The Signal, 1914-7-2, Page 60 TRIIaSDAT, JOLT 2, 1015 SYONAL OODERICR uNTARtf1 a THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY 6ENUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TION8 SOLD ON THE MERITS 00 TINARD'S LINIIENT BO 0 NDIN G MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES hound or repaired. OOLI' LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS llwt TH gtOtILL, O•derto\u •■ twins A. E. TAYLOR. e', umma/. IEDICAL Da W. F. UALLOW. M. B. Oise sed esidesoa North street, Ged.rtak s eethet thmety ibegletry ales TMapbees DM T1$ 019). HEILEMAN:C. Ot4Tli- 1/ PAT'H..peoialrt la weenier and ohU nark dosses, sew *brook. aid nen•udr- ••rria rkeaasmU•e,ei and eonditigen o. nose sad throat. oth •trthird Soot fres tae $q1211M Ooderieh. iIR. F. J. R.FORSTER-EYE. EAR. 1/ saw ca4 vaunt •dy. Bew sae r. New York Ophthalmic end Aural U/es tat.. Malts! Aa uL. far. Now and 1 liras[ 41�1&. Guider Square. and Moondee4 Eye lieettIL London. England. plot id tl Waterloo Swat. summed. appoint., goer Chard'. Bean E 'o 12 a. m.. 2 to 1 0.m.. 7 to s F dL Teteohoee f7. W H.AND MINNIN SEEK E„ .pet les. k i, tion .croon. tact curee without drum or knife. Free easlae- tlon. Olde ever Shaman*. Meer Stere. st- tranes on goat Argot. neer $$L I* LEGAL D11OUDFIwT, HAYS t KILLOR- ▪ AN. barmier.. setiouers. smarbr wbrc. recto." its the Markers Cavort MAL t�MueW.t, Nod. to lend at Lowes ester .[ M bee 8:..t side $gssre. 1St [x1LL4 4iiA r . i'RUl}DFUtiT, Jr.Yg J. L LieU. CAMERON. K. C.. 11;ARRIB. TIM solistor. star, emelt Oiler dust. ashore& 'Mod door fors - (l itl8fs(miaow, Lt L.- lJ maMmasg. y CfiRAOER, BAR**TEE. *)L- . totter. Nuta:y 1'.8h sed oss=eer. Nlfiee 0o- 14tesse. Uwteb. t� AUCTIOMsss. THOMAS OUNDRY AUCTION LEI[, Hos ef, Goaer.ch. Aft lnetrucusse by aWl 4.ft at Signal else will be pest at' sided to.Ite.ideoo, las leseigl y ILVIIIIIANCE. LOANS. ETC. V00 less.V ATli FUND!! TO f Apply ta M.0. Call- e/SON. Barrlatar Hamilton mem. tiM.rleB. ,1w R. ROBERTSON . • INSURANCE AOhNT. FILO AMD lrcFIT .•,• : Brltieb.Caaldtau and American &mu mmT emcee... SND IU.rtnrs*a Llaa,i. Irv: 'lobe Ocean Accident and Ueareolee .'erperatlon. United. of tondos), 8n.. I'IDIDJTv AND 1i t.RanTea tkosun . The Fidelity and (luaraota•Caupaur. uec., at re.,tdrnee. norta..■t ooruer of Vic tame and St David . iU0.t.'. 'P►une 471. McIlI1.I.OP MUTUAL FiRE IN b U R A N C E CO. -Farm and hoisted owe property insured. Ult••ro-J. B. Mclean, Pre... $..forth P.O.: Jnr. 1 nnnally, Viee-Pree., uoderkb P. 0.; Dionne. k: hays, ben -Tree.., trot etb P. O. Ihrerlon--U. F. )i.'(becor. deaforIk• JJelin d. thieve. W111111111)10 .� 14� UMilaniRini, Osmat;asce; John 7te :rw�wetr, lnodh.gen Jame. Erma !Leech wood . Reber' Ycrr1.. Marlock ; Malcolm Mckwen, Sruo•*ent Agents : J. W. Yeo. Ba) vUM; R Smith. Matlock ; Wuhan. Choosey, 8..fsrth ;pair. .oemmsuusodAttask dads at at l<i�S. ▪ •stV:1�a..r.Vaitlit�,ii 11Alt11AOs LICZESES 2. rALTRR E. KELLY. J. P.. OU1►RIUCH. ONT. II LANCER OF MARR1AOi LICENSE" CENTRAL RUSiNESS COLLEGE $TR*r FORD, ONT. Iterwrne. oeesall.t to 'adagio. It offer. rent. opp•stso4Nw Ih•s *ay Maer 01.10.8 To reap tae ran sssrare m�pt haw. Ib keel pw :141.47:4•C; Th$t r On llallgs -�rtI h srae.. 1►eb 4, • 04. 