The Signal, 1914-7-2, Page 7TuE BIGEA1. : GOPERlCll ONTARIO TISCK•DAT, JCLY 2, 1914 7 TOWN DADDIES MEET CNAKOEb MADE AGAINST 111E STHEET INtiPe-GTOR J,14nes Dickson Estate Mikes a Do- nation in Favor ot Maitland Ceme- tery -Offer for Rental of Town Freight !Wed- Teaming Coal by Big PAM Termed • Nuisance The regular meeting of tie town council waw held in the council -ham- ber on Friday. June 19th at right p.m. Present -Reeve Elliott, Drpue y Reeve Clark, Coutsa Wigle. Mortis, Elliott sod Laitbwaite. with Mayor Reid In the chair. The minutes of the meeting of June ;all were read and oo motion of the servo, seconded by the deputy reeve, were adopted. The report ofehief Poatiethwaite, as street inspector for the mouth of June, waw read trod on fIotioi e,l the deputy reeve, sectroded by the reeve, the 1epa,tt was received and "'dere(' to le- lamed on 111e. A communication to the mayor. dated June 17tb. tram cep'. Ww. Halite, pia Il of nui..wce caused by',amiva u.11,1 by the ►,\'.,telt. Can- ada flour will Wes rend Moved by Coun. 1Vigle, seconded by Coutl. Ellett, that the et reel Inspector 1e inetructe4 W look 114'0 the notate' keel fep or' a the next uses-Llt..d of for round -Carried. arried. A letter to the mayor. dated June lath, a Miss M•Iluugh. le 41 treatmg that Nitrite' sheet Iw were, ed ear read. Moved by the Iewv«, seeonelyd hp' Coun Wigle, the' the mutter be le - leered to chats weir of Public %Vatke c. nu' u i t Lee. -Cern ie.l. .1 communication, dated June IIth, front the 13e11 Telephone Co. asking permission to place their telephone pales and wirer on South .tieet, and Centre -la road, Bruce street suet Elgin avenue was reed anti un motion 01 Wigle, seconded I.y the reeve, we. rel. -rod to the Publie Worke coupe) tee. .t letter dated June loth from Mr. J. E. Turn, executor of the estate of James Dickson, stating that $$I had been left by this rotate for the perpet- ual upkeep of a pot in Maitland ceme- tery. and ..•king if this sur] eves de- posited with the town would tbe coun- cil a*snnre 1 he traplm.ibility of the perpetual upkeep of the lot, was teed. Moved by ('000. Wigle, seconded by Coun. Morris. that the matter be referred Io the Pemeteiy and Perks eon iu i 1 ter. --Parried. A rmmmumieation from Win. Al- dous, dated June nth. with reference. to the aliuwan.'e for extol set vice at the cemetery, was read and on motion est the• deputy reeve, seconded by lou. Werke, wa'.referred to the PeweteIy and Parkcowutitrer. A Iener from. Melo' Shannon, tae Lofoten, dated June 15'11, stating that •the ef.•' if the town to .up;lly water and light for the pull camp upon pty- webt ot $41111 by the guvet,.inert was reed! %lov'edl by Reeve Elliott, se.'onded by Como Morris, that the letter he aeknowle.lged niter filed. A letter dated June ONh from Mr. ('hail,'. (:,arrow with irim-mace to the Oster,' West Shore tailwey prosecu- tion we, i.•ed and to -dried to be filed., A c..nuonni.at dated June loth tr Mr. Sidney M. Jnhn.ton, (.K., of `trAlf o,d, stating Chet he would take charge of Ile work as engineer for $l511 a month while 'eying Out, arld designing erotic and preparing esti- awe.. wipe e.c., an 1 SS p.t day 414'1 expenses for days when called upon ty the rocl('il, was read. M,.v.d by Coun. Wigle. seconded by Breve Elliott that the matter be re - felled to the Public Worke eommittee In t•p tt.--Perris( . A letter dated June pith from Capt. %Vat. 11.1,1. making an offer for refits) of the turn (aright shed was teed and nn motion ..f Coun. W.gle. ,e-oraieel 11 Deputy Reeve Citi k. was r, DOCTORS 0I0 NOT HELP HER But Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound Restored Mrs. Bradley's Health - Her own Statement. Winnipeg, Canada - " Eleven years ae, 1 went to the Victoria Hospital, M- ntreal, suffering with a growth. The dr„ !,!