HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-9, Page 2• 211MlttttoaT, JULY 2 111<M 4
Tai awM•L L publl.bed every Thurrda
hathe nate 1-t The Miguel Building. North
yrrrr, lled.rkk Uremia Telepbuo. 4.o34.
MC•aeetlTIOM Teams -Owe boiler and Fifty
Ce. 1e per year ; If pad al r:clly In ant 1111.11 One
Duller will be mopped ; to subo rMre In the
U ued
1141.11. be rate b One (halerandFIRy
Cents .trtotly In advance. Mub.crlbera who
fall La /0011.1. TNi SWOP/Ail. ',robot, by mail
wtllu.ee r • favor by aequalm lag the toblW
ee at ti. tact at seemly enema. p e,dble. When
• ebaade of addr.desired, both ed and
IM new adder. remold b. Rive.. Itewlttaeow
may be made by hank draft, sapper Otoee7
eider. es.re.aor order. or rtebter.d letter.
Sehnortptlotra may eomwenoe at any tiara.
Auvegrre1M41 Takra-,tales for deploy mod
eastrart •d r.nhwe,eeta will he elven o• strait
antieu. Legalised otherdollar ad yen temente.
tee tem. pet line for Bret lneertlou and foyr
rent• per line for tech rnb.equent IorrUon.
M. a.un d W • .tale or .old aor.psrell -twelve
I•w to an inch. taqi Ines, oted• of .lc hate
w ad ceder, Fly. Dollar. per year Advertise
meet. of Lest. Fouled. Strayed. Situation.
Vacant. el' twtkm- Wanted. lissom fur flak or
he faro. Farm• f-rr Sale or to Near. Article.
for U.L. ala. mut a creed Ing eight II lie-. T wen I y
Aye rent- lent- wash ine.rito1 ; One Dollar for drat
'moth. eller 4'rot • for moll Mut.. guest month.
Larger ad tort Wass. In proportion. Au-
nou..oemenl. to ordinary reading type. ren
Cent. par line. No notice 1• ti lawn Tweut7-
nvrCent.. Any .past& ..alm, the obJert of
whit►th, the pecuniary benetll of any individ-
u al .. seerl&ZWn. t . be oon.o rn•d so ad. er•
terrace( and cbrard a.• ..r.lingly.
To costumier..otaT- -1 he r-. Mrnntinn of
onr rw►.erlber. ant renders 1. t o dtasl7 Zoon.
. d tnw•rd-making Tug `•14:v 41. a took hrmooed
.1.111ora1. owe') see dot net dotes-. t..neon..
rnnolostlon will be attended to unises it fon-
tains the near mod add.. of the writer, not
rrro..'mrlly for hublare'Fm. bur .. 0•1 evidence
of root tatth. New- (utas should teach leg
r•rgyAI of•ee .01 later 'bon Wrdnr.day 110011
of earn week.
THC RSDAV. JULY bre. le14
The high prolrclinniets who, for .e.1.
flab reaw,us, try u1 bu.alefink the
people into the Isebef that the tariff
bas nothing to do with the Net of liv-
ing have • bard nut to mark if they
are toespMin what has taken place in
the United States in regard to elegise
price* wince the rrluetin11 of the
United `states duties • few months
ago. When the tariff on sugar -woe
lowered, the pt ice of sister ^sine down,
too, with the remelt that already there
has heed a net .Aving of many millions
to the consumer e. in the • rim hl
A atatement :trendy tossed by the
Federal Sutter Refining lbmpany—a
L'nited,!ltates corporation n -makes the
facts plain. Following the. r.durtion
Of the pugar hint its, t hr peke of the
commodity fell .t 1:.nlp ever. per
polled ON i, lip mrd. with an average
price of 4.10 cents per pound in o• her
years. Figured out on the iw•ip•.if
the quantity of auger cone mid in the
Uni'td States in the preceding year,
Use company de •14ree, the sieving to
the people as a result of the reduction
ire duty 'mutat Ie 84$.714.' 474. But !be-
arbest is yet 10 r from the stand-
point of the United S'a'es consumer—
for In 11)ld the United libelee duty on
auger is to he wip%d oda• As the com-
pany'd statement pays : "While the
W iper cent reduction in the tariff Af-
fords sole • relief from the exception-
ally bigb tate that we have been labor-
ing under, the real Wssasesa/llta SaN-
sumer will conte in NMA, shoo whish a
further saving of some $I00.0011,000
per year will be effected...