0• 0tJti Y Thew wFC��lhsn.a Osiers tuna ool. Ccs 1. NbaotloM endsehlr rtl. a anew ter eel free •Wlsfee. D. A. Mo1.A01LAN, Pelee/est THE LATEST MARKETS. T.rwste Cattle Market Representative prices are -- Bute/ter, Was, choice 58 15 to 58.50 do. good 7 '6 8.10 do. medium 7 50 9.00 do common 7.25 7 60 Heifers. choke 7.50 8.26 do. common 8.76 7.60 Butcher cows, cholery.75 7.25 do. good '2.25 6.76 do common 6.00 6.00 Caaaees 3.541 4.00 Cutters 4.00 4.611 Butcher bulb, choice7.00 7.60 do. good bulls 4.10 7.00 do. medlunt 6.00 6.60 reeden 7.00 7.25 Stockers choice p 5.76 .2.00 do. medium .., 6.90 6.60 Milkers, choice, each70.99 80.00 de. common, each 60.00 66.00 Springers, each -G0 wl 80.00 Calves, choice a 00 10.60 dt. medium 7.60 8.00 do. common 6.00 7.00 :Steep. ewes, light 6.60 4.N do. heavy 4.50 6. Bucks 4.60 6.M Culla .... 4.04) 4.60 Lambs, yearlings 7.00 7.60 Hpring lambs 9.00 11.60 Hogs, weighed off cars.00 8.36 do. fed and watered.00 8.10 du. free on board00 7.76 Farmers' Market Follow lag are the latest quotatioaa for fame produce at St iawrence Market, Toronto - Wheat 51.03 to 51.04 00040 wheat 1.02 1.03 Oats .45 .46 Barley .6:1 .64 Buckwheat ' .76 .80 Rye .66 .00 Peas . .90 .00 Hay, timothy, Nb. 1 18.00 20.00 (fixed and clover 15.00 17.00 Cattle hay 10.00 12.00 Straw, bundled 15.00 17.00 do. loose 9 00 11.00 Rye straw 17.00 18.00 Oat straw 14.00 17.00 Butter. choice dairy.23 .28 legs,, new laid, dozen.25 .10 Chickens. dressed, Ib.20 .20 Vele( broilers, each50 .7,6 wl .20 .22 Pucka .20 26 Ducklings. spring, lb.... . 30 .445 4.... 16 .20 Turkeys 30 .21 jJvr hens .18 .23 Potatoes. bag 1.40 0.444) Appals. basket ,.. .24) .60 Beets. bunch .06 .10 Carrots, orb .04 .10 Chekat .. .45 .644 , et .. .05 .10 Rite5 beaches .. 10 .(w MANIA b. 5 Leeches . 10 00 Greer. beans • tea.are.. 19 .00 Orme pees. basket . 25 .444 Strawberries. boa .. 13 .15 Tweets drain Prices The following wbolewate price; are seoted at the Tomato Hoard of Trade Wheat- -No 1 Nor . 94c_ porta . No. 2. Not . 92%c. trac y port winter storage. Maaitob. (lata -No 3 C W.'a, 4314e. bay ports. N.. 2 C W 'a, 43c. lay ports. Ontario What -Ne 2 whiter Site to 81.00. outsideold fyntark. Wheat No. 2 winter 16e. outalde; for August amid $eptessber sh t pmeut. Ontario titats-39e to 00c. outride; 42e to titer. troth. Tomato Cern--No. 3 yellow. 76c all rail, 11Mssto freights. Peso --Me, 2. 51.00 b 1106, ear Iota lbscbwheot-Mo. 2. $le to 112c. out skip Rye --Me. 2. fir to 64c, .soda•. Barley -Good matting barley. Malde, 18c 'Co OIL Rolled Oats- Per bag of 90 pounds, 12.1214, In smaller lots. 12.22%: per barrel. 54 10 wholesale Windsor to Montreal Mlllferd Manitoba bran 524 to 536, on track, Toronto, shorts, 126 to 114. on track Toronto; Ontario bran. 134 to 126, In bags; Shorts, 125 to 521; m1dd1M1110, $28. East Buffalo Gatti. Cattle ['rime Steers, 591n to 19.46; shipping, $8.40 to $9.00: butchers. 17.00 to 18.75; heifers, $7.00 to 18.60; rows. 12.60 to 57.00; belle. 16.50 to 17.60; stockers and feeder,. 16.76 to 17.65, stock heifers. 56.00 to $6 76. Veale --$6.00 to 511.00. hogs --heavy, mixed. yorkers and plan, 58.97) to 19.00: roughs, 17.60 to 17.60; stags. $4.00 to .17.00; dairies. 88.75 to 19 40, Sheep and lambs --iambs, 17.040 to fiProPttraises4 Sago is 58.541; weth• e . 5441 M -MOS: ewes. 1210 -tis 15.75: .hlep, mixed. 15.75 to 16.26 Cattle at Montreal Following are the iateat quotations on live stock at the West End Market. Montreal: Prion• beeves. 8r to over 8% e; medium, 6114c to 8r: large fat cowl, 6%c to 714c, common, 414c to 6%11e. Calves. 4c to 7 Sheep. 6r td 414 Iambs. 16 to 17 itch. (togs, tile to e%c. Chicago Live Steak Cattle-Bssvaa. 57.10 to 51.N; To=te stern, 21.110 to 91•:6; cows cad heifer" 11.70 to 58.80; Mockers and feeders, 54.10 to $4.10: calves. 54 60 to 59.15. Hoge --Light. 18.11 to 64.46; rotted. 