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The Signal, 1914-7-2, Page 5
••••••••••••• Bargains in Footwear For one week we will put on rale the following shoes: Lad CO. Ruwis Calf Mutton and laced Boots. sizes Ei to 7, vegulxr price 110.6&) for $2.01. w I.adi,s' R,ts.ia Calf Pump+ And Ox- ford.. *ilea 24 to 7, regular prier t_.;,lu fur 8211'. I.sdire pointe Calf Wilton riOxfords. s sites 24 to 7., regular Ds 0 for $2.50. till the shove goods are new, up -to- date styles and should sell quickly. REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar TAE SI(IMIA L : OOD1RICH ONTARIO JUST FOUR BICYCLES Left la Stock oe. aaderd Red Bird i4a.tA0 Br Os Tbses-seesd Standard 1114. pee Fiend W, Sewed heed *11 .00a0 Wised, One Coaster, 5eeeed band $14.00 h If you ciao use n Rood wheel any of thew would suit you Ane. Have • loot at them anyway. EAST STREET GARAGE OODERICH Nestle Town Haf Always "Open Phelps $4s i11 and left on Tuesday to attend the sick one. -.Mrs. J. A. Jackson and two chil- dren, Ethel and James, of Letbhridge, Alberta, were visitors this week wtth Mrs. A. E. Bradwin, sister of Mrs. Jackson. -The Ladtri Aid of the North street Methodist church will serve afternoon ter on the parsonage veran- dah Friday. July 3rd, from (our o'clock. Price lar cents. 13-21 --Mr. and Mr-. Robins, of Rocbwter, are expected to motor this month to Goderich, where they will be the anent.' ot the lady's pereuts, Mr. and Mrs. 1). Stt•aitou, St. David street. -herr. U. Stoddart returned on Thursday frotu Cleve1smd xccompau- ied by her two grandchildren, Master Clelland rod Miss Mary Evelyn Stod- dart, who will spent their vacation here. - Mise May Stialdart left on Friday last for 'Toronto, where she will spend a few days befove leaving for Winni- peg and Morden, Manitoba. Mira Stoddart expects to be away during July and August. -Mts. Ed. Tyndal Imre Miss Lucy Cattle), and three children, of Toton- to. were th • guest.' on Dominion day of her mother, Mrs. Smretb, et the residence of Mr. and Mr.. Allan Mc- Lean, Elgin avenue.. •••••••••WOOS --Thr. old King Edward hotel pro- ."' ro- petty on Kingdon stieet bas barn greatly unproved in appearance. It. has been painted end decorated both LOCALS-- PERSONALS insidtoIreeowndfferedei[ur ut. rear \Ye artthe nene ar rod is in future. -The following guests have arrived Mr. at Point ('arm this week: -Mr. and Re$ Pridham, of Winnipeg, Young People's Picnic The Baptist Young People'• ursine d their sensual piesis on nodoee- y, July let, at Bayfield Owls. to the unfavorable weather guinea few of the members were aheeot. Those who west report • flood tune and con- sider the day well spent. Fire at Hotel Sunset An elates of ere waw sent 1e from the summer hotel at d 3u us Monday evening. When the Bremen arrived on the wens it was found that their services were not much needed. The Are, which had started in one of the bedrooms. was easily extimigrdebsd with the ate of a dardeo boas amid sunt* cheinicala. • Mrs Malculw McKinnon and family, is visiting bar parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. oro ron: Min Witte, Misses Mary J t'ur.Iham. and Helen Marquis and Master lack - Mr. ',Vilds. formerly of Goderic h. Mai. ui., of Brantford: Mr. and Mrs. nut now of Clinton, spent Dominion ('hri.tixu and ion, of Detrcit. day in Gode, ich. -Mi. Heber Powell won for tir- Mrs. E. C. Yemen andKrngine watch in the guessing contest "In' u( Brantfntd, als stryir.g xt c..ndueted by Mr. Walter H. Hartieon, • I'he Lakeside jew'elet. Turn were dr' guesses Bent - Mier Washington left .,n Tuesday in, miMrle Powell'. Suras being :isi s sent a visit to her sister, Niro. W. N. I;) minutes and Sr seconds. Th'r watch t.uud. V. of Regina. ran 'ti hours. ul minutes and Iia Miss Mildred' Hyman, of Kansas ray, Kaurae, it the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Belcher. • -Miss Frances Hood, of St. Joseph's tasining school for,nuure, is spending her vacation at home. --Mr. N. Cantron. of Florida. brothel of Mr. M. B. Cameron. K.C., has registered st the Bedford. