HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-16, Page 4{ c'f 4 TigIIIIIIIDAY. JIILT lel, R11114 1 Tennis Shoes ' Fleet Foot Tennis and Bowling Shoes give satisfactory style and service. Such qualities are luso shown in the latest Oxfords and lumps. Call in and select yours at J. H. McClinton's sesierneweetemearenetewsweemetwee COLLEGE AT HOME Thousaods of ambulate erase pwpl. are tam roaming In their own homer to oscuor Iucrauve p.eitloew u ormolu raph.r. bookk.oper.. t.lerrwpben, civil .sraw4t�, In tact •eery .phare of Huei DOM Aotlyltle.. You may antra a, eel see tl you .o wish. Pianism's guano ted. Enter college may d.y. Ind;, id ual hut motion. Expert teacher.. ?hide rears' experience I..p.e,t trainers In Comae*. Seven roll---.. Maenad rears- for t.achere.. Affiliated with Con.merrtol Educa tors' Awoo;at:on of Canaria, Summer School at famous Speton Ha.lnan College. Laudon. Clinton Business College Oro. aroTro* H. r. WARD Peskiest. Principal Marr, en Wang as ane a.if.. — lash dna t eras rhes et taw m•5 W . lapelNos �L a k 15. w ta.dr oar—an. 1y. o a &Wog a r lr. araw5 Ian.• naw WI V Sway swain ata boa Wawa stn.ww ran et nwa5aa WawaK dam s ► r danags—wee 52 Caw fleas., Oraaw.a. Imam illsattevb and (theber r1�vAuRh Greer. A es. to Royal George renal Heister our. 4 Sept. a Right Now 1. the tune to bury your Frost it Wood Binder. Mow- er, Hay Tedder, Loader and Rake, Adam', Wagon and Hay- Reek. ('"ek.hutt Corn t'ultivay., Hr*t.third Iluggy or .Suer, Ni.co Manure ?preorder an.t tempi,.. Cream Meparator. Heparrs Always on haul. 441* TINNING It Takes Money to hire good jobbing done, but it emit. more for a poor one in the end. To Oct Oood Tinning vote must employ thn4 who know bow. yen will not make say mistake if vms rail on u.. We do work that time and weather will •how was done right. sorb a job iv worth a reasonable prim and you and our ideas on that print will he found pretty close together. FRED HUNT HAMILTON STRHR11` GODERICH PHON* 11111 evirsCRTBE J5* TaR SIGNAL COUNTY --DISTRICT ST. AI/OIJ$TINE Miss Jean Wilson is visiting Tees - water friends tbl. week. Mrs. Jame. Fowler, of Manitoba, is visited, friends In this vicinity. Quite a number of people from this vicinity went to Goderich on Moo- .iiy. Mies Mae Redmond. of the Goderich C. 1. is spending her holidays at her borne bee. Mies Betsy and Mr. David McAllister visiting Mr. Phomas McMillan. of Sea - forth, last week. Me. sod Mrs. Joe Boyle, Mrs. Stats ford and Mr. tan.. MrAllbter motored to Mullett on Sunday. Misses Iona and Mary Rutherford, of Ht. Helens, and Misatituart, of lihi- cago visited at Mr. Wm. Mc&llI.te,'r Ibis week. lieu. George Brophy, of Lees Nnm- mit, and Miss Kate Brophy, of Chat- ham. ars vieltiog their parents, Mr. and Mts, George Brophy. ST. HELENS Mr. Hyde and .on. Pearcy, was at Cargill on Sunday. The HA* club had their first shoot for the .sl ver today. Mies Tena Rutherford, of Kinlough, spent a few days here this week. Mies Florence Stewart, of Chicago, i. paying • visit to her cousin, Mr. J. B. Rutherford. Miss Oallrgar, of Goderich, visited her niece, Mrs. W. Humphrey, the end of the week. Miss Mime Rutherford is home from Edmonton. She purposes re- maining in the east. Congratulations to those wbo were successful in their lower. normal and entrance examinations here. A great number went to (iod•rich to celebrate the 12tb. They claim the old county town is the right place to have a good time. Mrs. John McWhinney. rt Bruce Mines, i4 at present visiting her aunt, Mies Curran. it is expected that Miss Curran may return home with her. BRUCEFIELD Mies Gertie Granger visited friends in Goderich last week. Mrs John Swan and daughter, M•Me, are vi.itioe, Godeticb friends. Misr Jessie Akenhead has :leen en- gaged to teach atBnird'sscboul during tbe coming season. Dr. elib.on, of Sault Ste. Marie. is vi.itlt.g At the borne of Mrs. John Gih,00, near town. Mier Cawpbell of Loodeshoro, has been engaged to teach la the pubfie school west nt town. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Vellowlees and daughter, Helen, of Bowm•oville, are viaitaog friends bete. Mr. John Snider was in Zurich re- cently, attending the (unreal of Mrs. Simmons, of that place. Hee. and Mrs. Wood,. and Mrs." James McQueen. recently attended the summer school at Goderich. Mrs. William Mcott has returned after • two weeks visit with her brothers in Watford and Pond Mills. Rev. Jeanie Ailin, of Cltntou. con- ducted tbe ',truing servirw iu the Union Presbyterian rbureh Sunday night. Rev. 1� R. Larkin. of 3saforth. will occupy the pulpit next Sumday. Mho Anna Petrie. who bas bees teaching at teach tire. Marie, is ill with typhoid fever. db. had flnisoed teach- ing and was about to return bonne. when rhe became ill with • mild attack. Her many friends bope for c speedy tecovery. LEEEURN Professor Linklater spent a tew, days with his father, Mr Jobn Leak - later. Miss Olive took, of Woodetort es visiting her grandr•rents. Mr. and Mrs. J. ('ook. Mrs. Wm. Huston and daughter. Margaret, of Stratford, spent the week -end at her home here Mrs. W. Lawrence sad desolater, of t'hicago, is visiting at the hosae of the tormer's mother. Miffs M F'oiey Mies Winnie Shaw, n( Toronto, and Mira Blanche, of Alexandra Doas.etal, Goderich. are spending their holidays at the home of their parents. Mr sad Mrs. E. H. Shaw. The annual girded party livid feeder the W.F.M society oo the lawn of Mr. Edward Shaw last Wednesday evening was a success an every way. The weather was line and ueKheaa seemed to mar the ladies' work. The crowd gathered from all pert.. of the county and county town. Four lust( tables were kept going from A to in o'clork and were is charge of Mrs K' Bogie, Mrs. A. Horton. Mrs. A. HI Mutton and Mitis. T. Jewel. with three hand of young waiters. The beautiful lawn was well lit with Chinese lantern The three booths with their attractive. decorations did a Wtf trade, The hurray work booth was looked after by lits. (i tiliddon and Miss Ruth Shaw, the refreshment booth by Milo Blair and Miss (Mara Fut/red. whits Mise. Clark and Bogie had charge of the tee cream stand. The band of the :end regiment was pre.ent. which was a treat in it- self, and Piper McKay from Kilned, with the pipes. lightened many old Notch heart The proceeds of the evening amounted to'Di& The ladies of Leeburn church wish to thank any who helped in any way to make it a 'success. WHITECHURCH Mrs. A. Mclean, of Flesherton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Ute Stewart, at the manse and will stay a few weeks. Mr. Hoy Patton Is out sporting a dandy new bicycle. one of Cl.velaed'a best up- :e dear. mak... Roy it agent for the Cleveland hen. Upwards of IRO took in the exalt -Won to God.richtt,c�� celebrate the °lotion* Twelfth. Ther all had • good time re and caho full of smile.. Misses Mildred and Mater Willie Treleaven, of Lueknew. spent • p1... - ant few days' visit with their aunt, Me. Onyker, and returned home Moo d• Mr. Will Sharpe and daughter, 4.11le. of Brantford, and the Misses Mary and Mash Sharpe, of T.eewater, were visitors at their aunt's, Mrs. H. D. Henderson. last weak. The following out of 1 clew of five their entractes egemiinatIoea Iirtle Middleton. Prank Row. Mary A. Kennedy and Nellie (Uhl. Mr I. P. Lowndes was the terber Mr. Miles McMillan returned home hem the wank whew be bad been for as v •.x r ,`�'..: ..w'pa-t . ,.,C'R'^..