HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-16, Page 7RS �as�► LI Saw, wQ ade with r'at buildings, 1>DER' r 1l�ll1ld3rd Irtom work P the cord. Limited DERICH iubledi ical Discovery arty years has its aid to just is this. In our we have thou- timonials of like ou are skeptical, worth at least • r of such strong Isn't it reason - pose that if it much for others much for you? a will swoon ran .a et Mem . K new fes at .targe fora old sus Bards. iA IL t . SATISFIED xpev.ien-e wit 11 cow Pears one firmer tjnelec, ter-tlt!v as very well .at. - reason to he, for in nine cows averaged Ik each. a total of free yeah .Fo the hre3 pounds, tie nd-. hie income 1. the :14 q,eeter in one 'similar to this ouay r.Ntnty where cow lien up inl.11ii ant - Ontario, is a herd Ave on the ave,mge nilk nine.• per row ,Ro. Toe addition of I•' a income, without niter of cow,,els .egitde re.uit of in and sampting. r, Ontario, i0 a herd ,oands of milk per r alm.tet 1)0o pounds r silk and feed. and A, will he supplied Ito the dairy tom- , Ontario. THE t4I4WAIa : OODERICH ONTARiO ?UU*SDAT, JULY 16, 1914 7 The Log isThe individual ap- pointed to administer as estate is forced to give Administrator muck id time and aetouri ty to ria time The touristy is ceaseless, the danger of mistakes threes► inexperience is treat. Tay burden Tear friend with onerous duties that can be better psrfotwed by this Company? The fees are no greater and the mypa:essent meek more=ls than can be expected of any 1Pri- rate executor, bowerver THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED is the logical administrator to appoint It. sole business is tke careful, efficient flslfilonent of every trust committed to its cars, call in and consult Its. 312 IIODIOND STREET. LONDON, ONT. ars OsX. o. O>s0�s C.. Aodlsat s JDs/ L MOOD, Memo, 41. Concrete Tanks and Troughs Never Rot or Leak 1"HE most practical tanks, whether far water or sewage, are built of concrete. They never rust, rot, dry out or leak. They never need new hoops or paint. They last a lifetime and seldom require repairing, which makes them the cheapr.t tack, that on be buik. Clean, Sanitary Watering Troughs ,re jot as trey as the animals that dsiak freta thew. The farmer's bestikseaesmaeeAdeat served wirers hir Hoek . is - owed a dentals/ seppiy d &.r, dears water from a trough that is permanent and unitary. "What He Farmer can do with C.nerete" : the uveae of a handsome tree book dirt tells as about oteaett monks, watering troughs and ether uses of concrete alit will acre every farmer maty dark Write for it to -lav CHANGED THE BASIS OF ULSTER EXCUSION Lards Agreed to [lamination of S:a Year Claus.—Unionists Appear Anxious to Avoid Hestllltles The committee stage of the ' emer.l anent" bill closed Thursday alght 'a the House of Lords. Nearly all of the mon Important amendments had been dtapoeed of the previous sight and a greater part of the sitting was spew; to discussing proposals which the Op- position pposition leaders do not regard a• essential for meeting the great need of the moment. the prevention of civil war. On tills point Lord Lansdowne Unlouist leader, made an Important statement. He told the House thst he and his friends had considered whether they should put down amend- ments for safeguarding the interests 01 the Unionist minority In the ,south and west. They had come to the con clusion that In view of the present aituatlon In Ireland 11 was In the pub- lic interest that they should concen- trate their amendments entirely on the question of avoiding civil strife. The first t'ulontat amendment to ellminete the clause of the bill pro- viding for a vote to be taken in each county of Ulster on the question whether It should be excluded from the operations of the home rule bi:: was earrted by 15x, against 85. Au amendment moved by Lord Lansdowne providing for tare total exclusion of Plater from home rule without time limit was next adopted by 13s to 3:4. Lord Lansdowne said that the Op- position would not guarantee that Ulster's exi•luelon would prevent civil war Things -had come to such a pass In Ireland that it was Impossible for anyone to guarantee what might hap- - pen there in the r .xt few weeks. • even days. ' "But on the whol '• he continued. "we are inclined to believe that this arrangement Is more likely than any other to .provide relief from the pre- sent anxieties." 