HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-9, Page 1put your bu3iness on'a
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don't worry.
Today is here- USE IT.
Our advice to you Is to each
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mons of The Signal for results.
The Signal goes into the
itIXTY•S)IXTH YEAR -No. illi
Some Desirable
for immediate sale
List your properties for sale or rent with me.
PHotten : OrrIeE Rl : Honig 150. P. O. Box 364
`�.. J`.....A-w
Water rats Juiy M Dreamer, are seaell,,�dos
ala ammonia cad daring this month hate lo
per teat will be allowed. After Jsly 314 hill
enema mar. be paW- Any In amen for
water or light are mooned to .ettie this
nowt h. PodUvvb no donoant after July 31.t.
By order.
W. T. 11111;RNLY. A. HTKAITON,
OW Chairman Collector.
embed leaden will be reeslved by obs under -
up to r pp..ms on T ur.4. , Jaly lath.
1014. fee 01er.tloo. n the Town Hall Badding
to term quartan for brumes.
Plow aid .pedaoatbr may be seen at tM
Iowa Clerk . Mese. Town Hall. or Kik.. Gaon
of the *erbltect. J. Ade. Fowler. Albert stns -
No Wider ieMGs.rt4 �p�{ed,
Illi Lt f. yEN tatiews CYrk
and Mob above W. J. (*reign's billiard
.MORa wet eda of Amara Aptty to .1. P.
� 00ppeight arena* sed one on
tl . A. 0. MCLEAN to RIO(a1Mtti Illi, w
F'RtDA T. July pt - Asad iia .ale of residential
pnopsrt) sad bou.sbeld effects d the late Mio.
of tlr Ranter. at the pnmt.K Napier .treet.
Tesla OL-NDRY. aectteaear.
Te..o*Y, Jany 1e. - Auction sats of fear
bold tarodur. a.d furhi.biaa., at the premien.
Trafalgar attest Yam 31. 1Y•awl14... pro
effete,.,; Taos. Dummy. auctioneer
I mm le4ructed by the adtulni.tratrlx of the
state of tae late
to .il by public auction at the premise- on
Napier .trus;F a the Y JL;LY oddertcb on
txmmencrig at 4 o deck .harp:
The, Property coo.t.un4 of • comfortable
well-built franc dwelling wall • large lot on
watch there is room to belld soother boos.. It
1. wall located nasi in a part of tin tow■ teat
N Improvise In value.
Taaem-lei per met o1 tbe psreha.e gine
to be pun al ma the time of .ale. . an thirty
nt the .tame time and piece all the bourbon
fru-biters aid ether. will be dl.pred el.
anxe.e0t wb4n +re
none. comm.. (Muse.. ebain bedm roosato(
neatly new Sower orand
ch . ) .•y 1 AMMO.
tyres with rv.errolr. rtadaaut Home nester.
rood wood coot .lure. wood nesteredam
crockery. stemware, carpet., curtain. Mises
and mamma. other mucks.. 'I arm .•. -b.
-Papa 114'0141. HAYS a k ILLOKAN.
les ICltor..
rdud. (4U .4 ,t Y, suet iuneer.
1 Meeb y. robber Un: 1 rubber Wed
1.00MM. to goad order ; 1 11gst rad buggy ' -- `
Aq4 to sY ACHESON a ill.. lett
boon on Trafalgar stat between North
and Victoria .tai. Convenient to school.
bonne...oboroh or bone-.. Hent $18.10,1a month. parse-
ar.►Oen July 1.40. Apply MFW. J. H. LEUC'H GO
N'. here for sale about thirty town Iota
prints tearing from 10) .pwaM., al.o Wee
•ootttta.l�eesrr dwelling.d other d.eng. and • few Mime
tick Oat. anti
LL SALE -The rnddeooe• with four lot.•
formerly knows as the A .McD. Allay property`
mow (1maroi and Raglan .timet& tiles
briek home. two maria, sa antenna repair •
modern 0earesi Mea Grosado planted with
vatlei7 01ekoice hosts. Om W the beet �te�•
erns te OO er$eO. Reasseable tame P. �.
RYAN Orsder4e0. 1�ff
fall of Id nee la the loartk rowan
'no Sanwa (Menne of the terwi.blp of Ash
Geld, essWeing rep awns The butWlaft• eta•
d,t et a�fRraa Mews . .,daeframe bora. T es'. Is
i%aIrrt o ros SAL L•1 Myo W planed with
. M for quirk ale emend desirable 0100.1 1.
04IUO*a.d es good streets le lladeicb , aloe some
f�ae�rmi� sande .741044.•Gant Demme of say Wasik mn�ets.. H
MOM say
sr Seri Cleireekb. lsilk~se
Seel Etat Agent Wasisd
W. herr en eireptbesl weertenitir
fns yyeoua in your ear w Ms If roe s a
wsrbsr a nor agnnte an all m•kim 015
r and en bare • gond vaceary In
/ Ye*
ren 000orhnod. deed far toll par
Port 01.11., Mewrml. O.rpsranen ted.
ISR 4454 Vow, at. Tomato.
�-.__4___-.06. i._.. nate- - -
-r••o1r�ati."-- .ryW
One of the bask In tea Prov-
ince. Fixed ratia of aasassrm.mt
Live Stook Insured at Its foil
raise wbetber 0n the farm Or
not. No trouble to make @lappet•
R. McILWAtN, -
Agent for Colborne.
a 1111 k-sTAT0 Or JaNI Beam. Lars. or 101.
4(, , uv boor:11.0. 1st run: l o'%TY or
HI NON, Ji mutat, w earth. eat'Sael.11.
Nene 1. hereby gates pur.u$nt to H . ',O.
Chapter 01..ec..e. ,bat all 'errata h.,.Og '
tenons aga,n.1 the e -..t. 01 tie .ens Jane
a•saiy dee>..se.l. wfw *teal on t.0 about 1 he lath
Gay el a k^on.•,. 1014 Nle required W-1 1
GSA 1 t r to the unci • igi..d..e..e,LMr for twt.eat as
00.17, toe Oaluin..lr.10r e1 the 5.1.te el tae
N OM uera e.A. ,e, or before 100 4.40 day el
J.11 1144. fair p.rtua.an 01 hear chums. In
Wolter afro tin oat rte of the ..r.rlty td.oyr
PIM by them. *nu that 0f.er .rch Ira. mm
Memo date fur .OminIOrater will al.trleate
1a acr
1e a . a roarer/ ut the .le de.eu.ed.[ the per
moo euutlea thereto, barlea ra-g•.J wily to
i the cl.ru.e el vouch h. .0044 then hate rr
. plyqp 1.*atA. 0.044 tae .ala O,Imtut.1 atur wul
f Mot bit Whaler the men. er w part thereat.
Wasp perms w parole. et wbeetesi.t. •1100.
shall uta boor Pee* 1ewrl,ea by kms at the
lemon 4ela arttba'.a►
44.t.a u04. Aka ear us' Jena. A.D. I1N1.
t ALL (.A uttyW.
reenter tor rdunlAo BF: 1 r Y
la.t - AaG.uu.tralor.
111 A\"tgb.-FAMILY WASH iNO.
A gad taunt.... Apvay V Fie. f .
La N IN It \sago*• .beet. 1..1
wori. /OW arms it town .. or of oo.*r.g
I -email t.W.ly Appry to 31h J43143 L.
EI4.WftAA, Oedema.
TA oJstewm; nes. [tete • .veal *retool
wtltloate; sews to Ginn. • .pnn0e
les Ion ; .nano palmy esawai. %apt to J.
I. rue ail 01M'wa17-tGY0te sal.
of good oedema sad abMI , to act moo
✓ o ronelative In the awIOy of Here. t
wrsMdy 00e1111ne rod penman.. perinea for
w right mem Olt" It a 1 si.w.l-V U no.
■ Shwryr.ers. Termite. Vet fid'
skit V A N a'a - -) .s.. requiring hum sup
..odea.pnl k Sara to 41LUA0 r.VLra,
LAN. Memnon Ueref.nm11 bolersesweet
Aaat. ea reser" a sae unseal sett WOO H. r.
wNlral., alt. 1sleem tint.. MR no pease
a.4 MOND 0.42
f 1- RAUH!!K WANTED. e. MVR S.R.
A. Na t• (.Weems. Mweele el male
tonne prererr'ed, banana • ere a .w.wd
p.olhool ma. rertten.15 0410ms
7 e.
P.. UPnmeses es0Opat
gm5er f. Apply to
B Y AaUCL 0.eesa.7. B.ndlie. lb-.
