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The Signal, 1914-7-9, Page 7
i of gal grgr 0 ND tat rood JLTS THE BI0?tAL : GODERIOR ONTARIO %aascaT, JULY G, 114 7 Trusteeships Often You m• y LastThrough in the whomconfidyou in the friend whom you ce appoint as the original Lifetimes no voice but you have Many no voicetn the melee - tion of his successors. This strong Treat Company is permanent and fulfils its duties fir more effectively than is possible in the cars of a private execu- ter. It is ever on the watch in the interests of its client& and through its Officers and Management it feels the pulse of the Bean- , Al.world as no private individual can. (x11 or write for full information THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. l I M I TER 282 RICHMOND STREET. LONDON. ONT. ��. GLUONS, ICC. P:.akleai JON1 S. MOORS, Meant« Western fair LONDON. CANADA Ontario's : Popular : Exhibition SEPTEMBER 1 ith TO 19th, 1914 INCREASED PRIZE LIST Msgn Scent Programme of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily. New Fireworks Every Night. COME AND SEE • The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and The Canadian Royal Dragoons The Con. T. Kennedy : bows will fill the Midway. Music by the best available Bands REDUCED ttAiLWAY RATES COMMENCING SEPT. nth. Special Excursion Days. Sept. 15th. i6th. r7th. All tickets good till September 21st. Altoformation from the Secretary W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT. Secretary RAISING POULTRY Only those who have Wed chicken reheat' eaa form any adequate idea of the peasloaate interest these beau- tttal fowls inspire. They lend themselves perfectly to scientific treat- ment 1n various respects; they are harmless. confiding, and affectionate; they are comparattively little liable to diseases when properly cared for; they appeal strongly to children as companions and pets; and they may with cars and attention, but without hard toll, become • means of making a pleasant and profitable living. -- An enormous step to advance was amade when the Incubator was invent- ed, and another when there was pro- duced the comfortable and safe re- treat that fills, to some extent. the place of the natural mother. The cost of poultry production has been by (hese means very much reduced, and the net profits correspondingly In - :Teased. Moreover, It fa just as easy is In the case of dairy cows to de- fect and elminate the hen that to a Eood feeder but a poor layer. There is enough In the poultry Industry to keep both body and mind 1n activity. -The Ton nto Globe. 0 Nervous ., Emotional Dizzy Depressed in. Add.. C.er.,..eer ✓ GdpeS(.. Ca rw.,L..eeif.. De lienar.. f.1i..r.. ltatill. far year 'Gain - re 5snse Medical Advir' for sir daughter waw bee nowatty monad o•d I know the hook will toot s: urh rale. to her. Ilan* nal and b. .rd for :i rear tk• rare treatments contained a the Adviser and h...taken ,ray butting of Dr. 1'.rce. Favorite Pr..eriptio.. and haw boa marred to health M tine l pied it. It i.ar,r. neer fur ann., a. a .trrnat Water. fine for Ow nerve, and part, b.alth" WOMEN who are restless, with constant change of position, "fidget- • inns," who are abnormally excitable or who experience fainting or dizzy spells, or nervous ' headache and wakefulness are usually sufferers t who can be helped DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is the soothing, cordial and womanly tonic that brings about an invigorating calm to the nervous system. Overcomes the weakness and the drag- ging pains which resemble the pains of rheu- matism. Thousands of women in the past forty years can bear witness to its benefits. Your dealer In m,dkines sells It In liquid or swear coated tablet form; or you can send 6U one -cent stamps for a trial bots of Dr. Piorre'. Favorite Prescription tablets. Address Dr. V. M. Pierer. 