HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-16, Page 544 NMI i van Elba N reit ICT CHE Axed 1. UOCAIS-- PERSONALS _Toe grader has been at wutk ue _Mr. D. W. Marshall removed his s•rry-6drpued to Brussels oa Tue.- Jay _Mies. Leans Walter. of Colborne, Mft on Wednesday for Weyburn, ,yskatcbeww. _Mrs. Albert Diett'kh. of Hespeler, is vesting her mother. Mr. Warren, Wolfe street. -Mr. and Mho Arthur Graham rahn m(e yy. meow),meow),of Edmo„sae on K..e= .irate. _Miss Lottie Pt Ui7 left oa t� steamer Huron on y to visit het, odes is Toledo, Ohio. _Mr. limo -lee Riley, who has baste pending a couple of weeks la town, has returned to Stratford. _Mea. W. K. Hager left for Peoe- oaguishene oe Thursday morning, sheen she will visit for some time. -Mr. A. J. Cooper has greatly im- .treel bfreshly pace on ainting the Hamilton wood- .treet by work. _Mr. Wilson Wylie spent • short ,wtiuu with Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Wrlgbton *1 their summer home in tieyfield. _Thirty-five five gallon tube of ice cream tame inby a pthe Mondbeaay to "Wet in keepsn R down d thin•, of the crowd. _The Misses Millie and Nellie Culp, ,oTnrooto, are the guests of their untie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H A. Hufford, Trafalgar street. _I(ay. Father Foyke, of Indian• apolie, brother of Mr.. W. H. Bullard, West street, *debited in the services at St. Peter's church on Sunday laat. -Mr. Jack Reynold., accompanied ny bit brother, Leo. of Detroit. motored to Nutlet' on W edue.day and ,pent the day with relatives and trieuds. -A large number of the residents are taking advantage of the sutnmer pros and are having their winters coal delivered. Now is the time while ttts plentiful. -Masan. F. L. Ayers. L Munford and L. Roberton. of the C.P.H. rur- .ey department, are in town this week and ate taking levels for the extension .1 the switch tear harbor park. -Mn. Thomas Laing, of Weyburn, seakatcbewam, who has been visiting in Goderich township, left for be home on Wednesday. Her father. Mr. George 0. Sturdy, accompanied her on the return journey. Capt. Me-Dermott, secompapied by his wife and son, Willard. of Sault Ste. Marie. mare in en the steamer Huron on Friday night and will eirit with his son, N.ortnao at his residence on Brittania road. - Mr. Howard Youogeon had the misfortune to get hie arm Madly bruis- ed while attending the big planer at the Paget factory on Tuesday. While no Moes were broken be will ler un- able to resume work for a week or MOD. TFL SIGNAL : OODERiOR OIITARIO THE SIGNAL BELLES Winners of The Signal Summer Trip Subscription Contest to Bermuda, New York City, Thousand Islands and Niagara Falls Ml$M HATTIE BELCHER GongRtce who received 1.077,50Q votes. mass LUTTIE MI CREATH GOte¢Rit•H who received I.Ol i,50) votes. MISS MANUS WARRENER 001Mt acts who treeMeid 1,131,3U0 cotes. z MIS' ELMA M. OKI BF 'r4 ILLICK %) 6" let rived 515,4rsi vote.. MISS BETSY McALLIStER $t. Acocterion who received 770.410 votes. MISS PEARL MoKENZIE vole.. DONOMMIC41 IRIAN who received -The first of the Sunday evening -Mite Jernie Nairn. of Walkerville LaCA --P NAi C open sir services at the lake will ba w visiting Mts. ('. A. Nairn. Iain - Mr. Aleft. McMillan, of New Ham- —Mr. Wm. Kseah+td, of Saginaw. spent Sunday with Mr. Richard Michigan. was in town this week. Black. --Mi-s Dickson, of Columbus Ohio, -The Colborne boom has ,been is visiting her uncle and aunt Mn. J. E. Toro. - Mr. Jame. Buchanan ie from a ecvere strain as a over -lifting. - Miss1 Bowler Napier street. -Some good postcard views of the -Mr. J. Harman, of Newmarket, held on Sunday next at seven (o'clock. Rev ti. (down, of Dunaannon, will andurt the service. These services were mush enjoyed beat summer. Everyl•ody come : all will be welcome. - The assolioe smack Gladys, of Al- peoa Michigan. came into Goderich harbor on Friday, and remitted until after the celebration. The owner dirt a s.nsl business taking pleasure per - urs around the breakwater a1 15 cents ;wt tiip rn Monday. - Mr. ('harler. Hessle, a graduate of ihr Signal office, and wins now holds ,he ooprnsihle position of euperin- teodent for the Federal Printing Co., I .ne of the largest. printing establish - ono. in New York. is at present -t+nditg his vacation in Goderich. - Among the shipments frim Bert this week are the following nee. hinery from the American Road Machine Co.: three carloads to the town of Poet Francis. one car to Nrenbrid e. ilsebec :.,ne car to Rainy River dis- trict: and it street sweeper to Cobalt. -The crew of the steamer H. N. Jet bad a little celebration all to tcs,ptyetonTuesJa evening. With the ses.stanc. of • dollar's worth of fireworks and some oil warte guile a pyrotechnicsI dianlay was given from 1 the roof of the deck house, and was 1 ►njny.ri not only by the crew toot h, Intens who were in the Ha•hor Park- -An amusing incident occurred on West ter, et on Saturday lfeernrwtn. A Inca) Fondness man tied hie hots to the hack of a hay rack while he went into a stow, the nwner of the rack Trooped into bit wagon and started off without noticing what was attached to the rear. He was quite surprised ei11let5trut. which were directed at him and smiled a big smile when he kernel the cause. Jur. and newly teshisgled and otherwise re- paired, suffering -Mrs. A. D. McGeorge, of Cap.c, result of Michigan, is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. M. Marshall. LOCALS == PERSONALS -The residence ce Mn. H. Hale. Park street, istbeing freshly painted. -Quite a number from here took in the plonk at Bayfield on Wednesday afternoon. -Mlles Vanstone is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mawuet Vanstone. Nelson street. -Mr. Richard Bond, ML David street, spent last week in Loodoo, re- turning on Saturday. -Mr. Theo. Kipp, of Winnipeg, called oet fiisods io Goderich on Fri- day acd BMttrggy. -Mrs. S. Ward, Huron road, is about to take a trip to England to visit relatives and f riends. -Miss Ethel Case, of Dungannon. and Mimes Jean and Ethel Nairn Iiur spending a week at (baud Bend. -0. P.R. officiate here estimate that they handled over IMO passenger,. 10 excess of the usual traffic on Monday. -Mrs. A. Blair bas returned to Ot- tawa, after spendinga few weeks with her brother, Mr. M. Lamb. of Maltford. -Miss Jackson, of Auburn. and Mime Govier, of Toronto, spent Sundayin town, the guests of Mr. and rs. Amos Challenger. -Mn. Ellen Burrows and Mr. and Mrs. John Burrows, of Port Albert, were the guests of Mrs. Ida Mamie, Elgin avenue, on Monday. -Mr. Wm. Sharman has had bis boot sandshoe store painted to match the rest of the McLean block, whish completes the painting of this block. -Mrs. J. J. Moore and son, Robert, and daughter, Lorena, of Superior, Wisconsin, are visiting at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Bowler, Napier etc eet. -A picnic under the auspices of the Oolhorne telepPboue system will he beld in McGibbons grove, ttenmiller, on Thursday afternoon, July 73rd, at 1.:5) o'clock. -Messrs. Wm. Thompeon, James Craig and James Breckenridge went to Seaforth on Wednesday for the opening of the races, which were de - fared one day on account of rain. -Messrs. Doak Bros. have just fin- ished building two concrete vaults for Mr. R. C. Hays' new belittling on Hamilton street. Thr dimensions of the vanits are (1 x 8 feet, inside uses- sureosest. -Ooverument contactor Birming- ham's men, front the Kincardine breakwater, came to Hoderich on Sat- urday on the scow and stayed until Monday night, leaving so as to be at. work on Tuesday morning. =]tleesn. H. C. Dunlop, A. Cbry- .ts1, Alex. Robertson and G. L. Par - eons, of Goderich, and Mr. Hugh Mil- ler. of Benwiller. left Wednesday to attend the Masonic grand lodge, which is now in session at Niagara Fall.. -The cutting for the government tunnel to connect the has bor and river has bees opened through and timber- ing bas commenced. When completed it will be endowed with timber sides and top and wfli have a depth of three teet six inches. - The Western Canada Flour Mille football team, wieners of the town league, have hod their photo taken and the picture on view in the Brophy studio window, show them to be • good looking bunch of which the cap- tain may 'well be proud. -Cherries ate very ahundant this year sod the quality is excellent -Mr.,Edwin Scho.nhal., of Chilt- on, was the guest of Mr. W. U. Smale this week. -Mrs.ICummings bas sold her prop- erty