HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-23, Page 1Pat yOar hestaese on a paying basis by advertising. Advertising -Ito Fairy Story. but Facts. Advertising le The Signal will briug your goods directly hes fors for Buying Public. It will pay you to use The Signal. SIXTY SIXTY T*A -`(a let nal. Yesterday is dead -forget IL Tomorrow does Dot •xiet- don't worry. Today is bee.--UtlE IT. Our advice to yen. to sack week use the advertising col- umns of The Niguel for results. The Signal goes into the h•rwes. OODERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY tat 1914 t.•.. THE STFJLN6IkNK n F CA ADA T r ..r .,,Tse• SAVE, because - A having§ Account is your opportunity t.. armour capital ty start in buni,ess for youtself. Head (Hike, Corner King and Bay Streets, Toronto General Manure - - - - - - A. H. Walker • Dederick Bra ich - - - - A. Porter OTHER BRANCHES AT Auburn, Ont. Monkton, Ont. Hayfield, Oct. Sebringv,lle• Ont Dungannon, Ont. Varna. Ont. 1 No. 120 1 Some Desirable PROPERTIES for immediate sale 1.ist your properties for sale nr rent with me. A. G. NISBET OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN BANK OFCOMMERCE, OODERICH PHONaai : OrrlcK 1D; Roues loll. P.O. Box BM TOWN coVi,QL MEET FORTY DOLLARS SECURES FREIGHT SHEDS ter red to the Public \Votkscommittee. AN INDUSTRIAL LETTER t Moved by Coin. \Viglu, seconded by -- -- Coon Proudfoot that the day police To the Editor of The Signal : NEWS .OF SPORT A. fL 11tADwi\, Pott.rtMlR. DENIAL FROM MR. CAMERON To THU EDITtult OF THE SKINAL : Mir,-Iiian editorial in your issue of TOWN , I train ou the glib lust. and have the An►rrican Rued \Iachinee Coutpany of On 1'uerd•ty two local rinks repr'e- last week, headed "Travesty Upon basket. conveyed to Harbor park. Csnoda, Limited. Lar had the pleas• mintlug the Methodists and Preahy- Justice," i am charged with saving further that r men be at the aervise ot from its of a visit. froits presnt ide, Mr. teriaor 1051 at the Wert street green 1 the Iornicnees dengra, the dry in raid M, Jonas Philips, of Kennett Square. and played a ftiendly game. The op- hand something to do in the framing of Ipark. -Partied. Pennsylvania, who is also president of , posing for -e. w.•rr :- the report of the alleged bribery con- m('oun. EItiott Wanted to haven rind- the Ansel lean Road Machinery ('om-: Methodist.- F. Martin, L. Doherty. @piracy published in the Globe the day an have a dray inert the excursion Sir --The local manegrntent of the BOWLINO • Fire Brigade Will Participate in Sea- rr path tonstryt-Itd ucri t hr Puwt (,any of the United State.: also Mr. J. I \\ . C. Pridharu. (. H. Humber i•krp)• following the baking of evidence and forth Tournament- Larger Sewer Dunning t n ti 1 1 l h tM Landrnbergrr, R 1 R f t by J L. Kill ra tr the waKlrtrate r decision. An injustice from tie our at W toe general manager u 1 urs tcrIan. u u, to be Built on Britannia Road-- (',P,H •talion. the Fort Wayne and Delphos, Ohio, !flatland, C. Nairn. 11. C. Edward* Rm. Elliott [bright it ions no forintlee of the American Road�t«kips is done me here as I had nothing Dray Will Convey Baskets 10 Her. Igtxxt cutting hole. in the bar -k. If Machinery Company; else.. Mr. J. R. I The genie which was hotly contest- whatever to do with the report and i ProPer bor Park for Excursionists r !anything was tote deur pro Iwo "term ut t Manning, who is Rummage[ ho , est ended in favor of the Ptr•rh ylrr.:ens C . Laithwaite said their had Nat. 'r Ira, Jr . manager nt the New Globe. Tyler, I Local howling enthusiasts, to the t Yours truly, Iwro .acne mone)I' cotitlibutrd to put NYorkat. office, and also a member of the The rami-uootbly meeting of the Icrunrt•t steps that! I,dt no artiuu had expert firm of Me«,re. Carr & Tyler, humins, of 3i 1, wet un the West street M. O. CAtIKKON. town o u-neil was held in the council) who do an extensive export business greet' 4n \V rdnesdxy afteruo,o at two ` It„.,..ii 17. r •. r k i 0 o'clock with for exception f an i and PI NIC ' r rf.'HOOL C The wbeen, evening. 1 s herr rhas aNOAY SL e '0 1' li a t . chamber r n Friday t un. Wigle le rho ht ir. and SU o R g K I with foreign count,h r iutrimisr' for sul:per .'