-.4 said it was a tumor and could not 1 removed ow it woold cause instant death. They fotenndsiratsy moan were affilikted. and saW i could not live more than six months in the condition 1 was in. "After i came hone i saw your adver- tisement In the paper, and commenced taking Lydia E. Plmkb s Vegetable Compound I tools it cons for two Years. and still take it a times, and both my husband and myself Claim that it was the means of saving my life. I highly recommend It to suffering "nen•"-Yn ORILLA RRAntILY, 284 Johnson Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, ('an. Why will woven take chances or drag out a sickly,half-hearted existence, miss - taR Three-fourths of the joy of living. they can find health in Lydia E. Vegeta- ble Compound ? For *kip years it he. baha sten n - t' ody for f.- malm 11114end has re. stored the health of thooands of women %Oh" have been trou- bled with eneh ail- ments aa dweplaeementa, kaflentmatien, likeration, trema, irregularities, etc, 11yon want epeeist arlvinee wHt4 to Lydia R. Plaitsaai Mod - Mine Co. (cosAdeattap Lyaa, Masa. Your letter will be epeaM. Rai bell la GOMM referred to the Water, Light and Har b.r committee. nod that tie mayor communicate with the Northern Navi- gation Co. in connection with renal of shed. A number ot accounts were present- ed aid referred to the Finance com- mittee. A report of for Finance nomesittte. dated June 'Nth. was read and ori mot lou of Coun. Laithwaits, escoaded by Reeve Elliott, was adopted A report of tbe Public orks com- mitter, dated June iletb, was read and ou wutioi of Coun. (witbwaite, set- onded by Deputy Reeve Clark, was adopted. Reeve Elliott romplaloed that the street Inspector was neglecting his duties, that he was wanthig to run the town and that he (the street in- @ pentor) had said he had no use fur the reeve. Coun. Wigle said if the 'revs bad any charge to make it should be put in in writing. Mayor Reid -The reeve should re- member that the .tI et inspector is ex- tra busy just uuw. The town had three extra teens employed and they did not expect the street inspector to do manual labor in assl.ting the park cereteker. The reeve should not he - ton to reports of what the inrpeclor had saki about him/Nell ; he should get [hero first hand Other councillors, on question of the mayor, mare te.tiwony to the courteay of the •toert inspector. A 'spurt ot the Cemetery and Park committee was tend and ou emotion tit the reeve. seconded by Coun. Lai.th- write, was adopted. A report of the \(srket commute, dated June Nth, was ''rad and ou 1110tiou of Coun. Morns, ..reunited by Coun. Wigle, woos adopt- ed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Clark. se- conded by Reeve Elliott, that the Net ks cou ter be ewpoweted to m- etal a 'military drinking fountain at He1bur park. -Carried. Mover' by Coun. Wig's., seconded by Coun. Elliott, that in view 0t the Ip- mo-rnt inactivity of the attorney -gen- eral . department in proceeding with the pIusecutiun of John W. Moyer and those associated with bpm in the misapproprietiota of the funds en- trusted to hint for the building of the Ontario %Vest Shote railway, this of- fence tiring clearly borne out by the finding of the Ontario Municipal and Railway board, this council roc - tuend that the mayor cull a coercing 0t the rem rrentatives of the muniei- palitira interested for the purpose of circulating oe petition playing on the government to take action, the raid petition to be preeeited to ° the gov- ernment by it delegation of the mayor.. of the towns and reeves of the rural mould ash Lies.-CarIied. Moved by Coun. %Vigle, seconded by Reeve Elliott, that the town construct a set of step. 415 feet long at the foot of the hill below the Sunset hotel on condition that Mr. l'. C. Lee allow the public the use of his bathing hoose bre, the steps to he runstrucked aider' the supervision of the Public Woika col rtnittee.