HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-23, Page 5Th
$7 50
be, Mixed
441. •soot
mamas, JVLT tib. ltK •
Any child can make the
Every operation as plain
as day.
Every amateur should
have their developing
and printing done by
an expert.
R. R. Sallows
-McL re's store front has been
-Miss Best, of Ssatorth, le vieitioR
friends in town.
-Mr. Ed. Williamson, of Berlio, is
veatiog to Uodericb.
-Miss J. Davis. of Toronto, U the
guest of Mrs. T. M. Davis.
-Mr. George Maloney, of Coiling -
wood, was le town on Tuesday.
-The Millar* Currell, of Toronto,
are Yieltlsg rriaUvss in Goderlch.
-The grader has been busy during
the pant week on I\ewga'e street.
- err. John Elliott and family. of
L *towel, are visiting friends here.
- Mr. F. C. Raid, of Brantford, was
in town this weeon a holiday tour.
-Mr. and Mn. Jock Campbell, of
Port Colborne, are visiting relatives
here. t,
-Mn. Franl Wood., truth attest,
is visiting in Woodstock for • few
- About rear pounds of ealuton trout
were captured by local fishermen on
-Mr. Henry Johnston end party.
of Myth, motored to tioderich on
-Master Amos Green, of Detroit, is
no a visit to his graudmotber, Mee J.
-Mr. Alfred Armstrong, of Bramp-
ton. is the guest of Mr. Thomeb Arm -
'Leone herr.
' -Mn. A. Elliott of Dungrnoon, i.
vi•II fog her On Mr. Tom Cousins,
Park street.
-Mn Booth, of Toronto, is the
sunt of her daughter. Mrs. Heid. OA
liuuth- oott age.
_ _ __ _ - _._ _ -Mr. Wilson Wylie and Mr. ('ha*.
Humber paid a visit to friends in
Hayfield on Sunday.
-Mr. and Mn. Walter 11. Harrison
are spending len days Idling in and
around `,able Falls. -
• - - Mr. R. ('. Hays is building a email
brick addition to hie new office hudd-
ling on Hxuatltou street.
Bargains in
For one week we will put ran
rale the following sberet :
Lattie.: Russia Cslf hutton and
hit -.d Dat.. size. 2j to 7, regular
litter $3.50 fair $2.Mt.
Ladies' Rowia Calf Primp. and Ox-
ford-. .taro 2j to 7, regular price
fy..51/ for 112 let
L.dies' R•fssis ltslf ) ,i'ton Oifnrd•.
size- '21 to 7. regular price 13.W
11Th ril.'fe goods are new. up -tee
1it.• .tyle+ and should ..•II ,lun.kly.
Geo. MacVicar
Itore 1t '.-;• t-, of
. hoist f t .set A lr.
- - iter.! ,..soar.
1 •e. 1.-x «e.eeh.pe e•eeute the +^e, I.M.M.
• ,I.6 es Awe.. 4 .I•,V • arr4.
- • 5. r seer+.
-i.•7rlt. .. 15 Kier St
boot' UMW.. Get,
'Phone 51
South Street Garage
Don't Wait Till
Or uotil after the asci-
deot two actually hap-
Bring your Car to be
repaired now.
Prompt attention given
and good work guaren- -Mr. T. H. Tabb has taken the core
teed on any make of tract to-resbiegle the roof of Victoria
Car. street Methodist church. This Is a
tell job as the eaves ars about yl) feet
from the ground and the steep roof
rune to • point at an altitude of nearly
on feet.
the Misses Henry at Olen Cliff was
called awayon Wednesday of last
wait, by tdeath of Ger grandmoth-
er at Duttuu.
-Mr. Laughlin and sun Hubert and
Mr. Gerald Dillon, of Berlin. with the
Missal Claudia and Loretto !Shoo,
Toronto, are the guests of Mr. aad
Mn. John Spahr. this week.
