HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-16, Page 6• TMVIIIIDAT, JOLT 14 1911 THE 0r1eINIL IND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON TH E MERITS 01, IIN&RD'S LINIIIENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS All sera* peamptll at�W to oe leaving h•e al TH6 Bt(:.\\'AL, Oodetio4 A. K. TAYLOR. Id1aATrosu. MEDICAL glIS. W. B. GALLOW, M. B. L nod residence. North Wrest. Goderich, berth el West" lteeker7 office. TeMpkoos M. Dlt. GEO. HISILEMANN, OSTIs- PATH, esxciali.t in women'■ and chll- 1e�a e drones. acute, 'throttle. and nervous die - eye. ear. rem sod throat lumbago and reeematidew elan cthe Square, oars, p�toh pNorth ew .third R. P. J. R. FGRsTER-SYSA . KR. no... and throat only. 4 Rome .aritoow York Ophthalmic and Aunt IsoUcute, 'Anklet A.•I•t. Itar. Nose and 1 Wrest Hopi W. Gokles Square. and Moorefield Lye H•nWtal, tpdoo, Knighted. Office, 63 n. W aterloo Street. Stratford, eppo.ite Knox Church. Hours u. t• le a..0 . Y to 1 p, in. 7 to $ p• m. Telephone 11. AND MINNIE M. GREER, hiropra . nerve •esatats�`Ciropract�ti sciencethat owes without drop or knits. Free examine bike vPhoShoe en- trance on Kartgreet. Phoe 3p.- 06-tm LEGAL PROUDFOOT. BAYS & KILLOR- AN. berrlslerr. solicitors, notaries public. reeler to the Mariuwe Court. eta. Private lead�p. to hod at beat rate. of hasten �yyyy�tp�c . )tial side 'toss.. Ood.ridk. W. LJLj�AN. N. PRu(JDiF((j'T. Jr. J. L. lirO. CAMERON. K. 0.. - • TER solicitor.notaypublic.Oake- , ksmst, Odertc4 Jnasi door from ('Lf(L& ("ARROW, LLR., MAR- ginglt. &leprosy, .ollottar..tc.. Gado - Herm M tend at lowest rata. CBBAGSR, BARRISTER, SOL- isSar, Notarf 1•ubllc mad Coeveyanoer. -Doug House, Godericb. giver. AUCTIONRL THOMAS OUNDRY AUCTIONEER nog r. God.nch. All lestruoUose by m.t1 Mstt at Signal 'lace will be proatety et .sndsd to. Itesids.cs teleptsae 1171. fl 3u ANCE, LOANS, STC.k. 00k1 PRIVATE FUNDS TO Nam Apply to M. G. CAM Hle eedel r Hamilton divot 0odetict. lar It ROBERTSON. XI . INSURANCE AGLNT. rout se.. ldurre.l,o': British. Canadian mud Asn swag. ao0rtle.I ammo ens •xis ammonium' L EALL- ITr : Thu Ocean iGuarantee Traavr .i,u tit .torntet Bosom : The U.S. F'W1.te .ad (gamier Company 0daos as ..id..c., norta.m•t corm. of Vie. torts sad M.. David • •tt*ete. Phone 17ft 1lo&iU.OP MUTUAL FIRE IN MI 8 OR A N C le C O. -Fara sad bolatad own property ower.d. Olieeo -J. S. Mcrae. Pro+.. *Worth I.O.': Jes (snood V.cernia. Uodsrtnb 1'. 0.. /term K. rsa-T.o t, a forth J e _ bMenv..�II F. LnU oars+'. dwrorth : Joan 11.Orl•r e. Wirthtv$ .`e thus Rlaa, l'ao.tance, tea W'.. swab. !w.4b.r...Jars ., Yvon.. Esso • ro. , Reber Yn.. dartsat : Malmatm Mc Ewe.. Itrucenetd. m J. W. Yaw B.ln....vtns: It Smith itrsa�.► $I...t"` gat 0blgr.,i:...t1""OW ela 'Pit s4 seimi�ee,te sed !tet thser mare weel at a. J. Me tl.b . Clothing tkwaCnale% goat R M (JOY'. Ur.voryssneiwsse••t, gal who. MAIs1AGI LICEMS1IS WALTER E. KELLY, J. P.. WURRI( 11. ONT. telsUER or MARBIAUL LICENSES. E. R. WIQLE tea. W.1.7 Issuer of triage Ucesse6 WiGLE'8 PHARMACY (lodorioh. • Osbert° Pell awe these Uupbeeber 1.1. