 3114
The 4 ,der•igoed has been tiro -noted to well
1y nubile auction. at his pre.Les William
.'met. ('ItnWn.
r wtuuer
-Ar H
at21)p m. sharp:
.1 goal well bosh cottage 000taini3R parlor.
durum room. three bedroom.. kitchen and
panto-. A good verandah one half glen,
Aber half open. n1 -o •tame cellar w Its cement
dor under whole Noone. good ante
rn•teru. A good furnace installed last atm-
os«, Meru -in 11Rht In every room and cellar.
town water instilled.
.td ,,u.lua are three sores of land in good
.tae of eultivanon and about two wean, of
pa -turn including orchard containing a fowl
variety of Apple. 11um. Peach. Cber,y anti
1'ear Tree. in bear lag. AI.,o Rood :vt-foot bank
barn containing box mall for horse, two cow
.tall.. And s'consn,odatlon to pig.• chi^tene
an.t root+ and i+ equipped with three large
metal linedgraintin,. There V *leo sato .ted
d it.
on the protr•rt7. a good Rrrvel and mono p
,.l 'Ii would yield agood revenue.
1 h,. property ,. ah naiad on North end of
41 }Ilam .lreet and facing the Recreation frog
,x Int u
A ,w ' adapted for oh
u. I well oda
Thee, will own M oR.te,l tor .ale
rt nom..
time se4 place -1�►t Waggon. Heavy w'sg
geeneo ('otter. Open li trey. Pair Rob sleigh..
1'*1, HArruw..4lem. Plow, el -other. Waitron
Tongue. belay l'berl', No + Mangle Praiser,
emir cotter, tet *bride Hareem, r4 Henna
'¢ace layer*(. A number of gooti Cider
reel. and square timber+,
other. all isles t.,0 numerals. to mention.
1'ropert 1n per cwol. down : Wawa, In thirty
dg) -.-1R setie1Mcash.
W. N. WATTP, TBOB. Oaadry•
Owner Auctioneer.
'resilience DALE.- O-.
reridemw on We.t .tree:. Al) modernIm-
prevement..including hot water heating. ex
edlse[ garden wltb young tree.. Mat con-
venient location in town. ,antra) to Moines.
aectlon.-('.l' IL depot and otter from Pews
Plat September ISM. Apply to 6. L. PAH.
SONS, Bea est • latf
F. -
1 Lot It. con. s. Coibornt. rontau,iog 1W
acre. more or le... is w ell watered nisi ha. •
never falling . otnf. all the building- are
frame. the farm w good clay 1•SIa and nr.r.
clap. tit every le...wet ar,l 1• owned by the e
rate ot the 1st:: Mn. Cl. A. Blair. It i- tem and
• half int les from Asburn .tanrw arida Quarter
of a untie frost eihool. Po.se+•ron0111, 1*given
a, Apo 1•' nett or earlier. l o; full ppeArticu.Ar-
ap/qp14 to ell;•.. U. a MUNRUrr JOHN KOH-
ltH'i :N5N. Fess Autumn. t on•. 1itIm
Notice i- hereby given that all riet••on+ hat
ing claim. against , he estate .1 the late Mrs.
John Ham:en. who died nn Jour 1 .:h. 18:1/. see
ae,i no
to ,d +rme to the
•. ,(u. se
or betas A uvt lob net, for .rttxmeat.
MRs. W. A. ,iTt,1lli, Admin1-trattix.
less See ooh 1int.
r +Klt1 .'NTS. -Poison+ requiem farm bele
.an., .t apply at once to WILLIAM MclIUIL.
Dutton leo; bloverament Kmploymeat
AA,,'. tot- Helen..Init. girder- left with M. D.
-_ - Wtxd ••..' - Helen. toot . will receive apt` onto
LOST OR POUND .0 rat iuu
white drat fifth hr.+P belttrha. tlxhnr Droterred IrdsinR a art o
-/)a , Pinder No. 1, t olb,rne. Etter enced r�na�
will be rewye e3 by leaving ^"a'^ attheilium:.
pro(-.nlonwr ertblt ire. *'Wary. se••.
otr'FICE, hu le. to commence September 1-t. Apply
-- PAULMAE:DEL. Secretary, He:rtaUkr.
1 Sunday.• Owner can have *gem to
int Moped and paying expenew. A st
THE P ION'AI. office. ,•
14 v,.l Holm ville. on the Hircus read. •
'+d, . -Ilk coat. navy blue. Finder will be fe-
nuded an leaving wawa Is 11. TAPHS "metal" Manna@ Mien It -it
owned by .I. P
short trop+.. to:
wed in lf,aierire
the finest that
rn and was tM
to admirer• "f
hil. It remained
with polished
nine helm,. it a
Iwwuty. it o
ere Pohl of 1
a flue sea boat
r, every erratum'
utilised. The
of Mr. and Mrs.
Mor. H. T•M°'
e. all of Detroit.
r. Morgan 1" a
k,l. Montan nor
"loners and is
history gf this
nider redid/int"
nigher. The late
■>t SiONAL
houv...iteated cm William Pt OWL (Mod mable
mit holt trees. Pewterer eau have one or three
liole J. W. CHAJOIllt. Imuranec. nod Real
1101.1fKRELS -- BROILERS. - IM -
1 POWS 90er work.
tetimest. from hem heavy leytaa *train of
A. 1 I% bite Leollsern. in I nicest Mate..
itfejialr: 13 Saris Vi .11 eir, hange for
se lime gist :Mrs
Pieweire• 17 21
r, filkarribroses W. J. aniddlar billiard
de Sews Spit lii J. P.
ws Pim fait .40
prier ranging train
Heti OM.
sheet Marty town )01
jairwaria, Mao three
and II taw tame
t'utm. S.S. No. 1, A•hfold. Colbornerand
a est Waw:.ne.h. setsitatels++ pt
to aMpe *rend Nile. Ont. expected. ,,AI►'D1y
1 o ofbot ne : mak er tem tie. holding
+er•ondtlw Pett iambs. Salm y . 4'.t•t per
annoet. Retie. to ormisese'e at do., / vita-
mer vacation. AmityOnt. to CBAKI.E4 1.
BKgt'KUW, penin
sew i'Agegras
Moms se Aa„.. malleseerosit
brkli homer: two et la erw-eiate repair ;
""dem ads pleated eith
Warreesib•R=sthe lose
la tarees. rt.
Describes the Penitentiary as at Kingston
a Tiny Hell
Here is a man -a Philadelphia inan
at that -mho wits w long shut up in •
virtual tomb that urban be ranged
into daylight, two weeks ago. he was
an utter stranger in • straoge world
that blazed with wooden to his un-
accustomed ryes, like Bagdad of the
lnagieiaus. This man is Luke Dillon.
who was paroled from the Purtemuutb
penitentiary in Canada on July 12th,
atter fourteen years of dungeon life
f' r complicity in the dynamiting of
the Welland renal. in Ontario in 11011.
Such was the degree of hie isolation
since his sentence to life imprison•
went that the first thing he did utter
being liberated was U, rend a friendly
telegram to a man who had been dead
for nine yea's.
In fourteen years Dillon was al.
lowed to addrebe only two persona,
the prison chaplain and tbe guard at
his cell. He had never heard of the
wireless or of flying machines. Thr
loneliest hour in all the fourteen
years, Dillon .aid, was when he was
foes on the Atlantic City boxed walk,
hie ohadn't
n wife whom he
searching for hl if h
seen Pince the day of hie sentence.
•'1 was to meet my wife at • hotel
there.' maid Dillon. •'I Pent her a
telegram. When i got there 1 found
that the hotel had been torn down,
so I had nothing to do but walk about
and look for her in the crowds, Inc I
knew abed come. I found her at lags,
,.bough we both had changed and we
had to do the finding between us.
"1 bad my lint ride in an automo-
bile that day, and they are queer
things. Tbe man just• kinked, 'some-
thing .tinder his tied and the thing
went wherever be wanted it to. 1'd
heard of the moving pictures. DO
you, mind the old Punch and Judy
ebowa? Well, I tbou'gbt they'd lie
like that 1 was sitting in the piece
waiting for the lights t , he turned on.
Think of that ! And tten. all at once
1 saw the thing flash up at the end of
the room, and it looked life a lot of
grey ghosts. It wasn't what i ex-
Prepected all.
.Pat see at
ohne till the
•'1•d never seen a * y
policeman at Broad street btwtioo
told me Lo go in it to get to the terry.
'Down the stege,' staid he. 'A railroad
under the ground ?' says i, 'Sure.' said
he, 'where are you from that you
don't know of it's' I didn'tt,aty aught
to that, but went in.sod along couies
the train. I hold m hands to mv
ears. it. was a painful uowoar after all
the suilluess that I'd been through.