...*fes Grant bas resigned as prim-
y.aeher In the 9t. Mary. prhlle
__The nongregation of 7.lon Luther
mg obierwh, Berlin. sr, planning a
4111.01°1400 1) 10.4, cbsreb•
I ogoiwith
�g ge *needed Sunday school
Recent Rai. Made Big Improvement
Throughout the Couoty
Not for many yeses have for crops'
it. Huron county looked better. In
fact the climatic conditions during the
month of June have been Weed, and
the several crops have made such
headway 14at miles* rouse unfortun-
ate arawback arises, there Will be an
abundant harvest of nearly every loud
01 grain,
%Vbeai a particularly good, sod
with the exception of a slight area
winch was winter•killed, should show
au abundant field. The plant is well
headed out, and .itbougtr the berry is
still in the milk state, the heads will
be well filled. The ugly iunuediate
fear as' that rust may develop with the
recent cuullnuous rains, but if warty,
bunny weather prevails dining the
mouth harvesting will be well under
way What' August. 7n fact, ghe
wheat is ahead of the timothy crop in
.owe place..
The urusl acreage of barley ba. been
'town, anal this too is exceptionally
fine. The plant is beading out and
will harvest early. There are some of
the desert Nelda w Colborne township
ever seen anywhere. Oats *re alsoex-
celleot, anti wee fields that write
early sown *re of • good dark color
and heading out. Some farmers feu
damage through falling under exces-
sive rainfall*. Corn it showing up
well, and alUbough somewhat retarded
by the cold. h,.ckwald spring it mak-
ing great nerdway. 'ibe provident
far mer baa sowu heavily in this crop
to make sure of sufficient stork feed,
a staple commodity he lacked the past
The bay crop is good in some parte,
and lighter it. others. Although re-
ported much More plentiful than last
year, the farmer finds a large percent-
age of wild gram cowing up, ateribut-
aule to the thin crop of last season.
Some Lucerne clover has been cut
and the growth pronounced excellent,
out there is • fear of mildewit.g in the
stook unless the wra.ber brightens,
qui.:kly. Houtz have germinated well,
and while it is rather premature to
state that potatoes will be abundant,
the indication-. are extremely encour-
Toe farmers have had many crop
disappointwer.te during the last five
years, but they are now rejoicing to
a man with the pro.pects fur thou sea-
son. Not only do the field crops hold
much in anticipation for thew, but
their apple and cherry orchards es
well promise heavy yields. Peaches,
mobile not as extensively grown hese
rr in districts farther east, will turn
nut well. In fact, some fourth year
tree, will bear very heavily.
Soo of Crown Anatomy Seager Receives
Qivimty Degree
In the presence of s brilliant a.-
semblege gathered in the hall of Trin-
ity college. Toronto, on Friday last,
Rev. Charles Allen Seager, .01.A., sou
of Crown Attorney and Mrs. Seager,
u( Oodericb, and principal of SL
Mark's hall, Vancouver, received the
degree of 1).D., bottoms c•U-a. Pro -
wort Meckirm, the vice-cbrucellor, in
opening the convocation, spoke of
Mr. Seager as • graduate of their own
co'lege who now held .n exalted posi-
tion on the Pacific coat.
The bishop of Toionto presented
Rev. Mr. Seo,Ier. He was torn at
LlFodericb, and received the degree of
B.A. in Itek,, and M.A. in 1416, in
wbicb year he was also ordaaned
priest by the bee Archbishop tSweat-
meo. H. began work under I)r.
Roper, now bishop of Columbia ; from
thence be went asi rector to 8t. Cyp-
tien's, in It1ir, where a fine new
church was built. l0 1911 he was ap-
pointed rector of Vernon, British
Columbia, and later be wan culled by
the council of the newly formed St.
Mark's divinity hall, Vancouver, W be-
come the principal. The bebop of
Toronto toed of the spleodid work
done at St. surk s hall, where they
have now:Ji) veru prepal tog for the
Dr. Meaner toll of the work on the
Pacific 50004_ They were (ace to face
with • very serious difficulty 1n the
matter of sai.suotis, and the work usual
rte docs with the cu -operation of the
oma' les 31 ST40gO aaA eSisstkRe yeas
net. The worrk among the Orientals
un the Pacific coast lay •1 the dour of
the Canadian church.
Miss Lottie Mdhveth whines to take
Uel. opportunity of thanking all those
who so kindly assisted her an the re-
cent conteret for The Signal summer
trip, hoth in town and tie surrounding
To t,be ulnar friends and supporters
who wr.ted me to win a prize in T1s
Signal crosser, trip aonta5t, 1 now re-
turn my thanks. - HATnx Bli.rwtw.
%lied Mamie Wormier extends
gratitude to those wbo supported her
in the recast digmal summer trip eon -
Malty th•hks and well wishes to t.be
friends who gave me their support i0
The Signal sumaerr trip contest. -
RETRY Mi ALLlrrmm.
For the support and a 1.tanceiven
ems duringR Ti. Menai contest � am
exneedingly (rondo! -PRAM. Me-
lt 041st tt.
Vito Klan M Oke desires to thank
• the e friends wbo supported be► in
The Rignal -Nair trip contest.
onion Wits at Remelt wilt hi
started is a bier de sod the crew
mss41'11• •promises to bs NiMpti.mbeRy good.
w -•anon.
Bylaw to Authorize Borrowing Monet,
to Pay Interest on Ontario West
Shore Bonds - Reeve Elliott s Name
Removed from Former Motion -
Finance Committee Report Adopted
The first regular meeting in July of
the municipal council war held in the
council chamber on Friday evening
Tart. All the members' were prereut.
with Mayor Rrid in the chair.
The minutes of the meeting of June
I9tb were read, and m1 "notion of
Uouu. L*ILhwsite, seconded by Coun.
Proudiuot, were rd,.ple:.
The treasurer's report for the month
of June wee read and referred to the
Fioaoce committee.
The cemetery sexton's report was
read and referred to Cemetery end
Parke committee.
A letter dated June 24th from the
Midway Mercantile Co., with iefetence
to operating a factory here, War read
and ordered to be tiled.
A letter dated June 211th from the
Canada Bond Corporation, with re-
ference to bonds of the American
Road Machine Co., war read and re-
ferred to Finance committee.
A letter dated July 2nd from Mr. E.
Bendel. of Blyth, with reference to
picnic from Beth toGoderich on July
:'Nth was tea and referred to the
Parks commit ler.
A letter dated July 3rd from the
Public Library board, ieque.ting an
iiIv*nce of *21 a. 'bear grant for
1914, was rasa.
Moved by DeputyReeve Clark
1e1Unded by Faure. ithwaite, that
for request he granted. -Carried.
A letter dated July 3rd from the
%% est Huron Agricultural society.
applying for • grant of 51(0), was read
and referred to the Finance cn 101uer.
A letter thew Mr. F. E. Bingham,
applying for permission to construct
au addiuou to the Lyne theatre. was
rrad and referred to the Public Works
commit fes.
A notice dated July lot from the
county clerk. strtiog that the *mu of
$411t.35 would be required from We
municipality frr county purposes for
the corrent pear wee reed stud referred
to the Finance committee.
A letter dated lune :ift b from the
pruvrecial board of health, encltsiing
copy of report cf the board's engineer
with reference to the condition of
0oderich water stirply we. re.ML
Moved by Reeve Elliott, seconded
by Coun. Morrie, that the matter he
referred to Water and Light coo'-
missioo to coosidrd.-Carried,
A'spot 1 of the Finance committee
dated July 'Aid was read and on
motion of Coun. Luthweite, seconded
by Coun. M.-Ulinion, wan adopted.
A report of the Public Walks com-
mittee dated July 2nd was read, and
on motion of Deputy Reeve Clark.
seconded by ('oma. Wigle, was adopt-
A report of the Demeter y and Perks
committee dated July 2nld was read,
and on motion ot Reeve Elliott,
seconded by Coun. Elliott, was adopt-
A report of the Water, Light and
Harbor c tee dated July 2nd Wall
read and on motion ()Wolin. Elliott
was referred back to committee.
The matter of purchasing r monu-
ment for the sailors' plot all Maitland
cemetery byre on motion tit Conn.
Wille, seconded by ('nun. Proudfo3t,
referred to theCeu.etery committee to
Mover: by Coun. Wigle. seconded by
Coro. Proudfoot, that the public
school and rollegirte institute lorrdn
be asked t., .tiburit their (intimates fur
the current year before the 13th inst.
Coun. Norris thought something
was wrong with the .seessor. He
understuoa that the asee..ment roll
hholld br til the bands of the clerk by
April :0)th. and it had not yet been
turned in. A number ot towoaperrple
had complained that they had not
received their 0es.ssmrnt not ire yet
I'0514 Jlidtidte :.4.71f a war ins employ-
ed hy tnr+c.,uacif and dare not do his
wort he ought to he discharged. The
assessor as bolding up the whole
work of the counc.l. The court of
revision was • farce because we bad
me as.ee.ment roll to go by. I move
Met we discharge the aswnwt.