V. bat is happening in the United
litotes in the case of sugar will happen
in every country. under not'ntal con-
dition', in the case of every commod-
ity when tariff taxation is reduced. In
Canada Itself, in resent weeks, we
h ave had proof of the) effect ni the
tariff upon pricey. I)uriog the recent,
session of parliament, the Borden
government increseet the ditties upon
a number of articles, Including wire
rods and some chances of structural
steel. Alurst immediately the price
of the .tructutal steel affected by the
tariff changes was inereaMed. The
O•n.dian purchaser paid more to tbe
protected producer. Similarly, the
peke of nails—which are nsanteftctur-
ed !tom wire rode—was raised Lr tents
per keg. The tariff increases made
greater the profit.. of s tow manufac-
turers and the people generally are
paying the piper.
In the Prated `stales tariff reduction
lies in -ought decrease.* in the root of
Using. in Canada tariff increases
tirade by the Borden government. in
-Blits of the pentam moi the iibesets i.
:gseliament, have furred the Canadian
Foyle to pay higher prices than form-
,f+ely for articles which they must
its. The !meson to be drawn loon the
Irtsof:icits is plain enough. It give. ad -
1 supp.rt to the Liberal policy
of considerate tariff reduction.
The story .1 the one for a puhlt
building at Canning, Nova Neon•, i• a
.Imple titanki male but it is not witbout
tit:tereet to the people of the country.
Is pleasant, too, no doubt. In the
Ars of Mr. N. W. Eaton. since it tells
M a Borden government plan to pay
Mile dant for something which the
try could obt•M for nothing.
When a site for a public building
eongbt in fanning. • suitable
of ground was offered the
t for nothing by Sir Fred -
Borden. who is • eitlsen of the
But Mr Raton had another
of property which he wished to
and Mr. Erato was • staunch
of the premier and had rarrbd
Oo.•ereat4ve banns uneer•eeme
lain A. • faithful ()erpserva-
Mr. Sates had to Ise '•lonked
by the Oossevvative 'ovens -
meat which Rives more attention to
the d,sirm of its fr lends than it does
to the public interest. The result was
that the government decided W twr-
ehase the Eaton laud for Belot though
the other site was favored by many
of the people of (Jeanine, and would
have cwt the country nothing. The
goveromient plans on giving Mr. Eaton
the two thou.and while the country i•
to tout the unnecenary MI'.
It bar been found, however. that an•
other Grip of land will have to be ad-
ded to the Eaton property in order to
obtain a alto of sufficient size. For
this smaller bit of ground the govern-
ment efferd to pay Ellen a sum
which its owners 4.1.4 ed to accept un
the gens that it was excessive and
that they could not honorably take
Much a price for land worth far lees
than that. As a matte' of fact, the
government's reason for offering two
or three Lime* witat, the land " was
worth lay, of course. in its desire to
make it appear that Mr. Eaton's pro-
perty was worth MOO though it baa
been stated that the real value of this,
lot ie not more t ban $2.50. How much
will finally be paid for the additional
property remains to be seen, 'Tor the
price is now to be determined by the
exchequer court.
But 00 mrtter what the exchequer
court may decide, the govrtnuIent is
taking good care of its friend. Mr.
Eaton. Tbr country is to pay r_omlll,
plus the amount named by the court,
for the second piece of ground. for a
building site when • sati.factory site
could have beep obtained free of all
cost to the people if the premier and
his colleagues had not been Forager to
verve the interests of • party fa%oritr.
The amount involved ia not very barge,
it iv true, but, the story is 1:!usuinat•
iog and damaging as supplying one
more bit of evidence of the manner in
which the public interest is rubordsba-
led to party ends under the premier
who talked so glibly of economy and I
high ideals iu political action-.
when he was in opposition. I
Notorious Robert Roswell Gamey Writel.
a Gold Mine Letter '
1 -is ten years since Robert Women
(Sauey, M.P.I'.. sent the Liberal goe-
r tt o . 'IOntario u asst t . blot rn in Ontrri and
110* et look. .av tnoHgh Hebert Ito, -
Well. is 114.411141 out by 11.4. Wille route.