'nitride' Hotel and Survival Institute. Berri.. N. Y. Studies Social Law OSCAR STRAUSS Oscar Strauss, a leader of social reform, in the' United States and a ..11oee- friend of Theodore Roosevelt. le studying England's eoctal* justice laws. "England Is far ahead or the United States," sold lir.' Serause "ln enacting Into laws old -age pensions. minimum wage; Industrial insurance, and other phases of social justice, and *e can profit by studying her ttI11111Illltlltllllllllltllllllt1f11111UlllllllllllllHUH11UN 'methods?. De. flare.'. Ph.,rt Pellet, Rgdate sail Invigorate Staorsd, Li,.r ad Bowels, Saar-C.ate4 Tiny Gooier. An Invisible Clock. W11111111IIIIII1I1111N11W111IIIHUUUUUUI1IJUJU1 A public clock which can be heard COWS 'THAT WEAR WELL Walkerton in the :attractive person of Mr. Kaaben Trttax'. youngest daugh- ter, formerly Mie, Ruhy Ttuaz. Mr. Adams met the young hilly whtle'en- gaged oo the etrenuoua campaign, which gained the Liberal party a seat In the house of commons. that he had time for other badness than politics is now made manifest The couple ale .pending their honeymoon in Muskoka. oti. a the many advantsget craned .yteiiiotie row testing id the 'het it not only detects cows of decent velue leering dairymen the n of providing for worthless s indred of their having good to support Iheap but glen it bite neatly discoteted valuable row.. instance. a farmer at Ennisoaore, tnrio hwd a .... ll undersized tire" row wb:ch be intended to not placing north value on her. t cow ',sting showed tbat rhe it it theb•at in the herd DMA for and fat production. Doan semi - mod rows. it recalls •another cod at Ayers - Quebec, h,tnght at •taction fur because no one knew her value. red she was put in with there rs and the todr poorest in the of the men who sow* 'telling out. present owner believe in cow ag. and has mimed $Ilh, for her : IPve:t'.i pounds of fat in seven the turn elan hay. hniit up herds average 141110 or. Wei tetunds .d per cow are just threw mete who throw/It having plowed i , that teeing pet r vow- r...r. tu4Y raw fancy rhiee, of very tine •py.-ar- • hut they n..w not watts a cU. the tested row., 'bet do prndvn•, ds we,, well, may h.Iriff you in ne aerrnt y dollars each durinal west w.•w.t".' factory ttea•o,i. •r. Ah,• 11.%41.0n. t h. eenlnr 1arr- elthe 116 6. looses, Mitch. 11. won Met ill an his h in Setae.,th last Iletvew,h.w, ming kn Miteivelk rridsynirhr. He Id gainiug n and ,t it hoped that he w'11 Iso h.,n.elf •gain. itis u,•ny wet• pleased to me him. rnntane. of the 1•ye-elrctlu1in there last Octavio, win.R "'then Truss ted.aetete►f the rd - et th• I.r,Kal•. r.me to light the 4.v Mr. W. Hamilton Adan,-. t•t, •rYaaiar• /n, Unt•riu in "devil assns got hie hri4. from 'OTH E R S-- n t , I a ae eMbaat !ee pet es Tar child's skis pets N the system hest ae tom* 99 Mot the skid eats. Don't let Minn fats and mineral aderieg barber (such as many a the them a ntttenta contain) get I'Myour (bid's blood I Zama - ilk it purely herbal. No pan - m•es coloring. Use it always. •t. but et .411 App* ea Sawa t0 I HEALTHY HAIR -NO MORE DANDRUFF Use Parisian Sage It's entirely needles. to have