- -Carried. The twitter of replacing walk in front of Masonic temple was referred to Public NVorke comwIitee to report. Chairman Clark said the .walk would have been laid but the plumbers had to change.a water pipe. The cow- mittee weoe waiting for the plumbers to do their work. The terve gave notice that at the next regular meeting he would make a motion to withdraw the motion adopting the Finance Committee re - ort of June Nth, 1014. On 1410tlotl of Coun. Wigle, seconded by Coun. Elliott, a draft Iwl.w with teferenle to the collection of taxer was introduced. Moved by Coun. Wigle, seconded by Reeve Elliott, th•tt the matter be re- ferred to the Finance committee. -- Cart led. Moved by Colin. Morris, seconded by Deputy Reeve Clark, thatthe court to revision on the asseeeweut 1011 1e held on June 311'6. -ferried. The mayor complained that tbe citi- zens of the town should have arranged for a celebration on July 1st. Moved by Deputy Reeve Clerk, ',minded by Coon. Morns, that the council make the usual grant to defray expenses of the morning celebration and children's game* on July 1st. -Car- rier. Moved by Coun. WIgle, seconded by Coun. Elliott. that the matte'• of crle- hratiug July let be referred to * spe- cie! counuittee consteting of all the members of Inc xeuncil.-Carried. On 'notion of Cour. Laitbwaite, seconded by fawn. Witch., Bylaw No. II of 1914. a bylaw to borrow an ad- ditional sow of MIRIJJI for curt ent ex- penditure, was introduced and read a first and second time. Moved by Reeve Elliott, seconded by Coun. Leith*aile. that tbe bylaw es read a tint and second time be adopted and pascal. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Elliott. seconded by 1)''ity Reeve Clack, that rules 52 and fit be . ,.pended and the bylaw read • third time.-Oariied. On motion of Poon. Wigle, seconded by Coun. 1. tit hwaite, the bylaw a+ teed a third time was finally pawed, signed andreeebsdr. . - ineteen local Improvement bylaws providing for the construction of *ewers ando.idewslke. together with a ron.nlinated bylaw providing for the whole amount of 11DJ'll.3t, was read • first, second and third titre and finally passed. The Finance committee repented as follows: That tbe tr•ea.urer'a report tor the month of May as audited be filed : that the account of W. R. Gra- ham for inverting sidewalks, amount- ing 10 1174.. 1, he paid ; that the tax collector he instructed to take the necessary actiyn to forlheiU, collect all aAcer. of times: that the foflnw- ing aeronnrtt be paid : ('has. C. Lee. S13 WI: Jas. Dean & Co., Stall ; Den. U. MI. ctorwl. !PIM; The Smoak PA,M); Oro. Hotel, $12.211; Char. Harper, 79e. ; Dunlop Tire and Robber ('o.. 1106.311 - The Market committre reported that Mr. J. A ('elver had offered five per .rut of the titel mai kr' tee «iota for 1 he lees sod recomu,endrd that he 1* appointed m+tket. rook. . The Public Works committee re- ported air follows :--In 111. oat 1 er of a read grader wei have merle amnge- lnenta with the Atueriean Road Maehine Co. for a new grader M the latest design In 'scholar for the old\ Ender so( the smm .411175. •n» and Parke eoamit!ee ait rtQN ea Mtows :-In the matter of tMaautaat Oar las ssUofs' plot as ON olwtry, we we atatag for prime Y?jchad'QUICKNAPTHA THI WOMAN'S SOAP and cute on monuments, price not to exceed $123, We rec newer d that the matter of week -o[ extension to the cemetery water piping i•e referred to the chairmen of this co umilt.e with power to act. YOUR HAIR NEEDS PARISIAN SAGE It Quickly Removes Dandruff Just become your hair i+ tull of dandruff. thin. sneakyp[, dull and never will du un to look pre!ly, do not despair. Heautifitl hair, thick, Huffy. lu.rrnna and ab+olutely free final dandruff is only • matter of care. Parisian Sage free uently applied will work wanders. Just one applica- tion stops itching head, removes den- Broff and all rxewrsive nil. II. goes right to the heir roots and furnishes the nont'i+hment tier lee! -the hair 14.- e'nmer soft. fluffy, abundant and rud- i+rel with lite. Parisian Sage not only serves the hair lint st• Innes it to grow 1-ing and heavy. Get a teal -cent turtle from E. H. Wigle ata once. There is no other "just es good.- -Rev. T. 11..litehell, interim mod- erator of the presbytery of London. on Friday wired Mr, A. G. Calder that he had treeiv.d definite word 1, 1., Rev. McGregor, of Toronto, assistant 'secretary of the social a -.vice end cal reform e•01 .n41m ..f trip Pres- byterien church in (`ensda, Chet. Mr. Mc(.reg..r lied deci•led to remain in Iris Oresent {NN111.,r1. "lid will .• en.equent iv i'. lit:Able to ec sept the .'