HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-16, Page 8• 17* 8 •i� Tar SAD/T, JULY /l, 1911 THE SIGNAL UbbKRICH ONTARIO eserbiereereWseenanieweselatelkerenesieW ('leering *foe of HAMMOCKS, CROQUET and PENNANTS Full cies Hammoeka sp.ndid colors, aka. woven. with val- ance, 22 wooden stretchers, with large size pillow. Regular price $S00. Yale price $3.75. Smtall.r.lre• Hammock.$, close woven, with valance. _ wooden sit etchers. good colors. Regular price $'' 71. !tale price $200. CROQUET 4, (. and `i ball deur. Sale price 85r, *1 '�, and $1.60. PAPER BOUND BOOKS FOR MIIMMItR READING Large stock of English paper hound Books, all by well-known authors, price 10c each or :3 for n.'M. Ward Lock's special edition, all Lyy popular authors, Harokl Biudloss, Louis Tracy, Jos. Hocking. Oppenheim, etc.. etc., ire each or 'J' for Mc. GLORIOUS TWELFfl j 0ODERICH HONORED Wr,H pbt0ll- STER CELEBRAT4f Twelve Thousand 'dlsitors in Town on Monday- Programme for the Day Passed .iff Pleasantly and Without a Hf , h -Railways Taxed to Their U1.10( to Handle Traffic Monday- war • day long to be re- membered in the history of Goderich. From early morning until late at night every one who could do anything was active, either in preparing for mud ad- ministering to the comfort ot the great crowds who visited the town, or else themselves making one in the crowd. The number of those who thronged the street and parka has been various- ly animated from 81100 to 12,1)110. The special end regular trains on both rad - ways were loaded with incoming visit- ors and it is ertimated that not lees than 1100 conveyances of all deeerip- tiooe tame in from the surrounding country. The churches, hotels and - -_ _-___ __ } other places. where meal* were served, were kept busy attending to the needs of the inner wan, whale the various stalls along the street apparently did a good business. 1 At two o'clock the procession was formed in Victoria park. and headed by the trend of the lied regiment they marched along Vibtortastreet to Elgin aveuue tbee to the Square via King- ston street. After poising once around the Square they entered the park and funned up From the Emelt Free Press we take s where the Lice bind speeches of the day were e the following report of the farewell to delivered. The following was the Rev. der. Medd. a former pastor of order of the procession :- Victoria street Methodist church: lard Regt. Band, (ioderich The Nundey school room of Grace t Orange Young Brittoo's, Wlegb•m Methodist church, Essex, was the I Elmira Lodge No. 2612 scene of A moot pleasant gathering on Wellesle Lodge No. 490 Monday evening, June 29th, when be- tween two and three hundred of the friends of Rev. Ur. Medd and family gathered to bid them farewell prior to their leaving to take up their resi- dence in Chatham where Dr. Medd will become pastor of the Victoria avenue Methodist church. Tbe evening was essentially a social evening, only a brief programme being offered. Mies Mary Auld, accompanied by Miss M. Richardson. tendered seven) solos, which were greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Ainslie delighted the company with a reading and Rev. J. Crawford gave • brief address. During the programme Rev. Dr. Medd was called to the pladiorm and the following address was read by Mrs. Tackaberry and a purse of gold presented to him by Mr'i. Iler: "lo the providence of God the time hu conte wben our relations Illi peetor and people are about to clove and we, a number of your friend., have gathered this evening to spend another pleasant. hour together and to convey to you an expression of the very high esteem in which you and your family are held among us arid our [egret that our associations are so coon to end. As pastor of our church we desire to express our ad- miration and commendation of the •tility skill ant faithfulness