- Mr. laud Mn. T. Hutchinson re-
cently made a trip to Toronto in their
new car. The roads were nut in a
very good condition, which robbed
-Nies Mary F septera, ausse'paaid
lofher deter Jennie Iron Cidilsgo.
t Sarnia on Saturdayvia stlsssaer
Moronic for • trip to Dluth and re-
--A most enjoyable garden party
was held at O1tw on Wednesday
freesias under the auspices of the
Smith's Hill Presbyterian church.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnston kind-
ly gave the use of their spacious
grounds. Sapper was served in the
open air. atter which • programme of
musical numbere was presented, one
them of some of the pleasure of their of the greatest attractions being Mr.
trip. Duncan M.Yay with the bagpipes.
- The regular monthly meeting of Quite • number from (odericb were
the Eureka Bible class of Victoria present.
street Methodist church will he held -Miss Ross Altkis. of Port Hui.
on Monday evening. July 717th, at the borne is spending her vacation at her
borne of Miss C. McClinton, Keays parents residence. Montreal street.
street. Miss Aitkin arcompaold by her sister,
Marjorie, to St. Thomas, to which the
later was sent as • delegate from
Oodericb o attend an Bpworth Lea-
gue convention, winch was held there,
and received much praise from Rev.
Dr. Dougal. formerly of Goderich, and
the choir for solos at the convention
at the Sunday service in the First
!Methodist church.
JOHN GARRODinteresting feature of theopeo-
.�_band concert io Court Houle puk
last week was the song rendered by
Mr. Campbell Tweedy. It was well
rendered and received well deserved
-Mr. Earl Robinson, who has been
sailing on the steamer Midland King town while cycling in from Bayfield
returned tome from Port Huron on last Saturday Lopped by the wayside
Tuesday. and liberally helped themselves to
*berries, as they made an open con -
Mn. Percy Cornell and children, Cession of this trans-
gression a full
after a piquant visit with Mn. pardon has been granted.
Cornell, Keys street, have returned to
Toronto. -A meeting of the W.C.T. U. will
be held Moodsy, July Lailh, in the
Temperance hall, at 3 p. in., when
superintendents of departments will
be elected, and • report given of the
county convention held in Clinton` on
July 7th to Pith. All members are re-
quested to attend.
-The owners of the transit elevator
-Two reverend gentlemen of this
- Capt. H. C. Dunlop was elected
D. D. 0. M. at the Masonic Grand
Lodge meeting held at Niagara Falls
last week.
-Mr. Harry Clucaa, artist, of Tor-
onto, ex -president of the Huron Old
Boys is a guest this week at Hotel
-Miss Tana Graham is spending her
vacation with her mother and aster
et the old home, Gloucester terrace.
Mire Graham, since leaving town has
visited several United States cities but
fur some time sbe has made her home
iu Chicago, being engaged in the
jewelry department of Marshal Field's
large establishment. Mins Graham
has learned to speak German fluently,
but thinks that the French laoguage
is bard to master. She has enjoyed
also an airier flight and deacribes it as
giving her the utmost pleasure.
-Mr. Frederick Wallace, of the
•4K of the Northern Crown bai.k,
Winnipeg, is the guest thin week of
his sister, Mrs. M•:Hattie nee (Heather
BellSouth street. Mr Wallace spent
his holidays with his mother and sis-
ter. who reside in Aberdeen, Scotland,
are walling up a new bin for smalland ar rived safely in Canada per
- Dr. Hoops, of the Mayo Bros. 1.hiprnente of grain. The wall is of re- *learner 9Tunisian, late reachingtToronto
e the
hospital, Rochester. Minneapolis, and enforced concrete, 35 feet 1n height y
bis pwife have registered pis Hotel I and 10 feet in width. The wall thick- train for Ocxderich. However, he took
Imes is nine inches. and the bin will the early train on Mondry, arriving at
Sunset. Mrs. McHattie's rrsidendir at 11.30 a.m.
contain 0000 bushel+.