.11 to Sr. Andeew's church. L'•n,lnn, to 'neceed Rev. James Ro•s, the p:t•tnr arlei woe killed by an sit•• in New York. -Po{ire Magistrate 1i (,'.nn••, of MLratfyrd, was in Mitchell on Monday of last week to give his decision in the I rise of Shelling ,rev vv. C -de. The case *10-4. over defendant inking his+eat at , a meeting of the public .ch.iol Is,.r•d antler he had •tern notified of hie die- qualitic,uion ro .L, so. M•tilmane found hien gnilly, .n'1r ono• -d a pen- I a1y o1 *214, with abort $I5 ci.•1-. Mfr. Thotnpein, K,(: who 'e actin'; for Me. Cole, n -ked boa n .toy of ten d,.v+ l.efore et.foren.g '11.- renal y. Ilia worship granted the re quest. u u 11 -Al-.z-1 ALUM MAGIC NO BAKING POWDER t?_ _sirs - rt - -iT I r - I READ LABEL iSOmaims( sus-liv aw ipso 0 tam! s 110123LIECEI 0®l7:aoclLai CtL0017 same Isoml 0 MEC ©al 00C O ■ O cl[3 t7L D QO0 m Of t SIN .Mild 1aa 0 00 M NN -.IL• 0©10 Iamb u 1 M'II■ ER1113iO©n al Iks I® A STOCK RETIE'''. with Correct Wear for feet Oen Shoe Stock is e• nuplete with rhe 't.wni. a e••:.ti.lna. Every desirable ••vl. in high and low .hocs fir Nolo Wren end woniee. Oar lis -e of OYard-, in the west .Ie-irable .-ore r- and leather. will interest° and please sou. Ample pr•oviebon hues leen made Ain for the enc. and neer tn•. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN • NEW TRAIN SERVICE DRANO TRUNK INAU(;URATES IM PORTANT CHANGES International Limited Eastbound is Es- . tablished--Thu Train Will Use Famous Dundas Valley and Burl- ington Say Routs from Chicago to Montreal -Other Nev. Trains When the summer time tables of the Grand '1'r link railway system WOOL effect on June 'Pith very important Improvements were introduced, part- icularly oo the main line between Jlonttrs!, Toronto, Hamilton, Lon- don, Detroit and Chicago. The Grand Trunk baying a double track all the way between Montreal and Chicano belie arranged their -new servicee to take full advantage of this - fact. The International Limited west, hound from Montreal at nine a.m. reaching Toronto Lei p.m.,'Detroit 9.14, p in. same day. and Chicago next morning at eight a.m. is to have a saner service in the opposite direction -t be International l.imuetl Eau - hound. 'Phis train will leave Chicago 5.43 p.m. daily, Montreal 11 p tn., Tor- onto 9 A. m., arrive in %Ion:a-eel 5.45 p m. The departure from ('hi- caao will be two hours and forty-five minutes later titan the present service and pa-sengere will reach Montreal fifteen winatea eat her than at present, thus reducing the time token on the journey by three hooter. Observation, library". Brewing, room and rnmpartinept can will tie nperet- ed on the International limited from Chicago to Toronto via the. famous Donde* entiey and Burlington bey, near Hamilton. New and most at- tractive panoramic view. of these scenic and exclusive teatutee of the Grand Trunk route have been secured and will he used extensivelyio the form of large framed pit'tures for of- fire Lfire windows and in the illustrated literature of the Grand Trunk to at- tract tourist* from the United Stater for *trip through Canada. To the International Limited westbound horn Montreal* similar type of ob- servation car will he attached at Tor- onto running through to Chicago. There new obeervatjon • Are WI 1e known it. the "Dundee Valley and •'13•trlington Hay" respectively. The ,tight limited train now leav- ing Montreal ar 144.90 p.m. will leave at 11 p.m., and run via the Jitney cot and Burlington bey, just west .of liawilton, reaching Detoit 1,45 p.m. and Cbieago 8.40 p.nt. This train, leaving Moldiest hell an hour pater than at l>•e.ent and reaching Chicago 45 minute -I eat tier, will save the trav- eller one hour and a quarter between Montrr..l, the metropolis of Canada, and Chicago, the metropolis of the we+tern United States. Fife the special accommodation of [messengers from Montreal to Hamil- ton. St. Catharine+, Niagara Palle, Buffalo, and etther station* to the south and east of Hamitic,., a ..blend- ' and drawin;t room sleeppoo car will 11e attached to the I1 p.m. to sin from Memoe:al and \hie will go forward