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STmi. r.00D. ONT. Taw ha/ .eam.rn 1l nekei la fa• pv.viaer. . amo.we. .re tb4t..tek sad p •%. I whin ear tarr�•t•r� sw kstMr team yes will end .Itt.wlt.te. W 4 men for oar .t.d•mr tees mew iwtnse asboob ds r)ur rat•, are e......M., wFN. tor eer !M .ehtl- e,pw =Wise west w era M hie 9wa D. A. ticWCELAI,' Peaselget. THE SIGNAL GODRRICH ONTARIO WATERS TAKE NAVY TOLL , THE LATEST MARKETS Pour Drowned Near Brantford amid Two Sarnia Picnickers Perished Thomas Garnet. a farmer of Onon- daga, ten miles from Brantford, with his two children Mansell. aged eight, and Leon, aged six, and a visitor, fourteen -year-old Myrtle Reit. of West Brantford, were drowned In the Grand River uear the Garnet home. The four met their death while rowing In • leaky punt scrota the river. Garnet was asked by hitt child- ren to take them for a row. &a- while swhlle the remainder embarked. Bs fop they had gone very tar the boat. which had been leaking. Stied with water, and all were engulfed. Thomas Truckle, the hired man. was In swim- ming near by, and tried to rescue the children but his strength failed and they sank. Two young women of Sarnia. Nettle Beaumont aged 17, and Jessie Law son, aged 18. were drowned at Tash- moo Park on Lake Bt. Clair while attending the annual picnic of the Sarnia Baptist churohes. The gtrla were bathing. Ten persons were drowned In On- tario on Saturday and Sunday. In every case the victims were bathing. The list follows: Gladys Bongard, aged 16, of Melts vtlle, at Massassaga Park. Everett Ketchen, aged 24, In the 'hent River. Galbraith Emilie, aged 1. and kJames Cowrie, aged 12, of St. Oathar- n in Twelve -mile Creek. rred Gauthier, of St. Catharines, In the old canal. James E. lllgman, of Uxbridge, In Jefgksot's Pond. Bert Carr, 21 Donlan avenue, Toro!). to, in Toronto Bay 'Mt ''I ' John Graves, Ilton, in Hamll. • ....w --- •I, +� Elopps, of Grimsby, In [.eke Rossano, Muskoka. r -- Unknown Italian. at Belleville, in the Bay of Qulnte. THE MANITOBA ELECTIONS ,Roblin Returned to Power by Greatly Reduced . Majority The standing of the parties in the nert Legislature of Manitoba still re- mains In doubt. .liberal and Censer- vatiee claims still differ. The Govern- ment force; still claim a 25 to 21 standing, welch Includes the twe doubtful seats In St. George and Ste. Rose. The Liberals claim to have 'captured 22 seats out of the 46 in the new 'louse. in the last Legislature there were 41 seats of which the Con- servatives held twenty-nine and the 'Liberals twelve. STRONG FIGURE RZMOVF.D Non. H. R. Emmerson Mormer Liberal Cabinet Minister Called by Death Hon. H. R. Ernmerson, K.C., and M.P. for Westmoreland County died on Thursday at his home In Dorcbes- ike,, .B-, attar an Linens of aix weeks. Me woe Mayotte years d age, and death was due to heart failure. Hon. 1Mr. Emmerson will beet be remem- bered to Ontario as Minister of Rail - Brays and Canals in the Laurier Cabl- es' from 11104 to 11107. He was an outstanding figure in the House of Oommons, and one of the most unique In the pub le life of Canada during 11s day. Krsfchnko Executed ybhn ilbatchenko. murderer of H. M. Arnold, bank manager at Plum Ooulee, was hanged at Winnipeg on ,Thursday morning. He died, as he •had lived, a man of Iron nerve and went to his death unflinching al- though be was unconscious for nearly three hours before the execution. He recovered just ten minutes before he toss taken to the scaffold. He main- tained his innocence of the actual Murder to the last but professed pent- Itsnce and spent many of his last loan 40 prayer. Big Canal Contract Lot The contract for the final seetlon of the Trent Valley Canal has been let by the Domtbioa Oovernmeot. The .u(ressful tenderer was the firm of Randolph MacDonald Company of Toronto at 8901,141. The section Is in the Severn River division. and the whole canal from Georgian Hay to Lake Ontario 1■ now