HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-9, Page 5THE spar AL : OODERICH ONTARIO Taotttt.DAT, SPEY 9 11111 • JUST FOUR BICYCLES Lett in Stack one 8rasdord Red Bird i145.00 use Tle ..peed standard 945.00 ons Fixed Wheel, Second [rand 911.00 Ons Coaster, Seemed hand , 914.00 If you cangood wheel uy of these would suit you Ane. Have a look at= any way. EAST STREET GARAGE GODERICH Next to Tow! Hall Always Open Phase 242 1RITISHo�v�RICAN CLL asl- t.,oft. inflames end suor� hPitmen l grad -peeialisse lo Orem yr• thu,d and all Commercial Ruttier .. all Taw mos Ammo bet- W rite f,r „ titvwrue. teeters T. W. Weuebeee. ttiKiV•1• lomO, a McGill efts . Toronto °CMLS -;PERSONALS Cllr. T. M. Davis motored to Lon. • [,day.. -once mann it might be added, cut' • weeds. -Mr. Fred. Hunt le having his gat- e punted, . -eller. T. M. Davie' ie slating her pier. in Loudon. -Mr.. Charles Dunlop is visiting tends in Mount Forest. -Mr. Albert Boweir. of Dundas, is lidding his vacation is town. -Mr. C. Riley, of Stratford, is voiding a rxtuplr of weeks in town. -alis Edith Bell, of Toronto, Is kiting her ftiend, Mr.. F. J. Budged. _Mi. Stanley Whiteman is the wet of Jus father -ha -law, Mr. fiamuel lalatead. -Mr. John Jackie, reeve of Brussels. rasa cisitcr to the county. town this ierl. -Mrs. Charles Symonds, - of Zee - rain, ill visiting reletivss and friends ere. -A number from here attended the sen -oriel at frebars on Wedneday- nlbt. -Mi.. Etta O'Grady, of Stratford, is niung•ber sister. Mrs. D M. O'Brien. 7gin avenue. -Mi. Wee. Joh.ston. Elgin avenue, stemmed to his boors with a badly trenches' reek. -Mos F. McCarthy. of Toronto. and Ilia it. Mctiuiie, of Ottawa, are 'Wo- ng Mts. W. A. Coulthtust. --Me Wilw•n Videan and family. of fktn':. .'re visiting hie father, Mr. I'horeas Vtdenn, West slteel. -Il'-e:. W. Ii. Wrighton has reuted 'cottage at Bayfield and will spend bis varati•in there during July. -Mr. C. l'. Lee ie having the grater in the Hostel Sunset thoroughly re- built with fire -brick throughout. -Mr. asci Mrs. W. A. Donee and faeiilr. of Suryner; motored through lo(odericb on Thursday last. -Mrs Cornell and son, of Toronto, are visiting her hu•ltand's parents, )1r. sad Mrs. Cornell, Keays street. -Mis. Oliver Meld and children, e( Dundas. are visiting at lbs honer act Nr. and Mrs. H..1. A. MacFwan. -Mks. W. ti. Turnbull war in Mil- vertrn on Monday. Her husband left thine on that date for Vaocouiet. Aoeight-foot wire netting will le. Need around the bowling green and tennis ('.011s at the Hotel Sunset -Mn. W. Rhyne is having her two houses on East street repainted. Mr. D. McMin edgy is the decorator. --Mr. Wilson McLean and family, of Winnipeg, are 'liking reldtires sed (vend« in GoJetich and vicinity. - Mrs. E. V. Campion. of aVeyhurn, Ssskatcbewu, fa visiting her father, Capt. Shephard, at the Hotel Bedford. -Mrs. Christi.. of Bradlotd. Penn - diem'. is 'pending a twn months' Twit alit] her sister, Moe. J. C. Mae - tin -treat preparations are being mei- for the oele•hret ion of the (:Int - i(ao Twelfth in Godetich next Mon- day -Mt F. W. ttotiineoe. choirmaster and ..rganist of tit. George's church, is awe) thi• week on a business trip to rials. MIs. Frank Baker, gieen street. fatal toot, «pent Saturday seed M'Ioday with her hushend, Conductor Flank, Baker. Mrs. W. A. McManus. of Milly, 9a6- ketrhewan. i« visiting her patents, Mr. and Mts. W. A. Widter, in Col beer... • -The foundation. for Rev. Father McRae 1 new resident. are about com- pleted .red construction will at once romneo., P. Mr Atthur Carrie, a graduate of The S snap . fuer, and wbn now holds a It•i.,nsibie position in a targe print - • Ince In Toronto, is at present spending his vacatiou among old 1rieuds and .cruse in Ooderich. Mis. l'sreie and daughter are also here. -Mies Alsta Long, of London. Is spending her vacation with ber 'trend - mot her, Mrs. Ellen Sallow*, Brute s1 reest. • -Mrs. C. Beck, Miss Elle Beck and Mir High, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mm. Wm. Holland. Tra- (algar street --Tbe new stave shed at the Wes- tern Canada Hour mills plant is abaut completed. The roofing will be fin- ished this weel. -Voting men who failed to secure a