HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-23, Page 44 TttrUUSDAY, JOLT a 1»14
Tennis Shoes
Fleet Foot Tennis
and Bowling Shoes
give satisfactory
style and service.
Such qualities are
also shown in the
latest Oxfords and
Pumps. Call in and
select yours at
J. H. McClinton's
Thou and. of ambition. young pa.pM
are fast preparing In their own 6ae6ea4trr
to oeoupv lucrative pom(tMn. a+ rl.no.
*errant., In fact every H'brn of Huai-
nee. Aotlritle*. You may Itnl.,h i sol
age if you .o w4h. Po. Iter,. ��ftuuul
teed. you
college any day. Indi.'id
u*( in.trurtMn. Kxp•rt tenches'.
Thirty ear.' experience. L..rge..a
trainer,. in Cagoule. Sr.en eultege•.
Special ae,r.e tor teacher,
with Commercial Keinea
torn A..ociet:on of Caned.. Summer
l4ebool at farrow. tlp••llon Il e4oe.w
College. Loudon.
Clinton Business College
Oto. Siert-To* 1{. F'. Woo.President.Principal
tort worn -
Montreal -Toronto -Detroit l'hicago
Via Canadian Pwrifk and Michigan
1'entral Railroad.
via Miehl,t.n l'en'tal liigerti^ Steel Tube.
h-tue.n N'Ind.,l end Ortloir. Learing
Montreal 8 4.4 .. m. ; Toronto Kin pen... ar-
riving Detroit I. :t, a.m. and Chicago 7.44
a.fn, d.tly.
Fest 'salty gond ..•n ire returning..
Through Faect ric Ugh -e,4 F.gaipmenr.
Toronto --Winnipeg,- Vancouver
Torou:o-yannouret Expre-. No. :1 le,ivoe
Toro'ro k5: p. u,� daily. Vancouver -Tor
onto Kx nese.•. No. 1 arrive*
Toronto 11.45
a.m. dell). Manitoba F:xprrs No. 7 lea.e-
Toronto daily e..x -.pt Sunday I'l.:n P. m.. ar-
rriving Winnipeg seeowi day. Unfurl.. F:x
pre. .o. 1. t.•a,r.. %Vinniprg 9':5 pent. end
arrive. Toronto :..1c p.n•. daily except rue --
For further p,rl kuler e ripply to 4'anadlan
tracing.; Ticket Arent. or write M. 71. MIT
.1'. sty.. Torouhc
www waeeslkr�e
Right Now
L, the time to luy yo't
Frost : Wood Rode', Mots -
er, H .v 'redder, L'17 d -'r ret.'
Ha kr. . .Rauf• ''i*g, i
HI.y flick. Co, k•Lutt ('• i
Caltivat '1, (3 oi'tiotd 11n47}:s
or" `•lrrMy, Ni.c' Mayotte
S(.'eleies rind Earful.l'1.uul
S. 1'arltt rt.
li•'I,.I1-.7,1,..I,•.r.li.f i.
Herbert F. Maris
Hamilton tr; .'t
It lakc. Hone;'
..,.• , t7.,., ,1.
To Get Good Tinnin
cn. .t
know• beset. 1'7•11 sill
ant n'i.t .k' if y.
lW'.- d' \t' rk stint 1!nie and
westhr, urn show Ass door
right. 'a, h a j,.1, wittily a
rears 'ha tr!r price 111(11 you and
nue iulta• nn that polus will be
found portly Otto. tngrther.
At the Hotel Sunset
The present warm weather has filled
the town with surutser visitors. end-
etich'a famous summer resort, the Ho-
tel Sunset, is well filled, ova, t4) gtwsta
being registered there at present. The
bi-weekly deuces !Tuesday and Friday
evening.) are • great attraction and
the music, furnished by t.be Stewart
orcbestr•. leaves nothing to he de-
Among the many new notes on
the hotel resister we note the follow-
ing : Mrs. P'. A. Fell and son. of Am-
herstburg : Mr. J. W. Bryan, Wood-
stock : Mr. Allen Ilsley and wife, of
Leamington : G. D. Nutt, F. Nutt and
Mrs. Nutt : Mr.. Chane. J. Could*.
man. Mile Pauline Nagel, Mrs.. Greece
Palmer, Mr. R. R. Cullen and Mrs.
