HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-9, Page 44 T1ir)ItSDAT, JOLT 9. 1914
Tennis Shoes
Fleet Foot Tennis
and Bowling Shoes
give satisfactory
style ' and service.
Such qualities
also shown in
latest Oxfords
Pumps. ('all in
select yours at
J. H. McClinton's
ars fan• repaving Ivo their own vow
to occupy 1.1.•rnt Ira owitinvo. a. .i coos
tarn if VoU Lo %VIKA. Pri01110010 0,101111i
teed. enter noncom nor der. •Indlvid
Thirty year-• ex perie ice termini
trideerm in 1 doled it. Sr; ii err r`irileltr,
eparialeo rot far teachers.
lora' A--ov,..Coli of Comte., suirituar
School sr famotto My Moo 14...inei.i.
Collage. London.
Clinton Business Callege
0110. elYPTTON
Preadeet. ti. F. Worn
114.0007 .01 dreier as mem
drbibrIpitreproessorr Ars r boar
1.111 trip Am. RP St Ivy.
rrrevir rt. 00,10 Loa. or.-
rvpr pa old Quebrc--Vieln al
ae Omani 1 ears' river rot ir lierrally crew*.
bnebr colorol pro.. 1011 01 murrain.
SLIP. St tart TOMS.. Orota.
3 tom
00.0.0000.1".00., 00.aiWorWareberearoe0OS
Right Now
Is the time bi env \ otr
Frost %Wood /Imam. Mon
er, Bey Tedder, Londe,- and
Rake, A.latn. Wagon and
Hey neck. Cock•hutt Cos n
or Surrey. Nilsen Manure
Spreadet and Empire Cream
Repaint ales on hen].
Herbert F. Morris
Hamilton Street
It Takes Money
t, iinve good jribbing done,
hot it (eerie mot for a poor
one in the end.
To Get Good Tinning
von most employil thone who
know how. You will not make
any tundek• If y nee' roll on 110,
Wm do work that thne and
luenther will show vies done
right. Stich a job is worth a
resaleable price and you and
our ideas on that point will he
found meaty dose together.
Mr. Wesley Harvey toad• a geed sale
last week of his large crop of brans
bold ogee from Inez year
Magee Anne, Diesdale and Carle
McKenzie, of Toronto, ars rpt•uding a
few days with meads here.
Dr. and Mn. George licboellig, of
Detroit were visiting their old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, lest week.
All erepleseed to hear that little
Mise Dorothy Grasetek, who appeared
to be .eriously ill for a few days lot
week, is about all ritibt again.
Mr. and Mr.. W. H. Johnston were
in Exeter no Tuesday of this week at-
tending the funeral of au old friend,
the Tate Wm. Northcott. formerly of
Mr. Alden Whiteman, of Detroit,
and hie sister, Mire Mabel, of Toronto,
are aloe. visiting friend* in this vicin-
ity. Mr. Whiteman reports business
very quirt in Detroit.
On Sundayy. June -^ith, Rev. T. J.
Snowden, Ph. B., preached farewell
sermons on the Varna circuit. He left
with •hest wishes for bis sucrase on his
new circuit, Yarmouth Centre. Hi.
successor, Rev. A. W. Brown, preach-
ed his first sermons last Sunday and
made N good impreesioni
- _,.
Mr. R. H Barnard rpent July let in
• Min Maggie fisher to visiting rela-
tives at Ridgeway.
The Mires. Hunter spent • few days
with their brother, Rev. J. E. Hunter.
' Mn. Pentland and daughter, Nes.
building by does rare young gazelles u
Kieft, of Baltimore, are visiting at the see if their own s iai hero was do-
home of Nee. J. Ryan.