under contract Conspiracy Case Thrown Out t)eclartng that he could place no eaildhileare in the evident, of J. R. Hunter the Informant and that he find nothing to support the 7ch ge Police Magistrate Kelly d1s m sed the charges of conspiracy and bribery against i)r A H. Macklin and Bev Joseph 1Milntt to connection with the Centre Huron provtnrtal contest Farmers' Market Follow Ins are the latest quotations kor farni produce at St. Lawrence arket, Turouto:'-- Wheat r wheat is ..., ley .63 16 .66 $1.00 96 46 uc k wheat ye Peas ,.,, .90 Hy, timothy. No. 1.,..11.00 tray. new 16.00 Mixed and clover 15.60 (Cattle hay 10.00 S traw. bundled 15.00 do. loose 9.00 tire 'straw 17.00 at straw 16.00 butter, choice dairy.20 Mggs, new laid. dozen.27 S pring broilers. each.36 !Fowl. dressed, Ib. .16 Ducks, Ib. .15 tklings, spring. lb.26 keys, Ib. .20 'Live hens .16 do. broilers, each.60 'Asparagus, bunch .06 .Potatoes, bag 1.76 Beets bunch .03 Carrots, bunch .03 Celery, bunch .06 Cabbages. each .06 Cauliflower., each .06 Curranta, red, box .20 Gooseberries, qt .05 Parsley, bunch .02 Lettuce, bunch .02 Green onions, bunch.02 Green beans, basket ... 70 Oreen peas. basket 30 Raspberries, box . .18 g.ipt, per isoug. .16 ateseo• es Farmers Need NMP Mr H A Mardonell. Director of Colenlzatlon and Immigration tor On- tario speaking on the labor attention said "Th• demand for farm labor is fairly strong at the preempt tree. We 'man plare any number of experisaced farm laborers or partly oxpevt..esd. and w ean pleee taeiJerienesd beads. provided they are .trig. hesJthy yooig fellows, and are willful. to work - Dywaewlbr Ie Reihsased Lake Oiling, alias DuItmps, leads. of the gang which dynamtt.d the Wel. lead Canal to 1000, has been r.is.ued Prom 1Clsgert0n penite.tlsry on parole. to 60.00 .00 .46 .64 .80 .00 .00 21.60 18.00 17.00 12.00 17.00 11.00 18.00 17.00 26 .36 .70 22 .17 .25 .22 .2o 0.00 0.00 2.00 .06 .05 .07 .16 .26 .15 .10 .06 .04 .04 0.00 .60 0.00 4110 -s Epet Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Prime steers. 1910 to$10.00; shipping. $8.76 to 89.25; butchers', $715 to $8; heaters, $7 to $8.75: cows, 61.76 to $7.60; bulls, $6.26 to $7.50; stockers and feeders, 66.60 to $7.66; stock helfera, 16 to 36.76. Veale -36 to $11.60. Hogs -Heavy and mixed, $9.40 to $9.60; roughs. $8 to $8.15; stags. $6 to $6.76. Sheep and lambs -Iambs, $7 to $9.50; yearlings, $6 to 68; wether$, 66.26 to 66.60; ewes. $2.50 to $5.50; sheep, mixed, $5.50 to $6. Tire Pea e% sedea r se Caine. wee seek by the destroyer Wn.quetten dem Nag m.aerevrsr of Toulon, Phase.. 7\e crew of etre Oalypeo were sewed. Legends.. Stovall ted (7hfi1 are cos *Mertes a proemial to water me offen- sive W I.feaatve dlWoe. Oslt le tahtag step to 'seers ts- eiremeatles ss a Mtg. Chicago Lies Stock Cattle -Beeves, $7.70 to $9.85: steers. $6.80 to $8.55: stockers and feeders, 15.80 to $8.10; cows and heifers. $3.90 to 89.15; calves, $7.60 to $11. Hogs -Light, 68.60 to $9; mixed, $8.60 to $9; beavy, $8.36 to $9; rough. $8.30 to 28.45; pigs, $7.80 to 88.80; bulk of sales, 68.70 to 88.95. Sheep -Native, 85.30 to 16.10; year- itngs, 86.90 to 17.35; Iambs, native, $6.40 to $9.20. Toronto Cattle'°Market Repreaantatlre prices are:- ' Butcher cattle. choice ...3R.00 to $8.60 7.76 8.00 7.10 7.75 7.25 7.50 7.60 8.00 6.75 7.60 6.50 6.75 6.00 2.50 4.60 5.50 3.60 4.00 4.00 4.60 6.75 7.25 6.50 6.76 6.00 6.50 6.76 7.26 6.76 7.00 6.00 6.60 80.00 66.00 80.00 10.00 do. good de. medium do. common Heifers, choice do. common Butcher cows, choice do. good do common Canners Cutter Butcher bulls, choke do. good do. commas .... Feeders . Stocker, choice do. medium Milkers, choice. each 66.00 do common. each 60. 