on Trafalgar street to Mr. George Westbrook. Mr. Wm. Cleary, of Seaforth, was the guest of Mr. P. J. Ryan, Cameron street, this week. ,arrow ha. lett for Detroit to "Tend her vacs- porade oil the 13th are in Mr. R. R. attended service at the Baptist church tion with her sister. Mallows' window. on Sunday morning. -Mr. George Thompson. w•bu has -Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Hose. of Park -A coat of gravel will he given been sealing on the steamer Martian, Baptist church. Hrartford, are dun- `Wellesley street where grading oper- returned hum. last week. mering at Lakeside. tions are now completed. -Mr. J. H. Leach has hod his real- I -Mr. ('hatles Manning. of Hatnil- Miss Elsie Martin, of Toronto, is vis - deuce. corner Elgin avenue and Cant -1 ton, called on liodericb friends Tues- itiog in town, the guest of Mr. and brie creed, newly painted. ' day on his way to Kenore. Mrs. John Stewart, Kest street -Mr. John Toting is spending two -Mr. M. D. Snell, of Paris, spent -Mrs. H. Davi,, of tteafortb, and weeks stetting in Buffalo. Ile will at -I Sunday in town. the guest of Mr. Mrs. C. OR. London. were the guests tend the Fort Erie races whit.- away. Lester Church, Hayfield toad. of Mrs. Wm. Clark for the holiday. -Mr Namur) McK -ague. an old -- Mr. Amos Stewart's new house on -Mr. T. R. Wallace will begin the Uodetirb boy. now a,-)identulToron- Warren street is ohout. finished and erection of a new two-storey brick to, is tailing' on old acquaintances in it has received ire first coat of paint. dwelling on hit property on Elgin town. -Major and Mrs. Joseph Beck, of To -avenue. -The first carload of brick for Rev,' rtnto. have been visiting relatives and I _-Dr. Se le bas resumed practice after Father Mchae's new evidence artved friends in town during the present a month's absence in Cbieago, where on Moo,Isy. Milton pressed brick ate I week. I be was taking a frost -graduate course tenni nerd. I -Mr. David Bell bas greatly fresh- in dentistry. -Mrs. Donley Johnston and two ened the appearance of Messrs. W. I -Mr. John Campbell. of the Maple chitin the Acheson k Son's store with new paper I, I..af Milling Co.. Port 1'nhrrrne, spent and paint (Sunday in Goderich with his mother, --Mr. Andrew McNally, of Brant - Mrs. Robert Campbell. children. of 1'nston, are g I torwe,'s mother. Mrs. W. H. `Veb- j stet New•gate sweet. Everything is in readiness for 1Leor ford, wnesse resident id t of Blyth was I hydro -electric are romarI t'ag -Mese A. D. Rowles and childreu, p iuslsllation .•t the new electric pump in town on Tuesday and gave -inc The !their telephone system herr by the .triaging of two a,rpperrd wires from rt the waterworks station and it i! Signal a friendly call. fro 1 lxorcted to arrive next week. the town hell to Briutniw read _Mr Aril Ire N-il1 Smith and Mr. of Kerlin. are sproding a couple of I -- Mr. and Mr -s. F. T. Egener J. B. Sm,oh, of l'hicsgo, are open it week. with her parents. Mr. an Mrs. tcbildren, of Ingersoll. motored there aonusl veersios►wtar iah their Wm. Iruiwby. tee. David .truer. • • (ild.riek its Mwndey rs'eeuig awe Mrs Abraham Smtl of Hamilton and and to ear ae- h !tooth nicest. Nr. Fu,tene Dean visit ing at the home f Mrs. P. M OE, i -Owing to M the srnce of a number f h p(who write away with o t e earn, - I the:adett two games of t.br Nunday ech.o,l he. bell league were postponed eel J1 . Iwst week.• • tl„v f M R. R. Sallows Chile.Ani• child can make the pictures. F:%'en' operation as plain as dal, Every amateur should have their developing and printing dome by an expert. -Master Willie Sanderson. the Iyoung car o r. Ci.. Sanderson, wbu is very ill with cerrbn,-spinal- wrningitbs, we are pleased to learn, ie `somewhat inoprovetl. meserootereetworwsmearemesess Port Dower division of the Grand Ewan. Trunk. spent Sunday in Goderich with hit parents, Mr and Mrs. John Dean. -The mornine after the celebration day (mind the cells at the police etat.ion empty,. which "peek,. more fur the ord. 