Sir James Whitney le in a dileitnu ..
following the production of a letter
ulleged to have been written by Mr.
liauiey, in which he practically sler-
ed :t number of fl-bern.en bolding li-
censes in'i iso cunetiluency to buy s.n
many spates of th^ gold wining stock
which Hobe t Ilo.a.11 was selling.
Sir Jar1e. Wbitney was informed of
Mr. liamry's action name time ago, but
hr hate yet taken any decisive a: -
titan. 1u ministerial circles it is felt
that Gamey must go. The Toronto
News, one of the chief Conservative
organs, has stated that Mr. 'lamey
must explain or get our.
The alantey letter promises to be the
monition of the cornit'g aeselou for
Robert Boswell has his friends (It
miglltalntoet be said that he has "got"
his (tirade) and before he is At away
'bete will 1 be a battle.
Just sow Bir James has something
on bis mlud that done not please him
any more than the Proudfoot charges,
which have gone off him mind.
As well. Bir Jams has Sir Adam
Beck and Mr. Hanna an his mind.
The Toronto News put it up W the
government and to Mr. Gamey is the
follows terms:
The following letter from Mr. R. R.
Gamey. member of the legislature for
Manitoulin, dated at Toronto in May.
1116'1, and said to have been addressed
W fishermen in the constituency hold•
ing license from the provincial gov-
ernment, her heen published.
1 am Melling some stocks of Eliza-
beth Gold Mines, Limited. at sixty
cents per share. 1 am president of
the company, and we More done a
(peat deal of development work and
have an extensive plant in opera-
tion. I have a payment. to make
bow and wish to sell you five hun-
ched shares for which 1 will draw
on you three drafts for SIMM) to
thirty. sixty and ninety day. each.
Some time early in June 1 will be
happy to explain fully the property
and discuss matters with you. The
drafts wall gn through the Merchants
tank and they will notify you. and
he (food enough to accept them to
assist me.
Yours tewiyy
(Signed' S. R. (&wry.
As let we have had tau explanation
from Mr. Gainey. Were there person-
al relations between Mr. Gamey end
those to whom the letter was address-
ed that would justify his action? Vas
the letter • general roitinunication to
those with whom Mr. Gamey is In the
habit of doing bnuin.e.'? Any suspic-
ion that Mr. Gamey, es controlling
provincial pate -emote in Manitoulin,
would practically levy an aaelemsutent
upon the fishermen should fie disproved
1M it. face the letter I. di'turhing Mr.
Gamey ought to meet the charges
'hot have been made with a frank and
full explanation.
There was a Large Attendance) -Ex-
cellent Subjects Discussed and
Admirable Addresses Given --Dele-
gates Were Given an Automobile
Ride by Citizens of the 'Town
The summer school under ilia aus-
pices of the P,rehyterian wood of
London and Hawilton held their
ireaon41 annual gathering at the Hotel
Sunset heir punt week. It was a de-
cided success from every standpoint.
The attrodaoc.. including there from
the town, was upwaror of 130. The '
tpientiun is often asked what do they •
do at • summer school ? The only
ad.110410 anew* fe that of Philip to
Nat uaniel. "Cows and see."
The study courser do not consist of i
separate and individual •.1Jrreses
having no relation to tech other, but
t ach day at allotted boon the sow.
subject is taken up and the speaker un
that particular ►ubjert take• up for
argument where he left ..tf the pre-
ceding day. In the space :.t ..ur nit•
poral it is impossible to give an in-
tell.gent outline of the various mat-
ters di.cuwed, nor are we capable of
stating wbicb of the subject* were
most important or edifying. A11 we
clan do i• to give a mew thoughts wl•'ch I
.sr•tued owptlaaditg in Ib. adeterm ine i
of the various .pe.kersl Front nine
to 10 4.111. each day- Rest, J. D. Cun-
ningham. M.A., of Welland, address-
ed the seho..l on Bible study. Me
look tot hie subject the epistle to the
Howauv. Among utatiy other gond
things he pointed our "that this
epirtle bad Ludo with the breaking ••r
coasts. the rout .t be. mot 'red by
something, it wan the duty -o.f loan 1..
see that it was ma.telyd by (Artist."
