HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-23, Page 7t, ..7 tats, MSM 5 LB. THE SI13?'.Ate QODERICH (4111A RIA TXU1aDAT. JOLT ls. 1914 s TNR 0l1G1NAL AND ONLY GENUINE BIWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS O6 IINARYS LINiIENT B()0K131ND1NG MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. BOL[) LETTERING o. LEATHER GOODS anesdes a en leaving two at ceder SIGNAL. o.d.ri.b. A. B. TAYLOR. eft I ATTOfD. DR. earth el timmetyna=trriles."*=111:: Lean bed TAIL OSV. HEILEMANN, - ObTE- PATH. e.edaltst la wears • and ohL- ler% drseara•. acme. hands. sad .suns di* slderwavg ee. tore .wd lumbago sod rheumatic itI Nertbueel . tteJeew�1. MEDICAL W. F. (*ALLOW. M. B. R. F..1. R. FORBTBR-EY . EAR , Iw York OpbtWmis sad Aural Wutatew and tenses may. Bens neaesu Asset,. Ker. Melee liquors, MgMetd =r+ tendon. kasha* Sasmrtag stoutest, •ppe•te Kees ChaekHoa :01ra.as..fe4P.m-fto9p•a Tt7..... : c. 11 H. AND MINNiE M. OREER. D. C.. Chiseer.don, setae and n.rre poctalloto Cblrep,wetle Ins the tremor Uri. come wbasat drat or knife. From examu..- two. OSre ever B►armen. Oboe Store. ea - triage M Cast strew. Mese Tut. Winn LEGAL PROUDFOUT. HAYS k KILLOR- AN. banister., emsllelt•s+, soteriee patent, toCtan in the Marini Court, eta Private toa& to lend at lowest nom or lateral. lice. lio..t ads square, Gateriob. W. YKUUIWUOT. k. C., k C. BAYS. J. L KIW)KAN. W. PiWUDFOOT, Jr. LI O. CAMERON. K. C.. i3ARR1S- (11. TES, .oliettor. notary peal= Omoea- li.wl:tos duvet. aederlee {gird deur from •padre. 1 CHARLES OARROW. LLB., BAR- E KIHTAlt. &Aural,. sotioltot. eu:., 34•61- tick. uderick. Yom.p to Mod at Mara rain 1 SEAOER. BARRISTER SOL - V idWr. Notary Pmbae and C'oo•rtsy•icer. Ia6ee -'.:oust [ ollke. OMui4ed » I. nI AUCTIONEER. THOMAS OUNDRY AUCTION E&R Om C. Gederleb. AL IM..atYta by mai left et OIgi.l aim win he p'ampYY .t- mild to. Hedd-aee ielgr -- 1t9 INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. oilwin PRIVATE FUNDS TO Ll. V V V Mao. Ap4y to IL U. CAM 1tON. H.rriaer itemlltas etrwr. Godericb. WR ROBERTSON. • IN8LRANt C AGENT. Ilea *fin LeswYstaw : briliaa. C.saal.a and aeau�a,.th. o.g Aso urwraae l.r•,te err . Tw Ia1..a Ami' -1 sod 0a.r.stw Floss .JTT :rd LI la~srsr TQM U.B. rmenty sed timeaare Lamprey. 0aic. al none .. nerta•rw roma of trio - t pts atw1 aL barna • .towns. 1'boa. 17w AickIU.GP MUTUAL MIKE 1N J1 a C K A N C E C O. -bear .nd WMaed ewe 1`r v_1ty l 9_t .d. oaten -J. H. Masai= Wee.. ttsd.rtk P.U.: J« I.ennelly. Y1e11.P,ar. Uederls• J'• U.:I Timm r Nam gsa-Ttma►, P. U. Dusetar+-11. F. 1.iruhreiMi aW=eealmr. 'I Saba 1 U.Arter. W MseaYr �law.req fattens . Manche c wci.. tirmourid. Aiwa,.-n.'o. tau, aotmerino; R. Mane 51110c 1 , %Valiant CM Felin eade th . l- YYaairy. e.d.tu•flaws-...saws e... p•, •rehameate a00 get men =els receipt.= at a J. Marra' . Clothing atoms- new e "K. rt t,aa • timmer y. iLlegA s street. UMmrM.. smuusOE LICENSER WAL:RR E. KELLY, J. P.. 0008)Ut *4. LINT. MIL Fit OP' MAKJUA IL 1.11 E\Wr E. R. WIOLE U.rNmoer lour of Marriage Licenses \\ IIiLE'M PHAH3i*Ci' (i,.l, r., h. Vetere, 1 Pill Term Frim RtpAss.Aw 1st. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE 5TRAT,0,0, 0N1.. The '"''.0'l'&.t tarh•el le t`•- Pm•I.sermum., 1Nat 0e. are their manyw�.tma`tlesl while err I .onwoarw a,• Vit thewyou .4MN ' and .wn. •tk • nese. wM4.r err • .4.440.44., M.. •rtd• da Oar Pars. 5" N•s "+hes. W t l. too 01, fres maal- •he and see what w•e am la fir yes. 0 J . >k'LACHLAA *Medea 11E LATEST MARKETS] Toronto Cattle Market *Spresentative prices are :- •etcher cattle. choice ..68.00 to 66.60 do. good 7 75 ...00 do. medium 7.23 7.60 do. cumuton 6 76 7 16 Heifers. choice 7.75 6.26 do. a.mmou 4 76 7.50 (Butcher cowl, cboles.. • 6.50 7.04) do. good 6 . INT 6 . S0 do. common 4.75 3.50 Canners 3.00 3.50 Cutters 3. W 4.00 Butcher bulls. choice6.75 7.26 do. good 6.50 6.76 do. common 6.60 6.00 Feeders 6.75 7.00 Stockers. choice 6.60 6.76 do. medium ... 