Nt. and, Nt...N{Clurr and f4.,"11).Ing his pan at h faithfully or to assure
thrrurrlve..l that he war in no di►nge
• spent Sundey with his, Me. of bring bunt or perhaps worse and i
John 51celurr, of Benwiller. might be said tea. that the boys, ntsn7
Misr Madre -Mol.aao. of Ilegota. of theau had oecaalon to glltppse ar-
New Jersey, is visiting her grandrine iron® titiitrwnter leo** riots ryas on
sults, .I r. end Yrs. J. Whyard. the tables. Nn, po, but pot a gaze nn
Mrs. J. Raunde+.. returned borne the bevy of loveliness ns they glace
Settirl.y after spending a few days (ally went about their auk. On err
with ,ela•ivrr in the village. ori time the structure was rewritten..r
Ur. M. Hae, of Vancouver: a and three rousing hearty cheers given
former Dungannon rwidrnt, i. wit- and then a gallant charge esu r!t
ing friends mud acqueintanceeh-re. hrsrilyladenwi nailed nt gond thing
\Ire. Anderson and son, of SeelftCur- ana the rapid ways in which wid
tent. Saeketebrwan,. 111" virlli/fig her gaps we.e made and,,the hearty men
patents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendee- nee itt which every one was doing hi
sun. - devour is evidence enough that the ef-
31 r.. Rartou Roach and daughter forts of the fair once was highly ap
returned fe a visit with relative io predated. After the inner man we
Exeter. r+.__ _�_...__._� spindled a11. turned to and the rein
name, dishes and table* were all clear
ed neap .in.i order in thie deperrment
WelITEt.HURCH was again restored. A band of toes
Nes. Armstrong, nt Harrie. is visit. musicians was then soon on hand and '!
int* ber corrin, Dr. Jamieson. by its deliihtfrtl strains thetight fan
Mr... John McBurney. of Cites City, tactic wits in foil sway and a delight
)lifiebigsn, i.i visiting me.. i:-barierv. • til time wan indulged in by a large
Mrs. John Rawson left toddy on s number nt the young people mail the
vial% to her daughter at Brant (Ord. wee sins' hones had ganged away,
after which hest wishes for Mr. and
Mrs. Emerson and tinnily was extend
ed and the merry , gathering sought
their hones. ,
guarantee that the inner man was sat
idled at all events. The •ports and
games were kept up until late in the
evening. It was very close on 1
o'clock before the large `atheri,'
could heeak awry. The beautiful
moonlight night was too catkin
and the happy faces of thee youo
coupler as they wandered tbruug
the beautiful groves or foun
• shady nook to bill and coo awhil
was an evident fact that that funn
- ' o'clock the bride entered the parlor eta ••
' the ares of her fattier. t1..a stator,
i Miss Sadie Cook, wee bridesmaid awn •
11 1 Mr. It mild Metier metre) as hast •
g man. Nov. George McKiul,.y, of
I 1 f.etelnn ., peeforwted the esswnany •
g and the wedding march was played by di
R I Miss Ueda Melia. The bridi s dress
b + was of obits voile trimmed with
d shadow lace and pearls and eh. cerriad
e a bouquet of wblte carnations The
y bridesmaid wore white embroidered
• . voile. The'roowis Rift to the bride
e I was a diamond ring. Atter the are
twiny the guest., about 150, enjoyed •
the *upper which wit, served on the
s lawn The evening was spent In
genies and dancing We welcome
✓ liars. McBee to our midst and wish the
• young couple every joy and happiness.
• The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob -
McGee was the scene of a festive sweat
n on Tuesday evening, June •11th, when 1 •
. their third daughter, Gertrude. was •
united in :marriage with Mr. Robert •
t ' E. Wilson, of the Western Canada
• Flour Milts et Guderich. At rix I •
e o'clock the bride entered the parlor to O
• the strains of the wedding • realah
n played by her sister, Della, and wan •
n given away by her father. The hridal •
e party took their piece, beneath an
- arch of evergreens banked with ferns,
lilies and orange blos.oms. The •
gmoni s .terse, Misr M.r•garet Wilson.
e acted as brioeemaid and the bride'.
