HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-23, Page 8• Ttevaso&T, JULY 1111. 1 4
Picnic Plates, special iso per
Uly Drinking Cups Se, per
package of Hire cups.
Dennison a Paper Napkin,
oboe bad floral decorations. be
per donee or 35c per hundred.
Dennison's special floral decor-
ated Napkins. 11c per dozen. or
three dawn for 'rb^.
Paper Towels, re! per roll.
Hameboek., Croquet. Tennis
a ad Baseball Goods. A full
stock and spc :cal elm. prices.
raper Bound Hooke for Sum-
mer Reading, iUe math or 3 for
25c, Ward Lock's special edition
Paper Bound Books, 13e each, or
2for ,:.
Special 3 packages (76 envel-
ope.) for like Box of same (250
Envelopes) special :13c.
The Qoderich Book &
Stationery Co.
1'h telrht&led Ensign flux.
Folding abd 1)' Luxe Carnets..
for roil film..
Printing Paper, S. S. Plate.,
Laulps, Tray,.. Graduate,. Print.
injt' Fraise., etc. Everything
ueceemery for successful amateur
photography. "
01,11 and examine samples of
Everything new
and up-to-date.
Music rt Stationery Store
The Art of
Keeping Cool
When Old Sol
blazes away you
want to lay aside
every ounce of
heavy garments
and dress in one of
-our feather weight
sults. There is no
necessity for any
man to swealter
when he can get a
light weight suit so
cheap. Prices $10.00.
S 12.00 and S 15.00.
Hot Weather Haber -
dashing for men
Combination Underwear
$1.00 and $1.50
Shirts with separate col-
.,. Jars, 75c to $2.00.
Wash Neckwear, 2Sc.
Silk Lisle Hose, 25c.
Silk Hose, 50c to 75c.
Straw Hats, 50c to $3.00.
Panama Hats $4.00 to
Waiter C. Pridham
rah Century t'InthinR"
Hot, Tired.ching
Feet Are Relieved
Agent :
Kodak Flims, Supplies
Jaws II. Casipbell,&
Berth et. and Square. OsdwM
S1 116 oe THE SEA'
O.4,Iw of Sema et the Mime Pewees.
Used by Marbsere
Practically every recognised lea-
gu•i, has beim ealld upon at some
time to balp In building up tM vo-
cabulary of the sea. "Davy Jones,"
tor bagmen, might be taken to refer
to some dead -and -some WeNkman, but
the mime L derived from matte an-
other source. One should speak of
"Duffy Jonah's locker;" for that was
the original, "Duffy" being the West
Indian same for s spirit or ghost,
and "Joanb" referring to the prophet
Another expression gradually cor-
rupted out of its original form Is the
"dog watch." It was originally the
"dodge watch," because It lasts only
two Donn, and was !minded to m-
oire that the same men shall not be
on duty every day during the same
hours. The "Jury mast" had nothtsg
In common with the "twelvetgood men
and true," except its derivation from
the same French word "Jour," imam -
hag -one day." The Jury mast is
ereeted temporarily, "tor a day." Jost
es the jury, In its legal sense, meant
irtdhpnai summoned tdr a short time.
7 "sheet anchor,," the largest
anchor carried by a ship, should
really b'' the "shote anchor," sad is
so called because of its great weight.
which allow% it to shoot out In cases
of emergency.
"Port" ts' a comparatively new ea•
pression. 1n the old days they used
to refer to "larboard" and "star-
board." "Starboard" bas nothing in
common with the twinkling stars of
the heavens; It Is derived from the
Anglo-Saxon "steer -board" or "steer-
atde." 1n Viking times the galleys
were steered by an oar, which the
helmsman held with his right band.
"Larboard" was probably a corruption
of "lower•board, the larboard side be-
ing Inferior to the other.
The word "admiral" Is Arabic,
springing trent `mill el bagh." or
"lord of tie sea." "Captain" comes
from the Latin "caput," but "mate"
L Icelandic, and means "companion"
or "equal." "Co:swain" had a cnrtous
origin. " The "cozswalo" was a man
who pulled the last oar In the cap.
tale's boat, which was described as
the "rockboat." This, 1n turn, was a
corruption ot, a small, round boat
found -on the Rivers llsk and Wye, and
known as a "coracle." Coxswain 1s
thereto» a Welsh Name.