="Y;"*.itl t THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ON'TA RI O the past three weeks visiting his sons, oars at O•lgary and eros la Meststch- mean. "is went as fat' s. Ednsontom. Mr. McMillan reports the crops not looking se well c. they are in Ontario. Mr. Andy Leggatt nailbed the new e bedof the Presbytaelan church last Saturday sod removed his outfit to Mr. P. dlbbone' la East Wawaaosb, where he has • contract for a fine trig bars t1Uzt14, Ttrerr, are a groat many n ew buildings being put up around this section this lesson. Mr. George Waddel, of the tlth con. cession of Cuirass, had a line baro raised lase Friday. The building is OIh7U with concrete foundation. Mr. Hat „Brb bad the contract for the troupe wort and Mr. Robert Mowbray bad UM oedtract tor the concrete woike,j4 (arae galb. ing of the nei,ggh• bow Ofc both sesssi tope e helping heed, tbs. sterner WI for the heavy work while the meth Ott :rlodid ` service In preparlag tij iced things for the occasion After t e strife a jolly good night was spout tripping u�ligbt foo -tee -tic till the wee oma h HENSALL A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. John S. Wren, in To- ronto, on Tuesday the 30th u11., whoa his sister, Mie Annie Jane. daughter of the late air. and Mrs. George Wren of Neotal(, wag married to Mr. Nor- mal L Brandon, of 81. Marys. and son of Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Brandon of Winghaw. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. David Wren, M.A., of Brussels, and brother of the bride, Thebride was brought into the drawing roost which was decorated with palms, ferns and roars, by her brother, J. F. Wren, as Min. Wesel Brandon, sister of the bridegrooui, played the wed- ding march. Matter D. Stewart Wren wa. ring -bearer. The bride wits gowned in cream silk crepe with shadow lace. and carried s bea'nifut bouquet of hridsl roses. After the ceremony. Mr. Brock C. Brandon, of Henos or, rendered an appropriate solo. A dainty luncheon wag served, after which the bride and bridegroom left for the east, the former wearing a travelling suit t.f midnight blue garga- hardipe cloth with pretty hat to match. At a weeting of Hensel' council, the contract for cur tine new brick town hall was awarded to Mears. H. tem. dito And Thomas Welsh of this village, for the .pm of WtINN and the building' i. to be complete(( in the month of November, Mr. S. Cowper of Clinton, put in a tender about two hundred less Mut after careful consideration of the matter and taking into consider- ation certain .Tatters coupled with the tact that it ens desirable to pat- ronize home contractors where there oars a goof guarantee of the work be- ing well and satiefactnrily don- and the money spent largely in the village it was. considered advisable hy- the r•nuneil to give the contract to the home men et a smell advance. The ball will he a very fine one over, two stories high of geld brick with cement cnrners, with fire proof roof and will he moat mode. n and up-to-dste in all details. A11 the ruaterial caned for is first class and the work will he under the supervision o1 Mr. H. Reynold., t he arc i trert a bu prepared tbe plena, sad wits be something like 4.iz75 feel Tts. end story will he titt'd up for the dief•eiet rousse or impartments iegnir ed for the village or pencil nes in- durating a flaw fin hill defsartment, sad the recoad story wilt he fitted up for • One npers bail, mr.•.'nd to none in aux afrperistaaeea Th. n.Cr.c, ore neer laying the fowAatton part. -W7 Maed•a.g.. 1 ic.retnit of lath.. mod roe • Lowden' hospital. where she bed goose to uedrrgr, an op- timum. CANADIAN ' PAC 1 t'1 c mI NEW UsaITFD TRAMS SERVICE wawa - Mont l_T-. Mal tet— brad;—C1Mya rim ta.wl.« Keine cad Mbslsme ay it. Mirag*s oshl O{aru Ce le Skeet Talon btw.en Wharf rr an4 Ihu Wt. Les.tag Must's•(z Ia a.m. . Toronto kW Poe- ae- rialse lara..t MSC .m. .aa Odessa 7.5.1 ale. Yila "knelt, sand rr* ire ,.t,. nine. T►r,,•.sh Electric Lleh, ed xgol,.menr. Toronto---W.nn ip.g Vance*ver (TonmanYeasiew._ Ropers bra 3 Worse weer., k'.i pia damn- Varreinnar-Ta. rn to s. intr.. Nn. 4 artisan Tmeetn 11.13 • to daily. Manitoba t:cpee.. No.: loaves Toronto laity . cceol hand.? i' .'s. p.m.. ar- rlrine Winnipeg:es-eat Phif. .Mrruy. IC: - peer. \na leave. t% Innlpert p23 pm. and melees !ornate 'art pindaily except Toes day. .oar f.n1 her parr Latae. apply r. 