[asst inem ens prraent. were Deputy Reeve al,early a wood path on the other side rind i•, .l.ippinK some ul the product j -- Vial k, Cowl"- Witch". McClinton. Mix- of the rued tic action should Lr tale" � fr.o,u the G, detich plant. Also \L, I with the game until within a few min- tipping ,Elliott. Lsithwaite and Coun. land the mutt,, dp,plwd• Proudfoor. II,,yern Elliott came in ' Moved lay Coon: AleClint.in. sec _ I i1- P. (Limiting oho i. treasure and' utas ul midui;,;ht. The [lusts reaultrd Ideal weather condit'ons fxvorrd ulannl rr nt. the A- B. 1,..,, „hg,. Cow• I in r win lir :\L-. V. H. Huulber s rink Knox church'3undayschool in their by one shut, Mr. L. B. Tape** rink Lab- outing 01.1he protrude :.f Mrs. A. P. Mc- iug seeoud unmey. Iran. Huron cuad. on \Velnesdey Mr. E'. J. llutl.nd "tide one of the afternoon. The hot dry tiny made finest shuts ..t the day. With three dining in the open » delight to young donu�t and only one ball t.0 play Mr. end old alike, while the viand.' were of Butfaud took an almost imptutsihtr the. t tempting description. Races chane on a draw tend managed to of all sort, and ;;arms devised by the carry the jack (tack. giving his side teachers kept the young folks well Live shots this winning by two ,hots, auward, while the trip to and fr iu truck d ,w.Johnson's motor tel k e r off at ll.,lulunet t m r d •ut r The finals were played p the go ted in by the f.-lluwing riukr : - seeneed to be one ot the most heartily T. Prost C. Campion enjoyed parts of the day's outing. The J. 1'. Blown L Dobetty reac•herr and church ofti rials are to be congratulated on the @meccas of the stTalr and it is hoped they will stake the picnic an annual event. One ac:idrnt marred the harmony of the afternoon. hoviever. In the rare for girls. 12 yea' a and under. little Helen Thompson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, David Thompson, fell, when near the finish line end broke her left forearm. The little buffeter WAN conveyed with the utwort dis- patch to Dr. Hunter's office, where with the help of Dr. Macklin. the hone was set and all `mead:4e done to allevi- ate her pain. During the trip to town and in the suhsegnrnt operation the child displayed a courage and endur- aocr that would have put many a strong man to shame. Below we give the winners of the various events: - should 1t' Luilt, never saw it until l read it in the Marathon. New York factory; Mr I with a score of '2. to lb. lair. led by fico. Elho In the sleience• of Mayor Reed, the 101 the whole \out depots reeve was spix'inted chairman. l wart Lhe ,acini The minutes of the meeting held •n1 and give thew a July :trot were read and adopted. I will think that t The tr.:m<u re's retiree for June was Onderict. the advisabilut ..f carrying out and read and uu motion of Coun, Proud- Moved by Coun Proudfout, ercund-, completing the plans [hint w•rre made (nor was re frrr1d to the Fiuwnce cow- ed by l'uun. \Viae , that the .Inrstiun Met tall and ear ly winter in corny,. v r he wadi( tea 1 s i - 't r 1 1la at -. ell 111 11 r , .nr r\ct n mit t , f o , t iwhich Wa I- w K rh•IA w'th the ) -\ Setter dated July and from the referred to the P‘bbr \Vol►s ruowuil- mnu.ly {«tiasrd ha• the ratrp.yro.' of Hants til Montreal, showing the 'Mand- tee,, --carried. of the town of l;ndrr ich. and as hila[ lug of the vruuur town accnuoG on \loa'rd by l uu \VIKIr, se'condr.t,J they Iegt•et that the present flnancial Jut e:301h, WAP read and ,,(suet to by l'uun M -('lint •n that the council the Finaflt•r eonlfl/it tee. 1 e n t•uK th a bout the l4uitrd A p -titian (ruin the Ale x\ndtie hos- pital •.iii other.; asking that Napier street he graded from Victoria street t.