Men Disease and Planta
Dr. Arthur Whitfield insists that a
word of caution be uttered about the
handling of certain plants. A patient
caps to him with emits of 13 months
standing. she said It started by kiss-
ing an old aunt who had a similar
emotion. it appeared about the time
and on the upper lie. He found that
she bad a greenhouse 1n which she
grew primula obcoalca. Banishment
of the plants and a little local treat-
ment cured the patient. Later she
wrote and told the doctor that her
gardener suffered from an Irritating
eruption on the arms after moving
some foxgloves and King Edward VU.
daisies. Similarly a lady was attack-
ed with eczema which disappeared
when she banished the primula ob-
oonlca from her greenhouse. Another
Mane was traced to poison ivy. Death
is known to have resulted" from con-
tact with this plant. But there are
other offenders that casae skin dis-
eases. Dentifrices containing Salol
will dolt. so will some photo develop.
era. and even pla.terol-Paris.
Vitality of geed
As a result of careful teats mad.
by. tM Desseetment of Agriculture of
over 3.40 carefulliii.letifi r,fre of
what was considered good standard
seed cornmore than half of the ears
were sound to be of low vitality and
unlit for seed lty testing Individual
ears and re)c, tine those of inw vitality
an average gain In yield of nearly 14
per cent. could be secured as a result
of the better stand and better pro-
roductiveness of strong plants.
This 3. a very attractive statement.
Figure out the coat of these germina-
tion teats and then figure your last
year's corn average and yield, and
strike a 'balance with a 10 -bushel yield
per acre and with cora at, nay, Ne
a bushel. the increased groat per aero
would amount to 48.04.
Seisms le Library,
The French National Library had
so massy complaints about the length
of time It takes to Sad a book, that
floe architect sad tbe director, M.
Rereaurd mad M. Homolle, are atady.
lag •-• plea of distrlbutio, by reifies
carpets. The idea w111 be to plain
telephones in the differing rooms trend
b readers. They will ask for the
boob they west over • wire to the
eostrot ogee, the libraries mad Els
w tstrts will Om obtala tMMt hem
their plasm os the shelves. and is
two or three t141sde they will arrive
ma • railing oarpat near the seat of
Mt• reader who MO naffed ler flea
For East Huron
John Argo (B.). Silt
Bessie lMascbard 4J8
Delbert aureate 407
Roy A. Batt 416
Mar y Calder .. ... ...... ASV
. 4eU MaryE. Turner. (11.)
613 Novena* T'indafl
UootiCleary Dalton 414 Florence Voddes. 4111.1
John L. Usck.san440 Irons Wand
Gordon Dili 481 Nellie Watkins
Vera Dunlop, (H) 467 Vt� Wl.e iH )
Katie Yokert. (H) I1Mf W m:merge.
Hylvwter Firma/try 411
Willis Habbirk . , , , .418 Annie Asdereon .) 500
Vera Heist, 4f18 wt
Jams A•dmre, ( •) 318
Waiter Hart, (0)•... ..4113 Maria Bennett 301i
Janet Hays.... .... ................4W Leslie Boit
Jean flays, (H) 671/ Bvetard Carson. (B.) 4M
Loretto Heffernan.... 411 We•Imy4albrrs 435 II
Slier Hendersrin.......... 99/ Clarkson Douglas
Rumen Holman. (H) 3Y7 Mary G. Bails 46Y
Archie JrKery am; George Rralick 442
Jeffery, (H► 6W Aldyrh Graham 443
Edna Jubilation I d1 ... aye Carroll Gregg, ( ) 401
Beta Kerslake m .............. Ethel Hastings 476
eat Lorca Kaakr. 406
l:wwa McDonald . 4(J Stewart Lovell . 47th
Pantile McKenzie 424 Verne McDonald 433
Murray Mclean 4116 Helen McLean ....467
ltobt. U. Mcl.rru 496 Dorothy McTavish
Harald diclwaatt
lie Maggie Menzies, (H.1 lNr2
Juste McMullan (HI b17S [wwr.n.. MoKatt 437
-teen : i*
JWril Murphy......... 446 hart Kele.IH.t 610
Mal,r! MurW►Y 449 Mena Rintoul r 434
Awca L. Devine, (Hi.3:11, R 446
Thelma Petbick , rl). .486 ; Alex. Sanderson, 1H.) 487
John A. Haw . 437 George Savnge Mril
431 ' Heorge Mpnwl 477
Jostoa Steiumiller 31,2
Olive. E. Turner 4811Laura Van'Velsor 475
Arthur Weal ring' 475
(herr Wylie ...... .... 4t7T
Unripe Wylie .461► a�
Mabel Marshall 425
Marie 473
Ry Musinors g. MMira Nota
AUlla° rosier 485
llen P.o�kittt t�ry� 450
Grace Tebbutt 442
B11ssa Tow amend . U1
Frieda Wallin 430
Vera Trick.