'ward len P.clee Tleh., Assns. ar veru. M. O. MUR- PHY. D.P.A . ('.k'. Hy.. Toronto. GRAND TRUNK nAvINEM 0... Trask all t'h. wow ' T O R O N T 0 -CHICAGO TORONTO -MONTREAL IMPORTANT IMPROVED DAILY SERVICE NOW IN EFFECT WMVO UND F..ASTBOUNfl 1n. Hooton( It Appal Ar.tonal* i s..,. A r. 11 .ti.an Ar. reit I rpm ar. banana Assam r.(1M•rre t (,teal v. Potion Mia o v. Leedom Staple U. Tomato swim Ar. MwrrW Atapw yeah (lister risme at .asrylrw.ttinaltran t�s tepa� rticulars ape berth riiNs,,..tw►w C. E goes= p.r.A.. T► Paws L WRIINcg t 110141, Tema Aerie r PORT ALBERT Mr. Roy Irritably lift for lirieau last week wherehe will owed the summer fishiest. Mr. sad Mrs. Robert S. Wilson, of Goderire, spent Sunday at Mr. Jacob Mies Hartel Dern is mending the holidays with Mr. and Mn. Waiter Kingswell at Oeriow. Dr. W. Y. Hayden, of Godericb, visited bis parent., Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayden, over Sunday. Mr. Will Burrows and Master. Reg- gie and Jackson, of Steer ford, are visit- ing relatives la tJll►vittyta The ladies guild of the church of Hoglaad held there meeting at Mrs. H. Hayden's ,os Wednesday after- noon. Mr. sod Mee. A. E. *Owlish*, fam- ily and maid, aatrs;fued. motored to their togs bore on Rattlyday and wi the rest of this toonth and all at ttt;ait is the village. ORANGEMEN AT CHURCH Rector of St. George's Delivers Able Appropriate Scrims. The members of Victoria L.O.L. iS seventy strong. attended ser At St. tieor Kai a church on Hu n.ornis.g. Atter oomluctiog the belt tut choral aeevfre of the Angl church the rector, Rev. J. B. Pot ingharu, M.A., preached an appr arerermou from a text taken from Book of Judge.. the 7th chapter 7th ,verse. ('be Lord raid Gideon, By the three hundred (bat lapped will I save you. - The preacher described the set of these word.- Israel was a t nation oppressed by powerful ne bons -the Midianite.. In that d est moment of tersel's fortune raised up Gideon as tbefr deity He was • man from the ranks but of the stature of Wallace or Will Tell. He gatherer; A huge art around him but was informed by that it weirdo large, it oust be pro before the day of battle. In the v presence of Ilse eoewy 21,000 men were fearful and heavy hearted w rejected. Even then God said t the number!, were too great. " A new test was imposed. The thousand soldiers composing the ar were led down, hungry and thirsty the brook Herod. The test of tbi was the tinal proof of their me The majority threw themselves on ground forgetful of the foe and oncoming conflict and drank to full. Three hundred knelt and fill their bands with water lapped ' dunking sparingly that they might !q• good condition for the light a with a watchful eye on the eppoai hoist. And the decree from Gud we forth, "By the three hundred t lapped will n Pave you and deliver t Midianites into thine hand." T 'principle contained in the story rte. nal. In the Mttlee for Ood, truth, for righteousness special m are needed. They may be few c number but they must be men f i sad No. vice oda uti- scan ber- opri- ttte and unto men ting igh ark- Godl erer. one um Ood ved tory who o ere hat ten wy to est tile. the the the Jog tt- be nd ng nt bat he he is for en in m will. of complete esti-contrui, of un- b.,unded enthusiasts ready to sacrifice all for the rake of the cause they have at heart. In w far as the Orange association is composed of such men so will the victory be theirs. And the constitu- tion and history M the association promise that :beywill be counted roog sost them "(bat lapped." Tbe L.O.L is formed, we ane toil, "by