un- sightly. matted, thin or faded hair. A little care is all that is needed to wake iteteiek, soft, prette, perfectly healthy and free from land, ulT. Ore Parisian `lads -.l .applies hair nerd. and is aha.dlutely harmie.. It quickly slope itcoing head end falling heir, and is one of the best tomes to invigorate the sc.tlp and make the hair grow lung and hettitiful. Geta bottle of Parisian Sage today from E. It. Wigle or at soy drag coun- ter It cots but dl cents. Kul, is in - lo alae scalp -all dandruff disappear. - your heed trete fine -the hair is pretty sad perfectly healthy. Former Inspector Dead Mr. Henry Gles.ford Hopkirk. fair o..werelears In.pector of po.totel"r. In Stratford d:strict, died to Toronto last week. Mr. Hopkirk was known to many G.ad•rich weed. sad wan p:. Idly r•eepectad. We 'weeded tboa poetofIre treattmenl as oeeretaty to Sar Ale:. ('tinphrll. p.etnta.trl-ren- era) is the Macdonald goveeeeseril, and remained in it until hie.up.eanno- •tion by the Laurier eowarnmea'. When Stratford was made the ...restos of a poet office district he, was made in.prclor, and upon Ibeaaaaledasarina of the Londno and Si retired d,etriet•. went to Inndo•.. He was a mamba, of sit. Andrew's rhmcb while a see olden of Stref to•d. The funeral took place on Thursday to Kinpl the family home. The lets Mr. nOkirk was •n uncle of Mr. Hopkirk,. acenunt- ant of the Stratford Manch of the IBaek of M“ntreal. Votes for Women Refused At the late ..wino of tJse synod of the diocw' of Huron held in London, Mr. Jobe Rensford, of Clinton. ag,l• Intrudu.ed the amtioe, which was voted down last year, making it pns- sib,e for warren to he admitted to a•,d vat.. a' %est y one,' log.. M . i+arn- Im4 •p .1• .k-gvrotly In support M his to Alan argniag that " th mete et cideet .1..tt. which did not debar women ?.ons 1.1.w.i'.g green -tenths of the eons,reation end of the Sonde! .rh.. •I tewrh.t-t should tint •sclll.le them from a vein.. ,n the ...anageresrnr K alar eho,eh at 1i•e. 'rh. diems /cr war en.nne.a'It. T short. Stoh•.t' \t'illiam. hee,nat •.Ine.l..l that lege i.•• arm .zpea+• el in debate rte tbs • ,hjeet than was the rase last year. The motion was Istel, larking a few 'Mee of the eea•r'w Ilhest►18be but not seen la one of London's curious possessions. It Is in the tower of St. Mary Abbott's Church, Kensingtor, and is the only public clock in the Immediate neighborhood. it chimes the quarters ,.an'd the hours, but commits Itself no further. It bas no dial, no hands, no outward and visible sign of any kind to show that It 1s a clock. This eccentricity, it Is explained, Is the result of two Causes, one .esthetic, the other financial. When the tower was built 1n 1879 a clock was suggested as an afterthought, but the architect protested that It would mean the addition of 16 feet to the tower, and the ruin of Its cherished proportions. A second point was that the church. having but slender funds, eould not afford a clock with a dial. A compromise was arrived at by Iia- stilling the works of a chiming clock Its the belfry. without dial or hands. Heated Steering Wheels F.leetrlcally-heated ■teering wheels are one M the latest devices In auto. mobiles. and a novel Improvement oo these is a glove that becomes heated nn contact wltL the wheel. Wheel without glove or glove without wheel 1. cold A pair of ganetlets encases a pair of soft inner gloves, in the fabric of w hlea s very tough sad hesitate a-itle amnia Is letrweawa sure a .r ay as enttrwty to rover back