June bride can still have a chance at tbe July variety. Tbey are said to be just as good. --Mr. ltolwrt McLean le having his store property here repainted. It will slake a great iwpruvewent iu the ap- pearance of the buildings. ' -Mise Edna NeeEwan left Iasi week for (.uelpb, where she will take • summer counts at the Ontario agri- cultural college. e. - Mee. Howie tend Master George Rutland sail on Saturday per etrani- ehip Atbeaia tura three months tr ip to England and Scotland. -Wellesley street from Quebec street to Britannia foal is hiring grad- ed and will he rounded so as to thoroughly shed the water. - Thr fishing 'attach Flying Clout made a nice lift of over VD pounds of salmon tricot on Tuesday. all of which were sold to Intal dealer.. -Mr. Wyvtlle Millar left here Tues- day on a tuont•u visit to his brother and.sistrr in Edmonton. Alberts. He will make Ibe journey via Chicidgo. '-The repasts bit Miss McLean's house on 'Trafalgar street. are' complet- ed and it to now awaiting the final touch et the hands of the decorators. -Rev. l'. A. Seager. I►,l).. princi- pal 01 Ht. Mark's hall. Vancouver. is spending a month here with his tot- ems. Crown Al Cornu and Mrs. Seager. -Mr. and Mee. W. E. Elliott and rbild, of London : Mrs. Thomas O. Allen. ••t Buffalo, and Mrs. A. 0. Patt- ie -ea. of C'linten, ane slaying at the "Lekeside." -The Ooderich Organ Co.. Limited. report that their business is rapidly improving and that under. are coming much more fleetly than in the im- mediate past. - M r. and Mrs. W. B. Graham lett on Monday morning uo en extended motor tip through various parts of Ontario. They expect to be absent several weeks. - Mr. W. D. Lumpy has changed his place of residence tone the Huron apartments to St. David's street and is now living in the house recently oc- cupied by Mr. Powell. -Mr. and Mrs. W. M. ijanley and children. of Marlette. Michigan. who are on it Motor trip through Ontario. were visitors last week with Mr. W. H. Harrison. nephew of Mr. Hanley. --Mr. Andrew Millisn has let the contract furs new frame dwelling on Brittania road and is having the foundations put in. Mr. James Buch- enan has the contract. -Mr. Walter Sharp has sold his residence on Picton street to Mr. Oiler Jenkins. of near Blyth. Mr. Shoop and family will move to the farm he recently purchased near Brus- sel.. -The woman's guild of St. Geo' ge's church intend holding a garden party and bazaar on the rectory ground., Nortb street. on the afternoon and evening of Thursday. July trltd. Further particular, later. --Semi-weekly dances will be held at the Hotel Sanest on Tuesday and Fri- day., evenings of each week. These dances will he held under the usual rules and the mesio will to supplied by the Stewart orchestra. - The eketrir light et the corner of IBrittania mad and Wariru street has nem snowed about twelve feet nearer the centre of Warren street. so as to show s better light to,tbe residents of 1 ibet thorni,gbfare. i,�t-elk... isocoveitsed by Mr. Wm. Birm- ingham. goliernmerrf ,,entnttor, ,to carry concrete blocks to Kincardine. sprang sleek about two miles out of Ooderi'h on Monday afternoon and was forced to return tnr repairs. -Mrs. .1. Daniels. of La Vallee. and her mother. Mts. Andrew.. of Kincar- dine. now occupy Mrs. Daniel's reel- ( dance on Newgate street, Mr. Daniel► will leave his estate in the north 0111 country later. He is well known in town as he was at one time a member ret the organ factory staff. -Noteithat*nding the high salaries paid to echoed teachers ((impwant to previoas year*` there are far more changes on the staff of the public 'retool se. Weirton this year i ba. pre - v iciendy re- vioudy Of • staff of nine tesrhen. it is probable that only two will re- main for next year -Mrs. J. Lynn. of the Crescent. hu returned from a pleasant visit of three weals in Detroit. Nr. sad Mrs. D. H. Faust wed chit iron accompanied Mrs. Lynn borne in Mr. Faust's Okeland car. making the journey in shout eight hours. Mrs. Faust is girt. 14 -no's daughter. -It is rent oprrsesi c for u's 10 011ie tbM a merry -go round has arrived in town. every parent bas learned that fact long .g'. Vt'e night remark that the enjoyment of it is not entirely