The Signal, 1914-7-2, Page 44 T ussD•T, JOLT i. 1914
Tennis Shoes
Fleet Foot Tennis
and Bowling Shoes
give satisfactory
style and service.
Such qualities are
Lis° shown in the
latest Oxfords A.nd
Pumps. C.M1 in and
select yours at -
J. H. McClinton's
bud Saturdays at 4 p.m.. rotulnearl.4
trn. tor
Th. steioner Mutilate. -Aline term Pert
&mist is... ma Mal 15.401 till p.rit. sante
days mittbe direct co...A.11.r with -team
era at Port MeNtecli.
The Art of
When Old Sol
blazes away you
want to lay aside
every ounce of
heavy garments
and dress in one of
our feather weight
suits. There is no
necessity for any
man to swealter
when he can get a
light weight suit so
cheap. Prices W.00.
Hot Weather Haber -
dashing for men
Combination Underwear
Shirts with separate col -
Wash Neckwear, 25c.
Silk Lisle Hose, 25c.
Silk Hose, 50c to 75c.
-Straw tiats 5On'to $3.00:
Panama Hats 54.00 to
Walter C. Pridham
Rev. R. A. Miller, who has been the
popular and successful pastor of Au-
burn Methodist church for the past
three 'eats, Is moving this week to
Milverton, when he will become pas-
tor of the Methodist church in that
village and preaches his first sermons
on Sunday next. He succeeds Hev.
W. H. Cooper, a former pastor of
Blyth Methodist church, who has
been superannuated and will make
London his home.
Mies Eliza Thompson visited Ben -
friends last week.
Mr. lius McGuire, of Toronto, spent
the week -end with friend.. around
'Raw. and Mra. Jobs Riehardison. of
Kippen, visited in this vicinity this
The young people in this vicinity
enjoyed themselves at a dance in Mr.
Gilbert Grieve's new barn last Friday
M r. housas-Taylor, of the 9111 con-
cession, hstei a very successful bairn
ra.issng hat Saturday.
lichool closed on Monday of this
Mr. Charles Mactlregor no home
from Sehringville.
Moot Drina Thain left for Toronto
on Monday after spending several
Sleeks in this •icinity.
tali.'" Olive MacMurchy is visiting
her sister. Mrs. Geo. Fervuson, at halt•
frit d.
l'earl Drennan and Tebitha
Keropton, of the ti.C.1., are hotne for
tine holitinys.
Tire anhual picnic of the Kintail
1,rancli of the wousett's institute. will
; lye held at Lakeview flask on Tuesday,
1July 7411.
; At the evening serrate on S oiday
Miss DI Thsin sena ••11ye and Bye."
yery well. She was ac panted by
the organist, Miss Ethel Taylor.
Miss teacher at S.S. No.
3, has returned to her home in Port
Albert lir h needed rest. We
see seiry to lose Miss MacMillan. as
she wee faithful teicher anti very
much luv the nectiter.
Dominion Day Fares
Art hut and to Pciertt nd !tort Harm.. Mich
Mord.. lu..k Reek aura* Valk ono en.
ren -ion mains, N.Y.
Geed going •nd Good re ng Jun• 30 Jule
returning July 1 Illyitarn henry July 2
Flomeseekers' Excursions
ad& ha Cholera at„ Pisa onioth or
very low Now.
Tieing. anti latorteatton •t .11 thud TTlinik
Time Week
Y. E. LAWRILNclt kr SOM Tow* Almelo
Mae A
Miss Convbeare ways goed-bye to her
msny friends here this week end
leisves for her home.
Mr. and Mrs.' Chester Oke and
latuily, of Toronto, are staving with
Me %V. Oke anti Mr. U. Walters fur
their JJJJJ mer holidays,
Mr. Luther Allen is Said to be some
better. lie tore wootte lining his
right side isa he was helping 01 the
barn raising at Mr. M Jtrfold's 14at
The Goodwill Bide cl .sa ef the
Stetter-lid church surprised Rev. and
Mrs. A. W. Hitawii on Manilas. evening
last, ellen they gathered at the per -
purse of money. Many kind thine,
were and regrets ..poketi at the
leave-taking of Mr. mud Mts. Brown
tor Varna.