00 60 00 9.00 7.60 Springers. each Calves. choice do medium do. common 6.50 Sheep. ewes, light 6.00 do heavy 4.50 Bucks 4.00 Spring lambs 1.00 Hogs. welshed off can. 8.75 do ted and watered. 2.60 do free nn board 8.25 Men's Raincoats in all the latest 'Wades and class to 44. Guaranteed to be ab- solutely water proof. Let us show you the styles. Priced raincoats $4.75 to $12.55. Boys' raincoats 11111.75 and up. Men's Work Shirts Black and white striped and plain black, 44110 and up. Men's Umbrellas Strong steel frame., covers of good wearing cloth, good selection of handles in natural woods with trimmings. Also metal poste. Tao to $2.00. M. ROBINS Open evenings Selling agent for PwLodl O.wJI� evenings Selling Peabody'. Overall. etenseleaMingleneWeeleseetailleeetWee Picnic Time io pi.-nic time itis most essential that you have the heir kind of Cured Meats for sandwiches, etc. We taking special care Of fresh Mints this season, and having in- stalled a new refrigerator we are ready to supply you with the very beat HAM and TONGUE HOCK, HEAD- CHEESE (Tray. Ben- tos), CORN BEEF, SAUSAGES and SPARE -RIBS Also a full line of Fruit end Vegetables. POWELL the GROCER GROCER ON THE SQUARE PHONE el ON SQUARE el DR. DeVAN'S FRERCH PILLS ntrt 1Ltlng Pill for Meme/ P a bra or three for o. , Sold at sit Drug 210. or maga/ to my *dram gsretot *les. Ts !tensest Date . to 0aOoewmf. or= 1.00Vitalitty7 for Neer* and graft: tseramele •sroy 6.60 1 matter" • a Tonle -will bull/ low up. le a bsx, e. twofor 12. at dreg Herm. or by mall on TOMS 6.60 Werke nas Tee somata. Dave Os.. et Catharine/ 2.00 G 4.60 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 Chew Markets London. Ont -Nine factories offered 1`485 bones. 215 sold at 121Wr bid- ding, from 1214r to 12%ke St. Hyacinthe. Que.-260 peeked*. butter sold at 22c; 760 boxes cheese at 12c Belleville -Offerings of theses Lige white and 120 colored. Sales. 1.1176 et 12 7.164 116 at 12%e. Watertown. N. T, eeMld Mee boxes at 18%e to Irby Toronto Groin Prises The following wholesale pekoe are sleeted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -No 1 Nor.. /like. busk bay porta; No. 2 Nor., 841kc. taaak, bay porta, winter storage, Manitoba Oats --No .2 C.W.'s, 43c. bay ports. No 2 C.W.'s. 42c bay Ontario Wheat --Na 2 winter, Segs is No. outside. old. Ontario Wheat -No. 3 winter. *Sc, ssb14e; tor basest sad September ehtp seat. Ontario 0.8-4ee to 440, outsold*: dile to 4214e. track Tomato. Oars -No. 2 yellow. Tse, e11 rail, Wren to frelght& iN... -No 2, 81.00 to 81.11. ear lets, as std. P.ckwbeast-No, 2. 210 to R2c, oat - Ry. -141o. 1, lin to 64e. (seaside. •iii -Good malting barley. outside. US to dee. MOed Oats Per bag of M poewds. 1S1L: is smaller Iota. $1.12%. per $4•I11, wholesale. Windsor to Millttreal. KOMssd-Manrtnbs bran p4 tops. IS treat. Tomato. shorts O8 to WM. creek. Tomato, ()etario hese. 814 IS 616, is hags, shorts. tel to 116; M/Mlt.go. 111 Hot Weather HINTS Garden Hose Hose Reels Sprinklers Noszks Couplings Hose Menders Etc. Onh W. R. PiNDER Phone 156 Hamilton Street 1r= Conspiracy Charge Dismissed (Continued trove page 2) Listen to this. • You acid sowe- thiog about money the last LIMO you were here, and do I understand frogs that that money can be got," ani be said what :' "Oh yes we have some money." Yes. He did say that. Did you tall us that fust now? Did you tell Its that just now ? I emit tell you. Remember you ate on your oath and you ars swearing positively, plat the saute as you did on election day when y w took the oath. I only got it from memory • 1 can't give you exactly one phrase after the other. 