HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-6-25, Page 6• TaitaIMA't. Jona lb. 11514 THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO 111! OIIIINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF TI TI !i SOLD ON THE MERITS OF IINARD'S LINIIENT B110"K131ND1NG MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or, repaired. GOLD ,LL'TPERINIi on LEATHER GOODS An ,«.t HIL Dm.BION 1pU stt•eded to oa Marine b (3odericb. A. E. TAYLOR. MetaATvolw. ....Mee I. DR. W. F. ()ALLOW, M. B. (Ject: and re.tdence. North sheet. Uodedch. nt earth of UuwY ltestetr7 Casio. T•lephoae it" .K 0,Ete 1i1r11a1:Ma1NNf OSrR- L r PATH, soettwlla in women s and chil- ...4 nerrode di*' tae • dnettaees, acute. hconk. -- !1fi�gg and rheumatic condition.. Mace North throastreet,. third ioor from the Square. Uodcrtch. R. F. J. R. F ORSTER-BYE, EAR, hoop and throat only. Hewer gunman. York Uphtl.almic and Aural lnetltuU, Iwiced .'..Aide... kat. time and throat Hospital. Madden 13quare. and Moorefield yeHospital. opal London, da S.WaterlouStreet. alio•• tint IW Knox Church. Hours o W..0I'p. , m., 7 to S p. art. Telephone `� .1!. AID MINNtl: M. (GKENR, 1). l.. t'hirouractur,,, .t hid and nerve specialists. e'htropr•rtie Is Ice .eleuLe that cure• without drug, or tilde. Free examule- ltou. Ulnae over Sharman o. &hoc here, ea trance un F:a-t .trout. Phone ad. LEGAL. P ROCDFOUT, HAYS & KILLOR- AN. barru.ter., e.olioitor-, notaries public. root e• to the Marano.. Court, etc. Private Nod. to lend at lowest rater of intermit. lice. IGIPt aide rtquaro. Uoterteb. W. ✓ ttu opeterr. K. t .. It. C. HAYS, J. I. KILLIflIAN. W.1'aleUFteY(', Jr.._ AILaU. CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS- fEK...ull.titor. notary public (Mom- anee::on otr.wt. Uudattcb. flald door tram ',qua, •• PARLIAMENT CLOSED sesdea Soiled With Passim, et No distribution sad C.N.R. VIM i 1HARLis`tl &JARROW, LL.B.. BAR - t.) ttidTEa:, attorney. solicitor. oi... (lode rich. Monty to lend at lowest rate. 1. $EA(,EIt. RAKRISTl R. MOL - •conveyancer. ien�r. rotary Publei and An AUCTIONEER.. THOMAS GUNI)KY At: rT1oNNEW Hos. M. Uodericb. Att iltwtraCtioee by moil lett at Signal office wall bo promptly al- luded t,,. Iteetdenn• telephone 117. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. $s11ll 1Y11'10 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LLlrl)V lona. AVNY to M. 0. CAM a RUN, H.rneter Ha•s111ou street. Uod•rtob. After one ot the shortest sessions for a number ot years Parliament was Formally prorogued oa Friday by H.R.H. the Duke of OonnaugtL The last measure passed was the Redis- tribution Bill, under which there sae to be 234 constltueaciea• instead ot 221 u at preset). Nova Scotia and New Brunswick lose two seats each and Prince Edward one. oatark) loses tour seats, Manitoba gains five, Saskatchewan sem, Alberta live, and British Columbia six. The Province. In the next Parlia- ment will be represented as follows: Ontario, 32; Quebec, 45: Nova BcoUa, 16; New Brunswick, 11; Prince Ed- ward island, 3; Manitoba, 16; Sas- katchewan, 11;' Alberts. 112; British Columbia. 13; Yukon, 1. In .Ontario two rural ridings are eliminated. 13tormont In the east and East Kent in the West. 'The bill to give effect to the aglre- ment which was entered into between the Qoverntnent and the C.N.R. whereby the Government will guaran- tee the bond issue of that railway and in return for which the Govern- ment receives a fprty-million dollar Interest in the nllwsy war passed by the Senate On a vote of 35 to 20. Thirteen Liberals voted In favor of the bill on third reading. They were Senators . oetock (Liberal leader). Mitchell, David Ross. of Moosejaw; M'Huglt, Fro.t. Thibabdeau. Edwards, Derbyshire, lk•Veber, Young, Watson and Talbot All the Conservative senators voted In favor of the mea- sure except Senator Montplaislr. He Is one of the oldest members of the tipper House„ ANOTHER WAR FEARED AA: R. ROBERTSON. 