of the hand •nd all the lagers Upon the steering wheel are tie» thl• plates on the upper sad low.r sides which ar• supplied with cermet by a wire frees the battery pesslag ■e oke steering eehes• The glowed head 1. contact with these plates completes the decide rad the eerreet arts gteeYOMty Prom the Air A Spaalak Investor. Seem iota igla/u Illaaco, saree.d.d In extract. lag electrlclte from the atmosphere Miperlmentt• were rarrl.d out at Pe- mob. s-mob. Moir Madrid. Ant.... were mounted le pain upon a wooden tower erected as • lofty eminence. Klee- tricity at a pressure of 4,900 volts was received and transformed to 160. Sateen lamps were 0aslty t1Tum'n•ted at (an pressure Burins • prolonged tett The inventor states that he can obtain reorient geaalltles of atmos- pheric electricity at well ' Oreerinl Meelleal KtawMed0e tonin taken from brelthy pensees who have had Infantile para'ya s th meth Y seed by a Yrench doct'' s treaties general paraly.% la adsllb, TWO NERVOUS WOMEN Made W.II ey Lydia L PIA - ham's Vegetable Cesepenad. Philadelphia, Ps-"1.bad a ewers ase of Nervosa praatsaNea, with palpi- tation ell.' the heart, constipation. head- aehaq diastases, noise la my ears. nenves. rest- e�aa. loat•elings and I d in the pa- per wham a young wom•N had been eared a the same tatwhhs by taking Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable Oamposd so I threw away the meadow **doctor Ikft me and be- gan mildew the Compound. Before I bad taken belf a bottle I was able to sit tip and in • short time I was able to do all my work. Your medical. has proved itself able to do all you say it will and I have recommended it in every household I have visited. "-MrsMAZY JOHNSION, 210 Siegel Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Another Bad Case. Ephrata, Ps. - "About a year ago I was down with nervous prostration. I was pale and weak and would have hys- teric spells, sick headaches and a bad pain under my shoulder -blade. 1 was ander the care of different doctors but did not improve. I was so weak I could hardly stand long enough todo my dishes. '' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has made me well and happy and I have begun to gain in weight and my face looks healthy now." -Mrs. J. W. BORNBERGER, R. No. 8, Epbnta, Pa. If you want special advice write to Lydia P Plukbam Medich, Co. (meld dential) Lynn, Mass. Tear letter will be opened, read sad •aswered by a woman and held la &abet sea/Ideate. e Mr= =ICJ 1LIC-11mIanttri t.: PA E VIC7 0013 c1, T rE r.:L7,IIars 0� ■ fT C:19.11 IO sore t£ haul ]l0 0117'0311a0!CQ G 7.0 C1F7'010117tO1017 _... 11! GI Cita 1:2111.11i0p011 n 01.1 STf• •,uu O CI Lin 63 ■ an itaerpaIOPJ ri imam" et la© 5 71o1123i® A STOCK REPLETE with correct wear for feet Our Shoe Stork is complete with the reason's cteetions. Every desirable a'yle in bigh and low shoes for tenth men and women. Our line of Oxford«, in the most desirable eolor• wad leather. will intermit and please vole Ample pefreedotn has been made also for the tots end near tots. SHAR MAN THE SHOE MAiM A Promising Outlook ALL indications point to Confined advance- ment is the development of Canada -Invest now in dm Standard Indus- t vi•S and share in the general prosperity. Up.. wigaeet we saI w plowed se *sgeef etsie- able it.watweaas is: yea k H. Martens d1: Co. Mseawv TRONA* Stark Eschew* 50110 ..i faun POEM C. P. R. 111U1117119G, TORONTO th4 THE LATEST MARKETS' Partnere' Market Following are the latest gootstlons for farm produce at tot. Lawrence ;Market, Toro•to:- iWbeet $1 02 to $1.03 Goose elitist 1.02 1.03 Oats ,46 .46 Barley .62 64 BuckwbMt .76 .80 Rye .66 .00 Peas .10 .00 Say, timothy, Nr. 115,11 io..00 Mixed and clover 11.11 17.00 Cattle hay ., 11.11 12.00 Straw, bundled 11.00 17.00 do. loose 900 11.00 Rye straw '17.00 18.00 Oat straw 16.00 17.00 Butter, choice dairy.23 .38 'Eggs, new laid, doses, .26 .33 Chickens, dressed, Ib....