from To' onto at S.lo a.m. it llllCantle. Iv following the ('hicago train. '111e train at present keit'g 'I'or- hnnto. for Detroit and Chicago at 11 p.ui , via Stratford, will. under the new service, leave Toronto at 11.15 p m, dsillt and tun via Hamilton rem:bine Detroit at eight a.m. and . Chicago three p.m. next day, This is de.igoed to give the passengers the entire evening -in Toronto, art allow- ing them to reach Deo oit in time for breakfast and Chicago at an hour that will assure connectinue with all pein- tipal ',mine for St. Paul. Minneapolis, Winnipeg and western Canada. Col- orado, California and other Pacific 'roast destinations, The railways west of Chicago operate their finest trains from that city between five and seven p.m. This train from 'Toronto will also have very de•sirahle connec- tions from station+ in eastern, booth• easterta and northern Ontario. Another later departure will he the night 1' 'ted from Toronto which will leave at 11 pan. instead of 10.43 p.m. and will arrive in Mooniest ,it 7.:11 a.m. instead of 7.414 s.111. Extra wormer trains will he inaug- urated from Toronto to the resorts in the "Highlands of Ontario.- A moot important impeosement will be made in the service to and from the Algon- quin provincial park of l►ntario. Toe e xpress train from Buffalo 418 ter, a m. heretofore operated via Mtwara' Falls to Toronto, Muskoka NVIyarf and Huntsville, will this a.tm.ner be con- tinued through to the "Highland Inn" at the Algonquin Park station, the official headquarters of 'the park, which oomprlaee 2,1910,0(Mt acre.. Al- g onquin park will he rearbed in the rally evening and a corresponding retro n'service will leave the paik ora- tion after breakfast, re•tchibg Toron- to about four p.m. and Buffalo shout right p.m. with duect :nnnectien for Pfftrsb(1r*h via the Pennsylvania railroad, for Cleveland via fine night stammers of the Cleveland & Buffalo line and fen New Vorak, Philadelphia, etc , in connection with the Lehigh Valley system. A sleeping car ser- vice will •1.i he intiod.tced leaving Toronto tate at night. reaching the patio early next morning and return- ing from the perk in the evening. at. riving In Toronto in rune for break• fast. This service will elm splendid connection. to and from the Ing cabin camps which the Grand Trunk ar providing a *hest distance from perk headquarter,. '•Nouin•gan Camp'. wait rpehed last summer and mooch appreciated, particularly by visitors from the United Mates. The new ramp known ea -Cane) Minnesina•' limeening in Ojibway language '1s land") will he opened *Feint July l•t. New train* will idol he inaegi.r/fed folks Tnront° to the other resort re g imme of Ontario, inrindi' g the Thirty Thnnnnd i.tanrto of Its (ieurtan bay. Muskoka lake.. 1,41... „1 11474an. Timespan'. the l..tr.•i lwie.g .n the .!etre of a great Ontario VioVeri.iileut foetal reservation wu.l °..h a • hose 'distance le oto the f,muss r l'-bsb miner. A purl,,-lit.rsry.6,ff.-t aeovi.. veils b inaugn•Ord ',einem, M•x,treol.. LOtlwwm, A•rx+gnlw pe•k ai4 the pitell bay et Uspot Barbee fP..rry •A new summer servie-o .vee is►anRewj e t d tui Juno 32nd hetwrri iMttMl 1 CRITICISMS nO you ever criticise AO your own invest- ments? It as an exceed- ingly hard thing to do, and 'tame i ate p a•r t i a l advice is often of great assistance. !)pea r'•e-a w. atoll Its ptosed to &sheet sok. able inveototoo s M row A. H. Martens & Coa Mewaers Terre. Seek R.rles.rs MO .d INAf ME[1MJ C. P. R. BUILDING. TORONTO I-/4 ti and seaside resorts at and teaches' through hew Euglaad and C wo.cti- n1t via the Centra) Vermont lines. New summer sarvioee Were also es- tablished on June tOitb via the Dela- ware and Hudeom railway and the steamers of that line oo Lakes Champ- lain and George, thence to Albany, New York City and other points. An extra high clime service has just been inaugurated between Toronto and derma wharf three tiwee a week tooneeting with the steam.,. Norooic, Hatxonic and Moronic of the North ern Navigatlou Co. This ronstitutea the (irand Trunk rail and lake route between eastern and western Canada linking up with tbe new and improv- ed service of the Orland Trunk Pacific hetweeo Fort William, Winnipeg anti o be nd. I new sleeping car service was also put into operation on June 22nd be- tween Toronto and Kingston wharf, making direct connections with the Richelieu & Ontario steamers. From June 24th tbis service will leave Tor - ono' at 11 p.m. connecting at King*. tort wharf in the morning with the steamers that left Toronto at t1 p.m. the previous evening, thus enabling tourists who arrive from Chicago,'1e- troit, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, etc.