1, . INISCH.ANCC AUMINT. eine axr Lust sten : Fktttea. U.aM ado and r.can.. aCcsualtr ent;aalus AMID monotone' LIAM. 11.1 : 7'he Uesau Ameteat oea Uearestee . urWrattan. Wetted. of Loadoe. Mae. iIUSUTYLttUU1•AIUNTa1BONUS : The V.e. M"Welity cod U5Araetescomr•mi7• tiller .t re ed•eoe. wertaeSet const d Vlo ruin and bt_ 1•evtd..treet..'Hone na Greece and Turkey on this Verge of another tampaign -AVat nitre iu Torbay wh ci► tell lith: short of a formal declaration of hoe - Unties was uttered on Friday by Pre- mier Venizalos of Gree -e. in the Cham- ber of Deputies. He was speaking on the treatment of Greek subjects in Turkey. The Prentier,characterized the Tur- kish persecutions of Greeks as being 'of a character Huth as history had never known until to -day. their ob- ject beteg the ellnlltlatibn of pope- dations which had !wen living In those places for several thousand ,years." The Premier's attitude shows that the tension between Greece and Tur- key wax near the breaking point, and that the d..nger of war •K as -imminent. "The situation has become -grave- evil, v.-ry grate" said the Premier. 1 i "1f, a stop Is not put to these con- ditions the Hellenic Government wil! i 1 he foretell not to content itself wit's i I joinlug in the lamentations eft u- happy refugees." - a 'CONFUCIING STORIES hien 's � AS t0 GAUSi OF WRECK � Raincoats In all the latest shade. sad Mar to 44. Guaranteed to be ab- solutely water proof. Let us show you the styles. Priced raincoats $4.78 to *19.98. Boys raincoats $8.78 and up. Men's Work Shirts' Black and white striped and plain black. 48o and up. Men's Umbrellas Strong steel frame*, coven of good wearing cloth. good selection of handles in natural woods with trimmings. Alec) metal posts. 780 to *4.00. M. ROBINS Open evenings Selling agent for Peabody's Overalls • LcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN S C K A N l• i{ C U. -Paras eel ientone eua e(1--repaty e i. Y�u� rsP.wr ow Cwteoi jr. sr IL Hera,. i P. u URettor•- I. 1. Mollruaur. do tenth : Jibe U.Ur.rve, Winthrop; w hts.m Kinn. C;o5Aaeoe; ohs Bsuta.wtsl.•, andirons ; James gree*, )Seem wood; Robert Ferris. Haden ; Llakeeim Witten, $ruos eM- Aggewn.t.: J. W. Yeo. Hatms.rllk ; it. Smith. Herluck; WLLWn. t'heanor, aeaterth; 5. M1acbiey. tleelsrte Pelley-5aMre .ami pay swe•.weau amid set 1,111.11. ++iris reeupw et B. J. Urree�r). distatas std UMerle� e *AU1A011 LiCE1NSES WAL Rio lliecit. ONT. P.. USSutR or MAIUMA01 LICENSl01. ▪ eemmete E. R. WIOLE Rimy of MOLE'S PHARMACY G oderieh. O'tario IIturuni.? ucesels 'SERIOUS FIRE LOSSES Great Lumter Piles go up in Smoke - Tilbury Scorched Lumber to the value of a million dollars was burned last Thursday bv a fire in the lumber yard at- the mill owned by Mr. Manly ('hew of Mid- land. The municipal 'users are the Nettier Lumber ('ompany, and the owner of the mill, Mr. Manley ('hew, D. B. Pratt, Jaines D. Kane of TnrOrt to, Georgian ' Ilay Shook Mills. • Ttl1 Pry was visited last week bv a fire which for a time threatened t•. wipe nut the town. The loss is placed at 3100,000, the principal auferers be- ing 1'. Beno, owner of the skatlnt; rink; M. Stewart, hardware merchant. and the owners of the Scrivens. Magee. And Johgston blocks. The town of Hearst. west of (:otic rane on the National Transcontinental . Railway. lost ten stores and nine' rest- ; Minces In a blaze which got beyond the control tit Its citizens. _ UCENTRAL wE�NT R/ AL BNESS COLLEGE ,TsAToa0,ow. a+,++Lille14uiserIt rvIE 4 •as•rtlI�y ar aeon ie,c�etllead a a..aas.acamaisi. rdmitri. MANY BATHING FATALITIES Meavy Toll of Young Lives in Revere of the Province Hasil Fart, the ten -year-old son d Mrs. cilli Frost, of Actinolite, wait drowned while bathing In the river near Tweed. (l.w'aid Mqssop, 13 years of age, Phis' dleAhted - theelbulmes Rives a1,. Thamesvllle. Jack Howard. a boy of 14 and son of a Brantford fireman was drowned while bathing with .a number of lads In the Grand River. Two young lade. Fred