con - need to the little .wee', sowne of riper roars also patronise it in so ende.v••i- In renew their yontb. Mt D. W. Marshall. of Patois. the p•oprieror, intend. wt.rinet until ■tier July lath. Psreuts missing an of the younger l members of the4r family within the neat few days will pleas. take notice ' that there is • harry -go-ground in town. Any child can make the pictures. I'•tcry operation as plain AS ti,). Petery amateur should have their developing and printing done by an evert. R. R. Sallows of 1 L :;aataxx C >o rltsibtit -s nee - -'(ire brethren of Victoria LO.L No. 1114 will attend divine service to 8t. ()surge's church on Sunday word- sag. July 11kb. The lodge will be opeoed at 10 o'clock In their hall, corner of North street and Square, from which the lodge wnlgo In • body to the church. Members of nelKbbor- ing lodges are given a cordial invita- tion to he present. -Rev. J. B. Futl.ringhaw. raptor of St. George's church. will preach et both service,. on Muoday next. After the evening service, from &L6 to 9.46 Mr. P. W. Robinson, A.R.C.O., wili5 give • short organ recital. He win he assisted by Mir Urace Mager, violin- ist. This recital will be the first of • series of recitals and will be continued the second Sunday in each month. -The receot arrivals at the Hotel Sunset are Mr. E. W. McLean and family and Mir McPbersoc. of Win- nipeg: Mrs. 1. Greenlee° and daughter, of Petrolia: Mn. I.. A. Itixford, of ('Ineitn•tti: Miss Emma Schultz, of St. Louie, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mc- Deruiid, Mr. U. H. Ellis, Miss Ellis and Mir Jessica Ellis, of Laindon. -Mr. Juba Pan. and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tufford, of Toronto. are spend- ing a couple weeks at the home of Mr.. E. Black, Elgin avenue. Mr. Tedford is assisutnt circulation mana- ger of the- Toronto Star and says that that newly publication is going for- ward by leaps and bounds. It must be so, for who would doubt the word et a circulation manager. The carpenter work on Dr. W. F. Clark's new residence ha■ been com- pleted. and the decoraUxs Ire now busy painting the building inside and outside. All the latest improvements, in:luding hydro light. electric kitchen utilities. etc., are being put in. and altogether the. building is a credit to. the locality. 11r. Clank shows his faith in the future of the town in a practical way -Mr. J. M. Marshall, agora for the has returned front Windsor and Detroit. where he spent the last week inspecting for unloading of Hour Moate. In an interview with Mt. Marshall he inGatued u. that every- thing will be ready et the freight sheds herr for similar operations by the end of July. As soon as the first boat ar- rive -s he will be ehl• to give employ- ment to fifty or sixty men. - At a meeting of elle Ooderich branch of the w..wen's institute on Tbur.day of last week, it was decided to bold their annual picnic on Thurs- day, July'S3rd. at Mrs. J. T. Salkeld's farm (Pinehpret). A strong commit- tee was appointed to look after the arrangewuents for the after000n's amusements. Members and ex -mem - hers .with tbeir friends are cotdially invited to Dome with their basket: and enjoyn okl•tiene picnic. - tin H. 1.'. Elder, let. chief clerk at the tirand Trunk freight office here, hes been appointed agent at Norwich, and left Wednesday afternoon for Paris Junction where he will relieve the agent for two weeks, after whicb he takes up his duties at Norwich. Mt. Falter R. Mitchell, who *as last in the Toronto freight sates, but who war formerly in .he freight cake here. takes Mr. Elder's position as chief clerk. - -A quiet wedding took place at 8t.