HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-7-2, Page 2a TMUt11aDAY. JOLT Rl 1»111 A. i BRADWI I Mont= a11B lBttfs Two s.Sla3. 1. epas trued s. North RstrtheehaylnTl& OulWtoa. Aorto nder 'Street. Uoderlen Tek1hone No. 11 suint KrrrwN TENSta Ilan Dollar and elft, Cent. perear • if mad strictly Oso advarw,e 0..e t f�ooliar wUIM saopl.d; to wlrertbsn In the Uatted States the rate it Oas ndlar sod rifts Crate .trlcUy IA advance. eebsorib.►. who All to resolve Tim reeNal ratu.rly by mall wtllrouter . favor by acquainting the publish or MtM tact at as earl•data.. pre Vibes a chasm id glume 1. d. -least, both old and the wow addre* .bald be iris en. lteattta.ew. w M road• by bank draft. express. moony .rdse, postAhoyorderor r.,i.tered biter. nabsoeipllon. m+) Oommeuw at any thin. Auva1Tl.Iou Trans. -Kale. fur dt.plry and w.yeot advertisement. will Ire Kit en or, api•li cation L.,al and other similar advert term t.•, too asst. pee line for ant Ince tlon and Tour omits per ilea for each .uluequent Insertion. Measured by a scale of .olid nonpareil twelve lige* to ILO Inch. il11.1.Kte. nerd. M .Iz Ilona and ander. lire troller- per y...r. Advertise -- meats ei Lori. Fonad, Strayed. Situation. Vseaot, !Sit wit lso.• Wanted, Heu-es for lisle or to Rent. Yarm• for Sale or to Heat. Article. for ►t.I...tr., not exceeding eight floe-. T weeny• ave ('ant -.arch b.rrtlon: (ae Dollar for ar-t iooiltb, aloe lentfor each .ub .•bent mouth. Larger advertisemente in proportion. An- nooncementw in ordinary needing type. Ten tint. peer line. No notice 1,7 than 'twenty fire entyfire ('ante. Any special .w' I,v-, the obieet 01 which 4. the perun..r benefit of •ny individ- ual o wew.elatknn, t a ton -Wend an ads er• Memm•t and charred er,orvib•sb. lo ('onsuoil,o4e1N r... -'the On operation Of aster sub., liber- and readers 4. rnnlinily intlt- ..1toward. waking Tug Slum et. • aweklrrronM of all tonal. county .eel dot net doing.. '.o com- munication will he amended In unle.- It con- tain. the name. •..d ,.ds re.- 4.4 the writer. not ...(gorily for r .hlire•Im•. but s- s„ evidence of good faith. New- item. ,hould reach Ilea: i•tuV At rhea not later than N'rdnc.d•y noon 4,4 each week. THi RSDAY. JULY 2r(o. 1914 ANOTHER MILITIA DEAL The story of Bonnie tial -air. i' the &tory of n deal by which Mr. W. T. the reale eusibihty of basing placed on Redden, of Montreal, meds n p-oflt of the statute books it piece of mite-ere- many i .i' re - many thousands by daring bueines• dented legi+latiun winch was uu- with the Borden gi•verna.rnt. It is a pular throughout the cone tty ex - story which should be very .atirfac apt in soros portions of Ontario. tory to Mr. Hidden but scarcely w How deliberate and cold-blooded satisfactory to the people of ('*ii.4a. was the governtnenl'sgame wee; shown Part of the sooty leaked out some when the vone was taken in the sen - time apo. The tett was told at a ate. Contrary to all custom. Senator meeting of the I'ublir AecounN ciom- Loughred, the government lender, mitts. of the commons a few days back. THE SIGN AL : 3ODRRJOH : (OTA RI • breasts of three men and women. They took fur grsnted that the govern - went was astittg in good faith. Hut they did not know the men in whom they had placed their trust. The hill was no tanner introduced than it became evident that the government was playing • double game. In several newspapers the charge Bras openly made that the bill was to be detested by Oonserv*tiv senators when it reached the upper chamber. In the house of commons, Liberal speakers auggeste.l that this was the plan. Immediately there cense loud denials from the goer: n• went. Hut the charges were true, and events bate proved their truth. When the bill reached the senate, it was supported by the votes of the .p. position leader, lienator Hn..tock• and thirteen other Liberal senator, against a motion for the six month.' hoist. Only eleven Cooserv*tive sent/dont voted for the hill. On the other hand, eleven