-Mrs. Charles Swanson, and three Mr. \Vallece is the youngest brother
children are spending a haw holiday- ( -Rev. Reginald Armstrong. of of Mts. McHattie.
at the home of Mi. and Mn. Swanson, Chatham ' arrived on the steamer -The Not of it .cries of utytsu rr-
I. red his vacatioh at his home here. Bruce street. i Huron on Tuesday evening and will chats to he given in St. George's
- lin. McKinnon and Mrs. Keleher, • 1P n hie return Rev. Mr Armstrong church was given on Sunday eveniug,
ill take u the pastors a( the cl.»e of the evening
ofMrs. 'ter u acottageI. et i+ 1 1
-Berthed."sided at the organ and !Ilse Seager on
-During three days of vacation •
the the violin. .The progrismmecontained
-Miss Meta Yonngson his retnroed I bathing leech for a considerable die-' fire hunihers, two of them being vio-
tu town after spending two weeks. Lance both nottlt and south. 1 the bar- lin selections. The organ numbers
with friends and relatives in Livonia. � hor as well as in theriver is being well ' were: "'Grand Morse (UnJMuanti,
New York, stair. d !patronized. (Inc afternoon we count- I ••(lnntelene" 1 Wheeldont and r•War
-Mr. Lionel G. Parent's is fitting up the shore r,ow on k5)hathyls iic nttthe rwatrn along I s�ele March
1 Pifnethe (triolinewerenl. Tbei
its old tine residence and will tea enjoying dip
move to it as +non as the improve- of the lake- enade" 1(ionrodr and •'Sovenir.• At
menta are finished. -The new steps leading from the this recital air. Robinson fully sustain-
--The C.P.R. isle extending their Hitter tinny. -t to Inc beach are iwing l Pd his great reputation as a church
1' k Ther
-Mn. W. H. Tremblay and eons. 01 of Detroit are the guests this seaeou'w� p to of the Il h tnet
tnwn. visited triend. at Pert Albert Mel kid t the 1 y hod t chat el at Fosse: .era ice. 'Mr. F. W. Robinson pre -
and Crewe the part week.
- Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Deacon, of
Hidgetown, Ale .pending theiuusmer
among liudertch friends.
- Mrs. A. V. Bowies has returned
to HI•.I a af'rr spending a couple of
weeks with fru-rids to town.
--Mi. L. t'at sods s having Inc pro-
perty gest to ills residence thoroughly
repaired end a verandah added.
-!Mrs. Ed Cousins of Puri Stanley
erected t n• war orgeniet and Miss Seager ehnwed abil-
r law itch nearest the wharf from the fart m wl a t
r. visiting be. u -•'torr in-law. 11s. \Vt-it••rn Canada. 11 fur mills to the rail 0n the one side. 'this ,111 be a ing. Three recitals will he continued
(Thome. Courius, P'atk street. transit elevator. I greet convenienee to hath -i -s and we the second Sunday evening in each
-Mr. and Mr.. J. A. Yates, son and -The Wand 'ritank has finished the understand the Sunset bathing ileuses m'insh until further notice.
• thuugbier• of Chie.g.. a•.• vistung at repairs on the over heed bridge on i will be open to the public. Foresters at Church
I the home •.t lit. Jame. Yates. Sru.funl hie and it i. now pamotatcrd i-!}eEers. (fears. Fowls, ('harles I The thirty-ninth anniversary of
, safe Ly the insprctlr.
-!Iles Cola, [liana, of l •tett . 1, , is EmOry Slid \\'ill ism SUuis•I. three • Court Sherwood, No. dllfl;, Ancient
'spending a couple of si..4. vacation
tAL the p.lrntal borne, \Volt..tteet.
-K ay Bro.. have opened s cleaning
land pressing este..list ant uu Mon-
trealstreet next Swart.' feel a stable.
Wheat eurinK has commenced in
sir r'Pe ity and execution in her violin play-
. 'V d will have :t hated'
Mr•. .1. H. E. Jnne.. with little young nen from Buffalo. N.Y.. passed Order of Foresters was celebrated at
danabter. lluriel,•of Duart, is visiting I through Godetich on Wednesday on } liraforth on Sunday last by a church
at the home of her parents, !L•. and . their way to Sarnia. Mese youth' ase parade. Sixteen members of the
Mr.. L,TuuzeP Bruce street. making a ped*: ti-ian tour. rat ruing Godrrich lodge attended, going in Mr.