- Petet'r church nn Wednesday after- noon, when Miss Nellie Morrish be- came the bride of Mr. John Chisholm. The bride was attended by Miss Edna Hogan, while Mr. John Doyle was groomsmen. Rev. Father McRae per- formed the ceremony. The happy couple left on the Grand Trunk 4.50 train for eastern points and upon re- turning will take up their residence here. -The bowling green on West street presented an animated scent on Wed- nesday_ afternoon when upwards .f thirty of our lora) bowlers cowpeted for a trophy in Scotch Doubler. The green wee divided into eight rinks and at times all were occupied. The finals resulted in a win for Messrs. Fred. Davis a::d A. O. Nisbett, first, and F.J..Butland and O. McNevin, second. The weather was ideal and the green in good condition. Engineer McHattie, of the steam- er Saskatoon. was on it recent trip down the St. L,wtence and sailed over the spot where the ill-fated Ent• press of Ireland was wrecked. He wailed Mrs. McHattie a large photo of the'+toratadt, the Norwegian steamer that coMlded with the Empress of Ire- land. Mrs. Mcllmetti. has since pre- sented the photo to Mr. J. F Thom- son, music dealer. who now ties it as an exhibition in one of his store win- dow.. We wish to correct an item which sppeered in this column two weeks ago. stating that the Underieh Knitt- ing factory had elcesed down owing to lace of oilers. In an interview with the manager we learn that the factory has been in continuous operation all summer and has every prospect of a goxad season. A few of the junior and inexpei ienced employees wet. laid off work a couple of weeks ago. At the present time the factory is excee•diog- tai busy and hes • number of large oAem on bawd. • --Mr. Fred Davis returned home on Wednesday evening of Int week, after spending two months on bis ranch in Alberta. He has decided to leave tioderich in August and take up hie residence in Calgary, owing to the Stott act coming in force in Huron county the first of next month. Un- l•'ts the temperance people make a move and do something towards keep- ing the Hotel Redford open for the travelling public It will he closed the mid of the present mootb, as Mr. Davis has 110 intention at present coo - 1 tinning in the hotel business here. Parties who contemplate t I t ireeorntn Many Happy Returns The Vancouver nun of June 25th has this paragraph to reference to • formerforer well-known Ooderich moo : "Mr. J. C Conk, 660 Powell street, In the township of Ohiuua geouay, couu ty of Peel. Ontario, on the 64th of Jose, Iti9tt, celebrated his 701b birthday esteeday. Mr.Cierrie is grey end bald- headed but his ukl-times e music don't desert hint." Won a Great Race A correepoodent et Piper's Dam sends us the following: -The genial C.P.1L agent et Ooderich should re- ceive our best senile on hie return to town, as report has it thee. be entered I wad won the tat out's foot race at Belle Isle park • day or two ago. He received 75 yards Katt le a 11M1 -yard handicap and boat the seratob man by a short pose. When reoeiviug the prise, a pair of running shoes, be tette a sweet smile, for Ute it was a great race. Cadets at London The cadet corps of the (loderich collegiate institute, :i1 strong, left for Loudon on the early Oraud Trunk train Monday morning for a week's training at Yarling heights. CapL H. C. Dunlop, instructor of the corps, Capt. Cockburn Hays and Lieut. Uwe Worth Jones were in command. Capt.Dunlop is also adjutant at the camp this year. This is the strongest corps that Ouderieh has ever Kent to camp and reflects great coedit on their instructor. Will be a Great Outing The adult Bible clam in connection with the Sunday school of North street Methodist church purpose hold- ing their annual picnic at Poram inte Fa next Wednesday afternoon. All mem- bers with their families and friends and officers of the Sunday school are expected te be present. The occasion will also tw the annual meeting and election of officers of the A.B.C. Mr. Hill's large motor car will leave the church at one o'clock and again at 2.15. A third trip will he made if necessary. Arrangements have been made with the Point Farmmanage- ment to serve supper, thus eliminating the necessity of preparing naskete. The afternoon is a half holiday. and all who can conte will be wmlronie at Point Fenn. Booster Coutts a Hustler The following paragraph, which we take fromthe Harlan iKentii-ky i En- terprise, is evidence that a tomtit* Goderich boy is retaking his mar k as a bustler in the root hero country - It is interesting to ser Rooster Coutts get about over town. He goes alutost'in a rimand part of the time without any hat nn. He says that the rapid growth of Harlan since the rail- road cern.. has brought great prosper- ity to hien. He has done all the