wbicb cheroots* lurid your efforts in W de- partment of your work throughout the year. Ai a preacher your able and IaiLhful presentation of the truths of the goapel have enlightened and in- spired us. As a pastor your kindly words of cheer and comfort have cheered and uplifted us and as • man you have an conducted yourself at all times as to maintain the dignity of your high calling and command re- spect aid admiration irrespective of church or creed. We trust that in the providence of God you may with the m.piration of a large sympathy and a more hearty co-operation be en- abled to aceonipli.h even more in the interest of His kingdom. We ask you to accept this slight token of the ap- preciation of your friends in Essex and trust and pray that the devhie Messing may re.t upon you Ind yours in your riew home and amidour new association.** Signed on behalf of your Essex friends, A. M. Keane, M.U., Re- cor•dii.g Steward. Dr. Medd very feelingly replied thanking them for their great kind- ness to himrlf and family throeghout the ye.r for their hearty lo -operation and support in the work of the church and this last expression of their ap- preciation and good will. Refresh- ment& were served consisting of ire cream end crate of anabundance which bad been provided by the ladies. After singing •• God be with You Till we Meet Again." and entendin_g farewell greetuga to Rev. Dr. Medd and family the company broke up at • late hour. Rev. Dr. Medd and family link ea Tuesday for Leamington where they will visit for -'a few der. before going to Cbatham to tete - charge of the Victoria avenue Metho- dist church in that city, to' which he hid some stands ago been invited. FRECKLES 1 New Telephone 1 Directory The Ooderich Book & ,Stationery Co. (.FORGE PORTER REV. DR. MEDO FAREWELIdi Ripley Lodge Nu. 790 Kinloss Lodge No. 898 Kitilough Lodge No. 1139 Culroar Lodge No. 078 Lucknow Lodge No. 423 Kincardine Pipe,Band Kincardine Orange Lodge Berrie Lodge No. 498 Bethel Lodge No. 120 Bluevale Lodge No. 700 Rayfield Lodge No. 24 Varna Lodge No. 1036 Summerhill Lode No. 9'23 Morris Lodge No. 873 Walton Lodge No. 262 Brussels Lodge No. 774 Port Albert Lodge No. 2170 Maple Grove Lodge No. 1044 Auburn Brass Band Auburn Lodge/filo. 9032 Belgrave Lodge No. 46T2 Blytb Lodge No. 963 Loodeaboro Lodge No. 863 Clinton Fife and Drum Band Clinton Lodge No. 710 Dungannon Lodge No. 3t4 Belfast Lodge No. 490 Nile Lodge No. 1062 Lucan Lodge No. (162 Heiman Lodge No. 733 Crediton Lodge No 1343 Bidd ulph 03 Lodge No. 49 Lucknow Pipe Band Exeter Lodge No. 924 Wlnthorp Lodge No 843 Itivsteton No. 145 Enniskillen No. 153 Curries Lodge o. 189 Bayfield line Lodge No. 30B Goderich lodge No. 182 County Master Kenny of Win- throp. called the meeting to order and expressed his apprecietion of the ef- forts of the people of Goderich in mak- ing their visit w pleasant end then called upon Reeee Hobert Elliott for an address of welcome. this Mr. Elliott gave in his own happy tray and re- ceived • round of applause. Rev. J. E. Ford was the next speaker. He said he woe not an Orangemen but he did not know bow he had escaped as his sympathies were Willi them. if he thought the order stood for bigotry be would not he on the platform. He thought it • great mistake when the country gave separate schools, and he believed that if one issue at • time was dealt with at each election they would soon clean up the country. He also touched upon the Irish situation and believes that while the English leaders thought and acted slowly they were sure in their methods. The next speaker was Mr. W. E. Soutbgate, a coninicrcial traveller from Exeter. wbo spoke upon the topics of the day as they interested 1, the Orange Order He said they were not fighting the Roman Catholic re- ligion but fighting their political machinery. The trouble in Ireland was caused by