6.00 6.54) Milkers, choice, each. 66.00 80.00 do. coalman. each 60.00 4.00 Springers, each . 50.011 80.00 Calves. choice 9.00 10.71 do. medium 7.50 9.00 do. common 5.60 6.60 Sheep, cover, light 6.00 6.10 do. nosy) 3.75 4.50 Bucks 3.60 4.00 Spring lambs 9.00 10.00 Kegs, welshed off ears. 0.00 .00 do. fed and watered. 8.76 .00 do. free on board8.40 .00 Farmers' Market Following an the latest quotations floe farm produce at St. Lewrenos Market. Toronto: - Wheat $1.00 to Oona! wheat 96 pp���ff 46 4 ,76 .a 110 Yo. 119.00 16.00 16.00 10.00 16.00 9.00 11.00 16.00 .76 .35 .16 .22 .75 .15 .90 .22 .29 .16 .60 .70 .30 .26 .27 .06 75 35 .03 Currants, red. box .. .08 do. black, basket .. .90 Gooseberries. qt. .06 Parce). hunch .. .02 Letts-., hunch .02 Oro* oolong, bunch.02 Radishes, 6 b. unche.; .10 Green beans. basket .15 Orson peas, basket .35 Raspberries. box .13 Marley •BOskwbest We Peas Hay, timothy May. new .. Mixed and clover Cable hay Straw, bundled M. loose R. straw Oat straw do. each Sptiag broilers. each.. Fowl, dressed, Ib do. each Ducks, pound .... do. each Ducklings, sp- ing, lb Turkeys, pound Uwe bens do. broilers, each Ducklings. each Butter. choice dairy Bags, new laid. down Asparagus. bunch Potatoes. bag Potatoes, new. basket Beets. Lunch 60.00 .00 .46 .64 .80 .04 .00 21.00 18.00 17.00 12.00 17.00 11.00 18.00 17.00 1.00 .70 1.10 .17 1.25 .30 .26 .18 0.00 1.00 .35 .10 2.00 .76 .05 .13 1.75 .10 .05 .04 .04 .00 .25 .45 .18 Toronto Grain Pricks The following wholesale prices are Quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba \Vhi•at-Lake ports. No. 1 northern. 944.c: No. 2. 93c. Mauiroba Gats -Bay ports. N. 2 C.W., 421.c: No. 1 ('.W. 41tsc. Ontario Outs --4" to 41r, out..lde, and 43e to 44^ on track, Toronto. Ontario \V;teat--4lutsi4f. 93c to 95c. Arnr.rlcan torn -Fresh shelled, No. 2 yellow, et 1., Collingswood, 741=c. Peas -No. 2. :Mc to $1.03. car lots, outsid^. Rye -::o. 2, 63c to 64c. outside. Barley --Good malting barley. outside. 67t to 59c: ktanttqgegiarley, 56c to Sic. K•I;ie4 Oats --'.Fag of 90 pounds. 12.34; in stnallelots. $2.37'a; per hairs:, 43.0o, wholesale. Windsor to Mont real. Backe heat -No. 2. 48c to 90c. in car lets, n- telde. Mtllteed-Manitoba brau.121: shorts, 2.2:.; Ontario bran, 123; middlings. 326 to 327. rood feed Cour. $30 to $32. Ontario Flour -Winter wheat Cour 90 per cent. patents Is offered at 12 6.1 to 1..65. seaboard. in bulk, $3.60 to Toro lto: new crop, 90 per cent. pater.tx 53.50, seaboard. 1.4x:.:'ot.a Flour-- First patents. 16.50 in jute tag<: strong bakers'. 14.50 fa Jute 1(hgs 1n,.(13tt4)ta bags 1*0 c nta =amt anReit ' Conan-ou--fellow•, 98.11. sacks, 32.36. East Buffalo Cattle Cntll^-I').me steers. 89.24 to $9.511, shipping. 6 . 25 to 19.00: butcher steers, 1F 2S to 8s .•`': heifers. 66.16 to 14.25; (row,. $3.60 to 17.25; balls. $6.00 to 37.23; stockers and feeders. $6.25 to $7.35: stock Fetters, 16.00 to 66.60. Vcals-1 % to 111.50 Ooga--Neary, mixed. yorkers and bogs. 69.50: roughs. 6A AA to 1A 16; stags. 14 5.) to $7.50; Canada.. $9.60. Sb eep and lambs ---Lambs, 16.00 to 11 25: yearlings, 15.00 t0 67.00: weth- e rw. 3 5 76 t,$600. ewe.. 12.60 to 13 25: sheep. mixed, $5.25 to 11.75. Chicago Live Stack Cattle--I0emite. 87.76 to 19.90. steers, $6.44) to $830; stockers and feeders. 15.80 to $S; envoi and heifers. 13.140 to 19.10; calves, 17 ,0 t0 111. Hogs --Light. $*.70 to 89.15; mixed, 18.60 to $9.15; heavy. 88.46 to 89.11: rough. t4 4", to ti .a pigs. $7.76 to $1: hulk r f aa;r tv S3 to $.).07. Sheep -Sheep. 