De -Anita the un esspitions weather
an Auto truck hat of nom from this
',eights,' hood attended the tiorestera'
parisiie ie. Clinton on Sunday. This
mertion of alien almost to a man came
hark thiough the sioaking rain and
pertiripieed in the farewell iier•ice of
Mr. Brown on Sunday evening at the
Met hodist clean -h.
Mr. Reg. Ultimata is hoine (tom Chat-
ham business collegs.
Merl. .140non Hotly left on Tiresday
to visit in western Canada.
A public meeting of the woinen's in-
stitute. was held at the home of Mr/.
Amos tin Monday of this week at 2.30
o'clock, at whirh Mita E. M. Cowling,
graduate in inedicine from the Tor•
onto llll &Admitted the meeting
on "Our Country's Assets." and other
Cis., ke played double. ita the London
Thistle bowling tournament lam. week.
A toilet weddine took place et 7.30
home of the bride's parents., Mr. and
Mra. T. Ai matrotig. Huron street. of
their daughter. Mum Ethel. to Mr.
Harry McCreath, Lucknow. The
cerenton• was performed by Her. W.
0. H. McAlister. Th. young cotiple
Weis. unattended. This bride Mae
gowned in canary -repo de (shine. with
overdress. of guipure lace. After •
dainty wedding breakf.'s.. the prang
couple took the morning train for a
short trip to Windsor esti Detroit. the
luide's going -away gown being piton -
blue silk with bat ot eallie Rhode, with
tango trimmings. Mr. and Mr. Mc
A Genre of people Who wen stand-
ing on a temporary platform watch -
afternoon were "redly shaken up 'Plies
the structure suddenly collapsed.
The platform went down before any-
Iiione had • rhance to jump, and those
standing on it fell *hoot eight feet.
Mrs. Allen Frelick, of %Vinithern. and
Miss Anna Mole, of Auburn. were the
moat serinual• injurer!, the former
being badly shaken tip and suffering
gieatly from shork. Miss Mole had
her back hurt. Ninny other• on the
pletform were badly bruised.
row thousand people •ttettlett the
Dominion day celetiration held here
on Wednesday. It we. a great sue-
cesa in every way, tilt hongh bir ye time
iii the lllll ruing the weather threaten•
ed. It goon clearedsp, however. aad
ideal weather prevailed all sfternoon.
The keenest intereet (-rotted tn the
balloon &steward. Dorothy ‘'or,,la.
of Wisconsin. merle two aseente. one
in the inornieg. when she went up
MO feet, and another in the after•
soon. when a height of We fret swag
reached. Wineham blest Brussels eA
toothed' soul Chealey at Iscrome. In
the anto pita isle then were sixty so-
ehines, and the event was One of the
features of the line programme. Dur.
lag the day the Liteknow pipers' band
gave a numher of tieleetions that were
greatly enjoyed. In the eveeleig there
was one of the beet displays of thee
work• IMAM sovra here.
Remember Ltebur n garden party 1 Mies Kdna Wootidnr, of Turooto, WI
Wed a Jul ! lith, a the Irmo the oast of her aunt, Mn. P►ed tltao-
lel -
Mies Nellie McLe d, of Toronto. t.
' visiting tier Lrolhet, Mr. Jobu Mc-
Mrs. J. !Ferguson left on Saturday
to join her husband ou the lake■ for a
Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Chapman and
family are sumwrriog in Late tilde
i Miss Kmm• Austin, of Detroit,
spent • few days in the village last
Mrs. Harrison and daughter and
Harriogtou are the guest. of Mts. L
Mies Maud Stirling, of Toronto. is
spending hen vacation unties the par-
ental rout.
Mr. and Mrs. Cowan and family, of
Seaforth, are suwu.erutg to Leer
Large park.
Mr. Mal tin, eon and daughter. of
the Soo, ale the guests of Mr. and
Mr.. -louses Young.
Mr. W. D. Hobson and wife, of
Woodstock, were guest. at the Albion
• few days last week.
Mins Lottie Stirling, principal of
Puri Elgin school. rrtururd hove last
week to speud her vacatiuu.
Mr. Robert Watson, of Mctse, Sae-
ketclwwau, i. visitiug his panatela,
Mr. and Mos. John Wa eon.
Mr. Frank (ileae, %I.l'., and wife ar-
tived and will spend the summer in
their cottage uu the ferrate.
Mrs. Liss and nullity, of Clinton,
arrived List week Wild bate Lakeu pus-
seseiun of their new cottage uvrrlook -
iug the tale.