Theta was involved in (he opening
cbaptete • erred, a coo-ecralion and
• claim. The gentile woe Id bad tip to
Paul'• time bemire, telltale absolute and
complete, and the Jews had Niro fail-
ed. Paul's wee a gospel lot whiteness
and put Olt, the danger s ut ureueopuli-
tsn life wbicb we have now Paul had
to meet en his tune: it eras lu -the
dangers he saw baa upenluuity.
There was iu this epistle one clear
call, one separate task. on. bkazinar
fact, one golden cbain. When Paul
said "my gospel" be ',leapt Jesus
Cbritc and be preached clothing more
or le... The faith whish Paul preach-
ed was odder. wider, simpler and bet -
.ler tban the law,. The sista chapter
of th.b epistle might be termed "liar
111aliiage of the Soul," the eighth
chapter, "Unbreakable Lurk.," the
Dmuu. "Into the Valley Again," nod
Lite eleventh, '•Yuneniu. at Loa." At
the clues of his address '.n Saturday a
number of throe present ruse and
thanked the.peeker for the thought-
ful utteru.cee he hall Riven thew. It
appealed to he the oust p ./whir sub-
ject on the programme. Acother in-
teresting line of Lbuugbt was that
taken up each evening by Rev. Alex.
t Uiltau, .ecretary lot the Uowtuitter
ou Chuicu Praise. Mi. McMillan told
of the task their C..wwittre 'tad on
hand in compiling r new bygone'. tie
gave the origin of many famous
hymns, tracing bows of them back
even to the tuueuf Canis . He paid a
glowing tribute ttbe.goud accom-
pluued by Inc use of the Scottish Pad-
get. He said they had *list of upwards
of IIOU,Ia)0 hymns to eele^t from, and
pointed out. that in the hymen all
theological diferwuoee were forgotten.
The hour f 11 a.m. to 12 noon
was taken up each day studyrug the
distinctly missionary prublews of the
P,rabyteian church. The school di-
vided into classes. some taking up
foreign wist•ione, the other taking up
the wink in the toile field and among
the French. The subject which
evoked the most diecessiun was that
intruduc'd each day by Rev. W. J.
Knox. M.A., of London. under the
title of "Religious E1ucaLiou.' Mr.
Koos Is • bold, fearless .pecker, and a
piu,cressiye thanker. of hi
thought., were eotuewhat in Advance
of the usual line of exprrevion and
railed forth quite a lot of discussion.
His main contention was that a child
ie in the kingdom of Gud when it en-
ters this wutid and it is the business of
all of us to keep it their. More of our
efforts must be in the line of ptutoe-
tion, sol, prohibition. W e shculd
seek mire to prevent the young from
straying than to redeem thee. after
they bate strayed. At extra *melon
was held on Saturday afternoon to
further discuss these problems,
An address given by Rev. D. C. Mc-
Gregor, M.A., of Toronto, on Thurs-
day morning on "McieatUle Temper-
ance- was unique In that •bout al
charts propend by ec..nti.ta front all
ower the world were eased to S on-
eleaRs 11111 damage doe. • by alcohol.
Other• g art a.sdrgesea were given by
Rev. b. F. Sharp, M.A.. of Bzeter
Rev. ti. A. W-wwi-lde, M.A., orf Brant -
fort ; R •v. W. H. S.Jgewiek, B.D.,
of Itsmilton, and Re.. Was. Wallis,
ph. D., .4 !empire Falb.
Dent Hide Thar with a Veil: lounge
Them with O1hi s P..-... pries
This peseerintioe for the removal of
fteekles was written by • promises
physician end le ubually so weo.r•fu
In r.movisgt fr.ekl.s and giving a
clear. beautiful rosiOesion that it 1•
sold h druggists n urant.s to
refund the mon.y 11 It fans
i)nnt hide your freckle. node, •
VIII; get an owner of othine mad m-
inor* them. Rent the first few ap.
plieatiose .hoots .how a wosd•rte
improvement, Feros of the lighter
fr•ek1.a vanishing entirely.
Bm sure to ask the droegiet fpr tb
doubts strength Wilms; It le this tial
le told on the sotaey-hast geseastse,
orived at the bands of our business
The donne ..rvke was held on Sun-
day evening at sloe o'elpck and took
the form of • fat resell meeting
Among others who spoke and testi-
fied to the help received from the
echonl were Hey. Geo. f5 Knee, Rev.