per. sons desirous of supporting to the ut- most of their power the principles and practises of tbe christian religion to maintain the Lw. rod constitution of the oouutry to afford assistance to distressed members and otherwise pao- tt•ote the supremacy of law, order and oonetitutional freedom." The name the order heart indicates its origin. Tbe then declaration of what can be celled orangem.n was made at Exeter In England in Novem-' bor. ISM. Thane who had invited Witham. Prince of Orange, 'to accept the throne of England pledged them- selves to stand by the prince and by one another and to persevere until the Ilb.s.ies and rei.ginn of England should be effectuslly ercured. The Stuarts, wb.,w 1Viiliam drove out, Warta a picturesque but unfortunate lime: tk•y ere' today- evoke the atespathy of many thousands, but they were for tbe most part grow in eters-acme sod M..',e in their religious views. The derl.raticn of leer was renewed in Inas on the threatened in- vasion be lassies the Pretender. It wan siga.d by 43, tom tiers of the house of cowmon.. by 'Ci peen of the realm by the corporation of Louden .ed -most strange of ell -by every member but one o1 the Irish house of commons. The awroeiatinn remained inactive for some years thereafter but was revived in I7is 10 the reign of George 111. and has grown in strength ever since. The tnemhenhip today exceeds half a milliner. The principles of the order are welt -known hut it is well foe the membere and otttaidens to restate them. if .ometimes the as- sociation has been brought tato disre- pute it is not bmau.. of the principles which are he foundation hut because these have been forgotten. if it has achieved mush in the -nurse of its hi y fas been biecause these prin- ciples true ---are In fact eternal principles of righteousness and truth. The first nt these is liberty. The Orange As.ociatiote begins by assert. ing the liberty of the individual, e.pecially his religious liberty. "1)1. - claiming an intolerant sMlrit, the association demands se an indispens- able uelifleatinn without which the great miler shall t and wealthiest may seek ad in vain, that the randidat. deemeh incept/vie of perseset• fag or injuring any nos on aeroant of his reliaioust opinion.: the duty of every Orangeman being to aid and de- fend ell loyal suhjects of every re- ligions persuasion in the enjoyment of their constitutional rights." mat word liberty comes to us with holy aaancietions, but its (.toner has often been stained with blood and It be- hooves us to understood what it means. in Canada webs's men of all colors and races. Manyroma to us from !Anti. of politoppression, ins ay from lands cursed by baneful supetatJNon.. The Granite associa- tion can find its miesbn in prnelsl.,- tog the principle ref rigs and religious Shorty. But their w(.rk is not that M dsatrnetton but nx,nstwetion: liberty i. • porter. not negative thing--Itte tenet la to build not to overehrnw, it must preach, iberefore, tidiest ion to- ward. •11 _. tor►r.ratre rewarde those of totter err.de. A man erten insult• un s by Illi or by word oat Ibis of nay ;Bill _4a. I i THE COLBORNE STORE W.B. ELASTINE REDUSO CORSETS are the remit of expert corset no.structioo, obtaining • perfect reducing corset, combined with supreme comfort without being cumber- somenU� compressing the orn gas Iran. umbealtby The L when nra/atte Dried to • W.B. Elasttre east will he moulded, into slender, lines with graceful pliancy. 