35.15 to got; year lin a, *5.60 t0 17: Iambs. native, 84 to $9.40. Cheese Markets Torc'ntn Phren.. -50 boxes tarp part. 1"r asked: 25 bate. large part lac irked: 50 bo':ee twins part.. 13'oc askod. 15. bid; 23 boxes twin pert,.. 12ti.c asked: INT boxes trip part.. 1316e asked; 26 boxes trip part., l.%c asked; GO ho/ -41 Stilton. new, 14e raked: K bone, Stilt's. Sept.. 1:%e asked. I Tbakes Ske o man Who Need: Help You are nervous. You have "crying spells." You are =You dial sleep well. You have backache. You at ambities Mr your wogh. You are beginning to feel old and I..* .+d. Thom .ympeame. mar. than Wady, are produced by sums wmik- e.= er dacoojemeat. Dr. Piece's Favorite Prescription im doing Mt ow*y op now /bras) sill ail psis pros rap Am Asse the spar ssudlelssi ant slusselb-jost as It bus hem yet awe i.tl prossIL It mill,.6 a r lrlrnMus. 18 wilillikard up Yam madkles dralgr WI Is Nat se lipid 118.0at � N. Y. se moos/moosstamp err Bial Moa Dr. V. Y Meek R Pads Plosen !lilt main >i>, k lair aid Ilba& lam is Wm. St. Jerome's eollege BERLIN - - - ONT. Excellent Brooms College Deeartmen. E.cellert High School Dep.nn.enr Extoller College or Arts Department New Beadles. with latest Hygienic Egripmrnts. The Largest Gymeas.om m Canada Quenon. Track. Sw.mnrng Pool. Slower Baths, Thews. First -Class Board- Com- fortable Sleeping Room:. Special attention given to •rudeno pre' cur .ng far Umnn..y MMnculanon RATES MODERATE AM•e•• : REV. k L ZINGER. C. R.. Ph. U. PRESLDENr Hot Weather [TINTS Garden Hose Hose Re¢ls Sprinklers Nozzles Couplings Hose Menders Etc. W. Rt PINDER Phone 166 Hamilton Street weiewwwwwweeeseemenerweweewleetimew a .eWATst 4vwr St 40.• OLD CH FREE. • Dermatonim r.w..w veer n.e w •.eMrhd !1-- w'• rib A.,...n. Walden te ilitireinele .4 tote,. JL *war la. >uliana wnI.m.•% Nem chess fe .sle a e . Menanriw ».. ebr m. for Lee. t Nell tunable 1 .0 w' r... Goan.. w Genn' Anent, int *enamel mid I., ..w with the trete. .h -.h •.0 be .,nn F. tam. - , M W eaefee.,4 a.• flask rano re. t:•..4 mem oar nine* I.....w. we 441144111414. r.4 le via taw =sir swee w see r.w las. am ►na.titw es.. tine t orwa alb raw or .d e be nen. •.t end rein t 4. ars, bade. and * 11041i,r alb•..tray r,«uw (beef: e t. 0. tora.e.ir %r.. tar. a. sneer. FALL TERM OvEN0 SEPTILlielalErt ler AT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Meth 100MO. ONTARIO he ewer -del year- '. MvrYoe- 1 'rsne.d,•rtl Staff of .pecM114•. C. A. Fumee°. F C.A.. Principal. t,. U. Fuatat.No, Secretary. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert ia.er.ctors at the Paf&itifaied Y. M C. A. LONDON. O 6. Students as iMed to peaihsaa College le session from Sept 1st. Catalogue tree. Enter my hme. i.=aryl elt L W.1111 a 15 t• . --- ct.. wary!v Low et'et':.. i ,1 zact-Diu best for Cr.. 1! t . M. •'M'e 'Y")tj cc*: _:Ali .tad enol set Ecom' M . e I ,.e re,..e..;mw Conspiracy Cr.arge Dismissed IContioured from page ti) place held this case beck. when l think K should have gone ahead. 1 •m Was- ik/ the people of the riding would have void tell►geaUy. 1 don't mesa fihat pditbally, not a larger vote for Dr. Macklin than Mr. Proodloot nor a larger verse for Mr Proudfooe Shan for Macklin, but if the facts had been known the p.apie would have been able to vote jsleligenUy. There was more discu.