Ales. Haversoo and Min lfaverson,
of Tuitut.•: Mrs. Sazhy Wud 'lire
Adams. of Lvuduu, air guests at
Miss Fetltuson's.
.lis. .1. C. To'ii i. and duugh:ees.
Misses JIuu jury stn.! F'erg e Tolutie, of
NVild.ur, are suuuurtiog in their cot-
tage ou the Terrace.
Mr. and alts. Sherman of London,
5. J. S.
il; ucr
Lamm. BwYFIELD•••••••••••••••••••••••••••e••••••••••••
r›-<1 ••
on W oed y, g
of r. Mbaw. I'h• IMed Regiment
bend and b..g pipe. from Kintall will
he In attendance. tiveryooe welcome.
Young cettle and Calera are being
brought into the district hy the carloed
and sold by •uction.
A rink of howlers, cumpu.sed of
Downing +sod D. C. Ross, skip, attended
the tournausent in Femme chi. week.
Mr. and Mts. Elijah Jacklin cele-
brated their gulden wedding on Mon-
day last.
ttrussels football team 'are the win -
nets of this district In the intermed-
iate belies of the Western Football as -
'Stale berries have been an uo-
usually short crop in this neighbor-
wall, hi home for tam vacation.
Mina Ethel Olen, of Detroit, is
spending a few holidays at her home
kits* Jackson, of .knaberley, epent
•few days at the house of Mr. David
Mr. Chas. BroS'an and two sons visit-
ed the former's eider in Cahorne for a
few days
Miss Whaley, of London, returned
home last weft after spending a few
days •1 the parsonage.
Mr. (*hag. Walkout and eon EInier,
of Mitehell, visited the lormet.• broth
Mrs. Dutikdif, of Goderich. visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McGratten,
for lew deyr last week.
Miss Bei ina Shackleton and her
cousin, Miss Glazier-. of Toronto. are
visiting at ttie home of Mr. Witta:
The lawn social held on the Metb-
grit tt succe.s, the proceeds he. rig $112.
The Aulitun Masi hand fie nahed
Rev. II. 11. %Vilfianie HA_ and his
wife ettiveti here last week and have
taker, up their abode at the home of
Mr. M..I, until they take up hour. -
keeping mi the ref toi y.
htIllle of hill WM. Mr. Thome., Colby,
Miss Ala' y Ann Bowers ilied at tbe
home at lie- Mother, Mr. iliert Bow-
ers, en Sunday, June 2a h. T he funer-
al took place to Dungannon cemetery
oil T•reoltty.
Nam lea
Memory mill claorlib ao mere
of teat in? dews the U. 150-
rorro toy (be Royal LAW. Stop-
over al old Quebec -Views of
hidden./ potato-150am oilier.. fishier/ Demo-
tic pleasant 1 days' hoer 45 Is literal', crowded
1•14CISSI 5d charm. toohlado-WIte i2
Right Now
Ie the time to buy your
Frost rt Wood Binder, Mow-
er. Hay Tedder, Loader and
Rake, Adams Wagon and
Hay Reck, Cockshutt Cann
Mep traitor.
Repairs a ay, au mini.
Herbert F. Morris
Hamilton Street
It Takes Money
t have 'peal jobbing done.
hot It r et. in, for a poor
01, t he rod
To Get Good' Tinning
Voir lllll et eq,ploy thorn. who
know how. Y1,11 will not make
any niastak• you rill on Ire
We 4. work that time and
weather will show was done
right. Such a }oh ia worth •
iPallintlahlp pries, owl y,„, aba
Mir illPAPiM that ',Mt., will he
folio(' met! y close together.
are the guests of Mr. Mil
Chapman at, their simmer
in Late aide peak.
Mr. Wm. Johnston, wife an moldy.
of London, hate token pu on of
theit residence on the Teri ace and are
spentimg tne summer here.
Mrs. Lou Cathro and utiogIrters; the
Misses Helen. Evrayn and Let ty
Mr: Devitt Stott aid wire inert Aus-
tiu. left askant tur DetrOit after spend-
ing a, week at thrill summer reeidence
'on the Terrace aud will return shortly.
Raley. hetes [sought-, H. Foulds. 1.
Aede sod C. Roth. of kitautferd.
Saturday and Sunday lest.