-Here in Atlantit' City 1 saw .a man
flyipg up in a machine -right in the
face tit the tun. . It is A wonderful age,
a wonderful age. But gay don't they
train ebeir reason, and elk can't they
i e wise in other tbingb ns well % TeU
m that.
"For- a• titre after my imprison-.
mento" Dillon said. -1 thought of stn-
tide. They have real penitentiaries
in Canada -they make them as near
like tiny hells as they can, so that
men who have ones been there won't
want to go back.
'•1 tidn't see x newspaper in all tbe
fourteen years, nor did i ser w knife or•
fork. 1 ate all my meets in my .own
cell, and I wits compelled to eat them
with • spoon. • Speech among the
prisoners is forbidden.
•'They flret put tun to work piling
bricks,'• said Dillon. "'Ind hater, when
they found i was trained in x hank,
they put me to clerking. i begged
for a change from that, because it
gave me fon touch time to think. 1
had seven years of it. Five years ego
they put me 10 the shoe shop, meting
leather. and 1 learned tort trade
peer ty thoroughly."
Sympathizers in ('auada really ie -
cured Dillon's pantie. he said.
'The Canadians are intensely sense -
titre elntit any interference ft the
United `states side of the border." said
Dillon. "and any engge+tion of aid
from that side would probably have
done ►rte more hat rat than good. That
doesn't lrseen the gratitude 1 feel
tnward+. few friend, of mine in tbe
United States who tried to do what
they routed in my behalf. All i wish
now ie *little and a chance to get
eequainted with the cbanged eondi-
tiona 1 shall try to make my peen,
openly in society Anil to forget by •
Keno.. • The old imp' reunion and provincial
firemen's tournament at Meafnrth.
big tgn.t i ff to 5th tomatoes w to be the
gest affair in wr.t,rn Ontario this
- �a•.�t.t..�.t...s sr
1 4n:clench township.? mile, Irma
Oode rich 1,, no onnuttnet der ember I.
191 1 elate exprricen e. esauteestees asst
*Ilan exported. Adder+. JAS., J.jMN:ST4sM,
CAM FOR 8A.L11-11111 KART
kit iletasieullieriala the= 7011A:
wee. reesiesd „to esseoistri tooter. wore
tor pont tan, and catabarne talk* 11001.KR
fligratMASWIZAA.16sal" 1•41".
One of the hest in 1 Prov-
ince. Fixed rate of tu• nent. /
value whether on tbs. am or
Live Stork insured at .1 full
nee No :nliitile 10 make Adjust- i
men ta.
lie SicILW UN, 1
1 Agent for Colborne.
A. E. BRADWIN, Poat.ragest.
Fine Weather, Good Crowds and a Most
PGA tJ V I Pd Aendment of Roles Governing r Publisher
Enjoyable Day all Through BASEBALL.
Thr fourth annual picni: held under The fifth game in the Sunday school
the auspices of the Union Sundry
Navigation in Fog Met Tragic Death
Lake transportation interests feel ('apt. A. M. 'Todd, aged 56, formerly
rag1 that Congressman Alexander has not
•rid St. Peter's
introduced a practical weenier in con-
the triune playing it ro
side. H,.hh, the tit. George's pitcher, ruler governing huvigatimi in fogs He
gr rnoewvoriug to iornrptnnte psi
pilot ruler the suggestion a attain
rcoree, o wildu E.
for t. i modela rfog
roup u. ar the. rpAnd in whish a vessel may
down U, three runs. The final acute
atop her+rlf within the ran a ut vrsi-
r r regarded as a workable provision as it
catcher, R. Foley; 1st base, J. Fateei, would tie imllr,wible w determine the
Mod brow, C. Dalton; :lei base H. range of visibility without a tlzed
Kwchler: right Held, J. Bowler; cell• fvisibility 11 constantlychange
lir H -Id, i►. lei on. with Lite ship's progl.•re through Inc
tit. George's --Pitcher, W. Babb: water, and it i+ doubtful it any two
� catcher, 'I'. Johnston: 1st ossa, (• 111rlltberr of the crew would agree as
cash poizestiriu rwnl,llglthrwiuu«its. F'Irniing: 'Sud - .... 1. r1P1,7"4"; ey; to what the distance actually was.
K t R \ hl right HPII ('eery'
Two booths a. tone' with g a 3 field. t) Fleming. R
of (iaderich and Intely resistant editur
)over Ma le Leaf, wits
school, of Blyth was held in Harbor
league was played last Friday evening of the Pott l P
perk tiodrrirh on Wednesday July ;d1. Irrtweeo St. George... rest to h posed uurndmrnt of of the at Port lover on Sunday
p Y h s.vru a R P
A train •r 17 coaches arrived with ibr morning, Nothing was known of Wm
e ri rya ••n,wd st the ('11. .talion had very hole sup art on the field end death until two little girls, who were
ale lt. 10 a.m. It is rewarded that f C paddling, ,rtumblaal over the body ly-
runs for tlt etre s were mostly
the people were present beaded by oil throws. F Ba (owulrndrnt Berlbolt of the United ing in water two feet deep, •bout;• 1
the Auburn bra hand, r woes...Moo f S Peter's pitched Ruud hall tiratrs revenue cutter service ice that feet from the *here.
was folioed and herded b • Reeve P t spend in shall he defined Startled by what they bad felt
Kubert Elliott marched to the took, th h It holding the Anglicans under their feet end feeling sure that
Mr. Elliott Salve aa Mies alldrees n( tlrulg li 3 in favour of sit. I etrre. it was • body hurried to the beach
welt -rime, saying, he was glad to have The line-up foliose, - hilus sherd of the rhtp. '1)11. is not and atesrs. West and Patterson, of
thew hoofs and if there eI, anything St p 's-piteber F Barrhlrl K p titonlford, who they told, at once
be could do to help make the dry en- went in and brought the body to the
joyable u, bt hie kuuw. The party i1eonb
llearicg ahead. Moncure the range Nothing could be done to revive
o would i Mr. Tedd. Upon inquiry it was
at once divided themseltes into groups
w benetlh the
learned that hp' went down for hie
usual swim stout nine
o'clock Sunday
morning with Harry 'Hoene. aged
eight. with whose puerto^ he hoarded.
The two. ,wswalwiut for awhile and
then the boy want bone.
He never thought anything of Mr.
Todd's ab.enc., u he often went to
the new Nearer office.
Coroner lir. Cook, after investigat-
ing. carne to the conclusion that Mr.
u , le:
Todd ulRrrrd a fit f
was in swimming and fell uuc0necious
as he was trying to make his way to
the beach, and was drowned. He will
not bold any inquest. tL-��
The late Mr. Todd was for 3U years
publisher of the Clinton News -Record
removed o (lode,
and 15 yeast r ago t
becoming • partner with Mr. James
Mitchell in the publication ot the
The deceased gentleman also identi.
fled hituselt thoroughly w,th all the
business interests of the 1,rcaliLy where
he lived, end war very popular with
the busi tiers men. He received many
teetimoutals on his departure crow one
locality. He war a member of the
Anglican Church, and in politics he
was a resuuch Conservative. He wan
r member of the Orange Lodge, and
added materially. to the membership
and influence of the Order wherever
he' lived. The L.O. L No. 921, has to
thank bins fur many additions to its
lir also luck.
in the proceedings of th+ lural Board
of 'Trade.
The late Mr. Todd leaves three eons
to mourn hie departure. They are Or-
well and Morton, of Torouw; and
Lorne, of Pbildelphia. tine son and
two daughters predeceased hint want'
ye't1'* ago.
The tuoeral took place . ou Wednes-
day. A service was held at the reri-
drnce offMrs. llloxom, where deceased
had Winded for about Light months.
at 5.45 a.m. There were snout •twenty
'nowhere of the local Orange Lodge
present. The Bev. J. Cdlp officiated.
After the service the body was taken
to the Grand Trunk -station, en
for Ooderich. where else interment
took piece on Wednesday aftetitrou. .
Tte Sora) offerings 'include:
%V rnal, from L.O.L. No. WM.
Wteatb, from M+,pie Leat Prean.
Spray, from Mr.. Bloxotn and fatnily.