Cullen, of Detroit.
The season. thus far, gives evidence
of being the best mince the resort was
Ilse Parisian Saxe. It
Makes the flair Fluffy
and Abundant.
It is needless for you to have hair
that is anything short of perfect. it
it ie falling out, Ioaing color. splitting,
or if the scalp burns and itrhee. im-
mediately get from R. R. Wigle or
any drug counter a 50 -cent la)ttle of
Parisian Sage -nee it frequently -the
flet ^pplieation removes dendruR, in-
vigorate" the scalp, and beautifies the
hair until it is gloriously radiant.
Parisian Sage supplies Bair needs -
is perfectly harmless.. It contains the
retract elements required to make the
hair eat. wavy, gloms end to snake it
grow thick and beautiful.
You will surely like Parisian Liege.
it is one of the tesr and most delight-
ful hair tonics known.
-In order to enter the hotel l.u.in-
ess, Mr George Diehl. a North Perth
licen•c rnm,i.«ioner, hes resigned.
- Over 011 hug. were destroy before•
the cholera (Ithreak in Dereham
township was chocked.
-Said to hive cunfe.•ed to the mur-
der of a vnW'c boys Rosa ('arson, a
n.gre-s, was lynched at Orangeburg,
South Ua'.}inr
- The Winnipeg Free Preps of the
4th says: -J ,ht1 Denham. who dent -Ho-
ed him -elf ens a brick laver from Strat-
ford, attempted suicide by punning
inn the Red river at the foot of Alex-
ander avenue yesre'day , Nttrt"Mn.
He had Iae't 'raiding at the coffee
hnli-e. Mr. W. H. Mourn wha was
ar,4,eain7(*1 with itis elan had observ-
ed hi• art inn• which appeared to him
strange. anal had followed hire to the
river. suspicious of hi. intentions.
Mr. Moore ,re•surd II•' ham from the
wa'• t' and h'e wa. taken to the police
•tatiln. Laipr he will he exiinined a,
to hi. sande.
Caused by Kidney, Stomach and Bowel
v'. J 'hr', 1. R.4 M••ptynlbel 'soh. 11111
sly I-r.,tlhes Urn, a great sufferer
tion, kidney. el'•ma' h and bowel
trouble% and era• }then rep by two (Inc -
tor,. He was advised to try your Fig
Pill.. which lie didand after taking
Five boxes tvw, r plrteJw restored to
health and i" 1a•'t•r lyday than he ham
been fn- %ears Y,'l7 •-:4t.'r recommend
I Fig Pills too highly. J. W. MAN%FR..
4r all desire., 2.5 and 50 cents or The
Fig Pill Co , St. Thorne*., Ont. Sold
in (:,der;eh by F. R. Wigle, druggist.
lmtrica's Greatest Livestock Show
!rtes of %tunutacture.
I xhihits by the Prot inces
I xlailits by Dominion Government
I \I) hits by Cleat Indies
Grenadier Guards Band
Ilratlemi ' \lusical Ride
%uto-Polo Matches
4 irvos and Ilippudrumc
I Ioaen Shims in Simile Mout
Ito'. Scout*' Review
l a^..ad..'., 1hQ2est Doe Show
I^ Ks iIY1.0N
4,- ,. l- . •, t,t' ' - - a ,.
1.... t 4.6 c,..%.eur tkYM1 n t':..
.. !. n: Iron 1 eel.. td. Scotland,
'1, ni•'d stales and 4 InAt4J
i.fu+Jtiun.al Lshthitt
' (, .rt .11 motes. of \laking
I\t1.;(11c Sports
\ tu•Ilydropl:tnr Flights
7.r, n,t %%Aster t :Jerald
I,rf'atnrf''s i'arnous Band
ts, ore of other Bands
Doyen Hand Concert." Deily
1 he.apr-Jkr and Shannon
Biggest Midway ever
PcakjtYear Fireworks
trastioeal Peace Tattoo
10 minis 400 Musiclane
.tied. 29 1914 Sept. I t
r•, s'1 r„ 1.K r„r .
T' )It 4 A D\l a ,, b will 4• •-
MARiIIN & 1lA110014.
LIN University aa.. ekontr:.a:.