1 am telling it to the best of my ability. Which 't up to mach. Police Magistrate Kelly : You never ntegsortsad tt ? Mr. Hunter : No. Mr. Makin': Now what was mid atter be said "Ob yes, we have the Mr. Hunter : He said "How much do you want r Yes? I said there were the two Wein and Mansell, say twenty dollars. He said be tbajght he could get three dollars apiece for them and five dollars for Mansell, becomes I explained that Mao- ssll was sick. Ie that all that wee said about this on that oeceeioo ? 1 thing so. Well then you didn't say ••Well, said, if that is the case probably i could mileage these votes for you I did say that- I can't mind all that thins either coull yl u. Who dictated this Mr. Dancey. You told me you did. You told me you dictated this yourself. Surely everybody beard that. Well, 1 gave it exactly as itabappen cd and Mr. Danoey wrote it down. Or Mr. Dancey dictated it and you wrote it down' No sir. The other way on. The origio.l is written in Mr. Dsecey's handwriting? Yes sir. The phraseology is his ? The wording is mine. Is the phraseology of the declaration yours or his, the shaping of the words and sentences? I expect it is mine. You ate expecting too much. Which is it? It. is mine. You told him, word for word, what is written down here? Yes. You had it all in your mind then :' Yes, it was fresh then. And you have been thinking about it ever since and the longer you think the more you forget it? it looks like it. It does. yes. So you do think now you laid 1 could probably manage I these votes for you ?" Yee sir, I did say it. When you said that you had no in- tention of doing so? It was merely to prove be had the monWhen you said that you had no in- tention of attempting to manage these votes for Mr. Elliott or Dr. Macklin ? No. You lied to him in plain English ? He had spoken to Weir before that. When you said you could probably manage these votes for him you had no intention of doing so? No sir. You were deceiving him ? That is what you were doing ? is not that so ? i had no intention of deceiving ,him. Wen you intendiog to deceive him when you told him that ? Was ' intending to deceive him 9 Yes? Police Magistrate Kelly : Or were you going to produce the votes? Mr. Hunter : A Scotcbman can't be Nought. Me. Making : 1 want that question answered. When you made that statement to Mr. Elliott were you at- tempting to deceive him or did you intend to carry it out ? Mr. Hunter : I didn't intend to carry it out. You were deceiving him Put it that way. Do you put it that way ? 1 will pick the pen up. You answer the question slid dont let any more fall. Answer my questiob. Pollee Magistrate Kelly : If you know bow to answer we would like it. Mr. Hunter : 1 wasn't trying to de- ceive anyone. Mr. Makin.: After your conversa- tion with Mr. [Macey, Mr. Dancey ad- visedou to bide these two constable" behind the curtain, and 1 suppose the two constables beard the .tetement you made, u you now admit you did. that you probably could manage them votes for him. Now did you intend tc do so? No. i didn't. Then roe were de'hceiviog Mr. Ftffott? Yes. i will m yes. You were deceiving him? Yea. Were you at that time organist of Koos church here in town? Yes sir. What next then? B e said be didn t know how much they bad and he would go and see the doctor. s Y.L. And he asked how long 1 could wait. Dr. Macklin's name was not men- tioned in that conversation? It ml bt•bave been Dr. Macblin. You have sworn be said the doctor? le that nam imaisied lastano. you are telling the truth. Did be mention Dr. Ma^klloP 1 am tellirg the troth as far as 1 ma everything. You ars probably disabled this after - soon then. Yes. probably that. `y Dm he mentionDr. Mead's'. name at all during that oo.verartihe? 