D t 1 -Mt*. David H. Young and two
la kuap•ack xrd blanket roll each and lifelarge Johnstone auto, truck. One
aa,igbtere. of Seaforth, haft• returned 'Cl:lltli it is it very satisfactory vacation , hundred and thirty members inelud-
the wrnwudtngaannu y laud in a short honer atter a rias with her riater, Mte, 110'
r j ►ttendrd LI"'i e rind
Iethodistiicrhurchin nw here
'tune the bare [will he w full swing J. H. young, Staulra eti sato. --The Eureka l,ible C.a•a of fife 1 the minister preached an excellent where
t Methodist rh tech held '
1 Victoria strepl
-Mr. Arthur Snazel who represents dress, the subject being The Christian
--A hrok.'n err\'i.•r pine w'«t thr+ur- nuwst rnjni-nhle,-{{tfirmc at Hayfield on'
face ..t Khgin xeroma I ser Mooural !shear:::
or Poster Adrr1 ti-ing ('r'. ,.f l'anada. Wednesday aftei'tioun. A fine lunch- I Knight.
- .mart, until repaired on \\'rdurwiwy. .is about to take n trip tt Hl- ret \Vin- eon was served and a merry afternoon Want Faster Service
Ai i•nl Uunganawu to the interest of spent. 1'he tri to and from the
--Miss Lilian Whiting. is ereuding his burives±. i'e I' . At a meeting held in -Forest on
her se'.win this edea with the Rev: I ground was not the least enjoyable Tuesday-
evening it Wits decided to at
and Mrs. W. H. Wrightuu, at R1sy. -The Doty •Engitle Works Co'.. has item on the programme either, itnieinK once appal to the railwep e
1 had its boiler shop working oights brim the merry shouts and laughter of I with a view too having a better rail-
t;••Id. this week on a ruih order (.m.34. 1 the passengers.
-M -s K a1 f *rine C nee rest l•f Wei- wrap reefer for the tosses between
Harvey Davis.Uacisi•f fort Stanley. )1�,F•s. Cheek.+ Symonds, of Kcew•at- Stratford i81d Sarnia on the old mu►in
lend. is at pte•rn► sis,ting bar iter- -Mr: and lies. W. L. l'hirne• and' tin, after spending a crninle of weeks {line of the Gran) Ti unit Hallway. In
I,hrr. Sir. Al. x. h:.Coltefrnr, ��atrrluu chit,tien. of St. Tonin., end Mis. W. in town. the guest i 1 Mrs. Fred. the Inst six months three tiains have
-`It'e•r• D. F.iir, 01 Clinton. are at 'the Lake -'Stokes. East street, and relative+ in been taken off by the (frena Trunk,
r nT Dr. 1f. I. Sting. aide for the summer holiday. -fyialtfurd, has returned to her borne! and business men and other. :u•1• in-
s to ii in-istIrrsuilc .attiot -lir. ('herb+-Win,erhond„ or 1 wmin youngest daughterh. t t•t•k t trip.
er Her
ft'r re l•.1 over the dela-ytthey ea; et tt ere
in shin to leading saints.
keluner, but fr.ttuerly of this town.is K • 11 1 )1 8pninnda t
- The re•i; sec
"Pilo..'. (II- c.,1
•,.f t' rn treat•,1
•• tiro.
-Mr. Win. li'••en. ••f 11 own ('its
Mufti''. wort. r•l 11•r,•og0 liP
o•i,lits arty Ito •'i: IVO •.lar• Ir. 1;
registered at the Hotel Sunset anIs the vewattan rut ,ane r• y
renewing oral fI iendshipa hate. is on,' ret lhr mill staff.