Another m011on was made to call
the assessor in and explain but as be
was sot in the building and no second-
er was found for Coun. Elliott'* "1)4,1100
the matter was dropped.
Moved by Reeve Elliott., .econded
by Coun. Elliott. that toy name (the
reeve's) be Withdrawn am seconder of
the anotiou to adopt the Finance com-
mittee's report of June 114th -Carried.
The mayor ruled that this motion
re.cinded the motion passed on Jdne
19th adopting the Fi committee's
Moved by Coun. Laithwaite, second-
ed by Coun. McClinton, that the re-
port of the Ffnamee committee dated
June "Nth he adopted. --Carried with -
0111 dissent.
A number of accounts were referred
to tin Ytnnace 00n.ln11toe
On motion 0f Onun. Proudtorot,
seeorsded by Coen. Laithwaite, Ryles"
No 21 of 1914, a bylaw to authorise
the borrowing d a num of money to
Meet the interest on the hoods of the
Ontario West Shore rail w.y fallen
due on the IK of July, 1914, end
Rtuorante.d Hy the municipality of the
town of fnderieb was introduced and
read a first and eeeond (lane.
Moved b Oe. Wight, seconded by
Osun. NeOlahi0ton, that Use bylaw be
given w third reading and passed. -
The Finance committer reported
that the matter of passing a bylaw' ---
idin fur the cuII rcUon of 1914
A. E. gRADWIN. Putman
prim R
taxes be laid over for the present.
The following accounts were order-
rdered to be paid: -Mayor Reid, ..:penes
to Elated, 54.21: R. C. Postletb-
waite, 511; Wilt. Craig, 57 ; postage
for circular letter, $.i; lioderIeb Star.
521.141; Geo a Bisset, $1.50; Oode-
rich townsbiP telephone system, al;
George Laithwaite, 541.94: (ioderich
Planing Mill Co., $3'd; Ruchest.er Ueruni-
cide Co., 53.47; P. J. Pridham, $31. 0
The report of the Public Works
coplmittee follows: -Your committee
obtained an option froom Mr. J A.
Walker on his lot at the rear of the
town hall at a pricy of 5010) and we
reromnlen3 Chet no action he taken at
this price. We have instructei the
efleet ins' ectuc to .up ervbe the erec•
tion of pole., etc., as per letter of June
1st from Bell Telephone Co. We have
requested Mr. Sidney Johnston, t'.E.,
of Strafford, to come to Ooderich at
once to report on sidewalks and sewer,.
The Cemetery and "'arks committee
reported as 101101•11: -That the estate
of James Dickson he given permission
to remove tree from cemetery plot.
That the arrangement with Mr.
Aldous, with reference to payment of
extra help, be still continued.
Hydro Oamaniss1ob Built Power Line
Over Railway Route
The hydro -electric power commis-
sion recently constructed a power line
across the right-of-way of the Cenad-
idn Pacific railway near Meneset sta-
tion, without obtaining formal per-
mission from the company.
•The matter wsa brought to the notice
of the Dominion railway commission,
which held a sitting at the Tcronto
city hall no Friday last. Mr. Angus
MacM urchy, K.C., who appeared on
h«hal: of the railway, called attention
to the f.ct tiro. it ono not worthy of
a public holy lige. the hydro -electric
r))mrnir.inu to tske the law into its
own h.nd4 And siring power lines on
private property wnho.t nbralning
ihr il.00rent of the owner-. This 0104
Iht. 1 h occwrence of the kind.
Nape- Pope, rrprr.entit.g the
hydrtr-rlectric a,tnruis+ion, declared it
was only 0 metier of torn', and he
thought the hoard would uphold
the commis*ion for taking liberterr on
the ground "hat the purpn.efor
which the line iv used should be con -
rides ed.
"The electric eoasasisrion are tree -
pitmen" commented Con'missicner
"You know how to deal with tres-
passers" said Assistant Chief Commis-
sioner D'Arcy Scott, addressing Mi.
Medlareby. "'Me hood baa bo jur-
isdiCtibn In that phase of the case."
"I suppose ;he hydro commission
:an asinine the responsibility of such it
charge" retorted Major Pope.
After further argument, Acting
Chairman D'Arcy Scott instructed ?Ir.
Murphy, the electrical engineer of the
railway- board, to 11 port as to the
methods and safely of the point where
the line rncroa^hes upon the property
of the railway.
Summons Came Suddenly
Mr. Wm. Higgins, one of the oldest
settlers in Stanley township, died at
his home in EIwburst, nese Clinton,
at noon on Monday in his 41th year,
(rot.) heart failure. i)eceased ate hie
dinner es usual and Veda overtaken
while walking through his house and
expired in a few minutes. before
medical aid could reach him. He was
a native of Wbrkshire arid lived for s
time in Onto. He was a well known
stock farmer and hada valuable I -t of
prize-winning Shorthorn cattle. Hifi
widow and one eon, John, who lives
at home. survive him.
Special Trains for the Twelfth
Arrargemente have been inside with
the Grand trunk railway to run spec-
ial train. to Goderi -h nn Monday
next, .duly 13th. One special train
will leave Kincardine at six a.m., rai-
ling •t intermediate stations, end
reach tiuderich et SAO A second
train will leave IMrrtrrn at 10.1.. s.w.
and arrive at 12 o'clock. Pe.seng.i s
from Dublin westward will arrive at
(indent -1i by the regular train at 11.:G
a,er.' w1t.,1hr train or Kjnt-�
CerdlrM •r,0 InIevmMfta(. eWII.w. w.N
leave at eight p.m. and the .perisl for
Ildrt•ton and intermediate station* at
7.:11//t. M. A special train will leave
for Dublin and Intermediate stations
.15.10 p. m.
A sons ial C. P. R. train from Guelph
and internredlats stations will reach
Oolericb at 10 a.m. end returning will
leave Ooderich at fl.:41) p.m.
All trains will beerun at special ex -
(torsion rate..
Passenger me the Aesin.bo,a
Mrs. Alex. Walker, of R,.•anville,
SMketchewan, wbn was a ppweaseenger
on lbs' U.P.R. lake liner Aseinibola
when oh. went ashore on Bad Island
shoals, bear the entreaty. to Georgian
bay, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Blake. Trafalgar st4eet.
Sbe describes the occasion as one of
great eieiternhnt, but the oalmnew of
the officers and the splendid disrlplia*
that prevailed prevented any paaie.
it is said that the tog horn operator
Lined to answer the Apinihni.'s
whistle until she .truck Th. opera-
tor claims that the fog did not prevul
at the station and that be worked Lb. -
born as soon as the fog became visible
to him. In spite of Mrs. Walker's e■
perienee she declares that If she mat.. I
the trip again she will corse by water
and would like to have the rami rep-
tain and oM.wr.on the hoer, Ono of
the i.rwngers Circulated a paper
which all signori, (teetering the con.
A0. nee M the passengers In the ree-
monehip of the ofine.srs.
Recommends that a Chlorination Sys-
tem to Treat the Raw Lake Water
Immediately be Installed -Suggests
that Plans and Estimates ,be Pre-
pared for a New Intake
At for last meeting of 0)derich
council the following letter' andreport
from Dr. J. %V. 8. McCullough. chief
medical health officer of Ontario,
were read :-
1 beg to rend your herewith copy of
report of rte hoard'. engineer in re-
ference to the condition of Godericb
water supply. You will please have this
matter taken up by your council at the
earliest pus,ible date. The board
trusts that the good sener of the couo.
cil will see to it that theme recommen-
dations are carried out. Kludly ad-
vise we what your council proposes
doing in the matter.
Below will be found a copy of the
engineer's report :-
A visit was Made to Oodericb on the
request of Dr. McNally to examine
into the present condition of the
waterworks system, with special refer-
ence to the measures that should he
taken on account of the frequent oc-
currence of pollution cf the water sup -
Abe water supply is taken from
Lake Huron by Means of a 12 -inch in-
take, which extends some 9010 feet into
the water from the shore. The intake
pipe is about 1410 feet long altogether.
The conditions of the intake have
never been Ideal owing to the fact
that to the north the Maitland river
and the waters of the harbor d e -
charge, and to the south about • utile
and a quarter dirtent they have an
outlet !or the sewerage sy.tem, which
enters the lake at this point without
treatment of any kind.
The new work. now under construc-
tion by the department of public
woks upon the harbor improvement
00,1.irts mainly of ereo ting hresk-
waters to make this a port of refuge
in time of storm ; there works upon
their completion will restrain the
mesial movements of the harbor
wittier and pleats the existing intake an
a vete bad position and o11e in which
it will be subject to very considerable
contamination, mainly from boats.