Mies Annie MacMurebi 1. slotting
her si.ter„ Mrs. George F ergu.oti, at
Missies May MacGregor and Isabel
MacLennan are home from Chicago
for their vacation.
Misses Tabitha Kempton. of Laurier,
and Jean Young, of Colborne, visited
friends on the Lakeshore one day last
Mr. and Mrs. John Clark of Tor-
onto, and Mies Colles Clark, of t3L
Helens, visited at the home of their
uncle, Mr. Murdock- Mackenzie, on
Tuesday lash
The Ashfield auxiliary of the
Women's Missionary society held
there July. westing on the nannies
ground on Wednesday,July tbtb. A
number of the memrs of the Pine
River auxiliary were precept- Mrs.
Perris, of Wingbam, presbyterial pre-
sidenr. delivered an address on "Self
Sacrifice and Consecration." After
lunch was served on the lawn short
addressee were given hy Rev. C. M. also read her report, whirl* was in -
Rutherford, of Pine River, and by deed pleasing and highly appreciated
by the congregation. A. there re-
ports are the hest ever presented from
the school. The reports were also
presented et the Lengside services in
the evening by for mine delegates.
In the evening the regular services
were held, •nether large congrega-
tion being on hand. The pulpit was
occupied hy the pastor, who preached
• good sermon. After the services the
young nrnple met in the basement,
where Rev. UharMs Honauth gave a
very interesting addr•t;ns, which weal
greatly appreciated hy the large
s gathering of young people pre.enL
drove up and spent the day with Mn. By the way, at the morning .meeting
11.'D. Henderson and at the manse. two new elders were appointed to'flll ,
Mr. Arthur H. Craig. of Toronto, vacancy retried by di•wth. These were I
arrived from Hog Town" Monday Messrs. Frederick Davidson and Mal -
night and will spend his vacation with mint Hiles, who will he installed to
hie parents, Mr. lard Mrs. John Craig. full deaconship next Sabletth.
The creamery bete has been working
up to capacity and up to date have CARLOW
sold upwards of fl17,I100 pound. of vety Mr. Fred Wilson, of Parrs Sound, i.
choice Matter. spending a few days with his parent..
EgRa err not .et plentiful as they Mies Flora Potter is spending the
were a while o, h theh
place it If possible to the category to
which It belongs
Tb. services 1n the Preebytesrian
church last Sunday were of a more
variable kind than usual. In the
morningthe pastor did not preach a
icemen but the time was taken up by
listening to the reports from the sum-
mer school. whirb was bold at Gods -
rich lately. Miss Mary 14'erguaun,
president of the Young Peoples
society at L angside. end Mr. Alex.
Aenry, ptwident of the Young People's
society at Whitechurch, presented the
report. Mr. Henry addressed the
large congregation in a moat brilliant
and intelligent manner, and his re-
marks were indeed most gratifying to
his auditors. Ho moot ably showed
up the splendid work for gond
that was accomplished at the recent
summer school and the still further
reform that were being spade to still
greater edvsnoement of the good
work. Mr. Henry was a delegate of
the Yount Yeople's society bore end
it goes with out saying that he was a
most efficient one, as his eloquent re-
marks and highly gratifying report
were stn'n evidence. Miss Ferguson
Rev. H. Martin, of Stratford, snd Rev.
W. B. Cooper, of Llstowell, who bed
motored up from Bruce Beach for the
Miss D. Walker, of Toronto, spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs, F.d. Gaunt.
Rev. A. N. Miller, of Vancouver, is
spending a few days with his mother
and deter, Mr.. R. J. Cu ler.
The Canadian Order ofForestersare
having their hall newly shingled.
Capt. R. Cattick has the contrecL
The Misses Lockhart, of Win ham,
ircne up a cent per doz. Dairy butter summer with Mn. Miller, of Carlow. !
is also • hit scarce just now. From now on all ryes bed heat he
11isis si Louisa Eagleson. of the City directed towards Capt. 1. R. Var•o.,
Hall Lournt, Toronto, apr pdtng•Min Grace McKenzie. of Port AI- -
her summer vacation at the borne of bert, in spending a few days with Mies
her parrot«, Mr. and Mrs. John Eagle- Tina Johnston,
Mr and Mrs. Trethewev, of Cobalt,
sun. ' are spending a much needed holiday
Rev. A. N. Millan, of Vancnuvet, at Col. 1'arrne'. tarot.