hi tl +. Chas. Humber and children, 1
-At for meeting of th. town roan-
1-`ail last Friday the chn amen of .t h••
sire stwndin, a s, reef 1. %:i' with' Park• er•InlnittPP ac •t- �'1 tnirt.sl 10
i Il.•'. :.Int mi.. \\ IL N•rigllten. At ►rcure `^tits• 1.ntrht rr •a: - to 1•e pIMt'Ptl
these. .home I1.ivfirda, in the 1'••flit's!anil Hat, it Pat k•. It
-- \1t.. Andrew Porter. Britannia is op to the puhlir•. to a --.••t the cosi.-
1 to. •.hent tlii-. wank its tligtou at 041 in their endtwvout :.to krrp the
I ..i inane, ,.r•11st•. it pr•,f.-4 cora• raiLol el..., 1 y Witt 'Iv! .•a.R. l.,pwt. .
r ., It in liNnitlt ..1 e: flet selnnt> ill- fr Ii'. rte in the ran* anon, Hot +vette'-
, ing it around the pink.
Nobody Here!
Guess 111 help Myself!
self !
i I i.. n h.' h:1... 1,.. n 1 garden p u ty o •. ,: 11.1 rho, err
• 1 ., . III t 01.0. \1,... Mate 1 morose the nirsf-IC 1. • :il rd 1eKi-
t Owe: •n,,, t fol the p i•t mann bawl will h•• 1 11 i 1.,, 4- rl'a, k
., 10,. t••.0:, . l li itis. Tar -day Peening, .I I Airm
late tin,Llgttt0t the I „,..
hr a dtowitrp cttitt. st 1',,•. •
1.�.c:• 11:1•
11'.irIt- `• t - 1
%..1 1.v -. 11, tri' i tt
•,1 .rt 1tot- 61 A:11t1_.. 'lit
1:•• .
',ir, .1•,hi \ fru• : - m. of lien. 'a.,
1_. . V -- \I-,, -' 1-..'„-' sire. .1 n....,.
..t .... :ai.t. t,i-.. 14... .Lac 54t1 mart's s:>tt t,
'.1:. 1 1;:1: . S. ii. ('Ur
:1 ;soon teas car
1 ,r -i 1 1' •. i• •. VII I.. i•11..h
..• I 1
::a'• - 11111011.6094$11-01
\; . It. 1 ii.:uM}'h tn', .1 l'.1rt
A • - 0 1 • i , •• ra t 11 ng •"hof4
fire '. u. ile•tit 0)•.l .'i e. t• snag {not
ret h• r 'e' co; ,, a,... }Its- .\noa
':. 1'tt ,4stt:5'
,'tic. .11..,,.: Ut,e. aut•-
d 111 . t im+ 0. ,•• . ou wd hi, i it
\ , 111•.p41lt1
- r Tti.1'y1rrY�
is ' 1, 11 i41i •it ;; -' "1..-
It •, put no •.,., It . ,.
1 . l'I • . - t,-• \\'e -ii-le-st treed
11 ,..0 .. 7.7 ., •,•r:t1,.'0,11 alta',thet••ei•e
n,+. r'.i• the p .{n fly.
-Contractor Birmingham will irrish
in king eon^rete blocks here this eek
,t I will then take his whole fo a to
i•t wrar.line. where work on the nen
1•teakwater with he unshod.
- Mr. William Harrows and sons.
.1 Stratford. whe hove been visiting
zPlat ivea in Port Alpert, called repot
hie aunt. Mn. Ida Sneak. Elgin
avenue, on hie return trip.
-MH• )otain•nn, of Calgary, and
\Ir•. Weston and two arms. ('demes
end Grafton. of BeyliekI were last
week the gul• of Mn. NjMlon a par-
ents. Mr. and Mn. W. Johnston. East
-Miss Revell. of Windsor. who
while here, was the infest of Mes .n.f
• I he 4,arleauht.,-k
-d-tru•!tfect pa
n ..d,l•'d' • t t ..•. ..i.,. 1..