Dr. Atkirson. it ifs ntel
von, and Miss Cartel. ot Detroit. have
at-rir.c1 end taken it. sses.ion or their
Dougl tss Rankin: Mrs. Rankle. Miss
Don,i1-1 ianl Jerk it odor, •if Detroit.
have arrived 51Mt possession of
their c 'naps On the Tel rece.
The folowing h.i‘e taken (smears:,
iv 11,4 wadte City ..nd are now et j,,y-
ing the balmy Meese, of Lake Huron :
Mrs. Richard,' and two sou, Ma..reea
Willie Kea John. Mr, Al41111". of
Detroit: Mr-. Nitarkbotoe and lamily.
feinily. Clinton; Rev. fee.% E.
Hose wife end family. of Gide, ich.
The voters' list for the village of
Hayfield for this year has been tasto.a
by the cleric. Mr. H.W. Et win It was
that prated up in the cies ita. office on
June 1Sth. The list contains in All 217
110111111.S. 01 these 131 toe eligible to
vnte at both pat liamentarv and muni-
cipal elections: 1:5 st multilevel elec-
tions only. end 21 at parliatuentary
election• only. Thete are 37 female
The directors of the lisytiel 1 Ceme-
tery Cu. are doing their best to tidying
up God'. acre. but RS they are hamper-
ed for want. of fund. they are asking
lot owners who live at distant points
to contribute. say one dollar. so that
then. plots may lye put in older. Any
owner who hat. not yet been communi-
cated with for want of his or her post-
effIce addres• but who is delsirolis of
leaving this work done should write to
the secretary, Mr. A. E. Erwin. This
cemetery, by the way. is one of the
oldest in the county and intei went@
have heen made there of people. who
departed this life at various point.. in
he west And the United Statea. Lot
owners !should in is practical wey en-
courage the liteetors in the work
which they are so •nxious to to do.
The demand* of the direvors are cer-
tainly very modest and should ha very
generally complied with. Tbe ceuse.
tete leautifolly located and if kept
as nicely as the directors desire would
he creditable to all conrerned.
Mrs. George Habkirk died at her
home on tie North road. McKillop,
Tueedity afternotto last. basing reach-
ed thew monak moot fleenallist She had
been confined to bed for about four
weeke Previous to that she had been
woman for her rears and seemed to
suffer from no sPeeial &seam except
the intIrtaities II old sage. Mrs. Hato
kit maitien name is as Mary /fernier -
son. !the was a daughter of the lat.
John Henderson. and was hot n
Rozbotoohire, Scotlatal, in the year
Mill surd c•ttie to thi• country with
her parents at the age of lire years.
The family 'titled in McKillop. aod
were among the esrly pinneets of that
township. At the age of IS dieser.
survives her. They lived on th• fifth
conceit:arm of McKillop for :II' years,
when they removed to the horuestead
a his father on the North road, where
she continued to Rai& until her
death. She rA atiirtired by tour son,
aod two daught4*. The sons ars
William. of SeafOrth. Matthew and
Robert. of McKillop, and John. who
ha. Men with his parent. for *nue
time attending to them in their old
ags. The daughters are Moo. Me-
lionigle. Setaforth, and Mrs. Mat-
thews, of Edmonton. Mrs. f.. I. Mc -
raid. fattaforth, le the only surviv-
ing aister. Mrs. RailykIrk had been •
wieenher of Duff's church dec. its or.
franisstion and ruse of the teaselling
t ion. She was • *Meer, cbristien
woman. whose Me was In sieroilsince
with her Istnfrostona Anti lint mentor,
will ha long and lovingly etterished
all who knew her.
ever tried, never succeeded in turning all the goods
in his store into Cash as often or as rapidly as could
be wished and it is so here. There are lots of goods In our stock that have been turned into Cash weeks ago but they are still here.
We are making Sale Prices this weels on some of these that ought to
A mixed lot, all grad sizes and nearir all popu-
lar, lengths. 2 pair*, riirular price 111.15. for Ms..
t flic for 31in lo pairs, 50c for 'Sec. short.
5 vein, $1.10 for tliks and 13 pain, a special pur-
chase of 00 pairs that we ^old at 79e. You can get
, any one of these 13 that are left at tilke. A twee
'chance to get cheep corsets, all D. A mak.e.