• Cambria toad Was presented and referred to the Public Works commit- tee with power to act. Aa communication frian the :33rd regimental band asking for the use of Harbor park for one evening WAX lead. Jlove'.l byCuun. Elliott, seconded by Conn. .Morrie, that the request be I. that a emu wlttet. Irony, lark, 1'rnn.vi ant.. who are t'I he nppoinlel uh , associated with and stnekheldert of � "lets 011Jul% '_'liih the A.neiicon Road Machine l'om- rrrpuun that thus pany of ('an«da, Limited. `rp air wuntrtl iu They have gone into the matter of 1 express regret at the uiablbty ot the states and Ciln»da, et uIpt-I$ them to %\•in. Lane H. Long mayor to attend through iliums« and P„atpnne fns. a titer the complrti„n of C. H, Humber [skips L. I3, Tape_iekipt tr•isl that his illness way let. of ,hurt (,hoer Irlans, the ruurp•tny hes not BASEBALL _ granted. AUCTION SALES- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Moved in alnendnient hy Colin. A tvtiON MALE lir lodes -turned has been instructed to .ell by public auction. at his premise. William -trees (*Union, 'ATUIIDAY, AUGUST THE 1sT an 2.30 rats. •harp: -a goal well built teettanre contwlnlol parlor. duties room. tans bedroom, kltche) and pantile. A good verandah one half otbrr half open. n1.o moos cellar with cement door under whole hear. good large cement cistern, A Roos .harrssos metalled Met spm incr. Idetiric llgat In room and cellar. Iown water Installed. -adrt.,tnri4g are three sores of land In wood -late of esltivatioo and sheet two scree of Iw-cure Intrudiaa orv1srd eonWalag a good otureir of Apple. Flom. Peach, be'y and Year Trees■ beanies. Atd 3stgo 'ism oontaanteg box stag ter herr,two cow .awb -tea.. d aratmodato ter • ns and roots and Is egnipp�'d alt lame lame metal bead grain bias. bas is also eau .tad „n the property. s good gravel and sats) plt. w breh would yield *good revenue. I his property Is stated on North end d t\ uUlani street and toeing the Harreatioa ['ark sin Is, well adapted few Murton nosing.There will ata be odlirM for sale .t aura 'tme and piece:... IJgbi Warren. Heat WagO foto. tatter. Open 11 ,Ory. Voir )fob itletgh"• Par Harrows, $Ingle Plow. :"cuMsr. Waggon Tongue. Dalry ['bun No 2. Maori, I'ull•er. ' bag latter, lief Single Harrows 11 Hew •goon layer.. A number of good Cedar amber ., square timber.. Wheel harrow . and her articles too namernes to went toe. f►;KMel • Proper[ 1u per cent down : botanic: in thirty I l.o other article. cash, 00 If. WATTS. THeI$ Gondr). towner Auctioneer. LOST OR FOUND NOTICE: TO CKE01TOItti,-- Notice 4 hereby given [list all per-eoi- bar I,gcaimsagala.t ih+estate of Ihr late Mo.. Joan flambe, who dud on June 1:411, 1'41. are required to rrrd same to the urdenug'•eo on or before August len), sell for sat UeaaeOL MIDI. W. A. rilOIIIL, Admtat•trwtri:. Int. orator -lb. init. WANTED WANTED.-PU$ITION AS STAT- ION.AUY Roemer, or on traction miens. Weather. rebate* rasa Appy at caw to rm. eta 110.04ench. Out 17.11 WANTED. -A RELIABLE MAN of good a.tdrem and ability to act as our re sweetener in the comity of Huns. A ssisedld opening and p rusasent portion for mart the right ar, 8fu*Ik a WELLINUTON nerrsrymeo. Tomato, Oot. tl.it L1 A RM HELP AND DOMESTIC r elt:Itc ANTS-PlromsuWhumng hum help mould apply at oro@ to WILLIAM VcQ IL - LIN, Dominion Government Fmploymeot Agw1t, St Helena, t int orders len with H. 1r, WUUDd, St- Helens. Out , will repave prompt .1. wow TEACHER WANTED, - FOR M.M. No, (; ' olbewne• \sorrier, rd male teacher profertetlholding a 11rt or second class proress+onat mortar ate. salary gen. ' Duties to commence September 14. Apply to ',PAUL MAEDEL. Secretary. Benmtllrr• UM. 1>tf- 1 UlIT.-ON FRIDAY. JULY IOTH. 11 a whits Mat with brew button.. Finder win be yswaM.t ba leaving tan', at the C. P. 11. OFFICE. ett -- L'.-NO.1 A EASTMAN FOLD. lett°amen. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at U. C. W HITCLY'S .tore. 17.11 LOST. -A GREENISH YELLOW comity with a few white (cattier, In tall t lode, please rot un to HENRY IIEMP. New tate street. and receive reward. 17 It IOUND. - - WOOL SHAWL p'et3N im- s ptelsmata*yy t/wpuaet can have wore bAyppf at ao tan LdM1 situ, exposeer. 1 ?PEACH KR No 1 b iekl. Con. -n. and bre.t W.w.no.i.- second -clam professioo*L State experience and salary expected. Appply to R. McILWAIN. Nile, Out. Pit f ►11EACHER WANTED. -S. S. NO. 1 7 l'olborot; male or female, Soldinif .eoond mow rertlacate. Salary $ • per annum. Mtn, to t-oouueooe al clo.e ur pato• tort tacauub, Apply to CHARLES F. HKL(KUW. Heomlller, lent. I.t.t TEACHER WANTED. -F, IR 8. 