'FRED ,ness and Sick lache llberta, July 11, 11111 Rorer for a long time •ick headache end lbine seemed to do fad almost given nr decided to try PILLS ut half a hos the i1 and my appall'• V ju.t Iuisbe,l the mg well sae ever 1 u..era'i Fig Pills 1." t rnutiw . 4. MARY E1.Liso' re In L1 end SI eettt The Fig p.11 •' 1,•1.1 in liodericb r uggwt. ba. annouaeed the ee. Mona. Avlwar't 's cathedral, of Lon- MalleetMelefINISMOMIla NTS sir ter one iNVEif- slsb will M sat tree. t 1141100111. BIL. Meetz4 WhichWay DoYou Sleep? 1 The "HERCULES" Way 1s The Proper, ,Way to Sleep The weave of the "Hercules" Bed Spring is known as the "5 Times" weave. Itis "5 Times" stronger than ordinary woven wire fabric, but it ie also "5 Times" more resilient and restful. A scientifically correct principle of weaving is responsible forthe superiority of the "Hercules" Bed Spring it means an equal distribution of weight No bagging or sagging. Ask your Dealer for tbm w " llININD BED SPRINGS Write us difficulty you find' difficulty in obtaining a " Hercules' VERMIN PROOF Bay a " {cell lied- for your bctdy.'s .sake sit =t 7evr Dr�n'k tutee too; because proper rest means 'mental ' 1md Physical fitness. Energise your days by taking your reit ripkt at night 'IIIc "Hercules" can be obtained from all responsible n• iers, in wood or iron -frame. Many purchasers prefer tb "Hercules " with the basket edge which keeps the mattress from spreading and the clothes from slipping. 1i. Rice is reasonable. The WrongWay—,::ti� $P*IM• CARSON AT BELFAST Consulted With Others of Provisional , Government—Is Crisis Reached? • ,The predictions that last Friday would see some startling develpp- . meats in the Ulster situation were not fulfilled: , Sir Edward Careen. the 1 Ulster Unloaiat leader, arrived at t Belfast, and was accorded a reception of U a military character, after which the !Provisional Government" held' its first formal meeting, and passed a aeries of resolution", . authorising the BEecutive to take whatever steps were necessary to enforce Ulster's oppo- sition to Home 'Rule, The Unionist paper declare that the gravest possible crisis in at hand in Ulster. and . some of them have sent large staffs to that Province and have made preparations to report un - 'spieled events. •• `a+w " ■ad 1plrla f me tCe asstard by To Gold Medal Furniture Mfg. Co. IW 11.1121 fAeae Sari.. SON—els. M ti alvuel estd wla.}st Nabors oii Famous Gold Medal Felt Mattress WISAI aha ale. 1. eb•sirsd r say a-psnWe Deets. Lae t FOlt SALK BY BROPHEY BROS. err ,:,.'a -a a !ilea -- HINDUS GIVE UP FIGHT Realize Hopelessness of Continuing Press For Admittance at Vancouver Gurdit Singh and his Hindu com- patriots on the Komagata htaru have agreed to drop their fight for entry Into Canada, and the steamer with her East Indian passengers is ex- pected to leave Vancouver any day. It is understood' that Gurdit Singh and his committee agreed to waive their rights in connection with de- manding boards of Inquiry. Gurdit Singh and hie followers are in dfrn straps. The Vancouver Hindu com- mittee refused to give them any more provisions, claiming that the Hindus on land had reached the bottom of their purse. Starved Amid Plenty ♦ coroner's Jury found that Fontu Toderaro, a Roumanian,' who mort- gaged his home In the old land to raise rands to bring him to Canada, died at Thorold In a rude shack bunt by his own hands. from acute indiges- tion, when friends prevailed upon him to take some mush and milk after he had been without food for mon than a week. He had found but aux days' work sine* Apr11. ONLY SIXTEEN, 61R1 VERY SICK Tells How She Wm Made Well by Lydie.E.Pifokham's Vegetable Compound. Tar • New Orleans, La.