the coalition of the Natiooalista and the Liberal party. Mr. Jobe Redmond had gone to Prem- ier Asquith sod said we have de- livered -the goods, now its up to you Doot Hiderem with • Veil : Remove Them smith the Othine Prescnptieo This lereaeription for the removal of The Bell Telepbnne Company of freekle-i was written by • prominent (:$nada is soon to print • new Jamie of nhyiritian and is usually en successful its (yflleial Telephone Directory for in ren.nving freckles and giving a tbe District of elem., beautiful completion that it is mold h druunder guarantee to WESTERN ON eA refilled money guaranteedhe money .f it fails. Dont hide you freckles tinder a veil ; ge t an mince of ntbine and re-ParParties who contemplate ming ming move them. Eve the firs, few ap- �Reth.erihera, or those who wish Origin'', /should show a wonderful,im- changes in their present entry should movement. some of the lighter I place their orders with the Local Man - freckle.. vanishing entirely. , ager at once to integre insertion in tie sure to mak the druggist for the this irons.. double sernngth othine; it is this that is sold os the money -hack guarantee. It Is ewpriaing the number of bi tins .kat are tieing erected ie Strafe Gerd at the present time. On almost every street of the city the thud of the harasser and the buss of the saw ran he heard, •a the new framework •ewtme. definite Shape fete • saw borne or an addition to the old. The houses are generals of a .. 1 *a 3. niter, with modern gsip *sot. Over two hundred was this ssthaM e d ens man yen the cumber of sew ether such trhy a derare~tpt M1ay .s a result of the Isaeaaad building acAlvitr. eA.+ r U lar Connecting Companies should alio r.pnrt additions and chimeras, in their list of nuhserlhees, .4tls r to the Lord Manager. or direct to the Rpeciel Agent's Deperteesst. Montreal The BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, of Canada to pay the price. (live res home rule at our own terms. With regard to the bi-lingual question be s,.id If the Roglish language is good enough for us, why is it not good enough for ite drench people. It we greot them separate schools we should elm great the Germans stipends schools for there are 1116,0111 of them in Ontario. He read from & Conser- vative paper an item wbicb said that the decrease in the majority of the Roblin government was due eo the disaffection on the school question and said tbat the Orange a.soci•tion should take credit tor it work. The fact that one of their leaders bad put th• people before the king had raided the wrath ot the people.. In referting to the Tremblay marriage cow be wild that the Orsoge association bad raised $4000 to help • Roman Catholic to get her rigbt,aod coocluded by makleg a plea for Or•ottemeo to agitate until they succeeded in gettiog government inspection of Rosman Catholic cos - vents and monasteries. Other speak- ers were called upon but were sot present. The crowd then broke into merry groups, the bands played and every- thing resolved itself into • genuine old-fashiooed celebration which is con- ceded by all who are in • posiiioa to know, to have tern the very best Orange demonstration ever belt in Ooderich. The prises were awatMed as fol- lows :- Best dressed lodge, Belgrave. Oldest man in prooeesion, Mr. George Hawley, 96 yeert of age. a member of Berele lodge. Largest lodge in procession. Bethel. Best hairnet, Belgrave lodge. Best fife and drum nand, Clinton. Best brass hand, Auburn. Best piper, Mr. Fred Mulch, Clin- ton. lio-ton. Beet drummer, Mr. Joseph Carter, Auburn. Best decorated eche, first. Messrs. Hodgens Bros.: mooed, Messrs. D. Millar & Son ; third. Mr. F. E. t3ur- det te. About seven o'clock rain again be- gan to fell and the crowd thinned rapidly although quite • large num- ber of merry souls kept. up the cele- bration indoors. Norge cis The DAY. A