18.06 to `8.60: heavy. 57.91 to 81.41; trough. 87.96 to 10.10; pigs, 57.11 M 82.26: bulk of sales. 5.29 to 54.46. Sheep -Native. 61.10 to 14.11; year. nogg. 54.10 to 57.30; Iambs, native, 5140 to 55.16; 'pelage. $ 76 tis 19.16. Cheese Markets Londe". Ont. ---1,111 hoses offered, no sales Biddle( was from 12e to 12115e B.11svtllw--1A111 white and 60 rotor ed; 700 *oiling at 12%e and Men .4 II 7.1de Balance Footled at 12111n Men's raincoats iu all the latest .bade• and sises to 44. 4ivaranteed 10 be eh. whitely water proof. Let us .bow you tbe•atyles. Priced raincoats $4.75 to $19.28 Boys' reincoat. *3.75 and up. Men's Work Shirts Black,, and white striped and -Oath black. 4eo and up. Men's Umbrellas Strong steel fa Auer', cover. of Rood wearing cloth, good selection of handles in natural woods with trimmings. Also metal poet., 7111n to $4.00. M. ROBINS Open evenings Selling agent for Peabody's Overalls Picnic Time 1 ■ picnic time itis most essential that you have the tort kind of Cured Meats for sandwiches. etc. We are taking special cara,.of fresh Meats this reason, and having in- stalled a new refrigerator we are ready to supply you with the very best HAM and TONGUE HOCK, HEAD- CHEESE (Tray Bea- tiDe), CORN BEEF, SAUSAGES and SPARE- RIBS Also a full line of Fruit and Vegetable,.. POWELL the GROCER ON THE SQUARE PHONE 91 -- DR. DR. MAWS FRENCH PILLS isle aRes•- gedaWfdr111 t N -Sea. V, • bolt or three for I 5811... Ladd Drag tore.. or mailed tease I address on re.wlpt of price. The &Assit. Data Co., el Cotaarlaea, 1.nta lo. tlIO6?1IONOL FOR -MEN. MT:: Vlm v4�.,tty- for Nerve and Brain; lomat= -Slur saMNi': a TonM•- wast botld yon up. 9t • no. tee M as. at dens •toes., or by a.Il on re, t of pries Tu■ 101S1LL Dago (:o., rot Catharines. Brantford Roofing Stand. for y.nllr y LP" Asa r GINA. No tar. .• pyre. it 1. a •wire. •A M pure. long shied weal felt thoroughly •aturated with bWawreole pare ..118.41 and other eisterise of the bot quality. It to waterproof. s end durable �,gS•tta8le 8. b. ►dt . of oar dem tfert1 Asphalt. 1 ft and 3 ply. Rutrber, 1. 3. and :t ply. " 1'restal, now weight only Mohawk Roofing% one weight only W. R. BINDER Phone 165 Hamilton Str4let a .r.l..rr__d ,•..08.08 i Yom m maaer...d A Re ,m Moms none Ronin . nib .+ . ,r .a ,-w ta. .w. b..n adow.e.mo.et nee .O▪ .: ma ROM. • 0 . orereft moo .m me J ma twarm.b 4.14..' •'e. Osman mo. N I r momgar Iwo sesta 7.1gLialai.Z�.e •ee. w '.Lri: b . . IEle lift log T., X1111 . LI: • 1 afmda. I. MMIIMMIP SHOT THE PRINCE PEACE NOW ASSURED AND HIS CONSORT .,ewl.,e 14•Ir to Austrian Throne Victim of Revolver in Hands of Student Archduke Frruots Perdlaand. heir to the Auatru-Huagartaf throne and the Princess of Hoheuberg. hie mor- ganatic wife, were shut dead ou Sun- day In the stain street of [Sarajevo, the Bosnian capital by a student while they were mating .aa apparently triumphant progress through the city. The Archduke was hit full In the face, 1and the Princesl was shot through ithe abdomen and throat. Their . wounds proved fatal within a few minutes atter reaching the palace, to which they .were hurried with all speed The -murderer was .rrested. There were two assailants. the first armed with • bomb •od the latter with • revolver. The bomb was thrown at the royal automobile as It was proceeding.