Conservative senators, led by Sir Mackenzie Hewell, the former Con- servative pretoier, voted to kill tbe bill. If those Conservative senators had voted with Senator Hostuc{t, the hill would have Mr^0rue law -but that was net whet the government wanted. The government wanted the hill kill- ed, end sufficient of ,,ite friends in the wwat.e were on guard to we that its desire wee ace ;dished The govern- ment bed intr/Kiuc.d the legi.lallue in older, I,): a bluff, las help some of its trieude til • )ntrrio, but it took care to see that the measure was defeated in the wnete se, that the premier and hi, Coll, is; ties would not have to oceept ,suggreted that the Liberal votes be taken 11r.L To the man on -the 'greets, perhaps. the suggestion might seem Innocent enough but It Is full of signifi- cance whets the government's mune is understood. if the Libetsl votes were taken first and were sufficient amine- her omint-her to kill the hill. the government's desire would have been aceouiplished. Then Conaervatiee moisture ruald hate voted for :the hill in' full feet', knowing that the governwents r ods had already been 'amine], and know- ing that their friends in the commons could piste the blame for the (Irfr t( of the measure -upon the Liberals and thus make party capital in Ontario for the nett el, ctions. 1f there were not quite enough Liberal senators oppos- ing the measure to kill it. then one or two bolters on the Tory side conld make up the deficiency, thus serving the government's putpwr without hurting the party greatly. But Senator Lougbe•ed's move was too traiapsrent. The l.iher*ls insisted that the vote be taken in the regular way. Afraid to take any chance lest the bill slip through, enougt. Conserva- tive senators to ensure the measure's defeat hastened to declare against it. Their votes did the trick. The bill was killed. Hy .upporting the bill, these Conservative 'er.atot•n.,could hair ensured its passage. Hy opp,.ing it, they snared its defeat. Fourteen Liberals. beaded by Senator Bostock, the Liberal leader, supported the bill. On the other hand, only eleven Con- servatives voted for the measure. The Bonnie Bel -air ptopetty lies not -tea true Montreal. The Bonnie • Bel - air block. proper, competing of t10 acres, tis wirehaired by Mr. IG.dden in Map. 1911. for $ts,5011. In the spring of tbe following year. be' pur- chased an adjoining property, the Mc- Intyre fern), which tvae ill 'acres in size, for $441dl8.m,1 another two -arty lot for Vent The purchases dere trot Dash transactions, not by a good deal, tor the cash payment was small and the time for completing payments ran as far ahead a, lulu As a metier of fact, he did not pity one single Boller to the McIntyre estate until after be was paid for for properly lay the .1) o - minion government. Ms( Hodder, told the properly to the wilitia depot. tient in the epilog .of 101.2, for cash. lir had negotiated for . the purchase of the three lots for a total of $'0,11011, payable ori lung tents, and he sold it to an obliging govern- ment, through HIM Sam llioRha, for S190,O110'hard cask. "DoetifylaR ander oath before the Public Accounts com- mittee. Mr. Hodden himself admitted that not a dollar hnd been paid the • le1ntyre people until after be received his fine fat profit from the' govern- ment. it war s very pretty transac- tion (tom the Sodden point of view. On the witness etaud, Mr. Hadden - could not retnenl4N-r whether or not he had "arranged" with another Mon- treal man to have an offer made for the property just before it was sold to the government. He could not re- member in what bank he had ,placed the proceeds of the $1101,x55) rash, we. though he said that the mane went to bis persou*l ewe. Another interesting feature in coo - traction with the investigation was supplied by the attitude of ilon Sara' Hughes, the minister through *twee department the 'deal" war made. Throughout the enquiry the minister was persistent in breaking in with in- terrogations when pointed questions were asked by member' of the r - mlttese. It was not be(•auw bf any as- sistance from Col. Hughes that the story was told. But nothing can wipe out the stain • • Isere of the case. Ur. !trodden pure shamed for *IOW pet long terms. a piece of property which the Horden BsidisiK/hiit bssght-.laches (ltl t ifese later for $Ireo tee) ca.h. The govern= seat he. obtained for military por- poises erprises a per, * of 'return.' which ie wo inw that it is liable to be tl,awl -d every year end the governuncnt's friend, Mr. Redden, hag uhtaine.l * profit of g111,. 