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rothwell mot- ored f • Toronto on Saturday and spent the week -end in town. -Miss Maggie Robertson left on Tuesday to visit relatives at Winnipeg and ft lends at other points in the \Jest. -Outlet ich jeweler.' will Clore their places of business each Wednesday during July and August at 12.31' pair. -- Mr. and Mrs. Montague Colborne, of Wausau. are visiting the former • Parrots. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Colborne. Ur. Charles 14.1e is in Chicago :ai.inC apoet-graduate course in den- lisu7 and is erpected to return about July 12 h. -Mew Elise Tye, of the conserva- tory et Ottawa. arrived it the resi- dence of her mother, Mn. W. D. Tye, EIgin avenue. -The many friends of Mrs. Holt *ere delighted to meet her last week and see her lookit.g wonderfully well after her long illness. Mr0. Steelton took suddenly ill ,,n .aturday last. but has improved •miry much since that dote. She will soon he around again. -Mrs. Mart Turnbull, of iWerrnn. was the guest of Judge end Mrs. Death of Zurich Pioneer Holt last week. Mr.. Turnbull's Mr,. Henry 'Zimmerman, a p.oneer many friends were pleased to see her settler of Zurich, died on Tueedwy seem. afternoon at her late residence. She -lite members of the Stewart or- was 75 years of age. Mb., cine to rhesus will enj y n pi-utc at Bay- Znriih from Sebreckbacb, Kurhasten. field on W.dur•day afternoon. July Germany, about 50 years ago. Her rah. 111 the evening they will ruin- hu.tund was the Ant mei chant tailor in the district. He died some year ago. She I two daughters and nue son. The funeral took place on Thursday Afternoon 10 the Lutheran cemetery on the Goshen line south. Jr. 11. to Sr. 11. IL Paw. -(,surge Matbieeoo, Margaret Howard. Floreuce McDonald. Charlie Thoroton, Huth Martin, Wes MoFar- lane, Countess Lymburner, Miry Hab- kirk, Elsie Reinhart. Jr. 1I. to Middle 1I. Pass. -Mary Young, Orace Young, Sidney Donaldson, Ernest Armstrong, Changes Humber. Division VII. tleniot Claes. Pass. -Irene Wilson, Margaret Graham, Albert Kitts, Telford Lumby, Fred Morgan. Gladys Warner, Lilian Garrick, Agnes Marponald. Donald Langrldge, • Lode Begley. Junior Class. • Pass. -Willie Black, Minnie Modem. Marjory Berke, George Fileioger, Violet hoer, Ruth Henden, Dorothy Mallough, Donald Murray. Division VIII. Senior (;lass. Pas.. -Willie Baker, Bert King, Norval Wilson, Kdsa Kendall. Charlie Harrison, Joe Galbraith, Kathleen Straiton. Fred Bowra. Emilie Hun- falivy, Elsie Cockfield, • Ed ward Smith, • Norval Precious. Junior Class. Pass .Stanley Statham, Byron Wilson, Florence Grindrod, Willie Freeth, Ruth McMatp, Nellie Akeroyd, Beatrice Welsh. Kindergarten Promotion List. Presbyterian Summer School The summer school of the Frwsby- teri•it church is cow in full swing here. Prom seven In the morning, when the rising bells sound at the Btrbs•t . hotel. until ten o'clock est night the drys are filled with study and recreation. On Wednesday • Auld day of spurts was beld in Har- bor park. souvenir prises being award- ed the winners of the various sweats. A brief synopsis of the studies will be given nest week. St. P•ter's School Picnic; secutad s. -Little Mier Amy McHattie re with a hunch of young men with turned in company with Mrs. J. brook. John Pinder, Martin Price, Mowhim' he had several drtnas. rowar•dr tl sore, guest Ha ttthe n latlerte b,' was ston, Irwin midnight the whole of them bring to- the o- Speiran. Ruth (rma h • "1)oria Hodtt toxicared they went to the river hank pe Murray, The pupils from qt. Peter's convent school celebrated the school closing on Thursday last by