occupied tbe pulpit in the Methodist Miss Jean Young has just arrived
chinch last Sunday evening and home from a visit to Miss Teethe,prea.•bed a roost eloquent and telling Kempton, of Leerier.
sermon to a very targe and attentive i Mr. lame, Wilson, E'lythe
congregation. Wilson and Mr. Fred Wilson .pent
Rev. Chas. Homuth. missionary of Sunday hack in A•hflrld.
the Mlnnenite cbilrch, Ni la, on the
west African coast, and M Homuth
are visiting friends here and in the
neighbourhord. Mr. Homuth was
b„, it here and has been filling his pre-
sent ch•srge "vet three veara and is
doing a wonderful good work in his
held of labor.
Mr. Gavin Middleton, while hauling
in hay, Inst with an accident tat
Thursday last that might easily have
caused mote le ,,fatal erooilis. Alter
drawing the load into the barn, and
while in the act of unloading, The
horses I erame frightened and dashed
through the big door leading into the
straw mow. the ti air of wbi,-h nor
twiny ,if suRicirnt atrength to support
such a weight the teats. and Hurst
wheels of the waggon broke through,
the tram falling into the (hiving shed
below, a drop of about [*rive feet.
where they %err partially suspended.
After a little hard work on the part of
the men . they were tele noel after
sustaining a few seat bruises cosi
scratcher. Fortunately no one was
hurt but considerable datslage to the
harness and floor along with A good
sized friigh! was the result.
1'p to the present time the ar,Yty
worrU'ha4 trot put in anapp-•.Ante
in'ihi- aeetinn of country. henry tits
farmer- are delighted -o fat. An-
other and unknown little pr.t Ito any
person het, t hes put in an appearance
and is doing's% great deal of dtni*ge
to t he we crop. I: is not the s egol+r
old fashioned pea bug but :. little
green 1 ug of another variety. Timer
las roes - wl e ale ','Ilei ing 1'\• It are
Mr Ike Hetherington has •xpres•ed
the opinion that driving with a horse
is tetter than an aatnrnohile.
M,-. Clayton'. regular visit to Worx1•
stock is about due Mn we would warn
him that it is dangerous to play with
Mr. Walter Smith i- inclined to fall
in with the opinion of some of the
young people that the road east of
(;arl.w I. good.
Mr. Alx. HmhY
t t" In¢hin r
a splendid captain of the t'arl 'w 77x•7'.
hill tears by returning weekly for
meet ice.
it 'teems that the summer season is
the society reason for Mr. A. Clark as
i• evidenced by his reception held on
Friibev evening,
It has been reported on gond
authority that Mr. Robert Beall had a
large sunt of money linden before
leaving Montreal for England.
Mr. James Glenn ha. found '.•casino
70 rem'xlel his verandah. Ile still,
however, has retained its former
Ionian style of the old Grecian archi-
\ii.. Penrinfw F' Young has been
anreea.fnl hn her examination held' at
Stratford normal school. All her
friend+ wish to extend their cungrata-
letinnit to her.
The nosily friend. of Mien Barkley
regret very notch her resienati(,n to
teacher of S.S. No. 1. Colborne. Her
efficiency as troche' is evidenced in
the fart that all her entrance pupils
were anrreefil.
Generally spe,kittq the hay` rep
*lowly wal' hi4 g it* work an as to around t'erluw is good. but ivy. nor
scores tn'hrnr the' Mr.•Janmes (il.•n
1111 had 'he misf'ttone of bringing in
his crop in A p.u'^ennd ition 'n acrmint
147'-1 ••f owing detained by the construction
of rt 'writer ft•ough.
(.} T t - I'i; 1 f' %E r Yl,i - FUR. A
SI-. • .1'! FP.. !TTES,ts
r4•+• -•Y -•w.• i e
7.11where pen *114 gel, srest
-7ruet.h1, and • • .1..rr b: obtaining -u
nael.? Ohl, 1011,731.7e1•. 7'o.10111r.'i'.'
1-..7. 1.''tr' a1.0 :11.11e. 1. A..1ln.ra, ft,. -.
Mr.. Dewy Mcliri-n, ail Detroit, is
t i -rein,; her tri+fives in our village.
