HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-9, Page 8• • TYOkoDAT. JuL'r 9, 1911 MEMORANDUM BOOKS New 1-p l.'.e,e leaf Metoore.n dual Rock.. Made in six Miser. genuine leather covets. several different .tyle. of ruling, small sire, upcu rut of open ride, tele, turd. size, open end or open side. b'. Targe rite. open end or open .ide, 7O.. I'illerr arty size, Ire each. imlexes, env rite, Jlr. A full stock of Flags and Crepe Paper for July 12th Decorations FLAGS. suiall size, 3c each or 2'.c per dozen ; medium rise. :.r each or ii0c per dozen ; larger rive, IOc each or gt 00 per dozen : large sive, 1 .e each or $1.511 pet florett., VKI;PK TISSUE for window and other decorations. All Blue' color.. inelvding orange, purple. etc , 10c tier roll or 3 roll. f..r Glc. The (ioderieh Hook h Stationery Co. GEORGE PORTER 00 (10 *II • • 111111161011 Bargains in Footwear 1'or one week we will put on sole the following shoes: Lather. Russia Calf button and laced hoots, .lees 21 to 7, regular price $1.50 for $2 60. ladle; Rus.ie. Oalf Pumps and Ox- fords, sizer 2j to 7, regular price $2.50 fot f1201. Ladies' RoeSia Calf button Oxfords, Mee. 21 to 7, regular price g;i.(MI for Stria. All the above goods are new, up-to- date st ?los and should sell quickly. REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar Shaw's Business Schots Toronto. Canada, give high grade oewrse. sad War' roues pewee a ears good est l`e fr lrlwLe lie Central slew (Ootek , Yor.er' t Oerrwrd Central. end Sia c i Yrsock &oda Cerra -Weer seat on reseset Inter soy time. W. IL Mow. • BERGER'S Best English Paris Green 30c a lb. James A. Campbell Pk.. S. Cr:NI'ItAL DRUG STORE Noe tli st and Square. (ioderich PHONE B0 811ti0sa THE SIGNAL 3ODERIOH ONTARIO tOrPIIPIRAR ASTRONOMY IL OBITUARY GaI` fi TTItlINlVK a�SLWA`/ NU I Rgill\ .;YS't..1 r .e w.. Seine Interesting Information About Eclipses of the Sun The average landsman believes _ I dynamite to W the worst cargo a ship Although thy moon loukr about the can carry, but the sailor knows bet - same sise as the sun, It to very muck ter. Jack would tell you that carbide smaller and nearer. The sun Is of calcium is a deal more dangerous 805,000 mllei iu diameter and 33,000,- than dynamite This le the chemical 000 miles away, while the moon Is from which acetylene as is made. 2,183 miles In diameter and 219,000 and the gas is ronstantly given off if miles away. On account of the moon's the carbide Is exposed to air. Surae small sire compared with the sus, time ago the Hamburg barque "Hebe" the shadow cert b) tits muou In the was towed into Plymouth Sound in cue of an eclipse of the run, la In • disabled a ,ndltt tn. Aboard her the shape of a cone, and the point were 200 tons of carbide. All the war Of this cane just barely reaches the ' vessels in the Sound were ordered to earth In most cues Usually the dia- take refuge. and the "Hebe" forbid meter of the cone at the earth's sur- den to roma to for repairs until the Ace is only about 85 miles. ill that whole of her perilous cargo had been • total eclipse IN visible as such only removed by a War Department barge. 1w a bett about 85 miler wide The cargo carried by the burned "Volturno" wl.a of a sort calculated to make a pretty bonfire. I' included rags, peat moss. barrels of bplrits, tar. and oils, together with drums of various chemicals Small wonder that DANGEROUS CARGOES CARGOES T O R O N T 0 -CHICAGO TORONTO -MONTREAL IMPORTANT IMPROVED DAILY SERVICE NOW IN EFFECT •ESTROUN( 1... Manireal 11.el•e'n. by. Toronto sepia Ar. teedo" 11 seem Ar. Detroit 1 rep... Ar. t »icswo a Opel 0 EAST$OVND s. 1 hirer. I,. DAMN Lr. loader. I,. Toronto .r. Montreal Wherever a solar eclipse to wen as total, th' sky becomes nearly as dark as full moonlight, and a few of the brighter stars and planets are seen. In the most favorable rase a total eclipse may last over minutes at water had little effect In subduing the a station, but such occasions are very eamea- rare Chemicals form a very dangerous