HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-6-11, Page 1010 TltIIMIDAT, Jcxs 11, 1011
June Sale
Beat of everything for very
little money.
Wedding gifts. lenglieb sad
French China consisting of
White and gold Tea Seta.
white end geld complete Din-
ner eels reduced to *limo and
$ilii.! M I,
Imparted l!ut Glees. during
June Sale. ooe-third off.
Silver Plate (highest grade
only) including Pierced Silver
Flower liseketr, Sandwich
Platte, (n. t'r des, (3otuporta.
e•tc., during June sale. one-
quarter off.
!lodgers Brim. 1817 Flat Ware.
helves, Forks, Spoons, etc.. dur•
'elf/June vale, ane -quarter off.
Sterling Silver lea; discount,
during June sal4•.
Step in and wee our tiew, 50c,
7:.e And Ceti tables.
Tub: t:ODF.RiCil Ht)Ok AND
MacEwan Estate'
"Orwsla0" Is Their Dally Occupation
-$Ig Problem', For the
The special business of a child Is
to grow!
Its daily occupation Includes eating,
tleeplag, playing, crying and learning!
Its kind of growth depends very
largely on the way lu which these oc-
cupations are exercised.
What does it eat' When does tt
eat' Hos often does tt eat'. With
what regularity does It eat'
Exactly the same questions apply
to Its sleeping.
So It appears that the special bus)
nets of a child is the special bustuess
ot+ its mother. She is the manager
and director of this business. as It
were. There are a few wholesome,
albeit very simple, rules which are
sate to follow in this biggest job of
woman. They have been said hum-
' dreds of times before. They must be
laid hundreds o1 times more.
Do not overfeed a growing child
` Let the food be plain, well cooked
and wholesome.
Give it at regular hour. and often
enough so that "piecing" is unneces-
! Train the child to healthy '.abits of
sleeping In fresh air. No child should
have less than nine hours' sleep`'and
S C R A N T O N Hit is under it it should have more.
Very early in Its young life -give
your child tie. opportunity to have a
variety of Interests.
Do not let it forget that the all -play -
end -no -work doctrine iasequally as
bad as the "al! work and no play"
Begin early to instill the principle
d "don't worry " The best teachlog
in this case w ill be example.
Train your child to strict obedience
In Important matters and forget to
"nag" him about smelt matters.
Protect • the child from shocks.
,Don't frighten him or let others
hten him.
Teach your Neild that cleanliness of
mind is as essential to healthful
i growth as cleanliness of body. Bad
companions are as harmful as the
common drinking cup, the rollertowel
and the disease -germ carrier.
There are no off -hours in the busi-
ness of a child. And the price of
success is. the eternal vigilance of the
I mother.
Egg Coal $7.25
Stove and Chestnut $7.50
Any quantity best all Maple Slabs. Mixed
Wood. Hemlock and Kindling, •
i Cedar or Pine
Telephone. office le.
residence el_ or tin
Greek in Police Court;
"lee all (reek tonic, thought Mag
iterate Kelly when he sat in police
court on Seated:ay afternoon and tried
'LO dismee of a rade Nrllnttgst the hMal I
Greeks. A young man, Bell deltas.
who was an employee of Louie Con
.ins, who conducts a "show -shine' on
King.t.'n e+tleet, evee ch:uged by his
master with stealing a hum of money.
Condos, although he believed that the
young man hid taken more only. laid
claiu, fur *_i n.
it appeared to the magistrate that
the accused did not. properly under-
stand and took this money believing it
to belong to him. The young roan
agreed to return the money and on
the understanding that he would go
to a brother it) eVo odstock the meg-
i,trate allowed him co go.
A. neither the plaintiff nor the ac-
cused could sp{eak English very well,
the court of Halm bed a hard time
staking "head or tail" of the case.