Mies Amor Jackson, of T'ot.ilt', i+
•pending twi),wt•rk' hblid4',' At her
luentr. '
Mt. 1Vn1. Nettie', ha. h.'1 -.ht Mr.
I ,.,•ph Lan son'. hotter and iotends
noting obi -
Mr A. 1'. Jark(all.t. •, ha. v' tn''l.•tell ye.
Brophey Bras,
1 h.' t ,';t11n-
i.torts, Directors
and I:mbalmcrs
. 1,1 ,,'7•1:'.rtl f
. t .R ten orae night or da
Leis%, 1.5 Il,. (1177. 41714 c,ali ,io your
chopping 'te -1''t t totter.
titts..t'hn tYatk,- •1 T'tont, can't.
'• 1.,1 77' ,c,•,-: .end 7'7 \,.it her
••,e'Hi-,. rhes M',•. ,Ardour•.
r On;H.t~a•AVtlsettenirttxtn►M
o '01+4f -,•or. meet it,C ur rte»lF»r: f••,,lT'
tt,• let .}175, 1:. Ir visiting ft i- n t-
.n. H1Mni1)un at the• -role lime.
Aire. Eva �la•'sh. ,.f Detroit. srtive.l
hy steamer liuton .el 'Weed..• to keep
h..tteei'' he( tooth,•r, *les 1. nn w
her daughter, ,yrs. Merry
f',t,t•.•iL'f Pi ltt'fd. \iichigan.
tile:. !'oiler tiro rll And tau'• chit, lie.
y. , returned to their hoose. in Pirkf rd,
\lirhegeo, after a two weeks' visit
; wish het smiths,, Mrs. Arthur.
Mr. J. ('. ('lark and sheet. Afire, at.
• • 'pied the funeral 'f hoe, )'r' thry,
11r. /tottery Clerk, in Tort•nlo nn
...outstay. "he synit•at(.y Of this
.' 1111nt151ty i. 1•etrneled :n the morrow-
snit sit t a wen.
T o-�rticAcu
At Eight o'clock, Saturday, July 25th, every piece of Embroidery Flouncing
in this store will be on sale. From the fine, dainty Embroidered Voiles which
have been in such demand during this summer season: to the beautifully sheer
Embroidered Lawns, 27 inches wide for children's wear.
1. Fine Ra hrnidered Voile Flouncing, 46 inch.e wide. dainty patterns and elegant is every respite Just
a few pieces but note the price. 111.75 for 51.20, $'2.26 for $1.+16. *12 50 for 51.60.
Y. Fine Imbtoldeted Lawn VlouncLag IS inches wide. This Is an exceptionally good value at iim regular
price end on Saturday the price will be cot low. Sf,c for 660, $1.011 for 110e, SL4b for 51.02. $$.547
for $1.20, $2.00 for 21.60.
3. 4.5 -inch Flouncing. a little heavier weight than No. 2 but very good wearing cloth. Just three pate
terns but every one a good pattern. Regular 50c for info -
All the 27 -inch Embroidered Flouncing will be on sale at greatly reduced prices. It will pay everyone
needing Embroidery to look through our large stock first.
HOSIERY, 2 for 25c
This Honed. w value every one should take ad-
vantage of. Si, 9, 91, 10, 2 pain for 260
Fine Silk Lisle Hose, a heauty for the warm
summer weather In Aleek, white and tan. 26e.
i6o and 605.
We feature Boys' Hosiery and carry it dandy
heavy Stocking for boys in all sizes at 22.
Fine Voile for summer dresses. This is an
exceptionally good material for sheer dreeees and
ran he had Z7 Inches wide in pink. white and sky
in plain white, 4:i inches wide, 44o
in plain white Crepe. we carry the best values
' that can he ser„red. 27 inches, wide :rod every
yard perfect. 115. 20o and 26o.
Twenty Lawn Waists left to ^ell. This lot is
comprieed of fine muslin Waists in very gond de-
signs. We have not all sizes In each design as
they are broken lines but it is very easy to find
your rile. Theme Waists *re *ll at big reductions
and can bre taught ft -0'1160o UP.
In our stock of Summer Dresses can be found
a garment to suit the taste of every comer. We
carry a good line of House Dresses in all the
wanted sixes at $1.00. $1.26 and $1.60.
