HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-6-25, Page 1'VOTE FOR
on Monday next
11 The Signal Sum-
mer Trip Contest
will close at 8 o'clock
p.m. on Tuesday next.
NI(TY rti1TH YKAR-No. 3813
A. Z. BRAD WI . Putt -saner
SAVE, because- No. 114
Part of tke contents of every pry envelope
way loco It 1 ,rings aecovnt.
Heal Office, Center Kung and Bay Streets,
G.ueral Ma-tger - - -
G.dsrich Bra Kb
should find its
A. H. Walker
- A. Porter
Animus, Ont. Mookton, Ont.
Bayfield. Ont. Sebruigvtlle. Ont.
Du nganaoo, Ont. Varna. Ont.
Some Desirable
for immediate sale
List your propel ties for sale or rent with me.
Peon= : Orrice; 3); Hees 150. P. O. Rox s64 4
A grand celebration of Dominion Day will he held in
.oderich, comprising many special features of unusual
Tug -of -War Highland Dancing
Morse Speeding. Etc.
I'h,• programme will regia with a
Baby Show, 10 a. m
Age under one yea' -1st prize. 11.3: 2nd, $2: :(rd, el.
lodge. Reeve F:Ilice• •,d' ouocill r 'Inr.
Children's dames
On the equate immediately after tit• baby show.
F HI%Fr '
Rt)\'S I 4 knd Sed
•.:.. •.so •.Ys
.i•t .:•. its
.14)4141R race. 6 year. and under
.• rd. race. is year. and under
1st yenta race, 12 year and ander
yards race. It year. and under
Hoot mos. WI yard.. 12) ran and under
Itunnh.a breed Jump. Jl year. and under
Running blgh Jump 1/ year- and under
ventilate with pole. 16 year. and under
Three-lefsnd twos. 50 yard- I i year- an,, under
yards rap, 6 year. and leder
1406 twos. 311 yard.. 6 year. nod under
4' )-atrt* race, 111 year. and ander
1'ntato rnoe, S) yard., In year. sial n• der
Ian lard. raise. 12 rears and ender .. .:3
lrerd. race. 11 years and under .:.'.
Ituller+eatingrare. ,oyard.on adewaik 11 .1'.r -ane tend•:_. 1..•'
hoot race. I'U yard. 12 fear. and seder
I wit end .noon rate.:. lard... 11 yTs-n al.
oq and.:
Committee-Mvy.rr Reid and l'oun.:,ILn \Vieth
Highland Dancing
To be on hand nand in Square in til. morning
Boys, under.0 years, 1st. f'l.": 2nd. >li1!61: (11th, under I I year-. Isr. 462.00);
2nd. $1.'I.
(iommittre-Couneillnrs Isithwatte and \I t'hi
I)ecora:1'•d HiryeIes-lst. $S; 2nd. *2: Ord, *1
The Rest Floral Flirt. 1st, $3; 2nd, 42: '(td. 161
The committee teaser,. the reel( re wnhhNs any Doss M endive !• rte. inn-.Aered wen h1 et
the .arae. JCHHE24 Tu Hg \.4M).1) I)Y THE 31A1'UR.
.:44 .Y)
1 I.0 n
tft 3rd
• ..v ;
•:n .S
6' .4
S•, Y)
The fallowing programme of sports will take pi.ice in the Agrieultnral
Park at 1.10 o'clock.
(rOlagJu('H VS. ('1.INTON
Game called at :S o'clock p.m This will he . last genie
Toa ?par wb•olsd ,•bids IH•bb4• honed)
For looney that Aiwa lover grim public
Open teal!. U.IHuiM haste . brat thew fn
dye; fear m eater sad tars to .tart.
17tRIt 04 0
l'H167 nsesinl Manion:
thK .rNp
Rent. two In fele Av.1, tnM
aae.pad. RMI: third. n.le,
SPEtDiNU CONTEST. 2.50 claw
Half -41p14. haw:
14.1114044. Is Ave: Mr 1• onto and three
t• .tart.
Prise. tread ia valt�Nyf,-gsrl. $4.4.
tmtnsee f•• fres. b p•1' ••si el Wm tesla
TheoTcontests will hs hold .e ,rte• r
u,• beetf-t
h.aflscruets la th•Iemarl.