—" I take pleasure in writing theca Uses to expunge m7 grati- tude to you. 1 am only 16 years old and week b a tobaeoo factory. I have bone a very sick girl bat I have improved wonderfully sine e taking Lydia E. Pt.kbam's Vegeta- ble Compound and am now looking fine e nd feeling • thousand times better.'" —Maas As[suA Jad►aD, 3961 To- hoopitoulas St., New Orleans, La. St. Clair, Pa — " My mother w a s alarmed because I was troubled with suppression and had pains in my back and side, and severe headaches. I had pimples on my face, my complexion was sallow, my sleep was disturbed, 1 had nervous spells, was very tired and had no ambition Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound has worked like a charm io my case and has regulated me, I worked in a mill among hundreds of giro and have recommended your medi- cine to many of them:. Err'' �, MAct>uu, 110 Timing St, St. Clair, Pa. There is nothing that teaches more than experience. Therefore, such let- ters from girls who have suffered and were restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should be a lesson to others. The same remedy is within reach of all. If yea want special advice write to Lydia E. Nathan Nediel.e Co. (coaf- dentiall Lynn, Kass. Your letter will be rape■ed, read and answered by a woman aad held In strict mandates. U'mtwrCa' trnestW+aerIfi I0VO Pri2M3C7,1:ICEIM MOM 0g ■IE0719,10110fo®® DWI sea: 001M -GIC o 0131 II D CIC3 WW2 C100 001 • 0 c Ea CILWCI 120 es 001 ■ ■ ■U0 00 Oen PJ 0 MI- 41111115113112 CSO CO NA ass minim o to tem 1IEnIii® iii— Tried to Deetrey Burns' C.ttage An attempt to destroy the cottage at Ayr. Scotland, where Robert Berra , *the Bee44 lb poet; was Serra was rouge last oak by two members 01 a mili- tant suffragette "arson squad." The two women were surprised by a stoat - watchman as they were to the tot of placing large bombe egatnet the doors and windows of the oottage. One was arrested. Defending Britain's Coast As • defence against attacks by air trail. the British Government has d dried to dot the comma of the Brtt sk isles with a series of towers, each armed with two quick-Artag tuns of spacial design A complete eirele of towers is to tie erected •ronpd naval Mations. such as Pftstxmouth and Rosytb, wad at other specially .11.1 ntvlgable points. Len, mellered Mad. in Alive John Ramo. „r iwmbet` enlace who was thought to have dive in Lindon twenty years ago, has been loured by a friend to be living in Mo.r. jaw 1t le sul'pnr..d that his wham banama mixed with that of an - steer man who ?Jed in the hospital While Roger. was there. Leafed tea Melt Salm (lwvwrrsl hundred letters, mane .af wile\ had bona ogeesd, were rental ts lbs M GR Yard •t Rt ThostA. Obey were all postmarked Dtt alp a STOCK REPLETE tcith correct wear for feet O u Shone Stick' ie e'-mplete with l lie .'nw,lon a creations. Every desirable seek• in high and low .fines for loth hien and women: Our linear Oxfords, in the moat derivable color and leather, will Internet and please -mi. Ample provisien hxs been made also for the Gots and near 1 rata. SHARMAN TME SHOE MAN STORSTADi BLAMED FOR EMPRESS WRECK Responsibility Placed Upon Third Officer Tuftenes of the Collier— Kendall Exonerated The Empreaa of Ireland wreck ('om- miaslon held its last meeting at Que- bec on Saturday and its glutting was read by Lord Mersey, the chairman. Atter giving • summary of the ac - couple of the disaster, as supplied by Captain Kendall and the first officer of the Empress, and Alfred Tuftenes, third officer, in charge of the Stontadt at the time of the collision, and other (Ulcers on the bridge with htm, the Judgment proceeded to show that Tuftenes .an to blame for the acci- dent, because the collier's course was changed The finding, after the paragraph above quoted. goes on to say: "It is not to be supposed that this disaster was in any way attributable to any spec!aI characteristics of the St. Lawrence waterway. It was a disaster which might have occurred In the Thames, in the Clyde. in the Mersey, or elsewhere, in similar cir- cumstances." After stating that the stories told by the officers on the two vessels were irreconciable, the report went on 'After carefully welghtngt the evi- dence we have come to the conclusion that Mr. Tuftenes was mistaken if he supposed that there was any intention • on the part of the Empress of Ireland to pass port to port or that she. In fact, by her lights manifested the in- tention of doing so, but it appears to us to be a mistake which would have been of no consequence if both ships had sebaequently kept their courses. i "Shortly after the ships came into I.the poeltion of green to green, as I claimed by Captain Kendall, or red to red, as claimed by Mr. Tuftenes, the fog shut them out from each other, and it is while thea were both en- veloped in this fog, that the course Of one or the other was changed, and - ' the collision brought about- Prom the evidence adduced on behalf of both vessels, it is plain that before the fog and when they last saw each other. there was no risk of colllelon, I if each kept her course. Therefore, the question as to who 1s to blame resolves itself into a eimple lssue— namely, whkth of the two ships chting- nd her enures during the fog. }"There is in our opinion, no ground jror saying that the couree of the Ene press of Ireland was ever changed In the sense that the wheel was willfully moved." Conflicting evid'-nce was given regarding the steering gear of the Empresa, the. report. stated, but the commissioners came to the opin- ion that the liner's steering apparatus was not at fault. Captain Kendall was exonerated from blame In the matter, although the commissioners say he would have been well advised to give the Stontadt a wider berth. We have just received a fine line of all kinds of men's Sailor and Panama Hats New styles Prices range from Soc to $3.00 for Sailors and $4.00 to $7.00 for Panamas Washable and Easy Shirts 75c to $2.00 A full line of Children's Wash Suits, Cotton Bloomers, Rompers, etc. McLean Bros. The Square, Godertch SEMi-HEADY TAILORING Agents for Carbartt Overalls, Stagfield's Underwear, Fitwell Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs Idle Money EVEN in small amounts should be put to work. It wU earn from four to six per cent for you. Orme mowast ore shwa hn pleased M .meet old& able `sastlaw-la Sar yam A. H. Marton dc Yemen Torero• steak Imams• NM mil au■■ MEM CF. IL mamma. mIO. TOMOINTO • til oven es CAMP CZPINNUICIa PATENTS A►nrM OM •910091191909I hew/eae••eeeMFr ••••••4 raY9r 490W 4111b946 rut / ueaw taaMas• Is�Ma fad b► VOL $Sew Po �Nrt SUBSCRIBI PWB TIM SIGNAL DOCTORS'S WIFE ARRESTED New York Town Stirred Over Mys- terious Murder Case Mrs Florence Conklin ('arman, wife of Or Edwin Carman of Freeport, N.Y., is acrueed as the mysterious axsaa- min Who murdered Mrs• Louise Bailey, wife of a Hampstead manufacturer, by tiring a bullet through her heart while she was+ standing in the physician's office. Mrs. Carman, at whom the fl .