11r im --proof, Mistilc g or gusset* provide comfort Lo any poaLdco I walking, sitting or standing. Prise ............. W.B. NUFORM CORSETS providegraceful, nat- ural figure lines with youthful sinuous sup- plenees yfeldiug to every y curve, giving the fashionable 'Relaxed' poor, yet sffoiding nec- essary support. Elimination of hip booing „allows freedom in any position, with extreme flexibility and supreme comfort. HI flees, boat les. coo- rtructioo assume uncor- seted effect and light .weight figure, clinglog fabrics provide supple, classic outlines and "sheat h v"silhouette for modish gowns. One nfty and up. W.B. is an American Corset which we balm procured to secure the latest models in corset- ry which is impo.eihie to Ret in • Canadian Comet. UNDERWEAR Our underwear is the best that can be procur- ed. We buy them from the hest makers and we stand back of every gamest that is sold. 0541..' short sleeve Vers", 11S, 15o, 260, Ladies' no sleeve Vest&121!4, 150. 25o. Our line of Cbildreees ,Usbi/rwaar Ls' Ouwplele in all sizes, both in N.,`t,It411.11. HOSIERY store has a hosiery repatatlon and our stack is cowprla.d of the newest and room wanted ' mikes. oats. floe silk boot hose w kleh is per. feet in make and has a perfect reputation for weebine. Erich. ... Iodise' floe id& lisle Dose made fr• om t lime yarns and satisfactory In emery way. Each *$ Sae. 50es BU8TRIt BROWN'S SISTERS' BTOVEINO This le • fine silk Vele Bose for Children iu sines from 5 to 84, in pink, white, sky and black. Each . *5o Heavy ribbed boss for boys. Just the stock- ing that le needed where the gets bard usage. A11 dew, each 11to wd 25e 2 for Mc. This bone Is a line we bay. carried for years and has always proved satisfactory. Ask to see time. 2 pairs for 2 dio SUMMER DRESS FABRICS andthis Crepes department been fa great demand this re thin t partment i• full of fine, dainty cloths of type to choose from, both is plain colon and dainty flowers of all colors and difiereat patters,. We have • great variety of heavier fabrics In piques, bedford cords sad other fine suiting" in all the wanted colors, Our line of prints is very complete in both light and desk. oolors. A fine variety to choose from and every piece guaranteed fast color. GLOVES White Gloves are very popular this summer and we carry a line to suit every comer, long silk glover, 16 button, black and white, Kayser make, upped flogere 111.25 Long "ilk Gloves, 12 button, Perrin make, tip- ped fingers 750 and $1.00 Short silk Kayser Gloves, black and white, fawn and grey, 2 button, all sixes, itipped fingers Long lisle Glove*, •400 Long black and white, 16 utton 500, 12 Denton, Elio Short lisle Gloves, all wanted colon aid all sizes 2$o On stale we have a few broken lines that we are clearing at nig reduction,. Thee Glove" are perfect is every respect, but being broken line. we are cleating them out at 60c for 25o, 36c for 100. 23c for , .15o Standard j Patterns H. COLBORNE D. & A. Corsets i i other day the conucienee of soothe untrue to bis God, his own soul, society of which be is a member, t country of which he is a citizen. Orangeman knows no creed save t of,,the right of the individual to w ship God according to the dictate. of his conscience : He stands among those that lapped ready to light for the right. And privilege* of the free- man. The second principle is that of loyalty. "The Orange association cells upon the , sons o1 Britain to eacriflce every private consideration to establish a centralisation of power to coo.erve the great privilege« and blessing which we enjoy under British connection." We meet today to glory in our common history -our common traditions- our common language. The common loyalty of the Orange association should know no party to the stat.. If the order becomes a synonym for either one party or the other it is untrue ;In its constitution', it defeats its aim end forfeits its right r is his three hundred of old around the the alter and the throne, he The national anthem was sunt at The the opening of the service, the church hat was crowded to the doors, extra chair, or. being needed to accommodate all who atvnded. A full choir rendered an excellent service of praise. ONE WEEK WITH THE CADETS