Brennan and Jahn Archer, about 14 years of age, while bathing at Port Colborne Wade ed a live wire, and were Instantly el.etesested. CHURCH UNION FAVORED Majority at General Aseewtlly Wonted Me,etletlene Continued By a vote of 2114 to 111 a majority of the Presbyterian General Assembly in eeaston at Woodettock adopted a resolution in favor of continuing tar two mon years negotiating with the Methodist and Congregatbaa1 churches In the cairn of nitres sidled. Tae modus embodied a request that the Metbodtata reappoint their untn oeln- tentee wbleb was Hnclv.d last year sad demand a vote of the engross - Thy y mlanity repot. width asked that the matter be shelved was de- feated oa a vote of 217 agrart 117 toe. Picnic Time in.pL nic time Itis most . essential that you have the be,t kind of (cured Meats Lir ..ndwiches. etc. We are taking epeeist &vire of fresh Meats this reason, end having in- stalled a new refrigerator we are ready to supply you with the very best HAM and TONGUE HOCK, HEAD- CHEESE (Tray Ben- tosl. CORN BEEF, SAUSAGES and SPARE -RIBS Also a full line of Fruit and Vegetahle.. POWELL the GROCER ON THE SQUARE PHONE 91 Hel.aemaa N Empress Said Steering Goer Was Out of Order -His Statement Denied Assertions by James Francla Gal way, a quarter -master, that the Eni press of Ireland did not steer well. that her wheel jammed only a few hours before the collision which sent her to the bottom of the St. Lawrence, that she ewervcd badly In the •ri • sad that the crew of the steamer A0 ENTOMBED IN MINE Nearly Two Hyades/ Lives Leet by Expleden in Canadian West Osla of the wont mining disasters Is the history of the Crow's Nest Pan district or of Canada, Occurred oa Friday. when an implosion took place hi mine No. 1 of the H111crs' Col- lieries, Limited, resulting in the trap- ping of two hundred and thirty -all slurs, of whom forty were brought out alive, and thirteen of these were badly Mored. This lefts death list o 194. The :nine. which is situated in the den could verify these statements. Crow's Nest branch of the C.P.R., a and the afals pf these claim* b1 Few milia cut of Frank, is one of oaken of los ner were fester. s of the enquiry Into the wreck wbi ti is proceeding at Quebec. Lord Mersey stated that he did not attach mach importance to Galway'+ evidence and wound up by putting questions to, the witness who was in charge of the wheel of the liner just a few hours before she went down, which seemed to indicate that the current of the St. Lawrence was re- sponsible for the Empress' misbe- havior, -.s his lordship styled Galway's description of the ship's disobedience of the helm. Evidence to rebut Galway's story and also tate suggestion made during the day that the C.P.R. had tried to get him to leave the country before testltying, wassupplied by John Mur- phy. the quartermaster who relieved him, and who contradicted Galway's statement about warning him that the ship was steering badly. 6. Captain Waish of the C.P.R. said that Galway. atter the collision oc- curred, so he had heard, rwihed to Ids room to get his Me belt and not to the boats, as It was hie duty to'do. He was the one man who had tailed, Mr. Haight. the Storstadt lawyer. said he wa3 Informed that Galway went to his room to awaken his com- pan{ons. Cap.aln Kendall'. Evidence Captaii. jitdall was on the stand for sergetileun,�p>�gave a straight- '`.3real'ft account -o. !ad +•sats of tate errM - Morning. Questieamj 'Lord Mersey as to why 'h Mopped his ship when 'te had turned hts green light to that of the Storstadt to conformity witq nave - Non rules„ be claimed *g the step as r. dafeguardlnk Ti► _ e owing to the too. He could not be, lot by the lawyer for the Stomtitat to ad- mit that .his boat could have drifted in front of the Storstadt, unless the made against Dr. A. H. Macklin of collier :gad changed her course atter. Ooderich,'Conservative candidate in the to hid her from him, which ceh - Centre Huron, and