Committee-�p•aats Rows (•.,t end
( MYlir gesso
Dr. flacklin Admits Paying $ 10 to a Voter -Excuses'
Himself by Saying that the Voter was to Work
and Canvass for Him -Rev. Joseph Elliott will
Take no Further Part in the Campaign
The nomination of candidates for
the Centre Hugon riding was held in
Cardno's opera house, Senfurth, on
Monday afternoon from 12 to two
o'clock. The tet urinstioue were made
to the returning officer, Mr. \Ve•Iey
Beacom. of Mullett, who also presideid
at the pub:b• meeting held at the clow
of the nomination.. Mr. W. Proud -
font was unn,iva)• it a. the Liberal
eantlidal0. hi. 114/111in.dinn paper con-
taining Mtsign«ture6. Dr. A. H. Mack-
lin was nominated a+ the Conaervrtive
candidate, his notion's' ion paper con-
taining the names of 56 voter...
11r. Macklin wire the fired epeesket,
and held the attention of the audience
for 15 mintites. Hr was followed by
Mr. Proudfoot, who was enthu•iasii-
•ally received. and spoke for one hour.
Dr. Macklin then made a closing reply
of 15 minutes.
Ito. Macklin. 1101 content to wast for
the evi,lrnee in the I ribery charges
against himwll and Rev. Joseph
A artier et v. --'s h..• ,ar• arrwaaa•1
U,rdtiel del -hip • -. • elan • Towa.aip.
winos- receive •:.W.
Wieser of nr.t owned to r• ow against
Reddeiet Firel'•a.part' .ranee of ilia
esa•aw to ,Halve •itis
emirate.: I:,ete k44041 . t Lse.•Olse
01'101 rtAI.1
MMnab ar s•np.w
yr r . AMintg
rat seaa'• rand ever SP 14.1 :1141 i,sl Eel
1/40 Dind.
R•ea4sg ho, -.se and )•a.p. 1.a' 6.11
as may 3* 1.•a
1aWet &
C�aaat/4.41�t 6 le p .iw
• wit t" +le• .t.1111 ! LA
w•Ir•e barr•gr rare.. 1••, 'arta Lw 'Lao
Barrel rare I • ) ardrarel14.gaLla 600'
4 eannitter . I.. Kepi s1/ Aert1.
Admission to Agricultural Park. 23c
Children under i* IOe. (,♦rand Stand F111e Carriages Admitted Free
33rd Regimental Band will furnish music tor the day
Dandng In Agricultural Pavilion in Afternoon
for small admission fee.
The Stewart Orchestra will Furnish the Music.
otnahitSee-Oooseillor Morris and Obief Pestistbwaite.
14. _KNOX
ode anvil TN*. MIMS
V. PKuuDl+(x)r, K.C.
Unable to gerrymander hint out of .i
Verdi t• Pluton. the Cooservet iv..hire t
attempted. as hay leen shown within I
the past few days. tw h.ing ah-•i.L his
defeat by the unlawful use .1f money
in the put chase of voles and oat -it -nee.
Elliott which will be given in the
police emit t, Hoderich, mi \\' dm qday
of this week, opened his addre.,. by
presenting his version of the miner
to the audience. 111 doing set hr ad- ,
milted that he gave Mr .1. 14. Ilci'rr
He that ren,orke 1 that he tried
to canvass Hunter himselt Iwo weeks ,
helot... and had then sent M:. F:'I,ott
to hits. It seems that Mi. Elliott
did so 41n Thureds,y evening, and then
came to the doctor to report. At this
inter%iew Mr. Elliott told him that '
Mr. 9itntet could get some vote," at $5
and El. The doctor told Elliott that
he would ring Hunter up. and did to,
making an appointment for the follow-
ing Running. In the morning Hunter
came. and the ,l .ct„t• stater he gave
him JI1'' hi. only' explanation of this
being that be Irt'd Hunter he w'a, not
buying voter, but wished him to work
and canvass for him.
In view of his e'.rlirr statement that
Elliott ('81110 to him 611,1 told him Hun-
ter could tart some ynten at 16.5 and 1114
per. hi. explanation met with ermsid-
erable laughter f tl..• Liberal pot -
thus of the &adieu,and an elcgn0n1
silence from the t'nn.ervativee. The
rest of his speech ens devoted to up•
holding (h. etene•.I p't'fnttn of the
Whitney government. hue nothing REV. JOSEPH ELLIOTT
new wet. hi unghl In•in,.• 111•• antbrree.