WRITrgN HT ONE air THY BtITS. Tbe Goderich collegiate institute cadets left Goderich en the 7,tl0Grand Trunk train on Monday morning, July fltb, and arrived in London .hortly hefure 11 o'cl'ck the satire morning. Leaving the station in London they marcbed about ball • block. and after waiting for a few minutes boarded an Oxford car and were conveyed to Ceiling height.. where they .pent a week in camp. The genera) daily routine n( the can.p was a good and rat ithectory one. There wa• enough drill to satisfy all tc .peak as an association: its and enough time off to !ale in any - strength Bea in its independence of thing of Importance in the city, party and to surrender that is to sur- hush worming after riving, which render its own independence. It is proud to declare that it disdains the badge of faction. And in working for A united empire, we ask for this our land of Canada, from Vanoouver to Halifax. one tongue. The teacher should he competent to teach -the pupil should be brought up to speak one language. This will guarantee the atmosphere in which British traditions -of which we are proud - can develop. It i* a land of many was generally about 5.30, the toys piled their blankets outside so as to tet Grote air and shortly after breakfast followed. After hreaktast cane , phy- sical drill. When this was through bolt an Lout', teat was given and then followed prayers and a little battalion drill. After this came another half- hour'. rest and then cine ;ompanv de i1l for about an boor. This was fol- lowed by l:attalioo drill and then a few minutes' rest before diuner, in tangoesan tem curry -bore we come the afternoon the boyt, co'ild either to accept, the Privilege. of Canadian' play baseball or footbnl: on the citizenship and we forget our nation- grounds or go down Into the city and laity by birth for our nationality hy. attend ■ moving picture the•tte, or adoption. else go down to the mineral bathe. in In speaking of a united empire one'*! tial evening after supper the hoys could thought inevitably drifts to our sister either go down In the city and find ids Ireland on chi. day when the air j amusementsmor soy on the grounds, n/ nurnu.re and theatorm clouds whew. ating pic[urn erre shown. of the for Ther. were many contest' between the dfferent cowpsaties io the bat- talion* forth. cbauipionehIps in baseball; football, etc. The camp wax well coed:ic:. d, and the way that the 1100 fro -.-w were looked after, accommodated and kept in such good order was a marvel to visitow. - �m ., - Thursday evening the cadets march- ed through the city and were an in- teresting and attra-;ti.e right, nearly the whole city population turned out to groat them. Friday morning they were inspected byH Col. the Hon. am Hughes, and Friday afternoon Mir Adam Beck, after the premonition of the different prises had taken place, addressed • few words to the boys. Camp i roMe up on Saturday morn- ing and the toys Arrived safely at their different bow -s that afternoon, looking straighter in stature, healthier in appearsoeg.pd being considerably lanced up. lower. The pulpit iso place debetahle subjects but surely our com- mon attitude this 'day is one not of passion but of prayer. The hand should not be nn the scabbard ready to draw the sward but uplifted to God to heeeech Him 10 spare us the limner si . (waiter shedding .J[eotiree'e blood. By the romnion eland that flows through our rein., by the com- mon name we tear. by rte common blond of otrr redemption let us who differ prey for p•a.'