Rev..Juseph Eltlott. tangency, h^ was of the .opinton, had a retired Presbyterian minister who taken place. was candidate against Mr. Wm. Proud - New chapter.; illustrating the horror toot to the election of 1:+11. John of the disaster were added by Captain Barr Hunter, organist of Knox Prea- Kendall In his testimony. the moat byterian Church. says he received a startling beide his d.'aertptlon of how tendollar,bill as a bribe. having con- t sheet of flame burst from the End- "coaled two friends in his house to press after she was rammed, the prow overhear his conversation with 11 r. of the eollirr evldentry penetrating pgUott. Itoith Macklin and•'EHlott clear through in her bollen. stoutly deny any 'corrupt act. The Confusion as to Signal, case will be heard 1n a- day or two:' the largest in eels district. The heed dive of the company 1s la Weir's!. Mr. John Brown is resident manager. In many cases the cause pt death was suffocation. Scores. however. were killed by the force of the ex- plosion. wMet was of terific force. even forcing smoke and dirt from the mine entrance andblowtng the roof off a concrete building nearby. Im- mediately after the explosion rescue forces were organised and the dan- gerous labor commenced. After much effort sufficient debris was cleared away to enable the men who were aline to be reached. These were wltbin easy reach of the shaft. and were no subjected to the full force of those explosions which seem to have practically burled their fellow• workers farther in. it Is estimated that it will take all of one week to get at the bodies of those entombed. while it 1s certain that the greater portion of these will never be re- coeered. partly owing 'to the debris and partly `,eesese some wtt1 hive been so badly meditated as to be in- capable of being assembled. The ex- plosion occurred 1.200 feet below the surface and some of the bodies must 11e beneath hundreds of tons of coal. Nearly 200 homes mourn the lou of fathers, son or brother, and the wo- men folks sit around in their tomes and on the neighboring hills watching the9 gruesome truck heads of dust - glinted bodes as they are brought to TB* -apiece with ptonotonou lartty. - -BRIB MIT CHARGED • Coanrvative Candidate and 'Supporter In Centre Huron Deny Wrong Going A sensation was created in Huron County when charges of bribery were No ogre, toe. t could be secured from the testlm• ay of the witnesses as r.) the whist`. s blown by the vessels, though 1.nr' Mersey discovered whet, , North C errmn Lloyd .,ompany Suffers examining t:he litorst.tdt's first omr"r Two Mishaps that lis hied blown a signal. indiesti lg that the rimier was stopped, and hadfie North German. Lloyd steam- irumediatt':y afterwards given the or- ship Kale,r 1C!lhetm 11.. carrying 1.94)0 der to .go slow ahead, passengers was badly ripped in col- ('aptaineKendall also acknowledged Ifalon with the steamer Ineemore dur- that thouett he knew a colltslm to Ing a fug in the English Channel, the be Inevitah'e when the Storstadt came accident Ening much of a duplicate of at - therm in the tog. 11 was not Ifs that of the Empress of Ireland, though after it had occurred that the order happily without serious results. No to close 10 watertight bulkheads.was lives, were lost and both vessels given. 11: 'which three compartments reached London, safely. Another had been ,•sposc•d to the sea. North German Lloyd YP$EPI, the nue low, with 3th1 passengers front Yoko- hama ran ashore to Bleckner Bay but was released within 24 hours. MORE SEA ACCIDENTS 1•:dt&arel .Innes, first Officer of 111e - Empr.s. e; Ireland, who was on the DR: DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS Ills hul1ap till to.r w tart. $% a t•oz or three f.r Lgin. Soft •t all ling s(on'a nr n. Ueddo any dt:eft on nr.int art prt'e. Tars Seveso. ltat !