HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-6-25, Page 7*as iould novc ieal's e -it elver, n ▪ rl: es s, faint- adache, and arc aw • brew d term st rhe'WI Is �.Ilektbi M slogs sail aro Mew rest SSW 100 w ait a LAN fail ,......- Dee. 1alt e. 9L Lis. • L saw tarisamsew Ilaa1. 0. THE SIGNAL G'ODERICH oNTARlO WHEN SUYINGYEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE 'Yese,sO; Owto.OM DECLINE SUBSTITUTES -Mister Oswald blossop, 13 year ,d age. war drowned in the Mame* riser sit St. Marys on Tuesday after - weal. The lad had liken iu teething with a number of other boy.. H. a tot ,n ts•youd hes depth and Was unable [...mint. 1t oras nearly •n bo or lin. tete tbe body was recovered. - Mr. Ful. Han0on°Its• •old hi..310- acre Coto. "lealesidr" Fullerton townslun, t • Mr Donald l'.wptwll, of North Dakota. who is an .'ltlru•tve horse h, •'r,..T. 411.1 win 1... g with lint .tring ••r it -Orono heavy rrgislrrrd spare-, 4r. Campbell will take pos- es -Me on December let neat. *100.00 IN GOLD We will skive one hundred d•.I`ar. in Raid to eny noel, w..man or child :hat esnmit 1. t.vwH.e.1 by stag.'1f IM.ir toner. W'r ..t.• an sinus (o have r: rt y• tone try Seireiue for an luow it is the rreatrat hair tonic t hat has ever (arm di.royrrrd. Sageine will punitively -err an 'why walp, bring life into dull, faded h.ii-and add Inches to its length. ..grin« it ' 110w ohi ainalle• in ,,3r1).11 and is bold under a .t g141.411,ee L') pla.ie. A large bottle ,,(...g -in- ••'•4r hu• fifty c •n'.. lir .err t' g. ;n F. J. 13u11nnd'. drug .tote for otheratorr• don't hive Sage - e. - An meters.tion event. tusk fisc .t the home of 4..,.r•• J•.hn and W,.. Martine wtpi their meter, M'.Litt.. Hebert-, end Hut;`, \IeLaughlin, el ceueorty, were mob.. than and wife uv lists F. H. Lsrkm.. u( Y-af )rth, in the pre.rnee 411 a lash.. etione 1)y. The pride, who *As given away by. nei hem ir1 John, ora+ Iwantifully .wn••1 in -(ream .loc)',•-s *atm' and wmr the nridel veil. Af.er the cere- mony the happy couple left for the east in 411 sn•o and upon t h"ir return •iter• troll t up hnn•••.,.•p,rtt' in FEELS LIKE A NEW WOMAN As Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Dispelled Backache, Headaches and Dizziness. rims. (thin.-" I would be very un- grateful if I failed to give Lydia E. Pinkbam'a Vegeta- ble Compound the praise it deserves, fora have taken it at different times atsd it always re- lieved me when other medicines failed, and when I hear a woman corn - plain I always rec- ommend it. Lastwin- ter I was attacked with a severe case of organic weaknesa. I had backache, pains in my hips and over my kidneys, headache, dizziness, lassitude, had no energy, limbs ached and 1 was always Uredo I was hardly able to do my housework. I had taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound on one other occasion, end it had belled me so I took it again and it has built me up, until now I feel like n new woman. You have my hearty consent to use my name and testimonial in any way end I hope it will benefit suffering women. "-Mrs. ORPHA TuaNEa, 431 S. Wayne St., Piqua, Ohio. Women who are Buffeting from thew distrt•ssi,g ills peculiar to their sex should not doubt the ability of Lydia E. Plakham's Vegetable Compound to re- Itore,theie 4►ailj►- , . • it you want special Whim, write to Lydia F..1Pinkham Med:. film, ('O.. (confidential I L) no, Ma... Your leiter w111 be ope".ed. reed and answered by a woman sad held la strict oanfldesoe. _J Investment Information F today you