bolding a picnic in harbor park. A unique incident in the afternoon's fun was the rendering of a programme of songs and recitations and the conducting of a Ash -pond. Many other games were indulged in such as tag. baseball. and kia e-aod- seek. Towards evening foot races were held, for which liberal beiges were awarded. The children were in PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS charge of tour sisters who evidently took • full share of the •ftern..oc'r en- Following are the menus of the joyment. June promotion examinations in Vic-- The iceThe Twelfth at Goderich torts school. Names are in order of There wilt be a monster orange arks- tmieri.. Those marked • were absent hratioi in (ioderich on Monday. July from some of the exaute. The new 13th. Arrrnkrmrnts have been made cloves will Ire formed on the re open - the C.P.H. to run a special train Ing of school, September 1st, from duelph to Goderich at greatly re- VICTORIA SCHOOL duced rates. This train will arrive at Goderich at 1u a.m. fold returning will Division I7. leave Goderich at 030 p n.. Prizes will Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. he given for best dr.-n.ed losses best fits n and druHonors. -Jack .10Mr. l Land. hest braes bind. best Pass. -.-neck WeroaMarshall. Apert Bar - fifer, best drummer. etc. Visitors will be Bar - able to secure meets at all hotels, rev- ker. Winnie Gledhill, Elizabeth ion- taarants, boarding houses. Victoria aldson, May Johnston, Jean Hahkirk, street :Methodist church and linos Edward Pridham, Clayton Waltere, church. There will Ire stable- roam for Lail. Newell, Olive Tabh, John Don - 1511 horses at the Agricultural park. ' sldson• Gordon Down, Benjamin Wit• where attendance. water, feed and mer, Leon Adams, M try Pinder, light will he provided. Hay and oats. Beatrice t,,ngmire, Rairy Inkster, 25 cents per hone and t5 rents per Douglas 'j'borr.ton, Stewart Burk - team. 'l'here will al.., he a'be:k roonr bolder, Frederick Beevere. Gertrude Yom rugs, whips and other articles McLean, Gladys Bedford. Viola Mc- Olacherty, Henry Hunfalvy, eluate Police Court Assault Case . Rates, Hazel Birnie, Helen Shaw, Melville Martin and James Mellil- Willie McDonald, Rets. Wilson, Ben- lan were arrainged before Police Maais• son Wilson, Andrew Murray, E4r1 trate Kelly on Saturday morning Porter. charged with nulawtully wounding Diviaion 1I1. ltoi,ert Cur,elt. Crown Attorney Sea- Senior Third -Form 111. ger prnirruted and J. L. ,Killoran dr- Yeas -Fern Humber. Kate Handy, (ended. it appears that on the night Mvet le Heals Harriet Ounce, Charles of June 11th Carrell winced! in (lode - Nairn, Herbert Warks Verna McVit. rich Trow Holmeseille. After walk tk, IIaD.Long, James Anderson. Ru- ing xrwrod tows for rr while he frim in tens Naegel, Bert Megaw, Lily Lash - ANY BOY OR GIRL CAN USE ONE. All Kodak supplies James 1. Campbell Dkw. S. CENTRAL DRUG STORE North st. and Square, Goderich PHONE s,0 Mrs. MacKie. Mrs. Moore return. d 1,) her home at Hamilton atter a week's stay, the guest of Mrs. Mc - Hattie. South street. -We clip the following (tom the last i -sue of the Burks Falls An -ow :- Rev. James Hamilton, B. A , of Gude- rash, Ont., occupied the pulpit of St. dition seemed to deprive C'urrell of his M•tCrrsth, Olive Craigie, Doris Harris, Andrew's church nn Sunday rerning- power of speech and when (mind Margaret Bell, Alex. McLean, Gerrie June ih ;►f r. Hamilton, after at - shortly afterward in the hotel lobby Winmili, Will Ross. •Helen Howrie, tendingg the meeting 1'f the Assembly he was dt. wed a flt subject for the •Lorne Drinkwalter At Woodstock, aid a visit. [o Burks hospital. In letting the pri K'rs go Division 1V. Falk,. passing through to Duncburch 00 suspended eratent`e Magistrate on husimest The acceptable of the even- Kell ave them some good advice. Sr. iII. to Jr. iV. inet