1 thlnk probably he did. Is Ibat aa far as 700 oan go - Y.. sir. You don't know in what onnnectlos? i think he did i am tired of your thinking Well i can't do anything *le. He said ho didn't know how much the doctor had Did ise menthm 1)r Machlis''*Mee in lbat coevals/tem? T... is what committed/ TO BUILDERS liat•inj1 now installed a re -cut Band Saw, Wt are prepared to supply builders and the trade with RECUT SIDING in any quantities and of any material for buildings. LUMBER OF ALL SiZES TQ ORDER A lalge,stock of Lumber on It:2nd of standard sites. Ontario Vl'hite Pine Shingles and Lath. We are prepared to do jobbing or custom work on short notice. Soft and Hardwood Slabs for sale by the cord. The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited GODERICH Boils) Are You Troubled/ Biliousness Malaria ConstiPation Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discord !orbs,. lths ase Imp be *saw le legs J. Wads THIN al tam ar&.) ahem LLi. wsd•sm Ortl•.sa:-'1t neva .e mama\ prase. Who .Nm r mar yes • t stt.selet. W le its reading semi maw* your maalfetaes will der math Par Moir tbex homer masa At the as. of feort.em i was troubled • pest dal with maalaris and esara semeasaatd orplt�kimp sFtatitrs�awt�re, st s�at�01 twee MYwho bow always 0 1 was Merawla4011r >�aevegy. 18051 smswss is bulls I kmt i did sot Mew at awe bolsi 1 _irk tows • �'wsferiley la as rlei isatt r e0w '0.14.. t. ss - for over forty years ha. been lending its aid to just such canes as this. In our posseuion we have thou- sands of testimonials of like character. Perhaps yoo are skeptical, but isn't it worth at least a trial in view of such strong testimony? isn't it reason- able to suppose that if it has done so much for others it can do as much for you? Ter dredge,' will supply you is a.etd or Wert rater. a res ma msaw 1.sfeW . tr ben a.�.11�maPlum 11M.iRT.1 i Can't tell you. It is impossible to remember everything. He said be woulu go end .ee the doctor? Yes sir. Then you go on to tell about the Wein. Who ere the Weirs? Twu Scotch fellows come to the town. They work iu the organ fac- tory. 1 am told they ale iwmioently re..- pectable citizen.? Yea sir, Who was it mentioned the Weirs to Mr. Elliott? He met them at the church, Mr. Elliott told me. You know lbat from Mi. Elliott' telling you? Yee. How did the name Weir come w be men ed between you cud Mr. Elliott? Him going to the church and looking for me and meeting Mr. Weir. He was plactiuog on the °risen. And the notue Mwuaell was that mentioned at tire .awe tier? 1 don't think it was mentioned at the gams time. When wee it first mentioned? At the.econd interview. You said Mansell wee out of trot Is? Yes sir. Had you discussed wino the Weir. their votes in this election? 1 knew of course they couldn't ire bought. find you discussed the matter with them? No Sir. Had you discn.eed with Menotti iii. vote in this election? No sir. And when you told Elliott the Weir.. vote could be got for three dollars did you kuuw anything about it. Well, 1 didn't know, really I didn't know. You just common. ordinarily. evety day lint to bin.? Weil, 1 don't know. Yon did, didn't you? What? Lied. Lied. You know what that means don't your I don't know exactly. 