8. Nu 1 ltoderlch town.hte..4 toile- front Ooderich; dut.e. to commence September 1. 1111 dune experience. quallatwtsue- and salary expected. Address JAS. JuH\SrtN. See.. K.0. No. 1, Oeder$ch. 17-21 ANTED. -FAMILY \VANHIN( by good laundress, Apply Mrs. P. FOR SALE ON TO MIT I L104'18. 12 Ne isms Street. l)UtlEAND LOT FOR RALE -I MAN.WITH WIFE ANDI'HILD 1_101.18E MK clam. nneeasd • half .Lorry frame A•wl.hr-aq••sltiw nonfarm. Three rears M hour'.Mtsa1on William street. Cloud stable experience. Apply to AItTHI'!: ?IcNkll. 1'-1 sod fruit Imes, Purchaser ens have nne or three :Milford. ' iota J. W. 1 1tAllllk. Iosurat5• • 'owl Re& 1 -_ _ ____ ..graboio. 17 If _. eeto@ ,y es. .wam >MIl7Q 111,WATEk AND LIUHT PP'S �UIfwi'MAE.H:=(Is(HM)i► LAYINIit' Yn., wW all ss l am leas tag town apply 1 A. t'ALUKR. Hodbrd host 17-11 ' [OCE ERE LS - BROILERS. - IM- \) ems neer stock. 1 from heat heavy Myles .train of 1 . Its Leghorn. is t tilted [-[tutee. 1 Prioee hien al to Ip ewt'L. \v111 exchange for t f.sa to Manaus. bet we then new. • Inn auk 1.d bollen for es GelIg111• N Ir/iq.11 FKidFARM. Maaa�e•t.- 1; t< DOOM.8 TO LIST. -WITH WATER 11, and baw,ath ahn.e W. J. (.',•lint'@ billiard Ade of Swum Apr to P. t114-41. WOE SALA-+Ot'i$ NEW -STAN- K bees bo. hi�s�a�i ardor. 44,. ; 1 robb r--6mA mad been : lentsire to . ACHQ1Ur a RON. Mir HAL EMTATBJPOK SALE. • bays for .ant Wet thirty town lets. i V ra •rd15R from w�Ma'p bio 1�1@. /t)m A� A jiLU)KAN0O■aF L M It5MIDKN tAL PROPERTY FOR 1/ $�I.L 11• Ci)\IMIM Water rate- July to Itecem'.er • ow du n. •mount. Id during the n. ch en11 1 rr tent .111 ta• allowed After .' 'v 114 h, •mount tou•. be paid. Any 1• .,-rears ter water or tight me requested • w:W th month. Po4tive(y Iso 4I.e.sult a tr Jule 11• Ry order. 0A. T. MI:RsKY, A. STK' 1.,A CMUtfarh. SITUATIONS VAC.' Wigle, seconded by Cour. Proudtoot, that the request be referred to the Special c.,mutittee with power to act. The amendment was carried, A ,nununication from the secrki- tary of the fire brigade, asking the council to pay $.'> fee to join Provincial Firemen's association and to pay trans- portation of the brigade to convention at Senior Eh on August :rib was read. Moved by Breve Elliott, seconded hy Conn. McClinton, that the matter he referred to the Fire committee with power to act. -Partied. A communication dated July lith from Mie. 'J. W. Craigie offering 1140 for use of town freight sheds for one year wee rend. \loved by Coun: Proudf,ot, second - eel by l'oun. McClinton, that the mat- ter he referred to the Harbor commit- tee with flower to act. -Parried, A communication from the mere- tary of the public school board. dated July ftth, stating that the sum of 133,- 445. would he required for public school purpose* for the year war read and re- ferred to Finance committee. A letter. dated July Pth, from' the nerretary of the Gtderich collegiate institute iaoanl. stating that the sunt of 11.2.5110 would he respelled for the year wet read and referred to the Finance committer. A letter. dated July loth. from Mr. Chat le. Darrow repotting that he has arranged for the investment rf 210,- 1:41.ti:, of the sinking fund in munici- pal debenture* was rrwd. Moved by Coun. Wigle, seconded ',y Colin. Elliott, that the report be re- ferred to the Finance committee with power to act.--('arrieti, A letter. dated July lith, from the l;u and Trunk .Railway Co , stating that the overhead Midge on baltford Hill has teen repaired was read and ordered to be filed Prnndfnot thought thev had not made a very gonad job of the r.' pairs, as only • few pianos had been athirst. Coun. Elliott wanted too know if anc- one was hurt who wnuld Ir reepnut- ihlP. It wive the general opinion that the railway ).any would bio beld resp nslhl,•, A letter, date.1 Jolt- 17th. from the local hoard of health, i.s•omm.nding rupt,.,�s that the counciknrtall a larRrr -----mases Mr. Garrod • verb' alleCt•sa in his of August' i anter 1sT 3•, tSeriRr 11►atrfdW► ., ._. .. _ ,�, .fes' e. 11 I �....�, with four MM. formerly kneels ea ait,a comer Omberein uses marettreemz Troll. ruiner T t .e.t.a ,. saaosame LIARIM TOR KALI -THE SART %lees Dlvt/@.thif tlwLM � .