� to the town hall. where a reception was to he held. but the Archduke saw the deadly 081114144 coming and warded It off with his arm. It tell outside the ear and exploded. slightly wounding two aides-de-camp In • second car, and half a dozen spec- tators. It was on the return of the pro- cession that the tragedy was added to the long list of those that have dark- ened the pages of t8e recent history , of the Hapsburgs Tice •Archduke was the nephew of Emperor Francis of Austria. whose own son and elr, commhted suicide some years ago. .EC VIDENCE ALL IN Last Witness Told of Empress* Rod - der Being Enlarged The Empress of Ireland weed en- quiry on Thursday exhausted ['tie long let of witnesses summoned to give evidence and started to bear the ad- dresses by the various counsels. The explanaUoo of all the sugges- don. that have been made about the tNlsael's steering gear came out when ilkoom Hillhouse of the Fairfield Ship. !Widths Co.. which constructed the ;visage' explained how, after an accl- y/ant to 1t In 1808, one foot was added foo the Empress' rudder area to Im- Iprove her steering qualities. Mr. Hillhouse gave the first ads- ,guate explanation of the actual In• :erica to the Empress sad his telling rot the water rushing through a wound of 328 square feet at the rate of 260 toes a second gave a clear-cut !Di- gression of how It came about that the liner listed over Quickly and short- ly afterwards capsized: Jt is not yet definitely known what steps can be taken to recover the -landreds of bodies In the wreck or to raise the vessel. Rough weather has prevected effective work thus far but hope has not been abandoned that the hulk mey be brought to the ■ur- face CITY ALMOST DESTROYED Twenty Million Seiler Fin at Salem, Mass -10.600 Homeless Nearly half of the old elty of Salem. Mass., rich to historic buildings and tradition wa• devastated on Thurs- day by a fire that caused an estimated loss of 810,000,000; destroyed one thousand buildings, including . score of manufacturing establishments. and made 10,000 of the 46.000 residents !tomatoes. A great many of these are French-Canadians, thousands of whom worked In the mills. For a time the !'hole city seemed doomed =ICITEalox BOAT ON mut plawle Narrowly Averted Among Holi- daymakers on Lake Seance. Orowded with passeasers, chiefly women and children, the lake Simeue 14avtgation Compeers steamer Otona• Bee caught fire while out on the lake, +sound for Barrie Isle on Thursday. Prompt work with axes and hose saved the boat, and averted what promised SA develop tnto • dangerous panic. The situation looked so serious for • few WADI.* that the steamer was burned bead on to t8e shore and sent forte at full speed. The Otonahedl bad on board two hundred members of the Ikaorthern Baptist convention. In eesek.n at Barrie. Eehe or Fanners sank Casa Determined to leave no stone un turned in their efforts to have the Tanners Bank 11I11 again passed by the House of Commons, more than a hundred depositors of the defunct Musk met In Toronto on -Thursday and made plans to eosthnve their tight Atter an organlsattoa meeting a resp 1vtloD was passed (repressing "painful derprise" that the Senate had defeated 'the hill. Ears Breesey Arr..ted A Kiel despatch to Th. London Dhlly Kali says olat Karl Rraasey. anaahas served as Civil Lord of the Admiralty was arrested by the Manan potloe while passing lh. len Lal dockyard In the dinghy of his ht. He was held on suspicion of V a spy, and it took more than at r to establish his Ideality aae obtain ikfs release Three hundred tala•rw In the An Colllerie., at Horde's. A11*. are strike for higher wags*. { Tan thopsand .tgaatar•a appear up os a mettles received hr lbw Jwtier IDspsrtment at Ottawa from