'Hines, of the cooled than a column of eulogise. - Water and sewer connections have leen put in the two house. belonging -Mr. end Mrs. ('larenre Hemmer- to Mr. T. It Wallace. Elgin avenue. way and M, end Mrs. W. 11. Purcell. while his house on Pictcn street Is being similarly ■t tended to. -Mr. and Mee. C. T. Nichola -in and children. of Port Hurnt a rived by the .reamer Huron on se•eday and are ap'ndtng their vast n with Mrs. Nicholson's mother, Mrs. It. DeLong. tit David street. July Toe rain. of the peat few dare la. ti .n.., ..n4 111. II ‘41.1., t•11111,11 r,. 04 sial .a.. to' ,- i. .p.-,.., )1 r.,, ire.. ,.. be 1111), enn..wm hnt delayed rb.• ft, e train -moot ell the inrrn••e.• wee rr- the mrrotndin* township. in the hay harvest hot the root and e..rn crops were Inrreen.ly benefitted. Those who have .,i.• feel relieved. -The Obits'. Lightning Rod (kr., of Hamilton. has • maple of w.g.roa in Heron county at pteot, o rating I wmainly enrneg the farmer.. Thew is nn doeht that this is a wise forme of inenr•anee, •• espswierree tearless that rodded heading* are her kr liable to d.seurticn M lightning then those eft without the metallic protection. of Allan's, lie..rgie, who are making a motor I r,p through Ontario, were in (odetich on Wednesday. enroute to Gran Riau bay. -The Ahrneek chapter, I.O.D.K.. will hold their regular monthly teem - lag in the court house on Monday. 2fth, a• font o'clock. This will qurrt.eal .0 Ire Ienses•. ;s set.:.: BERGER'S Best English Paris Green 3Oc a Ib. James A. Campbell Pin\ a. CEINTRAI. DRVU iSTORE North et and Pigeon.. Gcde•r$eh PHONE 00 ax„„.vi d4 .'Aa�;F 7t •1tr °tire. jg > "V... . Moen 1/0. yk,IIKADA -The chimney at the Goderich Lum- ber k Milling Co's new plant will be complete this week. It will be 63 feet in height eight feet quare at. the bot tom and will taper to about dye feet square at the tap. it is double lined to * height of about 20 feet. -The Ancient Order of Foresters' will hold a church parade in Seaforth on Sunday, July lath, and will attend the Methodist church in that toren at 11 a.m. Any members of the local com- municatelodge wishing to attend .bould com- municate with Mr. George Smith, C.R. -Thr diving operations in connec- tion with the laying of the cable for the new frghorn attracted quite a number to the harbor oh Wednesday. To those who had never seen a diver make a descent it was a novel and in- teresting sight. Many who went to fish neglected to do aro, becoming su interested in the operations of the diver. i Boit W ii Save Levi !rives Mali us the dismiss or cmh you receive, wtdh peer Pelee book. which we vidl reliurt. with the Deposit credited. Thai you can pay your bill•hrobeepees, which we win honor, or r you want the cash yourself. send tie cheque In your own favus and we will forward the money by return Drop in and tale to the Manager about 1t ,1 - ad Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton As J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give quick delivery at close prices. Designs and prices on application. JUST FOUR BICYCLES Left its Stock One Brantford Red Bud $48.00 One Three -speed Standard .. . sees$44.50 One Fixed Wheel, Second hYd *11 -00 Ooe Coaster, Second hand. $14.00 If you can use a good wheel any of there would suit you fine. Have a look at them any way. EAST STREET GARAGE GODERICH Next to Town Hall Always Opeo Phone 243 False Alarm The Lire bell rang about ''_ill on Sun- day afternoon when an alarm was turned in from the Goderich wheel rigs factory. It proved to be a false alarm. however, someone mistaking the. smoke from the salt block for fire at the factory. Tea and Garden Party St. George's church woman's guild are giving a tea and garden party on the rectory grounds on the afternoon and evening of Thursday. July 23rd. There will be ice cream, candy, fancy work tables. is flab pond, and a good musical programme in the evening. Tea will be served at 4.30, the pro- gramme will commence at eight o'clock. Admission and tea, 25 cents. Admission, 10 cents. Lost on the Empress of Ireland A sequel to the loss of the Empress of Ireland, which is of local interest, has just come to light. Mr. R. R. Hallows has received word from the wist office department at Ottawa that g2li4 worth of pictures which had been ordered :o be apnt to Mr. J. Obed Smith. assistant superintendent of emigratigp. London, England, had been lost with the boat. Mr. Mallows has