- sioo about this than there has been almost about lbs election. Now 1 mean private distortion, not platform, I cannot see my way clear to commit these two genUemea for trial. And there is one thing I wast to mention. and 1 waat•to be understood, as in a care in Guelph where a man was paid a salary of fifteen hundred. eighteen hundred or two thousand dollar.. a year, come tbro' the country to trap Ub. botelu.an, net him to open his hotel for to accommodate him five or ten minutes hefor 8 o'clock, and then .lip over and have him fined, or play up sick in hie hotel and get biro to gave him brandy or whiskey for a atomacbache, and then he lays acharge and it costa him forty or a hundred dollars. He gets paid for that and he goes shout making his money in tbat way, preying upon people he does not know. if he did know thein he wouldn't be able to get. the business. Here 1 find thio man herr lejls me Goa with no salary be trap. Mr. Elliott and be traps Dr. Macklin. He is a member of the church with Mr. 1 Elliott, an organist in the church, and yet he Irlly you he bar done what he rays hero to day. I don't think a man like that is any better than, well, it is pretty haul for we to find • word 1 an compare him tn. I have no word.. to explain what i feel about this man Hunter. and in the face ..f what 1 have braid to day I C4I1 do nothing but discharge the defendants, and I ant satirfied, and I want this borne in mind, I am satisfied, notwithstanding the feeling of a few who may be on the outside, that the emir of justice have been met, whether thee defendente are guilty or not guilty. I don't care if we were to follow this thing for week., i am satisfied from what we have heard i can safely discharge these defendant*, and 1 know tbe.endr of Jn.tioe have been mea, no matter what appears to have been neglected. FRECKLE -FACE HINDUS IN.1611T MYSTERY SURROUNDS' YOUNG WOMAN'S fA1E Off THE FaLiGE ---- - Mies alanohe Yorke o1 Tamw0Ah A $.r4... Turn to the Hindu Troubli in Vancouver --statement a4 Ottawa A large body of Vancouver police sad a contingent of special lmmigra tion constable., numbering nearly 200 men, descended early Sunday morn - lag in the. tun Sea Low upon the Komagata Maru, and after grappling her and playing a hose on the In- furiated Hindus. were beatou back by showers o' coal and other missiles. Many of the attacked were Injured some seriously. The immigration department at Ot- tawa made the following statement regarding the mutiny of the Hindus on the steamer Komagata Mara at Vancouver. and their violent resMl- ance to all attempts to deport them "The captaln of the Komagata Maru was given oath 6 o'clock last (Satter day) night to' settle whether or not he intended to obey the deportation or- ders whtch has been served upon him. Lovering the 360 rejected Hindus. Shortly after that hour be reported that the passengere prevented him from getting up steam. and asked for assistance. "About 160 policemen and Inamlgra tion officers went out to the vessel 1n the largest tug avallable, but were unable to gain the decks of the Koma- gata Maru in the face of the stub- born resistance offered by the Hindus on board, who from all parts of the ship burled down on the officers coal. Iron bars. pieces of machinery-, hat- shets and clubs, Injuring many and smashing the windows of the tug. "Some shots were fired by the Hin- dus. but the oflcers, although armed, In their anxiety to avoid bloodshed. If possible, did not return the fire. and at 2 a.m., realising the difficulty In reacking the decks from a tug, re- tired to the shote with their twenty injured. amongst whom was the cap- tain of the tug, suffering from two broken ribs. Fortunately, none of the injuries received is likely to be fatal. "The self-restraint of the police and Immigration oalcers under great pro- vocation Is appreciated and highly commended by the acting minister (Hon. C. J. Doherty). -Width desirous that no unnecessary violence shall be used, the govern- ment are determined that the law shall without fail be effectively and rigidly enforced, and, with this end to view, have authorised the use of the Rainbow to effect a landing, when, If necessary to secure and maintain control, the full number of Hindus will be handcuffed. a proceeding which in view of their violent actlocs