The water will elan be practically tur-
bid, owing partly to the coudltiun of
the water there normally due to the
wave action and the Maitland river
and to the mud stirred up by the boats
manoeuvring within thin breakwater
The department of public works'
through Mr. J. J. Sing, district en-
gineer, have very kindly furnished is
with a plan of their proposed break-
water. At the time of my visit the
hydro-eleettic commission were con-
sidering the advisability of Installing
electric unite to supplant the exiting
clean' plant Obeli for puwpiug water
through Use town 1001110.
Upon request the hydro commission
have furnished u. with drawings and
specifications and rep. -rt upon this'
This retort indicate■ that the in-
stallation proposed by the commission
is of considerable smaller capacity
than the existing works, although
double the capacity required for the
dotnsouk. requirements for 24 hour..
The capacity of the elect' lea, d" leen
pumps in leer than one half of that re-
quired by the Fire Underwriter: re-
sUciation and *bout one-third of the
present maximum pumping capacity.
in the report of the hydro commis-
sion mention in tirade of the present
condition of the intake. 1 find upon
examining it that a seven -foot drop in
the level .,f the ruction well over that
exuding in the lake would only per-
mit approximately 2,tilt1,17I1 gallons
per 24 hours passing through the in-
14114 not aware wha•ther a gresier
difference in level than this ie perinis.
011ie. 1 think it ereat.s a suction left
of about tl feet. i think it would he
advisable. to report to this municipality
in writing that in the opinion nt 'he
hoard it 15 necessary in the interest 1 f
public health that: -
b . L .abl•rtoaaimlh, 'quanta to
the raw lake water Imesedtately ha ln-
.tslb.l, to add a quantity of bleaching
Powder tHypochluride of lime' now
mg between one to .7:, parte per mil-
lion of available chlorine to the water
before at enters the existing sedimen-
tation hasin.
2 -Plane and rstinutea he prepared
for • new intake lot the waterworks
system of the said town, which intake
shell not he lees than sit inches ie
diameter and carried to • point beyond
the swath end of the existing .nuth-
west breakwater, rod that the .sod
plans and estimators he filed with the
hoard within s period of Al) days.
( -That plans and estimates be pre-
pared at an early date for laying an
additional force attain from the pump-
ing station to the centre of the die
tyilbuUmg system in the above mllnici-
There is no question but that with
the present conditione piloting at the
intake that (Fnderich is liable at any
leoornrnt to Fre afflicted hy a serious
epidemic of "water borne" disease.
The ehiorinathn plant 1. moat advis-
1 am of the opinion that the approv-
al for propn..d changes of the hydro
elector rnmmipton shmrld I.. held ..p
pending • reply from the munici-
(Rlern.•di H. DA1LY41.
-Wnerdstock will probably cele-
brate the one hundred years of peace
in .w0nnartioo with the old boys' re-
union next year.
Goderich Has Beieo Selected for Exten-
sive Manoeuvres
liuderich has been definitely OW rte`
ed as the site for the militia train ing
camp to be held August 17th W 2 lat.
Tbe city reglweot. will out partici pate
in the cabwp, but will unite with the
rural battatioos in extensive tactical
exercises at the clow of thea caw p
It war felt Lhat, fora live -day camp,
the grounds offered in Oodericn would
be wucb superior to the old site un
l'arlinR s heights. Logsdon, as 60 sores
would be available as compared with
five acre., offering uppurwoitiee for
more extended training than was pod-
sible on the old camp ground..
rraining in company and battalion
drill, rkirnlishiug ono signalling, will
occupy the time during the first three
day., alter which all the battalions'
will he thoroughly trained in musket-
ry. Musketry Is to be more than ever
• big feature of the training camp, and
a full day hes been provided for in the
schedule fur shooting, in case of bad
The extended manoeuvres will take
in a large piece of territory, Prow
Hyde Park to (iuderich, and it is telt
the.. the tactical scheme arranged will
be of unusual benefit to the corps tat -
tog part. The geueul arbewe is for.
march southward from Oodencb by
the lied forte, composed of the units
in camp at Ooderich, the White force.
made up of city reguuenta, moving
from Hyde.Part to intercept thew.
The fled force will have a total of 31
Infantry companies. the '24th regi-
ment, Grey's Horne, and halt a mount-
ed company of the Coope and Outdes,
under commend of Lieut. -Clot. A.
Weir, of the Second Infantry brigade.
with Capt. H. L. Milligan, of London,
as his staff oMcer. Toe Infanta y bri-
gade will be under command of Lieut. -
Cul. T. B. Welch, of Windsor, with,
Major Walter J. Brown, of Aylmer,
as we brigade Waled, aur will lee coos.
poised of "K" company, Koyal Cams-
dawn regiment ; 8eveuth Field com-
pany, Canadian engineers, 211th Mid-
dlesex Light inlaid' y, 2;tb Lambtun
Bor.lewn, a coulptesite regiment COM -
pasted of two companies tit the Stith
Perth Fusiliers mud tour companise of
the 29th 1Vaterk.o; :tied Huron regi-
ment ; half of N,,. 1 Signal company ;
No. 1 company, Canadian army, ser-
vice corps; 1410 Freed ambulance, Sar-
nia; half reaction of Canadian Arany
Veterinary corps, and half detail
Canadian Postal corps.
Lieut.. -Col. K. Mackenzie, of the
Third Infantry t�rtgade, will command
the White force, with Lieut. -diol. id.
S. %Vigie. t.1 Wiudeor, am hits staff
officer. '1'be fine brigade, composed
0t the First Hussars' ; unit of inounted
company. Corp. of Guides; 7th regi -
54001; Curt 8.r�ee Fusilier.. nasi y2ud
Oxford Pectis., 0144 ae stuausisr wwmfd
of Lieut.•Col. A. A. Campbell, of Lou-
don, with 1Japt. F. B. Ware, 7th regi-
ment, as brigade maim'. Tito Seo uud
brigade, tomer euwwaud of LseuL-
Co4. A. J. Oliver, of Oast, with Major
F. J. H.. Fo*te.r, 28th regiweut, as Url-
gatre or/00r, w1.1 he CJ.npJeed et the
2410 Kent ; :hili Magill ; 2t1tb Perth.
leer two cowponies, anu the 211tw
(Vater duo regiment, less four cuts -
panics. Similar details of signallers.
vete, tual y corps and ports.' men to
Usti.* WILL the tied torte will accuse.
pauy the little army. 'I'be loth Field
rutiwlauce, tit London, will ens reale
made up as' r .avalry held ambulance.
in detail the tactical echelon evolved
for the manoeuvres; provides for a
Heady advauce on Loudon by the Reed
arm), the White. or defending force
impeding their prugrees an rear -guard
actions. The march .outbward will
begin et eight o'clock on the morning
of August 22od, and fr a point one
Mile *with of t4tslerrch the running
fight. will commence. Rising from
bivouac Sunday morning, both forces
will hold divine service, and after a
cavalry reconnoitre, the White force
will march .even noire. On Saturday
morning the 2rIth regiment will pro-
vide 0 4140.15 anti a.lva11e rinds : on
Mon lay the. 1.d Hurons, lue.day the
27th regiment, and the next dry the
posits. ltaI.a4auu. by thrift, P.M.
Weu twenty. the conflict forces will
come into touch with each sorbet.
Stiff fighting between the composite
ls►ttaliou and two companies of the
\%'brie force preselug tbeIi advance on
London. .
tswtl. . '116t4u0a., fe
r(mge erra•steppijw wiNrhe
forwarded lath from -the inititln con-
tractors In I. onion to conveournt
Fpaina un the London. Huruu naafi
Bruce for ho.13 forces, to ho picael up
(luring rwn•be.. If 1. pienoed that
the di.posilion of the troupe will he so.
Iuaburuv red that they may entrant at
lour ',tattoos, Claudrteoye, LUCIA.
Lue•n ('roping and Ailsa Craig.
Expected that Several of Las: N.rris
he's Wrecks Wall he Posed
A despatch from Sarnia .ays that a
report was received More Monday
afternoon that 0 p arty orf lake murvsy.
ore will swoop • large portion of rue
woaheru pt.. u( Lakeora .funs((
the Canadian etre-. in the vic,nity tad
Oodench, where e.a
nr oft teat. I.
in November last are supposed to rent.
11 is stated by mariner. that a .Anal
sx11t. neer Oudotich and it 1e on th4.
that the survey party expecte to lid
at (east two of this steamers. 1Vh
no plans have frame adoptee Sy
United !tutees government or the Car-
riers' Aa.ociation for a Marsh of Chie
part of the lake. the Canadian govt.rn-
in.nt has already a tot 0r, the josh
investigating the reports that eh
hulk of the steamers McO.an, Car-
'as'ruthers and Wexford are lying jun ti
Nattel's point.
-Berlin will engage a parks wiper
• �". , ..