•t. /•wthartnes omen., PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. m en bridge w hen the collision happened, told much he same story as did Cap- tain Kendall. He claimed the Empress was stopped and the collier moving". - j and C. H. •.aight. acting fo the Stor- a stadt own+ s, tried to indicate by his Vitality: for Nerve and Brain: increases "En !natter' ri Tonic salt pufd yen up. 33 a t.oe, two let at tithe et.fle•. et b mall on ren' .1 trier. THE $0uetu. Isco Co., sl. Catharines Ontario. y i cross-examination of this witness that • the Empress' master had disobeyed ` I the navigation rules by stopping in t the fog ellen the regulations required him only to go slow and under the other ship's stern after ascertaining the position of the Storstadt. The confusion over the whistles ---that is as far as the stories of the two sides are concerned -war only heightened by Mr. Jones, Mr. Haight claiming misleading stats were given. Lord Mersey potntin out that the officers on the Rwpre a seemed to have fol- lowed t w rules te tide ceseectbe. Claimed the [mes pr• Was Moving 1, • Chuet Officer Tattenes Bald there (Was a slight esrreet Q5s oder Bap- . 4ain Andersen from his bed when 1t sot foggy, but did not mestton about the Empress, because he attached no particular Importance to her thea. When Captals Andersen got On deck the headlights of the Empress wore secs three points on the port bow of the Storstadt. Then her green 1 t loomed up one or two hose away. The Empress was mov- towardds them fast, taster than the collier was travelling. A hail font the itaor came telling them to tis tell .peed astern. and this wsa geiegfspbed to the eagles room. Alter a ample of mtsutes Captain Andor- ra was asked trout the Empresa to ige tell speed ahead, and he ordered alt. ille thought the eosins of the Storstadt %g the reveestag al her eters, tet bra clamed aWktly, have the speed Of the Eheprees Brow the collier's Bose out obi the bele. Stands for Quality 94 Dredge Ora to Seton The bag drudge Delver. valued at 3144,111. erw by the Dredglas Osmpsay, eapaese and alas Meaday Melt 1n a gar at Port Dal - henna At Meat tear tor, wallet Burt, et Part Delbert*, a member of dha Mimi r maw,. was drowsed. sod the retina may araler trim Or tear. Tis wore nvc 1 by fuss. Na air. et � Nog Shred t,.ki ��r and ether ermaefenebeet quala7 It la waterpreaf, 0dand durable. geaablee.7 of as oleos r style. Brantford A.eppbbaalt.1. 2 and S ply. Ruttber, 1. 3. mad'•tply. one onli t MoMwk milli. or weight 1y a seal sae.. ere•etlee LD WATCH FREE.. taOft uOM s.* Iarrr leponni w �. aw.a��:� ar�se se ▪ P. 0011.5 me ash w Mb w see et An w wr ►mites , ewe e gice"••• G am s„et GPI . S_ res w glielh %irwt�r'► *mew a. • Iltdmsnd Gee Cower John Redmond. the 1 t1onahst =�has ad central et the Ar allot veislateer movement. The ,eommNtee hi charge d Ude moot prat atter tnsd demur. has aeeopted Ws suggestion that "the erittag col!• l.brtted Commin.s tit the *Mnateen •o1ouM he sisesetbrod by the rat On of twenty -eve repleaaalla fvea n Ike ire ghats.• Sada Aol Da s0ad The Oaaada Tsmperaaee Let was bear ea fill May In Mua1_ a by e dag majsrtty. The leer sad Milnes. fevered IL telt Ike lawasklpe weal sole aptsaL HINDUS MUST DEPART Rich Indian Was blended with flavory Ceybas. WHEN OU' INSIST C TMIS P d Rose Tea ail era tea " Kemagata Maru Will Have to Leave For Japan Agents for the owners otthe steam- er Komagata Meru have formally notified Gurdlt Singh that the vessel would have to leave for Japan. The Hindus Insist they will fight if any attempt is made on board to move the ship or even hoist an anchor while they are on board. Just how to place guards aboard, or otherwise to assist the departure of the vessel; 1s a prob- lem that is pusxling the authorities. Mackay' Acquitted at Hamilton A. $. MacKay was acquitted by Judge Sneer at Hamilton on the Nava• ed alioRlps Toa,[ Idris to be upon the premises of Jashes N. Dow ' for immortl purposes, his Honor stat fond aguiltyoon the tocl� a lt ►c Would be necessary to prove tkat M bad power to put the girls out d for bolus+, and