HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-9, Page 3TiiE SIGNAL : GODERICH : l•)NTARIO TiroaIIIIai Jinx f, MN 8 Sick Headaches ---- arc not caused by anything wrong in the heed, but by constipation, helium - wow and indigestion. Headache powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cure them. Ur. Morse's Indian Root Pills do cure suck head- ache in the sensible way by removing the constipation or sick steraach which caused them. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are purely vege- table, tree from any harmful drug. safe and sure. When you fest the headache coming take Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills Dairy Cream Sodas One will go far to find anything sol ttelightfnlly Crisp and satisfying as PERRIN'S Dairy Cream Sodas Dairy Cream Sodas are of two kinds—the "Fancy 'chin", which is just a little smaller and thinner than the reghlar " Dairy Cream" Sodas. Both of these are the very hest soda biscuits we know how to make. rte 5c, 10c, and 25c sealed pack- ages, at your grocer's. Every package guar. anteed. We would liketosen.l you the " Perrin's Sample Pack- age" of some of our daintiest .a fur .s. fancy biscuits, for your .gto- 1.n..r r..r. tee's name and 10c in coin "*""" •sus ra' stamps. to re sees D. 8. PERRIN & COMPANY LIMITED LONDON - CANADA Saturday Specials at the Maple Leaf Grocery Fruits strawberries, New Pine Apples Florida Grape Fruits, Bsoanas. Sunkist Oranges in all sizes. New Vegetables Ripe Tomatoes, t'ucumben, 1'elery, Lettuce, Uc.inns, Radish, Rhulwth, New Cal.bagr. Hoaye-made Maple Syrup Have just received • large quantity of Bente-made Maple syrup of the very highest qu:al- i t y and flavor. Butter, Eggs and CURED MEATS We are snaking arrangements 1,, have • large and choice •a- -"rtruent in all three lines for set today and will be in a position to supply your wants with choice Creamery and Dairy Butter. strictly fresh Eggs and Cured and Cooked Meats. BIG UAY AMONG THE CHURCHES Last Sunday suss • red letter day mount' the churches of tioderich. Uw- ins to the Presbyterian summer school being on, then were loony visiting minister, in town and these very kind- ly oflerad their service+ to the local eburchea. !n the morning at the Baptist church Rev. D. F. Smith, sit Central India. a wisaiunary wbo is re- turaiug to his field in stew weeks, ad- dressed the congregation ou "loins s Aerakrwug.' tin great was the at- tention given to the speaker that he attrrw•ids said that he would ever re- me.ufw•r the service as one of the brigbte.t items of hls vteit to Wide - rich. In :be Presbyterian church at the same hour Bev. W. J. Knox, Ji.A , of Loudon, was the speaker. Mr. Knox drew frosts his hearers many kind ea• pression of commendation. In the alternuuo at the clo.e of the Suoday school hole a sours meeting was held •t North street Metbndist church, which •vas addre.sed by Miss Margaret Grant. superintendent of for Deaconess home, T.irooto, wbo spoke of the work among the Indians of British Columbia: Misr Hurting, a deaconess in a•.tive service. who told two stories, one of the boy who didn't ears and one of the boy who did care, and Rev. U. F. Smith, of Central Podia, who wade a strong pies for a deeper interest in the work of the mis- sionaries and spoke of the dawning of a new day in the lives of the Hindus. Mr. Stith b addressed the coogtegation of Knox church at the evening ser vice. lo Vie -twist street church a special flower dry and baptismal service was held In the afternoon. Mr. 6. M. Elliott, secretary of the Children's Aid society, addressed the echolays tell- ing 'tootles connected with his work, alter which Hev. J. E. Ford