A, the glare of the sun to the sky cargo, especially acids, such as nitric L removed, and yet the moon hardly or sulphuric, which are both carried more than coven the sun, It Is Doe- to tens of thousauds of tons to the elble at times of total solar eclipses course of a year. to see all the celestial objects near the nun. These cannot be seen at other times because they are lost In the bright sky light. it Is this which stakes astronomer' so eager to ob- serve total eclipses. The most strik- ing thing seen Is the solar corona. a beautiful pearly light stretching away from the sun In all directions, some- thing like the Aurora Borealis seen to northerr countries. The corona extends from one to three solar diameters away from the :sura. Its form changes from year to year in connection wtth the number Of gun spots which prevail. Formerly it was believed probable that one or more planets of the solar system existed nearer the an than Mercury, and It was hoped to discover these during total solar eclipses. But the sky has been so carefully searched that no such objects large enough to be worth counting exist. Formerly also it was regarded u necessary to wait for eclipses and to One and study the beautiful rosy flames of hydrogen and other gases, called prominences, which surround the sun. But these may now be observed at any time by means of a specie) appm stns. *Now Alas= {lined els- ,f equipment run pert.eo1Are sad berth rerervstl.r hove ywyerwrite e. L ROHN[NU, D.P.A., Ts rents, Ont. Ir. P. LA W I(RNC.E It MN) 45, Time Aaerde. Plisse a FALL TERM O6.Osye ecwrveetelew CST AT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE owelr %cams°. OravAMMO lr .w&.....tM less viewless aasraeasas se 5eeweatea Ione ref sosdellaw 0. £ lam.0.A.. RisielgaL M. D. PLUM w, . LIGHT SLEEPING BAG Oaly Waterproof Material Obtained, From Seed Pods For bis Antarctic expedition Sir L4nest Shackleton had made a sleep - trig bag said to be the lightest 'In existence. It ea' constructed of Kapok, a fibrous. silk material, ob- tained fftained from the seed pods of a tree J. VIPONO DAVIES 1 famous engineer who did much tunnel and railroad construction work In and around New York. He Is an authority In town planning and confers periodically wtth Can- ' adian engineers Interested In that subject. Mr. Davies is a native of Wales. COST OF 6000 ROADS The Coast Province Has Spent Muth Money and Will Spend More In the past 10 years the government of British Colombia has spent over $710,000,000 1n roads and trails. There .grown largely in Java. It Is ale times are to existence 20,000 miles of com- as light as cotton. and is so oily that pleted or partly completed roads, and 11 fa quite waterproof from all parts of the province come The reason why Kapok Is not more numerous demands for roads, bridges, generally known is because hitherto eto- the attempts which have been made Wllh • view to determining the re to Invent machinery for the purpose qutrements In the way of new roads, of making Kapok of real commercial and In the bringing up to standard of due have meet with indifferent nuc- exhaling roads. the Department of cess It is reported. however, that w Works compiled estimates for the n ew machine has now been Invented, necesaltles of the future. The Infor- wwtth the assistance of which, 11 will maw° was derived from road super- be uperbe pera'hle to "card- Kapok fibro. w lateodents thrdleghout the province, that It run be used for coat linings. and was supplemented by statements bed pallia, and so on. of the character of the country to be A mattree t stuffed with Kapok was served and the reasons for their con- tested In the water, •sd though only •!ruction. weighing 10 pounds. tt supported a To link up the system of roads, as man weighing 200 pounds lying on It. shown by the estimates r.