SAVE, because- No. 118
No man can feel confident of the future it be has
nothing roved. ..4 -'w IAmos
Head Office, Corner and BayStreets,
General Mai Iger Kray fg - - T A. H W as'
Godench Bra )cis �� - - - -i ..- . -A. r..
Auburn, Ont. Mooktoo, Ont.
Beytiski. Ont. Sebrtngville, Ont.
Dunganoob, O0. Varna, Out.
Some Desirable
for immediate sale
List your properties for sale or rent with me.
PHotten : OrrIeE Rl : Honig 150. P. O. Box 364
`�.. J`.....A-w
Water rats Juiy M Dreamer, are seaell,,�dos
ala ammonia cad daring this month hate lo
per teat will be allowed. After Jsly 314 hill
enema mar. be paW- Any In amen for
water or light are mooned to .ettie this
nowt h. PodUvvb no donoant after July 31.t.
By order.
W. T. 11111;RNLY. A. HTKAITON,
OW Chairman Collector.
embed leaden will be reeslved by obs under -
up to r pp..ms on T ur.4. , Jaly lath.
1014. fee 01er.tloo. n the Town Hall Badding
to term quartan for brumes.
Plow aid .pedaoatbr may be seen at tM
Iowa Clerk . Mese. Town Hall. or Kik.. Gaon
of the *erbltect. J. Ade. Fowler. Albert stns -
No Wider ieMGs.rt4 �p�{ed,
Illi Lt f. yEN tatiews CYrk
and Mob above W. J. (*reign's billiard
.MORa wet eda of Amara Aptty to .1. P.
� 00ppeight arena* sed one on
tl . A. 0. MCLEAN to RIO(a1Mtti Illi, w
F'RtDA T. July pt - Asad iia .ale of residential
pnopsrt) sad bou.sbeld effects d the late Mio.
of tlr Ranter. at the pnmt.K Napier .treet.
Tesla OL-NDRY. aectteaear.
Te..o*Y, Jany 1e. - Auction sats of fear
bold tarodur. a.d furhi.biaa., at the premien.
Trafalgar attest Yam 31. 1Y•awl14... pro
effete,.,; Taos. Dummy. auctioneer
I mm le4ructed by the adtulni.tratrlx of the
state of tae late
to .il by public auction at the premise- on
Napier .trus;F a the Y JL;LY oddertcb on
txmmencrig at 4 o deck .harp:
The, Property coo.t.un4 of • comfortable
well-built franc dwelling wall • large lot on
watch there is room to belld soother boos.. It
1. wall located nasi in a part of tin tow■ teat
N Improvise In value.
Taaem-lei per met o1 tbe psreha.e gine
to be pun al ma the time of .ale. . an thirty
nt the .tame time and piece all the bourbon
fru-biters aid ether. will be dl.pred el.
anxe.e0t wb4n +re
none. comm.. (Muse.. ebain bedm roosato(
neatly new Sower orand
ch . ) .•y 1 AMMO.
tyres with rv.errolr. rtadaaut Home nester.
rood wood coot .lure. wood nesteredam
crockery. stemware, carpet., curtain. Mises
and mamma. other mucks.. 'I arm .•. -b.
-Papa 114'0141. HAYS a k ILLOKAN.
les ICltor..
rdud. (4U .4 ,t Y, suet iuneer.
1 Meeb y. robber Un: 1 rubber Wed
1.00MM. to goad order ; 1 11gst rad buggy ' -- `
Aq4 to sY ACHESON a ill.. lett
boon on Trafalgar stat between North
and Victoria .tai. Convenient to school.
bonne...oboroh or bone-.. Hent $18.10,1a month. parse-
ar.►Oen July 1.40. Apply MFW. J. H. LEUC'H GO
N'. here for sale about thirty town Iota
prints tearing from 10) .pwaM., al.o Wee
•ootttta.l�eesrr dwelling.d other d.eng. and • few Mime
tick Oat. anti
LL SALE -The rnddeooe• with four lot.•
formerly knows as the A .McD. Allay property`
mow (1maroi and Raglan .timet& tiles
briek home. two maria, sa antenna repair •
modern 0earesi Mea Grosado planted with
vatlei7 01ekoice hosts. Om W the beet �te�•
erns te OO er$eO. Reasseable tame P. �.
RYAN Orsder4e0. 1�ff
fall of Id nee la the loartk rowan
'no Sanwa (Menne of the terwi.blp of Ash
Geld, essWeing rep awns The butWlaft• eta•
d,t et a�fRraa Mews . .,daeframe bora. T es'. Is
i%aIrrt o ros SAL L•1 Myo W planed with
. M for quirk ale emend desirable 0100.1 1.
04IUO*a.d es good streets le lladeicb , aloe some
f�ae�rmi� sande .741044.•Gant Demme of say Wasik mn�ets.. H
MOM say
sr Seri Cleireekb. lsilk~se
Seel Etat Agent Wasisd
W. herr en eireptbesl weertenitir
fns yyeoua in your ear w Ms If roe s a
wsrbsr a nor agnnte an all m•kim 015
r and en bare • gond vaceary In
/ Ye*
ren 000orhnod. deed far toll par
Port 01.11., Mewrml. O.rpsranen ted.
ISR 4454 Vow, at. Tomato.
�-.__4___-.06. i._.. nate- - -
-r••o1r�ati."-- .ryW
One of the bask In tea Prov-
ince. Fixed ratia of aasassrm.mt
Live Stook Insured at Its foil
raise wbetber 0n the farm Or
not. No trouble to make @lappet•
R. McILWAtN, -
Agent for Colborne.
a 1111 k-sTAT0 Or JaNI Beam. Lars. or 101.
4(, , uv boor:11.0. 1st run: l o'%TY or
HI NON, Ji mutat, w earth. eat'Sael.11.
Nene 1. hereby gates pur.u$nt to H . ',O.
Chapter 01..ec..e. ,bat all 'errata h.,.Og '
tenons aga,n.1 the e -..t. 01 tie .ens Jane
a•saiy dee>..se.l. wfw *teal on t.0 about 1 he lath
Gay el a k^on.•,. 1014 Nle required W-1 1
GSA 1 t r to the unci • igi..d..e..e,LMr for twt.eat as
00.17, toe Oaluin..lr.10r e1 the 5.1.te el tae
N OM uera e.A. ,e, or before 100 4.40 day el
J.11 1144. fair p.rtua.an 01 hear chums. In
Wolter afro tin oat rte of the ..r.rlty td.oyr
PIM by them. *nu that 0f.er .rch Ira. mm
Memo date fur .OminIOrater will al.trleate
1a acr
1e a . a roarer/ ut the .le de.eu.ed.[ the per
moo euutlea thereto, barlea ra-g•.J wily to
i the cl.ru.e el vouch h. .0044 then hate rr
. plyqp 1.*atA. 0.044 tae .ala O,Imtut.1 atur wul
f Mot bit Whaler the men. er w part thereat.
Wasp perms w parole. et wbeetesi.t. •1100.
shall uta boor Pee* 1ewrl,ea by kms at the
lemon 4ela arttba'.a►
44.t.a u04. Aka ear us' Jena. A.D. I1N1.
t ALL (.A uttyW.
reenter tor rdunlAo BF: 1 r Y
la.t - AaG.uu.tralor.
111 A\"tgb.-FAMILY WASH iNO.
A gad taunt.... Apvay V Fie. f .
La N IN It \sago*• .beet. 1..1
wori. /OW arms it town .. or of oo.*r.g
I -email t.W.ly Appry to 31h J43143 L.
EI4.WftAA, Oedema.
TA oJstewm; nes. [tete • .veal *retool
wtltloate; sews to Ginn. • .pnn0e
les Ion ; .nano palmy esawai. %apt to J.
I. rue ail 01M'wa17-tGY0te sal.
of good oedema sad abMI , to act moo
✓ o ronelative In the awIOy of Here. t
wrsMdy 00e1111ne rod penman.. perinea for
w right mem Olt" It a 1 si.w.l-V U no.
■ Shwryr.ers. Termite. Vet fid'
skit V A N a'a - -) .s.. requiring hum sup
..odea.pnl k Sara to 41LUA0 r.VLra,
LAN. Memnon Ueref.nm11 bolersesweet
Aaat. ea reser" a sae unseal sett WOO H. r.
wNlral., alt. 1sleem tint.. MR no pease
a.4 MOND 0.42
f 1- RAUH!!K WANTED. e. MVR S.R.
A. Na t• (.Weems. Mweele el male
tonne prererr'ed, banana • ere a .w.wd
p.olhool ma. rertten.15 0410ms
7 e.
P.. UPnmeses es0Opat
gm5er f. Apply to
B Y AaUCL 0.eesa.7. B.ndlie. lb-.