Spray. from Mies MacDooald.
trees they heti t n
n'rinrk t►H• rare, w••t
were very keenly
inch. At one
C tiled which
tested. lihrr•AI
, n. tree; o r ' Fogs ate very deceptive things loth
pennants were stocked with ice CI erm, curio e r a , em K• sin to right and sound.
soft drivas, fruit And 1,idy which The etandine rmf the schedule it as It would be inure to the punt if the
seemed to he very popular with the follows: - pis"wnt t' il••. respecting navigation in
vieitois. The norms who Are largely TIMMS ' flayed woe Lo•t To I'L.y fug were sli.i,�tly enfoicc' They rep-
reepon-ible for ibis,. 'recess of the pie- Methodist 4
4 11 2 remelt the experience of generations
tic are; Mr. E. oder, Mr. E. E. St. Peters :3 2 1 3 ot navigators and if strictly enforced
2 11 2 yr olli.ion in fog 0' at any
Kohinson end Mr. P. dardiher, all of St. Georges 1 will prevent. c g .
Blyth. these gentlemen teemed to he Knox :i a :3 :3 rate, reduce collision caws to a neglig-
everywhrre at 000e. attending to the - ible quantity. Itrthet then enact new
well Ale of the part%p Pollee felrrgent
Ian Rave his r.rvlrra in rewde that
FOOTBALL legislation it would he better to tm-
M eg g Not content to yield the honory to pose a stiff penalty for the violation of
seats weir provided ...rid the eatables the **All Star" testa the "twit Over*" the present ruler and if signs arc reed
transferred from the train 1.0 tbe park. challenged these to another game on aright this is what the steamboat in -
u future. The
r •. in t t
Everson. seemed M appreciate the Monday evening. Play did not coin- ml,rctote propiair to
thoughtfulness of the t.owu council in mence until almost eight o'clock, captain ot r ship is a quasi -govern -
a man to attend to the heat -
to tbe fact that r trout ball meat officer and hie employer bar no
log of the water. could not be found. .tlnreone braving power to tell him how he shall nevi-
providingDuring the afternnon the Auburn walked away with th. Iragueball. it gate his ship in thick weather. The
band eupplemeoted by A numher of
looked for a time ori If the light of the law tills him bow he shall do that and
our loco wuaiciana paraded the town ••Stan;' would be. dimmed Inc after it he violates the law be is solely re -
and gave a few select hula in front of twenty minutes play not • goal bad spnnaible. A stiff ruonetary fine would
tite cowl house. The crowd at the been scDrrd, Chir being largely due to be the beat, lesson in caution that he
Peek was cuns{d.tably sugmented at the �,d work of Howes and Archer• could get. The present rule reads as
supper time try many of the citizens the respective Roel tehdels. it was follows :- 'Every sterni vessel shalt
who took their supper t.. the perk almost dark when Roberta for the All in thick weather: by learon of fog,
and ale it 'bete. Among other at- 'tars sn,retl the first goal and within 'mistvfrhing snow', bewvy rata mottos
tractions of the day wool Mr. George tiro minutes the "Left Over" retaiiat- or other cause., go at moderate speed.
Johnston's Alto tuck visitors were ed. ten., the gams* eooelrrdrd heing a A steam vetoed hearing. apparently
given en hours ride around the town tie of 1-1, it ii. ouly fair to say that the not more than four points from right
Inc 15e. Same alp heal the pleasure "All state" were at • dot -advantage ahead, the ftrg *Ignal of another yea
of a launch tide on the like. while owing to the ah -roue of Nisbett And a1, shall at once reduce her Spred to
steerageway, ewe and
r.avi air t
In bare u R
many of the younger one.. indulgedCallow � y
Paddling alopg the shore.' Mr. Bort caution until the vessels shall have
La•htwook we -a present with bin in- The game of the srx•nn wag played passed each other."
atentneeous matters and did a fair hletwee', Hayfield, and (ioderieh oh The law expressly .nays that vessels
business. The,party returned home Wednesday evening ander most fair-
must proceed at mrrdernte spud dor
At 7 o'clock After agond days fin. with- orator eon iition.. Within live main- ing fog and that undoubtedly
opt a single wisehap. i deal weat''•r 1tes of the start tioderieh *coed the to check. ft cannot mean anything
prevailed. flr,t goal, but to the surprise of most else. What oeostitutes moderate
of the rpsctatot'sthe refereediwilowed speed for one ship world be reckless
HARBOW•tNOTES it. Por the next twenty minutes the speed for another -there are so many
-- y. hall wee kept well in the centre of the considerations entering into the sub -
The Yacht Re,imt►r II.. of Detroit, field. both. sides. playing A good jest, such as elute of waueuvering.
a Yacht He.i harbor of Detroit.
on steady Rrme. Spahr Inc the hone quick control and power to stop. But
putteam doing gust work as back. all vteseela, regardless whether they
Siitutday. their awned by a [r, K: E. A few' Ininutrs tlefore hall time was are slow or fast. must proceed under
Old, who is the originates., 1 the Ren railed Bayfield starved after having a cheek during tog. They are then pre-
tties -diming.. which 'wars his initials. 'criw/nnp a around the gosl. The *core pared to met any emergency that may
rof 9114 •m a clerkline t 're -
brat b 0 lfavor.af Hay- w added to this
Tbein { r. were ad i
df time bit1 r'se. i f there
at b Ra t P
err sued
with engines of Iai hors+' -pin fkW. Ura*t sterol nn+ de,rrinprbd in 'dilution a strict obarrvwn^r of tstrat
an average speed of 10 guiles sn•fuinr. the,s«casod ball, B:syfteld again found part of tee rule which requites a 'pi,.
She made the run from Port Humn ton net brig drew .. ►.lank for ,+ff+ode, we tt, get down to bare steerageway
to Goderich in rix hours. Breaded the .from thi+ on (iosl rich s,emed M keep upon bearing the fog signal of anotb-
uwoer there were on board Mrs. Old: the hall arditrrd their opp,nente goal er vr.sel apparent not more than four
and two dsughiers, Mra. J. 1'. I(t. Roberts scored with agreat shot off A pointe from tight ahead there would
John*, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Weston and pas*. Within two minutes Byfield x- prirtirxlly never tie A until,.loll at tett.
Bison O. Ruta«r, rinsing. ' of ix-mAyIn inhaled. 4'p to tl.is point the gaime That is what the governuteut should
Rutter. all o[ Lansing. Michigan In was good ekiri sport. but by no torsos do. It abuuht enforce this rule to the
rnovrtsaturn With Mr. Old he said time.,
From this point ,isveral foniv ,tetter, There le no sense .in preectile
that this was about ellen moles he had were worked in on hath sides -hilt grit ing new medieine until the old hits
cruised in hi. ywrht. this summer And through nnnoaoed by the referee omen given it thirrough trial.
was now going a, the Georgian. liar Just before full titer a penalty wee
for ten day.: tlshiog• Durit'g a c'lit registered awaited Hayfield. hut (itrde- Successful Garden Party
with the crew, of which rich failed to serve. the om.toil ,cors at
there Are six, rine u(fthem stated that the cloee being'' -1 in Hayfields favor. 1f numbers count for success the
he was the only true yankee on hoard Th, tram,. are:- garden party given under the snapicrs
and he was horn in Nnrwry. The (iaderich goal, BAtke'r: tacks, of lbe:Cird teRln ent band at the Har -
Signal reporter assisted in hieppsing Spahr. Cracknell : half t'Acks, Cad- heir park on'Turstlay evening was *n
of+ome tempting •hsiert which wive mini, W. Callow; female; forw.tr1.. A. unqualified one. The attendance ha,
handed around. The boat .plena sun- Fitton. E. Priteh.ud, itolrerte. T. been estimate 1 to have Hewn Pome-
day in the harp.'r here and left on Pritrhwrd, Mir'otlf. - where in the neighborhood of 1:810.
Monday for Slotitemplon en route our . B*pyr{,i_-gtutt, Greenslade ; back", the little ',ark being unconifortably
the Georgian bay. Rmitb, Monte: hilt harks. Toms, crowded The selections by the bipi1
The steamer H. N. Jex arrived on 1,,r :h. el 1-,1; 1,srwanl., crowed, were well rendered; e.pa•cial empla,t+e
Sunday with coal tsar the big mill. tVaraskyi,H. tstut;tenn, LV Slurpteon, being given the old lesiglish and acct -
The barge Olpr.', which has been Parker.
lwyiug idly since List, tall, bin" Irern Referee -Peter (ireay.-,-of 'Cornu►o.
pumped nut and put into cremmis,ion.
She will be used by tkyntrector fijir• • Gott KH ice
nlir.gham in eat 'ling -his materials to The H'st goal scored by (hytlerich
Kincardine for the breakwater con- wu di•Allowed nn s point in the tante.,
strlet ion there. - that a goal to.ay not be scored off a
The auction dredge H. Cadwell took foul linters the player intentionally
s loaf of sand Ir the mnutb of the handles the hall. The referee was eu-
Moitlsnd river.on alOnd•v.. tirely within his rights deciding as he
�--- did. but the chances ere that another
Sealorth Old Boys' Reunion referee would have given the ee omit.