christened three infants. A feature of the ser- vice was the statement that there were tV babies on the cradle roll, wauy eel white were present. In the evening at Victoria street church Rev. Dr. McRobbie, of Hamil- ton, +uldrrswd the meeting, taking for his subject "Chiist Our Lite." Ur. Mc - Robbie stated that this was the fortieth anniversary of his entering the ministry and during that period be had not missed preaching on a eingIe Mabbath. He enjoyed the fellowship of the people of Goderich and hoped the summer eehnol would he beta here again and that he would be williog to preach to the people. HE WANTS ALL THE WORLD TO KNOW IT Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Jean Baptiste Tapp L'An,ra-Vslleau, Gaspe Co.. Que.. July deb.—(Special)--"I am happy to tell you Lhw:d's Kidney Pi11s made one well." So says Jean Baptiste Tapp. a well known and highly respected resi- dent of this place. "For many fears 1 suffered from kidney disease,' Mr. Tapp say. "It started from a cold, and gradually grew worse. M) skin bad a harsh, dry feeling, my appetite was fitful and 1 perspired freely with the •ligbtest exertion. I had Hashes of light Iwio e my ryes and I was always tired and nervous. "Finally rheumatism was added to my troublee, while attacks of sciatica and neuralgia followed. The doctor who attended Inc and the medicines 1 tried, failed to help we till i decided to use Dodd's Kidney Pill.. I took four tomes in all, and today 1 ant A robust man in excellent health." PUBIC SCHOOL BOARD The regular meeting of the public school board was held on Monday evening. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The treasyrer reported as followe for month of June t— Fred Davis, account of W. 11. MacKenzie, tsic: A. J. Cooper, seeds. 111.75: Colonial Book store, account tar May, 102.111; Albeit `utevenron, haulage. 60c; Howell Hardware Co., supplies, $5.01; Miss Iia Alien, substitute for five day., (pt.75: Horticultural Society. per F- Luscomix, 1'l; pay roll ,ftfr_tso, total, WHOLE FAMILY USES THEM "Fralt-s-thee" Loads Yonas Aali ON Is Splealll Kai tI �. w. HAMMOND ass. SCOTLAND, ONr., Aug. 2.ith. 1913 "Fruit -a -lives" are the only pill manufactured, to my way of thinking. They work completely, no griping whatever, and one is plenty for any ordinary person at • dare My wife wasamartyrtoConstipation. We tried everything on the calendar without satisfaction, and spent large sums of money until we happened on '•Prnit- a-tives". I cannot say too much in their favor. We have used them in the family for about two years and we would not use anything else as long as we can get "•lirnit-a tion" Their action is mild, and no distress at all. I have recommended them to many other people, and our whole family uses them". J. W. HAMMOND. Those who have been cured by "Fruit- a-tives" are proud and happy to tell a sick or ailing friend about these won- derful tablets made from fruit juices. 50c. a box, 6 for 12.50, trial size tic. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Prnit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. NEWS \IF SPORT Ittlwl.l\1. Tnl'N'A NET AT SPA FORTH. The twentieth canted tonruament of the Sref.'rth lamb bowling Club w:us held on Wednr-rlayand Thursday last, and we. one ,.1 the meet sueorm- fill and enjoyable in the history Pt the chin. The tournament consisted of doubles and mingles .w.ly, these awing W eo- tries cur the detentes and 32 entries in ti,e s casks. The prize-winner*, were : I1wuh)rs— Fitst event, D••wdieg aid Groot (Clinton), first pi ixr: Meson and' Glen- oie 19rafortbl, secon.1 prise. Second event. Roe- end Curr$• (Hrnseehh tint prise; M.:U.wtnrll and Malt (Hen tall!, sewed