•relved. will As a matter of fact. for some years require the sum of 165,000,000. wet fe- llow, owing to Its peculiar waterproof eluding the requirements of the years nature. this vegetable fibre has been to came. in a rougher way it has ajsngiaged as 0,- stuffing for life:buoys and been estimated that between 8100,00 n' 000 and �O1t,AM,00b-wilt-be altintatelp life -belts r ♦ +• Although Kapok is mostly produeed required. t• Java, It Is also grown to a small extent In India, British Honduras, and BUILD LARGEST TELESCOPE Ceylon. and there Is IOU* doubt that --- If the latest machines prove a success. S.IIdleg oe Saaeleh Mountain to they will bring fortunes to the lucky Demleate Oeminlsn I _ %seniors. Owing to the clear atmospheric con - Noiseless Streets l alms which prevail on Vancouver An inexpensive method a shelieln MOd• the Dominion Government de - tag the notes of tits, trate is wig. id to locate the new Government tried at Frankfort. The street IK which will be the largest In lig of stone Mort.. and. thus geese tell lie wor~• at the summit of LAW. 'ttween the 'time's being clamed out geeNch Moentaln, seven miles Nom to a depth of about an leek, asphalt le flowed over the street la • layer an Inch thick Sand being .prtwkled on, the 'surface N ■Isontbod Tisa as almost nolewleas eerf.ew can be produced amply and rwpidly, mad re- pairs pale can be easily trade __ Oke Dominion will be taken at Vee- •Delly Florid Tribute essv+r tuned 1 1• the cloisters of Westminster ha- (ley 1s a tombstoow which bmsPrayers For Aviators ,polished every morning sad dweo� )finder orders nt the Rmp.rtr w1{. afresh with a bunch et Lewers ter `m. as the Mrd of the Letheraa weevty Ove Soars It la ewer tae grave trek, WW1 wtth the eenewnt of the a tit. lase Mrs Wllbereerse. vire et Ids gym the general prayer: I the present Arebdraeea of 0restmea- leillteb h sea weekly h alt l.mtheraa I Mee. who dial M Pears ens Meer fir' Sar sake (Se pret.Mlee e 1 la misrnlag etas paws' bee a ler Gel ter the owlet marries es fir es forst tribal( kee,beea it NI R. ear ase Yiki elw ether. Ain Oliver These died In Motherwell on Thurs- day of lam week Mr. Adam Oliver in hie (nth year. Mr. Oliver was born on the old homestead, 14th concession. Downie. In early life he married Mies ()race Steele, cowrie of Dr. Steele, M.1'. Mr. Oliver was • man of un- doubted ability and Integrity, a man of sterling worth, a successful and prueperuu.ferwer, one whom it erase pleasure to know, broad.minded and charitable. Some three year' ago be went to Toronto to undergo an opera- tion. There it was recognised that his trouble would prove fatal. Dur- ing these three years be baro with woode.ful patience and cheerfulness ouch of suffering, which ended only with death. He leaves behind to mourn their lose a widow, two sons, Nelson and Robert: two daurh{prs, Alice and Marion. Mrs. James Ram- ilioo, Ooderich; Mrs. Wbitebead, in the west: Mrs. Stevenson and limos, of Downie, ere meters His remains were borne to their last resting place in Avonbsok cemetery on Saturday, the 1tb inst. The pallbearers were Mr. J. Oliver, powtmasler of Palmers- ton, brother of deceased; Mr. James McVittie, of Sudbury; Mr. James Steele, Stratford, registrar of North Pertly Mr. John Thompson and Mr. Charlep Baird, of Motherwell, and Mr. N. Stevenson, of Avunbank. it was a large assembly of people that by their presence on Saturday afternoon paid tribute to one who wee so widely known and honored. DOING SPLENDID WORK Miss Eloise U. Skimings sent a copy of her song, entitled "Canada." to Mr. H. O. Hammond, provincial secretary of the Hoy Scout movement, and received the following acknowl- edgement : I Mies KLoter:0. Seism's, Clodericb, Ont. Dear Miss t9tirmings,-1 gm sorry that receipt of the copy of your song, -Canada, was not acknowledged. 