Mr. I'roudfnnt opened by stating Cha'g••d with conspiracy in connec-
that he'ha•l not intended to lay the
bribery matter repro at length, that he
w-nu'd h.ve prefrr,e,1 'hat the ju'g-
ment of ' hr .1...1.11 - nn 1 he gaa'tet Iw
left unmade until the evidence had
leer. token in coni and 44'4. Iwfore
them 10 weigh, nut as Dr. M•neklin
had .ern Itt to try to put himself right
with 1heaudience. hr thought It wily
fair that they should be put ir, po.-
sensinn of the fact. a.. far in they were
n ow known, that they in ht ht in the
duet(r'e '.14)114041411 as fel 11s it would
go. He pointed out the ahaurdity of
the doctor's explanation in view of the
surrounding crrcu11,-t«ncr....nd eapec-
taAywith what Hunter .tater: the
Rev. Joseph Elliott +converse' wast
at their interview ill the fol lifer'.
As to the autht Mich,- of this con-
versation, and what took place at it,
he referred to the witne se.4 and the
weight which world he put upon their
evidence. His rental l- that Mi. 'Thomas
Oundry was present. and : hat his word
wan an good as that. of Dr. Mrcklin,
who is n compare, l rely Ileo -collier, or
that of !rev. Joseph Elliott, met with
a roar of applause, 1454 Mr. (;undiy is
a 'yell -known enctionerr end horse-
man, and extremely popntar and high-
ly respected thi„ughout the whole
Mr. Proudfoot al -n referred to Dr.
Alacklin's remark. in connection with
Rev. Joseph Elliott's interview with
Ds. A.. C. Hunter,* prominent L her -
al. Dr. Macklin had -tried during
his apeeeh that I(rt. Joseph Elliott
t: *lied on Dr. Huu.er to .1'e it the mai -
ter pv.hl not he •114 4141'v4el, that no
rl 1'ar.g-nWbt w4v r tet. n,it tit+t
la ern w•a intimated to bio, lila; if
be noul.l •1 op nut end the elerti,•n be
emir on • r.• ton,.- no pi, n 1011 would
t• w. 1'I, Dr. NIacklm satd'hr fu•
dao,land lt- r. f.:+rd. Mr. 1'r•ois.l(oOt
la,.o.tress on the pectin di'y of AI•.
El 141:1'-g..i..g to Ur. Hit:.o,- if Ire 0
if D. Macklin wee not godly.
Ali . Proud(. 0t a1... t•.nn I k,..l that no
far a,. the uowmmous eleci n pro-
w...al was concerned he had never On-
/dd.-led it. He .'..I i•d 'her 11e was
away on Friday. chit a suggestion of
that kind woo made over he telephone
to him in `Seaforth .s 111 how he would
like a0 nt'rls nation snit drop 1 he pro -
reed ingot. Mr. Pouudfo-•t. •ai 1 ,hitt he
stated he VI 0114d not cona,drt• an ac..
clanlstion for Centre Huron, that .it
far r• it wa• concerned he (mid
mak., n0 an atlgrn,ells) He tit. titer
stated that .t ' he name. of 1lie per•
W its who snpphwl the lunula to 1)r.
bring laid sgaiv.t Dr. A. H. Macklin
- _ and Rev. Joseph Elliott. charging
• them w ith conspiracy.
Dr. A. H. Macklin and Rev.
Joseph Elliott Charged
with Conspiracy
Thetis was consideiable commnt•
in town nn Friday last when it heroine
knowt: that Or. A. H. Marklilt and
I(,•v. Joseph Elliott had been -
mooted 10 enp see in the indicis e411111
eha,ged with hiihety. Titet:rat na•u1
is the ;'resent ('i•usei cative candidate
in (untie Huron •1141 the la, tea was
the Consery 41ive e.ndidnie nt the last
provincial Reuetal election..
Bath non appe•n Oil in the police
court on Q.turday Atte' noon but
owing to tit•• alleenc•• in It'a,nillonof
Mr. J. 1(. Hunter. tit.• chief wittiest.,
I edjnurnrnent one mettle until \Vednn
e -
day of this week.
At the adj turned sitting on \\'el•
nc -day fnden0nn \Ir. 1'. Meager ap-
prate( for the cr.h»-n, Mr. 1. E. Dan-
ery for the private pt41-e:utor, Mr .1.
i C. Makin,, K.(' . of Stratford. for 1)r.