plumb- ing for heating and waterworks in all the modern building. put in.Haulms .tor the last five yeah. His task is in- creasing every month. We are also glad to know that Mr. Couto. haw tbe leading plumbing shops io Hrg Stone Gap. Appilechi• and Norton. and is doing husinras in over forty towns in this coal field." Special 1111.60 Optical Sale of warranted gold filled rim spectacles and eye glawes with beet quality spherical lenses for only 01 :.0, sold in regular way for 03.50. A thorough examination of youreyee free by Mr. Hugbson, formerly optical manager Kent.' jewelry Igor.. Toronto. The test alone is worth more. Male begins Thundery, July 9th, and will cloy Sate urday, July iltb, at S p.m. sharp. Come early. BXITH'M ART STURk:, Goderich, Ont. NEWS FROM THE HARBOR SEWS HAIR 10 SCALP Remarkable Cure For Saldnese--Geld Wires For Anchor A method -of mewing halm to tbe human scalp in cases of baldness has been successfully used by Lr. Haekely at the Hospital of Habit Stephane to Budapest The number of halo plant ed lu the brad of one patient was as high as 60.000. One hundred hairs are drawn through punctures in the scalp In *eery square centimeter, and as both ends are lett tree this make! over 1,000 .airs to each -quare Inch In the operation very flue gold wire* are used 1 7,00 of an Inch In diameter, and floe hog hale from a woman's bead are attached to theme. The gold loop acts as an anchor, which after sterilisation Is Introduced into thesse subcutaneous Ma, where it is slight- ly twisted, thus holding the hair in n permaent position. it is claimed that foo hairs tan thus be planted In three-quarters of an hour. A special instrument has been designed by 1)r. Sz-•'rely fur planting the gold wires. whit It are so tine that otter lithe work le ronuilt'ted fur planting 10,000 hairs then- i, only one graatme of gold' BBin the scalp. The hair becomes perfectly natural after a cap- sule of tissue forms around the gold knot. The inflatnimat(oa entirely die appears within fen days after the operation and no evil results Save ensued from any of the ylantiwg. The doctor's earliest patient, who tenter- . went the operation seven years tiro.mow has a beautiful- head of gloomy Mar. . 'COMPULSORY TRAINING Advocated by •Preacher as Best Means to Sseyrt Peace 'I look forward to the day when :ompulsory military training w111 be • enforced throughout Canada. Military xrgaaizations and military training are th ane of e strongest agencies fur the apbuilding of a strong. virile man- bood;'- said Rev. T.'Craw(ord-Brow*. I chaplain of the i81h Highlanders, ad- dressing Toronto's cttleea soldiery • "To be prepared for war -Is the best security for peace; tp -be armed to the teeth -snd to be prepared for livery ' emergency 1s the beat course to take ; to maintain the honor and prosperity of a nation. Has not Britie)) prestige done more to maintain peace than any other force in the World Where there is of security there cannot be national proepo: city. {`How can we go on enjoying this security ls•ithout a auming. our tart .n the maintenance of that security? N subject is- British subjis- worthy of the name of • patriot who In not willing to aid In uphuidingabls prestige whien has so long protected ua. The ruddieris actuated Ly the highest Ideals of cllize•:•liip " The dsnsers which he might be called upon to face for the sake of his country were described. True J4'0100816 was never ostentatious. it was necessary to have discipline de- veloped, for even God himself could n ot lead a mob to victory. Htr. Paxo irngee arrived oa Friday with 11110,000 bushels of wheat for the Transit elevator. and cleared light for Loraine, Ohio, where she will load coal. The ea/tonne cruiser yacht, SHAM, ..f Detroit, on • two month: cruise to 1 eorgisn bay and the ,'4t.l110 Islands, ran into Ooderich Monday night. leaving again We.lneeday. This yacht is owned by Mr. V. M. linnderson, of Detroit ANNOUNCEMENT Dinners will be served in the Odd- fellows'Hall on Monday. Jnly 13th. after 1010.30 o'clock. Ethyl F. Heilemann, student in Piano, Public School Music and Sight- reading in the Sherwood School of Music of Obicaga, 11l.,ann ounces that from now on she is ready to take pupils in