1 have been away in the far west upon a tour. and upon my return I was so de- lighted to receive the song. Will you please accept my congratu- lations in the splendid work you are doing on behalf of Canada. Your song will be most stimulating to the younger generation. Yours very truly, H. 0. HAMMo ID, Provincial Secretary. Toronto, June '24th, 1914. Midway at the Westsirn Fair The Midway this year will be filled by the Con. 1. Kennedy shows. This organisation is not only the largest but is acknowledged the best in the field of outdoor amusements. It re- quires :ill double length railway cars to transport this great aggregation from place to place. They carry with them • :D'pieoe band of very high. clam musicians. There will be a variety of shows and sotnetbing that will appeal to all. What pleases one will not always ap- peal to another. There will be a trained wild animal show, the Loota :mimics/ show, Ketmpp's model city and farm, an Aztee Village, Laugh- land, the Igorottes, the Hiudoos, the junpng horse, an Egyptian hall of mystery and various others, 20 in all. This will be one of the cleanest and best midways ever shown at the exhibi- tion. The exhibition dates are Sep- tember llth to 19th. All information given on application to the secretary, London. Ontario. V ailimia, d.(' 7T• new tinsels's. wi Leh will weigh Melt toes and will eget almost $100,000 will be thirty fret long with a reflecting Nes of seventy-two inches. When Ineated on a •foetal building at the top of Munich Mrsseala, the chief nbeervatloes for Automobile Accident Mr. Louis Maskell, a well-known farmer of Colborne township, had a thrilling experience on Tuesday sveo- log . that he will not soon tordeL V. bile approaching the Maitland bridge from Salttord, the front wheel of his car stuck a stone and the sud- den jolt deprived him for a short time of his control and before be could re- gain it the machine crashed through the fence and made a sheer drop of about nine feet to the bottom of the grade. Mr. Maskell and Mr. Fred Williams, who accompanied him, were ixoth badly shaken, up, but no bones were broken and both were able to resume their tegular employment on Wednesday. Mr. W. K. Kelly went to the rescue and towed the machine to his garage where examination showed tbat beyond bending the front axle • trifle and shifting the spring no damage was done to the car. Occupying Cottages %%e give our readers a list of the visitors to (:uderich lhi. season who are occupying Mr. R. N. Lewis' cot- tage,' on Lake Huron's batiks: -"Har- bor," Mr. Jennings, Toronto; "Light- house," Mrs. Judge Hot oe, Windsor : "Over the Way," Mrs. Guelph._ To - ensign: "Honey -Boos," 7lsmft, Sail naw : "Overlook," Mr.�� Philadelphia : "Cliff," Dr. Yowler, To- routo; 'Verandah," Mr. Brecken- ridge. Toronto: "Wigwam," Mr. Mount., Pbiladel hia : "magi. • Nest," Mrs. Pres'''. Alabama : -Sea Dull," Mrr. Greaser, Guelph : '•liunelleb," Mrs. Asp den, Tomato : "South." Mrs, Heade, Toronto. Successful (tarsen Parties The annual garden parties In con- n ection with the Union and I selinre ctegre5ations were held on Jell let and sal respectively. The former Wes bold oe ten lawn of Mr. Robert Ms. !twain, Mayfield road, and the latter at the home of Mr. Rdward Shaw, Lake Shote road, Onlborne Os the tat the wewtber was not altogether favorable Mit that did not dampen the method - Amu of the ladles in charge and the peewees of the lead of the 98rd reel. meat was an attraction not to le oils- e ed, even for rate, so Use people where there sad all report an ex• eellemt thee. Oa the MIA at Limbers the attewissee wee a reeerd-lwsaker and expressions of delight were heard oe all sides as to the sMrsetiee dgoor- auons mid dt.pla i• the different booths on the well -lit laws. The hand rendered wet - teases ,.Mebane throagbout the erg, as also dM Piper Meksy, of LoehaLh. The sup per ea both erewlage was excellent ke quality and y served. '!tie the lite .elgtlbrboed e[ -NI end ONO rgapeetively. The 'basks of the Lotze' kW et beth ebesime le Medlin ed to all wise helped to melte Lha matte a seems. Coats for Girls Only $4 Regular up to $6.50 Here is a chance to get a smart little Coat for your girl at a saving of $I.00 to $2.50. Neat, stylish little jackets in reds, blues and checks. Sizes 6 to 12 years. Regular $5.0o to $6.50. The time has come to clear the balance of the stock out and