Wlnalpee rag element's in Use maw of )obs rofdemko, the Plum Omit. mar Pour comities In Neva Sootta ear eNthe /Agit last Alast Tbareday ag Halifax C1` the °sly -wet' M lbw provisos. _ Pities at JmlassosabaL Esrtattor nammta ed Baear restsal il ir fox 10 hears sad H =testesag all preetoss records. n Agreement Reached h tween United States and titmice Terms for the composing of all in- ternational differences between the United States and Mt.,lco have urea concluded by the "A.B.t'." mediators at Niagara Falls. The coudttloas un- der which diplomatic relations will be 'resumed were embodied in a protocol which was signed by the Ambassador from Brazil, the Ministers from (Idle alit Argentina, and the American and Muerte delegatee . it was announced that the retell selection of a provisional Presldedt and the organization of the new Gov- ernment which is considered a purely internal problem, will be left to au Inform.11 conference of representatives of the Constitutionalists- Luis Cab- rera. Rafael Zubarau and Jose Vas - conceit)/ -and the delegates sent by General Huerta to the.wedtatluu ooa- terence. The single outstanding provbto fn th• proctocol is that the international problem shall be declared adjusted on the establishment of the new provision. a1 Government. The protocol sets forth: That the ['tilted States 'and Argen- tina, Brazil and Chile -the mediating countries -shall recognise the new provisional Government, and that thenceforth dlploutatic relations be- IIwoen the United States and Mexico shall be resumed. That the Ignited States demands no Indemnity and does not further exact satisfaction for any of the.In- eldents connected with the patrol of Mexican waters and Invasion of ohs ooaatr7. AMENDING HOME RULE doll E xclusion of Ultser Provinces For INS Years If Electorate so Desiree Lord Crewe, Introducing the Home Iltule Amendment Bi11 In the House lot Lords last week said the new bill h ad the widest possible latitude for ' llmendment. He admitted nobody 1 mould say the Government's plan was perfect system. The principle clause at If within three months after the of the passing of the act a petl- m le presented to the Lord-Lleuten- t from any county in Ulster demand. jing a poll with reference to the quer• Doe of temporary exclusion from the Operation of Inc act, and the Lord - tenant Is satisfied that the petl- lon is signed by not less than one - •nth of the Parliamentary electors in 1 • county. he shall effuse a poll to taken. The question shall be sub- tted to the electors In the follow - ng form . -Are you in favor of el- usion from the operation of the vernment of -Ireland act of 1914 for period of six years!** The Marquis of LLnsdowne, Union- ist leader, was profoundly dl.appotnt- lted that the hill merely embodied proposals ''filch had been already rejected. KIINICIPALITIEB WILL SITE Ontario West Shore Railway to be Advertised For Sale A meeting of the representatives of the municipalities interested In the 'Ontario West Shore Railway was held at Kintall on Thursday to decide what to do with the road now that they had it in their possession A motion was carried to advertise the road for sale by tender. Resolutions were passed ,to take proceedings against the Tor. onto general Trusts Corporation for interest on bonds wrongfully paid to 1J, W Moyes. and to take proceedings against A. 71 Osler and Company to recover 115.000 paid to them by J W. Moyes Another resolution called up- on the Attorney -General to secure the arrest of Moyes Great Canadian Passes