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
owe their singular effectiveness in
curing Rheumatism. Lumbago and
Sciatica to their power of stimulating
and strengthening the kidney -s. They
enable these organs to thordughly
filter from the blood the uric acid
(the product of waste matter) which
gets into the joints and muscles and
causes these painful diseases. Over
half a century of constant use has
proved conclusively that Dr. Morse's
Italian Root Pills strengthen weak
kidneys and tl
Cure Rheumatism
Not a Deterrent of Crime. According
to statieticM
I In the United 'States. despite the
number of murderers who escape their
puniahmcut because of their wealth
As sseekarie wt Filthy Condition of
A alum District In City of
$t. Petersburg
Tea years or so ago, 8t. Peters-
burg's slum. now known as the Hot
told which is to be abolished, was •
easapeot region of tenement houses,
called the Vlasemskaya Laves, and
wed by the good Princess Viasem•
sky. In this slum dwelt 10.000 people,
a city to themselves. Many of them
lived twenty in a room. Those that
were not beggars were criminals or
oonuplrators. For years the com-
munity furnished an average of two
murders • month and as much disease,
probably, as was to be found to all
the rest of St. Petersburg The dis-
trict was notorious, but was tolerated
One day• however, there happened to
be three murders, and the Princess
decided that she must do something.
Oh. went to England and sought the
aevice of W. T. Stead. He told her
to tear down the old building" and
erect model workingmen's cottages
She took his r.dvire and the cottages
were soon occupied.
They were not occupied, however,
by the worst of the former tenants.
'Riese 'nee and women, for the most
part people of education or former
distinction. who had fallen through
crime or drink to be the lowest of
the tow, laughed at the efforts to re-
form their int. They did not want
model dwellings. They wanted fifth,
but filth plus freedom. So the very
offscourings of the former tenement
picked up their few belongings, stowed
them in their pockets and made their
way to the Hot field. There they
proceeded to provide themselves with
homes by the simple exepdtent of tun-
neling into the loose recuse and earth.
They have lived there ever since. pay-
ing no rent, and troubled by the police
only when on the lookout for some
escaped criminal. Some of them live
to the little pita they first scooped out
of 'the offal years ago. Others have
tunneled Into the earth, and have
propped the roofs of their shelters
with lumber. stovepipes may be seen
sticking out of the around In many
gitaces. and each one denotes a rather
sumptuous _underground home. Tho
ventilation of the average lair. how-
ever, is procured by poking a hole In
the roof. .
These "things that once_were men"
are not the active menace to the city
that one might suppose. They have
all the incentives to commit crime.
and lack 'only the energy. Some of
them have reverted to the habits of
the lower animals. They hibernate
1n the winter. They will drink them-
selves to sleep, and for a.•cwral days
will remain donnant upon their rub-
bish beds They venture forth only
when starving and try to rob some
or political iafiuence, neuro men are child or woman of enough money to
put to death every year than In all 'by some more vodka. Their re -
the rest of the civilized world to.!',tions with sari other are governed
'tether. For ten months in 1912 tient by their own laws. Each is supposed
were 128 executions In England for
the same period there were only 37. b the woman who is ',haring his tor -
en the United Slates men may be pot tune. They do not steal each other's
to death for eleven crimes -
iRobbery (two states).
Arson (nine .tater, murdered and its 1st Alltanc in an interview said that
an respect the title of another man
Burglary (four states).
crusts or vodka. When a comrade
offend% he is dealt with by a sort of
court. Not long ago • member of
The RentarkMle Skill ef John Andrew
ford• --Produced Werke In
Other Languages
Mr. Andrew Ft.rd, • blind
posltor at Ealing, England, has
leered out the whole of the F:ngllah
%Hie In Brittle "1 have learned
ray t�
Ise with y fingers,"be said cheerily.