Children's Dresses from the smallest sista to
Misses' prises and everyone new, up-to-date in
design and at low prices.
All our Sun Shades at exact) half price. This
is • big reduction in the.e goods lout we want to
clear them out quick.
Silk top Sun Shades in a variety of colors.
L75 for $1.40, *2.45) for 51.00.
Giogbam top Sun Shades, gond patterns and
perfect in every respect, $l.:'�' for Soo, 90c for 460
These Parasols will not last long at the price
so choose early.
Saturday and Monday only,ou will be able
to buy • Dominion or Chatawortb Ta try seam -
leas square, size 3 x 3} and 3 x 4 at a it* reduction.
T his is the second Deet quality of tapestry nn the
market today and has a reputation for excellent
wear. The dyes are the hest .ni the Patterns are
the newest. `
:ix :It. reg. $155 0, Saturday and Monday 513.20
a x I. reg. $17.51), Saturday and Monday $16.60
This Store Closes Every Wednesday Afternoon During July and August
at 1 p.m.
Buster Brown's
S ken
• isttrs' Stockings
J. 1 If
14iF: H'H '1: i:F:1.1.\itr.I i
Liddell • s
spending a rpuple of weeks visiting
Mende around herr.
Calvin ani Christ 'churrh Sunday
!+school+ hold their picinic on Fridavof
this week at \ir. .1. B. Rutherford's
I M1 4.. Annie and Jean Clack, of.
Guelph. let uned home after spending
1 a week with their aunt. Mts. .D. Mr -
Mho.,lohnetnn, n( "tanlrv, i+
I int/ her si=ter, Mr-. Robinson Wood-.
Flora and Vents McDonald, (.1'
Winghau,, are visiting l -,'re.
i The Woman', institute of St Helens
• intend bolding their stun 4) picnic at
the Maitland livres ,:n liar illth coo.
4P$si'n, uu ths'4f:ern ,on .f Thar,day.
the :11.h of .101y. A committee oil!
ansa,;' for amusement for the child
ren of swings , games and l,lll•tr.
Prizes sill I,• given f't• rash,: for
both old and young. a booth will he
..n the commis with r,'fre.htnent.. A
cordial invitation is given to St.
A,igu.st lilt' 1)1-t11, 1e to t ,in Its. also a
hearty invitation is a=tended it all
in'ete•ted in the institute "t., hying
their basket.. and hays t ennd after.
1.10011 at the , fiver.
vi•.ting at the home .,f Mr. Ira Johns.
Mt. and Mr•. F:. A. Pattison motor.
e(t to Sandwich for a holid ty recently.
Miss Carrie Minim,, Iaf Blyt h. is visit-
ing at the house of Messrs G,-,han,
Mr.. Mary McKay, of Hamilton. is
visiting at the home of Mt'. John NI, -
'.1ra M. Ferguson, of Li'atowel, '
ed at rlie 1 .t 11r. Thomas I(.iid
Nit. Joseph (' 1„ 'f T'r.nt.• 1+
ci,itil p is' the h A�i.: , : All. Jarllee
Mr. tiled Mrs. Frank Layton spent .+
few days 1eceutly frith fiends in
Mrs. tir*.'em of 5.41(Ith.:ual Mr,.
11'r.tcn. of Detroit. are visiting it tree
n",e of Mr It 'gei Pepper.
Mr. Mar R,.shin••.u. ni[e an,l Grrll.c.
ret H"tintford recer.t'y ri.ited /it the
• home 't M1'. J snubs Swnie.
Mr•. V'is'ds re.:en:ly este' mined
the Rrlty circ►►, i -wooveutiun with
1 the b'c •1 1'r'1h''terian church.
I A wen, u1'j'ril}'.•'f farmer• eon,.
;dried their I airing operation• 1e.o
rig'. All te.Jd ties Cr1'p ha. loin v.:►t
•roti-allin lbs iu••At.ty
MacEwaa Estate
Egg Coal 57.25
Stove and Chestnut $7.50
Pi•12 TON
1 ,tit LAURIER Thr hum of the 1.47 deer ens. (ie.,ni ORDER AT ONCE AND GET THE.