� NO sasesail •T1s einEt • LEARN BARBED( TRA EMPI#IYMENT. Most greets weired to 'subplot* ar', and oatabglI 1, moi► $1R lo1.I.Idi1L !11 Weer, te. as le 1. . MUNE e _few se. Write MOLER Toren Intl. WEST WAWANOSIL FIRE INSURANCECO. One of the best in the Prow. I Inc., Piaed rata of assessment. Live Stock insured at its full value wbetber on the farm s@[ or not•, No :rouble too make adjust- 1 m.ot.. R. McILWAIN. Nile. `j Agent for Colborne. duration. -Carried. ah.ndoned the idea of carrying them Muted by Coun, Laithwaitr, second- i,tit at the earliest possible monient, ed sly Coun, Mortis. Hutt the clerk hut instead tit building the new fse- notily all mantl4artuiers in arrears tine-, that will "take additions and iw.. that all arreooro +rust br paid. -Cee- provewents at the East street plant, rind• until such time as the bond market is Moved by Puua Elliott, seconded in shape. to justify the carrying out of by Cuun, Morris, that the reeve as re- the proposition. quested be empestered to purchase They want to, Rive you this infor- bve garbage cans ..for public parks.-- motion 10 that you will rralile that Catrsed. though yon h«ce cheerfully wild' wil- The Cemetery and Parka coturuittee t ogly, Kitsranhrrd the binds of the reported at follows: -rhnt the metier Ari e,i• ut Rt"ti Machine C pang, of of purcbrsing r tin abeyance for the Canada+, Limited, the policy of the suitors plus be left in II,eyrncv until company is, and we trust always will the Iwai conned meeting in November be, tot* roneervativr in their husinese but that the chairman. 4f this cow- rnetho,le and not' involve' themselves, antee be empowered to have the lot sir the guarnntotro of their hrn•M. levelled up end ' u-edru ; that the You ran readily see if you have keen cemetery tw opened t4 automobiles on watching the Iond markets, that it Sunday mornings from nine a.m, to would hr the heiethl of 1 ,11y to at - 11 a.m. and that for chairman have » tempt t0 sell hoard *t the pt•esrnt titue sign to this effect placed in the crate without sacrificing them to such an ex - bylaw, : that a fee ot g:,, as stated in Use tent that they cannot ser their ex - bylaw, he charged fora refreshment clear to do so. booth privilege IR Harbor park un We are plewed to say that the July)fhb• gentlemen from the l nivel States 'Inc Public Work. committee Ie- who were het., spark in the highest ported as follows :-That the tryur.t terms of the hesulifel and prosperous of Mr. F. E. Bingham to construct a town of Otderich, and when they left. concrete addition :3: e.tI t to the roar on 1 they left, with the feeling that they tit the Lyric theatre be granted on 1 would like to have atwyed longer, and condition that it be c(nstructed ins with the proms@, that they world compliance with the town bylaw. *iron missile and pay us another visit. The Finance committee reported For the benefi' or .11 who are inter that the following account* be paid :- tested. and you all are interested in the SiC. Lee, 1115.147:80.I, Kidd, *3.151; The w•Ifare of this, as well as other indus- Mignal, $1t4,h. ; O. F. Curry, insurance tries of our town, the gentlemen who on height sued. $13: (,teat North vi-it.•d its have all taken additional Western Telegraph (2,.. :dl 1)utui- Stock and the financial prosper[@ are nion Express (it . $1._11; (ieorgr Port- hnghter and Inter th*n Ihry have er, $I 15); Hell 'lrlrpphone Co., $lt.'Li: ever horn for the American Road H.h Ke'ntp,$13: McLean Bios. IX i7: M.eehineComp ensofCanada. Liruitesl, J. Marriott. 711c ; AwerWan Road I We wi.h to take this opportunity to Machine Co.. $1, 7:.. thank e,erh .and eve, v Vine for your cu - New Garage Opened I operation and courteous reception to tors[ and hit the ball and hr.xight in Mr. John Garrod, lately rm to eel I "ursrlvr•, ns wall at trirhJ«. reins merely for the :like of linisbing P S Yours very truly, the genie and for a little exrrci.l' The by \Ir, W. E. Kelly- as expert auto- American Road Marhiur (i'. mobil, repair luaus, has opened a Ka' of Canada. I,'Witett. rah sire,[ boys have by for looks of age on South street, in the building C. L. Miaow, the schedule got a safe plan. formerly occupied by Messrs. (.nndry ( Vire-president andMsneging Director. The line-upof the terms was as fol - Bros. as a liver v. lows - Before cooling to Goderich Mr. Gar- i HARBOR NOTES M rod was to:mom repairer tut the nig 1 familiar with all slakes and brands of l Thr-sVanlee Neehlag with 11 , s The game scheduled between Knox and tit. Peters on Friday evening boat failed to tnateriatre. Knox did not have atrain on the ground and se for- feited the game to 1l. Patera, Thr Dada of Mit. Peters were not to bio out done, so selecting Mr. Mike Farr and Mr. Hector Hays, two old time baseball men as captains- Teams were picked from the spectators and a friendly game was 'played. Mr Hays while at the bat Will. !RICO r {ower - fol strike laud otiasedt that after turn- ing r couple .t revolutions be alt down on the plate, after playing four innings the umpire, the Signal reporter, decided the game was a draw. A very bloody, fast and turious bat t tr eat waged on the baseball dia- mond on Tuesday evening, July 21st, between seven and 8.:1) p.rn. The op- posing forcer bolo! North street Methoxdist and Si. George's respective churches. The St. George hunch, much to the surprise of their oppon- ents, failed to bring half their men, ser when they bad borrowed half of the Sl. Peter'. team the game was started. Hebei, ever with his smile., which wont come oaf (doting the baseball season, but which disapiwars from September to Junel, war stronger than ever and actually had some at the enemy knocking at their knees. De had. (Abets hopping around as if doing the tango. snake dance or some- thing equally fatiguing in an en- deavor to reeape from an put, in. di op. up shoot. fast or slow hall or a fade - away. 'rhe Melding was excellent on b,.thsides but Mt. George's had the most to do. F the first it wits easily seen that North street had 51. George's on • ICTlf,D1.'TS-Hubei pitcher ; ,lohn- HA Jackrnn garage tt Hamilton and is I Ii t .) 'Sod base ; Melrod aril bare ; Rubert- *Lon ratrher ; Bate. 1st l.Asr ; Powell a booby's of wheat unloaded et the Iran- suu,r. All repair@ will br executed I wt elevator t.daa 1 hur•sdaa with the uCtiiost despatch and at i The stratum /:Irnfinn»o unloaded reasonable parrs. This holds gored 1,i,I5IU l+ushels of o-lcenings 411 Friday for either engine tran.tnirson or tire 1st the intuit elevator and (-leered for repairs. Painting and upttohterr, 1 •1 olrin with l•sylet bn•hrls of ti .x on which air seldom [nuchal in tire I Isoirel. ordinary garage. will ie specialities ith Mr. Own"d 1 Thr C.P.H.. freight @beta have been He' has been in the town long been electrically wired th installed and enough to be known to the car owning I A trot, dock has been installed and potion of the public and his work levetything�. nh„IIc remla- for the Hoer speak, for ilaell His first order of 1 boat" which Mr. .l, 31, S1.lshrll, Ihr 1n•ady arrived. \\'P agent. t•xpe-Ls will arrive by the Hrst on 1k tt r Iwuuch, Aloha. ,lf Fair - •tree to Cameron street. 51eo s re-IQ� wR learning. tau (istitginp.latr. poet of Mr. Kidney Johnston. P.E:., i path was Sudden `put in to Ton' ich hal hos \ Inewtay acting town rngineer, nn the water With Iltle war nin w• for as the learning. There was on hens a patty was 1.•111. g of Mr, consisting rt mu. 1' ('. Mt,•,ly. \lovtd hy Poon. Mrl'lintt.n. second- Howl ecent i" t ..tl'el nell. 'erne 4115 1 Mr. F. 1'. Jones. Mts. House. Misr ed by }terve Elliott, that the sewer lieAilmmons of death to \Drs D. J, 5.1' 1 Olusi-trod and Mr*. Toot, all rf ('leve- ennstt,nctet on Brittania road from tel, of titittani., road, on 1'newlsy I land. Ohio. Waterlsio •trent r.. Cameron street rvenif►R. Though she had not Dern is The cruiser Launleon with govern- anl'uhlie \ `,i ahal�the matter he referred to the good health for the past six month.. 