W. H. Wrighton, Rey. D. F. altnith
and Mrs. Health. Misr HasNtlZ', of
Toronto Deem:mese home, •sod HMV.
J. R. Ha1k M.A., of Sacra, the gen-
eral chairman of the school. The
school was dlsu:(*sed with the sing-
ing of the hymn, ''Che Day Thou
Gayest Lord Is Eoded."
Liver Spots, Pimples,
Dark Circles under
the Eyes
ate all eigo■ of the system being etog-
The liver and I.owela are in
age ive and the stomach i• weak from
undigested foods and foul gases,
the great fruit remedy, will make you
feel like a new person.
Winnipeg. Jutta 27. I011
Afire laking three boxes of your
Fig Pills for etnln,.ch a,.d liver troubles
I lee1 strong end well mod Able to do
my own work.
Mem. A. H. MeV LTRR
Sold at all desires in 1 and SO cents
hoses of. stand M The Fie PIII Oo..
Sr. Tbom'.v, Oat. sold in Godericb
by B. R. Wight, densgi-L
—Commercial tugs stats that from
a business standpoint Mensal! le one of
the most prove -roue places they visit,
more particularly the (acts: towns.
all of which are baying a trying time.
If you have $100
Them .mar• is *lee lr+ee. Beak .t 3 per
cast. .e prscaceby ergs money- N u net
oring you th. return it ekodd. With •V11111
cronies of safety. Feer money will earn
oled .ntenna if lig meet* rt is die
Massage Corpor.no• e
per cent.
They are absolutely .seers They bear
stereo at y per cele . ce..ponw rtyable
half -yearly. Then u no ergo of Serbs
ahead' except by army. and make:..
Iseyour sann,p earn • goad weer* We
re • mesal 'Accmulaed Imo.**
Plan of Debenture. we would 1ke to
rapl•,n, the moat .*et.eon and profit -
way of ,nveebna •seeey
Paid-up Capital - $2,000.000.00
Assets - - • - $5,000,000.00
The Company ay.* ,.k•hle ad : e re -
,n r.et.eent of tree or ...toilsome.
A hoe sample Delimiters mated on re.
quer. ,
e441 RING ST UST..tt]RaNTO
W. L. HORTON, Goderich
Reeideat Director
An interesting feature of the recrea-
tion part of the programme ws• bell
on Friday afternoon when the prises
awarded to the vurres.f,l competitors
were distributed nn the verandah of
the Sun -eat Hotel Amid mnch en-
thusiasm Hey. Ur. Wallis received the
prix- for the greatest number of *mot*
In the ball game. As 00011 av this was
over every skeeter of the school was
invited to go for an stein tide in ears
czaosided by the residents of the town.
e who eo kindly contributed the
,tae of their oars were Messrs IT. E.
Burdette. C. 0. lie, James Carrie,
Prank Rounders, W. B. Graham. R.
C. I'o.tt.tbwalte, P. .T. Dec., Doty
Brea., R. M. Out&, Wm. Proodfoet,
• M.P.P.. R. J. Megaw. Thoma. Mltels-
d1, James Buebanen, Ate Hlgelneos.
t George' Stewart, Robert Henry. C A.
1 Reid, J. W. Oratoio and Dr. A. C.
The fast &bet the gentlemen gave
tie nee ref their ears entirely bee of
se.t, and moat of then. left their ben -
pogo to perennsll7 look after the wel-
fare of the towns guests, arose pf them
I not even being .serseiated with the
Presbyterian cause, pore to prove that
they lave the wolf era of the com-
munity at heart and It will he fleet
• claw advertising for our tows wheel
Um people ell the maleness .eles& WS
le their boss.s the treatment they re-
is Rheumatism of the back.
The cause is Uric Acid
in the blvd. If the kid-
neys did their work there
would be no Uric Acid and
0o Lumbago. Make the
kidneys do their work. The
ruse, positive aad may
cure ler Lumbago is
Say, when you coN to
town come to RUM. Wit -
P14 01.14 paw,.
We Ibave • new car-
load of the hest buggies
money can buy.