last night, Is fully justifiable. "The government has instructed its agents to deport ■11 rejected Hindus on the Empress of Japan next Thurs- day, If It appears that deportation by the Komagata Maru cannot be prompt- ly nd effectively accomplisaed, and 1. also taking legal proceedings against the master and charterers of the Ko- magata Maru." The cruiser Rainbow is to be assist- ed by two hundred troopers and the Vancouver police. If there Is any relit..lance, every Hindu Is to he hand- cuffed and sent hack on the Empress of Japan which sails on Thursday. Son and Wind Bring Out UgIy Spots. How to Remove Easily Here's a chance, Mia.. Freckle -lace, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of A reliable dealer that it will not cost you • penny unless it re - the freckles: while if it does give you a clear complexion the ex - perms in trifling. Simply get an ounce of o(hine- double etrengt1t from any druggist and a few aprlieati • .hould .how you how ea.v it iv to rid yourrelf of the homely frerklex and ,;et a beauti- ful complexion. P..i,ely is more thtn' one ounce needed for the worst case. Re sloe In sok the dreggist for the double strength otlune ss this is the prescription .cl.l under guarantee of • money Lack if it fails to rrutl•ve freckle.,. -Following the servic• ah the t'••n- Ir.1 Methodist church, \\'oc.if.tork. on Sunday morning, AMr{{J.mow Hyde, .'1 Brantford. Mir who ricently h.. le.•u Stationed at l6lrnwr•rrl, woo ordaircd by Rev. H. W. Crewe, pr.•eident of the Hamilton cooferenee. a•.i+ted 1,y other loot minister. Rev. Mr. Hyde -wrlP BreiaaoM. dN•Jjberwrnrr,-*fent ilei mile. north of Ooderich. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sot a new and untried needy -- our grandfathers used thtre. Half a century ago, before Cbnfederatio,4 they were* sale in nearly every drug or general store in the Canada of that day, and were the recoenircd cure is thousands of homes for Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness. Rheumatism and Kidney and Liver Trenbks. To. daj they are just as effective, just a. losable as ever, and nothing better V yet bees devised to r Kure Common ills DINAH'S FRENCH PILLS sou _-- P111 tee 0' nae. g,1 . hoe or theater at U1 Dreg MMR er ernes *0 arar es rtwrplof pries. Tea &call. Dior "L7. fl/1t l.ILl7. \-I,"".,tt Vitality. tar Nerve awd nr_h,- hurea a 'en,. mare a TnaO - w MIM yen np. le► 42 lire Jd at drug re -Ey ml n rw•.• t of prim Tee a9Uma Deng. CO., wl ea f hart,. aimsmar - PATENTS �.,.'.. is 1�►�I���I:�1. !n ell TORO eewntrtea A.0 t 1'. ADVIgft,watrh w 1., v ht fres. 1111A>R301K At MARION. 104 Y MvsrNb' 04.. motorise'. KIN6 HAS GALLED IRISH GONffRENGE The Leaders of Ali Parties Interested in Home Rule Bill Will Confer on the Subject The King has called a conference of the leaders of all the parties to seek a solution of the INah problem This is the nlonn•ntous announcement *bleb Prem}er Asquith Is expected to make when th.- b111 amending the Home Rule bill cornea up again f..r consideration It the House of 1'om• mons Prcnn, r Asquith has boon with the King at Portsmouth during the weekend, and the Klug's anxiety :0 get the difficult) settled resulted In the deet..ion to call a conference it 1s said the various leaders .nvfted have accepted the invltatlon an that +lis cg.Se seshil N1il . meet at al -early date, probably on Tuesday, In London. The King will receive the delegates, but will not himself preside over the. Conferences, which. It is eonlldentJy thought, under such exalted auspices will pmve successful PASSED AMENDING BILL Howie of Lords Did Net Vote on FInaI Reading Home Rule Measure The House of Lords last week posssd the third reading of the bill t0 amend the Irish home rule bill, and sent It acmes to the Howie of Commons