conservative estimate of the crowd attending is 11.000 people, The pipe bands from Kincardine and Lucknow seemed very popular with the crowd. The hese ballgame at the Agricul- tural grounds between Oodericb and Clinton was well attended and ended in • win tor the local nine by • score of 11 to :i. Batteries, Wiggins and Sperling. Tasker and Hawkins. Re- ceipts, soil, Clinton Salvation Army Cotes were among the visitors and held service in the park. A large a rowd wave them a very respectful hearing. A big motor truck brought an enthusiastic load of celebrators from Clinton. The orderliness and general sobriety of the crowd evoked much fsvorable comment. The Ooderich lodge are deserving of great credit for their conduction of the day's festivities, the lateness of the second special train on the Grated Truck being in no wise their fault enol was the only incident that in any way marred the harmony of a well- nigh perfect day. An aew toed from Ripleyenjoyed the day here. Mr. Charles ilde wee at the wheel. The stands, of which there were • large number, seemed to do a good business, while the merry-go-round was every bit •s merry as tbe name indicates and was the centre of at- traction for the children. The livery stables and hotel sheds were taxed to their utmost capacity to Shaw's Brsioess Schools Tereete,q ('•sada. give bite grads oserso.i and graatify young people to earn wed ..1- sAs. ?bey besiege Use ().steel Rarlisee (,stooge. Ione. & Gerrard Ma, sad ntx Ary Mane ecbwka Curricula= mist ee request. Later any time. W. H. flaw, President. The resident- The Art of Keeping Cool -When Old Sol blazes away you want to lay aside every.. ounce of heavy garments and dress In one of our feather weight sults. There Is no necessity for any man to swealter when he can get a light weight suit so cheap. Prices 310.00. 312.00 and $15.00. Hot Weather Haber - dashing for men Combination Underwear $1.00 and 11.50 Shirts with separate col- lars, 75c to $2.00. Wash Neckwear. 25c. Silk Lisle Hose, 25c. Silk Hose, SOc to 75c. Straw Hats. 30c to 13.00. Panama Hats 14.00 to $10.00. Walter G. Pridkam attend the waste of the equip* visitors. Over MOD came is by special and regular trains ors the Grand Trunk. An tnetdeot oearrred on Monde, evening near (3lotos which Illustrates the difficulties which confront the railway men in haadling a large crowd like that. of Monday. A pos- senger jumped off the train near the semaphore at Clinton and it Was nr..s.ary to end an engine and crew from here to find bim and ascertain whether or not he wa. injured. • He war found and taken on to Clinton where be resumed his journey, but his foolishness cruised • delay to the re- turning ceiebratois of nearly two hours. Tbe efforts of the ladies aid of the Alexandra hospital seemed to be very successful, nearly every visitor being decorated with a tag. The tota amount for tags was 941(0. Among the vfrious attractions of the day. in addition to the Orange ode. were the merry -g -routed on parade. street. Mr. A. La.bbrook'e Instantaneous camera, the Wade .k Butcher adter-tieing oar No. 7, while the Lyric and Star theatres were open the entire de y At four o'clock in the Agricultural park a baseball match between (lode - rich and L'libton teams waa started. It was a Mt of fine -claw ball playing. WEDDING BELLS Jones -Cousins The home of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Cousins, Park street, was the scribe of a pretty wedding oo Tuesday morn- ing. when their third daugbter, Nellie F.. was joined in wedlock to Mr. Allen J. Joos, third son of Mr. J. Jona, of Oodericb. Mir, Bella Cousin., sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Roy Jour', brother of the groom, as best man. The bride was attired in a dress of embroidered white voile end carried a small bouquet of white room. Her travelling dress was of blue serge with white hat and plume. A dainty wedding breakfast was served. to which • party of ten .at down, after which the ba,,py couple left on the Grand Trunk for Galt, Preston and points soutb. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a gold brooch set with rubies and pearls, and to the best man a set of engraved gold cuff links. The oerewowy was performed by Rev. W. H. Wright - on. The couple will make their bows in New Hamburg, wbere Mr. Jones is etnployed. Moran -Kennedy 8L Joseph's church, Mscton, was the some of a very pretty wedding on TuesdayJune 30th, at nine a.m., when iem Catherine M. Kennedy, of Linwood, became the bride of Mr. John 0. Mono, of Hewon, formerly of Asbfieid. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Father Brobman, only immediate friends being present. 'i'be beide wee given away by her father, Mr. James Kennedy, and she looted handsome in a beautiful gown of embroidered net over white satin. She won a wreath and veil and ear- ned • bouquet of whiteroses and tern. he was assisted by her sister, Kiss Eleanor, who looked cherubipg hi a simple gown of white voila wad bet to tni►tcb. The groom was assisted by his brother. Mr.•W. F. Moran, of London. Atter the cere- mony, the wedding party motored to Linwood, where dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents. Shortly atter dinner they left oo the 2.17 thio, amid showers of rice and confetti, for trip to Toronto, North Bay and Ottawa. On their return they will reside in Heaton. The man friends of Mr. and Mr. Moran w them every success in life. NEWS OF SPORT FOOTBALL The Grand Trunk challenged the winner of the town league to a friend- ly game on Monday evening of last week. Both teams appeared in good form and the spectator witnessed a firetclars game. In the first half the playwan largely in the territory of the ig M311 and the railway .nen managed to and the net twice, the score at half time being 2-0. When play was resumed the millers went to work in earnest and managed to tie the score. the game finishing in • draw of 2.2. The teems were : - Grand Trunk - Goal, Kennedy harks, Smith, Tether ; half backs, Jane, Ntatbam, McComb: forwards, (:demon, Bowler, Roberts, Turner. Metcalf. Big mIU --gel, Bowra ; backs, Cracknell. Spahr; half backs, Legato, Cadman, lambert ; forwards, A. Kit - too, Peachy, W. Callow, W. /Litton, Buck. Linemen. Doyle, Crockett. Referee, Carter. BASKRALi. The' secood game' in the Sunday school baseball league was play,.) on tVednesdey evening. when North street met 8t. Peter's. The teams lt ed only seven men • side. It ooked fur • time as if it was going to he • walk home for North atreet, at the end of the fourth innings the score being nine to three. In the fifth and last, the ()atholic boys got busy and pasted the p111 all over the field. This, coupled with a wild throw to the Mete. enabled them to notch up five ruse. *akin* the final score nine to eight in favor of the Methodists. Tics teams were :- North street - Pitcher. A. Habil : catcher, C. Johnston : Ist base, 3 Bets ; 2nd base, H. Powell ; 3r1 haws. N. Mcleod ; left Leld, M. Pridbam . right bald, H. Murney. 8t. Peter's - Pitcher, P. Raechl.r catcher, R. Polley; 1st hese, J. Farr. &id base, J. soer: lord bas, F. Felts. left Med. 0. Deltas : right field, J Kelly. The winn&sg a of the game wise largely! doe to the ip oohing of A Habil, the North street pitcher, who had up to the last Innings toyed with the St. Peter's team. With two moo oat, a orae on base std tine probability of a hit wie- n4ng the Qua be threw three swift balls over las plate the first one was m swift that It took awe the batter's breath and Ware be bad recovered it two mons sense speeding aerosol the plate with weal ferns and the umpire gnus his Ase i as wt. Trams apnoea demoralised 1M Paris when aeve,el eave►iss oeeerr teed after a tbulltdr .teem. •'l9eh a9Lwp p.