1 meet offleiale on board paid a visit 4f •orka committee to carry out at.d had been cor!Hued to her fwd (ties'wipw+i" to (i4derihh her hot. After the necessary procedure and eonseturt alv vent of eral weeks this sprang, ail h the lade,iverlrx,ting the breakwater ex tennnn 'smuttier she had regained • sewer. l'wrricl. mind invrstiR.ring the foe•horn, the A number of atrounta were par- conridrrwble deKrrP of her customary heat left today 1Thn,sdayt for Ela- m and refuted to the Finance brightness, and on Tnestav after nrxtu cardio,. -in the lauthtun mos bete committee. bad enjoyed a vied front her brotber 115,,1 t•11 she too. tarn repainted and is A report n( the Public Works cone• and bad accomp"nird him to his err- n..a all white, with the t•xception of mitosis dated July bath, waq trod and on motion of Conn. Wigle, seconded hy Reeve Elliott woe adopted. A report of the Cemetery and Parks committee. dated July irks was read, and on motion of Reeve Elliott. second- ed by t'oun. leithwaite, wet adoppted. A import of the Fieanee committee, dated July Itkh. was read kind on eo- tion of Cotrn. Laithwaite, seconded by Conn. Morris, was adopted. The matter of the deportation of Mr. H. W. Edell and family was. on ,mo- tion of )'nem. Proudfocrt, .ecortded by Reeve Elliott. referred to the Special contmittee- Moved by Ooun. Proudfoot, second- ed by Conn Elliott, that the Grand Trunk Railway to. he rrontmunicatad with and requested to mote some al- terations to the fences at the town seeks st the Brand Trunk stook yards, as desired by the shippers, or the town will do the work and charge the rent in the enmpany (srri.d. Moved by Hese• Elliott, econd.d je (brae. �(orrb. Chet tbs smatter of kiietoeeG�eRa ee MaRy street. Elisa- beth liabreth saes% ant my sear street be r► 1N1DSl10M AND FARM PRO? -TM leer"beirs el �Abates! �v- SALB-IMvsWi1�'�'� ter, lir,@ghtere of the IMsa wh ire Mao ossa, [Mawk all the IMM tAllore cf a• ala."1 1 tags as Het 19th, irallipare4=r6 w ant ya r iv - Han. She war sitting at the tea t•hle when her husband noticed her head sink forward and. going to her, found that the spark of life sal gene. Mrs. Neftel we- thearcond daughter shade were utilized to gond adv:.nlaSP of the late Mr. John Thomas Nott.' nn Wednesday morning when awn and had pawl the allotted span Fey air °'ompregenro. for use in con iron just teen days Besides her hushamd with the new fog horn •rrivrd The she is dureivrd by her daughter. Mee ear they were to was shunted 0n Gr her funnel which is cream with black trimmings. Thenew slip. at the 1 ,P.K, freight GIRLS RAreti. :ott•yatdt dash, 12 years old and under --Jean McEwan. Worthy Black, Olive Craigie. Three-legged rare, 12 years old and under-ida May Latimer and Olive Craigie, Worthy Black and Dorothy Marshall, 511-yierds dash. over 12 years -Emily McEwen. Lena Murray, Catching ball, over 12 year* --Lena Murray and Fero Johnson, Eida Stod- dart and Alice McEwan, Three-legged nee, over 12 years -- Emily McArthur and Jean Bogie, -ilia May Latimer ani Olive Craigia•. Sack race, open -Emily McArthur, Worthy Black. :ell yard" daub, married ladle• -Mrs. Alex, MeNiven, Mrs. John McKay. :Al -yards dash, lady teachers-Heace Warnock, Joaar 'Saunders. Bunt RACKS. 2• yards dash, infant claire-Albert Kia, Reggie Newell, 12 y eNl a and under -Gordon Ander- son, Fi ed Price, Ales-. Folry- 11111-yard, dash. under 12 years - Albert Swale. Janie. Bartow. Will Donaldson. 1151 -yards dash, over 12 years -Will Donaldson, John Pritdhaut, Over 12 yeers, running, hop, step and jump-- Norman McLeod. Eric Wilson. son short stop : Purrs,' right Helder : K K broad )unnp-Notntan Mo- Murney centre Helder : W. Halwl left ).Pod, John 1 lover. `ll Helder. ack race, over 12 yen,+ -Norman MT GRGRl,ge-Babb pitcher: !'irk \- i'I.A'.ol, tied for second, Willie I field catcher: olev haat. 1-1 I•e: Mitchell Donaldson and John Pinder. '2nd Kase: Farr 11rd base; Bowler short Three -1 KKed ,wars upon -Norman •top: Huniphf.dry :right Field ([arch- McLeod and Earl Potter, Eric Wilson a and Juhn HVall. ler crtitre fielder. - The rtendirm of the schedule is RR follows : Tram- WO, Los( Played To Play Metheslt•t It 3 fl lit. Pei. -r. 1 1 :{ 6 St. Geer gee it 2 6nox u _ fl FOOTBALL ' As.adt►s rtissl►h1N baud hill. ar d town two local trains amt. -in Virjnt' Ubeteale rare, open -Norman Me- 1.r.al. John finder. (NUcialsrser, men -Mr, (outte, Mr. Leckie Manufacturers ecki,- Manufacturers Visit Goderuch A party of prominent United State* wontrfaauarra were In li.oderlch last week They were : Mr. S. Junes Philllr tit Krunrt Saw• Prnnsyl- v tit of the A..rriran Ito/0 Park on Tuesday evening ,.nil phi yrd Machh m •t>!".. pies--espainel of the a $1.""1"1". of bi hall, The n'un.s American gonad Maehlne ('K. Of lbw - of the bwo(the [snow was ion atone ' in it- oda; Mr. J. \1. Lamk•nh"rg..e. o1 Fort self 1sin -'All Stan" and i411 Wayne. lndnania, getter .1 ruam.ger of Ovens-�\• rehash hent KiyinK 1ve the Port Wayne and I)rlphoe plants. lineup out of respect for the "Leh alae director of the American Rnad Over," ruffle• it to say that E. Nrid- Machinery 1.'n. ; Mr. H. P. G000dlingIt, ham was In r,ornm*net, whit.. D. }tnh- treasurer soil manager of the A. H. erre marshalled the All Star force, F*nothar Co.. York• Pennsylvania, E. A. Warner being referee. Al -tit mannfwrtoreraof ihre-hing machine*, ten minutes after plat ••^tnment-wl the Moilers amt engines; Mr. R, J. Man - All Stars scored and that was all Hing. Marathon, Nrw York, manager there was doing in the tiro half. Ir. tot the Marathon Plant of the the errand • penalty was registered American Road Machinery Co. ; against the i.eft 1,ver• And Rolf its Mr- Nat. 'Tyler. Jr . manager of the scored, before the game was dosed)y'w York offices. of the Arnerican the All !(tare Mond the net again hot d Machinery t''o., member of the the goal was disallowed for off -side. Rant of Mester.. 1 err A Tyler. ma - The final result bring 3-0 in favor of chinery exporters, Nrw York, who the All Starr It was a genal clean handl« the report trade rt the Anleri- game through.* and the aPectallra can Rood MsrhuneryCo, and who are evidently enjoye(1 it to the full. also exporters for the (loderich plant Emily Naftel of this town and her eon, the Dark at the hack tit thio freight - of the American Road Mrcbiue Co. of Mr, Walter Naflel. of Brantford. .bad and with the assl.tanre of roller* A Real Curiosity ('*haat.. This arm oleo handles the Messrs. Chart,. Naftrl and Alfred and creel [oars the ,uachinrry, weigh - On Mr. Mwmurl Hi•.rt'• dairy farm export [[sale for the (ietderich Organ Martel, of the Herfleld road : Mr, Wil- ing lisp) fused@, was loaded straight Ilam Mattel. of California rind Mr. on to a .cow. Thia was done in *trout Adolphus Naftrl, of Halifax, are 30minutes. In the ordinary way it brothers and Mrs. Onodry. of Van- would have [*Ren half a day to have at Maliford may he seen a real live Co. All member of th. party mer" whit* robin. The bird l.inka to all ap- drhghtad with their visit to Ooderich peeranees like any other robin wild and expre•oed themselves a* well the fundis, red h'reast of its species. pl.we•d with the treatment shown rouser: Mr.. .1 0. Haldane, of loaded on to dray •nd drawn it to Mn the winds Are perfectly white and thorn while herr. Arizona and Miss M. H. Neftel, of lbs. wharf. henry the p•cnliarity it arrived at Bolifaz, are sisters, .` the opening of spring accompanied by Mr. Naftrl was a life-long member -Justice Lorton, of the United Itelirving that they were plotting �f its mate, on ordinary ►,r.rwn rnhin, against him, Oen, VI la has hstwl 91► et Use Anglican church, and the fun- Slur. snOreea' error[, dial suddenly j I'ft .tial, which will tete *arse nn Friday as)d has ,deed one brood of young but peseta for imnishment and deportation. at •n Atlwate Uily AoMI' t aloins of the young birds .how to•e.. The ,law organ of 15. Wbltbaylof thewhlte feathers of their parent. Baptistehnrch was dedicated at Rise- it le quite a curiosity and many per - day's wavier.. [utas have been at the dairy faro to afternoon. will he frail SL Oporto. . eburch, the moor. Rev J R FM her- bage, officiating. BORN- Duringanenrmounter with a .u.pie- e it where It is nesting for the me - I -Starting in a room in the attic. tows character, thasta�le Cheraw. of coed breed this season, amid the au- the ,-hlldren s shelter of Brantford WK ATr►N.-la vereste Orr Jab aid, l a (maws. was shot [Dee in the leg with hie t red commies that grow in @tech I was dowager' t.y firs to the extent of sad tt��R 1 . tea (nets lira own rsvnlver. • Mw rhter, - -Mr. Rntert \Vwrnock, depots reeve of Chatham township, died at the age of Ni year* psdutlea thee.. tlVII.