- to spend the entire day and evening in lorootd and without any toes of titue enjoy all of the trip through the Thousand islands and the rapids of the Mt. Lawrence river on their way to Montreal. For the accommodation of tourists using the Grand Trunk service be- tween Chicago, Montreal and Quebec on the way to the Atlantic coast re - porta a' summaer sleeping car .ervi-e commenced on June1'ilh, leaving Quebec in the evening and reaching Portland, Maine, foe breakfast on the following morning. A similar service will he operated in the evening from Port/and for th.eonvenience of tour- ists from New England who will be enabled to reach Quebec in the morn- ing ready for an inspection of the Citadel City and it.. most interesting euv'ironuo•nts. NEGLECT To cleanse the system of undigested food, foul gases, excess bile in the liv- er and waste neater in the bowels will impair your health. The beat system regulator is FIG PILLS. At all deal- ers 135 and 50 cents or the Fig Pill Co , St. Thomas, Ont. Mold in Goderich by E. R. Wigle, druggist. -Sir Adam Beek turned on Hydro power for Hamilton street light. -The-body of the infant :hild of Mrs. Dostel was recovered from the Detroit river. -Miss Jessie Barclay, aged 25, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Janes' Bar- clay. of Pidilinch township, died early Friday morning at the home of Mr. James Kilehing, about 10 miles from Guelph. Thursday aftern , at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wen. Stalli- hres, while putting it preparation on the floor, she apparently put the ves- sel containing the mixture on the stove to melt. The contents exploded, setting fire to her clothing, and she war fatally horned. The house, a large stone building, caught fire and was completely gutted and the larger part of the furniture destroyed. SHE WAS IN BED FOR SEVEN WEEKS Then Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Madame Berube :Montreal, Que.-June -19(h. (Spec- ialh--MadameJ. Baptiste Ilerube, re- siding at l 11G Logan avenue, thin city, wens that after four years' suffering how kidney disease she has been com- pletely reetored to health by Weld's i Kidney Pius. "I had a pain in any- left side around the heart," Madame Hentle says in her statement. "1 suffered constantly with heetiache'and backache and for seven weeks i was in bed with kidney disra.e and feebleness. The docto could nor help tete, no 1 decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, "After the Met box 1 was mime bet- ter. 1 continued to use Dodd's Kidney Pills till now the palpitation has left me, and 1 11111 a well women, able to do my work. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me and I recommend them to all persons who suffer as ) did." %Ir. John Guest, of Luc.an, was found dead in bed Thursday morning at the hone of his son, Ernest, with whom he had been visiting since Wed- nee(Iay. He retired in his ostial belittle hit apparently swat stair ken with heart failure as he siept. His wife woe visiting friends in Clinton. Besides her, Mr. Guest i• survived by two so no. Ernest, of Itiddulph : %V. S., cf Toronto, and four daughters, Bertha. at homy : Oleos, a teacher in the west, Edith, in Belleville. and Ur. Edina, a missionary in India. -Mr. Hairy Guest, who for worn@ Our ha. run the "Rage between Gran- ton and London. has received notice from he lost office drpattmerit, Ot- tawa, that after July lot ell tuails to end from Granton will be delivered by the Grand Trim): raitwoy. This melees oll.coortie that the stags Wesel