piano, either beginesers or ad- vanced. For farther nfnrm•tion kindly mall at Dr. Hellen' inn's nflice on North etrret 1:i -it. • New Telephone Directory The hell Telephone Company of Canada is soon to print A new issue of it• r)fIteial Telephone Directory for the District of WESTERN ONTARIO Business College Change The Clinton commercial college owned by Mr. U. W. Hpotton has been purchased by Mies B. F. Ward. the former principal. It will hereafter he Amami other kncwn a. the Clinton school of com- merce and Is being thoroughly ren- ovated and equipped. Awoher improv.ssents is the installetinn of the BL-. p,a,•t:c.1 office .yst.•m of hank, keepi, gg And eip-t.,-date Mling see PM. In **Winne to the usual cman.etaliel and shorthand moose. (both(ir,gg and Pitman systems of shorthand will be Lough') there ate beuc ing introded ' a farmer.' .nurse for the wielder mowersmons and a ri.il eerviee course to prepare for the government po.Itions. When the Cl.nten 'chord of cone RII open. on epteenh.r let with , COMPANY, of Canada well trained and highly PAlrient era It will be. lbw moat modern and hem 1 eq'tipped school Or pre kind In Ib. fount'y. Subscribers, or those who weer changes in their present entry sboetld Mace their orders with the Load Man- ager a1 once to insure insertion in ibis is.,,.. Connecting Companies should also report additions and charge• n Ii,rir 11.r or •uhacribers. either t,. the L•h•al Ms.. • g .r, or ,1 r.v! to the Mpsrial Agii.t a Dept' t no r.t, Moutre►eal. The BELL TELEPHONE v CANADIANS IN NAVY Eight Graduate Cadets Per Year Ad- mis.able to King's Ships Arrangements have been made by the Dominion Navy Department with the Brltlsh Admiralty whereby not more than eight graduates of the Royal Canadian Naval College at Halifax. N S . will he taken every (year Into the British navy as cadets For some time the Admiralty has not been taking any young men from the college at Ilalifax. and. as the number of the ships in the Canadian navy 1e very limited. the prospects titer* not rncouraglaft. fag lads who desired to go to sea. Cadets In the British navy get very small wages, 'no that young men thinking of going Ise such need to be assured of an al- lowance from their parents. Lights For M: yor'. House The position of Mayor rf NPw York has a curious privilege sttacbed to it. It has long heen customary to erect two street lamps nut of the city funds In front of the mayor's private real deuce, and to keep them alight all n ight. not only during his term of office. but during lh- remainder of, hie lifetime should he sn desire The practice originated In the day. whew • New York was little more than a vil- lage and the mayor was 1's only matte - trate. Sig Money In Fruit A Cerruti, LP( ',POO two Orvieto. wbn had been Joint owners of a fruit *triad at Vane'oxuv.r. hart. was carried to 1,11U rt. led the fact the • 'splendid profits had been road• by the partner. Tis Pvtdence showed that for a gong, tint• each drew about Van a month is profits from the business. Elmarsm RIK OF' CANADA i Welk Thi are Waiting ter Your CroPs we will advance you money to meet your current expenses, or other legitimate requirements. Give us satisfactory security and we will give you satisfactory terms. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Managter. 1., MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton .\s J. Doig imports direct, he is able to ;give quick delivery at close prices. Designs and prices On application. Pen Picture of Former Student in the Christian (i,Mtdi n of last week Appeared a pen picture of Rev. Hamilton Wigle, iL,A , a hunter stu- dent of ludrt•ich collegiate institute and who i• monied to a taster sof Mi.. Ellen Sinclair, Britannia road. Here is the pen picture: -He is a clean-cut, polished and refined personality. He spoke. and we thought. Happy is the audience which sits 'tegulally, with- out unrest, b•'neath this gifted and mildly -eloquent speaker. Did it read Hamilton Wigle. K.l'„ instead of B,A., no keen neserver would Mil to see that the title rat on bins right. Walking in a crowded city street you might be pardoned if yore mistook him for *lending solicitor. and expert to find in bis pocket, if youu searched