`lad most of the plates for the books
pass through my bands. 1 seldom use
my tools now; 1 allot my work as
tt comes In. and 1 read the plates
to detect errors, of which there are
comparatively few-- so careful are our
Mr. Ford was born at Plymouth,
and at the age of sixteen he came
to London, obtaining employment with
a firm of printers In Holborn, where
he lost his sight In ':5. He mastered
tke Braille system, and being intro-
duced to the late Dr. F'. R. Armitage,
who founded the association, which
la now known as the National Insti-
tute for the Blind, he was Informed,
"You are the very man we want," and
was given employment as a stereo-
elf was In 18:3 that i started upon
the Bible, beginning with Gospel of
8L John," be said, "and followed that
with the Book of Psalms. My ex-
perience as a compositor was a greet
help to me, and the work all appear-
ed stralgbttorward. The words were
read to me, and I tapped them out
with the punch. r - three taps to cactidot.
"Had I continued to work steadily
✓ the Bible I should have completed
it in three and a half years, but as
a matter of fact I did not Antall it
until ten years after I bad Started.
One of the most difficult points to
me was the names and geanalogies, as
se many had- to he spelt out letter by.
letter. There were thirty-nine books
altogether, and they averaged be- 1
tween sixty and seventy plates apiece.
I calculate that I had to strike a total
of twenty million blows on the punch."
Mr. Ford has also produced works
In Arabic. Hebrew. German, French,
and Hindustani, and he added, "I '
want to go on producing books for
the entertainment and education of
my blind brethren. Up to the present
i must have superintended the making
of some thousands of volumes."
ham -
Woman Could Detect Their Presence
Without Knowing They Were About
The remar!cable case of a woman
who possessed an extraordinary sixth
sense in rec.trd to spiders is quoted
by a medica' correspondent of the
"Times." She could. the writer re-
cords. detect the presence of a spider
In any room she happened to be
living in without having seen the in-
sect or without having any reason to
Suppose that !t was there.
I The discovery was accompanied by
, elolent eickn• es, malaise. and even
debility, but all this passed away on
the spider being .aght and removed
"'from the room The doctor also re -
Isles how he put the matter to • test.
A member of the London Spiritual -
c' p• the community was u e
1 Second degree Murder(three states). body thrown out on the rubbish hes t
this sixth sense was simply sensitive-
ensltivo-Repo (fifteen states). 'rhe police did not trouble themselves mess 1n one particular direction. He
First degree murder I United, Braise
*bout it. Although the medical authori- ' Rsew a lady some years ago who waa
aad 44states).
1 Treason (United States,.
Piracy (trniteed States).
Rescue of a convict going to oxen
tion (United States).
Burning a vessel of war Molted
1 States).
Corruptly destroying a private yes-
se1 (United States).
1 In England there are only tour
crimes punishable by hanging. Prance
and Austria. with five each. are the
Hut"Weather Clothing°°'y that
atmolisag-eve t mesio
b ~4tUttee, are more severe than
and Furnishings
It looks like a;hot
summer---keep:cool riga Roumania. Belgium. Vestsseels.
England in this respect
in the following countries and states
the death penalty has been abolished:
Italy Portugal, SwItaerland (16 of 22
cantons). Holland, Tuscany. San Ma
in our nice copl Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rias. Der
t- many (Preside. 8aswy. Oldeaberg,
comOlnation undo - Wismar, Baden. Anhalt, Brunswick,
wear, a straw or amu• Wurtemburi, aad Bremen),
panama ic
Hat silk or Ineb.)gart• Mans. Rhode Inland . aa-
silk lisle jibe/ 'and Wisconsin. Ti the teeny
Hose ., years which preceded tbe abollehlag
duck Trousers, and fir the death penalty In Maine that
then our Shirts -distal"' hal 263 murders. 1n the treaty
I years following she had °sly 181 tear
beautiful range to dors. Rhode blood has seven mar -
choose from, includ-!dsrs' as co srsd wit' tbe 1$ mar-
ders of (h,nseettcnt "kat were ex -
Ing the new mush- 1t•ta on the gallows. From 1U3 to
room fronts and the! 1162 Belgium had 811 murders. la
cross pleat fronts. j th• feltewing ten Yell"' wbw /Id"
was ao capital pueisbmeat theta wars
An elegant range only y„ murders. The decade beams
of neckwear to Italy's .b IItioi of tae death peat/
select from.