- u20 .23 Spring broilers, each.35 .70 Fowl . .20 .23 Ducks .20 . 26 Ducklings, spring, Ib.. , . 30 .40 Turkeys .20 .26 Live hens .18 .23 do. broilers, each . 60 0.00 do. ducklings, each. 1.00 0.00 Potatoes, hag 1.76 2.00 Beets, bunch .03 .05 Carrots, bunch ... .03 .05 Celery, bunch .06 .07 Qajbbea, each .10_ .00 ulifowers, each....,, .06 i .16 Cherrlee sour .46 .00 do. sweet 1.00 .00 Gooseberries, qt. .05 .10 Green beans, r Leasure.10 .00 Green peas. basket .., 36 .45 Pork, per pound .16 , .20 Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices are: - Choice heavy steers 58.35 to 18.75 Handy choice ateere.... 8.15 8.50 Butcher steers, good.... 8.00 do. medium 7.75 - do. common 7.40 Heifers, gond to choice7.90 do. medium to good 7.26 Dutcher cows, choice7.00 do. good 6.36 do. medium 576 do. commor 4.50 Butcher bulls, choice7.00 do. good bulls • 6.60 do. medium 6.00 do rough t ologn4.00 Feeders, 950 to 1,100 lbs. 7.00 do. bull. " 6.00 Stockers; 760 to 900 lbs. 7.00 do. med., 660 to 750. 7.00 7.20 do, light, 600 to 650 6.50 7.00 Canners 3.00 4.00 Cgttera 4.00. 4.60 Milkers, choice, each65.00 80.00 do. Com. and .med40.00 65. a) Springeri .... 40.00 80.00 Calves, veal. choice do. grass Spring lamb. Wether Its. ba Buck. lambs Ewes, light Sheep, heavy and bucks 3.50 Culla 3.00 Hogs, weighed o.. ears8.60 do fed and watered8.26 do. f.o.b. 8.00 8.25 8.00 7.60 8.35 7.90 7.10 7.00 6.25 5.50 7.60 7.00 6.50 6.00 7.25 6.00 7.25 9.00 10.75 5.00 6.75 7.00 11.50 7.00 8.00 6.25 ".00 5.00 5.75 4:00 4.00 0.00 0.04) W.:0 Toronto Grain Prices The following wholesale prices aro quoted at the. Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -Lake 'ports; No. 1 northern, 9&%C; No. 2, 94%c. Manitoba Oats -Bay ports, No. 2 C.W., 43c; No. 3 C.W., 42%ct ' Ontario Oats -40c to 41c, outside, and 43c to 44c on track, Toronto. Ontario What -Outside, 93c to 95c. American Corn -Fresh shelled, Ne. 2 yellow, on track, Port Colborne, 73e. Peas -No. 2, 98c to 81.03; car lots, outside. Rye -No. 2. 63c to 64c, outside. Barley -Good malting barley, outside, 67c to 19e; Manitoba barley, 66c to 67c. Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds, $2.26; is smaller lots, $2.37%; per barrel, $5.00, wholesale. Windsor to Montreal. Buckwheat -No. 2, 81tc to sec, In ear lots. outside: 11 'Weed - Manitoba bran, 923; shorts, $25; Ontario bran, $23; mid- dlings, 926 to $27; good feed flour, 130 to $32. Cheese Markets Napanee-('heese boarded, 750 white and 1,380 colored, 480 sold at 12%c; balance 12 13.16c. Cornwall 1.944 cheese boarded, of which 1,884 were colored and 60 white. All sold at 1211%c, with the exception of one factory. for which 13 13-10c was paid, it being tool cured. Perth --450 hoses white cheese and 400 colored boarded. All sold, ruling nice )18ee and 13c. w Iroquois -847 colored cheese board .4 All sold at 13 13 ler London -Sit faelerfew offered 906 boles- 136 sold at 12%c Ridding from 12c to 12%c. Belleville -2,616 Dose. whits. 106 colored offered All sold at 12 11-16e East Buffalo Cattle Cattle Prime steers. $9 26 to 99.60: shipping. $8 60 to $9; butchers, 11 to 81.71; heifers, $6 76 to $8.15. cows, $3.60 to $7 25. bulls, $6.21 to $7.60; stockers and feeders. 