for consideration At the suggestion of the Marquis of Crewe, the bill was read a third time without a vote being taken The Marquis of Crewe. Liberal leader, Indirectly promised that the attainment of an agreement in regard to til elimination of the time limit. by which the counties, of Ulster were allowed to vote o" the question of , their exclusion for a period of six years from the operation of the home rule bill. won't' not prove d1A1(wlt. He rent -lodes' by asking for the e'er - else of patience and forh.arance, and firmly hoping for • iucr.'seful =Sutton Fart Rea +champ on behalf of the Government **eared a willingncaq to give facilities for a conference. If then. was • general desire for nae. The Marquis of ianidowne leader of the Opeosltinn, made a guarded re - ales.. to thtx offer, but his attlt•,de 1 was not Ylrteadly to it. Dropped Oat et algwt as le the Earth Ham swallowed Her Bleach. Yorke, aged 33, a< Charles Yorke, a farmer of 1Ow01 Lennox Township, Addtai00a Ostaatr. mysteriously disappeared from the village of Tamworth at 10 o'cloek ea the eight of Wednesday, July 6. She was a dressmaker by trade, and was esapleyed by various people la tate velem. The day of her disappearaa*s, she Galahed her work at the residers. et Mrs. Walsh, and lett to cell or Dr. C. L. Robinson, wim was treader her for stomach trouble Was Weigh �Qo�pealed Ser to the doctor's gala. M. Yorke left the doctor's ossa. Ia1Mr states, about 9.41, sad a lad aimed Heary Card says he maw sad spoke to her short, after that thaw Slaps that hour no tribes of her era M teend. alhough Inadreds of mal. elided by the local and provtnelsl ✓ ag.., have seareltsd the vicinity. As Die 'remit of this nea4laoSSSa the mikid. tbeary has been abandons.' h Ike family of Miss Yorke, nal .tllerta are betas directed towards tracing a motor car which passed thIo.gb th. Silage about the time of the girl'. disappearance. ft 1. now the opiates of the Yorke family that the girl 1. beteg detained in the custody or par - Mee unknown. ■r. Daniel McGregor. Canoe of the 0*Issing girl, kis been tireless la teamptng tkrosgb the hash and ka searching the .a1gkbortog waters. Dr. aoblaeoa 1s a young $17,10164 who has been 1• Tamworth for sig months. Na declares chat the young lady called ea him for treatmeat for stomach freebie He says that he examined h er and gave her a bottle of medicine. tsMleh contained some strychnl.e The entire bottle. 1f taken at once, he eays, would be sufficient to k111 her. Re also states that next morning be 9s.ed that • bottle containing about arty carbonate of meresry tablets, of which one would be suMeient to cause Malls was missing from • shelf near where he had examined the young wo- man. The young lady was of a particularly bright and cheerful disposition and was known to her friends by the nick- name "Happy.'. PLAGUE OF ARMY WORMS greet County's Fertile Fields Prey to to Devouring Millions The dread pest of the farmers, the army worm. has Invaded Brant County in millions. along the low lands of Wbttaman'a Creek and other porta, 1a now climbing Into the high lands, where the corn and grain Is grown, and unless checked quickly, will have latterly ruined a great proportion of the crops, Oxford County also re- ports the appearance of the pest. The worms trade their first appear• ince In Brantford township, a quarter - acre patch of corn being wiped out by an advance guard. Burgesavile, Paris. Northfield Centre. Falkland, Fairfield Plains, Burford. Brantford and, other points In Brant county re- port that there are hundreds of mil- lions of worms now to those sections, and every effort has to be extended to fight then., District Representative of Agriculture Roy Schuyley and his assistants are leading In the fight. and already