prise. Singles—First event, Jatene*, 'E. Willis (rleeforlb), first prize: William Amen!. IScafe•ithh), second prize. Second event, J. M. Best ,Sealotthi, fleet prize: J. Taylor (Clinton). second prize. Third veru[— W. G. Willis (.letttnrlb). first prise: John MCTavl.b 1`ieafnrlba second prize. RHEUMO CURES RHEUMATISM No matter how long standing your case tuay he. dont de.pmir, get a bottle of Rheumo today. F. J. Butteend sells it with a gnat sot. e h, benefit you. Itbeun,o it wonderful in ire quick ac- tion. -the psis crevev, the iullecles and toner are rid of sorene-s and etiffoew, and very 'soon a Rheum() patient is ahle tri have the error strength and vitality of youth. Rheum, builds blood so rich and thick that er le acid cannot possibly reuse. Rheum. roots only a1 .151 fora large l,ottlr Ir F. J. titillated or divert, all charge. pre- paid, from B. V. Marion Co , Bridge - burg. Ont. 1SU.1:,: previously reported, $t3fRi,10 - .„--- total to date. ;$:rttr..)b. The report I Court of Revision was received and tiled. The roust of revision t wt as a•lver- Mr. H. R. Long reported for Victoria tired ••n June slth, • hewer prevent bring schow'1 se follows :--Number of pupils Couneillors Proudf.w'•, Elliott and on roll : Boys isle, girls Ps7. total 395; Monis. average attendance. boys Isl. girls The usual cornplsint was received osaellWaWle p.ArEN ;7:[alVIitt4.11, 1, i�ts aq�Asa tor our iNVEN- 7'Oa'f 1�0.wheel will be seat tree. UMW* MAL#tls. . - Yfijw1Mr Mt leditlresis iR It 1, total average AM; percentage 113. One hundred and forty -tone pupils made deposits in the penny bank dur- ing the month. 1[1.6[1 being depcsited during the month of June. The kindergarten supplies were received in good condition. Mies .Sharman reported for Central school as follows :—lumber 2111: pupils s, oroll : - Hwy% 11g, g 4 s7, total : n avege attendance, boys aids total average :515; percentage 115. The pt'iseipali reports w.-: a received and filed. An application was re- ceived iron. Miss Rae Crawford. Wil- ton Grove, Ontario, oleo from Miss Winnie Ball. Coleman. Alberta. These aptlieatione were ,-onsidered atter which Mr. Hodgens moved. and Mr. PP mons seeooded. the' Miss Ball Ire engaged •t schedule ra s. Several accounts werrg� toad and passed to Finance Bondi seer with power IO act. On rnolion of Trustees 1 ' •Igen.. and Creigie the atter of rt, . re to the roof of Ventral school In •derred to School Management con otter with power to act. On motion of Trustees • .aigie and Cott the matter of repairs to Central eehool ventilator he referred to School lillansgement committee with power to act. On motion of Trustees Hodg‘ns and Putt the repairs to reroute of Gent sal school slim be left to School \lenege- ment committee The boxed spent emote time in dis- cussing iecussing other matters in connection with the schools and adjourned. —A fainter lielteg [beer \Vinghan seeing • dog chasing his cattle and *beep and acting se if attracted At rshine, got his gun and shot the animal. The head has heen sent to Toronto for analysis. —Ore lection day. June beth. the pvoprietrw of • Mount Forret hotel sold to a party of flee laborers in the neighborhood several bottles of kh liq uor, itis sole Gr Friday., July In sp� etrx Groves same to prosecute. the meantime*, however, the hotelman bad skipped out.. eslsere of the hotel premiers may follow. • from for (trend l'annk railway. The six hotel pi opt ietrtrs w"iipteined that otters the first of August. with the elimination .'1 the 1•ar, their pro- perties wilt dectease in v.I..r end therrt,,e the ace -.a+. nt should re. de- cresaed The sono,• .1.• ideal that as the pre -ant wasr-•ue.