We have lots of Wire
Fencing and Oates We
have %VasbingiMacbines
and Churn.. Mtovee. Has-
tert and Sasges. Lad-
der, Hay liars lad
Track, Litter Carrier+,
Eseines. Wle.lmllle,
MI Binders. Mowers Hay
I.zadera. Wagons and
Steck Reeks.
Alen • number of good
Massey -Harris Shop
Basslltnn Rtsat
Weakness Rather Than Wickedness
Lands 1.1rte Behind Oars
To etzpeet • man to reform after
rix months s lent in a prison cell Is
to expect almost a miracle In the
opinion Lf (h. John T. clamour, war-
den of the On'arm Central Prbce.
"Delinquency," sari to. subject of au
address he :•we to a 1'.M.C.A.audience
In Tcrcnto, a.:d, going ante Its pros
and c..15 very d. a ?iy, said the great
majart'7 cf y, tale, dcllnquents were
hiioilk pptd :a Itfe'a race either by
meats!. crura: or p::ys.cal defects, and
more come to prison as a result of
v: rit:trie:'s rather than of wickedness.
and not marc than an average of 15
per cent of the p-lscn population to-
day was teary trim:nal at heart. The
earlier • boy cr young man entered
:oto cine ti:e Iran hely kecame the
o4aner c1 r.:trent:oil. He did not
think t:at afar ala months cf life
beh:ad bars any iaCirldual
could be the Fame as before under-
going the or'deai. Tae experieoe
cou:d not Ia'1 to kava an indelible
impress':: .r that W. Sanfinsin;. Get
century afire ceatnry they had goo:
on built:leg crlirtl taxes to w: i:b to
shut hp bays lad young r^01. 11e had
great hopes of the reform:ng eRect
the Gu-lph fall woull .-aye; where.
there wou:d bo a sufficiency of wla•;
doss. batt tact t sign cf a bar. lalw'•'/
yera and .many others were'134d tl1
precedent, but let those responsible
fcr prison 11fc as :t was to -day so -
member that Adam :.ftlr i Is wroc:-
doing was sent to till the soil •
Why does cold water erica but
glass" The reason way cold tsetse
cracks, a hot slap... is exactly the
reason why hat . water cracks a cold
glass. But this dues not alway. !!t.,r
pen. It .you ore a very W:a gales,
it w}!1 not ct-ack elther'-by cold or'Ati:
water. The chaalat *pm U. little
tubes made of very thin glass, which
he calls t -et tubes; and you can vat
these in a dente and boil water -) i
them without their cracking.
You might think that the thrarer
the glass the more .Readily it woull
crack, but reially It is, fast' the other
way about. When you fill an orde _ry
tumbler with hot w.*:rr, tl.e treat la
conducted Ir. m the water .to the alas.
and he glass expands. or so••1:
the heat has not yet reached the o:.:
side rlrt of the glaes.iwhien stays a.:
it woe. And so, a. the Ino.•r Iu) i r
of the• glass hi.!1 hal been mad.' 11
swells. 1t cracks the told out i . -.
Just the opposite happens when a ho.
glass is filled with cold water; the in-
side shrink* before tl.e outside do F
and so breaks it. But if you uw' very
thin glass the heat gets through it Ao
quickly. whether going into 1l or com
mg out of it, that it all swells VI
shrinks togetbter, and does nut crack.
A Nine -foot Giant
King Alfonso took a great inter st
at a circus performance In Madrid
in a French giant named Eugene
Arceau, who is nineteen years old.
stands 7 feet 636 Incites, and weighs
nearly 300 pounds.
The king sent for the giant to come
to the royal box. There he made blur
bold out his arm horizontally while
he himself flood beneath It. "If you
were a Spaniard." said the King, "1
should very willingly enrol you In my
guard. I wish very much that I could
do ao."
Amami sleeps sometimes for thirty
e ls hours on sad, It is stated. and
when he awakes finds that he has
gained se Mach as ( inches in height.
Doctors expect him to reach a height
istiliteeher that ttse he is tweaty4Si:
Tele posse Everywhere
The ose man. perhaps, who made
the best use of the telephone was the
late i. H. Harriman He plied up
a railroad fortune of $60,000,000, and
be did most of his work by telephone.
tt sou la his 1lbrarr, his bathroom.