...*fes Grant bas resigned as prim-
y.aeher In the 9t. Mary. prhlle
__The nongregation of 7.lon Luther
mg obierwh, Berlin. sr, planning a
4111.01°1400 1) 10.4, cbsreb•
I ogoiwith
�g ge *needed Sunday school
Recent Rai. Made Big Improvement
Throughout the Couoty
Not for many yeses have for crops'
it. Huron county looked better. In
fact the climatic conditions during the
month of June have been Weed, and
the several crops have made such
headway 14at miles* rouse unfortun-
ate arawback arises, there Will be an
abundant harvest of nearly every loud
01 grain,
%Vbeai a particularly good, sod
with the exception of a slight area
winch was winter•killed, should show
au abundant field. The plant is well
headed out, and .itbougtr the berry is
still in the milk state, the heads will
be well filled. The ugly iunuediate
fear as' that rust may develop with the
recent cuullnuous rains, but if warty,
bunny weather prevails dining the
mouth harvesting will be well under
way What' August. 7n fact, ghe
wheat is ahead of the timothy crop in
.owe place..
The urusl acreage of barley ba. been
'town, anal this too is exceptionally
fine. The plant is beading out and
will harvest early. There are some of
the desert Nelda w Colborne township
ever seen anywhere. Oats *re alsoex-
celleot, anti wee fields that write
early sown *re of • good dark color
and heading out. Some farmers feu
damage through falling under exces-
sive rainfall*. Corn it showing up
well, and alUbough somewhat retarded
by the cold. h,.ckwald spring it mak-
ing great nerdway. 'ibe provident
far mer baa sowu heavily in this crop
to make sure of sufficient stork feed,
a staple commodity he lacked the past
The bay crop is good in some parte,
and lighter it. others. Although re-
ported much More plentiful than last
year, the farmer finds a large percent-
age of wild gram cowing up, ateribut-
aule to the thin crop of last season.
Some Lucerne clover has been cut
and the growth pronounced excellent,
out there is • fear of mildewit.g in the
stook unless the wra.ber brightens,
qui.:kly. Houtz have germinated well,
and while it is rather premature to
state that potatoes will be abundant,
the indication-. are extremely encour-
Toe farmers have had many crop
disappointwer.te during the last five
years, but they are now rejoicing to
a man with the pro.pects fur thou sea-
son. Not only do the field crops hold
much in anticipation for thew, but
their apple and cherry orchards es
well promise heavy yields. Peaches,
mobile not as extensively grown hese
rr in districts farther east, will turn
nut well. In fact, some fourth year
tree, will bear very heavily.
Soo of Crown Anatomy Seager Receives
Qivimty Degree
In the presence of s brilliant a.-
semblege gathered in the hall of Trin-
ity college. Toronto, on Friday last,
Rev. Charles Allen Seager, .01.A., sou
of Crown Attorney and Mrs. Seager,
u( Oodericb, and principal of SL
Mark's hall, Vancouver, received the
degree of 1).D., bottoms c•U-a. Pro -
wort Meckirm, the vice-cbrucellor, in
opening the convocation, spoke of
Mr. Seager as • graduate of their own
co'lege who now held .n exalted posi-
tion on the Pacific coat.
The bishop of Toionto presented
Rev. Mr. Seo,Ier. He was torn at
LlFodericb, and received the degree of
B.A. in Itek,, and M.A. in 1416, in
wbicb year he was also ordaaned
priest by the bee Archbishop tSweat-
meo. H. began work under I)r.
Roper, now bishop of Columbia ; from
thence be went asi rector to 8t. Cyp-
tien's, in It1ir, where a fine new
church was built. l0 1911 he was ap-
pointed rector of Vernon, British
Columbia, and later be wan culled by
the council of the newly formed St.
Mark's divinity hall, Vancouver, W be-
come the principal. The bebop of
Toronto toed of the spleodid work
done at St. surk s hall, where they
have now:Ji) veru prepal tog for the
Dr. Meaner toll of the work on the
Pacific 50004_ They were (ace to face
with • very serious difficulty 1n the
matter of sai.suotis, and the work usual
rte docs with the cu -operation of the
oma' les 31 ST40gO aaA eSisstkRe yeas
net. The worrk among the Orientals
un the Pacific coast lay •1 the dour of
the Canadian church.
Miss Lottie Mdhveth whines to take
Uel. opportunity of thanking all those
who so kindly assisted her an the re-
cent conteret for The Signal summer
trip, hoth in town and tie surrounding
To t,be ulnar friends and supporters
who wr.ted me to win a prize in T1s
Signal crosser, trip aonta5t, 1 now re-
turn my thanks. - HATnx Bli.rwtw.
%lied Mamie Wormier extends
gratitude to those wbo supported her
in the recast digmal summer trip eon -
Malty th•hks and well wishes to t.be
friends who gave me their support i0
The Signal sumaerr trip contest. -
RETRY Mi ALLlrrmm.
For the support and a 1.tanceiven
ems duringR Ti. Menai contest � am
exneedingly (rondo! -PRAM. Me-
lt 041st tt.
Vito Klan M Oke desires to thank
• the e friends wbo supported be► in
The Rignal -Nair trip contest.
onion Wits at Remelt wilt hi
started is a bier de sod the crew
mss41'11• •promises to bs NiMpti.mbeRy good.
w -•anon.
Bylaw to Authorize Borrowing Monet,
to Pay Interest on Ontario West
Shore Bonds - Reeve Elliott s Name
Removed from Former Motion -
Finance Committee Report Adopted
The first regular meeting in July of
the municipal council war held in the
council chamber on Friday evening
Tart. All the members' were prereut.
with Mayor Rrid in the chair.
The minutes of the meeting of June
I9tb were read, and m1 "notion of
Uouu. L*ILhwsite, seconded by Coun.
Proudiuot, were rd,.ple:.
The treasurer's report for the month
of June wee read and referred to the
Fioaoce committee.
The cemetery sexton's report was
read and referred to Cemetery end
Parke committee.
A letter dated June 24th from the
Midway Mercantile Co., with iefetence
to operating a factory here, War read
and ordered to be tiled.
A letter dated June 211th from the
Canada Bond Corporation, with re-
ference to bonds of the American
Road Machine Co., war read and re-
ferred to Finance committee.
A letter dated July 2nd from Mr. E.
Bendel. of Blyth, with reference to
picnic from Beth toGoderich on July
:'Nth was tea and referred to the
Parks commit ler.
A letter dated July 3rd from the
Public Library board, ieque.ting an
iiIv*nce of *21 a. 'bear grant for
1914, was rasa.
Moved by DeputyReeve Clark
1e1Unded by Faure. ithwaite, that
for request he granted. -Carried.
A letter dated July 3rd from the
%% est Huron Agricultural society.
applying for • grant of 51(0), was read
and referred to the Finance cn 101uer.
A letter thew Mr. F. E. Bingham,
applying for permission to construct
au addiuou to the Lyne theatre. was
rrad and referred to the Public Works
commit fes.
A notice dated July lot from the
county clerk. strtiog that the *mu of
$411t.35 would be required from We
municipality frr county purposes for
the corrent pear wee reed stud referred
to the Finance committee.
A letter dated lune :ift b from the
pruvrecial board of health, encltsiing
copy of report cf the board's engineer
with reference to the condition of
0oderich water stirply we. re.ML
Moved by Reeve Elliott, seconded
by Coun. Morrie, that the matter he
referred to Water and Light coo'-
missioo to coosidrd.-Carried,
A'spot 1 of the Finance committee
dated July 'Aid was read and on
motion of Coun. Luthweite, seconded
by Coun. M.-Ulinion, wan adopted.
A report of the Public Walks com-
mittee dated July 2nd was read, and
on motion of Deputy Reeve Clark.
seconded by ('oma. Wigle, was adopt-
A report of the Demeter y and Perks
committee dated July 2nld was read,
and on motion ot Reeve Elliott,
seconded by Coun. Elliott, was adopt-
A report of the Water, Light and
Harbor c tee dated July 2nd Wall
read and on motion ()Wolin. Elliott
was referred back to committee.
The matter of purchasing r monu-
ment for the sailors' plot all Maitland
cemetery byre on motion tit Conn.
Wille, seconded by ('nun. Proudfo3t,
referred to theCeu.etery committee to
Mover: by Coun. Wigle. seconded by
Coro. Proudfoot, that the public
school and rollegirte institute lorrdn
be asked t., .tiburit their (intimates fur
the current year before the 13th inst.
Coun. Norris thought something
was wrong with the .seessor. He
understuoa that the asee..ment roll
hholld br til the bands of the clerk by
April :0)th. and it had not yet been
turned in. A number ot towoaperrple
had complained that they had not
received their 0es.ssmrnt not ire yet
I'0514 Jlidtidte :.4.71f a war ins employ-
ed hy tnr+c.,uacif and dare not do his
wort he ought to he discharged. The
assessor as bolding up the whole
work of the counc.l. The court of
revision was • farce because we bad
me as.ee.ment roll to go by. I move
Met we discharge the aswnwt.