are think- ing of investing mousy You have on !land and are undecided what to boy --write us. time recess s we shall be e ls sed to segg se wale- uu• s FrRen.eremas�f pea H. Mai & Co. Wawa" Tersab Sere* Seekae e 19910 ad AIME MUM 14 P• •t, auma se. ToROIrrO t • 1-14 THE LATEST MARKETS' Farmers' Market Pottery/Mg are the latest quotat:otie for tarns produce at St. Lawrence Market, Turouto:- Wheat Goose wheat Oats .... Barley Buckwheat Rye Peas t(ry, timothy, ttf!0., 11h.0 ) Mixed and clover 15.00 ('altle hay 10.00 Straw. bundled 15.00 do. 1(4)110 10.00 Rye straw 17.00 Oat straw 16.0a Butter, choice dairy.23 1).2C• 91.06 W 91.07 1.02 1.03 .45 .417 63 .t;4 .76 .60 .66 .00 911 1111 211.110 17.00 12.00 17.00 11.00 111.00 17.00- .28 3{ .71 .23 Eggs, new lard, d Chickens, dreased(lb .. .20 Spring broilers,, a ch.. .50 Fowl .20 Ducks sass.. .20 Uuekltngs, 'sprier , . 40 Geese 1eS Turkeys -. .20 .20 Live bens .19 .23 Potatoes, bag i 20 1.25 Carrots. bunch .06 .l1) Beets, bunch 06 .10 Celery, bunch .05 ,07 Csbbaltes, 1w^ for .11 .25 Green 51)401)5, bunch.112 .04 Radii -he's. 5 bunel.er.111 •'•t Green beans, • Leasure.10 .4)' Strawberries, box .13 .15 Pork, per pound 19 1' .so 21, un Toronto Cattle Market RepresenLatt a •,prices are:- - Choice bray) steers.:..99.1) to 76.:,0 Handy choice steer 8.00 8.35 Butcher steers, good....t'' 6.15 do. medium 7.60! .no do. etio.mon . .. 7.4o 7 . t;11 Heifers, good to choice. 7.65 ".20 do. medium to good 7.23 7. s;. Butcher cows, choice6.71 7.31 de. good e.2:' 1.75 do. medium 0.75 6.25 do. . common 4.50 6.50 Butcher bulls, choler7 (a. . 40 do. good bei1sa.6 liV _ . :.V0 do. medium 6.00 R.50 do rough bologna5.00 6.tM2 Fee don, 954' to 1.200 lbs. 7 .15 7.25 do. bolas . 5.00 Stokers, 710 to 900 lb,. 7.15 7.23 do. med., rIo to 75,,. 7 O0 7.2'. dp. light. 1,71 to 650. 1:.50 7.4, Canners ' . 3.00 4 pi) Cutters 4.00 4.50 Milkers. choice, each 6r,set se. PO dr.. cons and med411.00 65.1,0 seems su.uo 9,01i 11.00 • do. ree•dium 14.04) 4.00 do. cun:ra011 6.00 . 7.07 do. grates 5.00. Spring latuus - . . 7.00 11.10 tt'etaer le. L., . 7.4nt 2;,4411 Ruck lamb. 6.25 7.4.." Roves. light 5.50 6.2:. Sheep. braes" and bucks :4.60 •5.070 Culls 3.00- 4,00 Hr gs, 'velrhed off cars: 8.15 4.25 dr.. Ted and watered. 7.116 A.vo do. r.0 a 7.50 7•.65 TcrOnto •Grain Prices The- following wholesale price;. :arc carted at the Tor•tmto Bcard of Trade Manitoba irb kt-Lake ports. No. 1 northern, 95'!c: 'No.- 2. teOste. Mani:..lir, CSets.-Bay ports, Nn. 2 C.N.. 4.tryc: \o. 3 t .W.. 43c. Ontar..' • ‘Cheat -Outside, 99e •to 91. Ontari(. Oats --411_c to 42,, outside, and 44e to 4:.e, cn track. Toronto. Amcrsan Corn --Fresh stteded Nu.. }-.lion . , •, !reek, Port Colborne. 73e. Pcae- -X11. 3, Sac .to 91.03, tear lots, outset... Rye Na. 2. e:3. to 64e, outside. Barley -(food ntaltingbarl.y,outside, 5.,• to 591s 'Rolled Ost•-1'.•r bag of 99 pounds. 82 25: in smaller I..ta, 92.3711; per bar- rel: 93:011. who;c•anie, Windsor to Mon - Buck e niat--No. oo-Ituckeniat--No. 2. 8 4' to 90c, In car lob, -outside, Millfeed - Manitoba bran. 923; snorts. $2' . Ontario bran. 923: mid- dling*. 925 to 926. good feed flour, 930 to 8;2.. Springrrt Cakes, veal, thetet. - Cheese Markets Ottawa 45.1 tx'xrs of colored cheese sold at 1214,, Pi, Ioti--1.7Fn boxep bearded. all colored; 1,545 sold at 121.e and 235 at 12 11-16c. Iroquois- Mao cheesy. ■Il colored. boarded. The prier wail 12%c, all sold Napanee--140 white and 1,535 color- ed boarded; 1,301 sold at 129tic. Gal- ance refusal at 12 11.16(. ('nrnwall -2.071 cheese board. d. a:l colored. and the prier was 12is.. with the ',mention of Strathmore. which rw;Intert },$40.e•nlh etlra on 11 count of being eon! rutted. " . Perth 7"n noire white and 700 colored boarded. All sold at 12%e Z.Chet QUICK NAPTHA WOMANS SOAP -Work on the cement tank eon- ', rrrmuirn.