11411 After holding the property for only twelve month. Mr. Holden (mikes the money and the people of resettle pity the pipet. e THE BORDEN DOUBLE-CROSS When Tory menet ors steed to kill the hill to reirohune the del..alitors of the Farmers' hank, the tenantry saw the final move in the government's re'*me to double-rr.w.e the .nen end women who.. *giving• had been lost through the hank'. failure It wag the rrnwn- Ing set of mean end hreitnl pontirel tri ek.r y . A. if in fulfilment n1 'leder• given by i4. friend■ in Ontarin ridings in 1011 the government this year Intro - dived I..i.lation to rsimhrrle the. hank's depositors. Immediately and nstnrally, hope was raised high In the The goy erntnrnt's trickery was mean and callous and brutal. The Introduc- tion of the bill buoyed up the hopes of thousands in Ontario. Those people trusted tbeigood faith of the govern - anent. They did not know that from the hest they were marked out to be the visiting of cold-blooded chicanery hy men who professed to he their friends. But that was their position. The government had boped that the Literal senators would kill the hill. When that hope proved unfounded, the Conservative senatore did the work tl,rmeelve., The goveinment'e genie of doullb-cro.• w•es played to lbs finish by (1oneervatirrs, iT ALL STARTED ...so PROM. fs FND.C.Dists • Watford Mian Found Relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills \Vatf lrd. ( Int . J ere 22nd (special t Mr. Robert Taylor. .r.. a very estim- able man living herr, is telling hie friends that the pain in hie beck, from which he stiffened for some time. he. diaappcarrd, and that he gin es all the credit to D(wid'a Kidney Pills. "My trouble •tarteel with a cold.' Mr Taylor.tat.e, "and though 1 wa. treated by a doctor i get no perma- nent relief. 1 bed cramp.' in my mqs- fen and Hiring** in my joints, any sheep was hroken and unrefreshing and 1 perwplred freely with the least. exertion. I had attacks of rheumatism and seia'ica. and though I tried many medicines 1 found no relief 1111 i tried Dodd'. Kidney 1911.. I must may they were a great benefit 110 me." Mr. James Monti*, prnpr4etor of a rnnfection.ry mon at hernia, reported to the pollee Thursday night that he was held up by a entipl. of men while welkin, along the Northern Navlga tins ('o. dneka. Tb. men wised Mr. S(ndb. going throurrh hie pnek.to and talking *15 In rash Uncoiling him. despot. hle stniggles, tes the eds. of the docks they threw him in the wader and ran away. Smile maesired to swim to a pile and climb up. -�; Make Sure of a Steady Income Put your savings and surplus profits into the beet dividend _ paying secunty. rhe of the Standard Reliance Mortgage minion re Corporon aerurrd bra 1'•id. upCanitalof $2.0111,000.00an0 Ar- mes of 85.000.000 00. Throe ele-' benture•atom re s ou a depend.hIs income of 5',. per annum. paid hall - yearly, punctually onthc date W• haw aa'Acc wwl.r.dl.t.r.e' E ply,. mo ,• < a •o d r.r AI. ! hl .h.m any oth-r W. isGdly 7 npl.,n.i,n l.i.1 to boss ,n,erMeu. w Fpr. *ample (kbet.ture nrled w ,punct .. I Standar Retianct :yr cagfiorPoratioll N -M apse ST LAST. .Tt7xtt7NTO. W. L HORTON, Coderici: Res:dent D re.tor iiisli:3at=iewr--iasiriett rL" _! RURAL SCHOOL REPORTS SIT. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL l'oem IV., Junior, to Form IV., Se - Honors - Gladys O'Reilly. 