was both acceptable and helpful in y g at the end of North street .,pd while Junior Third -Form 111. there Correll is said t., have threatened to use s gun, upon which McMillan Pass. - Vera Latimer, Dorothy and Mat tin took it opon,tbemselves to Marshall,l.ena Mut ray, John Bedford. tea:h him to nhey the law by giving l'eddie Johnston. Bert Bradford, him several blows about the face. Florrie Boydeh, \larioa tee, Julia rhia coupled with his intoxicated con- Brevet., Gordon Anderton, Ernest George Hater, Meldrum Cuts, Ed- ward Field, Wilfred Hoggarth, Cecil Howard, Albert Lashbrook, Alvin Smith, Stewart McClacherty, Arthur Mcleod, John Sproul, Reggie Story, Clifford Verde, Joseph Langridge, Elwood Nevin+. Evelyn Currie. Maul Barrick. Edna Hunt, reulina Hunfalivy, Irene John- ston, Irene King. Isabel Murray, Ethel MAllough, Florence Mc\'ittie, Jean Mathieson, Edith McLean, Viola Reid, Della Randal, Jessie Stowe, Helen Straiton. Phyllis Eliot, Vera Copp. Evelyfl McDanield. • Absent from part or all of examina- tions, every way. Mise A. Hamilton, amnia - at id telling them he was giving them s Pass. -Laurie Duncan, Margaret ant teacher of the Continuation school chance to become useful citizens and Paltridge. Lilian King. Sadie onut- at Bu, ks Falls, is the daughter of Rev. asking them to rroremlrr that at 11 sin, Charlie Witmer, Louise McDon- Jamra Hamilton. o'clock at night there might he some- aid. Heleo Howard, Mary Newell, one at le ane waiting for them to ctAre Fraser Newell, Vera Wilson, Dorothy Like') go to tainton in. He suggested that the first of Smith, Irene Hoot, Elsie Stsnconibe, It is possible that disc. Frank C. August would be&good lime for them Alex. Donely, Margaret Murray. Mary Harper, pastor of Chalmers' Presby- would be cl.,seda rw leaf when the bats. Willie Senders. Perey . Lumhy-, Vesta Young, terten church. London, will accept a call to Clinton, says the Advertiser. New Buildings Jr. 111. to Sr. IID. The call was sustained by the malty- iter. Father McKee is having a new I Pass. - Clifford Johnston, Alice tory of Hilton at its sesslon Friday reeidenee erected on North street. l Nairn, Ernest McVittie, Reg Pinder, right at Clinton. The wetter will be Mr. C. A. Reid has the contract for the Burne Proudfoot, (cordon McLeod, Nought up for consideration at the masonry and Mr. James Dean is at- Herbert Akeroyd Willie ikrnaldson, business erasion of the London prtahv-tending to the wood -work. Agnes Smith, John Winmili, Clyde tory meeting at Port Stanley on July Mr. T. H. Tahh, Hinck, street, baa Carter, Doris Andrews, Idewllev)nTag- 7th. erected two neat residences on Park gart, Gladys McLean. Harold Naegel, street, Fbey are red brick yamieer Aline CoekBeld, Robert Proudfoot, with concrete foundation and will be I Alen Fowlie, Clarence Johnston, Ben - ready for occupation •boat the Art 500 Thornton. Mamie smith. of July. In conversation with Mr. I Division V. Tahh we learn that be lase *old one to i Mr. John Stevens and the other to Senior i1. to Junior 111. Mr. C. M. Roberts o. I Hwon. - Edna Bennett, Grace Mr. T. R. Waller,. Piston es•. vides,, Wcrtby Bleck, Alex. Mat- hes built another house adjoining hist loegb, Willie Longmire. own. It is of red brick oonetreetioe Paw. -Harry Leach. Mary 640_ withA concrete L•ondatiele and MGeorge How - equipped throughout with ttedn me•Ierd. Heson Langridge Pod Remit inrpyovenaeet• Mr Wallace says sol Price WIUie Ftx•ten Nielson Smith, ST. PETER'S SEI'ARATr'j, SCHOOL The following are the pi°motion ex- aminations. The naves are arranged in order of merit. Jr. IV.:to Sr. IV. - Michael Bowler, Theodore Bullard, Elsie Martin, Nina Wonllcoutbe. Sr. 111. to Jr. iV.