received instructions from the de- partment to prepare duplicates of all the pictures last. This is as far as we know the only loss sustained by any- one in Goderich in the great disaster. Harbor Notes. The steamer lames H. Prentiss cleared light for Alpena, after unload- ing coal for the big mill. The steamer Glenlyon arrived on Ssturday with 145,000 bushels of wheat for the his, mill. This host was the Minnekahta until purchased by the present owner,, when her name war changed. The steamer H N. Jex and barge Ids Keith unloaded coal at the West- ern Canada flour mills wharf this week. One more trip will complete the entire coal supply for the season. which i. POMO tons. The Comedian government steamer Vigilant of the fisheries service put into Uoderich on Monday. Besides her crew of 11. there was on board Admiral Kinggs•mill, who is oo $ visit .te -all (Sarrweitan -1.410 posastworber cruiser left again on Tu ay, for Kin- cardine end Flout ham ption, after which she will proceed to Coiling wood. where she will enter drydock. Storz OF'SUs11F.R Mit.t.iwrRy-Apr sial values in rhildren's bets, from YSc. to 50c Mies C.tegtuew, Haail- ONCE MORE FROM NEW BRUNSWICK Castes a Tnbete to Dedd's Kidney Pills Marchbank. Kings Co . N.B , Jnlyy 131h-(tipeeial) -Alter Iwo years' suf- terine from kidney disease, William Nash. a well-known fanuer here. is a well seen aid like many 'another io t e' oeigbbuwbo,d, he is .touting the praises of Dodd's Kedney Pills NOWT rrasrblio mmned from a. wp.in, Mr Sarah soy.. "and for two years it Iwgridll grew wree' My appetite was fitful .. 1 bad dark circles around A y eye. sad my sk so bad • harsh, ,try Nebo, and itched and horned at night. 1 wee troubled with headaches. cramps in the muerisa anti 'toffees" of the joints Rbc :reni finally de- veloped sod 1 was a sick man genera ally.shen 1 decided to try Dredd'. Kid- ney Pills. They helped nor almost from the start, and two Ione. ttued Runaway Accident While Mr John Petrie and wife, of tth con. of Astfluld, were returning from the celebration at Underich, dur- ing the heavy rain at about 7.:30 p.m.. their horse left the track and upeet the boggy is (be ditch on , tbe west skip of con. 2. near the reddest.* of Mr. W. H. carpenter. throwing both oecupanta to the gro.tnd and hruieing them severely though no hones, were teroken. The borne contin- ued ita he.dk.ng career up the read tweaking the• tosgsi 1 ally seri eraab- leg lata an iron Irate at Mr. 1'arten- ,e1.'a rwdrienne. Mr. Carpenter helped them to get teams, etrelethU el net and loaned them hie beery to create tee their journey The hone strange to say was Aerate injured at *11. -Dr. 111. Parker, of Korai ford. drefr- ed dead from heart failure while wateh- InR a ball game from bis resides.. `on street.Geo.!Jac Vicar —By 11,1111•V nlajnrity the retep•y- ere of Lamtw•th voted to have the municipality lighted by mature' gas 0.00000000000 Photographic Supplies The celebrated Enrrign Box, Folding and De Luxe Corneras for roll dim.. Printing Paper, S. S. Metes, Lamps, Trays, Graduates,, Print- ing Frames, etc. Everything necessary for successful amateur photography. Call and examine samples of work. Everything new and up-to-date. JAS. F. THOMSON Music & Stationery Store Bargains in Footwear For one week we will pat on .ale the following shoes: Ladies' Russia Calf button and laced Boots, sire. 2i to 7, remoter price t13-50 for BLAU. Ladies' Ruesia (elf Pumps and Ox food., sisals 3; to 7. regular price *2.50 for fillet 1 O 1.f button 0:Lorr11. 24 to , ,egrrierr prier Elm for *250. All the above good. are new, up-to- date.tyles and .bould sell gniekly. REPAIRING •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Order Your FRUITS aid VEGETABLES • DIRECT FROM GROWER • 4111) SANE from of to ea HOURS' DELAY orad MIDDLEMANS' PROFIT • • Variety %1 reacts 1 I r wart. A q.,wrt. • ............. Heels 111.75 .1X1 .:s,0 1.35 .fn 60 1.76 .76 • 75 10 .65 $ • Raepeerries Ask tioneeherriee Red Currants • Black Cheerios •White Cherries Moor Red Cherries • Koclose wltb your ower postal nofw, marked cheque, or ax • • prom order, to • The CONSUMERS GROWERS & SHIPPERS • • RFAMSV1Li F ONTARIO • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• A