1� tante Hackett : promoted -Kath- leen Foley, MirhaelJ. Dalton, Vincent Austin, Joon Hackett, Thomas Juy. Vora( 111., Junior. to Form Senior. - Rooms -• Margaret Long. Margaret Foley, Maty 1. Hussey, Leon Joy. Frank Hackett : pprowotet. ---Hrrnatu I•'iynu, James Griffin, Eddie Smith. Form 11. to Form III., Junior.- Honors-Agatna O'Connor, Monica O'Connor. Monica Martie, Winnie Mc- Carthy, Katie O'Reilly, !fent Martin, Gerald Garvey, Victor O'lteilli • pro- moted --Edward Uunn, Myron 0 Reilly, Law/runs Austin,. John 1. Keener, Inane) O'Reilly. P..rt 11. to Form II. -Honors -Mar- garet Juy, Philip Longi promoted - Raymond Deleon, John O'Reilly. Part I. to Pert 11.--Ru$ea Sulivan, Helena Foley, Eli�th O'Connor, Denis• Dalton, Cyril Austin, Clare O'Reilly. _ PROSPERITY' PUBLIC SCHOOL. The following i, the .eport of t4,11. No. a2. Went Wawanosh, for the uwntb of Jun. lava. d on weekly test etaminalfuns, Toone (uark.'d • were absent -tor one or mote. examinations. Perfect in spelling for the month. Luella Johnston. Mr. 1 V. -Hazel Fiuigan, Hannah Flukey. Lillie Him -bine. ' Jr. IV.-Lurlta Johnston. Olive l'raig, •Frauk Washington, Peru Fiuigan.,•Benson Finigan. • Sr. 111.-Iitliel WKrhington, Olive Finigen. Rusdrll Mille, •Hurton Mille. •Evetett Finigau. St. .11.--Nma Johnston; Stewut Irhinkett, Violet Mose, Erma Finagle'', •Edith Scrintiger. Jr. I1, -Harvey Andrews, •Edd'e Johnston, \Villi.. Mose, Mitiaw John- ston. Jr. I:- Lula Bruce, Myttle Finigan, Harve • Finlgadr Atthur•Joboston. B --Johnnie Finigan, Warner An drew,, Charlie Hutchins. A -Carl Scrrmiger, Jack Moss, Kl- wiu Young, Eddie ?tills. ',At• lt's-erI: E."Kinw[. Teacher. BACK- ACII13 If Toe have Backache yes bees IGdaey Disease. if you neglect Backache it will develop pais worse --Aright s M- eese of ea. Then bas use rubbing and docroringTtie , back. Con the kidneys. is only ons kidney medicine bat it cares Backache every time- Dodd's Kidney Howabout your Summer Music? Visiting friend. must he en- tetteintel. Try a Victor. Vie. rota or we Edison I'hono.raph. the blest music fon t he parlor, ce t hr s et andwh or in the (amp. Thi. will relieve you of a lot of ',noble and pot your g'iest. In a Iw.eitioo to .Merl 41)41 them• ilee• Prices trnrn **List upw aid, at Monist n's Muter Store. We here a few Plano* for rent. alert several Square Pianos at a low pries to ca.h of on monthly payment.. THOMSON'S MUSIC STORE lirwlerirh Ontario SALE OF 'WEST SHORE MUNICIPALITIES DECADE TO AD- VERTISE AT ONCE Attorney -General's Department Urged to Greatest Effort Possible to Ap- prehend Moyes -Proceedings to be Brought Against Trust Com- pany and Brokers The Ontario West Shore railway is to he advertised for sale by terder. At Kinteil on Thursday last repro- t sentativr. of shies arious wunietprhtire which guaranteed Isends for the pro- jection of the railway and wbich were %-- consequently stung, n•et and decided CHIEF CAUSE OF FLOODS u pon this action. The meeting also passed • resolution urging the atom 14 Some Results of Indiscrimutate Deform - ex -general's department In speedily endeavor to apprehend J. W. Moyes( tattoo in Canada 'tame and to take the nrcersary str to es- , S1c1euce and general experience agree tcadite that gentleman if he should in saying that when a cu.tnlry 1s happen to he located in a foreign emir- covered by (meets tiie water lupe Off fryy it more slowly and rrgulatly than it Snlicilors of the inunicipalitirr were does after the torw-t ha. been re- authus.sed to tender any seejetanee moved. This is der print:pally to the to the attorney-geneisl'r depattwrnt fact that the forest 'Items and ground in thin trgard. las-t. ueiions Arte' ale*. "giver offer a mechanical obstruction given to the .tdicitnrs to ;ture.e.l to the am face run-off, while the dee-p against the Toronto GrnrralTenet Co.' roots of the tree. keep the soil loose, and the brokerage tin, of A. E. Osler thus permitting the .,urfece water to 1k t'a ., Toronto, to rrcnver moneys percolate into the suMtoil. .aid out by them, lot it is alleged, 11. I In weetrru Canada, forest surveys rgnlly. find in hulk thew claims i conducted by the Dominion (Mean y amount to ereetekt • I branch have furnished conndelable NIL Wen. YtuuJloot, K.O.. one oft evidence of the evil result, Attending themelicit(r.for tlie rn.nicipslitie.,id- forest dee' ruction by repeated tiers. 