Helen Dickson, IMI
Margaret Wacker
7 Days of Bargain5 T °0
Annual Mid -Summer Bargain Days
7 of Them 7
Rbra Sadler
Uirae►e &at lett 4S.
tools scull 451
Beatrice Setp.... 446
Vtareece 1t. abrpbetd..' 43)
Jennie hiller), :.........451
Maori.ou Shcery- til). 347
Ida J. Slavin.. h. .. .414
James Sproat 417
1'. u. C. opruat 431
Una Step es 476
Uri Lauda. *iapletou 112
bouts Stewart
U..rdoo !Stewart. IH)• ••....-• 518►
Amor Tay lea 412
Clifford l'cott (HI ..516
Murray ryndall 4:311
James A. Walker 473
Karl Webster 48:5
Willie %Veiland. (14) 4115
Beth Willis 451
llorclhv Wit.uo. (H) ' 4 510
isrbel te'ox,dr, (HI
George Agar ....�i.
Stewart Aitkeen.....
. Mit
Luella Brewer, I H.1 601
Elizabeth Campbell 47:'3
Albert Coolies
Charles. Currie 443
Jean Currie .. 441
'Lizzie Currie 400
Harvey Dennis 461
Noel Drummond 430
Kflte Erskine 470
J. Gordon Ferguson 47'.3
Helen Galvin354
Kugean Gadd.. 410
"• Francis Gibbons 419
' !John Gilham
John Butler._ •4141 Lein.* BiJohn ngfne
Willie Darter 414 M McBurney
Edgar Cowan • . Gus. McGlino
Edna ()timing - 489 George McKende . . 466
Mildred Gray, (H) 501' Neil Mc1.eart 456
Mabel 1161, (n) 520 Flora McNeil 459
Robbie Ludlow, (H).., 491 Cameron McTavish 439
Kirk Lyon 434 Edna Mast !H.) 491
Kethieen McConnell. 901 Kathleen Mills , 414
Beit McKieoy 466 Baty Pocock 461
Ruth McUowaa. (H).' ...487 George Pocock 436
Jean McMurohie........... 480 ' Helen P000ck 460
Jessie Mac Viltie 468 Florence Proctor 444
Violet Parker, (H). 487 Irene Raver 448
Wive Parrott 472 'Leonard Robimeon .430
Willie Phelan .300 Viola Sehaefar o 419
Alpha Potter 407 Edna Scott 424
Elwin Kaltbby. (H) 487 I Jennie Scott
Belie 427
mits Robertson 461) ,Ida 14. Stokes 468
Lillian Rogerson461 1 Vera $tricker 900
Irvine W arlaee 414; Frank Tate .... 494
!JameJean Wallace. (H.) 496
e C.
!James 427
4 • • •400 Archie Willlhmeon 460
Gertrude, (11)... � PUaDw1CK
Jean E. Archibald........ ,. 417
Lizzie Baker, (H) .....:.......,...logo Clyde Allen, (H.).... 488
Foster Bennet... ..... , 427 .Oswald Bradley, (H.) Spence Brea» lo86
Cardiff Best, (H).
az 1 William Campbell 421
Ida Bremner.... 47's P
Torrance Dundee .•,,........4181 Vers Haase 167
Mark Edmonds .......... . . ...... 409 I Vera ed Hood 466
Harold Gerry, (H) 406 Nellie Httchieon 475
Jean Grant, 1H) I. King ,427
Stanley 11.11, (H) 4SrL Knight 0 4116
Rhoda Hewitt 457 Garfield Martin 416
Fred Hinson ..4418 Thomas Pat4eld . 4031
Alvin Hunter 437 John Reichard 4.28
Adelina Johnston 437 Lottie Rogers 438
Clayton Jot den, (H,1 5:ip Nellie Rogers • 476
Daniel Love 40e Alice Schaefer .441
Maggie Love 41Ci1 Percy Mparling 463
Kubt. Mel:allutu 476 f Lizzie 'Spence. (H.1 487
!quart M,:1)ouald 413ISarab `{pink• - 460
Viola McLeod, (Hi illi Beulah Stromas, (H.) 491
Heim 'sue Mctluarrie•47w I Rub I Waadtters. 1 H. t + 396
Eric F. Pennington 440 y
Dot is Ko..', (tl) b ""��
John 1'. Savage.... . .. ..iii Pulp Making in Gnaw '
Hazel Stewart, (HI . ...............iii' During the calendar year 191:3 Can-
7elma Turvey. Ili).