. Macklin, and Mr. M. (i. Cameton,
I K.('., for Mr. Elliot t
Mr. Seager stated that a new inform -
Atkin had leen 141,1 for conspiracy.
J. R, HC \TF.
1 It *meant, in Knox , batch, Goderich.
who 1- 104.4111. b r for' the intro -ma, ion
l)oneetvatire easilkiate in Centre
L. . Huss, who is elese ed with oomph,
Lion with the C'entte Huron election.
Which rriihl acrd t hr in iginal charge,
r„ that it amil 1 ire unnecessary to
I press them. as the w hole metier P0111.1
1st' dealt 44 11 14 in .. morn mote cat
fael•4}' Iliait001 rte the trial of the con-
; *pis acy..•n.rge.
Air. Mal i,.. said his r'irnt way not
ready 111 go 011 4.1111 1l. conspiracy
charge and asked for allj ''1rttn.011 un-
til atter election day. Mr. Calllrtnn
said his client w -a• reedy to go 1111 at
once and nitwit that the care g'u on.
Mr. Seeger said the cr'"wet witnesses
were prevent and he did rot fsvoo• .in
adjournment but would not foie, a
. heating at the p1e.ent time.
Thr,11eg1-teat.- adjoin tied the e..ae
until 1'newisy next 41 In a.m.
The first charge of brihet y was laid
under the elections act. and the se-
cond of cin,"piracy is under the crim-
inal endo. Under Du conspiracy in.
dichuent Mr. Elliott and Ur. Macklin
are charged with "unhavwfrtlly. trattdu-
len1ly, aid tierei tfully conspire, com-
bine, confederate anti agree together,
anti with divers other ()towns. whose
nettles are at present unknown, un-
lawfully pita -ore ha- illegal means and .1. O. ANDERSON
by l,iihrry and oche art•. inrinding
tips nett of briber'. tire rites ion of Nr, tiersytu..udeaed out of 1 util Bruce, he
A. H. Macklin." is now po .Ing no a 44 onlnlg fight ar
11.10 chatg-'d. •,r., that Mi. Elliott' Libel s2 , 4-111111‘1 10 in N.-1 41. lluroi.
At the Domination proceadisgs in Seaforth on Mooday a statement
was made by Dr. A. H. Macklin, the Conservative candidate in Centre
Huron, that should not be allowed to go unchallenged.
Dr. Macklin stated that • few yards from his office in G dericb there
men, and
was a liquor shop and that it was a place frequented by
owing to 1t being frequented by women 41 was a worse place than and
In making the above statement, 1)r. Macklin referred to the liquor
store competed by Mr W W Sault•, a welh-behaved and respected
citizen of Goderich, and who conducts a place of business that is a credit
to any community.
Have the ladies of Goderich become so depraved in the eyes of Dr.
Macklin that be considers it worth his while giving the information to
a public nteetmg.
Has Dr. Macklin nothing else to do but tet on his door -step and
keep tab on the number of ladies that go in and out the different places
of business In his neighborhood.
The ladies of Goderich are not a depraved lot. They ■re the finest
in the land, and when Dr. Macklin made the discreditable statement be
did at Seaforth on Monday he cast a base slur upon the (air citizens of
Godes ich.
The events of the past few days have shown us that Dr. Macklin
and Rev. Joseph Elliott should not move or talk without the protection
of a chaperon.
$100.00 REWARD
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD Is hereby offered for
inforaiati.n that will lead to the conviction that any person guilty
of any of the following offences in connection with the present elec-
tion for Centre Huron :
1., The 'zit ing or premising of eny'hriite to any voter to induce
hint to vote or refrain 1ronl voting at the el.ction,
(h) Practising any undue influence or intitnidatii 11 upon or
against n voter to induce or compel him t0 vote or to terrain front
voting at the . lee, •
IC) Ihtouriilg or eodenving to proem- iuty person to commit
the offent•r of persons;' .
Olt Pirating any voter for the purpose' of corruptly influenc-
ing such person to vote or refrain from votiteg.
Dated at Goderich this 25th day of June, A.D. 14.111
President of Centre Huron R.(orwt Association.
-- J
Macklin to conduct his rampsign in a
('entre Huron were divulged a pro- I' Tr1 �t/17A to -Mf. Proudfoot'phew civ An' 1rp Ani dive 4 t.tli tui gbt
he considered.