We have put into stock joist few days agn, a
very choire lot of Voiles.. Crepe., Crinkles. Mus-
lin., Bedford, Dimities and plain white and colored
tnercei ised light weight dress foular.I.. These
sr. much wanted goods just now for dreams.,
tertian., and separate skirts and our prIres are dead
right on them.
irg color,. fawn. navy, tan, Indio, mess. tussoi,
grey. aline and e'ectric. 10 half-dozen lumen. rest -
tiler price 25c, *Ale price 15c. 11 half dozen Nixes,
'regular prize 35c, sale price Ric. it helf-dosen
boxes. tegular :etc, sale price A big bargain
surely in Orme.
4110 Standard j
This is the time when most people hay Suanner
Hogiery and we are in a position to eupply all
wawa from 2 for rtc to some of the beet made.
Don't forget that we are large dealers and bold
first place on these goods.
We will offer 12ic and 15c Gingham. this week
kt 11c. These Gingham. are Scotch and Enelish
makes, fast colors, no better makes in the world
at the mice.
On sale at one-fourth off regular prices. These •
waists are not Inconel., hut perfect goods bought •
direct from this metier. Reguler 110c. Same, •
Sale prices, j off that.. prior. 111.:S tents •
Embroideries from :rbe tO 22 a yard. These
came direct to us front 8t. Gaul. Switzerland.
hettrte DUE lOar pike! on them. 0
• -H• COLBORNE (.:JsceAts.
Mr. J. N. McKenzie spent a.Sew day.
at his home here.
Mr. Fred Ross at present visiting
hitt taster, Mrs. Mcamiti.
Mao Taliith Kempton. of the time -
the holidays.
Miss Rene Brenn. of Bervi., is the
guest of her friend, Miss Isobel Walk-
er. fora few days.
Quest a number from amain.] here
attended the garden patty in Huron
Messrs. J. Walker and Wile•
ing a cemeni wall for their barns.
aliases !stile! W•lkei. Mary John-
ston,. and Hetes firenti svelte the guests
of Miss Annie McLenren on Tuesday
afternoon last.
Miss Wekh held p:cni, for her
pima, at Luke View and all report a
pleettant time. Miss %Veit+ was pee -
rented with a ling by her pupils.
Mrs. H. A. Treat sal femily. of
Chicago. and Mrs. /1. Fleming. of
Minneapolis. are visiting here et the
home of their parent., Mr and Mrs.
on June Itth a very pretty wedding
was solemnized at -Pleasant Lawn."
the hothe of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Campbell. when their eldest daughter
Gertrude Jean, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. John McDonald, of Wal-
ton, in the presence ot About 50 guests.
Promptly et. five o'clock to the strains
of Lohengrina. wedding march play-
ed hy Mi.s Marie Reid. cousin of the
nride, the young couple took their
pieces tinder an arch of evergreens.
while Rev. J. 0. Reid, of Lordesborn,
pastor of the 'aide, perfortued the erre-
mony. 1 he bride. who was given
away by her father, looked very
dainty in it creatn silk srepe dress.
trimmed with shadow lore and pearls.
and wore the customary bridal veil
and orange hloesotne and carried a
bouquet of bridal tunes and ferns. Dur-
ing the signing of the register. Mrs.
Reid, of Londeshoro, sang "The Voice
That Breeched o'er Eden," after which
a.11 tepaired to the dining room. which
was beautifully decorated with ever-
greens and HOWern and lighted by
cbinese lanterns. After the guests
had done justice to the dainties pro-
vided byetne hostesv, the evening was
spent in games and music. The bride
gine among which was a silver bake
dish from Burns chuich choir, of
which alias Campbell was is member.
Their many friends extend congratu-
lation% to them.
Tbe annual lawn social, given by the
congregation of Chtist church. will be
bekl on the church grounds on Friday
evening, July 3rd. An excellent pro-
gramme will be given by the famous
!Stewart orchestia of Goderich, two
isolonas item Inderich and addresses
from 'several mini•tera, including Rey.
J. B. Fotheringham, of tioderich.
traction. ttn the wounds. Supper
ierved:in the ',element of the churrh
from siz to. eight o'clock. Every-
body come and enjoy one of the best
treats of the sea.on. Adrniesion only
MI cents and chitlins.. 10 mats.