- brother, Albert, filled the niece or best
I !nae. Rev. G. GOw1w...t Uung,.uuon,
k ofttrieted. The bride's gown w.t•
a white satin ttiwnted with ebedow lace •
e and girdle of emerald and she car rind
1 x houguet of orange binseoa+e. The -
little fellow—Cupid --wad shooting hi
hodeseneid was dressed In pink milk
1, After extending coo/gratulation@ to the
litmus repast. lb. eve n wss •pent
in gamma and (lowing The groom .
_elf; to the Nide was A gold Inacelef.
• net with iiinethyot. tc the best
, coldly. including tern handsome
O cheques front the Irride'd father trod
• the father 111. tbe stetson. After it' -
sr, tending the weddieg thersietter'e
• • lerother. John. on Wednesday, Mr, and
s Mrs. %Wilson left for a trip to Toronto
and Niagera Fails. The trade's going
- away suit wits Nue silk poplin trhu- di
s turd with white wain and a possum&
- • hat. We wieh than eve, y happineen • READY-TO-WEAR
- in their new home in Giaterieb.
were hy
Do You Read Our Ad. Every Week ?
It does not ask you to buy, only asks you to come to the store if you have a
thought of buying. More and more of those who come here find what
they want and buy it because our prices are right and our goods the best
150 of the hooky young fellow•
to be found for the prices asked
Though the season adwancinn and our sales
lasing hat at large in aurniner Fabric". our stock is
stilt in go:xt tiler to meet buyer." wanta in Crepes,
Crinkles, Relines. Muslims, Organdies end Bed
fords. mostly white, white ground. with colored
Howere and plain blue. pink, atelier. and tsne.
Scene of the latest weaves among them.
A big stock lot of 2 -button Lisle. in the follow -
leg colors. fawn. navy, tan. Indio, Incas, willow,
grey. slice -and eiectrie. 16 half-dozen boxes. reg-
ular mice 25e, pale price 15c. 11 belt -dozen boxes,
regular pri:e sale price 19,.. 9 half-dozen
boxes. &rimier alc, sale price :15e. A big hergain
surely in glover.
Never better velitee offered thari ean be (mold
ines now at our eutlOtero. Famous velure in
Stockings 2 pairs for 25e and in 25e lines. They
are *hotline in value and hundreds of paint to
Select front.
discount on early (Tient; mice; leaves us with
Parasol values rarely found. If is buyer, Come
here f* your Parasol.
ST. HELENS • for children, misses mod women are in good de-
! Mies Margaret Miller is visiting at
Idiom Sara Smith is *pending her
vacation at home. .
Philter home rigida.
„ Miss Mertoiret Weld-) is tame from
Deshsrood for thew holiday/.
Miseet Emma and Klua Woods are
whining friends et Erin.
• Mr. aid Mime M. Mousy visited
friend* at iti edale over Minder.
-Mee Est her and Goldfus MePhereiou
spent the week -end with Rtyth fitiends.
Mier Jeen Malan/ad. of Toronto. is
*pending her holidays with tv
' .Meo. H. Rutherford and Miss Eliz-
abeth flotherford Spent few day• at
Port Albert.
Mr. and Mire. Hugh' MeMAetle,
Stskatoon. are visiting their Many
friends around Msge.
Miss Colas& Clark and Mr. Demote -
Phillips are lima* from tbe (iodate!)
collegiate institute.
Meson:. Todd A Joynes meta are
buitY getting reit timber for the new
evaporator which Mr. Joynt intends
• tnand just now. Too can find an assortrneot
here that you csn erten? select front. Out et Yin*.
• finish and prices are all you could expect to find
• in any stpre.