he taken off. This Will be a trent in- convenience to ':canton, sae a largely signed petition hs+ heen sent to the punt office depa ton o•t regueat ing that mail be delirete,l as formerly and tbe stage contimw@d. Mr. F. W. Thorne'. who has 1 een • .gent at Milverton for onto. time past, lin• wccrptei the powilion of SIation'neater at llnthw.11. He will likely 1'e seri ewied At M{Ivetton by M•. Prank Crawford. of Wit ton. FRECKLE.FACE Sae aa! Will Bon; out Ugly Spots Jlcw 'o Remove easily Here'. a chance, Mi.. Free kle-face, to try a arm-dy for freckle* with the guarantee of a i,liatdr dealer that it will n•d erect yon a penny untrue it re moves the freckles: while If it does g ive poi a Cleat elmplexion the ex- pense le trifling. `imply get mn nonce of °thine- J.',nle '.'length -f.nm any druggist. awl a few eppliCalinnu should show Y• ti how ...ivy it is to rid yo reelf ret the hoes •Iv bookies and get a heauti- fel roerplecinn. Rarely is mene than one miner needed for the worst cies. Be sure to auk the drug/Het for the double et renal h °thine, an this is the pw.riptinn Fold under guarantee of eslney hark if It 1a11e to remove etiMklaa. We have just received a fine line of all kinds of men's Sailor and Panama Hats New styles Prices range from Soc to $3.00 for Sailors and $4.00 to $7.00 for Panamas Washable and Easy Shirts 75c to $2.00 A full line of Children's Wash Suits, Cotton Bloomers, Rompers. etc. McLean Bros. The Square, Godench SEMI READY TAILORING Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear. Fttwe I Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs Next in Importance is makiae)' to Making a Will provision to erasure its being properly carried out. The interest of this Company in any estate which it is em- powered to administer is strictly impersonal. All things are done -with the sole aim of fulfilling its trust with the highest degree of efficiency and faithfulness --in closest conformity with the expre.scd desires of the testator. Consult with us regarding the administration of your tst.tto. All information cheerfully furnished free. THE LONDON &, WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. 611 GCO. 0B1sO1(S, C.C., President; -. JOHN a. MOORE, Yaasacr 2 WhichWay DoYou Sleep? The "HERCULES" Way Is The Proper Way to Sleep The weave of the "Hercules" Bed Spring is known as the "5 Times" weave. Itis "5 Times" stronger than ordinary ..1 •a Ie 1 woven wire fabric, but it. 1. also 'S Times more rest 1 .1 t and restful. A scientifically correct principle of weaving is responsible for the superiority of the "Hercules" Bed Spring it means an equal distribution of weight. No bagging or sagging. Ally your Write uta Dealer if you find for the difficulty in aw^'-- diobtaining a Herculeri' "Hercules " BED SPRINGS VCSMIN oaoos Buy a "Hercules" Bed Spring for your body's sake and for your brain's sake too, because proper rest means mental and physical fitness. Energise your days by taking your rest right at night. The " Hercules " can be obtained from all responsible dealers, in wood or iron frame. Many purchasers prefer the " Hercules " with the basket edge which keeps the mattress from spreading and the clothes from slipping. The price is reasonable. The Wrong n't N% s Dre't tie yoer.oa( deriet " Hwerlss " Bed Springs are Manufactured Ly 8 PR%1r0 The Gold Medal Furniture Mfg. Co. T.sws. (Pbea. J.aee. 8001 -also at Montreal and Wineirerg 1-.44 Makers of The Famous Gold Medal Felt Mattress Wl.isb was Aso Ito -beai+d of any respsasiM. Dealer. Na 1 For sale by GEO. HOHMEIR AND BROPHEY BROS A 'drowning *maiden, was narrow- ly averted et Rarer -ids park, On.lph, ext F.itiav ahrrnnon at IM Knorr church Mon.lay school piente, when little GI t.I Lillie omit. Inst her life by .irnwning, when she slipped from a l..g into the water. Mr. Won Hoer got her to the ender.. and with artsiet- ane.reaeb,d 1h. .hors, where the girl was soon reswerit.ted. LRT US PREPt1RK TUC intik A Oral awn eARait. aa-rENL "!-1-IOTT V Terseta, Oat ware pane all! set mem* tee Wanton aseseetss M stilalslwe zegs meat se ri. . wows ms~ r t f ataMstwes bas.