saw 161 murders te 114.$6 of peps -
lathe. The next decade saw this re-
deemed W 1132 per MOM. Theeasty,
Walter C. Pridham pual•bmeat' Mae a
„1001 Notary Off.' )[half Hats 1M)a1t t-.. w. >y th. WLMst
pemdlitbt Overalls Oaths the rats 1s 11 ser MAO
rigger messesge of 6.11 mordere par
Nee have condemned the place fro-
tppaently. the police have objected to
It being closed. for they find It easy
to lay their halide no escaped prison-
ers among the Golden Cadets. Mayor
4ltatol, however. has determined that
tlbe outcasts' home shall be abolished.
irtlwtdr.glst that .be 1., Mrs.
LWard doe.a't bailees that ire
od sit la Partl.meal bat
$1011 F,mr.menti ebeeld sty. attendee
O7lemsa- She aaggeae the .r,♦stah -
et Ira eirsfa ri. er taedieW
at }+s.lysmaai ..here women
Oa Of Ike taws► of Om*
OMs wall excise ss ria the )sate
tare MOOS gmltesretag ..mw.
.eztraordlnartly sensitive to the per-
fume of a hyacinth. She was asked
out to a dinner party, one evening,
and the hostess knowing her guest's
horror of a hyacinth, placed the planta
behind a screen In the fireplace. The
guest entered the room without any
Idea that the hyacinths were there.
but no sooner had she sat down to
dinner than sbe tell Into a taut.
A specialist In serve Cesium also
rotated that precisely the Saila ere*
toms had been observed where the
unseen presence of Insects other than
spiders had been the cause of hor-
ror, malaise and sickness. This sixth
sense was produced by a process of
derebratlon due to a previous et-,
portent* Sometimes a person weak -
lag along the street thought ce some
body, and the nett minute that some-
body appeared.
A beetle had bass kaoww to tyro•
Owes .impar s.aetioas. Lord Roberts'
less e ef it blast eat was well kaotra.
It is saver trims to permit °assail
O 1 tievaiop t11t1e memo!e movement
habits web M drummfag ma the table
Mtn the topers. Waking the eyes.
0ertfail the southtank habits ming
▪ ~tabs lack et mistral over its
serves whish may lead. le times. r a
teal disorder.
♦ masa Bind Rodd dee, la a bed
It les owe to a ween waif sted m.w
fields. eery threats and -satdets" are
mere stun eased by !slat, warm air
Wm by sell, trash rllr
abrab le mite eaportmat as ea W
ta re Mama Wetem. Ue yes hasten
OM saliva te drawe w the Mama
dear status tle.lte have bees esltea1
• Ilea Wall IliMeab {N. a wM011$15
prepar.tMa [mewl .e ..hese.
Beautiful Wash Dresses $5.00
Right up to the minute in style and material. Fresh from the ji
factory this week. Dainty garments that will appeal to all who see
them. All new and not more than one of a kind. Made from crepes,
muslins and voiles in one material or combination effects. Newest
styles only. On sale Saturday special at each. 55.00
Better Dresses
' We are showing a superb assortment of better Wash Dresses.
Beautiful garments suitable for any Summer occasion. In voiles,
ratines and embroidery. Colors are white, at 57.50 to 515.00
The Best There Is In
Summer Hose
Muuuuet hose Oust •re troth tomfortagle and
durably in endleseleariety at our Impiety counter.
None but thce that have proved .atiriactoly
are sold here.