we put the balance on Sale, just 15 Coats all told, at your choice only - - $4.00 Ladies' Umbrellas 98c A small lot of Ladies' Umbrellas at this very low price. New and attractive han- dles and high-grade top. Decidedly spec- ial at each. only .99 New Wash Skirts Latest style. in Ladies' Wash Skirts, piques, repps, etc. New shipment just re- ceived this week. All sizes, at each only $1.50 to $9.50 L Handsome Wash Dresses Some handsome styles in Nash Dresses now shown in our ready-to-wear depart- ment. Made from the season's best and most favored materials anti in the most popular styles. Voiles, taunting, crepes and wide ernhroideriea....93.50 to 915.00 Bargains in Sweater Coats Twenty only Ladies' and Misses' Sweater Coats, all good styles and the most wanted colorings. High or low neck. Regular . 113,5i) to 84.011. Special clearing bargain, each only.. . ...92.55 New Fancy Ratines Three ends very haodeonie Racine Suiting just received from England. white, tan and copenbagen blue. Suitable for full dresses, coats or trimmings. Pricer yard 51:00 Rose Ratine White Cord Black and White Cord 39c Three ends OOc and Sic Wash Dress Goods suitable for skirts or soils. Very hand- some materialsSpecial bargain at per yard .39 Our Skirt Making Otter Continued for Another Week For one week more we will take orders to make Skirt& to your atxaaure for $1.75. For these Skirts we give you your choice of 541 or 75 lengths of suitinge and dress goods that are particularly adapted for separate skirts. Each Skirt is made to your measure and one flttiogR given there- Mby insuring a perfect fitting garment. ade in our own work -rooms. Two Millinery Specials That Will Appeal to You The Millinery Department has prepared two extra special bargains for July selling. The are Hats of style and quality selling at about one-half regular value alapl be- cause we have been fortunate ewoegh to buy them that way. 20 Children's Hats at $ 1.33 Twenty Children's Trimmed Hats at tis... very smell price. All are neat little jaunt, shapes, new this season. They have been trimmed specially for July and if add in the regular way the prices would be •:too. Because we hought them at extra .•rice. wecan sell them to you at your choice ..1 the 25 for only... ............ .. 91.36 30 Ladies' Hats at $3.45 Our special purchase of shaper maker pv.. Bible this must unusual offering. Thirty Ladies' 7''immed Hata in black and Every shape right up to the mark 1 r style and trimmed as our milliners know how to trim with the best of trimming Worth actually g6.00 to g8.6O at Ie•.I Take your choice now for only ......... 92.55 The Store for Summer Hosiery This is the store for Hummer Hose, ex- oeptional values in all the popular prices. Non. but thoroughly reliable qualities are said by tar. Boys' Ribbed Huse . lbs and /lie Ladies' Seamless Hose, black. white and tan 25. Ladies' lisle Hoge ...... . S.ic and SW Iwdiei Silk Boot Hoe, 50.' 25c Taffeta Ribbon 17c Twenty-five endaof Silk Taffeta Ribbon. 8 inches wide, black. red, r.avy and white. Regular 951 everywhere. Clearing lot bought at a bargain. On sale Monday morning at per yard .17 This Store Closes at 1 p.m. Each Wednesday During July and August. "Holeproof" Hose are guaranteed for three and six months. We sell thein HODGENS • BROS. i SIMI SWIM GM Paint 1 Paint 1 Paint ! IT PAYS . - TO PROTECTED FROM THE WEATHER We are gating you an exceptional chance to buy Paint at low ebb price A small lot of Elephant Paint to clear at 40c a quart This is high grade paint and is being sold today in stores that stock at 65c to 75c a quart. Harvest Tools, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Wrenches, Etc. - Paris Green and Land Plaster.* the Bugs f Cow Ease and Williams Fly Destroyer for the flies Grindstones at 25c and 39c each These are all in active demand at this season *Me year and yeawiII ¶d you can save money by buying of us. INowell hardware Co. Ltd. The Bast Placa to Bay Hardware 11111111111111111111111111111161111111111111