1 The forester in charge (f a recent sur- vey mode of the Swan hill+ in north- ern Alberta states: "Of the 734111 ►quare miles examined only Alaout '2a per cent have been preserved f - fire during the tart hundred parrs, and only 2.511 opiate utiles could be con- sidered as Tearing a mature growth. No one will ever know how many million dollars worth of the national wealth -la virgin forte' was turned into ashes, now tying washed away, with the (rest of the snit, by the rapid cur- rent. of the Athabsrka river." This are* bee since been included in the Lesser Slave forest reser ve, Sud, like other Dominion reeervrs in the west, willbe*dministerrd with the double object of providing timber for the settlers' needs and of regulating the flow of the great riven of Central Caned* so that oavigattou may not 1.e hladeted hy the filling -up of the rarer - bed with eroded soil and debris. and so that an even Mow of water may be tiflcates hy which Noyes war able to insured for power -developing plants. draw 'floury Irwin the trust eompeuy. In the older settled region. of cart• Mr. P.ortafnot assisted a questioner ern Canada the relation between that Engineer Roberti. bad been prom- Moods and indircriminatedetorestati••n heed no iutuninity because of the ad- iweven more clearly evident, Mr. W. wiesiols he made •bef.re the Ontario H.-Breitheupt, M. Init. C.E., says: Railway h,•aid: "With defter -Hattori stream fl ow in It was ala asked it any claim could the Outat io pa►inaula has greenly I be made against the u.unieipelities ebenged. Smog oo. fldare very which now control the paced sod trap- mach higher and there are floods on so chile. by virtue of legislation passed heavy seine. sea ins, while during the season last sesuion, if any of the SW :1,mo , of minimum flow ti ea y streams which I worth ef.linguae Mitred bonds which were formerly considerable tbtough-� Mnyes brut ii,hitt poseevnioo have been 0411 the year practically disappear sold. Mr. Proudfoot did not think the 1 b discharge of the (fraud eiv.•e. at a. bones were stolen property. and the point *have the outlet of the Speed .is put chaser s of stolen goods' could not now only SO to 111) feet per second at I cl*iso remuneration. The solicitor low water add 10,0111 to 20,01.19 feet per l <ai 1 that tbe municipalities Wight second at flood." have fir resist some such claims, but Similar deforested cooditlons like- that would be ail there would he to it. wise prevail on many of the water- I There was some suggestion of the Thede in Quebec and the maritime ; municipalities completing the railway provinces, and, by"causing extremes of 1 and linking it up with the prospective hydio-radicals. in this ..ase it was felt that some assistance in the way of subsidies might lie forthcoming trap the, federal and provincial govern- ment,. The tenders that will be Ad- vertised for will la- for the sale of the line as at present laid, and the charter which includes a right-of-way to Owen Sound. The ,,audition of this sale is that the purchaser must finish the line.. Should no satisfactory tender he received,'It was agreed that Trustee Thomas Stothere way, with the con- sent of the anenicipelitiee, advertise for tender. for the sale of the ties, btidge tienhrr and rails already laid, which are depreciating as a result of the action of the elements. The municipalities represented at the meeting were liodsrich town, Ash- field lownsuip. Huron township and Kincardine town. Mayor Reid, of °odericb. presided. HOME STUDY Aile reit rearb Coarse `ossa, ►N strdesr dsttiiaa 11 1111114411110 erlet.d sae QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY VNOSTOM, OidtTARIO ARTS amuse BWEMC[ ,pUCAvlfils ,Ig�rwagB r [0Itii s SUMMER SCHOOL JULY era INIBQIT 11 G. T. CIIOMR, tags m, mos% ma vised the meeting that there was a gotal Chan,e of recovering $IS.000front the ten -t company. this amount rep- resenting accrued intetest oo the pro- ceeds of the rale of guaranteed hoods. It is claimed that the trust ctulpeny had no authority) to pay this interest to Moyes. Mr. Psnodfnot believes. that w ere than *18,1111 could he recovered front the trust company because of their having allowed Moyes to draw money which was pot actually ,pent in the const uction #.1 the road. The claim against the A. E. Osler' Company is $15,1111, which ',doyen 1. alleged to have paid them of the funds of the Ontario West Shore railway to covets chant lawn he had nrgntiit- ed to pet thoottgh u private drat in Philadelphia. The lrrliugg was expressed that En- gineer V. M. R•rliertr, of ,(ioierich. was in a measure responsible for the condition of attains. in having sub- scribed his name to the prelims* . en - DRUNKENNESS CAN BE CUREU ALCURA WILL UO IT Akura, the widely known it ea:ment for alcoholism can now be obtained at our store. 1t is guaranteed to cure or benefit, or money refunded. Remedy that has been tried by tho'tsands and found to do just ss it claims. Drunkenness, Is it disease. Those who are afflicted with the craving for liquor have to be helped to throw it off. Aleura No. 1 can nye given secret- ly in coffee or food. Alcura No. 2 in the voluntary trewllaeot. Help your loved ones to restore themselves to lives of sobriety and usefulness and to regain the teepees of the rommuuity in which you live. Only (tl (sl per hoz. Ask for free booklet.„ de • e• fratertetT►ntg Stem, nor. North street and Nqu.t-e, (coder eb. - Rod and thug for July. published by W. J.':avl(r. Limited. \Vondstnek, lktt , is out with a very striking cover design, an Indian shooter in full regal i*, to the ordinary reader suggestive of a vanished rare to the trap -.hooter w reminder of the annual "Canadian Indiana' Tonrn*mrnt" at Niagara -nn - the -take. Within the magazine is cnn- cained en aeoeint of the recent (hand International tnnrnarnent at ;It. Thome., Ont. For the sporternafl, t •orist hod 1ove1 of the nut -of -doers, there is an interesting hill of fare which inelodes A (bans Trip from Lake Temi-naming to Lake Abitibi. an artirlr ran Vewfoundland, the spsent- man's paaa(lime the *tory of "An off Reek" no the. nnt.kirta of Jasper peak. Alberta; lteminlarenr.o of fish- ing in Rideau lakes: twnaod stories. Canadian ramp life and ('npld alias Pore %1h White: (loin' Flahsn': the Value of the Birds, a phew for an Inter- net renal treat of protee(lon: htkunke ar(t how to take them; gal a host of ether mateeialof tbekind that readers of out -door Uteratese SOJ.4'. A riling by Olairman Makenwn at Fredericton ,eaafly wid•n.d the mot* Ifni, the r•eet of the ML John \'allot railway end the charges against )'remier ilennalagg. high end low w*ter, have a den lament- al influence on navigation and the de- velopment of electric power. It bas frequently bean urged that the' Do- minion g,eveinntrnt .huuld assist the provinces in the reforestation of these , areas or in their piotection from for- est fires. The 1'0111116141.1011 of conservation, in a recent report on forest • . .lit ions is the Tient River valley, urges that on, the f50,411) acres of practically deeert'" land ou this wet:•r-shed, the result of repeated firee, a policy of conservation' be csrried out .under Dominion, pro- vincial m municipal control, its oider to tegulate the weiersupply of the Trent canal, on which upwards of 810 I 0111,4510 bas already been expended by i the fbtninion government. In the 1'nited States the right of the federal government to purchase private or state lands who.e condition affects the navigability of navigablel streams has been recognized by the ur' sreme court, land the Weeks' Hill la 1 11111 provided fur the expenditure et 11111.010,111110 for this purpose. Mince then upwards of five and a half mil- lion acres in the Appalachian wcun• - tains have been purchased or ap- proved fns purchase. end will, where neceseaty. be artificially refoteeted In order to prevent the floods which hats played such bavoc along the river/ which have theh *unreel' In these do• nuded regions. Implements Say. when you come f0 town come to Ron. WIL- eto.'N place. \\ a beer a new car• l'.A of the hest buggies money can buy. We have Iota of Wire Fen.