Found Drowned
lir. Thrones Carney was drowned in
the lake at the harbor. his body being
vered today. It i 4 not known at
nt how he got into the ws'..er hilt
TX; particulars will he given next
two/ lbw 'abhors* HOW* pre.rd away al
Pettey at MIR
weco A special meeting of the town o•ottn- loii.trirtan piece", p.orke and residences
eil was held on Friday evening, the here been gayir decorated with
!Nth lest., to eonsider proprottion the'leencil• colg;red electric lights.
hem tbe Gods:rich Lumber and Mill- Ittg.. sti earner.. . by the Electric-
ing ('o., with regard to adding an ea. al. Decorative •nd Equipment . of
ditinn to the building they are nos Toronto -the eleetric arches, rotate of
constructing. Should the coonrii honor and emblems la the fraternal
Nitres re grant a loan the will leteielies Prt"Pft", maarnificent
he enlArged to 41111311 feet and three eight. The show. .nd rotraetione ere
filen of 1111:231 feet and rma wiry It New York. and the Fireworks dioplay
w the intention to manufacture hied- i. tinder the direction of Prof. li•nd,
les of deeeription ris well air med. of Heusi,' on n excellent pro-
iiim and high snide furniture Mr
Arnoid, president of the Elmira Fur-
niture Cowas present and will be as-
sociated with Mr. Haechler if a loan is
tgrented. The fset.or• would employ
from 50 to 75 men. The council after
thoroughly discussing the proposition
with Mr Haechler praised it over to
the apecial committee to report.
Another proposition. that the town
shooed perehaite the Canada Com-
pany's lot. adjoining tba evaporetor
and lessee them to Mr. D. F. Hentlink
Inc the parpose of operating a eanning
fartory was also diseuseed and refer-
red to the epecial committee.
The Owen Wend council et a
Toront limiting Oren for Melly) de-
bentures at Stye per rent The priests
was 1104 Wink "shirk enneldered as
oat* a the miesiey market.
Police Court Items
On Friday evening Police Megis-
ttate Kelly acted as peace maker 'be -
wren Nome of the young men of the
town. An argument had been meted
which led to upple,as ant epithets bring.
used • nd this Ind to blows. The mag-
istrate derided both parties were to
blame tied alter some good advise sent
them awes..
Results are not Likely to be Made Known
m August
ttsfr.sonit menthe... The programmer isaamioers working ala the rt•iricu-
was enriched by two sults, an•• by Mr.
Campbell Tweedy •iinl the other by
Mr. Lionel P.t-.on . Both "erre
heartily encored. 'T'he'list rihet• is.,, of
the prises. for which tickets had been
sold, was quite it nurrltr. 1)r. Sale
through w ulegsphone vatted the pre»
pie to older, whit- Mt. Fred Sturdy
and Mr. Charles `ails, mnniptlls,ed w
ebern let whwit tow counterfoils of the
ticket• had been placed. two little
lads., [imagine Nairn and Neil Sale, al-
ternarlvely mannered w ticket *rid the
monis r wag called. the peat •,•n h•dd-
lation ezwniinativu Impels in the On-
tario education department had 'bout
finished their labors on Mm.day of this
week. It will he a Matter of nearly
two weeks, however• before reamlt, are
enu,•nncrd, as r west :uu, 11 11 1. of work
lies before the clerks. of the depart-
ment, totalling and arranging tpierk•.
Thi- turtnw that this tesnh, w•11l 1.e au -
nautical. about the lith or Ugh ct.
Tire results of the perusal scboal ek-
rminatitsns recently artnowneed. *bow
that these seven training. 'reb ol'. pro-
duced 1'LLl teachers this year, as cotn-
homes Idea tremte4 Om' noiTIVI'ld 1 ou the ground were *rep ' -• in sidditirm to theete-f Arne- arst..the
Ds•iii Robot- intuit. a oheirseteri•tir mend doing a good brisiness. of tittelec oing1Toronto. The wo mil-
tipeerh to oWell 1 inc. Smith of psi' The following ie a list of the prizes versifies produced :all teacher+. either
field replie.l. slid viewers :- with fingeselarse ceetificaires, qualifying
Good fitilow.hip is th• spirit of hoth bo--Artm-ebitie, Mr. Patrick Mr- the holder+, to teeth in the public
teams and tinder ich intends' to play a Kenn.. No. 612 ; 2nd lathy ttaiggy, schools. of high school asmistrints.
retiirn match within /1 weak or 0.1. Mrs. Wm. McCreath No. ittee, 3rii The supply la new ienehere there.
fiesernal ele. of Heyfield i• no slouch piano "tool. Mrs. J. Storey No. 7115 ; fore, from the faculties" and normal
in good. he tigust have been there he- etb--4nanicure set. Miss NI. H. F.. schools for the coming year is 1554.
fore. I Wallhank No. RS : MA -pair of boob..
Where WWI "Scetty- Nisbet. Mr. Alfred Arnistreng No. 1279 : lith -
CHURCH CHIMES 7th --bag of flour. Mr. K. II Somer. _____
. salt No. 517 ; Stb --snit cab* Idillions Discovered in Fine Field@ al
ilth-bsix of cigars, Mr. J. Grain Near Brscefleld
H. Walker Ng. WM . ligth chins dish.
Mimi Delphine fteynolds No. 174.
gramme has heen provided for each Mr. W. Clatk, repreeentottive
day. from the arrival of the eperial of the Upper Canada Bifile society.
testae on August 1st tn the provincial will deliver an address in the interests
firemen's tournament on Antrum. Nth,
when firemen fr. m all over the pro- of that society at the Hareem. chereh
on sundae morning. In the evening
vinre, their friend... racing teener and
hands will be preeent.
The prorersion on tournament, day
will he three milse long - no fewer
than 3N flre companies hying in line,
and Kinorirdine kinks hands.
Reduced railway rates. have heen
granted to fleafori It from all points in
Oramda anti the l'nited States tor the
liggeet week's fon to be had during
new MOO Ammo roller, whirl, will he
weed to run over lb.* ernehed Ann*.
I'M& le to he placed en the streets.
the sante .peaker will he at Victoria
street Methodist church, and on Mon-
day evening will give a lentern lecture I
in the teethes. room of Knox rhumb. ,
is eitended to all.
Miss Cliscap. of sgt. Louie. delighted
the rongregat ion At the Baptist
solo ••litat for Turley." Mime Chic All
a yoonst lody just in her trona hot pow-
wow, • voire of sweet tone and fine
ertammis rarely Gould in one so young.
Re•. W. H. Wrightnn boa returned
horn his vacation and will enralitell
the mu:vireo at the Rare let ebarch
Plumley. At the einem tif the esersiss
twevie• the lords Shipper will he ob-
- Following it discussion in which it
MAW roncedint that Paris' pay* too
much taxes to the rotinty of Brant.
the town council has appotnteil a cam -
leave to invest istate this matter And re-
port toi to tbe necessary procedure
Whieh must be taken to obtain an act
of separation The idea of se ration
for municipal purposes has en an
hems for some tome. but thie action le i
tile first toward,' the ronsumniation of
Of the pion. The committee. which is
letorking in eon jiinct inn with the town
, Sinclair and Rohde?.
1 -Mr. George Goulding, world's
ebempiee one to three mile walker
Al=with five others at Stratford
reunion. Atigust let to MA.
The ai my worm has invaded Huron
county. On Maturdwy the pest was
li rev red in • held of oats on the
fartn of Mr. Perry Monk, on the Mill
road. Tuckeretnith, end Mr. Monk lost
nO tinie in fighting the in•ader, pro
reeding immediately to plow furrow.
around hi« field.
Word comes from Winthrop that
the fermerot in that district alp taking
prerantion by adopting the same
method. Wheat ls being rut through
not the we:lion, and oat. are ripening/
faat and will he ready to eut tient
Boneless front around Hrucefleki en
Mortality night won. most elaregino.
end the lowees to farmers already run
into thousand,.
Hundreda of howbeit' of oats not yet
matured are being rut. soot w1U be
uori for feed.
-•ll::1:111[ -'• atLit
i- 31, ,mi':3rtx l...::tiellMiturii1111111M-rla.le
SAVE, because- No. 120
A Savings Accnui,t is your opportunity to acquire capi'e1 to
start in bo.it.d.e tun yowl self.