86.60 to $7.76; stork heifers. $4 to 8110. ♦eats -_$6 to 111.10. •Hug► -Heavy end mixed. 11.86 �b 91.10. ynrkers and pigs, 81.50 to 98. •neighs, $7 26 to $7 60, Wigs, $4 to 97. a�(s Peep and Lambs --Lambe. $7 to *se; yearltngs. $6 to 97.26; wethery, ss.16 to 96 75 owes, 11.69 to 16.64; sille.p, mined. 96.10 to 96. Chicago Lim .4I0.ek Cattle --Reeve. 97 26 to $9 N; Texas steers, 96.60 to 8116, stocker. and ?rider.. 86.76 to $716, rows and hel?.rs. 18 70 to 9a 16; calves, $4 79 to 99 75 Hogs -Light, 9a 20 to 911 4e: mised, 91.11 to $1.67% heavy. 94 a4i tie 91.52%. rough. 95 to $8 1I, pig.. sin to 98 20. hack of eases, 88.10 to N.K. Sheep --Native. 16.11 to 16.15; year 1 Hap. $4 36 to 19.14: leanln *Mlve, 54J6 to 59.16. seserehereeMeateaseuereeiderlawaeleseetobeWiteitsetatesememearearomammermureemagegare a We have just received a fine line of all kinds of men's Sailor and Panama Hats New styles Prices range from 5oc to $3.00 for Sailors and $4.00 to $7.00 for Panamas Washable and Easy Shirts 75c to $2.00 A full line of Children's Wash Suits, Cotton Bloomers, Rompers, etc. McLean Bros. The Square, Goderich t SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear, Fitwea Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs At what hour do You rise • Do you say to yourself in the morning "I've got to getup!" Or do you. just "get up" - spring out of bed likeagiant refreshed and tackle your day's work and worries joyfully ? A " Hercules" Bed Spring will make you sleep better because -the "Hercules" is a better Spring --more buoyant, more restful. Don't drag out your nights on a bedthatsage. Sleep on a spring that is scientifi- cally constructed Ito that it cannot sag. The "Htrcu- 1es" with its "Five Tinter" weave rests every muscle " and nerve because it dis- tributes the weightofyour body evenly. We also make the Famous " Gold Medal " Felt Mattress beat for use in (ron.- bination with tho "Hercules" Lied Spring. J PL01317111033 BED SPRINGS VERMIN PROOF Please [tote the Patented Basket Edge which keeps the Mattress from Spreading end the clothes from slipping off At all Responsible Dwlers or Writs Direst to- (2) The Gold Medal Furniture Mfg. Co., Ltd. TORONTO - also at Montreal and Winnipeg FOR MALE HY GEO. HOHMEIR AND BROPHEY IBROS. TO BUILDERS Having now installed a re -cut Band Saw, we are prepared to supply builders and the trade with RECUT SIDING of wry -material foes. WMdEIL OF ALL SIM TO ORDER A large stock of Lumber on hand of standard sizes. Ontario White Pine Shingles and Lath. We are prepared to do jobbing or custom work on short notice. Soft and Hardwood Slabs for sale by the cord. s The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited GODERICH -The peeple of Waterloo Bounty LLT 171 PRiPA1kg TOt) rt* . A bees purchased 68) semi of forest land 171111111 CARRIRIL ATTEND for the purpose of conserving 1t. People in nt1r menthe should follow this mod example and form ma- mmies to ywrehw all existing foreste or to plant now no.. on waste lands. it farmers would keep the rattle not of the wrwwls wad tains am the. young Yastar a Manes to grow, It would do masa towards keeping up tar wond supply wad add gte.atly to the neeety and value at property. 1 newts, (lot ',hare yea will set beeriest 4.. atrw,rton amid ••,441;•••• J. MOM *Mu ensasesest Opus a Desi.• earn. hater any thea Cl..*.atmitea AOVERTiMR 1N '1'tig biO*1.L