- ger of suspicion had been, pointing since the dlerovery was made that she had installed a telephonic instrument in her husband'is office so that she might hear what went nn between him and his women patients, Is locked up 1n Nassau county jail at Mina ola, N.Y. The immediate cause of the arre.t wax the testimony given at the in- quest by Ellwood T Barden. an in- surance agent, who claimed to hate heard the [shot and to have seen a woman answering Mrs. Carman's de- scription moving away from the win- dow. All the principals in the case are socially prominent BIG FIRE AT QUZBac The Picturesque Terrace Nearly De- treyea—Chateau In Danger Rtre of a spectacular nature on Thursday destroyed almost the whole of the Dufferin Terrace, Quebec's famous promenade overlooking the St Lawrence. week of the band stand Dab rsaaawdleated Itself' to M. homes nn the cliff above, doing considerable damn* to the 1)o11014 at each end of the row, lint leaving those in be- tween practically untouched. rears warn entertained for the Chateau Froatenae, the big C.P R. hotel which faces the terrace, an4 that the maxsive stone supports would crash into the tenement district be• bus, but the hotel escaped unsoatbed. The total lose was about $26,000. Karluk Crew May b. Gate Captain Robert Bartlett of the Canadian Aretle Exploration Expe- dition last week positively denied at Nome. Alaat•, that he had sent any report to the Minister of Marine at Ottawa. which could he construed as Indirating that eight me4 of the Kar luk'e crew were mti.ang tad probably list. A report to thin • .et was cur- rent for moms. days Thr will or the late James Convicts shows the Fatale to he worth • total nr Stet ,enfi - After .beating three men ono of whom died and terrorising the County of Lnlhlniere, Clue , for a week, Jn.eph Mnraud w ae found dead in a but In the wood. Mr Austen Chamberlain has derided to become a candidate In Woe, tier mingh•m. his father's ofdwnutltu.aey. Fd re $30 DL9' SCTWeC): Is THE GREAT SHIP `St: ANDBEI" 144.11. Soo feet, re..d,h n tem s melte.: 110..Ne.....mud p..lo...-.•••••d.ars I -.,v, p••••• - =G••••••• •_ ^_ �Y.. :....w , esu Waw I• ell r0r' " . -name 1..0 .PP..�w,.—Ww army .u..r+ ial.wi .,.n a i1.. would. 1 Maswflceat Summers "'SET-ANC/SEE," "City d Erie" rad "City s1 Beff le" Daily — BUFFALO and CLEVELAND — Maar le: to o... 1.: Lome Rua&• • ., w a-.00 P. M. Io 044•446,1- • 9410 P M. Arne (.1.4.4..4 • 7.30 A. M. A..... R.it. .. • '• 7.30 A. M. (t:..erw 9,..dard r.-4 ri.aee.i.o. .t CL..1..d f Pwe.34•L4., T.kd... 1).....t..d •11 pl....w...wda..la..... 11a11•«J •I.ae.. eerily b.1...•• 114111•14( .e.1 .le-.I..d .r. s..o'd 0.r.r•••,y4444449w own .e....ra A.k y...:..a•4 arm( f.r,.r►n..0 l.. d B. 1..... waste me f.0 r..d..— 111...4.d a..LW 4... THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., Cle.el.nd, O. UFFALO i5l LEVELA?iD i IN THE 600D OLD SUMME- TIME Handy OIL STOVES ensure SUMMER COMFORT ['he housewife who has to depend on the ordin- ary coal or wood stove for cooking dreads the hot weatheF, Our small handy oil stoves are the solu- tion of the problem of how to maintain a cool house and do the cooking without discomfort. We have a variety of oil stoves and many are inexpensive. One Burner Oil Stove - - $ 1.00 Two Burner 011 Stove - - 1.75 Two Burner 011 Stove 2.00 Perfection Oil Stoves Two Burner - - $ 8.00 Three Burner - 11.00 Ovens for use on these stoves 2.90 Detroit Vapor Stoves Two Burner . - - Three Burner ... - - ICC CREAM FREEZERS REFRIGERATORS SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WiNDOWS FLY SWATTERS ELECTRIC IRONS HAMMOCKS GARDEN SLATS $1240:14,-,14.00 • ewsceAMPOOODs TLNNIS BALLS TENNIS RACQVLTS LACROSSE. STICKS LAWN MOWERS GRASS CATCHERS GARDEN HOSE LAWN SPRINKLERS DR. HESS'S FLY CHASER FOR CATTLE'S > sum APPLIED AND ABSOLUTELY NON.Tib ANIMALS. McCORMiCK 530 FT. BINDER TWINE 1)te. • CHAS. G. LEE HARDWARE., PLUMBING, BAVEBTROUG11INO, ELECTRIC WIRING iIOAL. WOOD. OOKR, CKYRNT. KT(• PHONES : STORE 22, HOUSE 112. sosesieseedememmeWWWWWWWilielleVi