• it I,t►t week. It to the Intention to conrtuct the ((modal too of the tank very stwnR, so that it can be boat higher at any time, .I Id the village put in a complete ry.tena of file protection. -The •hvlew drawn up to loan the Dominion Milk Powder Co *i(MMM1 WAS withdrav'n at their request. Th. hy. law Woe t. have ha•en vi -tel on by the ratepayers of Listowel but owing W the likelihood 111 Mew.r'. Libby, ma. Neil A I.;hhy,. 1 Chicago, rrtabli.fling a factor.. i1) Lietow el, the promoter. of the 1 ioruinion Milk Powder Co. withdrew. _ I -At a congress, tional weelintf of Willis l'rerhytrriro church. Cl,ult4, beat week to camiider t he .election of a 'minister from those wL 'e have preseb- I 1(1.)41• choke ed for a aril. Nor uuf 'v. *''rank C. was made in favor of lL 't_14$141, ua Darner, of Chalmers cbureedrra°°' Ree. John N. Hdd, of (w moderator, presided est the •eonirrfs- Lionel meeting. The pulpit of Vi Its church her been vacant for ,sout year. FAILING HAIR AND ITCHING SCALP FRECKLES New is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots There'. no longer the .lightest nerd of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription uibinr - double strengthit'guaranteed to remove these hetnrly spots. liiwply got en ounce of ,,thine - double etl•ength--fr any druggist and apply a little of it night mid 'u- ing and you should sewn are that even the aurae freckles havelwgun todisap- pear, while the lighter one+ have van- ished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to completely I clear the akin and Nein a beautiful clear c 4lrxinn. lie sure to ask for the double streugth othine, as this is soled under goatant.re of stoney back if it fails to remove fr•ec•klri. Needless -Use Parisian Sage Now that I'ati.iau Sage :an he hadl, at any dim( counter it. 1+ certainly needless to have thin, 4.ritlle, matted, stringy or faded hair. No matte, how unsightly the hair. how badly it is fall. .4g. or holy !Murk, danth'�,4!, Pei-kir/LaiBabb-111,W that 1- nerd, -d. F're�duent applications and well ruh►wd int. the' .Cain will do wonders -it arte iiks maitre. The hair roots are now'* rd Arad .t *nutlet ref t. Bet w new hair, itch- ing scale, 1..1 ,tate and iallinc hair t cease- v um' head feels tine. hest of all, the heti- 1w( uur s soft, fluffy, 4 . ti - dnt and .ndiaut with Lir and Ieauty. 1'ou will he Nurio 'sod rad delighted will* ratisiun Kole... Try s4 1••.st one Hitt .rat Fwntlr limn 47. H. Wigle. He will refund t 4e te.rclie-e mice if you are not set jetted. -The heavy ;air: of Frei ty war of inestimable value to the cr.'pe of . In- ,' s whr- Nrr.II section. l:rowets t t 1)a r r ies pre.lieted a short crop, and the resultanthigh pricers utiles. the titra- lion we. relieved by rain. In this re- spect Friday's rain ,yrs• of greet value. There i+weary indieet ion of 4 is ti- ful'supply of berries and it drop in the price ie expected at once. -Fire did 51481.4 dau)age to the fac- tory of M.'asrs. W u.. amu It .L 14410., 1)1 ChesIcy, o1) Fridey eight. The blaze was of uuknuwu origin and did not get a very trivet start before being diseov- ere.l. The hrig,ule made a prompt re- sponse and the pressure w,.s good. Most of the d.an.sor was due t.. water. The loam is covered hy insurance end repairs will be made at once. The fac- tory ao-tory is one' for the nta,i,(sctuve of church and school seats. easesenesetweraresesseammessesew SALLOW COMPLEXION Indicat.