• d ter t 1:0. H,•ry
h••r + , t t 1 ''
I. I - of •heEnu,`1 '. '
t i,^ \•' nag 1 lair •t '.t 1--
.• t•I' t4 1.1 1, ,•
•-hr,'rounted the t i Hct
- XI,. '.\ I: .• 1,... over
•, 1 ;M
v rs s
.f ,: • 1u' I.'• - t•1'•,• .f hi+
ereesetrer Tinter, hnrt -rn l -n me
tidy 1t.t n,•.lk to a...• . 11at -il e1'-
vatnr. slur' of the tit• „ o wished to
see was working at an ' ,'• r11dr et 11
I. et an -1 the only \vat, . teach him
WW1 I.5' ream of ,a tt.p.... 1acllr•d to a
winch,. Nothing data, tr.I. Me. Rattier,.
.{m took his nl•r•e in :1, • noose and
w'as h.tst,..I nif to the t•' .' (nrnf. The
toga at the elerat t n nth,tl'.ct it
•r•. s. .l lire es i'- Ia)i of ,ttit ss they
1 ' . f^ 'n lee a tit, o,
., lit 1
.lui: s.iatit 1•
. 1 Is. its.
• over
• 11, fg„
•tin,, .1
:.l r., g. an.1
Police Court Cases
\11s. G. Steep, of Uodet•ich, hrouy:ht
.t ,•hare
1of as -stilt eRa
in.t her faher.
31r. George Kvknti. It 'teems :he
pottea her together anti idtv,• not
i.Prn getting along. well: Recently
lira. ".toll i-.1tf•Irl to allow het 1t'her
to light a the in the 1,..k stoat•. 'Phis
newts/t--she .44 g•-tHiesseaM;- wins a.s
Hearn% v. anti h.• • tl .rck hi. .i 1 1 :' 1. r
I ghtly .aith .7 life,. \i I.. foal,•
Kelly 'I.1\ -1d Ili r I ail it. •n:e
and try1•• i.v.- -I I til i•itiei1,. r.
Jlt. t hail'- vie/ o't% fti.n: 11 I the
4.11.1'i t.
MT. 11.'0:11.15,o, f 1 If t'•`,e:
Mosey triers
implied by Ire
Ifaissemli Wards
can be conveD�tly se-
cured, safely forwarded,
readily cashed, and are inexpensive. Issued for any
sum up to $50.00, at a cost of from 3c to 15c.
Payable at any branch of any Chartered Bank In
Canada, Yukon excepted, and in the principal cities
of the United States.
Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
_ fl
Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton
As J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give quick
delivery at close prices.
Designs and prices on application.
Left in Stick
One Brantford Red Bird • $45.00
One Three -speed Standard $44.50
One Fixed Wheel, Second hand $11.00
One Coaster, Second hand $14.00
1f you can use a good wheel any d these' would suit you tine.
Have tt look at theta any way.
Nut to Town Hall
Always Opel Phone 243
Are you intending to fit yourself as a teacher of Music,
or Conceit Performer ?
The London Conservatory of Music
offers splendid advantages in PIANO. ORGAN SINGING, ELOCU-
Write for illustrated year book for Information regarding fees, scholar-
ship, prizes, etc.
Registrar. Mus. Bac . Principal.
Address:- 354-6 Dundas 5t., London, Ont.
it wag adjourned until Monday •even- I
.lame. `Moss a1q•eancd !-afore Magis-
trate Kelly on Monday ere nun tot
answer a charge -of disturbing the
pufrficrprace'• it *meats that Moss I.
to the habit of irking more l-•lunr o • '
casionnlly than is go.s1 for him. On
the rerning otJuly 11'h he was loaded.
and spent the night in -the rolls but f
was Int nut n.•xt morning on antepenrl• •
art sentence. He immediately tilled
up again and was eau i, -d h
That evenirg ;boot half s tl,zrn of his
ort e..1 1tnir na gathered at Ili.
house on Fa•t street and hail a bleb
time keeping nK1 w ori hIliot
until three .''11• .k in the unhnirttt
The magisu.ate timed Mi.-. tt. atad
coot aim ting t•oPicaSn • Hilt•,y,••then,
or 15 der, in jail .with hard Lalanlr. }
Mose asked ter It ta••,•k to pay. .whi• la
seas Kt:u,t„1 \t 1'� 1, 111. fairritsh the
I,, u,.'e with .L 'nous. - t 10• -•• Witt i
tr..l.e 7:r i„ • 11. a -r ..! 111.• t,. •; a will '
vAtli th:•n IT i•.f1• 111i,nr
Htw s T
W. r.,:. r . , .1 • • . . . . •i i.t.
;r 1
1 1.11: , • .• 11
.11- syn.�... .