millions of worms have been destroyed by means of portholes dog In trenches which are filled by the worms and down which coal o11 is poured and set flre to, exterminating totem. Professor Bethune of Guelph Agri cultural College says the only way to stop the army worm's progress to to dig trenches around the Infested area. In this area should be placed a poison ad . bran mash. [wing a mixture of brae Perla green and molasses it Is preferable to run heavy rollers over pasture land. this is a quick and easy way to destroy them. WHOLE TOWN WIPED OUT Feer Hundred Citizens of Hearst Homeless and Destitute ROM nethtns more modern than a 1 towhee! brigade with which to fight the flames. the Inhabitants of the town of Hearst in Northern Qatar et, tattled for three days and three nights to save their homes from destruction - Time after time they overcame the flames, but only to see them spring a9 In some now quarter Finally Wednesday a strong wind sprang up which ',screamed in volume till It Al- most rearhed the proportions of a ey- "lone The wind fanned the flames and the town was quickly the centre of a roaring furnace. The Inhabitants fled to the railroad tracks, where obey spent two drys and a night amidst smoke and flames, until a relief train arrived over the line of the Trsas- co0tlnental. Some four hunr'red people have boon rendered homeless, and Most / them are destitute SUING FOR TWO ON Flirt Steps In C.P.R. Actlbn Against Steamer Storstsdt The statement 0f dale In the cut - entail Paetfic Railway Oompany'. two- �tUfoudotlar node against the steam- ship Rtorst.d has been filed at Min- treal. The atatemen' does not itemise the amount claimed, but states the S9ualada nn wtllch the ()nmpany to a.g. By the o'.nelmt d t.nth partial the evidence halt* bats: • lord M. am VD to -.ltrrttted d the Adssbeltr IOOutlt actin vrhld►. R le espouse& M111 le besot at the mvrpggfaaogsgort !t Oe Sep' •mbar Mem Implements Say, when youoome to town COWS* to ROB. W11 /AN'S phos. We have a 0.w car - toed of the beet buggies money oars buv. We have lots of Wire Fencing and Oates. We have Wa.bing Machines and Churns, Stoves, Hea- ters and Ranges, Lad- ders. Hay oars sad Track, Utter Carriers, Engines. W indmllIs, Binders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Wagons and Stock Rack.. • Also • number of good bones.. Massey -Harris Shop Hamilton Str•e•t Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR 1 America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Gavel noises Exhibits by West Indies Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Doe Show BABYLON Greatest Oriental Specta -le ever presented on Continent PAintin4s from England, Scotland, United States and ('anode Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero-Ilydroplane Flights Grand Water Cerebral Creatore's Famous Bon -d1 Score of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Dally Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks International Peace Tattoo Mush 10 Rands 444 Mue Aud. 29 1914 Sept. 14 TORONTO Saturday Specials at the Maple Leaf Grocery Fruits Strawberriery Now plus ollipples Pfer#letilDap. Fruits, Ban Sunkist Oranges in an miser. New Vegetables Ripe Tomatoes, (:ucumher s, ('elery, Lettuce, ()cions, Radish, Rhubath, New Cabbage. Home-made Maple Syrup Have just received it Liege quantity of Acme -made 'daple Syrup of,tbe very highest ieml- ity and flavor. Butter, Eggs and CURED MFATS We are making arrangenu.•ota to have a large and choice as aortment in all thee. lines for Saturday and will be .n a position to supply your ants with Moto* Cnaaery aed Dairy Butter, strictly ?mph Eggs and Cured and Cooked Meat*. All order*, will receive .r.r careful attention. S. J. YOUNG Hamilton Street AD'.-3RT1!N 11 TBR SIONAI. J