I The \lies •- I•,r',.I thy. Lvunen..and . for. r}.e God time '1: s..; --ti rel SLIMMER PRICE
.11',v 31 'liI,'. 1, • , Elvers, % .hl,t,1 lora'ity on . our dts. wi.', set • • t,
11'-i'' -11. 1:1ll''7I;r' .117 It 'lite "11 a t isit ' f•t1l 1,'•. II 'Win w•b..a . 11.14:4:. Al. s•
hal r (. r :. tc'y w. res P.1 i- 71., rn.p tato a' it x71,1 "MK' 't .• Any quantity best a'.' Maple Slab'.. Mixed
1 'Mb -.3.-.., i•'.u,g. ,1t 1':tr:env. i. the;'1's` y 0'1'1' Wool. Hemlo(k And Krrdlir
',rm..' oil 11i.. Tah'th , K.'lup'.' -. :Mrs :\nthon� Ty'd.lt , t Lie, .n g'
11r. Wilt 'tt'iley',deed hi. I ten 1:.-t 1 tire-- 1''•', known net,. 'o. 1 i'-er i1' Cede, cr Pine
'.Vrelne•1iar nfternrx'n, - finite a 1•-ttge: in 1,. t 777 b. boar, 14'--. T%miid_aas...
uan,)s•r tient the-:Irtotlr,ding .' nu. t,:.' , t 11'rzf••t•d. it 1x) ,1.,n ( ..'n, -
ivy wee.. tits.. -4 1 r , he!p after th .1- '1,.. »'•slit ry R' •; ',.•• 111-1 a, -'
71174+iwg. ' 1,.• 7e•.ing .-)i%- enj,.Yf•rl :71..'.: (*4 .y �0.t2'r 174 ,, They .tttarlr -
P.idh"!.1:44 9.,�,�,et ..u+l a:'. t�Pp tl r lh.• , h ,ret» 1,•": 17 iii,•: Iun-uip. f t'.• ..�
111. +f s'r fl',4r.fr-i. .5: -.'� 1 •*p 4s•(7 ') •1' .•Iter. hr.' 1•.ayl'
I:•V. rn,4 Alf. 4'. It, cu •17.1 1 ‘'IA....
L . 1• ill"! .1:;.41 :, • 1
. t,ngann• n ►ed , the lees tea'- nit'. M.o.%.,t L, .
.•f Mr..lat in 1,., 1 1. w days ' Dust and. (re Men a' d •r. lieatiabtec,
i Mr. awl \ll... John-iel..nnan and '4r- .Laine,. ♦n'vart, end Mr. anr'ry
; little, d emitter. ET-tfhr. of Toronto, t Ty ted .1. Doth - T'iakersntttls.
err camping at the lake h r a few _-- __
i week,. CHURCH CHIME,
I, \Ir. Mately ,Ic1).1..11 h'd flet, 1114'-1
_ -
' feittunr 10 to Mete! i -y ., horse and ti y 1'. 11'. no,. who •
;lot a 41,1111 4n pe he.krn in DTs ails. j s. I' ...erupt
j Mr. Heal. of 1 :hie:ut'. active d "se- I ihr pipif in the Nape:.' .Jnutrti 'n
Mfmdav, is nree,d`the ding trren 1n
' NI ,nday on a 5.i.it at t)' • h„npr of .(i.nt .lenornin:•ti,i)', Ile wenn ebos.•n
\t'. J:Imrs nhna , u (.cls. I
S to inPnrh the an*11*1 711147
rrnten sl fhr
Mai C. B eckeO.i.lppe I.A. return d g,,,plipga of the Ont»r10 an•1 co
to her h'o'e n Ripley :'ll'•e spending1ruurrnti'n iA.1 t)•'tr)1, 14 11A• re.
Mu weeks with liar f' itttd, Mira 1 r,,,,tly reeelv,•el A "an ir'm Novn
1 Apt�rs 1Vil•• , *11.1 Scotia, which, if he ae.eptr, will make
Mr. :Milli amt \It•' Rohn+'t,. nh this the stat 11111(, Ln tr tot any in
Toronto, an flirting it Saga in the tht, part of thyc.nu :sy 1•i hear hien.
Gospel hill h r. Kr. H,..e is a ie.
t et A Pa ..., .r* rolled for in
Tri--f•41.or, ,,f (,.,• SN
...;44! ser .; l3 nit
ammem210-. 11012.1.