Head Office, Grolier King and Bay Street., Toronto
General Maaiget - - - - A. H. Walker
Godericb Bra sch . - - - A. Porter
Auburn. Ont. Monkton, Ont.
Bay6e.d, Oat. Sebringvtlle, Ont.
Danganaoo, Ost. Varna, Ont.
Some Desirable
.. 1
for immediate sale
List your propertiea for salror rent with me.
Firmest,: Orrice 211; Howitt 150. P.O. Box 3114
The 4 ,der•igoed has been tiro -noted to well
1y nubile auction. at his pre.Les William
.'met. ('ItnWn.
r wtuuer
-Ar H
at21)p m. sharp:
.1 goal well bosh cottage 000taini3R parlor.
durum room. three bedroom.. kitchen and
panto-. A good verandah one half glen,
Aber half open. n1 -o •tame cellar w Its cement
dor under whole Noone. good ante
rn•teru. A good furnace installed last atm-
os«, Meru -in 11Rht In every room and cellar.
town water instilled.
.td ,,u.lua are three sores of land in good
.tae of eultivanon and about two wean, of
pa -turn including orchard containing a fowl
variety of Apple. 11um. Peach. Cber,y anti
1'ear Tree. in bear lag. AI.,o Rood :vt-foot bank
barn containing box mall for horse, two cow
.tall.. And s'consn,odatlon to pig.• chi^tene
an.t root+ and i+ equipped with three large
metal linedgraintin,. There V *leo sato .ted
d it.
on the protr•rt7. a good Rrrvel and mono p
,.l 'Ii would yield agood revenue.
1 h,. property ,. ah naiad on North end of
41 }Ilam .lreet and facing the Recreation frog
,x Int u
A ,w ' adapted for oh
u. I well oda
Thee, will own M oR.te,l tor .ale
rt nom..
time se4 place -1�►t Waggon. Heavy w'sg
geeneo ('otter. Open li trey. Pair Rob sleigh..
1'*1, HArruw..4lem. Plow, el -other. Waitron
Tongue. belay l'berl', No + Mangle Praiser,
emir cotter, tet *bride Hareem, r4 Henna
'¢ace layer*(. A number of gooti Cider
reel. and square timber+,
other. all isles t.,0 numerals. to mention.
1'ropert 1n per cwol. down : Wawa, In thirty
dg) -.-1R setie1Mcash.
W. N. WATTP, TBOB. Oaadry•
Owner Auctioneer.
'resilience DALE.- O-.
reridemw on We.t .tree:. Al) modernIm-
prevement..including hot water heating. ex
edlse[ garden wltb young tree.. Mat con-
venient location in town. ,antra) to Moines.
aectlon.-('.l' IL depot and otter from Pews
Plat September ISM. Apply to 6. L. PAH.
SONS, Bea est • latf
F. -
1 Lot It. con. s. Coibornt. rontau,iog 1W
acre. more or le... is w ell watered nisi ha. •
never falling . otnf. all the building- are
frame. the farm w good clay 1•SIa and nr.r.
clap. tit every le...wet ar,l 1• owned by the e
rate ot the 1st:: Mn. Cl. A. Blair. It i- tem and
• half int les from Asburn .tanrw arida Quarter
of a untie frost eihool. Po.se+•ron0111, 1*given
a, Apo 1•' nett or earlier. l o; full ppeArticu.Ar-
ap/qp14 to ell;•.. U. a MUNRUrr JOHN KOH-
ltH'i :N5N. Fess Autumn. t on•. 1itIm
Notice i- hereby given that all riet••on+ hat
ing claim. against , he estate .1 the late Mrs.
John Ham:en. who died nn Jour 1 .:h. 18:1/. see
ae,i no
to ,d +rme to the
•. ,(u. se
or betas A uvt lob net, for .rttxmeat.
MRs. W. A. ,iTt,1lli, Admin1-trattix.
less See ooh 1int.
r +Klt1 .'NTS. -Poison+ requiem farm bele
.an., .t apply at once to WILLIAM MclIUIL.
Dutton leo; bloverament Kmploymeat
AA,,'. tot- Helen..Init. girder- left with M. D.
-_ - Wtxd ••..' - Helen. toot . will receive apt` onto
LOST OR POUND .0 rat iuu
white drat fifth hr.+P belttrha. tlxhnr Droterred IrdsinR a art o
-/)a , Pinder No. 1, t olb,rne. Etter enced r�na�
will be rewye e3 by leaving ^"a'^ attheilium:.
pro(-.nlonwr ertblt ire. *'Wary. se••.
otr'FICE, hu le. to commence September 1-t. Apply
-- PAULMAE:DEL. Secretary, He:rtaUkr.
1 Sunday.• Owner can have *gem to
int Moped and paying expenew. A st
THE P ION'AI. office. ,•
14 v,.l Holm ville. on the Hircus read. •
'+d, . -Ilk coat. navy blue. Finder will be fe-
nuded an leaving wawa Is 11. TAPHS "metal" Manna@ Mien It -it
owned by .I. P
short trop+.. to:
wed in lf,aierire
the finest that
rn and was tM
to admirer• "f
hil. It remained
with polished
nine helm,. it a
Iwwuty. it o
ere Pohl of 1
a flue sea boat
r, every erratum'
utilised. The
of Mr. and Mrs.
Mor. H. T•M°'
e. all of Detroit.
r. Morgan 1" a
k,l. Montan nor
"loners and is
history gf this
nider redid/int"
nigher. The late
■>t SiONAL
houv...iteated cm William Pt OWL (Mod mable
mit holt trees. Pewterer eau have one or three
liole J. W. CHAJOIllt. Imuranec. nod Real
1101.1fKRELS -- BROILERS. - IM -
1 POWS 90er work.
tetimest. from hem heavy leytaa *train of
A. 1 I% bite Leollsern. in I nicest Mate..
itfejialr: 13 Saris Vi .11 eir, hange for
se lime gist :Mrs
Pieweire• 17 21
r, filkarribroses W. J. aniddlar billiard
de Sews Spit lii J. P.
ws Pim fait .40
prier ranging train
Heti OM.
sheet Marty town )01
jairwaria, Mao three
and II taw tame
t'utm. S.S. No. 1, A•hfold. Colbornerand
a est Waw:.ne.h. setsitatels++ pt
to aMpe *rend Nile. Ont. expected. ,,AI►'D1y
1 o ofbot ne : mak er tem tie. holding
+er•ondtlw Pett iambs. Salm y . 4'.t•t per
annoet. Retie. to ormisese'e at do., / vita-
mer vacation. AmityOnt. to CBAKI.E4 1.
BKgt'KUW, penin
sew i'Agegras
Moms se Aa„.. malleseerosit
brkli homer: two et la erw-eiate repair ;
""dem ads pleated eith
Warreesib•R=sthe lose
la tarees. rt.
Describes the Penitentiary as at Kingston
a Tiny Hell
Here is a man -a Philadelphia inan
at that -mho wits w long shut up in •
virtual tomb that urban be ranged
into daylight, two weeks ago. he was
an utter stranger in • straoge world
that blazed with wooden to his un-
accustomed ryes, like Bagdad of the
lnagieiaus. This man is Luke Dillon.
who was paroled from the Purtemuutb
penitentiary in Canada on July 12th,
atter fourteen years of dungeon life
f' r complicity in the dynamiting of
the Welland renal. in Ontario in 11011.
Such was the degree of hie isolation
since his sentence to life imprison•
went that the first thing he did utter
being liberated was U, rend a friendly
telegram to a man who had been dead
for nine yea's.
In fourteen years Dillon was al.
lowed to addrebe only two persona,
the prison chaplain and tbe guard at
his cell. He had never heard of the
wireless or of flying machines. Thr
loneliest hour in all the fourteen
years, Dillon .aid, was when he was
foes on the Atlantic City boxed walk,
hie ohadn't
n wife whom he
searching for hl if h
seen Pince the day of hie sentence.
•'1 was to meet my wife at • hotel
there.' maid Dillon. •'I Pent her a
telegram. When i got there 1 found
that the hotel had been torn down,
so I had nothing to do but walk about
and look for her in the crowds, Inc I
knew abed come. I found her at lags,
,.bough we both had changed and we
had to do the finding between us.
"1 bad my lint ride in an automo-
bile that day, and they are queer
things. Tbe man just• kinked, 'some-
thing .tinder his tied and the thing
went wherever be wanted it to. 1'd
heard of the moving pictures. DO
you, mind the old Punch and Judy
ebowa? Well, I tbou'gbt they'd lie
like that 1 was sitting in the piece
waiting for the lights t , he turned on.
Think of that ! And tten. all at once
1 saw the thing flash up at the end of
the room, and it looked life a lot of
grey ghosts. It wasn't what i ex-
Prepected all.