-ing and Oates. We have \Vashing Machines and Chia' na. Stovee.!Hea- tet• and Ranges. ieal den, Hay (.son and Track, Utter Carriers, Kneiner, Windmills, Hinder., Mowers, Hay Loader•, Wagons and Stork Rack.. Alan w number of synod horsey =-.,r-meas-... -a=- - --z- Massey -Harris Shop Hamilton Street W. ACHESON 8 SON Mid -Summer Bargains SPECIALS FOR JUNE SELLING Prices away under regular values for our stock reducing sale. Japanese flattings Yard wide extra heavy quality with double cotton warp. Cobh browns, greens and fancy design.. Forefeet and Oriental. ltegulat Yic, 1)c and 3,:x• qualities, all at one price per yard .. 1Be Verandah Furniture Japan 8e* Grass Chairs, Tat lee, Seater., Rucker*, very strong. comfortable and sanitary. ('hairs, special at 58.00 $d.00. 57.00 Rookie. special at 55.50. 55.80. 57.80 large Sralteres r: 510.00 arod 514.00 Underwear Men. Hrlhrig.an d,•ublr 1hr-eed 1'nderwear, shirt. drawer., 31 to 44 sits. Special cleat ing et each and 350 Corset s !''iffy pain new model few el. . Le Gras. Contrite. Specie! price per pair . . Ladies' Stitits 1111.00 Suits til fiue.t Serge. in nary eotd ids k also Ir \Vhipeords and Geberdren Tweed Nesting. t wt. ser M•rutifully ttuisbed mud silk -lined in every detail and .tyle up to the minute. waist Suits, all (-leering at ....... .,. 516.00 *Vila) Suit.. all clearing : . 1 2.0000 $15..l) Suits, all cle.nng at .... 5.00 Ladies' Color Drowses of print and ginghan.s nicely made and finished, at each to clear Tae 51.00. 51.25 oral 51.80 W. A CHES ON a SON s s l*O w1 `NW7 :".7.4":14••‘.11." i aw• r .I How Good Roads will benefit You Z. THEY BENEFIT THE FARMER, because they increase the value of his farm; en- able him to raise more profitable crops; his cost of hauling will be low; he can reach mar- kets when prices are best; his children can get to school every day in the year, and be will have more social life and better conditions generally. THEY BENEFIT THE CONSUMER, because they re- duce the cost of living in proportion to what the farmer saves, and by bringing new indulttnes to the community, enable a larger proportionate amount to be paid out in wages, and with increased population, more amusements and better stores. Public roads are commertul feeders of the city, and every improvement of these roads means a greater prosperity through increased agricultural production and greater stim- ulous to all industries. . Economical Good Roads Concrete roads are best from the start and cheapest in the end. They are free from ruts, mud sad dust They give good footing to hones and easier traction to every class of vehicle, but most important is the fact that they require practically no expenditure for upkeep. Complete information of concrete road construction is yarn for the asking, without cost or obligation. Write to -day for concrete roods herr/ogre, to Cwwasa Reek Depanmeae Cassia Cwt C..paay Montreal �. it 1111' • ( a 5 s The Empire Typewriter Visile Writias-Perfect Aligameai--Lighta1Rg Esespemsal-Eeduraaes---Speed As used hy the C.P.P., N, K., Reek of Montreal, Morels/sets Haub, Royal Beek. No. t kern (hewn Hank, Might f'irrctnrien, Limped, Hell Tele - Winne On.. etc. Veda in Canada -Therefore •.re' 23 per cent that must be paid es duty on all other ..1..1. 1f Costa you Nothing to O yTry out an Empire in New Model "Login" Your Of ies WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO.. Limited In Adelaide et W , Tensotn \York• lliontreal, Qtr.. i