- bob adian pulp -mills coosuwed 1,11A,IRt1
tEdna Wghurn, (H) ,.... hint) 1 coni• of pulpwood valued at $7.243.-
Wdkulwu .410, 36n; during the Paine year there was
Byron \‘'riabt, (Hi ....:Ar2 exported to the United States an
Masan.almost equal quantity of noinanufac-
Cured 4mitpwood which was valued at
Ago,a Flanagan . ..... ..........4'21'` $7,O10,o71. This quantity of unmenu-
r41tr�I eindinte ,.:. ,, 123 l factored wood wag sufficeet to bare
Millie Anderso
lxuna Hovland, 11).1 .:..,.. "MI .opptiekedo silk of abeinear.ltq size
Helen Lorimrer.... 4811 operating in Canada in •10311. It
John 1.. M+lone 4034 would have made 1,433,1W tons of
Lizzie Malone.... 479 ground•wtsld pulp, or 517.515 ton. o►
John Maloney •..4t0 chemical fibre. (around -wood pulp I.
Camilla Murray 479 worth at least 114 a tan, which would
Aloysia Wool. 4tl4 give $11,190,410 for the value of the
The following pupils from S. It No. pulo that rnnld have been made from
5. McKillop Tp.. passed the Junior this wood by this process. Chemical
Public School Graduation Diploma RN., is worths at least 336 a tun, which
Kxrminwtion :--Agnea Curtin, George would bave brought the value up tD
Kart .rad Joseph Moylan. , 413 6315 3711. in reality only 57,070,57o
was realized by the sale of this mater-
' nal. The pulp industry lost the profit
Mhurwin A1E01, 111.) 326 that could have been made in mnu
a -
Hannah Argent 4ON factoring this wood into pulp, and the
,,A�►dero Armour 43;3 country se a whole loft the value rep.
George L. Half' 467 resected by the cost of manutaeture
Bertha G. Cortir 310 in the form of wagas,etc.
Klvir. Churchill 468 Laws forbidding the export of raw
Bruily (ionnell WI) pulp -wood cut from crown lands in
Viols Conk 469 the different provinces have tended to
Perry Csirrie 445 reduce the ped a
ion of unmanfec•
Alice Da.ideon 478 toted p� liewood exported, slthortgb
Wlenie Draper. (H.) , 1161 up to 1901 over h of tM pulp -wood
Marion '411tbiog• M7 in Canada sere tried in ibis form.
Edward Good 981 The manufacture of pulp in Canada
Mabel Harvey4O4 in 1913* showed an increase of over M
Luther Hill, (H.T'�r.... .4M per coot over tbat of 1912, increases
4o taking place In every province hat
457 Nova Santa. Over 70 per coat of the
461 pulp
► produe.d la groundwood, or
44e mneehaeloal, pulp, but the proportion
slo of ebamkSher r 10 ioeaetmg oseb
Lo tuff.
Ink Holmes, (B,►
Beryl Huck
Lola Hurtle
Berta Jackson
Verna Jerrie
Morgue Jones.
lay. Keller. 10.). 489
Rees Keneedy 470
Cassie Mrllarsey 417
Frank McGregor DM
Margaret Metered 472
RothMcMatb, (H.) 419
Mneray M.N.tl 441414
Lamas rae ia.aford
wJ. Lass .......... ... >
year. d m
7be inereaIanufseture oi beery
Ruh wrapp3S papers has caused a
demand for pulp made by the selphatir
proems and 11e maaafactnn of this
ppseir�lar kiwi of oh.mieal Oboe has
i.arassd eosalderaldy is the last two
years. The %cream la the house
asasutaetclamorre of all clamor of papers M
shown by the decreases la the exports
412 of pulp sad Mrs iaereasss la the Ina -
a -
Porte e1 eMgeel Oben from miler
.139 cosatefi e.
Commencing Saturday, July 25th
Ending Saturday, August Ist
Come to this the greatest sale of the season.