*kt AO V 11 ILT891 iN TRI ISMAL. *ALI r „' .'- i.V Ca�m1T%s* 3.4vre.j1' r• ..a,1SYa-a:a *4 4o. ,.f4e. .. t.�/.47tf }'ystel" .7•11.11,..0 "r 1' r me,qItaf *'. i'Pa!+ 9 ,AM°0 r tl ' eAe .r4 . ✓ LOW PRICES for HIGH-GRADE 'TAILORED SUITS $10.00 is the exceptionally low price for which we give you your choice of exactly 9 Ladies' Tailored Suits that sell regu- larly from 116.50 to 323.50. It is not so much a question now of price but of getting the 'racks emptied and all the Summer Garments • cleared at once. These Suits come in blues, tans and black and white checks. They are stylish, handsome, up-to-date garments, cut, lined and tailored in the best style of the season. You will agree with us that they are remarkably cheap when you see them. These 9, each - $Io.00 You can still get a nice Coat for a Girl for $4.00 Still a few lett of the Girls' Coat that are .ellitig at $4.00. These are the last few we have left from the seamo's selling. All are new garments, 1914 style*, reds, bluer and cheeks. Regular up to $0.50. Six. 4 to 10 years. Choice $4.00 Flotincing Embroidery 95c Here is an embroidery bargain worth Coming for. 75 yards white Flouncing Embroidery 46 -inch wide, handsome de- signs. Regular 91.75 to 92.00. Saturday morning you can buy it while the lot lasts at per yard .98 Handsome Embroidered Voiles $1.45 Handsome Embroidered Voiles at lees than one-half regular price. There are just 0 patterns in the lot. They were sent us by the Canadian agent of a Swiss maker .and are part of an order for a western customer stopped in transit. The actual cost to is them down in Canada is about 92.25 to 92.35 perard. They were offered to us at n price that will let us sell them at the very low figure of.. 9(1.48 The designs are beautiful and they will make very handsome Summer Dresses. New Separate Skirts Just received this week some new Fall styles in Cloth Skirts for women. Blacks and Davies. Three new designs made in merges or broadcloths. One particularly adapted for stout figures. Prices . 54.60 to 55.76 Last Week for Skirts to Order This is the last week we can take orders for making Skirts for 91.75 These Skirts are trade to your measure in our own work- rooms. One fitting given. Your choice of six different styles and over 30 ends of dress materiels that are specially adapted for separate skirts. This is an exceptional op- portunity Lo get an odd Skirt tailored in the best style at • moderate price. Have You .,een the New Silk Sweater Coats ? iVe are showing these very handsome Summer ('oats. They are quite the new- est thing for outing wear and can he had ir. an almost 'mile*, nog, of colors and combinations Any liar or any color not in stock ordered and delivered in from three to four days. New Wash Skirts Another lot of Wash Skirts just to hand. 'Iwo styles, one plain. the other with tunic effect. Made in Indian Head or Repp. Prices ..... $1.60 to $2.60 New Middy Waists New Middy Waists in plain white or white with red and blue trimmings. Made in Pique, Heppe or Indian Heed. Newest cut. Prices. $1.60 to $1.90 Do You Want an Awning? Thi. is Awning time. Just the months when one adds much to the comfort of • house or veranda,. We take orders for Awning, of all kinds. The prices are moderate and delivery prompt. We will be glad to give you an estimate at any time. More Trimmed Hats at $2.65 Last Saturday end Monday we prac- tieally cleared the •bow -rooms of all our special Trimmed Hats at this ce. All week the milliners have busy trimming • fresh lot and Saturday morning will be ready with dozens of beautiful new and attractive styles They are all new shapes this season. Part of our immense purchase of samples. The triwringe are of a high order. If bought in the regular way we would bine to sell them at $5,41 tc $8;00. Saturday morn- ing take your choice of tbe,e new