Mr. Prondl.ot was emphatic in hi.
remarks that he ro11siderrel prev.ure
was being brought to tear from nut-
s de to defeat him, that the Conserva-
tive party were Mit to Me that he was
not elected. lir med.' reference to e
enyeterioos trip of 111r. Macklin's to
Toronto, bef.ae which 1111 t.Ik of
honey bad cir,tilateiL
but after which
it was that Elliott rwt approached
i Hunter and •old : ''We've got the
honey.•' Mr. Proudfoot t:ealt during
litw last thew quart pro of an hour of
'his speech w•,Ih the extravagance of
the government, the increase of the
puhlfr debt, with the temperance is-
sue, the arbor)! question. and the other
Issues before the public.
Dr. Macklin in his reply said while
he paid the 110, and may hays acted
in cootgaveetloo of the election art,
et lawyers differesd ae (.o whether he
bad or liar) not: that r) fur as the Rev.
Jowpb Elliott was concerned he was
not now on his platform as 'represent-
ing hien, that h.• had .wted in lire•eot-
ly. and he did not intend to suffer
thorough the reverend gentleman's in•
alser'etioe. This remark was greeted
with deriaive Iswght.r Irl the audienee.
Renew yew COr.fidents .n a clever
man by engine for Proudfoot on Mon
day nett.
Vi••• 14w Anderton in North Huron ;
M M Nome, seeZeiler
Mr. J. G. Anderson, who was gerrymandered
out of South Bruce, and who is now the Liberal
candidate in North Huron, sent the following, letter
to the Liberal convention held at Seaforth on May
26th, where Mr. W. I'fgoudfoot was re -nominated: -
1 regret very much that I cannot be present at
your nominating convention tomorrow to say a
word on behalf of your present representative, Mr.
W. Proudfoot. Were i present I would tell the
Liberals of Centre Huron that there was not a more
useful memheri n the legislature than Mr. Proud -
foot, and 1 am speaking altogether apart from a
party standpoint. No bill with a vicious principle
in it will get through the house without Proudfoot
detecting it, and criticizing it. The province cannot
afford to lose Proudfoot in the legislature, and 1
hope that the Liberals of Centre Huron will see that
he is returned by a thousand majority. He deserves
and Dr. Al 4rklin did unl«w fully ray
110 t.. J. 11. H(,nter, annd .111 agree to
pay $4 to Frw)erick \\'rte', t::1 to Peter
\Veit, and $.i to J. Maned, 1 •• induce
the \Veire and -Manril to et to for
Owing to thea.' rho -dos being before
the courts, The Signal at 1 he ;reeent
tine ha. no derir. 1'i -ivy anything
further regarding the
A gentl0nrao who wet. in Ottawa
recently relater cm re it talk of au in-
' cident thattouk plat • u. the 'restaur-
ant of the house of C11111111 ,14. ju-t he -
Ifore dissolution An 11'n. M'gn tI printit
it .s it was related to l .
Hon. Sam. Hugh... and Hon. Dr.
Heid were talking over the Ontario
adulation, when the latter turned to a
Lita•rel member and tasked him how
many seats he expected Rowell to
"(trtween :1.5 and 40," was the Lib-
eral ttreoth.•r'ri reply, he not having
been its his c'nstituency for some
wrrkr and not realizing the extent
of the land.1li,le for Howell
"He'll do hettrrthan 11144." exclaim-
ed Hon. Haut. Hughes. "11.-'tl carry
rot rr,ta, if 1 ant not t,•.,tly mistaken,
and defeat the IVhuney government
by a nth., antis! Majority. 1 tell
you that. wt this .1 10.111011 tet 'Banish
theit,l•their ,sb.•idly our nate (eon-
setvat Iv.nes t in Out••rio. 1 sized up
the shoat ion 1• nig ago w o• in 1 banished
liquor boot the lntlltary camps. And
i told the menders of the Whitney
government that unless they cause
0111 riga n tI, bar they would he
swamped nt ib. padlv..s lie,rlt. if 1 hey
adoice 1 c hat 440h1• ( lbw; would beat
the licit r. co..l :1 111 , t years of
pow r.. 1 know Omit. in as we:l •s
anyloly and 1 heIieeelfol per rent of
its people nor. in favor of shnliahing
the bar."
Liberal oandida . In Month,
who is punts,op a rime 1•
to Nr et the beat e t
Wee os ay eget