Genuine, money -saving Bargains await you
in every corner of the store. It is_our clean-
ing up time for summer stocks and your time
to save money. Take advantage of it.
Annual Mid -Summer Bargain Days
7 of Them 7
The First One Saturday, July 25th
The Last One Saturday, August Ist
odgens : Bros.
� Paint! Paint! Paint!
We are giving you an exceptional chance to buy Paint at low ebb prices;
A small. lot of Elephant Paint to clear at 40c a quart
This is high grade paint and is being sold today in stores., that stock it
at 65c to 75c a quart.
Harvest Tools, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Wrenches,
Paris Green and Land Piaster for the Bugs
Cow Ease and Williams Fly Destroyer for the flies
Grindstones at 25c and 39c each
These are all in active demand at this season of the year and you will find
you ran save money by buying of
Howell Hardware Co. Ltd.
The Best Place to Bay Hardware
COM OEM 1111111111111111111111
Adam The Guilty Gne
Only last week Dr. Stephen Lang-
don, of Jesus college, Oxford, startled
the world and upset tr•dltos that had
existed for anon of time by assouw
ing that Adam. and not Iva, ate the
forbidden a�ppppliee As his authority for
this menu Me anmoamees.est. Dr.
Langdon mestJosed one of the may
tahle3s be400ging to the Nipper collec-
tion of the osivereity of Pennsylvania
museum which M ettcoeed.d is team,.
latfoogg after years of effort.
Usfortanately, Dr. Lamgtios bad
only half of the clay tablet to work
upon. Oommequeedy loss traeelaltoa
was incomplete.
Now melee as meousess met from
the aalv.reity museum da eg .tthat
the missing half gay 'abbe
ooneseeteg the flood, the serape of
Noah and the Fall of Man. has been
tossed to the Nippur moll etio..
lebolar. who have eaaaisd It say
that It w M ease. another •.•.sties
.ltd to y the I.Mrmatios that willc.tablNl for all time the leso.. o.. of
Bee and the gel* of Adam. A espy
of tM tablet will be treat at ossa be
Dr. Limier r igMaL
A Weber. aloft
Mr. Nils R. Gauen, of Detroit, who
if making is trip from there to Little
Current, Manitoulin Island in his
power yatch, Nohsra, hed .n accident
a few miles off B•y*eld, which but
for the beautiful weather prevailing
might re bad a onions ending. in
son t ismer the eerier of the ball
race on the reverse gear shalt hewn*
rrogbeeed and acting aa • cutting
tool, severed the shaft in twain. Mr.
Gates, who is an amateur seaman of
no mean ability rigged up a jury mem
with Imbed flagpoles and a tarpaulin
and .ueo.eded la holding isle Own and
A .sashimi Oren
The yacht Voyager. owned by J. P.
Brush of Detroit, ea a short cruise to
lake Heron ports arrived M doderieh
Monday afternoon
This enact ls nee of Um linen that
ever vlsited thie town and was tie
eeatre of a1teaetinn to admirers of
marlsher ibbltertirrewhileMremained
here. Palated white with polished
mahrgssy and glistening with.
it hp
certainly a term of twenty. It i.
driven by twin Off horse power goer`
Use amines, baa a entities speed of 1'i
miss per haw and lea One sea boat
eventual! tas.de Els era to r well. The interior arrangements
1 7 are a modeling neatemss, every Kt
Joseph's With the asmiausee of roan toot of apnea tieing uttlt.ed. Th.
d lb. r«Wante M Rot am' shaft art. potty os board maim of Mr. mad lire•
and taking it to Bewail moored a new, J. P. f9rtrb. Mr. amid Mea H. Talon
ase which he pet in Its place and eon. min Halle. all of Detroit,
hawed his voyage to this town, anis boeliee Mr. Morgan is a
Ise on Mendel efu� he reens. Mr. Oates a of tlate Col. Montan sat
Dae agsest.d TM lligeal (0 Ibaak tin al Burns (Nicety's Ptoraere and le
.."'""ata of 83'7 s far the man quite insareetad le the history of (3b
klsdeesses which he resolved at their esetloe• gig of IM older r 03d.ntt
bands Mr. laws left Oodseteb Tow wen reesembor bee fatMr. The Mie
My inseshR w elute M Msaallaep• Now homer.
.4 r»
Pint in.
xp.t t..
Tel 1.
t7:1 tt
11 )