Many ol our citizens took iti the htil-
Mr. Daniel Martin has gone on Iito
extended visit fro the west for the
Mt. Joseph McBurney. of easts.Ckty.. Mr. Weldor Bell, aged 21 yeere, was
Mit:imitate ie paying a visit to Mr. ,d77-Porbe'l in'ille ewlawlind Puna bore
itleherd Chatters. • • Monday evening, whet,. while, in loth -
Mr . Eli Jsques has added greatly 10 ins( with et.companion. he tolvk erasups
the *pre aratiee of him house by giving and sank in deep water. His compare
it ti Ince cost of paint. ion at once ran fineaseivtanee end call -
Mr. Will Middleton has 'returned ed Dr. Milne. reeve af the village. The
house front A pleh-rtnt week's visit with bodv WAS Ila3011 found bed nothing
relatives end friend, et Be antfurd. coutti he done. Deceased wen a son of
Miss Elith l'eddle, who hal been Mr. and Ilrii. %Vitt. Bell. This is the
teaching at (retina Bend, be spending first drowning that has ever Recurred
the holidays under the peternal root. at BlYth• •
sin.' Lillie Patterson, of ' Toronto. t .
pleasant visit at tier brothel's. Mr K.. Miss Beth Welsh. of Virden, called
Patterson. oti ft tends at Laurier.
Mr. Thome% Penrose has retutned 1 Mr. J. McAllister, of Toronto, is
to his duties with Mr. Ilenj. Nicelenni. holding weetinge at the Gospel ball
Kan. after a cemple of weeks on the '
s f with tonsillitis.
3Ir. John Simpson attended the wed-
ding of hie comets, Mr. Win. Simpson,
at Lattiplide on Tuesday. The bride
• Messrs. Jamie Johnstonsand Frank
Munroe welted friends in Kincardine
lest week.
Miss Kate McGregor. of LucknoW.
nag Mete Ferguson. , is at preeent visiting ber father. Mr.
Rev. J. Ure Stewart and family i D. Milirt'R"r•
spent loft week in Oodostich attending
the eurnmer toehold in connection wit Kenapton vieited Mr'. K. J. McKer.zie
T Wise* Sophia and Talkies
The nigny eciende or mr, John knee. Wide a large number took in the
the Prestryterian ckirch. caw day butt week.
son will he pleased to learn 'been. els igeoinen • Monti .0 picnic which was
home again and is Espial, recovering , beld at K inter) on Tureday Inet.
after tbe wet' op. -tenon be had I Weer. Beth ettd Lillian Boyd. of
undergorie in the liVoighani heepitel. °Menal. were the goad., of their
One of our young men is paying hi, brother. Mr. l'harice Boyd, OVti Sun -
regular weekly emits to the ode toad. dike •
Noma peopie opine that Dame I. *nose Miss Madge McDonald. of Taoist.).
aiterseeion in thin emersion. Weil, is at ',gement home for a few weeks vie -
Mrs. Alex. Leech vrho has been •ie- Nei. H. Pilchard, of locknow,
iting ere sister. elm t)„,0 „g visiting her mother. Mrs. I). MeNsio
tither relatives and friends in the 1'1'12°1* "r7' ill at present.. Dr. Sirup-
neighb whood the paid thtee weeks. son. of Kintail, 1. attending her.
left for her borne at Marquette. Michi-
gan. lett Fridley. • PORT ALBERT
Messrs. Davidson k Son, of Wing- Miss Tenet Hawkins is home front
ham, who have hewn drilling a well at her school in St. Thinnae for the Imit-
ate co -emery. found plenty of good days.
pure teeter vestenday at A depth id illt eti•rvice will he held iu the English
feet They hare /eft for Ile/grave to • , hutch on Sunday morning next at II
do SOM. 01 her joie in that vicinity
eon (-hutch irt lowering orwmpletton. Laid onto. are spending the summer at Mr.
gang of trainer*, started the 1111/1111 Mester Oortion Pesreon Wee the
writ •nd nn eleturday ofternoon a guest of Master Albeit Swale in triode-
rrowd of over Her of the villegers and rich lest wee .