-.t' waw on a par with t r • sent tied. i "owe they oneld mike y„lrteen •[•jibe et*eest so the Venire 'They will • carr y their . ow - plaint t ' 1he Punas The '..et seljeerned to meet again tin \Vede.eedsy event. g ••1 [him work. SIIAFORTH Mr. I. L. McFwl has left for Nersule and other coast clues. Mr. and Mre. James Beattie ate eroding a couple of weeks to Niagare !aIle and Bradford, Pruu. Mire Neelin, superintendent of the Frrgu• hu.pitel, is .pwudoig the hole eays with her paaYLt.. Mr. and M. F. U. Nrelin 1tev. A. W. Barker and Mr. J.dau Button are attending the Imental Loa el Epworth Iwegue convention is ' Buffalo this week. Miss Mabel (iovenlock, cholla*. been teaching doweatic .wiener in the Windsor collegiate institute, bar herr, , offered • much better poeitiou in New Weetmin.ter, and will as.uwe her new duties after the holiday.. A baseball league bite been organ- ised he(w,eu the difterrut wards In tc)wn, and sumo intetestiog games will be ppilon off this simmer. The turf clu1, has generously laid out IS dia- mond on then grounds, and Mr. Geo. A. Sill. hae donated a hant:.ome silver cup fur competition. At a meeting held in the public library the following officer* weir elected tor 'he season :— President. Mr. M. Brudetick : secre- tary -termite -et., Mr. John Beattie; managers, north' eat '. M►. J: Minch - ley ; *with ward Mr. inc hill. ; east ward, Mr. Jac Hrodetick ; official umpires, Mese Al. Broderick and (leu. A. Sill.. BRUSSELS Lxr'al Orangemen will celebrate sit Guderich this year. Miss Geri" ode Rose, of Prince Al- fieri, arrived botue lest ween. Mr. Muir Thornton bas secured the principalship of the Shallow Lake school. Miss Dunelde Thompson felt at her home, breaking her collarbone and in- juring her waw. Mi. Frank Davidson has taken a position in the office of an auto fac- tory ill Flint. Michigan. Mr. Roger Ueadinau arrived houie last week from Winnipeg, where he has breu ell for some time. Miss Irene Sheriff, wbo has been teacher of the entrance class here fur rte past year, bur tendered her tesrg- oaliun to the trustee boned. ,Mr.. George Jackson, of Morris tuwnshil), bee wowed to her home In Brussels. Mr. Jackson, an old and well-known r•eaidetkt of Morrie, died at few months ago. Crops in general all through this dis- trict are in splendid shape, especially the grain. and farmers are preparing for • bumper harvest. There will be a good yield of fruit. Master Neil McLaughlin. seven years old. is dead, followiug a six weeks illness from brat trouble. Rev. and Mrs. D. \\'ten Are away on a month's vacation to Belleville sod other places. That this distrkt has undreamed-of possibilities for fruit -raising is in- dicated by sttawbeerles just grown by Mr. John R. Bell. He picked a num- ber recently which u.resured etght inches in circumference. The buttes were of the very floe.[ Havur and the bigbest quality. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar* Reward far ■f ems et r •aterrb that. cassia be cured by a H�t!('ttarrk Care. F. J. CHENLY &C0.. Toledo. 0. We tat noderrltoed ha. a known F. J. Cheney fur the la.t 1, yawn. and believe him perfectly h000rabte In alt berme.ni tran.act*Oov and tivaoetelly able to carry out any oblige - How modality air ars. N.at.olsr., KIa:. aARVIN. Ypg� wholesale - tote. V' Hall . t alarrh. oInternally. do re i- taker nter•nally. act Mg directly upon the blood fed saeou• stir ate.• cat eke .r -feta. Testherestals ,.ent free. Price .., oasts per bottle. yield try all druggi.t Take Hall - Family Pith Ips oosatipat.on. The garden petty et Unff's church, Walton, ere- a sw.-.aper, the proceeds reecl'ing 127it.:e1 Nee, ly lip!