>•M private car. his camp In the Ore
ppm Wllderneaa In the mansion
ab be anally built for himself
IIIIME'e were a hundred telephones, and
« them were linked to the long
BERMOdo lines. (Mee be saved the
WIN of the Sete Railroad by tele-
iphese--leaned It (L,Se0,M0 th h. lay L(♦t home ea thick ted. "Harriman Is
to the telephone," wrote a
lee writer "Neeeeflss." replied
(Harrlaaa, "the telephone is a slave
!a me."
Latest Thiel Cas.Mr
Ts 'Web burglars as lasg,t-hau
1Y patented mierbaatem to drop a
Iperaas two Nope te frost et • sate
se metals ban Into a pit doors
Alealot over has.
Sheets and Pillow Slips
at Reduced Prices
Sheets. full else 2 z Yy yards, of bevy English (Inc *teeming, nicely
hla a,.i d, soft and free from all dewing or filling. Reduced to per
Hemmed Pillow Slips, 32 43 inch and yard long. extra quality.
Reduced to per pair ttk
White Quilts
Am.riean 4 -ply Crochet Cotten Quilts, full double bed size, spacial
at each ... SI 35
Bath Towels
:e.1 dozen large loge heavy 'Finked' or Bath Towels. beautiful quality
and In nest brown and white checks and stripes. Regular price sue.
On sale at per pair 3Uc
We are pleased to aunounce the arrival of all the new 'models in
A La tirace Corsets. styles •uitebles for different figure% low and
' nidicrn bust, materials of finest .• enericao stock. vises 1M to :in,
special at .... ... 73., f LOU, 51.11
Carpets and Rugs
A number of odd plus and makes in Bruserle, Wilton and Axmin-
.!rr Hoge. This week we will quote at exactly half price. Price.
were 5111410 to $:SI) lin, now 5.5.1X) to S1:,.4)
Inspection Inbite
Store Closes on Wednesday at One O'clock
W. Acheson 0 Son
RIM Shrew *Ahem Head
Meoeul•r stoat, are wed la alas -
'the • sow sportiest file widen le
'sea tad easiest the tereMad woes an
‘pg tastes/ at yaktst Pie ehenide.a.
of Redford, Wayne County, Michigan, shows
how well satisfied the farmers of that section are with con-
crete roads. Nearly one hundred mild have been built
in Wayne County.
"lite. Edward N. Hines,
Board of County Road Commiuioners,
Wayne County,- Detroit, Mich.
Dear Sir: —
()ur concrete roads are far ahead of the ex-
pectations of the majority of us farmer. Where
we used to be two days marketing fifty bushels
of produce, wr now market rwIce as much in one
day, and can go to the city anytime we want to.
We do not have 10 wait till the roads are good
so we can go. Also, our horses and waggons
will last twice as long.
Hoping you will keep right' on building
these roads, and that the county will stand back
of this movement, i remain,
Yours truly,
(Sed. ) Geo. W. Burt
Redford, Wayne County, 111ieh.
Concrete Roads
nss the best, cheapen and rao.t ratisdcsory and. 'kat a be Wk.
Moe became they permit ItitWer kik, hems, tiled valises lad be -
preen conditions generally. Ckea berme, they am perwlsnsst
aid require realty no repair, wiich plain road raw b be
spent i builore gond roads. Meet ...d becamersnry, becae tiny
epee en tet every dey is the yew, knees east of market* seed
eau of kivisig and iacrsase the fiserasf'epales.
Geed heads Serrature mit se) siege ewesee1 teed. will be sent,
fee, to sveryeae in.ress.d sib is
cisa. r
- cells/deltoids D i see - -e
Catrla Cll..M Company Limited
1104 Herald Beiidilllw Montreal
The Empire Typewriter
Viable Writing—Perfeet Aligafllaeat—Ligittai*g
r (Uptfatal—a dvraacs–Speed
As used by the C.P.P.,
C.N.R., Bank of Montreal.
lreenbaste Bask. Royal Bank.
Northers (hewn Bank. Might
Directories. Limited, Hell Tele-
phone Ca. etc.
Mads In O•nada-1lserefore
save Yb per cent that must he
IoM as ditty on all other
lea k es
It Costs you Nothing to
Try out an Empire in
New Model " a pfrs" Your Office
' 18 Adelaide tat W., Toros to Wrote -Montreal, Qs*.