surrounding count, y gethered to the Morse. 31,ii lie and NVinnie Cunning -
raising and aft...rearm:sit feet three houre' ham are hoop. f their !reboots at
work evei y stick was in place. Then Riverview Belleville.
three hearty elutes were given and a Urea forget that you rim get the
tiger for the ladies Of the congregation veri bee -t of ice o ream at the village
with one of their hest of good supper*. el INS Minnie Dickeon has been visit -
The shed i• 12n feet by 50 feet with 10 ing her farm& Dora Schornhals,
feet ronerete wail* ft will he (mot- in Clinton for the lees two we3tit.
pietist! Doe week The old shed will elm. George Stewart and Miss Lizzie
he offered for sale in parts or the whole. Brown. of Detroit. ere visiting their
A bargain for somebody. parerve, and Mr*. W. f.e. 0.
lam. Friday was civic holiday in the iikonn•
village, and a* announeed the Yount Mrs. W. T Gillett and son returned
People'. 'Metier isoci•ty held • to Sarnia on Wednesday after three
Moos at the Pith beide,. Was it west& visit with bet parent*. Mr. and
hig affair ? Weil. well. we would BIM Thomas %Wilson. jr.
*pine. and • •plendid imeceire at that. Mr. and Mrs Kai -mond Powney and
was out for • nod time and everybody ifir. H. Hayden's for the past two
hed 11 to the 1. There WAS not even weeks. aterned to their home in Tor
hoine guert1 left behind. Over en0 mato cm Saturday
from the clunk, village and its oar Tim lawn social gives by Die emigre.
rounding. IIP. re out in their Ronda, Oration of Chisel chureh rin Prose
hest. The day was an ides' one for evening teat *am quite a borers.
Seal 40 oneasion and tlie programme Everyone enjoyed the musk supplied
was a good ooe and carried reit with by the renewal t oretwetra, sad Mies
good fellowship and fun galore for 'rem Marnw WarronerS solos elm 117o41
all. Baseball. football. hosting. font taneh praise
races and other sports were the order Port Albert is apparently a favor -
of the day, while swinge •nd neerry-go- its reerwt for picnic. this summer, se
round* were In full plisy for the little thee are teenier here •Imost every
folks and eel many of the Wig folks wbo day. ft Is bard to flail • better er
eared to ledgers. thenteelese ths fa a picnic then at the lake ere,
thrills of this sport. There was also with turn reel steed eel& Ln nod
a large boortit ot the grounds where sports in and eemellent bathing plates
iee ream of • teat dellelomi kind. Oise al (Kir nromernos young farm -
fruits and nine rooting drieks were to ere. Mr John W. Melia. wee married
he had. The hundreds of well filled , mist. (haw Ina eldest daughter nf
harikete of good Oder were In ••i- Mr end Mrs. P Cook. of the lith con-
done* wad the hearty way in which eseeine of Aehtletio oft Wedeseada
these !Matto woes partaken of was • isersaIng, July let. %ally after aiv
Reflect the very
latest styles and
give fashions lines
to ebery figure.
The new inodelis are
the highest note in
hiplees—with almost no
boning. which flexibil-
ity allows unrestrained
movement In any pole
etbeath like in fie.
they mould the figure
int() slender. sylph -like
lines and show any,
gown and limy figure to
superb ed vantage,
W. B. Elastine-
Reduse Corsets
This Cornet imolai.
stout figures into slen-
der linee, reducing hip' *rid abdomen one to five
inehts. Wearproof elaoine gores give freedom to
every movenient And make W. H. Elastine-Iteduni
Corsets, comfortable every nrinii tr.
which we have secured to fill the growing demand
for a Corset without belt of !mettle. %Ve invite
you to inspect this new line of Corsets that we
art carrying.