.Pat see at
ohne till the
•'1•d never seen a * y
policeman at Broad street btwtioo
told me Lo go in it to get to the terry.
'Down the stege,' staid he. 'A railroad
under the ground ?' says i, 'Sure.' said
he, 'where are you from that you
don't know of it's' I didn'tt,aty aught
to that, but went in.sod along couies
the train. I hold m hands to mv
ears. it. was a painful uowoar after all
the suilluess that I'd been through.
-Here in Atlantit' City 1 saw .a man
flyipg up in a machine -right in the
face tit the tun. . It is A wonderful age,
a wonderful age. But gay don't they
train ebeir reason, and elk can't they
i e wise in other tbingb ns well % TeU
m that.
"For- a• titre after my imprison-.
mento" Dillon said. -1 thought of stn-
tide. They have real penitentiaries
in Canada -they make them as near
like tiny hells as they can, so that
men who have ones been there won't
want to go back.
'•1 tidn't see x newspaper in all tbe
fourteen years, nor did i ser w knife or•
fork. 1 ate all my meets in my .own
cell, and I wits compelled to eat them
with • spoon. • Speech among the
prisoners is forbidden.
•'They flret put tun to work piling
bricks,'• said Dillon. "'Ind hater, when
they found i was trained in x hank,
they put me to clerking. i begged
for a change from that, because it
gave me fon touch time to think. 1
had seven years of it. Five years ego
they put me 10 the shoe shop, meting
leather. and 1 learned tort trade
peer ty thoroughly."
Sympathizers in ('auada really ie -
cured Dillon's pantie. he said.
'The Canadians are intensely sense -
titre elntit any interference ft the
United `states side of the border." said
Dillon. "and any engge+tion of aid
from that side would probably have
done ►rte more hat rat than good. That
doesn't lrseen the gratitude 1 feel
tnward+. few friend, of mine in tbe
United States who tried to do what
they routed in my behalf. All i wish
now ie *little and a chance to get
eequainted with the cbanged eondi-
tiona 1 shall try to make my peen,
openly in society Anil to forget by •
Keno.. • The old imp' reunion and provincial
firemen's tournament at Meafnrth.
big tgn.t i ff to 5th tomatoes w to be the
gest affair in wr.t,rn Ontario this
- �a•.�t.t..�.t...s sr
1 4n:clench township.? mile, Irma
Oode rich 1,, no onnuttnet der ember I.
191 1 elate exprricen e. esauteestees asst
*Ilan exported. Adder+. JAS., J.jMN:ST4sM,
CAM FOR 8A.L11-11111 KART
kit iletasieullieriala the= 7011A:
wee. reesiesd „to esseoistri tooter. wore
tor pont tan, and catabarne talk* 11001.KR
fligratMASWIZAA.16sal" 1•41".
One of the hest in 1 Prov-
ince. Fixed rate of tu• nent. /
value whether on tbs. am or
Live Stork insured at .1 full
nee No :nliitile 10 make Adjust- i
men ta.
lie SicILW UN, 1
1 Agent for Colborne.
A. E. BRADWIN, Poat.ragest.
Fine Weather, Good Crowds and a Most
PGA tJ V I Pd Aendment of Roles Governing r Publisher
Enjoyable Day all Through BASEBALL.
Thr fourth annual picni: held under The fifth game in the Sunday school
the auspices of the Union Sundry
Navigation in Fog Met Tragic Death
Lake transportation interests feel ('apt. A. M. 'Todd, aged 56, formerly
rag1 that Congressman Alexander has not
•rid St. Peter's
introduced a practical weenier in con-
the triune playing it ro
side. H,.hh, the tit. George's pitcher, ruler governing huvigatimi in fogs He
gr rnoewvoriug to iornrptnnte psi
pilot ruler the suggestion a attain
rcoree, o wildu E.
for t. i modela rfog
roup u. ar the. rpAnd in whish a vessel may
down U, three runs. The final acute
atop her+rlf within the ran a ut vrsi-
r r regarded as a workable provision as it
catcher, R. Foley; 1st base, J. Fateei, would tie imllr,wible w determine the
Mod brow, C. Dalton; :lei base H. range of visibility without a tlzed
Kwchler: right Held, J. Bowler; cell• fvisibility 11 constantlychange
lir H -Id, i►. lei on. with Lite ship's progl.•re through Inc
tit. George's --Pitcher, W. Babb: water, and it i+ doubtful it any two
� catcher, 'I'. Johnston: 1st ossa, (• 111rlltberr of the crew would agree as
cash poizestiriu rwnl,llglthrwiuu«its. F'Irniing: 'Sud - .... 1. r1P1,7"4"; ey; to what the distance actually was.
K t R \ hl right HPII ('eery'
Two booths a. tone' with g a 3 field. t) Fleming. R
of (iaderich and Intely resistant editur
)over Ma le Leaf, wits
school, of Blyth was held in Harbor
league was played last Friday evening of the Pott l P
perk tiodrrirh on Wednesday July ;d1. Irrtweeo St. George... rest to h posed uurndmrnt of of the at Port lover on Sunday
p Y h s.vru a R P
A train •r 17 coaches arrived with ibr morning, Nothing was known of Wm
e ri rya ••n,wd st the ('11. .talion had very hole sup art on the field end death until two little girls, who were
ale lt. 10 a.m. It is rewarded that f C paddling, ,rtumblaal over the body ly-
runs for tlt etre s were mostly
the people were present beaded by oil throws. F Ba (owulrndrnt Berlbolt of the United ing in water two feet deep, •bout;• 1
the Auburn bra hand, r woes...Moo f S Peter's pitched Ruud hall tiratrs revenue cutter service ice that feet from the *here.
was folioed and herded b • Reeve P t spend in shall he defined Startled by what they bad felt
Kubert Elliott marched to the took, th h It holding the Anglicans under their feet end feeling sure that
Mr. Elliott Salve aa Mies alldrees n( tlrulg li 3 in favour of sit. I etrre. it was • body hurried to the beach
welt -rime, saying, he was glad to have The line-up foliose, - hilus sherd of the rhtp. '1)11. is not and atesrs. West and Patterson, of
thew hoofs and if there eI, anything St p 's-piteber F Barrhlrl K p titonlford, who they told, at once
be could do to help make the dry en- went in and brought the body to the
joyable u, bt hie kuuw. The party i1eonb
llearicg ahead. Moncure the range Nothing could be done to revive
o would i Mr. Tedd. Upon inquiry it was
at once divided themseltes into groups
w benetlh the
learned that hp' went down for hie
usual swim stout nine
o'clock Sunday
morning with Harry 'Hoene. aged
eight. with whose puerto^ he hoarded.
The two. ,wswalwiut for awhile and
then the boy want bone.
He never thought anything of Mr.
Todd's ab.enc., u he often went to
the new Nearer office.
Coroner lir. Cook, after investigat-
ing. carne to the conclusion that Mr.
u , le:
Todd ulRrrrd a fit f
was in swimming and fell uuc0necious
as he was trying to make his way to
the beach, and was drowned. He will
not bold any inquest. tL-��
The late Mr. Todd was for 3U years
publisher of the Clinton News -Record
removed o (lode,
and 15 yeast r ago t
becoming • partner with Mr. James
Mitchell in the publication ot the
The deceased gentleman also identi.
fled hituselt thoroughly w,th all the
business interests of the 1,rcaliLy where
he lived, end war very popular with
the busi tiers men. He received many
teetimoutals on his departure crow one
locality. He war a member of the
Anglican Church, and in politics he
was a resuuch Conservative. He wan
r member of the Orange Lodge, and
added materially. to the membership
and influence of the Order wherever
he' lived. The L.O. L No. 921, has to
thank bins fur many additions to its
lir also luck.
in the proceedings of th+ lural Board
of 'Trade.
The late Mr. Todd leaves three eons
to mourn hie departure. They are Or-
well and Morton, of Torouw; and
Lorne, of Pbildelphia. tine son and
two daughters predeceased hint want'
ye't1'* ago.
The tuoeral took place . ou Wednes-
day. A service was held at the reri-
drnce offMrs. llloxom, where deceased
had Winded for about Light months.
at 5.45 a.m. There were snout •twenty
'nowhere of the local Orange Lodge
present. The Bev. J. Cdlp officiated.
After the service the body was taken
to the Grand Trunk -station, en
for Ooderich. where else interment
took piece on Wednesday aftetitrou. .
Tte Sora) offerings 'include:
%V rnal, from L.O.L. No. WM.
Wteatb, from M+,pie Leat Prean.
Spray, from Mr.. Bloxotn and fatnily.