-Vincent Dodge thonore). John Farr (honors), 'Hugh xechler, Lillian kart. Jr. ii1. to Sr. 111. -Jack Kidd (honors), Mary Webb, Charlie Beech - ler, Annie Moser, Joe Hunter; Gene- vieve Spahr, Alhun Finn, Hazel Robinson, Valerie Jeffrey. Sr. 11. to Jr. 111. -Thomas Mc- Carthy (honors). Helen Lynn, Kath- leen Clearmont, ,lean Lynn, James Ryan, John Jeffrey, Marie Weiss, Marie Mero. Jr. II. to Sr. I1.-Joseoh Wehb, Ild- win Bnechkr, Clara Foley. Part i1. r.o Jr.Ii-Marie McIntosh. Muriel Austin, Miry Ryan, Laura Jeffrey. Rita Woollconnle, Fred Robinson, Norman Clearwunt, Philip McDougal. ish rnusie for a diner. Mea. Herbert Buchanan. of Bettie, and little daughter. Audrey, ate guests this week of Miss Hayo, At. Da%id street, and of Mn. 011ie Buchanan, Hineks street. tits. W. 1. P. Wilson, of Cayuga, sad her ►laden. the Mines Sttauseer, 4 and lit tie sielw, Da bi 1rt+0 the P rest. this week of their suet, Mee. Rnrict Statham, St. David sirert- \Ire. H. DeLong received a phone 'n ire from Toronen that bur daugh- ter, M1.. W. Tweedy, was seriously 1nychild can make the pictures. Every operation as plain as dal . Every amateur should have their developing and printing done h) an expert. R. R. Sallows Ji. L Imam .P CANADA T>tv aD*Y, Juts 2. 1914 • A VaiaaMe Feature Na Mat Accost opened with the Union Bank of Canada in the names of two persons, is that If one dies the family funds are not tied up just when they are likely to be most needed. Th.; survivor can withdraw the money without delay or formality. Think it over -then open a joint Account. Qoderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE,'Ma.nager. at MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton As J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give quick' delivery at close prices. Resigns and prices on application. Increase the Dividend Fallowing the intimation given at the annual meeting of the Standard Reliance Mortgage Corporation of 'Toronto. the diviiiend on the .tock of the Corporation has been increased so that the stock is now on a seven per cent basis. Special Sunday Services Rev. W. J. Knox, M.A., ,aatnr of the First Presbyterian church. Lon- don. will preseh in Kbox cfftircb next. Sunday aI 11 a.m. and in the evening Rev. D. F. Smith, a returned miss- ionary from India. will be the pteach- er. In the afternoon there will he a union Moodily school meeting in North •hese Mrthedist church. when ad- dtessea will be delivered hy Rev. D. F. Smith, Miss Margaret Grant, s,ip- erintendeut of the Deaconess hone Tor -into. and Mi.. Hastiege, deacun- mwr, Toron t n The closing session of the Preehy• t+riwn summer school will be held at the Hotel Suusetst nine o'clock Sun- day evening. All r'hureh people and the public ale cordially invited to the (losing exercises. One Hundred Dollars Stolen Last week Mr. J. J. Miller, of Hid telt, engaged an emigrant newly ar• rived from Scotland to tenet for bis. After two days in his employ, the fellow disaopeated, and .o did e100 from Miller's home. He was traced to ikiht.n in tb•t:ce In \IierM-II, wbeee he was wttented hy ('ueiatrlde C.grp.n. rafter A smelt rein. Twenty tine dol. lore was footed upon hint. but he claims , 1' was elven 1 ' hyy'' a "pal," and that he had n.• ,note. H.,wies i.' jgned Wore Polio.- Meaisirate will offer it for sale as coot es wort /remit Thom d. en dieboa be bas conliAemies the (alone rat the town. Middle 1I. to Junior I11. Mr. goes ri©itb has stream semNihonPa-Litksa Wallin. Nihon McVit- tcrs•dlk new nsiidawae he os t : Reaeltt flhlt+fr. tuuit3Utttdt rs tl►y. t plottr P n,..A Stich twildiege es thew see* oadr, (.Salved W,Ille Andrew. gond advertisement Inc the town I HArrtie heresy, Helen Johnston, Miry .\ no, her fine property ie tbat joist, parLrsn, Bestriee At °old. recently erected hy • Mr. Sproul, se_.. To Rentor I 1 on Hayfield road. It is of red Nick mid entirely up -to -data. 1 Pass -- Russell Young Willie Mouc- The ton rrwidencee being ettttlessd talo. Robert Howard hy Mr. Janis Rtsr•hraae at tine roamer t Joebr 11. to Senior 11. of street awl Camhens rued ire. Paws. -Howie Murray. Rtahet Stew- n.u.in newringg completion and greatl>. lm pry•pis-araoce ne that part of sort, VioIetlh ess•rrrs, Florence Smith, .ve 1Mw the town. Adelaide flays, Ienb.