.We put A lag lot of the•se Waists on sale last
week. They are solo down to 21 in all. Prices
did the Ole. it is alwaym the case at this store.
On sale goods sleep) go feet.
Patterns J. H. COLBORNE Corsets
Mr. John Johnston** gang ere •t Moreoerrohat water, in its rapid run- "41111111•911Memmingengougumg
week putt ing a cement cover on the off, gradually tato' with it tbe soil.
dam to te:ein more weter and expects and. where the soil. covering the rock.
to have it teady in two week*.
'is thin. it ire apt to be washed ewey Brophey Bros
meet July 1st with their ',on. Sheerer. *Wiley rif stroveiog a new forest• on tile
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. or.. leatirely. Honer there is lust any pos- •
in London. Mr. Wilson returned and , sow bone rock. The soil I &Med OODEHICI1
blur been confined to hie bed for a few !away eveottially found its wity to the
day.. !large rivers and harbors, and did
At the trent pilule exeminatione. actual harm by silting these up. The
held at rieeforeh in ronnection with ineressed irregularity of flow in the
Die 1, .ndon , Eng.) crellege of music. at teents--excemtivrly full in spring and
l e following candidate,. pupils of as s.Tantr in 'midsummer—greatly les-
17Wildwil in LlIckn°w thin •eltwa* i Mies Peal! Gidley. of lily t h. were erned the value of - the water -power
I poised with hollers in t ho elementery !it•tion spiting tip to take steps to re-
mr. and elm Neil yepowteee *nal grade. Mi•s Winnie Howson. wbn ittfeelest lieldi fatsql‘ Jos above referred
&molter. Helen. horn a iwinenviik. I was trying for the degree of stesociate. to, mid after imine years the • Weeks
Are titre on A Viait ergs almsurceestul and ie now entitled lah.,91,1,:rossittio,a011).yixpoorartl.lor itnbelinp11,,,poseetetin.gr
Mao. Diehl was at Zurich on Wed-
nesday to attend the funeral ,of her
sister who died there
conserving the navigability of na•ig-
411)11. Irtreadno.- by buying up and. (Mine
., Mrs. Wm. Scott has returned after a ,uncboos of Governmest Reserves 3,..e
on important watet -sheds. At prepent
stele reaffotesting the deviiiilevi at pap
better than lain. but nothine •ery
to. expropriate such lands tor pur-
commonly. and eons -470y, auppooeel to
I heavy except seme,,odd field..
Rev. end Mrs. Hall Woods reterned rcarril,rs, eunse hinged on the power of pro-
be the chief purpose ot making forget,
from Goderieb. where they Attended
titution. ,Criniotet the Dominion
Another purpose. scarcely, if at all meting nevigat ion. given hy the con. -
the sonoter whorl held there last
government wire also given the regula-
inferior. is mat of regulating
of Mr J11101e0 Mitrhell, of the Oode-
Ninth America act of 14117, and it
which on accouot of the fact that the
rocky. or being at too limb • tree/ and risarly exert detrimental
land is unsuited for farming, through
_ _ bee been suggested [het in thaws parts
heing to ) poor io quality or too c f eastern Caned*, wher. waste water-
er) exposed to frosts. trees form the influence on the nevigability of
moist pmlltable crop.
ri‘er vv. the Dominion government
Forests maintained for this latter
emiii'd en operate with the pro -
Purr."' "'called -Pmtecl-w" f°cest6.- vincial goveruusents in their estate
Possibly the best example of sorb • bribing and conserving foreet growth.
forest and certainly the lergeet Kota- Ruch a water-sbed t herk:Of the Trent
tion fore* in the world is the Rocky river, where. according to the report
Mountains forest reserve in Alberta. istcly issued by the emoruission of
isit. which now has an area of Sete% eoneervation. as the result of repeated
Mr. James Harrison was in Toronto
lael Monday
Miss Emily Ratleige spent the holi-
day in Toronto.