Miss Rotolo., of th• commsrend
department of the collegiate institute,
boa sent her resignation. havine
The partnership existing between
Messrs. 1% alkrr tic MecKay, narration,
Kay retiring. Mr. Walker has Biome
nerahlit and the ttrrn will hr.+, free
neaer the Imlay of Marra Walker
Deenretiort day Wee nheersied Isere
me anaday. when Fidelity lodge No Ali
amatabed to the alaitlisnd Hoek item...
tery and derotated the graves of their
departed Methren. The Citizen's
band ,iccomponied the lodge and Op-
prupt late Amin -ears were delivered oy
Revs. Rosati. Lai kin and Brake!.
Postmaster Williams left lase week
for Mount Clemene vrhere he will
spend a couple a weeks..
Mrs. Sochner dna little lane of
Hamilton, are at the home of her
father, Mr. John Beattie. Doty crone
up to M. tier sitter, Miss Heleti Beat-
Thn concert held in the Egitiondville
Preshyrettan church. tinder the auspice
of the ramie was well attended. An
excellent programme eonsist rig of
solos by Mts. faylor. of Ridgetown.
quartette. and readings by Miss
software of Clinton, was (tarried out.
Rev. J. Area, raster of the church.
*Cleat as chairmau.
M isa Norma Dirket-in and Miss Verdi%
11.•1It left for the on tigturday,
the rot met•lo visit fsiends in Fort Sas-
katchewan and the latter Moons Jaw
and Calgary.
Mr. asil Mrs. J. Devereaux. Huton
road east.
A riling wedding took place at the
Evangelical paraonage, Slovertort. no
Wednead•y atternoon, June 21111,
when Rev. A. D. Worthier witted Mr.
O'Brien- Joy
St. Petet end Petal's oaths -dial in
Dent tilt was the 'erne of a rely pretty
wedding eaturthry morning. June
27th. wnen Mies Mary Louise Joy be-
came the made of Mr. Wni. O'Brien,
o: Olda 'astir. The bride looked hand-
some In a heron lin' gown of crepe-de-
e/an* with shadow lace and peer!
trirninings. She wore lib hat to match
and carried a beautiful white prayer
book, the gift of tne groom. She was
assisted by her sister. Mhos Irene. who
looked chorusing in • belied. gown of
white voile and hat to match. The
groom was 'waisted by ha brother.
Hr. Frank Eilfeso, of Chicago. The
gift Of the groom to the Imrsdie•maid
wain. inserAint-pi wostnionsinpt tamp.
ter • wedding hreaktast they Im-
mediately left amid shower* of rice
return they will reside la their saw
home at Old -Castle. Ontario. Mt. sad
Mrs. 0' Brien'• many friends wish
them every auccesis in life.
Robinson -Neville
A tpliet hut very pretty wedding
was solemnized in St Charlea
Detanit. on Tuesday. June 23rd. wizen
Mies Molly A. Neville was united in
matrimony to Mr. George W. Robin -
of that city. The ceremony was per
formed hy Rev. Fr. Hewett. only im
mediate relatives being pi esent. The
bride MIA unattended nd rained in a
handsome gown of blue silk corp..
beautifully trimmed and wore a cor-
sage bouquet of white roses and fere.
After the ceremony a reception was
held at the home of the le Me's. parent s.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will b• at
home to their many friends after
August 1st at TM Sheridan avenue.
skinday nest will he g:eat el., in
etopett, wires' tbe Will
he* irk shwa. or 'MO of the notable
isien of the .nsisener aimed staff.
ty and evening diaeonrises will be
delivered hy lesding divine. from
*Garr parrs of Mit province and the
Sunday sehool veld he addressed by
experta in Merinos education.
Thearraeds of ambitions 1011115 peep',
are boa prehohrifig lit their own howl,
r*PiteMbOOkkeepem, telegrapher.. cis
wervant, in iget Avery •phere of ha,
ere if von wieh. Paeltiony
teed. OPiirirli any Any. Ind.,
Gel lortruetlow. Ilizpert teacher-.
T rt y year.' tot pertains. Lorre-.
trainers th l'nnaida. Seven
Operinl mares foe teacher,
College. London.
Clinton Business Lallege
MacEwan Estate
Egg Coal $7.25
Stove and Chestnut 57.50
Asy quantity best all Stabs. Wired
Wood, Headech aiM Noodling.
(Ceder et Pries
resideace 212 or 11S
T. Swarts'
'Bus, Livery
asd lack Stables
Passenger* called for in
Any part of the town for
servireand easeful! At ten -
Our Livery and Hark
iservire will he found np-
In-date in every reepee.t.
Your matroniuneolleited.
Mee IV Moutons! Strom