/ people were prreenr. Seaforth co. net hand and Mt. Jauwe Fee. humorist, erre the chief ettre t,•,,,e. Mr. 1 W. Reinhart ban resigned hie paett.en as agent for the Cenedi.n Express Co , at Mitchell, ar,d he in- tend- to go in,,' the lite 11.•hence Moi- nes it. Nuratf"rd. The ••caner baa been Htlrd by Mr, 11.1i. Tbompsew. GI LLETT S LYE EATS DIRT" BAYFIELD Mr. H. W. Erwin is visiting friends at Berlin. Misr Hinde, of Turonto, lathe guest of her father, Rev. Wm. Hinde. Mr. and MIs. Charles Edwards. of Toronto, are guests at Miss Ferguson's. Mr. Thomas Blandon, of Rclgrave. spent the holiday et his home in the village. Nes. Baker and family, of Toronto. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mn. John Blggart. Mr. Fred Stanley. wife and family and Milo Woolidge +pent Sunday at Holmesville. Mn. Let kin and famiy, of Se•fortb, are sumruering in Mr. F. Glass'• cot - (age on the Terrace. Mr. Heller and wife and Mr. Allen- dorf and wife. of Berlin, spent the holiday in the village. Mire Ward. of Clinton, is the gtteg' of Mise Motherbea.i at their summer cottage on Clarks street. Mn. Garrett and Miss Notherheed, of \\ aabingtoo, are now occupying their new cottage on Charles street. Miss Madeline Scull of Berlin. and Miss Harsieti-- ' lY,�eb��gqww are the gurwta sf liar Sdvarde. Mr. Harry Atkinson. of ntreal, is the gueet,of his brother, Dr. Atkinson. at their summer residence oo the Ter- race. Mr. and Mrs. Harry \Vamaley, of Mintier", were the geode of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Elliott. few days the past week. \Ir. John Fraser end wife, whospent the past two month+ at Toronto, re- turned ten their home in the village last week. Ur. Metcalf an.l wife, of Detroit, returned to the village the past week and are now enjoying their summer residence. Mise l.inklater, who has lessen princt- pet of the public ,ehoot for the past two year., left last week Inc her h 'me in Colborne. Rev. James Yon a and wife. who has been pastor in the Methodist church. left on Thin day for his new circuit at Walton. Mrs. James Parsons and daughter. �iss Mabel Parsoos.'Iuf Saskatoon, askaton, inc Baiting her mother-�o•law, Met. Lar- en.. in the village Mr. and Mrs. k. Sander and Mr. Wilber Erwin. of Berlin, stent the Dominion holiday as the gussets of thelatter'e parent.. Mr. and Mr.. H. W Erwin. ir. Partridge, wife and family. Mrs. Alway and family, Mr. O. F. Lnck- teond, wife and family. of London. have taken possession of the cottages In Side park for the summer. Me, 0'114 Nn. Bristow and family, Yrs. Trail and family, Mr. and Mee. sae family end Miss Jean M11- 4)lntoge Mrs. Jama ieort and tee. Mier Belem Jamle.nn, of grooklyttrAf r. bed Moa. • Langford and fisilslly,.trl.rtbden, are .s niaiieg In the White City. Mr. George Hewett**, wife bat licCaI 1's Patterns D.T1ILLARuSON Perrin Gloves NEW WASH GOODS A Shipment of the newest Wash Goods to hand this week. Owing to the great demand for Crepes this season these are now very scarce goods and this shipment will soon sell out. New white Cerpsa, double width. extra washing quality. 2:e and :33c: per yard. Pepin., Bedford Colds and Repo. in the popular a at 20.; to We per yard. gaol New most New Waists Special line of New Organdie Waists, cut in the newest staler, raglan rlerves in the medics collate. The correct %t•'eist for wad In %rather. All sizes :C to lY, SI On rash. (leering line et Brocaded Reline, double width. in white. pink, sky and Lan, just four nieces left, regular 51 k• for:i5c per yard. New designs in Dolly Vartlen Crepe", 311 inches, wide, lie• per yard. New House Dresses Special values in ladies' Hoose Ureases. wade from hest quality prints. newest style., all sizes from 34 -inch to 300 -inch. Npeciel at each, 11.1[11 to 12.50. Special July Values in Cottons and Sheetings White Cottons at old price.. A Targe purchase just 14, baud in (•an.hries. long, cloth.. etc.. etc. :B inches wide. et 10,•, 124e. ISP and Itis per yard. Special prices by the piece. The Coolest Store to Shop in. Extra special value, plain and twill Sheeting. bleached. English Sheetin,r, i'L inehes wide, per yard. Others at 'Lit to 50c per y.rd. equally good values. Make Our Store Your Store. full 31c All McCall's Patterns and Publications for August Now in Stock 56 rime 56 Millar's Scotch Store Mu JPENEMINm "L The The Sunkist Orange With the Different Flavor Ask for "Sunkist Valencias" Valencia Sunkist is the Cal- ifornia SummerOrange —a sweet, juicy, luscious fruit, ripened on the tree. Easy to peel, and practically seedless. Some are dark in exterior ap- pearance, some lighter in color. But all are a deep red inside and sparkling with healthful juice. Oranges are picked in California every day in the year, and the Late Valencia is oiie of the very finest ever grown. (Glove -picked, tissue -wrapped, osaitie California Fruit Gr Exchange -"OS Kiarkt., East, elirwar Toronto, Ont. shipped right from tho tree — you get them fresh with the real tree - ripened flavor. Don't buy merely " oranges." Buy the Sunkist Valencias. Sec what you are missing in not gctting this brand. Beautiful Rogers Silver in Exchange for Wrappers Go buy a dozen of Sunkist Or- anges and save the wrappers bear- ing thc Sunkist trademark. Then send in the coupon below and find out how to exchange the wrappers for beauti- Calisrsie ful Rogers Silver- Fruit Growers Exchange warc for OWerti your ta- ble. Klaa Lie.. Center Mail us th11 coop. ,n we wig •end you our complimentary 410. pare revive book. abowln4 '43tor•a8 1',,,1 will 411so Urecetv: our IN ',owl premium book which trIl• you .b.arla trade Sunkist wrapper. forbad/141'HW fable 411- var. bowl this costpuo tit 4.41111 at above adattasia. Maras Address daughters, Misses (leaves Merle mod awl Str Willieme. ware wed family . el (tali . ha v. token cot teges in laeri Lodge Flank for the wouson, Aims to Prevent Disaster recently (impel down • bylaw, which had as its poirprate the ereming of side. quote ,e ppm rows for stet, ford, tip. following : One &team tire engine. one elty grower' leader titick+one horse- drawn combination. o mien! end booi. Wagon. In connection with the letter. ten- ders will also les eeked for a mots," • di iven wagon for the ratite Pee. The city 1.0111161 41,4•141r4 !hut. it rev Meet will be Up-to-date We clip the following troni the litre number of the Canadien %V.aid- 1 Mr. J. E. Beechler. of Goderich. trounces that his new sawmill, to re- place the one recently burned down, will he feet by 90 feet and will have a deny capacity of 26..Und feet. rhs. planing mill will he fln feet hy let fre t and two storeys high. Both mina will he equipped with the tetra end most up-to-date machinery. The plant i. ezpreted he in operetion about the middle of J lily. Z.Chdrilj QUICK NAPTHA WOMANS SOAP i-Mr. Ad m Oliver, an old reeident of Follarto , died en the 2nd inst. Interment wan made In Avonbanit --The monetary of the St. Marys mhos! board has &eked the ',mini aped council of thet town for diesel tor pub- lic school porrowes. - At an inform•I meeties of the members of Stratton! cerium -11 Ratty - aay evening following the epeeist meetly'', a unanimous reeolution wee &inn fix the novenae for outsiders coal ,ng to the Sty for bus aerviee •t fell per outfit. This is to protect the lore' now st melt tirnee as the Old Hoy.' t 'union. ( FLY POIS KILLS MEN ALIA Sold by all Druggists and Grocers all over