biut, w'ieverly-constructed brief. In whatever direction he turned his plough he would turn hie fun cw clean end Straight from end Wend. New Severs and Sidewalks ' Deputy Reeve Clark and Enghteer Johnston, of Stratford, were busy Tuesday measuring out the sew mew - ere and sidewalks to be built thin sea• sun if possible. The Main sewer will he extruded fermi the collegiate in- stitute to South street, which should remove the annual spring cells'. Hoods in that neighborhood. They also west over the 'ground on Wilson street, Lighthouse street ami SL, Andrew's street. where sewer work is contemplated. Sidewalks were 1.1d on the south side of Bruce street from North street to .Cambria road: south side of Nt.' Patrick street from Elgin avenue: a section on tbe smith side of Brittania road in the neighborhood of the collegiate institute. Estimates of the cost will he furnished at the next meeting of the town council on July 17th. when it will be derided how much the town in financially able to undertake this aeason. It is cite coun- eil'. intention to finish 'the work for the sermon while sunttner weather prevails. Lecture on Tuberculosis 'Rev. J. H. Dyke, field .ectetaty of Muskoka fere hoepitel, lect'rrd en eceneugiption iu the Lyric theatre oo. Sunday night. There was a fait ly good attendance considering other attractions. It was s lect ore all should hear. The lerLnrer showed the great drain of life due to this disease. He pointed out the re- eultRof the work of the germ broth in the lung and in the cell. lie showed many methods cf prevention which people ought to practice. ami dealt with thi- work of the free hospital showing why it wan called free and why to Bowe it wall part free and part pay, there being l71 patients there. 134 of whom were free patients and 40 who paid according as they could from fifty cents to seventy eeota per day. and that tbe Muskcka free hospital was not charging municipalities for indigent patients which by law they could, hut were not enforcing that. The hospital pnhliehes an annual re- port of its accounts, audited and signed by it chartered accountant firm. The lecture was interpreting and very instructive and people should not mise such sn opportunity of hearing a wen informed teats on this question. Dr. W. F. Gallon was chairmen. - - • MARRIED ,1ARTIIN-RI TLr,ixitt. .tt Ren --et. mJuly 1.1, wars. A.J. Mann, Mr. Iidward 114r ten. K WIllitothOrCh. to 1111.+ Huld. Rot leder.. ef Rru.ael.. RKIRNKCR .\(DWORTiI. At the hams of the b,idr. ppawrent", lilderirh town+hip. an Jure" Ytth. by 41.. (len I:. Row. R It. Mr. I..lry Ilenry Briers«., of Rrs+ret., to Pearl. daughter cf Mr. and Mr.. Lewitt AMsorth. -Hog cholera ham hroken out in Iia Dereharn township. Photographic Supplies The celebrated E tit:gn Bog, Folding and De Luxe Cameras for roll films, Printing Paper, S. M. Plates, Lamps, Trays., Graduates, Print- ing Weenie etc. Everything necessary for euceeseful ,ttioate,w photography, ['all and examine ratuples of work. Everything new and rep -to -date. JAS. F. THOMSON Music @f Stationery Store The Art of Keeping Cool When Old Sol blazes away you want to lay aside every ounce of heavy garments and dress in one of our feather weight suits. There is no necessity for any man to swealter when he can get a Tight weight suit so cheap. Prices$10.00, $12.00 and $15.00. riot Weather Haber - dashing for men Combination Underwear $I.00 and $1.50 Shirts with separate col- lars, 75c to $2.00. Wash Neckwear, 25c. Silk Lisle Hose, 2Sc. Silk Hose, S0c to 75c. Straw Hats. 50c to $3.00. Panama Hats $4.00 to $ I0.00. Walter C. Pridham '•-•1)th Century ('Iothing 70 l•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Order Your FRUITS and VEGETABLES • DIRECT FROM GROWER ! I! • SAVE frees fate ib HOURS' DELAY sad MIDDLEMANS' PROFIT waik • Variety 24 gnarls 1I quart• tl quarts • Raspberries BIM 01.75 • Gooseberries ... .09 !,4)• Red thsrraats . ... • 1.33 .119 .50 1 :• '6 . iS 75 .40 • Mark (Cherries •White (•herri.' Hour Red (berries- ... ,t1;, .0 • Enclose with your order postal note. marked cheque. or ex- • press order. to • • The CONSUMERS GROWERS & SHIPPERS • • DEAMSVILLg- ONTARIO • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••