Tb. Hon Sam Blake, K.C., db- tlagulshed lawyer. churchman and educationist, and brother of the late Hoe. Edward Blake. M.P., died last week In Toronto In his 79th year. Mr. Blake had been seriously 111 for =any months. Mr. E. •W. Cox, son of the late Senator Cox, died at Folkestone. Eng- land. on Saturday. He succeeded his father as president of many big linen - Hal institutions. Another Vessel Wrecked The steamer Gothland, of the Riad Mar Line, which was on her way [rota Montreal to Rottlydam, went ashore last week on the rocks abo.t two miles northeast of Bishop's Rock. Scilly Mande. and will probably be a total loge The 34 paadengeri and the mew aura teamed. Villa Still Triumphant O•meral Villa. the Mexican rebel leader, captured the Cit? of :aestscas fad week after a bloody wngagpsssat and Is now said to b• preparing to move against Mexico City. Zacatecas is the lead city Villa has taken with- out losing a battle The ehargea against Dr. A. H. hack. lin. Oonservattve candidate fa Centre Warns. and Rev. Joseph leltitvtt have been changed from bribery and at- tempted bribery to that of conspiracy Ind the hearing ed)nurned. The original charges were dismissed by Magistrate Kelly who !odd that they were wrongfully laid and that he ted roe lurl.dtetien to try the rasa violas shoul have been taken before a Made. Hos. R. R.,19asmrrann. termer dials - or Hallways, la crltk-ally 111 at N.R Etag Peter of Servla has Issued se Official *alai of tis• report that 8. Sas abeioaosd the throne in favor of 88p seemed am. Swim persons were killed le aa •Mstrl•al storm wttlab s Manetlgr cad WMOonaln Mat Aa an/10/YIg badge at Osbewa prob- ably Raman flsse appy • 4 THE GREAT 3181?-SELANDB E" Ir.�k SOD Lou Iwai N 4w, 4 Yorke, 111 oNermem. ..d mer..meem.a..Yy tree perm- rm. e m,. Gramm r .. -ora.. 4. .n I.,.p..�Moo-n.r.r 3..41 .pp..,.,-..,.-am...y.rev.. sW rwl tic' r. 5 1.... 4g. .... Jm+. Lob. Mosealema se••mw '3111ZANDIMfL"'Cies slur emd "Ctrs d Balm•' Daily -BUFFALO and CLEVELAND - 8 y 104 he Dec. let Io.. coin. Sal P. M. L•rer O.rdrd ere e. Y. M'w cie..i..d • 74e A. M. Min cies - • 1:14 A. m. (I. ..w 4..dor4 Tomo) Commam. be (Smoked kr Pr imIlk T.ba.. D..... mil 411 per www ei�ia a .dheed *Mem moolieg Immo... Doak mod .w food flee areeperasNw•. our monomer.. Ai moor door ores kr .rim. .i. (: a S. 0*0. Trico r r.. ►..d... "sewed booklet b.. THE CLEVELAND h BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., CI..•I..d, O. TO BUILDERS Having now installed a re -cut Band Saw, we are prepared to supply builders and the trade with RECUT SIDING in any quantities and of any material for buildings. LUMBER OF ALL SIZES TO ORDER A large stock of Lumber on hand of standard sizes. Ontario White Pine Shingles and Lath. We are prepared to do jobbing or custom work on short notice. Soft and Hardwood Slabs for sale by the cord. The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited GODERiCH SCRELNS TOR 5 AND WINDOWS BUILDER?S N%RDWAR Everythingiyou want in HARDWARE COAL - WOOD Now is the time w lay in your winter supply of coal. We have several carloads best Scranton Coal on order which we quote at 17.5D forChestntit and Stove Coal. $7.5o for Egg Coal We hate also in stock Pea Coal, Nut and Egg Coke, Domestic Lump and Cannel Coal. Try some wood for a quick fire. Soft Wood, $2.25 a cord Hard " 2.50 t( CHAS. C. LEE HARi)WARE. PLUMBING, TiWIMfTHiNO AND ELM/TRIC WiRiNG All orders receive prompt attention. PHONES : STORE 22, HOUSE 112. 40 Cents will pay for THE SIGNAL to the end of the present year.