Boys' and Rich.' robbed cotton bo.se per
pair .15o
Ladies' fait bleu k cotton hose two pairs for
Girle tine ribbed lisle hose, black. wbite
or tan, per pair. 25o•
Boys' heavy ribbed cotton hose per pair25o
Ladies flue cotton or lisle boss, Penman's
famous "No Seam." Week, white. tan and
light colors per pair) ... 25o
Fine black cotton hose with wool feet, per
pair . 2$o
Permian'. -No Sean)' hole tbtead hose..
tine and sheer, black, while and tan, per pair
I'rnntatt s extra qutaltty- "Nu Seam" mer-
cerised lisle hoer. per pair .80c
Fine black hese. really eh excellent quid-
itt-. black,aud white. per pair 800
Holepro of hoer for children's wear. 3 pair -
in a box per box .... $1.00
l loteproof ^ntton hose for ladies. 6 pairs in
box, per le.z...............................52 00
Holeproof. (isle thread hose for ladies. 0
pair, in bus per bus 57.00
Holeproof silk hose for ladies. :i pair in box.
per i.c.v $3.00
Silk Gloves
Again we remind you of the
wonderful value of our $t.o0 Silk
Glove. You will not get another
glove like. it for the price. You
can buy a dollar glove most any
place but we would like you to
match this for "value against any
you have bought. We ,buy it
with a syndicate direct from the
German makers or we could not
sell it to you for less than 51.25.
Double tips, fully guaranteed,
black, tan and white, per pair
Silk Mixed Umbrellas
Ladies' Umbrellas, strong
}Moria silk top, paragon frame,
handsome handles of woad with
silver and gold plated Inountings, 1�
really wonderful value, each$1.48 V
These Ribbon Values are (loud
Wide 'effete silk 1ihboo. ire +l he .s
weight in Week whirr arta- all the wente,l
colors. per veld 1 be
New satin tihbe.ns fee snob snit heir how.,
just in ti am the Old Country, hist •11. white wn.t
all the wanted colors. 5 to ti inch-- wide, spec.
p sr-
ial pet vutd ....... sac
New Wash Waists
l'bese waists are motet copies of Fren, h
Models that rrl1 at Sluts, t.. $15.411, a piece.
1'r4'ctie:4ly the only dig?, ewe- i. (lust the French
get -meets are hand made. Ser theist tutethet
and yon could not. det.'.1 the dilleten'.•. One hall
407.11 ditle,ent styles anti, only two of each.
Shown the brat time on Saut,(lay . If yon want
something teal4y chuff.,. to a. wash w:ai.t see the-.•
beautiful garments.
.lore Hats to Sell at 55.00
More of our her purchase of hats trimmed
up for Saturday selling. Bet -Amor we boopht
these huts at a fraction of their n•.1 worth, we
are able to snake this most unu.ynl offer. The
itched value if bought in tilt• regule, way
would he fele" to in -erne cases $I(Rutt.: &i'e•
them Sat tiday !It only 5[5.00
New Cotton Dress Goods Just In
. Just pass.d into -stork e,.'ute y,•�y tt tt. l
some Cotton Drees Goods in white amt c•"lor
These are choice metre tela and exclusive
weaves. alltable ter wai.td ..r fall .1'e '.''
Handsome .Suits Much
Under the Reale Value
.The price we are selling these
1111 suit`. at is $1-''150. There are I2
or 15 in the lot. The actual
values are S22:50 o 27.00 and
materials .tie Berges, ratines and.
ds in navy, ca enhag-
en, tans, grey and black. Worth
' ur while to see at ,any rate; each
Cnly $17.50)
i J
belt. rd cor p
During the month of June this Store wil be open as usual Wedssstiay afternoons.
We recover your nit 1-mbnellee
Upholster Fut niture
Put up Awnings
Make Awnings to order
Eatintatee cheerfully furniabed
Prompt service end moierate
ilodgeas Bros.,
Seeseeir- treasurer Retires and Another
is Appointed
"Pcrxeeutive of the doderir h Foot-
ball association met in the V.M.U.A.
pi,irkirsrtWtt TherwdayretgtfFl et: -1M'Kb
the exception of Captain Nisbet, of
theleM.I'.A_ team, *I1 the members
were present. The president, Mr. A.