Spray. from Mies MacDooald.
trees they heti t n
n'rinrk t►H• rare, w••t
were very keenly
inch. At one
C tiled which
tested. lihrr•AI
, n. tree; o r ' Fogs ate very deceptive things loth
pennants were stocked with ice CI erm, curio e r a , em K• sin to right and sound.
soft drivas, fruit And 1,idy which The etandine rmf the schedule it as It would be inure to the punt if the
seemed to he very popular with the follows: - pis"wnt t' il••. respecting navigation in
vieitois. The norms who Are largely TIMMS ' flayed woe Lo•t To I'L.y fug were sli.i,�tly enfoicc' They rep-
reepon-ible for ibis,. 'recess of the pie- Methodist 4
4 11 2 remelt the experience of generations
tic are; Mr. E. oder, Mr. E. E. St. Peters :3 2 1 3 ot navigators and if strictly enforced
2 11 2 yr olli.ion in fog 0' at any
Kohinson end Mr. P. dardiher, all of St. Georges 1 will prevent. c g .
Blyth. these gentlemen teemed to he Knox :i a :3 :3 rate, reduce collision caws to a neglig-
everywhrre at 000e. attending to the - ible quantity. Itrthet then enact new
well Ale of the part%p Pollee felrrgent
Ian Rave his r.rvlrra in rewde that
FOOTBALL legislation it would he better to tm-
M eg g Not content to yield the honory to pose a stiff penalty for the violation of
seats weir provided ...rid the eatables the **All Star" testa the "twit Over*" the present ruler and if signs arc reed
transferred from the train 1.0 tbe park. challenged these to another game on aright this is what the steamboat in -
u future. The
r •. in t t
Everson. seemed M appreciate the Monday evening. Play did not coin- ml,rctote propiair to
thoughtfulness of the t.owu council in mence until almost eight o'clock, captain ot r ship is a quasi -govern -
a man to attend to the heat -
to tbe fact that r trout ball meat officer and hie employer bar no
log of the water. could not be found. .tlnreone braving power to tell him how he shall nevi-
providingDuring the afternnon the Auburn walked away with th. Iragueball. it gate his ship in thick weather. The
band eupplemeoted by A numher of
looked for a time ori If the light of the law tills him bow he shall do that and
our loco wuaiciana paraded the town ••Stan;' would be. dimmed Inc after it he violates the law be is solely re -
and gave a few select hula in front of twenty minutes play not • goal bad spnnaible. A stiff ruonetary fine would
tite cowl house. The crowd at the been scDrrd, Chir being largely due to be the beat, lesson in caution that he
Peek was cuns{d.tably sugmented at the �,d work of Howes and Archer• could get. The present rule reads as
supper time try many of the citizens the respective Roel tehdels. it was follows :- 'Every sterni vessel shalt
who took their supper t.. the perk almost dark when Roberta for the All in thick weather: by learon of fog,
and ale it 'bete. Among other at- 'tars sn,retl the first goal and within 'mistvfrhing snow', bewvy rata mottos
tractions of the day wool Mr. George tiro minutes the "Left Over" retaiiat- or other cause., go at moderate speed.
Johnston's Alto tuck visitors were ed. ten., the gams* eooelrrdrd heing a A steam vetoed hearing. apparently
given en hours ride around the town tie of 1-1, it ii. ouly fair to say that the not more than four points from right
Inc 15e. Same alp heal the pleasure "All state" were at • dot -advantage ahead, the ftrg *Ignal of another yea
of a launch tide on the like. while owing to the ah -roue of Nisbett And a1, shall at once reduce her Spred to
steerageway, ewe and
r.avi air t
In bare u R
many of the younger one.. indulgedCallow � y
Paddling alopg the shore.' Mr. Bort caution until the vessels shall have
La•htwook we -a present with bin in- The game of the srx•nn wag played passed each other."
atentneeous matters and did a fair hletwee', Hayfield, and (ioderieh oh The law expressly .nays that vessels
business. The,party returned home Wednesday evening ander most fair-
must proceed at mrrdernte spud dor
At 7 o'clock After agond days fin. with- orator eon iition.. Within live main- ing fog and that undoubtedly
opt a single wisehap. i deal weat''•r 1tes of the start tioderieh *coed the to check. ft cannot mean anything
prevailed. flr,t goal, but to the surprise of most else. What oeostitutes moderate
of the rpsctatot'sthe refereediwilowed speed for one ship world be reckless
HARBOW•tNOTES it. Por the next twenty minutes the speed for another -there are so many
-- y. hall wee kept well in the centre of the considerations entering into the sub -
The Yacht Re,imt►r II.. of Detroit, field. both. sides. playing A good jest, such as elute of waueuvering.
a Yacht He.i harbor of Detroit.
on steady Rrme. Spahr Inc the hone quick control and power to stop. But
putteam doing gust work as back. all vteseela, regardless whether they
Siitutday. their awned by a [r, K: E. A few' Ininutrs tlefore hall time was are slow or fast. must proceed under
Old, who is the originates., 1 the Ren railed Bayfield starved after having a cheek during tog. They are then pre-
tties -diming.. which 'wars his initials. 'criw/nnp a around the gosl. The *core pared to met any emergency that may
rof 9114 •m a clerkline t 're -
brat b 0 lfavor.af Hay- w added to this
Tbein { r. were ad i
df time bit1 r'se. i f there
at b Ra t P
err sued
with engines of Iai hors+' -pin fkW. Ura*t sterol nn+ de,rrinprbd in 'dilution a strict obarrvwn^r of tstrat
an average speed of 10 guiles sn•fuinr. the,s«casod ball, B:syfteld again found part of tee rule which requites a 'pi,.
She made the run from Port Humn ton net brig drew .. ►.lank for ,+ff+ode, we tt, get down to bare steerageway
to Goderich in rix hours. Breaded the .from thi+ on (iosl rich s,emed M keep upon bearing the fog signal of anotb-
uwoer there were on board Mrs. Old: the hall arditrrd their opp,nente goal er vr.sel apparent not more than four
and two dsughiers, Mra. J. 1'. I(t. Roberts scored with agreat shot off A pointe from tight ahead there would
John*, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Weston and pas*. Within two minutes Byfield x- prirtirxlly never tie A until,.loll at tett.
Bison O. Ruta«r, rinsing. ' of ix-mAyIn inhaled. 4'p to tl.is point the gaime That is what the governuteut should
Rutter. all o[ Lansing. Michigan In was good ekiri sport. but by no torsos do. It abuuht enforce this rule to the
rnovrtsaturn With Mr. Old he said time.,
From this point ,isveral foniv ,tetter, There le no sense .in preectile
that this was about ellen moles he had were worked in on hath sides -hilt grit ing new medieine until the old hits
cruised in hi. ywrht. this summer And through nnnoaoed by the referee omen given it thirrough trial.
was now going a, the Georgian. liar Just before full titer a penalty wee
for ten day.: tlshiog• Durit'g a c'lit registered awaited Hayfield. hut (itrde- Successful Garden Party
with the crew, of which rich failed to serve. the om.toil ,cors at
there Are six, rine u(fthem stated that the cloee being'' -1 in Hayfields favor. 1f numbers count for success the
he was the only true yankee on hoard Th, tram,. are:- garden party given under the snapicrs
and he was horn in Nnrwry. The (iaderich goal, BAtke'r: tacks, of lbe:Cird teRln ent band at the Har -
Signal reporter assisted in hieppsing Spahr. Cracknell : half t'Acks, Cad- heir park on'Turstlay evening was *n
of+ome tempting •hsiert which wive mini, W. Callow; female; forw.tr1.. A. unqualified one. The attendance ha,
handed around. The boat .plena sun- Fitton. E. Priteh.ud, itolrerte. T. been estimate 1 to have Hewn Pome-
day in the harp.'r here and left on Pritrhwrd, Mir'otlf. - where in the neighborhood of 1:810.
Monday for Slotitemplon en route our . B*pyr{,i_-gtutt, Greenslade ; back", the little ',ark being unconifortably
the Georgian bay. Rmitb, Monte: hilt harks. Toms, crowded The selections by the bipi1
The steamer H. N. Jex arrived on 1,,r :h. el 1-,1; 1,srwanl., crowed, were well rendered; e.pa•cial empla,t+e
Sunday with coal tsar the big mill. tVaraskyi,H. tstut;tenn, LV Slurpteon, being given the old lesiglish and acct -
The barge Olpr.', which has been Parker.
lwyiug idly since List, tall, bin" Irern Referee -Peter (ireay.-,-of 'Cornu►o.
pumped nut and put into cremmis,ion.