• is our time from civil WOW And the last and greatest of all 1. the priseciphe of love. Without broth- er) love and a divine charity, liberty and loyalty alike heroes. the mere cetchwnrtb of a clique. The Orange rwoetation is hound together My the hoods of mutual sympathy and rap- port, Mit beyond loving the brother- hood there is the duty o1 lovingGod. it 1. well to remember the oblgation of the order.' "An applicant for ad• mission .bould hare a *Inc.m.Imre and veneration for his Almighty Maker- • stedfast faith in the Saviour of the world --he •hmtid le an scenr to every specie. of nnchalet ian rnnddet." That is the eternal obitgation : that is the Merit* privibe , to stand with- in the cirri* of a F'.rher's love and let that Inv* flow neer from us to our fellowmen till all are severed in iia tide. By yoer enthusiasm foe tbe srrr.d !ave of liberty, by yews life Haw's This? We Whim).. Haud,.d Ib1Lr. i:award for le awe r` Career.. t hat ..anon ba -writ W Ia'a Catarrh Cara F. J. ('p[NiTt 00.. Tota.,O. Ws las awd.rdreaa have arses r J. ( be for the Is 13 year.. sad 1.15sM v. m ass Sama.Ytta••ora lwr alas ralt bonnwr Nes mads M La..a. 1r� carer wt •ar Mania MAs ka. raw.w R Ma.1. W A,.+b a ,rev..-. r.i,rw c r SAC. dank 1155 Mier IRtaimany. met - II•*d ba the Mar ry( tired. you ar.. rase- Iwg dawn y hymn is. Wend .o . ro saw.'- .er. tr! aeries the here. hnwdrad that i TSew.p.•errrebrrte,�r hpall Anaggiaii ;sues t A, ,,.1 the, mine ed are the Take tuna'. meth Mm toe n,n..t,r.t,ae. (eerfel, the 'woes! enwwr.1., Oh* self. - - _-----_- Intlukafern, ihe newal'hfnb, For the -Mr Mtardoe+C. IJoy' feweasika, ('05.4.7 we teem w• w►N. fee lbw f)td died wldd enl7 (l. MMs.dav who has blessed is. with new rod IS' - la his neyeshe nth year JRe. ltleritatl1a 1st w suedMV tJidaOw and � the past and author, died ie berg, Berlin. 0 Brophey Bros. GODERICH The Leading Funeral Directors sad, Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all boon, night or dao ffacEwaa Estate EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR SCRANTON COAL FOR GODERiCH AND DISTRICT Egg 'Coal 17.25 Stove and Chestnut 17.50 PER TON BET COAL MINED ORDER AT ONCE AND GET THE SUMMER PRICE Any quantity best all Mapie Slabs, Mixed Wood. Hemlock and Ksndliog. (Cedar or Neer Telephone, office 1!R residence 212 or flet LSwads' 'Bas, Livery sod But Stables MrrtvTRRA L fTTRggT JUST Orr\ Tire BQVARR BURRY MEET ALL TRAIN% AND : PAM8Rf1GER : BOATS rassesaoees called for in any part of the town for all trainee at 0. T. R. or C. P. R. depots. Prompt fervid and careful alien - (her Livery and Mark servile will he /nurse er- re-date f.re-date in every reepeeL 1'onr patronage solid t ed T. 8WARTS Phos 1117 Moetreal Street ADVERTiSE iN TSE SIGNAL SOPA attest, -Mr. D- V agrey-1° °' day. in MCS � • rlesketchewat _Mr.. Albs ,;ming hi p oll. street. -fir, and M *ea Mees.), „sit un E..ex _Miss lot swan Ammer Hurc sister fa Tube _Mr. t'harl spending s 00 bas returned I _Mrs. 11'.1 tapgubhen. abets she wil -Nt. 4. J. proud his i .tet by fres) work. ,_,r. %Nike rautiun witb t Wri1bton . ttsylfeld. _Thirty-Hv cresnr came sasiit rn k thin*( ut the t• s M' of Toronto, •a uncle and nun Telford, Traf spoils, broth A'ert ,;rest, u Bt. PKer's -I1.. Jack by bis brat motored to H 511.01 the d Merida -A large ►re ta prices fwd coal driking ave It is plentiful. -Meagre. F sod L Robe ,Py dep.rtm and are (akin ..f the switch -Mrs. sakatebew in Ooderkh home oo W George O. St the return j -Capt. M by his wife fault Ste. .teenier Bu will via;! wi his residence -Mr. Ho misfortune t nd while at the Paget lac no hones w able to, resu OM!. LThe fire open air sort held on Sided Rev (i. Go ,ondact the were much Everybody -The gasp pima. Michi harbor on F after them a tend Masi tics metered 1 pet trip ou -Mr. ('h The Segeul t the trapcnsi indent for one of the 1 Wants ie speeding bir tkirwrea ear ;'tee the Co, : three Poet Pranei Qerbev ; ,in trot and a -The cr. Jet hal • theme.' yes the sweats drewnrk, a Pyroterhnie the roof of enjoyed not citizens itt -An ion. West our. A hood Mo llw hack n/ alio a atot tamped into without no .o the rear r tarefir.n him and ern learned the