1 didn't know anything about it. You h•do't discusd with the Weirs their votes? And gnu hadn't discussed with Men- rll bi• vote? No And you didn't know whether three or three hundred dollars would have bought their vote.? No. So it was pure fabrication on your part when you u,entloned that to Mr. Elliott P Mr. Elliott said be could probably get those dollars. "1 then said -- Go on. Oh oo. You go on. You said Mr. 11l10µ said be could get three dollars apfec�{IP ITo be costinued.l 5100.00 IN GOLD Ws will give one hundred dollars in gold to any men, woman. or child that cannot be h.nedted by l4WReine balr tonic W• are anxious to have every- one try S.gelse for we know it is the greaten hair tonic that bas ever been discovered. Sevin. will positively cure an itchy scalp, Wring life into dull faded hair and add tnebee to its length. 0.gelne le now obtainable In (3ederieb siwij 1s sold under a guarantee to please. A large bottle of Se ebne en.te hot fifty seats. lite sur* to go to I. J Betlasrl's drug storm for other stores don't have ids.. MEN WELL SATISFIED . Speaking of h;e experiende with cow testing for three yeal. 011e (smogs' near St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, recently . xpreseed bim.e:f as very well ratio fled. He bsd go'.l ratsun to be, for is June this year his nine 'Owe averaged 1211ti reminds of milk each, a tutalsl 111,1000 pounds. Three years .o the average was only fi23 pound., the total only 7411 Mound.. in other words, hie ineoroe Com the nine cowl, VP A% Llai [treater in ons month this ye.r. Instances eery .imilar to this may be tnnnd in minty where cow testing IIIA. b-ete -taken up intelligent- ly. Near Listowel, Ontario, 14 a herd of 11i cows that grave on the average 2741) pounds .•f milk more ter row than three years ago. Toe additicnof trier per year to on-. income, without increasing the numi.er of row',' is s uaMran,iel And tangible result of in- kLtelGRrnt weighing and sampling. I ARalo. at WV..oler, Ontario, is a herd I now giving (08,7 pound. of milk per cow, an increase of elm,at'80) poul14, per one. Record fog me L.ir milk and feed, and a herd record hook. will he supplied free nn application to the dairy com- missioner, Ottawa, Ontario. SUFFERED With Biliousness and Sick Headache Calgary. Alberta, July S. 1911 1 was a great sufferer for a long time with hiliownar, sick headache and Ever trouble. Nothing seemed to de me any good. 1 had •Imovt given nr in despair when I derided b, try FIG PiLLS After taking about half • hoe (h• hes.l*eh.. e•nrpe.) and my .Iy'ari•• improved. 1 have ju.t fiuiabvd 10' Nth bolt and feel as well we ever I an b*artily recnnto.en.l Reg ['ills I.. stomach and liver trout.lw, M*,-. MARY ELLtao' SnId wt all dealer- toll .nd 711 t'• •'1 boxes or ,nailed by The Fig P.11 (',' lot Th..,..Oot N••1.1 in Goder,h by k. 11. .W,attle, druggist- ► -Bethop Fallen ha. announced th, appointment of Rev. Mon.. Avlwar•r r -ctor of Bt. Peter's catbe,lrrl. .1 i.,ui don, to Sarni., Thin Me cadet ware killed, l when a O�inese gastalsf. 1 ne' the lilangean arsenal, was iiS$Se np '` - MOSQUIT( ES T E S�'6.a,► . PliOth oboe am R1 gs Bol. • Zes lick eel be Ise • lbws of aiirk 13 Li • PATENTS tog ee.rttrtgt. Asp ter ear reVT.`t- w111sh will be .set tree. WNW • 1EARION. as Ymtt_M1 16. 10.0'6.4.