Hats fcr only.... ...... • $2,88 Children's Hats 53c A Saturday Special for the Children. New shapes in Straw Hats with neat nand of white ribbon. Regular $1.00 goods et lout. Saturday special. each only .58 HODGENS • BROS. Goderich Direct Importers Ontario L J I- 1 SIND GIMP IMP SIRS Paint I Paint ! Paint 1 � IT PAYS TO KEEP BUILDINGS PROTECTED FROM THE WEATHER We are giving you an exceptional chance to buy Paint at low ebb prices. A small lot of Elephant Paint to clear at 40c a quart This is high grade paint and is being sold today in stores that stock it at 65c to 75c a quart. Harvest Tools, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Wrenches, Etc. Paris Breen and Land Plaster for the Bugs , Cow Ease and Williams Fly Destroyer for the flies Grindstones at 25c and 39c each These are all in active demand at this season of the year and you will find you can save money by buying of us. Howell (hardware Co. Ltd. i The Best Place to Buy Hardware _ _ ��awl �wnw..w-r .. r ',''e e Put your business on a beds by advefrtleag. Advertising-uo Fairy but Facts. Advertising to The Mgr bring your goods dire fore the Huying Public. It will pay you to u Mignal. SIXTY SIXTH T&AK-:(e. 111; w +sane-dsersae---w'* THE Sri SAVE, bei A having. Account start of bu.n.ea Ior Head Once, C General Ma- Iger Goderich Bra och O Auburn. Ont. Bayfie:d, Ont. Dungannon, Ont. f J PRO List your i A. OFFICE NEXT CAN PHONNis : OP/ AUCTION SALE UOTION BALK t'.de+l.1ed ha. hewn in.' by public nue! len. at ht. peer .treat ('Itntee, ' aTURLAY, AUGUST T at 1 ye Ps. .harp: .t gots! well built cottage cont d.niss room. tares bedroom. pantile, A good remedial' cm other half epee. al...Moor oellar ricor under olio). beer, geed cistern. A good Juniata Meta. ,use. kkatrie Milt In every roes loon water Metalled. Adrou,ing are three awes of •uta of oalttvetloe aid about p. -tory Indudlig oeeksrd cont. wet) of Apple. Plum. Poser Pear Telesis beeriest. Al.* goo barn oentaltt4ag bei Maar nor M .tall. aid areemmerdatMa for and root. and 1. equipped wit nwtal hoed grate bias. TMro .w. the property. a geed itr.rel o bleb wombd yield aped rereu Ibis property ...tasted on ttyut•in street and taming the It urs ta well adapt sd tee• eweaet. i Thews *111 also no edbrN for • ime and Mare: Llgbt Waitron ee�(.t•, e' utter. Open H .Qs. 1'el. Pan Harrows. Slagle foo.. '+c.. Tongue. Haley Chart No " 1 ' bag ('otter, tint Mlwgh. roar 'emu Layer.., A number of root ;•u•1. ..,d square timbers, %tile whet, ankle• too nonser.w to m rYKYa 1'ropert) 10 worst down ; a -181.. Inner Ytists. mete tc H. W ♦Tilt, P205. thecae LOST OR POOH 1 UBT.-ON FRIDAY. .1 141 • white coat with brrr b will ks rewYu.d by lesvteg c. P. B. OVTICIL 1 OST.-NO.1 A KASTD LA lag eaten. /leder will Is I•••ur mem at O. C. WHITICI LOST. -A OREENINH canary wdib•few white i binds, plume mere to H 1: v It' .este *treat, sad recross reward L'�)UND.-WOOL SE r dnMai. Ownersas kava cape -foil-SALE OR TO c_______ - f]O1J8E AND L.Ur r( 1t class. onea d a be bowie ted on William stn and v.e.. Wreha.ereasb Iola. W. melon.. Iper m. elvien • idAt.-wel► (448 'i keen, will .lito ma I r tpply le A. (AWU. Medford itOCIratELJ R4 - 8E011 v., reeve Icier • ncla hew hen heavy - o . White Leghorn. n Parsee. hem 11 top each. WI feed to tarsen•• bet pt them 1 Pe mobhalt1MMiem for i M/1 �tIC� IUU(1. tootpeanry.iALd 7'FIK a DOOMS TO L.MT.-WI lL sad bath, alms W. J. 1 11It0ogqr, esw t Ade e4 .r+. 11 Ww11 L"('R NA1.R -MS 1 ✓ heprebbar Urs $,hats., In order; 1 11111 APPIT to ..t HRbu l f 1 RICA ESTATE F014 W. ksv. fr Yom t 1 primes marrow_ ✓ k• h Vat 1) 801111DenAL. PRO iv MALL The reddemw, tww.wty k.ews ea obs A lie riser (•...ma, emid Reel heat heave. tee stern re/hp etakais=koht: MIR Isla FOR RALL 152541.4... l t1 intasrlsa, vtiw of tai rlrt.i:6am.�a w ar 10131 A ltrnsxvM AND Ms tut ter. La r,see/.1 t isieralvsu