Another m011on was made to call
the assessor in and explain but as be
was sot in the building and no second-
er was found for Coun. Elliott'* "1)4,1100
the matter was dropped.
Moved by Reeve Elliott., .econded
by Coun. Elliott. that toy name (the
reeve's) be Withdrawn am seconder of
the anotiou to adopt the Finance com-
mittee's report of June 114th -Carried.
The mayor ruled that this motion
re.cinded the motion passed on Jdne
19th adopting the Fi committee's
Moved by Coun. Laithwaite, second-
ed by Coun. McClinton, that the re-
port of the Ffnamee committee dated
June "Nth he adopted. --Carried with -
0111 dissent.
A number of accounts were referred
to tin Ytnnace 00n.ln11toe
On motion 0f Onun. Proudtorot,
seeorsded by Coen. Laithwaite, Ryles"
No 21 of 1914, a bylaw to authorise
the borrowing d a num of money to
Meet the interest on the hoods of the
Ontario West Shore rail w.y fallen
due on the IK of July, 1914, end
Rtuorante.d Hy the municipality of the
town of fnderieb was introduced and
read a first and eeeond (lane.
Moved b Oe. Wight, seconded by
Osun. NeOlahi0ton, that Use bylaw be
given w third reading and passed. -
The Finance committer reported
that the matter of passing a bylaw' ---
idin fur the cuII rcUon of 1914
A. E. gRADWIN. Putman
prim R
taxes be laid over for the present.
The following accounts were order-
rdered to be paid: -Mayor Reid, ..:penes
to Elated, 54.21: R. C. Postletb-
waite, 511; Wilt. Craig, 57 ; postage
for circular letter, $.i; lioderIeb Star.
521.141; Geo a Bisset, $1.50; Oode-
rich townsbiP telephone system, al;
George Laithwaite, 541.94: (ioderich
Planing Mill Co., $3'd; Ruchest.er Ueruni-
cide Co., 53.47; P. J. Pridham, $31. 0
The report of the Public Works
coplmittee follows: -Your committee
obtained an option froom Mr. J A.
Walker on his lot at the rear of the
town hall at a pricy of 5010) and we
reromnlen3 Chet no action he taken at
this price. We have instructei the
efleet ins' ectuc to .up ervbe the erec•
tion of pole., etc., as per letter of June
1st from Bell Telephone Co. We have
requested Mr. Sidney Johnston, t'.E.,
of Strafford, to come to Ooderich at
once to report on sidewalks and sewer,.
The Cemetery and "'arks committee
reported as 101101•11: -That the estate
of James Dickson he given permission
to remove tree from cemetery plot.
That the arrangement with Mr.
Aldous, with reference to payment of
extra help, be still continued.
Hydro Oamaniss1ob Built Power Line
Over Railway Route
The hydro -electric power commis-
sion recently constructed a power line
across the right-of-way of the Cenad-
idn Pacific railway near Meneset sta-
tion, without obtaining formal per-
mission from the company.
•The matter wsa brought to the notice
of the Dominion railway commission,
which held a sitting at the Tcronto
city hall no Friday last. Mr. Angus
MacM urchy, K.C., who appeared on
h«hal: of the railway, called attention
to the f.ct tiro. it ono not worthy of
a public holy lige. the hydro -electric
r))mrnir.inu to tske the law into its
own h.nd4 And siring power lines on
private property wnho.t nbralning
ihr il.00rent of the owner-. This 0104
Iht. 1 h occwrence of the kind.
Nape- Pope, rrprr.entit.g the
hydrtr-rlectric a,tnruis+ion, declared it
was only 0 metier of torn', and he
thought the hoard would uphold
the commis*ion for taking liberterr on
the ground "hat the purpn.efor
which the line iv used should be con -
rides ed.
"The electric eoasasisrion are tree -
pitmen" commented Con'missicner
"You know how to deal with tres-
passers" said Assistant Chief Commis-
sioner D'Arcy Scott, addressing Mi.
Medlareby. "'Me hood baa bo jur-
isdiCtibn In that phase of the case."
"I suppose ;he hydro commission
:an asinine the responsibility of such it
charge" retorted Major Pope.
After further argument, Acting
Chairman D'Arcy Scott instructed ?Ir.
Murphy, the electrical engineer of the
railway- board, to 11 port as to the
methods and safely of the point where
the line rncroa^hes upon the property
of the railway.
Summons Came Suddenly
Mr. Wm. Higgins, one of the oldest
settlers in Stanley township, died at
his home in EIwburst, nese Clinton,
at noon on Monday in his 41th year,
(rot.) heart failure. i)eceased ate hie
dinner es usual and Veda overtaken
while walking through his house and
expired in a few minutes. before
medical aid could reach him. He was
a native of Wbrkshire arid lived for s
time in Onto. He was a well known
stock farmer and hada valuable I -t of
prize-winning Shorthorn cattle. Hifi
widow and one eon, John, who lives
at home. survive him.
Special Trains for the Twelfth
Arrargemente have been inside with
the Grand trunk railway to run spec-
ial train. to Goderi -h nn Monday
next, .duly 13th. One special train
will leave Kincardine at six a.m., rai-
ling •t intermediate stations, end
reach tiuderich et SAO A second
train will leave IMrrtrrn at 10.1.. s.w.
and arrive at 12 o'clock. Pe.seng.i s
from Dublin westward will arrive at
(indent -1i by the regular train at 11.:G
a,er.' w1t.,1hr train or Kjnt-�
CerdlrM •r,0 InIevmMfta(. eWII.w. w.N
leave at eight p.m. and the .perisl for
Ildrt•ton and intermediate station* at
7.:11//t. M. A special train will leave
for Dublin and Intermediate stations
.15.10 p. m.
A sons ial C. P. R. train from Guelph
and internredlats stations will reach
Oolericb at 10 a.m. end returning will
leave Ooderich at fl.:41) p.m.
All trains will beerun at special ex -
(torsion rate..
Passenger me the Aesin.bo,a
Mrs. Alex. Walker, of R,.•anville,
SMketchewan, wbn was a ppweaseenger
on lbs' U.P.R. lake liner Aseinibola
when oh. went ashore on Bad Island
shoals, bear the entreaty. to Georgian
bay, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Blake. Trafalgar st4eet.
Sbe describes the occasion as one of
great eieiternhnt, but the oalmnew of
the officers and the splendid disrlplia*
that prevailed prevented any paaie.
it is said that the tog horn operator
Lined to answer the Apinihni.'s
whistle until she .truck Th. opera-
tor claims that the fog did not prevul
at the station and that be worked Lb. -
born as soon as the fog became visible
to him. In spite of Mrs. Walker's e■
perienee she declares that If she mat.. I
the trip again she will corse by water
and would like to have the rami rep-
tain and oM.wr.on the hoer, Ono of
the i.rwngers Circulated a paper
which all signori, (teetering the con.
A0. nee M the passengers In the ree-
monehip of the ofine.srs.
Recommends that a Chlorination Sys-
tem to Treat the Raw Lake Water
Immediately be Installed -Suggests
that Plans and Estimates ,be Pre-
pared for a New Intake
At for last meeting of 0)derich
council the following letter' andreport
from Dr. J. %V. 8. McCullough. chief
medical health officer of Ontario,
were read :-
1 beg to rend your herewith copy of
report of rte hoard'. engineer in re-
ference to the condition of Godericb
water supply. You will please have this
matter taken up by your council at the
earliest pus,ible date. The board
trusts that the good sener of the couo.
cil will see to it that theme recommen-
dations are carried out. Kludly ad-
vise we what your council proposes
doing in the matter.
Below will be found a copy of the
engineer's report :-
A visit was Made to Oodericb on the
request of Dr. McNally to examine
into the present condition of the
waterworks system, with special refer-
ence to the measures that should he
taken on account of the frequent oc-
currence of pollution cf the water sup -
Abe water supply is taken from
Lake Huron by Means of a 12 -inch in-
take, which extends some 9010 feet into
the water from the shore. The intake
pipe is about 1410 feet long altogether.
The conditions of the intake have
never been Ideal owing to the fact
that to the north the Maitland river
and the waters of the harbor d e -
charge, and to the south about • utile
and a quarter dirtent they have an
outlet !or the sewerage sy.tem, which
enters the lake at this point without
treatment of any kind.
The new work. now under construc-
tion by the department of public
woks upon the harbor improvement
00,1.irts mainly of ereo ting hresk-
waters to make this a port of refuge
in time of storm ; there works upon
their completion will restrain the
mesial movements of the harbor
wittier and pleats the existing intake an
a vete bad position and o11e in which
it will be subject to very considerable
contamination, mainly from boats.