She will be used by tkyntrector fijir• • Gott KH ice
nlir.gham in eat 'ling -his materials to The H'st goal scored by (hytlerich
Kincardine for the breakwater con- wu di•Allowed nn s point in the tante.,
strlet ion there. - that a goal to.ay not be scored off a
The auction dredge H. Cadwell took foul linters the player intentionally
s loaf of sand Ir the mnutb of the handles the hall. The referee was eu-
Moitlsnd river.on alOnd•v.. tirely within his rights deciding as he
�--- did. but the chances ere that another
Sealorth Old Boys' Reunion referee would have given the ee omit.
Found Drowned
lir. Thrones Carney was drowned in
the lake at the harbor. his body being
vered today. It i 4 not known at
nt how he got into the ws'..er hilt
TX; particulars will he given next
two/ lbw 'abhors* HOW* pre.rd away al
Pettey at MIR
weco A special meeting of the town o•ottn- loii.trirtan piece", p.orke and residences
eil was held on Friday evening, the here been gayir decorated with
!Nth lest., to eonsider proprottion the'leencil• colg;red electric lights.
hem tbe Gods:rich Lumber and Mill- Ittg.. sti earner.. . by the Electric-
ing ('o., with regard to adding an ea. al. Decorative •nd Equipment . of
ditinn to the building they are nos Toronto -the eleetric arches, rotate of
constructing. Should the coonrii honor and emblems la the fraternal
Nitres re grant a loan the will leteielies Prt"Pft", maarnificent
he enlArged to 41111311 feet and three eight. The show. .nd rotraetione ere
filen of 1111:231 feet and rma wiry It New York. and the Fireworks dioplay
w the intention to manufacture hied- i. tinder the direction of Prof. li•nd,
les of deeeription ris well air med. of Heusi,' on n excellent pro-
iiim and high snide furniture Mr
Arnoid, president of the Elmira Fur-
niture Cowas present and will be as-
sociated with Mr. Haechler if a loan is
tgrented. The fset.or• would employ
from 50 to 75 men. The council after
thoroughly discussing the proposition
with Mr Haechler praised it over to
the apecial committee to report.
Another proposition. that the town
shooed perehaite the Canada Com-
pany's lot. adjoining tba evaporetor
and lessee them to Mr. D. F. Hentlink
Inc the parpose of operating a eanning
fartory was also diseuseed and refer-
red to the epecial committee.
The Owen Wend council et a
Toront limiting Oren for Melly) de-
bentures at Stye per rent The priests
was 1104 Wink "shirk enneldered as
oat* a the miesiey market.
Police Court Items
On Friday evening Police Megis-
ttate Kelly acted as peace maker 'be -
wren Nome of the young men of the
town. An argument had been meted
which led to upple,as ant epithets bring.
used • nd this Ind to blows. The mag-
istrate derided both parties were to
blame tied alter some good advise sent
them awes..
Results are not Likely to be Made Known
m August
ttsfr.sonit menthe... The programmer isaamioers working ala the rt•iricu-
was enriched by two sults, an•• by Mr.
Campbell Tweedy •iinl the other by
Mr. Lionel P.t-.on . Both "erre
heartily encored. 'T'he'list rihet• is.,, of
the prises. for which tickets had been
sold, was quite it nurrltr. 1)r. Sale
through w ulegsphone vatted the pre»
pie to older, whit- Mt. Fred Sturdy
and Mr. Charles `ails, mnniptlls,ed w
ebern let whwit tow counterfoils of the
ticket• had been placed. two little
lads., [imagine Nairn and Neil Sale, al-
ternarlvely mannered w ticket *rid the
monis r wag called. the peat •,•n h•dd-
lation ezwniinativu Impels in the On-
tario education department had 'bout
finished their labors on Mm.day of this
week. It will he a Matter of nearly
two weeks, however• before reamlt, are
enu,•nncrd, as r west :uu, 11 11 1. of work
lies before the clerks. of the depart-
ment, totalling and arranging tpierk•.
Thi- turtnw that this tesnh, w•11l 1.e au -
nautical. about the lith or Ugh ct.
Tire results of the perusal scboal ek-
rminatitsns recently artnowneed. *bow
that these seven training. 'reb ol'. pro-
duced 1'LLl teachers this year, as cotn-
homes Idea tremte4 Om' noiTIVI'ld 1 ou the ground were *rep ' -• in sidditirm to theete-f Arne- arst..the
Ds•iii Robot- intuit. a oheirseteri•tir mend doing a good brisiness. of tittelec oing1Toronto. The wo mil-
tipeerh to oWell 1 inc. Smith of psi' The following ie a list of the prizes versifies produced :all teacher+. either
field replie.l. slid viewers :- with fingeselarse ceetificaires, qualifying
Good fitilow.hip is th• spirit of hoth bo--Artm-ebitie, Mr. Patrick Mr- the holder+, to teeth in the public
teams and tinder ich intends' to play a Kenn.. No. 612 ; 2nd lathy ttaiggy, schools. of high school asmistrints.
retiirn match within /1 weak or 0.1. Mrs. Wm. McCreath No. ittee, 3rii The supply la new ienehere there.
fiesernal ele. of Heyfield i• no slouch piano "tool. Mrs. J. Storey No. 7115 ; fore, from the faculties" and normal
in good. he tigust have been there he- etb--4nanicure set. Miss NI. H. F.. schools for the coming year is 1554.
fore. I Wallhank No. RS : MA -pair of boob..
Where WWI "Scetty- Nisbet. Mr. Alfred Arnistreng No. 1279 : lith -
CHURCH CHIMES 7th --bag of flour. Mr. K. II Somer. _____
. salt No. 517 ; Stb --snit cab* Idillions Discovered in Fine Field@ al
ilth-bsix of cigars, Mr. J. Grain Near Brscefleld
H. Walker Ng. WM . ligth chins dish.
Mimi Delphine fteynolds No. 174.
gramme has heen provided for each Mr. W. Clatk, repreeentottive
day. from the arrival of the eperial of the Upper Canada Bifile society.
testae on August 1st tn the provincial will deliver an address in the interests
firemen's tournament on Antrum. Nth,
when firemen fr. m all over the pro- of that society at the Hareem. chereh
on sundae morning. In the evening
vinre, their friend... racing teener and
hands will be preeent.
The prorersion on tournament, day
will he three milse long - no fewer
than 3N flre companies hying in line,
and Kinorirdine kinks hands.
Reduced railway rates. have heen
granted to fleafori It from all points in
Oramda anti the l'nited States tor the
liggeet week's fon to be had during
new MOO Ammo roller, whirl, will he
weed to run over lb.* ernehed Ann*.
I'M& le to he placed en the streets.
the sante .peaker will he at Victoria
street Methodist church, and on Mon-
day evening will give a lentern lecture I
in the teethes. room of Knox rhumb. ,
is eitended to all.
Miss Cliscap. of sgt. Louie. delighted
the rongregat ion At the Baptist
solo ••litat for Turley." Mime Chic All
a yoonst lody just in her trona hot pow-
wow, • voire of sweet tone and fine
ertammis rarely Gould in one so young.
Re•. W. H. Wrightnn boa returned
horn his vacation and will enralitell
the mu:vireo at the Rare let ebarch
Plumley. At the einem tif the esersiss
twevie• the lords Shipper will he ob-
- Following it discussion in which it
MAW roncedint that Paris' pay* too
much taxes to the rotinty of Brant.
the town council has appotnteil a cam -
leave to invest istate this matter And re-
port toi to tbe necessary procedure
Whieh must be taken to obtain an act
of separation The idea of se ration
for municipal purposes has en an
hems for some tome. but thie action le i
tile first toward,' the ronsumniation of
Of the pion. The committee. which is
letorking in eon jiinct inn with the town
, Sinclair and Rohde?.
1 -Mr. George Goulding, world's
ebempiee one to three mile walker
Al=with five others at Stratford
reunion. Atigust let to MA.
The ai my worm has invaded Huron
county. On Maturdwy the pest was
li rev red in • held of oats on the
fartn of Mr. Perry Monk, on the Mill
road. Tuckeretnith, end Mr. Monk lost
nO tinie in fighting the in•ader, pro
reeding immediately to plow furrow.
around hi« field.
Word comes from Winthrop that
the fermerot in that district alp taking
prerantion by adopting the same
method. Wheat ls being rut through
not the we:lion, and oat. are ripening/
faat and will he ready to eut tient
Boneless front around Hrucefleki en
Mortality night won. most elaregino.
end the lowees to farmers already run
into thousand,.
Hundreda of howbeit' of oats not yet
matured are being rut. soot w1U be
uori for feed.