M. Robertson. presided. The resigna-
tion of Mr. Chime. E. Compton, as
secretary-treaauler, who u leering
town, was receiver!. In pe smelting his
report he stated ,bat there was a cash
h•lence in the Mink to the credit of
tbe asacsciatien of $16. This money
will he used to defray thecae of send-
ing it "picked" team away to play to
outside places.
At the request of the executive, Mr.
A. M. Robertson was anted were-
taryr�-treasurer with r. Wm. Dun -
wedge as assistant
On the advice of the executive, Mr.
Robertson will do what he ran in ar-
ranging games with outside team..
The idea was mooted of having • good
exhibition of football on July let.
providing Ooderieb bolds a celebra-
tion on that day.
-Mr. John Down.y eatoa very near
losing hie lite is Mitchell the other
day. Be was standing in front of
the Merchants bank, when en auto
turned the corner, and 11 cam. ou
him so suddenly. to save being run
over. he was obliged to jump co the
hoed covering the motor. Thi', he
found so warm that be lumped ort,
and in doing so fen flat on the ground.
The ear kept 11110Wie t and be was soon
a.4Kaestb, .ad would o.'rtalnh have
b... er..ted to death 1. soother in-
ataat, but the •river, feetuamteil . sec'
cooled la kd i.Ra tt fie a steadlets..
the wh.sMt'aMeed the body.
Now )Haig-ha"f fritit%rits,'(lhitter-
ing the frightful itch, the raw scorch-
ing pain of skin disease. hove Teen
soothed to 'lee he a soothing fluid
washed in by the nurse's bands ?
That fluid is the famous D.D.D
press ription for eczema.
The Supervising Nurse of olio of our
prominent Catholic institutions (name
of purse and institute on applica-
tion) writes regarding a patient.
"•1'he disease had eaten bar eyebrows
away. Her Does aad lips had become
disfigured Sine. the woe of D.D. D.
here ebrows are growing, her nose
and fare bare assumed their natural
ex pression."
How many eczema sufferers are pay-
ing their doctors for regular treat-
ment and are being treated with this
same soothing healing fluid?
Dr. George T. Richardson frankly
D.D.D. Soap Keeps
(tints•' t "11. DV "10 'snpertortnr aen-
biog 1 have ever found. Soft and
soothing. yet a powerfal agent."
To dc' the work. D,D.1), Pres, rip
Lion tnust he aptifed according to di
tectionsgiven in the pamphlet around
every bottle. Follow these directions
--and see '
And it certeinly.takee *way the .ice
at once- the moment the liquid is ap-
plied The skin is soothed --calmed
eo thoroughly refreshed delightfully
All drrtggi'ts of Heading have tlw
fatnous spet iflc a. well as the efficient
D.D.D. Min Snap.
Bat we are eo confident of is. merits
of this prescription that we will re -
fond the purchase price of the first full
Nee bottle it 1t fails to reach your teas.
Yoe alone are to judge.
Cha.. A. Campbell. Central Drug
Store. Oodericb.
Your Skin Health'
Rev-. Wm.H. Wrigbton will premed
in the Baptist church asoestng lab
freesia, au Sunday. A peoples ;me -
vies will be bold at levee p.m., rUis
Mr. WttilfMtos will preach on "Me
_ .aii 11�e be the
Syrian.. bright willanla
bfot . Opine and bring your
It.,. Gee. Z. Rom will preset at
bat winless !a Lox atur nest
YAMS Y 1M theme is the
omens: "rise abei.Yas OMi.enwM"
Beard of Health
To consider a romptaint made about
the Misner Manufacturing 0o. the
!oral Board of Health held a meeting
in the town ball on Wedse.iay last.
All the members were pew.��
asthma.. Mr. James rlt.Mtt
melkrl health edt.er, Dr. A. O. Hue-
1Wawa 1r, s.d 1oelad SO that thew •
plebe but if the seeiM at
astitime god Nikr irsairts t. mom
pbalbi the matteriresda be i..•It-