prevent any tafseeedact Mould swell arise thele. TO BUILDERS • Having now installed a re -cut Band Saw, we are prepared to supply builders and the trade with RECUT SIDING in any quantities and of any material for building.. LUMBER OF ALL SIZES TO•ORDER A large stock of Lumber on hand of st-lnd :r,'.' siies. Ontario White Pine Shirgles and Lath. We are prepared to do jobbing or cuQtom wet;. on short notice. Soft and Hardwood Slab, trr sal., by the cord. The Paget Grain Door Co,, Limited GGDERICH `"ti,:owe DECLINE s -Mater °Awa of age, was deur river"' St. Mar anon. The lad with a number n is twyuud hie d forerun. It wa lure the body we . Mr. Fred. Hs arse (unt. ••I ,nwnahite. t . Mr North 1/idiots. hur-' btew.tr'. at awing ,.f thirt re,. Mr. t'an •r„h,q on Peres 11100.0 We will sive o RuAd to ens* nem minim 1- ++•aril, tents. %V'e ale M one try Saari are ,trr•leat heir G•1 discovered. Si -ore en itchy Ofs faded heir and a tiageine 1. -1 uosleri, It and ,e x-lsrtture L') p .1'4X-111'•..1• .urs to go•�o ,tut.- for other a Sr.i An -irttweet d the liquor of 4\ Vwrtio, worn Hobert-, and H I r0I.rt v. were nyItet.F.11.L the pteeenee u The bride, w•it•• net brolirt. J. goWnr 1 incr"an avoir the bruin! inane the hap); .bat In en *min •her tell t d!; •' 4 y. Pots, Pans and Dishes! Panshinc really has no equal in the kitchen. You should not trust to hot water and soap to remove grease and all traces of the last meal's 1,1 cookery. It isn't safe. Use Panshine -it makes pots clean and sweet. tin like silver, rui4 ilQ paint like new. PANSHINE FEELS A NE' As Lydia E. table Coma Backadh and Piqua, Ohio. - grateful if I ft This g is for You I if You Soifer From Hot flashes or dizziness, faint- ing spells, hysteria, headache, nervousness -all are symptoms and are sot beyond relief. Big Hydra' Tenders tet Two Hydr-Rleetrle contracts fee Pero Mg dams at Rngeals P'ahu sear Owes Bound have been let to the Am basun Company of Wetter lad the !tyle'. Whits and Soaves 0olapaal et Torosto. The total sum fanned it memo. litrasa0 Delmege ehlttrag edleetFes pr alt d the Meruba to Esek at lie& Vasal. is alleged to have sten a toes' df nor 3130.111 from the bsaL His 51L1 1• pr•eeae•dt*1. Aber Mus afar 'bets tram a re eelvtr, two of watch narrowly MOW lib wits. iretBagtes Debesek, a Ike Per Ulnas sear Klaplea, area the yt1f1 Not late kis brei means bo bast death. Lime oneatttles et riles ass mar Mtn lave drag dag lie at sewest the esaasmasa osant k the west of Weird. for I* Maki. MOM veleaMasa TM Weir parse fear that Ib. r ilheestesa are plasmas M POW Os wear 4 Ira efts iesanatis. z: Pierre's . F3Y4rIte, rogicription er*eted 1. tie rod timw and premptiyreweese Ike alssasw supeasar1 Fa w p.. 1 peel+gid ni.er pales sod INIWO011 symptom sed *way kehP r ars. boss .ell druggists ter over le years, Is DEM lens. m 51.55 per gamest ..tisfasd*s. 11 mss arm be W le sow erre Lem r msdldal byR Y, rhes*. iL D. ask* si rMi.iss desks, sr 15151 bra by mall ss resslpt of Ms Y s(sogs ts.wy vii mems mai a issdt r b ham. sheelestely IMlwsWyk!, vgiosst bar es widows iR me Dr. L mals. bed-* sso Mrs semiw rosettednew Tat neTat las. rumors snuaaaain. riJ ay. RR LT9 ?28 &Wi n 4/l Fare 31Q 0 v ewrwee.e UFFAL.O A • THIL GMAT IN, IIELANDMIZ" lissolllesss Dior s'199416111111;•••ase41101.° sod Mar of -surirm.o aad CLEVELAND - map tat to tat prim Otesewl Woo rams seedy bowsin Boar. coellead ame wad orompanson ear ~woos hol pear iallnimput odor C. • 111. Lar. Vibe es Ow heolown booll01•••. TISK CIA/ISLAND & •UPPALO TRANSIT CO., Clevelesoll.O. • with a severe ca I had backache over my kidnej lassitude, had i and I was alwa able to do my hi Lydia E. Pink] pound on one ot helped me so I built ate up, esti woman." You b to sse my name way and I hope Warts St., Pim Women who dirressIng 111s skald not doobi Plakbarn's Vele Oteca.thett boa - If you wat Write to Lyell Hasa. Yowl read and ail Inve IF was, Josef i Pon kayo sire us& Meowed aids in &PAL SU •