117•, t. ' 1.+ \lillrl will spe•n, i •.•tele
TORONTO -M NTREAL (tt*lerieh. ,
alis bell l'1.rk, '1 MAffat. i. vigil.
1.7. 11n,. r,'" 7'. • n
ler. Toronto a • pre,
Ar. tars D ••:. e1
Ar. hetet►, 7 I els
Ar. r Meese s4'•i".
1., . 4, .yrs 'farm
La. !I.tnat I4.aae.
I'. TInden .i.tyan
L, reeerno !tavtom
Ar. Mont sea .;.filen
HIeae.t rte.- sf .ya In'te'nt
Van 1;,11,111, 4„d brr'h ”nerveilan. him
Infest. w Wile C. It n,MtNISo, irP. t., To-
mete Ont.
P. Y. I.AWRICNCK R ,0�5, Town Ansa..
Pit... A .
ie he. •.lent.'71r.. 1Y. O. 1V►bI.,
Miss Florence Il.t,drttk, of ('argill,
i+ vi.iting bet mint, Mil. Hyde.
Mr. rhombi Clark, of (Melva, le
•;'en.lieg hi. reflation at Meme.
Miss Pearl Ta1d nitwitsd hbm.
(into New Mentlan.l n /aturdsy. '
yr. and Mr.. Itstry McAlli.trr, of
1Vingham, %tont Flindjy at Mrs, C.
(3.I)nrnin. •
Mr. And Mir. John ark. of Test-
nrto, are spending 1 holidays a'
home here.
Mrs. It. Thnmpa..n. ► `A It V Pre
Mart i'. s' .itL•g IM' p 4�Nrts, .Y.. end
M.•. T.
M-. Nod Stueet, of Obiesgo, is
rete. KT," 4',. and 'I. num. r f P onion' 'f the
Pati: Idaptst ehur:u. il.untford, and
('hlrrtg', are \ siting sit the i1om. ret is 1oc'kei upon ae eve „f she mien able , I noir part of the town for
her paten'., \1r..7 .,. Yrs. I)ora!d Nle lrhetw in that i'y. He 1 ell trains at G. T. 1t. nr
Lein. 1'n+ nae scone l'. 1'. R. den .t•. Prmilpt
_ _---_ to I.oderlch 1,M ht. v va'fon and hat. ' tree ice and carefulatten-
kindly ennaented to p'.• t»h in the 4,4,.
T. Swarts'
'Bus, Lit cry
and track Stables
Mo' ro R.t I. '.TRRIxT
6RUCEFIfLO Mnr'•of' Rev. W. iI. W -.41 1.0b. Visit-
* twelve ♦ ean
come W thea• v r' •
)Ir.. Jaw.. T.un-, is visiting her or
m town w111 t tai h ,,,,r
1.'v.,.- .4, , Item
Non,, J ,h. of Ur'ytoe. a ..., . i• w well 1.. twstwl rep.
Mr•ohn itilh'lt end lanu.y are
vMitingtioderaeh fli:'nds 1'mxpwtmow r
Mi... alabeI Turner e j •y;ng a R aoiiclterl.
btWes. a$ , I.
r'•.•..4 lr.,.w (he ''1 •01 loving Ih.ca. 1
Mt. u.7,h,,7:..71',,....:;,, of serf -.th, ie P41e I *1!,•li, ',He *cid tis....1• eIre,1latiug 1
eU!ttug ..1„ yr• 1.e77°• 47in the 34. -Id. Anti 1'ri.• Pins "ewe ell i, Phn'e 1n' Montreal Street
.4r. IIsa.i.-4 Melt,. AL.i. ..f "myth. frrirt. of Mwey trouhl.. They ate s' '
viaih.d r-1A•it , h-4• t.-,'.•,diy, , g4a.l ennd se, aur. r. J. Dili lend guar,
Mi.. 111.. rovioienn h.. 10(1111144 art.e. sbM. fibs swiss yes, get Anti-!
from vi.inn friend. in Allies, Cris RIM. 8. Y. atlonoa eYPry hos,'--
Luisa Edna Turnor. of Caledonia, i. Sad OS4lf IA R. J. .tttd'sadntg maws%; AD�IITTME IN TIIR MIEN Ai.
K,1JNEY t't1AlmoteE
g n