••s indigestion, con.tipoion or Saturday Specials liver trouble. Flo PLt.se will trlt;u- late your systems and build up the ,.1 the nerve force+ so that you can sleep at14 enjoy life At all deelers • 'S" A and . East Buffalo Cattle rattle Prieto. steer. 19 10 to 99 40, shipping, 96 40 to 99. butchers. 17 21 to 99.65; heifers. 97.25 to 98.26: cows. 93 50 to 97. bulla. 95.60 to 977.10, stacker and feeder, 16.75 to 9.1.50: stock heifers.. 16.26 to 96.75. Vests --16 t8 916.76. Hogs Hearty', 18.60. mixed, ;66(1: parker*. 9810 to 98.60. pigs. 91.40 to lea 99.70, roughs, 97.36 to 97.36; n. 94 to 16 75 Sheep and lambs -Lambe, 97 to 910; yearlings. 911 to 96.76; wether,. 96.26 to 19 78: ewes. 09.60 to UP: sheep, j mixed. 16 76 to 66-26. Chicago Live Steck Cattle- Beeves. 17 60 to 99 40: TP31.1 steera, 96.94* to 94.20: st r kers and feeder. 96.10 to 91.17.: caws and heifers. 9370 to 99.86; elites. 97 to 910. Hnrx-- L;ghl. 99.10 to 98.39: mixed. 98 16 to 94 4.1: heavy. 99 to 9$.374 rough. 9g to 99.15: pigs. 17.26 to 93.10. bulk of sales. 98.26 to 98.35 Sheep -Native. 9530 to 96.40: yea" flags. 96.30 to 97.60. lamb.. native. 000 to 98.36: spring Iambi'. 96 76 to OA. May p le Leaf Grocery ) ''rills url'ite Fig Pill Co., tit Thomas. S nto sJutd in (:odrrich by E. 1{. W' iy;lr. � -One of the most 'shocking miner. - ever at tempted in Sarnia w s+ nipped Fruits in the hod Friday in the .outit ward, 1)t.:.wberrire, New1'InrApplrs whens women. who WO+ tufldly in - wine, went violently instil)... end at- dtupfgirt. ' Fhoida 1"41''' Fru" 13,450,4., tempter( to roast her baby in an oven. S,oki.t Otaugr. in ..H risen, The woman bed washed the child, put - 1 Pepper and .alt on it, and :i As •ithnnt Is) place it in the leen when t neigh- Iroratepped in. The child WWA. 01141- j u rf.l. - CLARK' 1 New Vegetables Ripe lomat ..es, Cueuwlwre, ('t Irry. Lrtun,' (Jr lone, 1tedi,h, Rimier b, New (:4,,T),, 1 41.'uie•iiade Maple Syrup laser just Ireek-rd a large quautity of Bu•uir.made Wipie Sys up of the vet y h.gbeet 40,.1- ity and I1,6vor. Butter, Eggs and (.t. RED MEATS %We ate making arrangements to have a boat. end choice se - .01 Intent i1) 4.11 these lines to: Seim:dey and writ be in a po.i(i,•n f.o supply } cur n ants with choir. C. ran,[• y *ted Deis y Blotter..45 i •tly fresh hags and Cut ed and Csedsed Meats. All order. will- rec.'ive our careful attention. S. J. YOUNG Hamilton Street ■'sora.] akYf411111 rarer In as E r 1c it®m m ncia aq 'LEC:thorn T 00I ®0O ■j'IT CMS®til'3 1000 meal 3 GCIL0J001,3 000 001 1110 CIL3 00 7 00 00 ■ O card au o 1001;7 1lDI uTu1.I6. iaa OJGaCJ921-'1 .t4.I1DO a o�J td I9. S 0 r7 tin rs ■til A STOCK REPLETE with correct wear far feet Onr Bh•e Stork is crm.nlete with the seasons creations. Every deairahle 'vile in high end low 'shoes for both mean and women. Our line of (Ixfonl•, in the most desirable color• and Mather. will intermit and pies.. -n.. Ample provision hiss hewn made also for the tote nm! 1.ea. tote, SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN SOUPS Highly maerwtrated : ore tin mime email tensity. Purest end Met i.aredient. Order today K'. (LARK. LIL, MoatreaL One of the most danger- ous and repulsive forma of Kidney Disease is DROPS for which Dodds Kidney Pills ars the only certain cora In Dropsy the Kid- neys ars actually dammed y and the water, which .bosld be expelled in Ib. fors of urine, flows hack and lodges in the ceps of the 6esb and puffs oat the skin. Remove the filth wbicb plass is the dna bosh . the .i isdrerta es bsalllL TMn is de�tyj ars Ki lsey Medime DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS vice e6 [CAM' 1*PC04CNC1 T1vaaDay, Jona L5. 