The water will elan be practically tur-
bid, owing partly to the coudltiun of
the water there normally due to the
wave action and the Maitland river
and to the mud stirred up by the boats
manoeuvring within thin breakwater
The department of public works'
through Mr. J. J. Sing, district en-
gineer, have very kindly furnished is
with a plan of their proposed break-
water. At the time of my visit the
hydro-eleettic commission were con-
sidering the advisability of Installing
electric unite to supplant the exiting
clean' plant Obeli for puwpiug water
through Use town 1001110.
Upon request the hydro commission
have furnished u. with drawings and
specifications and rep. -rt upon this'
This retort indicate■ that the in-
stallation proposed by the commission
is of considerable smaller capacity
than the existing works, although
double the capacity required for the
dotnsouk. requirements for 24 hour..
The capacity of the elect' lea, d" leen
pumps in leer than one half of that re-
quired by the Fire Underwriter: re-
sUciation and *bout one-third of the
present maximum pumping capacity.
in the report of the hydro commis-
sion mention in tirade of the present
condition of the intake. 1 find upon
examining it that a seven -foot drop in
the level .,f the ruction well over that
exuding in the lake would only per-
mit approximately 2,tilt1,17I1 gallons
per 24 hours passing through the in-
14114 not aware wha•ther a gresier
difference in level than this ie perinis.
011ie. 1 think it ereat.s a suction left
of about tl feet. i think it would he
advisable. to report to this municipality
in writing that in the opinion nt 'he
hoard it 15 necessary in the interest 1 f
public health that: -
b . L .abl•rtoaaimlh, 'quanta to
the raw lake water Imesedtately ha ln-
.tslb.l, to add a quantity of bleaching
Powder tHypochluride of lime' now
mg between one to .7:, parte per mil-
lion of available chlorine to the water
before at enters the existing sedimen-
tation hasin.
2 -Plane and rstinutea he prepared
for • new intake lot the waterworks
system of the said town, which intake
shell not he lees than sit inches ie
diameter and carried to • point beyond
the swath end of the existing .nuth-
west breakwater, rod that the .sod
plans and estimators he filed with the
hoard within s period of Al) days.
( -That plans and estimates be pre-
pared at an early date for laying an
additional force attain from the pump-
ing station to the centre of the die
tyilbuUmg system in the above mllnici-
There is no question but that with
the present conditione piloting at the
intake that (Fnderich is liable at any
leoornrnt to Fre afflicted hy a serious
epidemic of "water borne" disease.
The ehiorinathn plant 1. moat advis-
1 am of the opinion that the approv-
al for propn..d changes of the hydro
elector rnmmipton shmrld I.. held ..p
pending • reply from the munici-
(Rlern.•di H. DA1LY41.
-Wnerdstock will probably cele-
brate the one hundred years of peace
in .w0nnartioo with the old boys' re-
union next year.
Goderich Has Beieo Selected for Exten-
sive Manoeuvres
liuderich has been definitely OW rte`
ed as the site for the militia train ing
camp to be held August 17th W 2 lat.
Tbe city reglweot. will out partici pate
in the cabwp, but will unite with the
rural battatioos in extensive tactical
exercises at the clow of thea caw p
It war felt Lhat, fora live -day camp,
the grounds offered in Oodericn would
be wucb superior to the old site un
l'arlinR s heights. Logsdon, as 60 sores
would be available as compared with
five acre., offering uppurwoitiee for
more extended training than was pod-
sible on the old camp ground..
rraining in company and battalion
drill, rkirnlishiug ono signalling, will
occupy the time during the first three
day., alter which all the battalions'
will he thoroughly trained in musket-
ry. Musketry Is to be more than ever
• big feature of the training camp, and
a full day hes been provided for in the
schedule fur shooting, in case of bad
The extended manoeuvres will take
in a large piece of territory, Prow
Hyde Park to (iuderich, and it is telt
the.. the tactical scheme arranged will
be of unusual benefit to the corps tat -
tog part. The geueul arbewe is for.
march southward from Oodencb by
the lied forte, composed of the units
in camp at Ooderich, the White force.
made up of city reguuenta, moving
from Hyde.Part to intercept thew.
The fled force will have a total of 31
Infantry companies. the '24th regi-
ment, Grey's Horne, and halt a mount-
ed company of the Coope and Outdes,
under commend of Lieut. -Clot. A.
Weir, of the Second Infantry brigade.
with Capt. H. L. Milligan, of London,
as his staff oMcer. Toe Infanta y bri-
gade will be under command of Lieut. -
Cul. T. B. Welch, of Windsor, with,
Major Walter J. Brown, of Aylmer,
as we brigade Waled, aur will lee coos.
poised of "K" company, Koyal Cams-
dawn regiment ; 8eveuth Field com-
pany, Canadian engineers, 211th Mid-
dlesex Light inlaid' y, 2;tb Lambtun
Bor.lewn, a coulptesite regiment COM -
pasted of two companies tit the Stith
Perth Fusiliers mud tour companise of
the 29th 1Vaterk.o; :tied Huron regi-
ment ; half of N,,. 1 Signal company ;
No. 1 company, Canadian army, ser-
vice corps; 1410 Freed ambulance, Sar-
nia; half reaction of Canadian Arany
Veterinary corps, and half detail
Canadian Postal corps.
Lieut.. -Col. K. Mackenzie, of the
Third Infantry t�rtgade, will command
the White force, with Lieut. -diol. id.
S. %Vigie. t.1 Wiudeor, am hits staff
officer. '1'be fine brigade, composed
0t the First Hussars' ; unit of inounted
company. Corp. of Guides; 7th regi -
54001; Curt 8.r�ee Fusilier.. nasi y2ud
Oxford Pectis., 0144 ae stuausisr wwmfd
of Lieut.•Col. A. A. Campbell, of Lou-
don, with 1Japt. F. B. Ware, 7th regi-
ment, as brigade maim'. Tito Seo uud
brigade, tomer euwwaud of LseuL-
Co4. A. J. Oliver, of Oast, with Major
F. J. H.. Fo*te.r, 28th regiweut, as Url-
gatre or/00r, w1.1 he CJ.npJeed et the
2410 Kent ; :hili Magill ; 2t1tb Perth.
leer two cowponies, anu the 211tw
(Vater duo regiment, less four cuts -
panics. Similar details of signallers.
vete, tual y corps and ports.' men to
Usti.* WILL the tied torte will accuse.
pauy the little army. 'I'be loth Field
rutiwlauce, tit London, will ens reale
made up as' r .avalry held ambulance.
in detail the tactical echelon evolved
for the manoeuvres; provides for a
Heady advauce on Loudon by the Reed
arm), the White. or defending force
impeding their prugrees an rear -guard
actions. The march .outbward will
begin et eight o'clock on the morning
of August 22od, and fr a point one
Mile *with of t4tslerrch the running
fight. will commence. Rising from
bivouac Sunday morning, both forces
will hold divine service, and after a
cavalry reconnoitre, the White force
will march .even noire. On Saturday
morning the 2rIth regiment will pro-
vide 0 4140.15 anti a.lva11e rinds : on
Mon lay the. 1.d Hurons, lue.day the
27th regiment, and the next dry the
posits. ltaI.a4auu. by thrift, P.M.
Weu twenty. the conflict forces will
come into touch with each sorbet.
Stiff fighting between the composite
ls►ttaliou and two companies of the
\%'brie force preselug tbeIi advance on
London. .
tswtl. . '116t4u0a., fe
r(mge erra•steppijw wiNrhe
forwarded lath from -the inititln con-
tractors In I. onion to conveournt
Fpaina un the London. Huruu naafi
Bruce for ho.13 forces, to ho picael up
(luring rwn•be.. If 1. pienoed that
the di.posilion of the troupe will he so.
Iuaburuv red that they may entrant at
lour ',tattoos, Claudrteoye, LUCIA.
Lue•n ('roping and Ailsa Craig.
Expected that Several of Las: N.rris
he's Wrecks Wall he Posed
A despatch from Sarnia .ays that a
report was received More Monday
afternoon that 0 p arty orf lake murvsy.
ore will swoop • large portion of rue
woaheru pt.. u( Lakeora .funs((
the Canadian etre-. in the vic,nity tad
Oodench, where e.a
nr oft teat. I.
in November last are supposed to rent.
11 is stated by mariner. that a .Anal
sx11t. neer Oudotich and it 1e on th4.
that the survey party expecte to lid
at (east two of this steamers. 1Vh
no plans have frame adoptee Sy
United !tutees government or the Car-
riers' Aa.ociation for a Marsh of Chie
part of the lake. the Canadian govt.rn-
in.nt has already a tot 0r, the josh
investigating the reports that eh
hulk of the steamers McO.an, Car-
'as'ruthers and Wexford are lying jun ti
Nattel's point.
-Berlin will engage a parks wiper