Mr. John Cox spent the holidays at
Sprinehank with hie daughter.
Mrs. A. Mcfneigall ,if Londoft, Poetunntia7 Onslotnatil.frovinit,- affrA desert lands- The Trent V•Iley
ment early recognized the valise of u MAU acres -ars- pract
"efirisist a leillirjdetie.Y. i;attalsahis virinoritY+row- ouch Protection roeiNte• and. n7 Inc Rion has etre/4y cost the Dominion
canal which peewee through this re-
hridge. is visiting at Mr. John. creation of foreet referees in the wee
Min Clara and 11r. Oscar flodgens.
Cubes, are visiting at Mr. tilsoesre
Vanderhureh s.
Mr. Beni. Rutledge's children, of
Toronto, are visiting at their grand-
father'', Mr. Hall Rutledge's.
Mr. A. P. Jackaon bas clowe.1 down
the elsoppiog mill fur repair to tie
Mr. John Jackson, of Sebringeille,
'appending hie holidays at hie horns.
Mr. Joha filsoitt baa opened his temp
for busing., and will welcome his
customer. hack an•r an enforced
Marie iseti Mrs Jostetth Beck are
s tenter/ at their untla's Mr. John
peke% wore in • *dome at the lawn
social on Toads
former pastor. railed on • few of his
MeV Wsn. Conway and family ar
rived nti Friday and are matting doers
in their sew house.
Meters. Holman Lawman hare
large gene of men touning their oak
of bobbin wood and loading It on rare
The C P.R. has a Nang of men el
orratieg few a new atestament at the
river whIch will lengthen the present
bridge hy inn feet.
Moors. Thomas Arid Wm. 1' Rob-
ertAnn see1v•el hem"- front I Writ* to
the oid tend. the ptaee of their Milk
and report a pleases{ Mena
go. et -nutria upwarda of 1110,0uteueel,
the rreat rivers of the plain' ha•ing and as the above (*port points out, the
their source in these water -abed* were re-e..abliehment of a forest cover on
erbeett from the dieudrous floods, the this denuded water -shed for the comer -
the river•bsds with eroded soil, so
mount importance to the canal. The
chgraettrietic the "v." igin&ting remedy for the many evils following
in the denuded wsorretheds of the e
oeforestation as pointed Out in this
eastern United States
In this latter region many areas in report is the carrying out of •policy of
oneervatioes under Dominion, proviro
the Aptolachian mountaites. which ,.efai or municipal „uncut
cover • large part of Pronsylvanis,
Virginia. the Carolinas and othe
states were •ery eeverely cut, an
have been repeatedly swept by 11
en that the forest* h•ve been entirele
destroyed. When rain falls on such
to area I he water rune off almost Im-
mediately: if. on the other hand. the
arra trete cowered with forest the *oil
worth! he snore spongy and ahl• to re-
tain water. sad the water would be
hindered in running off by the tree -
roots aed the deters. on the grouted.
Caoadiaa Pada, sad Witehltraa
reword nainerta
hobassa Castro' ingenue Steel Tees.
Equine seed orgies netsming.
Toronto Woinipag Vancouver
rerestiat'aneesees Kepner NA law an
am. doh blaaltalailivreas No. 7
tweei• taw SAO, aaeept fu...
Pee bother puri tattoo erste is Ciusatd Ian
The Leading
FunPral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended
at all hours. night or day.
MacEwaa Estate
Egg Coal 27.23
Stowe and Chestnut $7.30
Any quantity beet all Mora Slabs. Mixed
Wood, liestsleck arse Kiedling.
Telephone, omen GIS
residence R12 or ors
'hs, Livery
ud Back Stables
Passengers called for in
any part of the town for
ell trains sit G. T. IL ow
(Air Livery and Hack
serviee *ill be found no-
ne -dale in every renviret.
Tour patronage solicited.
Phone 107 Montreal Rereet