11114 7 THREE BY ACCLAMATION The nomination% throughout 1. u- terlu on Monday resulted in candidates being placed In the field by beth par- ties in all but tnree constituencies. Two Conservatives and one Liberal were elected by acclamation. They were. T. W. McGarry. South Renfrew, Conservative; Ur. Forbes Godfrey, West York, Conservative, and Hugh tunro, Glengarry, Liberal. In West Ys, rk the Intending Liberal candidate, Mr. Alexander Hain, was late in lir- rivli7a at the meeting and wail apt allows to put to his name. tie wilt take the natter to court. Mg..,'SQUITH YIELDS Unable to Wallaland the Persistent Appeals .f Ids ss Plinkhur.t- qutated to 4.4' Premier Asquith cs) rateto rs suffragettes when bei co. En. ours ceive a deputation of F,aa, ret Satin Ing women In Dotr:ting set day morning. ,fl.1' Mks Sylvia Pankht.rsre atb tr'.k carry out her threat 5f a hugger. at the c ntrance of the Nouse of l mons until the Premier yielded to 4 demand that he 1lstca to a tie;eyati.w of women was largely rc,.pon"lble for the Prime Minister's decision. M'. Pankhurst had just been re:eased It, iiolloway JAI, weak,,frunt her e hunger strike, and took up a p4..t on the steps outside the Parliame ' Buildings. whore she threatened to r, main till 1111• Prime Minister linnets. . tier a hearing. The efforts of Jame. Keir Hardie the Se.ctaliet Independent momb. Parliament, and George L•ansbar•.. ex -member. with the. Pre mi. P. L, . the militant suffragette lead. -o• to .- i• sv.er trent rain a fa .esti( an f uL qu;th. A party compcaed of six -:ork!n•: women. members of Miss I'at.iehurst,- East Find federation, visited the Priam !Vintner at his ofttctr•I tesid. nee all Saturday. Miss Sylvia t'ankhuret t+'a+ i:'.) present, as Mr. Asquith had Insist. d that the deputation meet he 11,1111).-,1 t1 of genuine working w4.min. The Preml' r el.pla.io•d that wht:e It had be'comr neces' :ry to suppress the organized vio'Pheo of the milit•r:,l 'suffragettes, the Gnv.•ri.ntert desire to interferle with free '-p• or the proper organization. , THE HOPE RULE FIGHT Unionists Criticize Government's At- titude Toward Nationa'ist Vol.nteers Some of lire t'nlonists who have been the struneest auppurt•re of the Ulster 'olueteers, including Andrew Bonar Law,. Lcrd Hobert Cecil Leopold Charles Amery aro att, the Gov( mimeo for its ft!'.ure : press the Nationalist volunteers. They declare t(A*t the t,ilstert:i •i sh'.uld have been checked in the beginning. This line of attack elicited Laughter from the Liberal side of the 1Ios-c': Augustine Ilirrell, Chief Seer' -tart' f.•r Ireland. said that the Natlonaili'•- were increasing by 13,000 weekly, b ;1 their pul'pose was purely defensive. The record of two hundred years. ho declared showed the futility of Brinell State prosecutions to suppress pulttie opinion in any quarter of !relnnl. There was more regard fer the taw there now- than ever before CROP PROMISES WELL Everything Points -to a Bumper Vicki in the West '1'have 'just returned from an ex- tensive tour of the western prairie provinces. reat'hing int.) districts far removed from travel," sold .1. Bruce Walker. ('ommieeioner of Immigra- tion