• ti .l ,' , a,.lr�ll I.
•1., , .,.t Mt. 16 .
t' .1, 1a. 1 po t ti.
i•1' .k,fl t•. ts..ifc 11. i, .,,. ,il.tr: t, ,
titd rin '!av•• 111 -I LI. i,,: 11s•. 1. d1 r'
;.,,• , •... t1i.t n,.:•aI. ...t
.•ti'1.•r• Idil.netcof ,
311 III. 1 '41 t 1i ,ht:
.Ie.l 31 •Ire. ,,leo it�bie , it. ort. w'l
(:,t •' s, . 411'1 ?+
. 1'' 1., t.- 1, • -.t:-:•\ wwo 4•l'10. 1'. • III
+qtr.-tt w lwr/4M' *Mary ans"M.
Nei' 1. :rt I .. n _ mor .I .,, mi+.In11h:a-.t 1lr••' t _,,.i .r...
net 1 h , .-rev t icon tin the exp„ . .• 11 110 '10.
11 • 1 . ' • . '•f I. % .aa.
- 1' err fent., •-74.
f ''1 4-
• , • •.r. sap ,
st '0'51 it \I ti .r t'.
o . 1.1 11 re . I,
\1I- ('-•111'1:.,
--{ 11. ROBINS
Here Are a Few
For This Week
M. -o'-. `ii,L 1.•gular g111, .$1.1 45
41.7s 001 Xfen'' 'frau flat.,
re.;,I`.1 'rt, tn'�:•. 1. '1• Ir.... 10c
M. n • Pants. reg flat• i". 51.38
l'hri i ..1 , ,• •, to elem. . 33e
1)''. Ika'lu. t anti'., to .1P4r. 25(
:r•4i .-•n v; 1 ••. 1.1 ;J 15c
1 tl.i.,.l - '
;c moi ,33c
t • ,i, • 111• 1a114
11• , 111Shitty
rn't Prcn raga t'ntti
fi-••fr••tt R,•-••-•••-•-•••••-
..,,,1� v Order 1'out FRUITS and VEGETABLES :
11t.`, 1, . „1 I. • • • 1)111L-cT FROM (IROWER •
,,tool„ ,t ; . ,n '.,. t • fro tut, by
i th, to,.,,i• Nit-. t•,. ,+h tlr,•rt 1 ,.k u' • SAVE. o.n:4tu;3 HOURS DELAY and MIDDLZMANS' PROFIT •
•' ,. ••;lea 11.'5 1.•t, tripe hoe �n
. • .1 ..r h. •hart., `a' ' uicty .1 ..twat-. 11 ;Own. ti.lnarte •
.1 , , o, •• o - Heephertlrs ... 113.2.5 $1.75 -
Alto.my -,ager •,''i. ".I - , ., (h.n.rbertl'ies...• ......... t.... .til) .:•A
re . 500.11 Or - e •-•' ti • • t • t .. tied . U. H,.4 ('nrnts........ .... I,.ki Pt .50 •
1 ..t .. • a r• • •t: 1 1 Id i par- • Mara ub ' ilea... .... 1 :tl 75
1 t . ,h s w.t,• a 4115..White4"hetries .. .7. .NI •
rare . •, r 11 I , e, y pi ..n I.•.,. • Muter K'11 Cheri ie. ... .tki .Ari
' as. .j.en,teduntil •
\', • 1 , •y 1 .,,,1 '. g itlwn. (nary
I•n11 - 0 '':,' ,Or i own 411/1 to
b. 1•. , • cummuni o on wah lits.
A.,,,, b., e••.. Ass .al ..i I,ott a• the
detrndsns did taut answer to his acme
• En • iaar with your •n-,i.r lis,-tal 'rete, m.trk•d rh•yue, or es- •
• mew, 0,•111e1, 1•,