•I Murray. Don - The new cement block dtive .h►d d •11 MacKenzie. l[a,. l 1 MacKenzie, the Victoria street Methodist church' Reginald Newell. is rxp.rted to he made Inc Iso hy the;To Middle. 1. 12th of July Pam. __ To Rhaw, Inns several tsew roues,. have tet $lark. An•tin Harris, Thomas ( utt. Melt in rise vicinity of rite Snswt Bleed llir.hn hoi el. NOUN APO ijMiNTW Dr. Martha Bameetwbe le pec- tic- with Dr. G. 951Judy! sen after 3rd. Ethyl F. 11•11•1111111A. etedewt In! Moe«. weld 14 gh /l- +..rl{rrs w to Ilse Mb.. n..d $ehM,l •strf Meshy ad Chicago. 111..•nnesnse that! Mta esew us. she ie ready to take' pupils to piano. either h•tinne Uiee es or ad - vented, For to ieformetloa How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollen. Reward for any e,.. of Catarrh that cannot be cured by 1is11'.1'atarrh Cure. F. J. I'HENCY It CO . 'Toledo. O. We 1.b,• nnd.•r.ignal base known F. J. Cheney for the la.t 11 ears, and i.rli•ve him perfectly honorableIn transact fon. and flneertally able t carry out ary oblige tion. made byy hW ern. W.u.utau. Kiaaars t )Ltavrv, w holt: rale DruegMa,1'oledo. 0' Hall's ('atarrh Pure Y taker internally, ins directly upon the blond and mrcoa+ sur- facer of the ay.tens. -i'o.ttmonlala eat Pee. Price 75 cents per bottle. Hold by all dregltl+bt Take Halls Family Pills far oo•rtlp•tfes• Divines V I . Sr. ll. to 111. Honer. -Freak Adams. Percy Bar- ker, Wiodrie Rwndall, Monteith Leckie. Catherine Hays, Elewr Ben- net,. Prod Winston, Mort iron Baker. Teat.--M.eg.,, L i.ytnhnener, find - (ley Jwas►r, \Vi.lie 'IT.• •n•«a., I.,g n Murnev. Dat id Bate.. Mabel Edo At J., John Wrllaer, Irene Steep. Aim,- I Tasman, John Randall. Itddie Mo, linnets. -- Met kin (bion, Ernest 1 ed It to not Soil•y ' Ile ••waremwod i ilsok. •d to Stretford tail, and his trial will l \-V!r. la Uot a Js•v ra •!!. fWs.. - Willie flwblirk, Id. L+rim- trt? kneed loader. When (vino searratecl H:om yrs. 11trmi t tltlwrMM w MAMA Hill. Il,.lvin Sw,Aenl•nil, Nils In the enmity jell. • urge atom nt softer I tames McLeod. Alt South. Tom One• READ TILE •DVEIiITISEMENTd. dry, drisaley Wilson. eOne Dish That Agrees With e,Aged CORN FLAKZS Get theOriginal ADVERTISEMENTS in The Signal get RESULTS r1 r Extra Specials for Month-end GOOD UNTIL JUNE 30th AT THE HOWELL HARDWARE CO. SELLING OUT Three 3 -burner Gasoline Stoves. Regular $7.5o. Extra Special... Two 2 -burner Gasoline Stoves. Regular $6.00. Extra Special... Fire Detre.* Ovens. .aliegtilAs tr.7l.oa.. Extra. One Mammoth Detroit Vapor Cabinet complete with oven. This range works same as city gas. Regular price $42.oO. Extra Special.. TwoDetroit3-hole hot plates. Regular price $15.00. Special.. With these stoves it is vapor or gas that is burned. The stove makes it burns. Thele are no wicks, which means a Big Saving. Three tine 1 Iay Forks, regular 75c. Extra Special. .. 4.... 58c Weed Spuds, regular 35c. Special 2$c 55 0(1 a 15) 11 SALE II $2,V5 52.28 52.25 T sow I 524.75 512.49 at it as One large wood water tank 5 ft. diameter, 3 ft. deep Y.I.tr choice of the Gates in stock for I tccontt hand Pandora Ran;,* complete with a bargain. $2.00 water front, high closet, etc., This k the place to save money. We sell for cash and you comparison our prices are the lowest. re kindly call at Dr Heilem•on'e nMes •raw' Davlt% ...barged wills Ihett Ai Ann be ...... Nostb street. 1S4t,1 Mi.1JM 11. to Se. 11. j The p1•coded sooty. htir arra swards *bang j flU11N money was loured sewer up la some part of hie underwear. Howell hardware Will find on CO. 4, Limited THE BEST PLACE TO BUY HARDWARE win PANIMINIMIPIIM10411 1