at Winnipeg. "I went through snuthern Saskatchewan and Alberta, and find that with the more than CO. Moue rains there is every reason to believe the crop prospects are better than they were al this season Inst year. or even for many years The general imprvuelon of the crop situ- ation In the West 1s very gratifying." We have just received a fine line of all kinds of men's Sailor and Panama Hats New styles Prices range from 5oc to $3.00 for Sailors and $4.Oo to $7.00 for Panamas Washable and Easy Shirts 75c to $2.00 A full line of Children's Wash Suits, Cotton Bloomers, Rompers, etc. McLean Bros. The Square, Goderich SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents fo- Ca,hartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear. Filvtell Heti, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs • Many doctors Eat 059 A tea o( any femme . trapsy� teas rear se11•aas R•'•a1 .. a.t� Nth bedew.r ► 9 til. wM a t3 sennet Surtelph Dead The death occurred at i.ondon last week of Bennet Burleigh, the oldest and matt widely known of war cnrres• pondents 11e joined the ranks of the Confederates 1n the C1vll War and fought through the entire campaign. being twice raptured and sentenced to death by the Northern troops. While serving as an °Meer in the Con- federate a. my lturletgh was lieut. n ant In the seizure of two steamers in atw.aipt to capture a F' eral gun- boat en- Fa1M Reis • it. . ahs. filibusters fled to Obtarto Burleigh went to Guelph where he wax arr.•tnd hut later released upon order of the imperial sutborftles Te Oatvage the Emends The rontnrt to salvage the Ian press of Ireland has been let to th. Cataadtan Salvage Association It iv expected that the salvaging will take two months, and 1l to not yet decided whether attempts will ie made In rats, the hull after the valuables and beelike have been removed from her I Three Sentenced to Death Afanary Sokoloff. Max 2fancllek, Joe Smith, all Ruc.laas, were towed gyllty at Calgary of murdering Pa) master Wilson of the Canada ('emenl Company at F:xsbaw on May 22nd, and sentenced to be hanged at Mcleod on August 261h. Lleut.•Col. Jhbn Bond, now .ditot of The British war Cry. has been sp pointed editor-In-e•hi.t of the army's publication* In Canada General Villa hes Issued a dents that h. has broken with th. Mexico Cenatltotionallwt loader Currants Hon. T W. Crnth.r. Minister n, labor, says there la a shortage re 39,000 farm laborers In Ontario,. CORN FLAKES Every Morning I 8 At what hour do You rise • Do you say to yourself in the morning "I'v'e got to get up l" Or do you just " get up" spring out of bed like a giant refreshed and tackle your day's work and worries joyfully o A " Hercules " Eed Spring will make you sleep better because the "Hercules" is a better Spring more buoyant, more restful. Don't drag tut your nigQht, on a bed thalamic, Si. Pp eve a spring that is scientifi- cally cienof- cally constructed so that et eannot wag. The "Hercu- les' with ita "Five Timm" weave testa every ,noesis and nerve because it she tributes the weight ofynnr body evenly. W41 also make the Famous " Gold Metrial " Pelt Mattress best for use is tomt- bination with 11*. "Hercules" Bed Spring. RL lerran1tD BED SPRINGS 8(111114 P1100/ 1 Please note the Prtented Basket Edge w•AicA keeps the Mattress frrnn Spreading aad the s1M4,4 from sfipptep qg' At s. RwgassiN. Dealers ." Write Diner Se- (2) The Gold Medal Furniture Mfg. Co., Ltd. TORONTO - aha at Mostreal and Winaiw 1 For sale by GEO HOHMEIR AND BROPHEY BROS. e